Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/13/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/13/10 -- Canada; Thursday 1/14/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9314 ~ Billy Starts to Dig Into Adam's Past

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Mac: Lift, please. (Laughs) You sure you want to be reading that? All that journalist integrity could seep in and spoil your image.

Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just keeping up on local events. Did you know that Sharon got married?

Mac: Yeah. I'm happy for her.

Billy: It's like "The Perils of Pauline," this girl's life. First the plane crash, house caught on fire, but out of the three, this marriage is by far the worst disaster.

Mac: Oh, come on. You barely know Adam.

Billy: Oh, I know him enough. He was basically Ashley's jailer all summer, killing with kindness, Phyllis and now he's latched on to Sharon. I bet you Nick's having a coronary right now.

Mac: He has a nice quote in there.

Billy: He does, does he? What did he say?

Mac: Yeah.

Billy: He said--right here he says that "Now is the time to focus on the future, and my heartfelt congratulations goes out to both of them." Blah, blah, blah. Very sincere.

Mac: Well, it could be, 'cause it's practically the same thing you said to me about the baby. Were you sincere?

Billy: That's different.

Mac: How?

Billy: Well... (Sighs) I mean, come on. Nick and Sharon were expecting a baby a couple of months ago, and now he's fine with Sharon just up and marrying his half brother? I don't think so. No--no way.

Mac: Why are you so interested?

Billy: Well, Honey, it is my business to be interested.

Mac: Oh, Billy, you're not gonna do a story on Sharon and Adam.

Billy: I don't know.

Adam: (Sighs) (Exhales deeply) (Sniffles) (Sighs)

Adam: (Sniffles) What did you tell them?

Phyllis: Exactly what I saw. Two men were arguing and one ran into the street, got hit.

Adam: That's unbelievable. That poor guy.

Phyllis: Yeah. How do you know him?

Adam: It's Ashley's obstetrician.

Phyllis: Why were you fighting with him?

Adam: (Sniffles) (Sighs) I can see how it looked that way to you.

Phyllis: Well, I know what I saw, Adam.

Man: Excuse me, Sir. I understand that you were arguing with the victim before he was hit?

Adam: Uh, yeah, I was talking with him.

Man: So you witnessed the accident?

Adam: Yeah, I did. I saw it. And I'm legally blind, but I-I saw everything, yeah.

Phyllis: He's legally blind, but he was standing right here when it happened.

Adam: Yeah, what she said. Listen, I can--I can answer any questions that you'd like. Uh, I'd just prefer to sit down. I'm a little shaky.

Man: Okay.

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey, Baby. Um, I just saw the weirdest thing. Uh, your brother and some guy were outside of Jimmy's arguing, and the other guy ran into the street, got hit by a car.

Nick: What? Was he hurt?

Phyllis: Uh, he was unconscious. He's being rushed to the hospital.

Nick: Who is he?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Uh, Ashley's obstetrician. That's what Adam said, which is so strange, it must be true. But, see, that's the thing. I-I don't get this. Why--why were they together, and what were they arguing about?

Nick: You couldn't hear what they were saying?

Phyllis: No, not much.

Nick: Where's Adam now?

Phyllis: He's talking to the officer. He's giving his statement.

Nick: Okay. Uh, why don't you meet me at the office? I want to hear more about this.

Phyllis: Okay.

Ashley: What's happened? Is--did something happen to Adam?

Nick: Uh... Adam and Phyllis saw some guy get hit by a car, and Adam says he's your obstetrician.

Ashley: Oh, my God. He was just here. I just saw him.

Sharon: What happened?

Ashley: I guess my doctor got hit by a car.

Sharon: Not Olivia.

Ashley: No. Uh, Dr. Taylor.

Sharon: Dr. Taylor?

Esther: Going to the club?

Kay: Yes, yes, yes. I would, uh... I'd be happy to have you join me.

Jo-Jo: Made other plans.

Kay: Well, that's a shame.

Jo-Jo: Why? You're gonna tell your friends? You gonna introduce me as your daughter? (Sighs) That's what I thought.

Kay: Well, the tests haven't been confirmed yet. (Sighs) I-I would like you to--to reconsider.

Jo-Jo: You know what I think of that D.N.A. test.

Kay: I-I meant reconsider going with me, because I would like to get to know you better. Hmm?

Jo-Jo: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Kay: Oh, excuse me. (Clears throat)

Esther: You said you made plans?

Jo-Jo: Mm-hmm.

Esther: What kind of plans?

Jo-Jo: Oh, I'm gonna have some people over.

Esther: What?

Jo-Jo: Don't worry about it. I know better than to ask you for anything. Just stay in your room.

Kay: Well, meet me there. Mm, and we can, uh, prepare for our first Cell Tron stockholders' meeting.

Neil: That sounds good. Uh, is Jill with you?

Kay: No, but I'll call her. Make sure you get in touch with Tucker McCall.

Neil: I'm on it.

(Cell phone rings)

Tucker: Mm.

Jill: "Mm."

Tucker: Neil, what can I do for you?

(Cell phone rings)

Neil: Hey, Tucker, um, listen, I know it's last minute, but Katherine and I were wondering if you could meet up with us tonight.

Jill: Hello, Katherine.

Neil: Is that Jill?

Tucker: Um, yeah, we just, uh, bumped into each other.

Jill: Uh, we just crossed paths here at the club.

Kay: Well, Neil and I are on our way there. We thought it was wise that all of us be on the same page, you know, for--for the meeting.

Jill: Sounds good. Then we can celebrate afterwards.

Tucker: Can't make it. Other plans.

Jill: Okay, I'll see you then.

Tucker: Sorry to miss it, Neil.

Jill: Well, sorry you can't join us.

Tucker: Can't be helped.

Jill: Well, I know you have a lot to catch up on. (Laughs) I guess I've been kind of monopolizing your time, haven't I?

Tucker: Not that I'm complaining.

Jill: I just want to be clear on something, okay? I don't have any expectations about you and me.

Tucker: Well, neither did I. And sometimes... things kind of sneak up on you.

Adam: Thanks. (Sighs)

Phyllis: Looking for me?

Adam: No. Actually, I thought you were gone.

Phyllis: Mm. No, because I have some questions.

Adam: (Sighs) That's a big surprise. Listen, I don't feel like talking about it anymore, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm sure. You must feel responsible.

Adam: What?

Phyllis: Well, when you were arguing, he ran out into the street to get away from you, right?

Adam: Who knows what was going through his mind, Phyllis?

Phyllis: Oh, I do. I do. 'Cause I heard what he said. He said, "You’re finished." That's what he said right before he ran into the street.

Adam: Hmm.

Phyllis: Why did he say that?

Adam: I was trying to calm him down.

Phyllis: Why was he upset?

Adam: You don't need a reason when you're drunk, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Oh, he was drunk? Oh.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah. Obviously, you would have seen that, right? You said you saw everything. He was belligerent, yelling. He--his judgment was impaired. The guy walked right out into the street.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you met up here and--and were drinking together?

Adam: No, we did not meet up here.

Phyllis: Oh.

Adam: I was passing by. He recognized me. I could tell right on that he was drunk, and I just wanted to make sure he wasn't gonna be driving home, and he got upset-- angry, actually.

Phyllis: I'm supposed to believe this?

Adam: Who--who are you?

Phyllis: Phyllis. Phyllis.

Adam: I-I don't care what you are supposed to believe or not. That--I might have just lost a friend. You want to just leave me--

Phyllis: Um, I'm sorry, Adam, but you're friends with Ashley's obstetrician?

Adam: Oh, my God. Ashley. I didn't even think about that. Listen, we can't say anything to Ashley until we find out if he's all right or not. Uh, she would be very upset.

Ashley: This is just awful. Uh, how badly was he hurt?

Nick: Sounds serious.

Sharon: Where did it happen?

Nick: Outside Jimmy's.

Sharon: Well, how do you know about it?

Nick: Phyllis just called and said she saw the whole thing.

Ashley: Adam did, too-- I mean, he didn't see the whole thing obviously, but he was there.

Sharon: Oh, Adam was with Phyllis?

Nick: No, he was with Taylor. Didn't he tell you about that?

Sharon: No. I mean, Adam doesn't tell me about his every move. I mean, did you know Phyllis was gonna be there?

Nick: Uh, yeah, I did. She was out shopping for art supplies. So I got to meet her at the office so we can talk about this. A-Ashley, are you okay?

Ashley: I'm okay. Thanks.

Sharon: (Sighs)

(Door opens)

Ashley: I can't help it. I feel so guilty.

Sharon: Why?

(Door closes)

Ashley: Because Dr. Taylor doesn't live here. He was only here to see Faith and me.

Sharon: So he's your--

Ashley: My obstetrician.

Sharon: And that's how, um, Dr. Taylor and Adam know each other?

Ashley: No. No, I mean, they knew each other before. And Adam's actually the one who recommended Dr. Taylor, and he--he was just what I needed, you know? He was an old-fashioned kind of doctor-- just house calls, you know, very gentle, very reassuring.

Sharon: I know. I know Dr. Taylor.

Ashley: You do? How?

Rafe: Hey, I got your message.

Billy: Hey. Would you pour me another one for my friend?

Mac: Hi, Rafe.

Rafe: Mac. Uh, no, thanks. If we're working--

Billy: N-no, no, no, no, no, no. You pour. This is not business-- not yours, anyway. Get a drink.

Rafe: Just please tell me you're not in any more trouble with the Newmans.

Billy: Actually, it's the other way around. Keep going. There we go.

Mac: I did not hear that.

Billy: (Laughs) Would you join me over here, please? Come on, sit down. Sit down. Now look, here's the deal-- I'm doing research on a story.

Rafe: Digging for dirt, you mean?

Billy: To-may-to, to-mah-to. Anyway, I need your behind-the-scenes perspective.

Rafe: On a court case? (Laughs) No way.

Billy: No, on Adam Newman. Why did you make that face, like I just said "Lord Voldemort" or something?

Rafe: Um... I can't discuss Adam's case. It's, uh, attorney-client privilege.

Billy: Oh, I don't give a damn about his lawyer issues. I want to know about the personal stuff.

Rafe: Uh, what do you mean?

Billy: Well, I mean, you guys were, um... you were friends, right, for a while?

Rafe: How do you know about that?

Billy: I don't know. Colleen, maybe. Anyway, you've had to been able to keep your professional life and your personal life completely separate.

Rafe: Yeah, I did, Billy. They were-- they were very separate.

Billy: Well, okay. Let's talk.

Jo-Jo: You saw the sign down the road, huh? Just like me-- can't resist a bargain. (Laughs) I love a good garage sale. Now, of course, this is an estate sale, but I don't want that to scare you off. You know, anything you see that you like, you just make me an offer. Everything must go.

Woman: How much for this?

Jo-Jo: (Vibrates lips) Got to admit I'd be really happy to see that go. I got yelled at just for touching it.

Woman: Mm-hmm.

Jo-Jo: And I--and I'm--I'm-- I'm a very sensitive person.

Woman: Yeah, I'll give you 20 bucks.

Jo-Jo: Do I look like an idiot? Do you think I know that doesn't have value? I mean, look around. I mean, this is a very classy place. I mean, they got, uh, antiques running out the wing-wang here. Uh, that is worth at least... $30.

Woman: $25 cash.

Jo-Jo: Sold.

Woman: Okay.

Esther: (Scoffs) What the hell is going on here?

Jo-Jo: Uh...

Tucker: In case there are any questions, I'm thoroughly enjoying the time we're spending together.

Jill: Well, good. I am, too.

Tucker: But I do have... prior commitments.

Jill: (Laughs) Well, that's to be expected.

Tucker: You're very accommodating.

Jill: Listen, I'm not gonna ask anything of you that you're not happy to give me.

Tucker: I, on the other hand, am going to ask a great deal of you.

Jill: Really? Like what?

Tucker: We'll have to get into that another time. (Laughs)

Jill: You know, um, I could drop by your house after I'm through with Katherine and Neil tonight, if you think you'll have the time.

Tucker: I would like that very much.

Jill: Good.

Tucker: (Groans) Katherine's not gonna be very happy when the truth comes out.

Jill: Oh, no. She's not gonna have a problem with that. She likes you.

Tucker: Well, she may change her mind when she finds out she's been deceived.

Jill: Well, you know what? It's not her business if it doesn't affect Chancellor Industries. Or maybe... you're nervous that she could sway my opinion of you.

Tucker: She is like a mother to you.

Jill: You don't need to be worried about that, okay? But it's very cute that you are.

Kay: Cell Tron's stockholders-- they have all been notified, right?

Neil: Oh, yes, absolutely.

Kay: Good.

Neil: As a matter of fact, Margaret Hodges and I, we worked through the last few sticking points that we talked about.

Kay: Uh-huh. Was she, uh, reasonable?

Neil: Very much so. That's why I brought this. I want you to look at these numbers right now. There you go.

Kay: Mm-hmm. Okay. (Laughs) Oh, well...

Neil: Hmm?

Kay: That's much better than I expected.

Neil: Yeah, exactly. You know, it's amazing how quickly this deal came together. Think--think of all the things that could have gone wrong, and they didn't.

Kay: I give you credit for all of this.

Neil: Well, thank you, Katherine. I really appreciate that. But let's give credit where credit is due. Mr. Tucker McCall...

Kay: (Sighs)

Neil: With his reputation and connections, he smoothed the way to success, right?

Kay: I could not be happier. I could not be happier with the--with the team that we have in place right now. Neil, we are stepping into one of the most exciting new chapters of Chancellor history.

Jill: Hello.

Kay: Ah.

Neil: Well, there's the man of the hour.

Kay: Oh, so you can join us after all?

Tucker: I am expected elsewhere, but I just wanted to stop by and say again what an honor it has been working with you.

Kay: Well, the feeling is mutual, my friend.

Jill: I'm sorry you won't be able to join us, but we'll see you tomorrow at the stockholders' meeting.

Tucker: You will indeed.

Billy: Barkeep, I need some refills, please.

Mac: (Sighs) This is feeling like something that are you gonna regret.

Billy: Nah. Thank you.

Mac: Okay, I know I can't stop you, but at least try to present both sides this time.

Billy: Both sides of what, a story? This--this isn't a story. This is just two friends having a drink.

Mac: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Thank you, though. Okay, like you were saying.

Rafe: Actually, I wasn't.

Billy: Oh, come on. There's no love lost between you and Adam. That much is obvious. So tell me what happened here, man.

Rafe: Look, Billy, I know this is a game to you...

Billy: No, it's not a game.

Rafe: And a business.

Billy: Look, it's more than that, okay? "Restless Style" is the only place where you can get a straight shot of the truth. I don't water this stuff down. Where else can you get this?

Rafe: So you're doing a public service?

Billy: No. No, it's not a public service, because if--if it were a public service, I would have to work within the confines of the system, much like you. And I bet you're sick of that, aren't you? I mean, where within the system can you bring a man like Adam Newman to justice? Is it possible? Can you do it?

Rafe: No.

Billy: No. But I could if you would just tell me where to get him.

Rafe: Billy. (Sighs)

Billy: What? Look, I protect my sources. You know that for a fact. Look, come on. (Tapping on table) Tell me what you know about Adam. Tell me what you know that everybody else should know.

Rafe: I deal with lowlifes every day. Nature of the job, right? I've defended sociopaths, career criminals. I've never met anyone as devious as Adam. And I don't know if there's anyone who can take him down, but I'd sure as hell like to see you try.

Phyllis: Do you think because I'm so biased with Adam that I'm reading too much into this?

Nick: No, he's trying to tell you that you didn't see what you saw, that you didn't hear what you did. He's hiding something.

Phyllis: How are we gonna find out what it is?

Nick: Just can't let up. We got to stay on him. You know, Dad said if Adam screws up one more time, then he is out of here. We just have to hope that his secret is big enough that we can force him to leave Newman for good.

Adam: Leave Newman for good? Nick, tell me, you're not thinking about retiring.

Sharon: What's new?

Ashley: Did Adam introduce you to Dr. Taylor?

Sharon: No. No, I didn't know that they knew each other.

Ashley: Maybe it's not the same man. I mean, Taylor's a very common name.

Sharon: Uh, he's an obstetrician. He told me that he was out of Boston.

Ashley: That's crazy. It has to be the same Dr. Taylor. What a small world. How did you meet? Sharon, are you--are-- are you okay?

Sharon: He, uh... he just--he--he delivered--

Ashley: Oh, my God. He delivered your baby? Sharon, I'm so sorry.

Sharon: No, it's okay. I'm--I'm gonna be fine.

Ashley: (Sighs)

Nick: So you just happened to run into this doctor downtown?

Adam: Same way I happened to bump into your wife.

Phyllis: Oh, no. Not the same way. (Laughs) I-I didn't end up leaving in an ambulance.

Nick: Apparently, you and Dr. Taylor weren't getting along very well.

Adam: We get along fine when he's sober.

Nick: So he has a drinking problem, this doctor that you recommended to Ashley?

Adam: I was shocked to find him in that condition. I'm sure he was shocked to be found. He's far away from home and probably didn't think anybody he was gonna recognize was--

Phyllis: Yeah, and that's another thing. What's up with that? Ashley's gynecologist flies in from out of town to give her a checkup?

Adam: I don't know, Phyllis. Why don't you ask Ashley?

Phyllis: Oh, I'm definitely gonna do that.

Nick: (Sighs) Boy, it's just a lot about this doesn't smell right.

Adam: Yeah, I can understand your concern. There's been a firestorm of negative publicity around here when you were accused of insider information when you backed out of that bank and our sister caught in a sordid affair. The last thing Newman Enterprises needs is another scandal...

Nick: (Sighs)

Adam: And I assure you, this is not.

Nick: And we're just supposed to take your word for it?

Adam: It was just a friend of the family got, uh, caught in a terrible accident. Uh, that's it. Nothing more.

Rafe: (Sighs)

Billy: Look, I'm gonna need the whole story if I'm gonna nail this guy.

Rafe: I don't even know the whole story. I was getting close, though, and he knew it. That's the only reason it happened, Billy.

Billy: Uh-huh.

Rafe: (Scoffs) He played it perfectly-- reluctant, unsure-- the whole time just reeling me in.

Billy: So it was-- it was a con?

Rafe: See, nobody gets that. Heather thinks it was my idea. She still barely even talks to me.

Billy: Heather Stevens?

Rafe: His girlfriend. You knew that.

Billy: Yeah, I did. I'm just--you know, Rafe, I'm trying to figure out how she works into this whole mess and--

Rafe: Well, she was jealous, you know? I was spending lots of time with Adam.

Billy: Yeah, but you were his lawyer.

Rafe: No, not by this point. No, you can't get involved with a client. You'd get disbarred.

Billy: You--you and Adam-- you were, um... you were--you were--you were-- you were involved involved? Like, you...

Rafe: You said you knew.

Billy: Well, yeah. I mean, I--it's--you know...

Rafe: Oh. (Sighs)

Billy: Hey, it--I--it's--uh, my friend and Adam-- that's news to me. That is news. (Sighs)

Phyllis: Look at you. You've got your story. You're sticking to it, aren't you? You know what? I'm gonna go to the hospital and get, uh, Dr. Taylor's version of the story-- wait for him to wake up and ask him.

Adam: (Sighs) Knock yourself out, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Ah. Oh, I will... knock myself out. Bye, Baby.

Nick: Bye. Love you.

Phyllis: Love you.

Adam: Say hi to the doc for me. (Sniffles)

(Door closes)

Adam: You know, it's amazing. Not even 24 hours ago, I saved your son's life.

Nick: Yes, you did, and I'm very grateful for that.

Adam: And that has not changed your opinion of me one iota, has it?

Nick: I wouldn't say that. (Sighs) You see, Adam, it turns out that you... are capable of heroism, which makes it that much sadder that you choose to live your life the way you do.

Adam: Maybe I wasn't able to save Dr. Taylor.

Nick: Well, you didn't try and save him.

Adam: Oh, you weren't there, so you don't know.

Nick: You know what? Let's not argue about this, because we're gonna find out soon enough.

(Cell phone rings)

Adam: Hi, Babe.

Sharon: Hi. Where are you?

Adam: I'm at the office.

Sharon: At the office?

Adam: Yeah, I had some, uh, some work to do.

Sharon: Oh. I just thought you'd be at the hospital with Dr. Taylor.

Adam: You, uh, you heard about the accident?

Sharon: Yeah. Nick and Ashley told me.

Adam: Of course. (Clears throat) Um, I guess it's, um, a-affecting me more than I thought. I was trying to pretend like it didn't even happen. We were friends.

Sharon: Well, this might be a little bit of a shock to you, but I-I knew him, too. He's actually the doctor who delivered my baby. Um, hold on a sec. Excuse me. Um, I-I was looking for Charles Taylor, and they told me that he would be in room 14, but there's no one in there. Do I have the wrong number?

Adam: You're at the--the hospital right now?

Nick: Wait, so Sharon is gonna talk to Dr. Taylor before Phyllis even?

Adam: Uh, he's-- he's not there.

Nick: What do you mean, he's not there?

Adam: I--maybe he's been released.

Doctor: You were asking about Dr. Taylor?

Sharon: Yes. Can you tell me where he is?

Doctor: I'm very sorry. He didn't survive.

Sharon: Oh, my God. Did you hear that?

Adam: Yeah. Uh, that--that's terrible.

Sharon: I'm so sorry.

Nick: What happened?

Adam: Uh... he didn't make it.

Nick: (Scoffs) Wow. I guess now we'll never know the truth.

Billy: You're telling me that Victor Newman's son is a bisexual?

Rafe: No.

Billy: He's gay?

Rafe: No. It was an act.

Billy: Why on earth would he do that?

Rafe: It's like I said, Billy-- I was getting too close to the truth.

Billy: What truth, man?

Rafe: Look, all I know is that there was some crazy, bizarre stuff going on in that home.

Billy: Yeah, I know. Someone was tormenting my sister.

Rafe: Mm. Ashley was convinced that my Aunt Estella was behind it, but there's no way. So, you know, I started looking into it on my own... until I got sidetracked.

Billy: By Adam.

Rafe: Yeah. And the incredibly strong feelings he had for me, which disappeared all of a sudden as soon as the cloud of suspicion had passed over him and onto someone else.

Billy: Wow. I would--how--how--how crazy of a secret does this have to be for him to do something that extreme? I--no offense.

Rafe: Yeah, I get the idea.

Billy: Hey, no, man. Literally, it's... look at it this way. Would you go after a woman or somebody that you weren't attracted to just to save your own little ass?

Rafe: Never!

Billy: Well, that's my point. And if you're telling me that he had something to do with the hell my sister went through when--

Rafe: Yeah, and my aunt, okay? But, Billy, we don't have any proof here, and you can't say these allegations came from me, because I was his defense attorney.

Billy: It--it--it--it's never gonna come back to you, okay?

Rafe: (Sighs)

Billy: Now what happened to your aunt?

Rafe: She plead guilty to a lesser charge, which just about killed her, since she's innocent.

Billy: And Adam thought he got off scot-free, huh?

Rafe: So far, he has.

Billy: Hey, man, you did a good thing telling me about this.

Rafe: Yeah, I hope so.

Billy: Take a cab. (Glass clinks on table)

Rafe: (Sighs)

Billy: I'd drive you myself, but I have some investigating to do.

Rafe: And, Billy, be careful with this guy, all right?

Billy: Okay. Hey. This story has the potential to be huge.

Mac: I don't want to hear it, remember?

Billy: You know what? You're lucky that I'm writing about the Newmans. Otherwise, I'd have to do an exposé on your Aunt Jo-Jo.

Mac: No, you wouldn't.

Billy: And why wouldn't I?

Mac: Because your mother would kill you.

Billy: Yeah, so what? She's wishing she hadn't found her anyway.

Esther: Get out of here! (Groans) And you! Good-bye! (Groans) Give me that! Shame on you! You are lucky that our police detective is not at home! (Sighs) And you!

Jo-Jo: Oh, cool your jets.

Esther: How dare you take advantage of Mrs. C's kindness like that.

Jo-Jo: Well, she told me just to make myself at home.

Esther: You're not even the same species as she is, much less her daughter. And I don't need a D.N.A. test to tell me that.

Jo-Jo: Well, that's a good thing, 'cause there's not gonna be one.

Esther: Oh, a lot you know. It's already been done. And the results will be here very soon, and that will be the excuse that I need to kick your butt from here to Kenosha!

Jo-Jo: You--you-- you know what? I-I think--I think you need a-- need a little time to simmer down, and I think I'm gonna go get myself a beer, and just tell Ma not to wait up for me.

Esther: (Groans)

Jill: (Laughs)

Kay: Well, time to celebrate, hmm?

Jill: Yes, I like the way this year's turning out.

Kay: Very promising.

Jill: With the exception of Jo-Jo.

Kay: (Clears throat) Well, if she is my daughter, we will simply find... we'll find a way to work with it.

Neil: You know, ladies...

Jill: (Sighs)

Neil: Um, sharing the same blood doesn't make people family. You two know that better than anyone.

Jill: Yes, we do.

Neil: It's crazy, but as many opportunities as you've had to walk away from each other, and yet, you chose not to. And that, to me, is a hell of a lot more meaningful than any accident of birth.

Kay: Agreed.

Jill: (Laughs)

Jo-Jo: Hey, there.

Mac: Jo-Jo, I thought you were done with my place-- uh, "Why drink at Jimmy’s when I can get free booze at Mama Kay's?"

Jo-Jo: Well, at least here, I don't have her and her posse, you know, following me around, watching every move I make. (Laughs)

Mac: Is that from the house?

Jo-Jo: Yeah. Plays a real nice tune, too. (Laughs) Reminds me of a guy I knew. Makes me kind of sentimental, actually.

Mac: (Laughs) It does that to me, too...

Jo-Jo: Yeah.

Mac: Because it's mine.

Jo-Jo: Oh, well, I mean, there's just, uh, so many knickknacks there, I didn't think anybody would miss it.

Mac: I would.

Jo-Jo: Somebody special give it to you?

Mac: Yeah, someone really special, so if you don't mind...

Jo-Jo: Yeah, no, no. When I leave, I'll--I'll leave it here.

Mac: Great. What can I get you?

Jo-Jo: Yeah, something cold-- anything you got. (Groans)

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

Tucker: I know that tune.

Nick: How did you get in here?

Billy: Well, do you know in "Star Wars" how the "Millennium Falcon" followed out the garbage? Well, I kind of did the same thing, only I did it in reverse.

Nick: What do you want?

Billy: Come on. I'm gonna make you happy. I'm giving you an opportunity to comment on a story that I'm writing.

Nick: Wow, for a second there, Abbott, you also sounded like a real journalist, but we both know that is not true.

Billy: Well, gee, just like we both know about that comment you made in this morning's paper... (Laughs) We know that wasn't true. You were waxing poetic about your brother and Sharon getting married. Man, I bet you just wanted to wash your own mouth out with soap after that. I'm giving you an opportunity here to set the record straight.

Nick: (Sighs) So your story is on Adam and Sharon?

Billy: Yep. Now come on, give it to me. Tell me how you really feel.

Kay: I have to take this opportunity to thank--thank you both.

Jill: Oh.

Kay: Yes, yes.

Jill: No. That's totally unnecessary.

Kay: Had it not been for your hard work and your willingness to make room for Tucker McCall, his investment, his advice, I mean, none of this would be happening.

Jill: Hmm.

Kay: I-I know you were both opposed to him at first, but, uh, am I wrong in thinking you have warmed to the idea? Hmm?

Jill: This partnership has possibilities that I hadn't anticipated.

Kay: Well, I am feeling very, very positive about the future of Chancellor.

Neil: Well, ladies, a toast then.

Jill: Okay.

Neil: To Tucker McCall.

Kay: Ah, ha ha ha. Tucker McCall.

Neil: All right?

Jill: Mm.

Tucker: Remember dancing to that song?

Jo-Jo: A long time ago.

Tucker: I've been hearing about all the havoc you've been wreaking at the Chancellor estate.

Jo-Jo: Yeah, well, havoc's my specialty. (Chuckles)

Tucker: That's why I sent you.

Jo-Jo: (Chuckles) Fun's almost over, though.

Tucker: Why do you say that?

Jo-Jo: Maid let it slip. They got a hold of my D.N.A. somehow. They're already running the test. Just a matter of time. The gig's up. Hmm. Sorry.

Tucker: Don't worry about it. I'm ready for the next phase of my plan.

(Footsteps approaching)

Mac: Hi. I didn't realize you two knew each other so well.

Jo-Jo: No.

Tucker: We don't.

Jo-Jo: Mnh-mnh. Ahh.

Nick: So now you've got Adam in your sights.

Billy: I assume you don't have a problem with that.

Nick: I don't want any part of this.

Billy: Well, I doubt your brother would show you the same loyalty.

Nick: I don't give a damn about Adam, but I will not allow you to publically humiliate Sharon or my son.

Billy: Oh, I get that, okay? But it's no reflection on Sharon the choices that Adam made before they got together. I mean, um... he was with Heather when he, um... got with Rafe, right? Yeah, I thought you knew about that one.

Nick: (Sighs) Tell me, when's someone gonna publish an exposé on you?

Billy: Oh, hell, I'd do it myself, but its old news. I mean, there's no shock value to that. But your boy Adam, he's got some deep-seated emotional issues, got a lot of deep, dark secrets.

Nick: You need to back away from this.

Billy: (Grunts) Okay. Well, don't say I didn't give you the opportunity to comment.

Nick: Just know... we are not done with this.

Billy: Ooh. (Laughs)

(Door opens)

Ashley: Adam, Sharon went to the hospital. She thought you'd be there.

Adam: I know. I talked to her.

Ashley: How's Dr. Taylor? Oh, no.

Adam: He's gone.

Ashley: (Clicks tongue) He was such a good man. If it weren't for him, I... I wouldn't even have Faith. You know, he was only here to see me.

Adam: Yeah, you can't blame yourself.

Ashley: How can I not?

Adam: (Sighs)

Ashley: If he hadn't come, just think how different everything would be.

Adam: Yeah, that's all I've been able to think about.

Phyllis: He's dead?

Sharon: Yeah. The doctor said that he never even regained consciousness. You were at the accident, I heard. Um, that must have been terrible.

Phyllis: Yeah, it was. It was. (Sighs) Wow. This is wild. I-I-I just came to--to check on Dr. Taylor, to--to get the real story. He and Adam were upset with each other.

Sharon: Upset?

Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, when I ran into them, they were arguing. And that's why Dr. Taylor ran into the street-- because he was trying to get away from Adam. And--and before he ran into the street, he said to Adam-- well, he threatened him.

Sharon: He threatened him?

Phyllis: Yeah. He said, "You’re finished."

Sharon: What does that mean?

Phyllis: I don't know. You don't know, either?

Sharon: Why don't you ask Adam?

Phyllis: I did ask Adam. He said that Dr. Taylor was drunk and belligerent, and he was trying to help him out. And it wasn't consistent with what I saw at all. Is that Taylor's doctor? Excuse me, Doctor.

Doctor: Yes?

Phyllis: Hi. Um, you checked Taylor's blood alcohol level. He was fatally injured when he walked out of the bar. I-I'm sorry. I'm--I'm asking, because somebody is spreading a horrible rumor that he was drunk, and I'm a friend of the family. I would hate for them to hear that if it weren't true.

Doctor: His blood alcohol content was very low.

Phyllis: Hmm. Adam lied. It's not a shock. I guess you're learning some new things about your husband, aren't ya?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Sharon: She heard Dr. Taylor say, "You’re finished." Why would he say that?

Nick: As much as I would love to see Adam get dragged through the mud, it's not how I want to play this.

Esther: The D.N.A. results.

Jill: Give it to me.

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