Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/14/10

Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/14/10 -- Canada; Friday 1/15/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9315 ~ Victor Returns

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Adam: Hey, you. You were tossing and turning last night. Do you want to tell me what was bothering you?

Sharon: Here.

Adam: Thank you.

Sharon: I didn't want to bring this up. Gosh, I know that I shouldn't listen to a word she says.

Adam: Oh, it was about Phyllis. It--damn woman. She and Nick grilled me about Dr. Taylor and the accident.

Sharon: She was in my face about it at the hospital last night, and I know that I should just ignore her, but...

Adam: Then why don't you?

Sharon: I can't. I mean, she just-- she gets to me. She's just-- I'm sorry. You know what? There are just a few questions that I want to ask you.

Adam: Ask away.

Sharon: Okay. You said that Dr. Taylor was drunk before he ran out into the street and got hit by a car, but then the hospital said his blood alcohol level wasn't that high.

Adam: Anything else?

Sharon: Yeah. (Sighs) Phyllis says that she saw you two arguing just before the accident, and she heard Dr. Taylor say, "You’re finished." Why would he say that?

Phyllis: So Sharon hardly batted an eyelash when I told her that Adam was lying.

Nick: So he lied about Taylor. I mean, shocker. The dude lies about everything.

Phyllis: Yeah. Mm, it's like you said earlier-- the whole thing reeks. I mean, what, he just happens to be walking past Jimmy's when Taylor just happens to be walking out of the bar?

Nick: So you think they met up there?

Phyllis: Yeah, don't you? I mean, what, they just start arguing outside of the bar? And the argument is so intense that Taylor has to run into a busy street? I mean, that's how he died-- getting away from Adam. There's a story here, and I think it needs to be uncovered.

Nick: (Chuckles) You sound like Billy Abbott right now.

Phyllis: Why would you insult me like that?

Nick: No, I, um, yeah, okay. Uh... (Chuckles) Billy snuck past Newman security 'cause he wanted some quotes on his latest cover story, which happens to be Adam.

Mac: So the-- the medical report confirms that he was not over-served when he left here?

Man: You and your establishment won't be held responsible.

Mac: Even though he was killed right outside my bar?

Man: That's correct. It was ruled an accident.

Mac: Thank you for coming, Detective.

Man: Sure.

Billy: The, uh, guy who got hit by a car-- he's dead?

Mac: Yeah. It's horrible.

Billy: Are you okay?

Mac: I will be.

Billy: Okay. What's the smile all about then?

Mac: Lily just called. She and Cane are coming to take me to my appointment.

Billy: Wow. Door-to-door service.

Mac: Not always. This is a special doctor's appointment.

Billy: Hmm. (Chuckles)

Cane: Our first ultrasound.

Lily: I know. I can't wait. As soon as we have breakfast, we should go pick up Mac.

Cane: You know, we're not gonna see that much today. But, uh, before you know it, we're seeing little eyes, little hands, and we'll know if it's a boy or a girl. I mean, that's if you want to know.

Lily: Well, actually, I'm thinking it might be more fun to do things the old-fashioned way.

Cane: Really?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Cane: So, uh, you want a surprise, hmm?

Lily: Yeah, exactly. I mean, all that matters is that he or she is healthy. I cannot believe that we get to see our baby today. (Chuckles)

Neil: Here you go.

Ashley: Thank you.

Neil: Sure.

Ashley: And thank you so much for breakfast.

Neil: Oh, yeah. Sure, my pleasure. Um, listen, I am so sorry about what happened to your doctor. I know it's-- it's upsetting for you.

Ashley: Yeah. Just kinda sad, you know?

Neil: Yeah.

Ashley: Shocking. But, you know, it helped being able to talk to you about it. Thank you.

Neil: Well, any time you want to talk, I'm here.

Ashley: Today's a wonderful day for you and Katherine. You're finalizing the acquisition of Cell Tron. I'm sure your meeting with the shareholders is gonna go beautifully, Neil.

Neil: It's a terrific deal on both sides.

Ashley: So maybe we should go out and celebrate.

Neil: We definitely should, and I'll call you, okay?

Ashley: Okay.

J.T.: Okay, I'll, uh, I'll get right on these reports.

Tucker: For the record, I'm very pleased with your work, J.T.

J.T.: Thank you.

Tucker: I've thrown a lot at you in a short time. You've met every challenge. Keep it up.

J.T.: I intend to.

Tucker: I got a few things to do before the shareholders' meeting. You're planning on coming?

J.T.: Oh, yeah. Wouldn't miss it. It's a big day for everybody at Chancellor.

Tucker: Oh, you can say that again.

Kay: I told Neil I would try and be there early, so...

Murphy: Well, I'll be rootin' for you, as always, Sweetheart.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Jill: Do you want to drive in together?

Kay: No, no, Darling, thank you. I need to stay home, also.

Jill: Stay home? Why? To prevent another tag sale? I've worked very hard on this.

Kay: (Chuckles) The D.N.A. test results are gonna arrive here shortly. I want you to be here to handle that...

Jill: Ahh.

Kay: Because I would like to focus on the meeting.

Jill: Yeah, yeah. No problem.

Kay: Good.

Jo-Jo: D.N.A. results for me, right?

Kay: (Stammers) How--

Jo-Jo: The maid spilled.

Esther: Sorry. It was a slipup.

Jo-Jo: (Chuckles)

Jill: (Scoffs)

Jo-Jo: I'm really not worried about it, in case y'all are wondering. I'm having too much fun in my fancy new digs. Come on, Ess. I got a taste for some of that fancy Russian caviar on my scrambled eggs. I can't get enough of that stuff. Come on.

Esther: I-- (sighs)

Jill: How loathsome is she?

Kay: Well, if it turns out that--that, you know, we're related-- no, if it turns out she's-- she's not my daughter, we're not related, you know-- no, we will bid her fair adieu in short order.

Murphy: Yeah, well, after we make sure she isn't leaving with half the silver.

Kay: Well...

Jill: And if, God forbid, she is your daughter?

Kay: Well, then I'll forge some sort of a relationship and make some psychiatrist very, very rich.

Jill: (Laughs)

Murphy: (Laughs)

Adam: Look, I didn't think much of it at the time, okay? But--but when I-I got there, he had a drink in front of him. And judging by the way he was acting, it--I'm fairly sure it wasn't his first.

Sharon: But his blood alcohol level--

Adam: Okay, yeah, on paper, the guy wasn't drunk. Um, what do I know? But maybe he was a lightweight. Maybe his medication didn't mix well with the--the drinks. I-I don't know. All I do know is that he wasn't making any sense to me. I clearly was not making any sense to him, and it was a bit unnerving.

Sharon: Hmm. Go on.

Adam: Well, I-I tried to convince him to go back to his hotel. He wasn't having it. He blew me off. He kept insisting--insisting, "I'm going to see Ashley. I'm going to talk to Ashley." I was not going to let him in the state he was in.

Sharon: And you told Dr. Taylor that?

Adam: Yeah, in so many words. And then he got belligerent. You know, telling me what to do. He gets up, he storms off.

Sharon: And you ran after him.

Adam: Yeah, I begged him to listen. I did. (Sighs) And that is when he said, "No, you're finished." I grabbed his coat. I tried to make sense to him one more time, and he smacked my hands away. And then he just turned and walked right-- right into traffic.

Sharon: Wow. So everything that Phyllis said happened-- oh, that happened, only she--

Adam: Saw it the way she wanted to, yeah, the way she and Nick always do. They see me in the worst possible light.

Phyllis: Baby, have you seen my briefcase?

Nick: No, but I haven't exactly looked for it.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. So, um, did Billy tell you his angle on this story?

Nick: Uh, it's gonna be about, you know, his marriage to Sharon, his involvement with Rafe, and who knows what he's gonna do with this latest incident?

Phyllis: Well, is it really salacious if it's true? I mean, it's, uh, it's in the car.

Nick: What?

Phyllis: My briefcase.

Nick: All right, good.

Phyllis: So, um, how did you handle things when-- when Billy told you his plan, you know, to stick it to Adam?

Nick: I told him I didn't want any part of it. Innocent people could get hurt.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. That's gonna deter him.

Nick: I'm betting Billy won't be satisfied until he alienates every single person he knows.

Phyllis: Hmm.

Billy: Ultrasound, huh? That makes it really, really real.

Mac: Mm-hmm.

J.T.: An ultrasound? Wow, well, that's great.

Mac: Hi.

J.T.: How you doing?

Mac: Good.

J.T.: So is this your first one?

Mac: Yeah, uh, Cane and Lily and I are all going together.

J.T.: Very cool.

Billy: Yeah, Mac's psyched about it. I'm--I'm happy for her.

J.T.: Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you were okay after all the excitement in here last night. It had to be-- had to shake you up a little bit, huh?

Mac: Yeah, I'm still a little... (Sighs) But, uh, I'll be okay. Thanks for checkin' in. How are--how are you and Reed doing with Victoria in the Middle East?

J.T.: Well, we're good. You know, I'm doing the bachelor thing, although I know reed misses his mom a lot, so it's too bad that she couldn't work here at Newman headquarters, but somebody made that impossible.

Billy: Hey, man, she dug her own grave, and even admitted to it, so, you know, look, I just wrote what I heard.

J.T.: Oh, well, then-- then everything's forgiven then, Billy. Everything's forgiven.

Mac: Guys! Guys, let's not do this, okay?

Billy: Hey, look, look. No, I didn't start this. He started it.

J.T.: No, you started it when you printed that little trash article about Victoria and her affair in your little school gazette.

Billy: (Laughs)

Mac: Hey, cool it, okay? My bar, my rules.

Billy: Oh, no worries. I've got a meeting about my next article anyway. It's gonna be big, so you guys just--eh.

J.T.: It better not be about anybody with the last name "Newman."

Billy: (Mockingly) "Last name 'Newman.'" (Normal voice) Hey, don't worry. Take it easy. Simmer down. It's about Adam. After what he's done to your family, I bet you just might enjoy this one. I'll send you a copy. (Claps hands)

Kay: Well, it looks like all systems are go.

Neil: Hey, good morning, Katherine.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Neil: Everything is all systems go. Um, listen, uh, I got your e-mail.

Kay: Oh, what'd you think of my speech?

Neil: Your speech-- it's actually very, very good. I hope you don't mind. I made a few tweaks.

Kay: No, no, no, no. I--but, you know, I, um, did try to keep the presentation as straightforward as possible.

Neil: Well, yeah, it seemed pretty clear to me. In order to acquire Cell Tron, you had to trade our shares for theirs.

Kay: Ah.

Neil: And now we're offering to buy back all outstanding Chancellor stock at a premium-- $2 over the NASDAQ price. We'll consolidate our shares while providing the Cell Tron investor with a handsome return.

Kay: (Chuckles) Mm-hmm, okay. Well, let's hope they all vote "Yes." Uh, well, the least shares floating around out there, the better off we'll be, right?

Neil: Yeah, that's absolutely correct. Uh, is--is Jill on her way?

Kay: No, she's waiting for the courier from the, uh, genetics facility.

Neil: Oh, right, right. Uh, Jo-Jo...

Kay: Jo-Jo. Yeah, Jo-Jo.

Neil: The D.N.A. test-- today is the day, huh?

Kay: Oh, God, Neil. Those lab results could change my life forever.

Jill: No, Jo-Jo cannot take Katherine's rolls-Royce out for a "Spin."

Esther: Well, you want to tell her, Jill? Because she won't listen to a word that I say. (Crash)

Esther: Oh, great. Now what?

Jill: (Sighs)

Tucker: Hello?

Jill: Oh, Tucker. What a nice surprise.

Tucker: (Chuckles) Well, I hope you don't mind me walking in. I tried knocking.

Jill: Oh.

Murphy: Yeah, well, who could hear it with--with all the chaos?

Jill: Yeah.

Jo-Jo: Hey, it's "Mr. Billionaire." How's tricks, Sugar?

Jill: Speaking of chaos.

Tucker: "Tricks" are fine, Jo-Jo. How are you?

Jo-Jo: Never better. (Belches) Oh, excuse me. (Chuckles) Caviar gives me gas.

Jill: Oh, my God. (Groans)

Murphy: Uh, thanks for sharing.

Tucker: I stopped by to see if you wanted a ride to the Athletic Club.

Jill: Oh, well, that would be lovely, but I have to wait here. We're expecting the D.N.A. test results any moment.

Jo-Jo: They're prayin' I'm not blood. But since I am, these two killjoys are just gonna have to share the wealth.

Jill: Oh, don't get your hopes up.

Jo-Jo: Oh, all work and no play. (Clicks tongue) I think that's her problem. (Laughs)

Tucker: Really? I never got that impression at all.

Jo-Jo: (Vibrates lips) You know, since they locked up all the cars, I'm gonna have to find something else to amuse myself. You have a wonderful day, Mr. McCall.

Tucker: Uh, you, too, Ms. Glover.

Jill: Why I ever thought it was a good idea to track down Katherine's illegitimate spawn...

Murphy: I'm gonna keep an eye on her.

Jill: Please do. (Sighs)

Tucker: Well, I'm sorry you're so frustrated, but at least we're alone, and that's the real reason I came by.

Jill: Really?

Tucker: Yeah. I got a surprise for you, Darlin', one that you won't soon forget.

Jill: Mm.

J.T.: Say, so I know-- I know you're nervous, but you're doing everything you're supposed to, right? I mean, are you getting enough sleep? Are you getting your vitamins?

Mac: I'm trying to.

J.T.: Well, then you're good. You're good, and I already said I got a great feeling about this pregnancy.

Cane: Hey, so do we.

Lily: (Laughs) Hi!

J.T.: Hey, guys.

Cane: Hey.

J.T.: Mac just told me about everything you got going on today. Good luck with the ultrasound.

Cane: Thank you very much.

Lily: Thank you. We are very, very excited.

Cane: Yes, we are.

J.T.: Is that right? I couldn't tell.

Lily: (Laughs) Yeah. I know it's really early, but sometimes you can see the heartbeat.

Billy: Hey. Thanks for meeting me.

Heather: Well, you said you had information about a prior case.

Billy: I lied. Actually, I'm doing a piece on Adam in "Restless Style."

Heather: I don't have time for this.

Billy: Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Look, I know he cheated on you with Rafe. And I know why, too. It was pure manipulation, and as soon as he got what he wanted, he just threw you both aside. Honey, you don't have anything you want to say about that?

Ashley: Hi, Sweetheart. I missed you. Did you have a good sleep? Yeah? Hey, Adam.

Adam: Hey. I did not expect to see you here. I thought you'd taken off.

Ashley: Yeah, I went out to breakfast with a friend. I just got back. Is Sharon sleeping in today?

Adam: No, she took off. She had to take care of something, and I am just getting stuff together for work. You seem like you're a little bit better than from last night.

Ashley: (Sighs) I don't know. I can't stop thinking about how Dr. Taylor died, and I feel badly.

Adam: Ash, I have to tell you, uh, I was with him outside of Jimmy's before the accident.

Ashley: Yeah, I-I heard about that.

Adam: Yeah, well, he was--he had been drinking, and was obviously drunk, and was crazy. I-it was freaking me out. I tried to help him and, uh, we started arguing, and then he just-- I mean, he headed straight out into the street.

Ashley: Wait a second. He was drinking in the middle of the day? That doesn't sound like him.

Adam: Yeah, look, I don't know what happened after this man went back to Boston, but obviously, he had issues. You know, I-- I'm telling you this because you are probably blaming yourself for what happened. You know, I-if he hadn't come here, this wouldn't have happened, but from what I saw, it wasn't gonna make any difference, Ashley. Charles was headed for a world of trouble.

Sharon: I thought when you said that you were gonna make a change that you meant it.

Nick: I did.

Sharon: Really? Then why did you interrogate Adam the way that you did? You know, Dr. Taylor was his friend. How insensitive can you be, Nick?

Nick: Okay, okay, first of all--

Sharon: And I also don't appreciate the nasty comments from Phyllis. You're both way off base. You said that you wanted things to be better between us, but here you go again, always looking for a fight, just like Phyllis.

Nick: That is not true. I hate the way we've been fighting.

Sharon: Well, then do something about it.

Nick: I can't, not as long as you're married to Adam.

Sharon: You can make a change, Nick. You just don't want to make the effort. That's all there is to it.

Nick: This thing with Taylor is so full of holes.

Sharon: Really? How? You didn't even give Adam a chance to explain.

Nick: Something is not right here, Sharon. You have to see that.

Sharon: Do you want us to have a civil relationship, Nick, or do you just not give a damn anymore?

Nick: Okay, just stop it, Sharon.

Sharon: No, Nicholas, you stop it.

Phyllis: I'm interrupting.

Sharon: (Clears throat) What a surprise.

Nick: I'm trying yet again to make Sharon take the blinders off, but I'm not having any luck.

Phyllis: Oh, well, if you'd stop being defensive and listen for--

Sharon: Why don't you just stay out of this, Phyllis? You've already tried your hardest to smear my husband.

Phyllis: Obviously, Adam already got to her. That's the problem. He sweet-talked his way out of this. That's why you're all fired up.

Nick: So tell me, what kind of excuses did Adam give you this time? Why was he supposedly fighting with Taylor?

Sharon: Forget it. Why did I even bother coming here? I should have known it would be a waste of time.

Nick: (Sighs) I hate this guy. Oh, I hate him. I would love for him to get exposed for the fraud that he is.

Phyllis: Does that mean Billy Abbott's gonna get a call with juicy quotes?

Nick: As much as I would love to see Adam get dragged through the mud again, that's not how I want to play this.

Ashley: Adam, I find it appalling that Nick and Phyllis are back to their old attitude about you. I mean, you risked your life to save Noah. At the very least, they should give you the benefit of the doubt.

Adam: That's how I felt at first when they started in with their accusations.

Ashley: And not now?

Faith: (Grunts)

Ashley: What, Sweetie?

Adam: I deserve this, Ash. This is payback for all the unforgivable things I've done.

Ashley: Adam. I think that there are very few things that are truly unforgiveable in life.

Adam: You don't know how much I wish that were true.

Ashley: You deserve a second chance. You do, with Nick and Phyllis. You deserve it. You've earned it.

Adam: (Sniffles) I don't think I ag-- I don't think I agree. But I am grateful to you and Sharon and maybe Dad... (Sighs) For being the only people on earth who still trust me.

Billy: Adam's married. He has a wife. What do you have? A broken heart? You know, I don't think he should get away with this this easily, you know? It--it--it's not fair, not after what he's done.

Heather: I'm inclined to agree with that.

Billy: Well, you know I'm not gonna use your name. You should know that I protect my sources, seeing how you are the one that helped throw me in jail for it.

Heather: Oh, that's, uh, that's a nice touch...

Billy: Yeah.

Heather: Using that as part of your pitch.

Billy: Yeah, you like it? Well, good. Does that mean you're gonna help me?

Heather: I have to stick to "No comment," Billy, and I'm due in court, so...

Billy: Okay, okay. Well, look, hold on. Just, uh, take my card. I do think I have one. Yes, I've got one. And if you change your mind, you can call me, day or night.

Heather: Uh, thank you.

Billy: Yes, Ma'am.

Heather: Well, good luck with your article.

Billy: Mm-hmm, thank you.

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Mm-hmm. (Laughs) Eh.

(Cell phone rings)

Billy: Huh. What the hell do you want? Well, yeah, I'll meet you. Sure. When and where?

Mac: I've been more tired lately, so I've been trying to take it easy, and, um, a little bit of morning sickness.

Doctor: Those symptoms are all typical and a good sign.

(Pager beeps)

Doctor: Once I return this page, we'll your ultrasound.

Mac: Okay.

Cane: So, uh, so far, so good, huh?

Mac: Yeah, I'm, um, I'm anxious to see the blood panel, though-- make sure I'm getting enough iron.

Cane: Well, you know if you're not, you can come over to our place and we can force-feed you, uh, what? Spinach and liver every night, huh?

Mac: Why so quiet, Lily?

Cane: Hey, I know what you're remembering. It's not gonna be like that, okay?

Lily: (Sighs) Um, Cane and I got pregnant a long time ago, way before you came back to Genoa City. And, um, I came in for my first ultrasound, and, um, that's when we found out that I wasn't pregnant anymore. You know, we were so excited to see this little baby, and there was nothing there. (Sighs) No, I'm fine. I'm--really, I'm okay. Um, you know, it's just hard to remember that day, but--but now I will have a new memory to replace it with, so...

J.T.: Is there anything I can help with?

Neil: No, my friend. It's all under control.

Kay: Ahh, I'm so glad you could make it. This moment is just as important for you as it is for us.

J.T.: Well, I don't know about that.

Neil: Oh, whoa, whoa. Hold on now. Credit where credit's due.

Kay: No, true. I mean, no great deal ever happens without a team of people working together. It's true. And I'm only sorry Victoria's not here to share in your success. But now she's just as proud of you as we are for all the wonderful work that you've been doing with Tucker.

Jill: (Gasps) Oh, Tucker!

Tucker: I thought you might need a sparkly bracelet...

Jill: (Laughs)

Tucker: To go with those earrings I gave you at Christmas.

Jill: This is magnificent. This is way too much. I can't take this.

Tucker: Sure you can. That's my way of thanking you for your hard work and showing you what you mean to me.

Jill: (Sighs)

Tucker: I hope I'll be able to take you someplace terrific real soon where you can show that off.

Jill: (Sighs) Oh, I can't wait.

Jill: (Sighs)

Tucker: I better get to that meeting.

Jill: Yeah. (Sighs)

Esther: (Groans) Would you like to know how many dishes I had to throw out on account of that woman?

Jill: (Sighs) Not particularly.

Murphy: It's unbelievable. I mean, Jo-Jo was gonna take one of Katherine's thoroughbreds since she couldn't have a car.

Jill: Stop it. No.

Esther: Oh, my God. I hope you told the groom—

(Cell phone rings)

Jill: Shh, shh, shh, shh! I gotta take this. Aah! Jill Abbott. Yes, absolutely. Somebody will be here. Thank you. Well, that was the D.N.A. lab. They're messengering the report over as we speak.

Esther: Oh, what a relief.

Murphy: (Sighs)

Jill: (Sighs)

Murphy: (Chuckles)

Adam: We need to, uh, move on the Singapore land deal.

Nick: So is this how you're gonna play it? Just business as usual?

Adam: We have a few other offers. I think we need to sweeten our bid.

Nick: Time's running out, Adam.

Adam: Exactly. So I think we-- what?

Nick: You're not gonna be able to cover up these lies much longer. There's just too many of 'em.

Adam: I think we need to, uh, raise the offer by a couple million. We can approve that. I wouldn't go any higher.

Nick: You know, Billy Abbott thinks so, too.

Adam: What?

Nick: Yeah, it seems our friend is writing another exposé, and this time, it's on you-- you and all your lies.

Adam: He can write what he wants. I have nothing to hide.

Nick: (Chuckles) Really?

Adam: Let me guess, Nick-- he approached you, and asked you for some dirt, and you were more than happy to oblige.

Nick: Actually, I passed.

Adam: (Sniffs) Sudden burst of humanity?

Nick: No, I just didn't want to make things harder for Sharon and Noah. Then again, what's one article compared to all the damage you've caused? It's kind of ironic, isn't it? I mean, you took down Dad publishing those phony diary excerpts, and now Billy Abbott's gonna do the same thing to you with the truth.

Adam: We are talking about "Restless Style," aren't we?

Nick: Billy may not have scruples, but he does verify his facts. (Sighs) And talk about some material. I mean, the way you conned Rafe while you were engaged to Heather? Oh, yeah. He's going there. And now you're with my ex-wife, and this weird involvement with his sister's doctor? I mean, Abbott's hit the mother lode. And you know how he is when he goes after someone. He's relentless. You're not gonna be able to stop him.

Billy: Okay, I have to be crazy coming in here.

Phyllis: What are you talking about?

Billy: Well, you know, you bring me out in the middle of nowhere where you could--I don't know-- rough me up, cut me in little pieces. I--

Phyllis: Oh, I'll keep that in mind.

Billy: Okay, look, Lady, I already told your husband, and I'm gonna tell you-- I'm not backing down. I'm doing this piece on Adam.

Phyllis: I thought you might say that. Um, I have information for you about Adam. And if my suspicions are right, it's gonna make your story.

Jill: (Sighs)

(Doorbell rings)

Esther: I've got it.

Murphy: Hey, I heard the doorbell. Is that the, uh, me--

Esther: The D.N.A. results.

Jill: Give it to me.

Neil: All right, people, five minutes until show time.

Kay: Yeah, but shouldn't the other, um, stockholders be trickling in by now?

J.T.: You would think.

Neil: Yeah.

Tucker: Good morning, everybody.

Kay: Oh, good morning.

Neil: Morning.

Tucker: Shall we begin?

Kay: Yes, yes, yes.

Neil: Uh, that would be okay, but we're the only ones here so far, Tucker.

Tucker: Well, no one else is coming.

Kay: What?

Tucker: This is it.

J.T.: What are you-- what are you talking about?

Tucker: I'm Cell Tron’s one and only shareholder.

Kay: Hmm?

Tucker: I own 100% of the stock, and since I'm not selling any of my Chancellor shares, we're done. Meeting adjourned.

Kay: My God. I mean, how--how-- how could this-- how could this happen? That makes you the majority shareholder of Chancellor Industries, which means you control my company, hmm?

Doctor: Well, that's a surprise.

Mac: What? What is it?

Doctor: There is a little beating heart.

Lily: Oh, my gosh.

Cane: Oh, wow.

Lily: I can see it.

Cane: Yeah, plain as day. Wow.

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: Wow.

Doctor: And there's another one.

Lily: What?

Cane: What?

Mac: Twins?

Cane: We--we're having two babies? (Laughs) We're having two babies?

Lily: Oh, my God!

Cane: We're having two babies.

Lily: We're having twins!

Cane: Oh, my-- we're having two babies!

Lily: Oh, my God. (Laughs)

Cane: (Laughs) Oh, my God. We're having two babies.

Sharon: Oh... (Sighs) I'm so tired of--

Ashley: (Whispering) Shh. Shh, shh.

Sharon: (Whispering) Oh, shh. Sorry.

Ashley: That's okay.

Sharon: I'm just so tired of people trying to find some deep, dark secret when there isn't one.

Ashley: You're talking about Nick and Phyllis? Adam told me how vindictive they're being. I'm so sorry.

Sharon: Yeah, well, what else is new?

Ashley: You know, I saw Adam with Dr. Taylor many times. They were good friends, Sharon. I can't imagine he would-- he would have meant that man any harm. Come on, baby love.

Sharon: Well, that's what Adam explained to me. You know, Phyllis- she's just being Phyllis. She's gotta twist everything around and paint some sinister picture. And I'm just-- I'm so sick of it.

Ashley: Yeah. I don't blame you. You know, um, since we're talking about Dr. Taylor, you mentioned last night that he's the one that delivered your baby, right? Why do you think we're just realizing that now?

Sharon: Well, I mean, it's not something that I usually talk about. I--

Ashley: I-I--you know what? We don't have to talk about it now if it bothers you.

Sharon: No, no. That's okay. Um, well, I was nearing the end of the 30 days. I was staying in the sanitarium, and, um, that evening, I started getting contractions on and off.

Ashley: The Braxton-hicks?

Sharon: Well, that's what I was hoping.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Um, Nick had just left. He came by to fill me in on Victor and Colleen. And then, um, the place just went into lockdown, and I went into labor. Thank God Dr. Taylor happened to be there visiting another patient, and he helped me. Otherwise, I don't know what I would have done.

Ashley: That was September 30th. Sharon, I was the other patient.

Sharon: So you and I were both at Fairview sanitarium at the same time?

Ashley: I had been under an enormous amount of pressure.

Faith: (Fusses)

Ashley: Oh, come here, Sweetie. Sorry. And I was having a difficult time coping, so Jack convinced me to check myself in, and Dr. Taylor came by to see how I was doing. That's the night Faith was born.

Faith: (Fusses)

Billy: Okay, so it's Dr. Charles Taylor?

Phyllis: Yeah, and the recently deceased. Right. Um, he spent his last moments on earth arguing with Adam.

Billy: Wait, that's Ashley's doctor, right?

Phyllis: Yeah. I saw the whole thing go down outside of Jimmy's.

Billy: Wow, that--wait. (Stammers) What were--what were he and-- and Dr. Charles fighting about?

Phyllis: I-I don't know. I'm not sure. But there's a story, and I know that Adam's lying about it.

Billy: Well, all right, I'll check into it. But I-I've gotta ask you, uh--

Phyllis: Why I'm doing this, right?

Billy: Yeah.

Phyllis: Yeah. Um, honestly, I'm doing this because he makes my husband's life hell. And if there's something going on, and he's lying, and he's trying to cover something up, we can get rid of him.

Billy: (Clears throat) Makes sense.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Billy: Yeah.

Phyllis: And you know what, Billy?

Billy: Mm-hmm?

Phyllis: Um, you didn't hear this from me.

Billy: I sure as hell didn't. Okay.

Jill: Jo-Jo, we've been waiting for you.

Jo-Jo: Oh, so you got the results?

Jill: Yes. And you are not Katherine's daughter.

Esther: Oh, thank God.

Jo-Jo: Well, of course not. (Laughs) I've known all along, and now that you do, I guess my--my work's done here.

Murphy: Hey, whoa, whoa. What does that mean?

Jo-Jo: Oh. (Chuckles) You'll find out. Ciao, folks. It's been sweet.

Esther: (Mouths word)

Kay: Why? Why, when there are so many companies in the world?

Tucker: Why would I go after yours?

Kay: Uh--

Neil: I'm just trying to understand this, Tucker. You don't need Chancellor. You're already Glo-- what kind of game are you playing here?

Tucker: No game.

J.T.: Well, then what the hell is this?

Kay: I have owned this company outright for decades, and I have given it every fiber of my being. So why would you want to take my legacy from me?

Tucker: Times change. Legacies don't mean that much anymore.

Kay: For me, they do! For me, they do. Now I thought you were my friend and my ally, but you are neither of those.

Tucker: No. I'm your son.

Nick: Yeah, actually, maybe I should give Billy that interview. I mean, who has more stories about you than I do?

Adam: It's pathetic how desperate you are to get me out of here. You never could handle the fact that Dad wanted me as part of the family, part of the business.

Nick: Hmm. Dad-- now that's interesting. I bet he would want to hear everything you've been up to while he's in Europe. Hey, good news for him-- he's gonna get to read all about it.

Adam: You'll never follow through with it.

Nick: Why should I protect you? Yeah, we might be blood, but it has to be an accident. As far as I'm concerned, we are strangers.

Adam: Remember when you told me that if you hurt me, you hurt Sharon? I mean, that's what this is all about. Let's be very honest with one another, okay? It kills you that she actually loves me. I mean, you can't stand the fact that you're never gonna have her again. Nick, put the phone down.

Nick: Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do about it?

Adam: I said put the-- (Grunts)

Nick: (Grunts) I've been waiting for this.

Adam: (Grunts)

Nick: (Grunts)

Victor: What the hell is going on here?

Nick: (Breathing heavily)

Adam: (Breathing heavily)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victor: Everything you guys have done is temporary. It'll be undone by me! You got it?

Jill: Is this where you tell me it was all a game? Where you were just using me?

Ashley: Adam delivered Faith.

Sharon: Adam?!

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