Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/12/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/12/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 1/13/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9313 ~ An Unexpected Arrival in Genoa City Surprises Everyone

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Jack: Oh, good, you have it.

Emily: Uh, yeah. I'm just--

Jack: Did Jana have it ready for you?

Emily: Yeah, she had it ready and waiting.

Jack: I told her you wanted it hot. Was it hot enough?

Emily: It was fine.

Jack: I--well, I'm sorry it took me so long. I haven't stopped moving since I've left the house.

Emily: How did it go with the insurance adjuster?

Jack: Oh, everything's covered. I don't think Sharon's gonna get back into that house anytime soon.

Emily: Well, at least no one was seriously injured.

Jack: Yeah. I should call Sharon and see how she's doing. You know what? I'll do that later. Oh, I have something for you.

Emily: What is it?

Jack: A key to the house, your code to the keypad and the password so you don't set off the alarm. Oh, and I need your address in Minneapolis so I can have all your stuff sent here.

Emily: Oh, that's not necessary.

Jack: What? I'll make a phone call. Everything will be taken care of.

Emily: Jack, I don't need to be taken care of.

Jack: Are we having a fight here? I didn't get the memo.

Emily: This is not a fight. But there is something that we need to discuss-- your ex-wife.

Jack: Sharon? Fine. Where do you want to start?

Emily: How about we start with your involvement in her life?

Sharon: Hey.

Nick: We need to talk.

Sharon: About what?

Nick: After what happened last night, do you need to ask?

Sharon: Oh, um, okay, well, I'll come by.

Nick: See you soon.

Adam: Everything okay?

Sharon: Uh, yeah. Nick, he just wants to talk. (Sighs)

Ashley: Oh.

Sharon: Oh, look who's up.

Ashley: Hi. How was your room? Was it comfortable?

Sharon: I mean, it was great. Thank you.

Ashley: Well, we love having you here, don't we? Yes, we do.

Sharon: Well, we love to be here. But I have to go, so...

Ashley: Okay.

Adam: Yeah, I have to go, too. I'll see you tonight.

Sharon: Okay, bye.

Adam: Bye.

Sharon: (Whispers) Bye.

Ashley: So... you're not gonna believe who called last night-- gonna stop by this morning to see Faith. I mean, it's unbelievable.

(Doorbell rings)

Ashley: (Gasps) I think that's him now. Do you mind holding her just for a second?

Adam: Sure. Come here, Sugar.

Ashley: Bye, Sweetie. This is very exciting.

Adam: Hi there. I got you. I got you. Hi. Hi. Who's here?

(Door opens)

Ashley: Dr. Taylor, come in.

Dr. Taylor: Thank you.

Ashley: I'm so excited to see you.

Dr. Taylor: It's good to see you, too.

(Door closes)

Dr. Taylor: Adam.

Adam: Dr. Taylor, what a surprise.

Phyllis: Hey. I didn't hear you get up.

Nick: Couldn't really sleep. I just kept replaying the whole thing in my head-- the fire, Noah, Adam, Adam saving him.

Phyllis: Everything is okay.

Nick: Yeah, no thanks to Sharon.

Phyllis: You know, Baby, I'm not a fan of Sharon's, but she loves her son.

Nick: Not enough to keep him safe.

Phyllis: Okay, you're upset. You're angry. You're tired. I get it.

Nick: Phyllis, Noah could have died. I mean, if Sharon hadn't--

Phyllis: If Sharon hadn't what? Gone out? Lived her life? Or if Sharon hadn't married Adam? Yeah, he wormed his way into her life, and now he's working on Noah, right? That's what--

Nick: It's not gonna happen, all right?

(Knock on door)

Nick: And I'm gonna put a stop to it right now.

(Glasses clink)

Tucker: To us.

Jill: Ooh.

Tucker: Together, we make amazing things happen.

Jill: We just acquired a major corporation without touching our cash reserves. That is inspired.

Tucker: Now that the big deal is done, let's tackle some small stuff. I got your memo about the senior V.P. who's retiring.

Jill: Yes, Katherine attached a list of potential replacements.

Tucker: Harvard M.B.A. types.

Jill: And you don't like that?

Tucker: Got a stable full of those guys. You need a mustang, a free spirit, someone willing to take chances, buck the system.

Jill: Yeah, somebody who doesn't feel they're entitled to the position, so they'll work really hard to earn it.

Tucker: Exactly.

Jill: Well, I've got your guy-- Cane Ashby.

Tucker: Your Cane Ashby?

Jill: Mm-hmm. He's worked at both Jabot and Chancellor.

Tucker: I read somewhere that he quit.

Jill: Yeah, it was a bit of a messy situation.

Tucker: Welcome to corporate America.

Jill: See, but here's the thing-- he refused to compromise his values.

Tucker: I have to admire him for that.

Jill: And it's not the same company it was when he was here before.

Tucker: Let's talk to the boy.

Jill: (Chuckles)

Cane: I still don't understand why we couldn't meet Malcolm at our place.

Lily: Because if I didn't see something besides the hospital or the inside of our house, I was gonna go crazy.

Cane: All right, but one cough, we're out of here. You got it?

Lily: (Chuckles) Okay.

Cane: All right?

Lily: Yes.

Malcolm: So this is Jimmy's, huh?

Lily: Hey.

Malcolm: Hey. (Chuckles) Well, I can see why you dig it.

Cane: Yeah, yeah, it, uh, it fits. Um, what can I get you?

Malcolm: Well, serve me up the big news.

Lily: Well, uh...

Cane: (Clears throat)

Lily: I wanted to tell you before, but it just wasn't the--the right time. And, uh, now it is, though, so, um, uh, Cane and I are going to be parents. (Laughs)

Malcolm: You're pregnant?

Lily: Oh, no, no, no. No. Um, no. Mac Browning is carrying our baby for us.

Malcolm: Okay, so like a--like a-- like a surrogate kind of thing?

Lily: Yeah, they were able to harvest a couple of my eggs when they did the hysterectomy and we weren't sure if the in vitro procedure would work, but, um, it did, so Mac is pregnant, and, uh, I'm gonna be a mom.

Malcolm: Oh, I'm gonna be a grandfather.

Lily: (Laughs)

Malcolm: Wow. Wow, what a kick. Who'd have thought?

Neil: It's kind of hard to be a grandfather when you ain't never been a dad.

Jack: You're not jealous of Sharon, are you?

Emily: Jealousy is for the insecure. Do I strike you as insecure?

Jack: Not in the least.

Emily: Mm. Why did you go to her place and confront her about marrying Adam?

Jack: Because somebody has to tell her what a colossal mistake she's making.

Emily: Okay, Jack, not "Somebody"--you. Y-you have this compulsive need to protect Sharon.

Jack: She's fragile. She's like--

Emily: Like Patty?

Jack: Don't do that. Please, don't shrink me, okay?

Emily: Okay. You are not my patient, hmm? You're the man I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with.

Jack: So let's argue about wallpaper or who's gonna sleep on which side of the bed.

Emily: Okay, Jack, before I marry you, there is one thing I need to know-- are you going to be involved with Sharon every time she makes a decision that you don't agree with?

Sharon: You wanted to talk to me about last night?

Nick: Yeah, about Noah.

Sharon: Oh. Well, you know, I-I know you're really worried about him, but he woke up this morning like a brand-new person.

Nick: Well, I want to keep it that way. I want Noah to move in here with us.

Sharon: What?

Phyllis: Um, I'm gonna go, let you guys talk.

Sharon: Nick, if you're trying to, um...

(Door closes)

Sharon: Make some kind of a point...

Nick: I'm trying to protect my son.

Sharon: From what?

Nick: From anyone who puts him in danger.

Sharon: You're back to blaming me for the fire.

Nick: That fire happened on your watch.

Sharon: That was an accident.

Nick: You should have been there.

Sharon: He's almost 17 years old, Nick.

Nick: Well, he still needs guidance and supervision. But you're so wrapped up with your new husband, you don't have the time to give it to him.

Ashley: You see Dr. Taylor, Sweetie? This is the man that took care of both of us when I was carrying you.

Dr. Taylor: Ashley, do you think we could talk now, uh, privately?

Ashley: Sure. Do you mind taking the baby upstairs?

Adam: Actually, you know what? My throat feels a little weird. It could be the smoke, or I could be coming down with something. I don't want to take a chance. You want to grab her?

Ashley: Oh, okay. Okay. Hi, Sweetie.

Adam: What the hell are you doing here?

Dr. Taylor: I am blowing your sick plan out of the water.

Adam: I will crush you, Taylor.

Dr. Taylor: When I think of the lives we destroyed--

Adam: Don't.

Dr. Taylor: (Sighs) Maybe you can marry the woman whose baby you stole and not feel any guilt, but I still have a conscience.

Adam: Since when?

Dr. Taylor: You do whatever you want. I am telling Ashley and Sharon everything.

Lily: Did I tell you about Mac's last appointment?

Neil: No, you absolutely did not. I want to hear everything.

Lily: Okay, well, she's doing great. She's gained 4 pounds, blood pressure's good, baby's heartbeat is strong.

Neil: Well, well. Stanford, here we come.

Malcolm: Or straight to the pros.

Cane: Yeah, we still got time to work it out, so...

Malcolm: (Chuckles) It's amazing. The baby's you and Cane's, but it's cooking in somebody else's oven.

Cane: Yep, yep. But as long as the baby's healthy, we don't mind where, uh, he or she comes from, so...

Lily: (Chuckles)

Neil: Yeah, we're poster children when it comes to unconventional ways to start a family.

(Cell phone rings)

Cane: Excuse me. Hey.

Jill: Hi, Honey, it's me. Can you meet me at the Athletic Club?

Cane: Um, I'm in the middle of something right now.

Jill: Cane, it's important.

Lily: No, Babe, just go. It's fine.

Cane: Okay. All right. I'll be there in a minute. Bye, Baby.

Lily: Bye.

Cane: Bye, guys.

Neil: You know what? Um, I-I really-- I have to run, too. I'm--I'm so sorry. I gotta go.

Lily: What? Are you sure you don't want to stay? We could talk about what A.P. courses the baby should take.

Neil: I would love to do that, Baby, but we're gonna have to do that next time, okay?

Lily: Okay.

Neil: I love you. Come here. Mwah.

Lily: Love you, too.

Neil: Yeah, love you. Later.

Malcolm: (Exhales deeply) (Sighs) So that wasn't a bit uncomfortable at all, unless how you count how he completely wigged out when I mentioned I was the baby's grandfather.

Lily: Yeah, I think he's just having a hard time getting used to the idea.

Malcolm: How do you feel about it?

Adam: You think telling Ashley the truth is the right thing to do. There are things that you don't know.

Dr. Taylor: Nothing can justify what we did.

Adam: Look, if you are worried about destroying lives, hear me out.

Dr. Taylor: Aah, why should I?

Adam: (Sighs) Because I care about Ashley and Sharon.

Dr. Taylor: What?! You killed Ashley's baby, and you stole Sharon's.

Adam: Hey, we cannot talk about this here, okay? There's some things that I need to tell you. Meet me at Jimmy's in an hour. It's in downtown. It's on Union Street.

Dr. Taylor: (Sighs)

Ashley: You know, I just can't stand leaving her, even when she's asleep. (Chuckles)

Dr. Taylor: (Laughs) Well, she's obviously had a huge effect on you. You seem so much more content and peaceful.

Ashley: Thank you. I am. I mean, from the very first moment I held Faith in my arms, it's like all the other tension just went away. I'm back to being my old self, and I can't attribute-- I can't attribute it to anything else than my little girl. So what'd you want to talk to me about?

Dr. Taylor: Uh, well, actually, I just came by to see how you and Faith are doing. I do have another appointment right now, but, um, I could stop by later. Maybe we could talk more.

Ashley: Anytime. Just give me a call. Bye.

Adam: Meet me at Jimmy's in an hour.

(Door opens and closes)

Jack: You're asking me to choose between you and Sharon? There is no choice.

Emily: I'm trying to make you think about who you are and what you want to be.

Jack: What I want to be is your husband.

Emily: Mm. And what about Sharon?

Jack: What about Sh-- Sharon already has a husband.

Emily: But you have this compulsive need to protect her.

Jack: Sharon has been through a lot. She is very vulnerable.

Emily: Jack, she was able to take care of herself when she tore into you at the Athletic Club.

Jack: You don't know her the way I do.

Emily: The Sharon that I see is very different from the one that you're describing. She's obviously worked on herself, Jack.

Jack: I just don't want her to--to go back to the way she was.

Emily: Okay, then don't take her there, hmm? Be her friend, not her knight in shining armor.

Jack: Old habits die hard.

Emily: Well, lucky for you, there's a doctor in the house.

Jack: "Help yourself help others."

Emily: Mm-hmm. Read chapter 12.

Jack: This is how you got so smart? I thought you were born that way.

Emily: Ooh, I was.

Jack: "By Dr. Emily Peterson."

Emily: (Laughs) All right, add it to my bill, okay? I'll see you later.

Nick: Noah was having sex with his girlfriend in your house, Sharon. Where were you?

Sharon: I was out, just like you were last night, just like you were the time that he and Eden had sex right here.

Nick: Yeah, well, I got the message from that, loud and clear.

Sharon: We're never gonna be able to keep them apart, Nick, just like our parents couldn't have kept us apart.

Nick: You should never have left them alone like that. Did you forget about the party at the lake last winter?

Sharon: No, I would never forget about that night.

Nick: Well, it's too bad you didn't learn anything from it. You know, you keep saying that you've changed, Sharon, you're this new, stronger, independent woman.

Sharon: I am.

Nick: Yet you keep making the same mistakes. You haven't changed at all.

Sharon: You have no idea who I am.

Eden: (Whispers) Okay.

Noah: I got my laptop, mp3 player, Chem book and this.

Eden: Cassie's drawing.

Noah: Well, it's about the only thing that didn't get soaked from all the fire hoses.

Eden: Have I told you how sorry I am?

Noah: Look, its just stuff. I'm okay. You're okay. That's all that really matters. Oh, and, um, I found this on the front door.

Eden: A Fenmore's business card?

Noah: Yeah, there's some numbers on the back. I thought you might need 'em.

Eden: Uh, it isn't mine. Maybe it's your mom's.

Noah: Mnh-mnh. That's not her handwriting.

Eden: I wonder how it ended up at your house then.

Noah: Somebody dropped it. It's no big deal.

Eden: It could be if somebody dropped it when they broke into your house to start the fire, somebody who worked at Fenmore's.

Noah: Why would a Fenmore employee want to torch my house?

Eden: They weren't after you.

Noah: And the plot thickens.

Eden: Who's the only person who works at Fenmore's who'd want to hurt me?

Noah: Daisy?

Eden: Just think about it.

Noah: Uh, look, I-I know you guys aren't BFFs, but that doesn't make her some psycho who's out to kill you. (Sighs) I'm gonna use the bathroom. You are off the wall. Cute, but off the wall.

Cane: Hey.

Jill: Thank you for coming, Sweetie.

Cane: You got it.

Jill: Mwah. There's somebody I want you to meet. This is Tucker McCall. This is Cane Ashby.

Cane: So you're Tucker McCall, huh? I heard a lot about you. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Tucker: Well, I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

Cane: Sit.

Tucker: I understand, uh, you're a barman.

Cane: Yeah, I'm a barman. Uh, just tending at the moment, but I used to own a local joint. Before that, I did the rounds, uh, down under.

Tucker: What drew you to that kind of work?

Cane: I like people. I'm a people person. Uh, customers, bands. I hired some bands, got real tight with the musicians, so...

Tucker: Really? Launch a few careers?

Cane: One or two. Uh, they do the rounds in Australia. I-I don't know if you've heard of them, so...

Tucker: Well, you're a people person. You can spot talent. Did you stay in the black?

Cane: Yeah, I stay in the black. Friends are important, but I like profit. That's right, yeah.

Tucker: You're right. He's perfect.

Jill: (Chuckles) I told you.

Cane: (Laughs)

Jill: (Laughs)

Cane: Okay, what--what am I perfect for? What is it?

Jill: To be the new vice president of Chancellor Industries.

Cane: Okay, so you, uh, this is, uh, this is a job interview. Is this-- this is a job interview? Is that what it is?

Phyllis: Wow. Jack Abbott is reading a book at the bar. I've seen everything.

Jack: Fine, thank you. How are you, Phyllis?

Phyllis: (Laughs) I'm fine. Thanks.

Jack: Yeah? Does that mean Noah's doing okay?

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Wow, I'm surprised you haven't called Sharon every hour to chec-- check up on her since the fire.

Jack: Oh, actually, you're looking at the new improved Jack Abbott.

Phyllis: I liked the old Jack Abbott.

Jack: Well, you'll like this one even better. See, his G.P.S. is no longer locked on Sharon.

Phyllis: Oh, wow. How'd you do that?

Jack: With a little help from my new favorite author.

Phyllis: (Clears throat) Mm, Dr. Emily Peterson. There she is. Yeah. The "Anti-Sharon."

Jack: Maybe you should read it.

Phyllis: I don't need it. You can't really avoid somebody who lives in your own backyard.

Jack: What? Sharon moved back to the ranch?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Nick is speaking to her right now.

Jack: You seem awfully calm about this.

Phyllis: I am so okay with it. Yeah, Nick doesn't need a how-to book to move on from Sharon. He's seeing her in a whole new light.

Nick: I know you better than anybody.

Sharon: No, you used to know me.

Nick: Oh, so now Adam does?

Sharon: Yeah. I can't believe it. You're not gonna cut him any slack, even after he saved your son's life.

Nick: It doesn't change who he is.  

Sharon: Well, we've already established in your world that nobody can change, but just to be clear, I have, which is the real reason why you're angry.

Nick: Sharon, I am pissed because you keep making the same mistakes.

Sharon: We've both made mistakes.

Nick: Well, I've learned from mine. You keep covering the same ground, throwing yourself into desperate relationships without giving a damn how it affects your family.

Sharon: The only people I have to consider now are myself and Noah.

Nick: Well, you sure as hell weren't thinking about him last night, 'cause he almost died.

Sharon: You don't think I know that, Nick?

Nick: If you did, you would have put our son first, before Adam and before yourself. Sharon, how many kids do we have to lose before you get your act together?

Cane: You want me to come back to Chancellor? Is that right?

Jill: Yeah, but it won't be like last time. I mean, you won't have to deal with Billy, for one thing.

Cane: Yeah, but the thing is, I'll have to deal with Neil, and Neil's my father-in-law, and that can get tricky, so...

Jill: N--but it could smooth things over even more, and you're gonna like his management style.

Cane: (Sighs)

Jill: He is honest. He's fair. He's open to new ideas.

Tucker: We're gonna have a lot of big, new, exciting things happening at chancellor. We'd like you to be part of our team.

Cane: Sorry, I'm not interested. I did corporate, and I, uh, don't look good in a tie.

Jill: (Sighs heavily)

Tucker: The tie is just wardrobe. You don't like being a pawn in somebody else's game.

Cane: I like the way this man thinks. That's right, I don't.

Tucker: We're not looking for followers. We're looking for a leader.

Cane: Okay, but you'll, uh, have to look for a leader somewhere else. I'm sorry.

Tucker: I'll tell you what-- take 24 hours. Think it over.

Malcolm: Lily... (Sighs) I'm not trying to come between you and Neil.

Lily: I know that. I know. And you--you couldn't. You know, I-I love my dad, and I love you, too, Uncle Malcolm.

Malcolm: Is that what I am to you, your uncle?

Lily: Well, you are the guy who let me taste my first beer when I was 17. (Laughs)

Malcolm: (Laughs) Yeah. Huh. Neil would kill me if he knew about that. (Chuckles)

Lily: But see, that's what I mean, you know? You were the fun, cool uncle, and, you know, he's my dad. It's just--it was s-simple. (Sighs)

Malcolm: Oh, well, your mom and I messed that up.

Lily: People make mistakes, and they make them even worse by trying to cover them up. I learned that in a big way with Cane.

Malcolm: Well, he's still in your life.

Lily: Yeah. I mean, even though he wasn't who I thought he was, he still had a place in my heart. I just had to figure out how to hold on to the old Cane and move forward with the new. You know what? I don't want to lose out on getting to know the man who gave me life.

Malcolm: What's the problem?

Lily: (Sighs) I don't want to see that look that I saw on my dad's face earlier.

Malcolm: (Chuckles) Well, Lily, uh... (Scoffs) The dude needs to chill.

Lily: Because he's scared.

Malcolm: Oh, of what?

Lily: Tell him he doesn't need to be.

Neil: I remember the first time ever I saw Lily's face. No looking back after that.

Ashley: I know. They have a way of getting inside your heart, don't they?

Neil: Yeah. And staying, right?

Ashley: I know. That one instant, a connection is made that's so strong that nothing can break it.

Neil: Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about.

Ashley: Lily's your daughter. Malcolm being back doesn't change that.

Neil: (Sighs) Oh, Ashley, it sure does complicate things, though, you know?

Phyllis: So if you are with a shrink, does that mean you can't have crazy sex?

Jack: Oh, I think you'd be-- I'm not gonna talk to you about my sex life.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Jack: Suffice to say, she's made a real difference in my life.

Phyllis: Ooh, she has you reading.

Jack: Well, she has me thinking, about Sharon, in particular, how I ran off to her every time she was in any kind of trouble.

Phyllis: I told you that.

Jack: I didn't see it then, how it hurt you every time Nick dropped everything and ran to her. I couldn't see it. I was being too selfish. But I'm not going to do that to Emily.

Phyllis: Soon, no one's gonna want to play with Sharon, except Adam.

Jack: I think she'd be better off playing with sharp knives.

Phyllis: Emily changed you, it seems. Maybe Sharon can change Adam.

Jack: Into what?

Phyllis: Well... (Groans) I don't think he's all that bad. I mean, he saved--he saved Noah, and he saved the dog. Anyway, I have to get downtown to the art store.

Jack: All right.

Phyllis: Here you go.

Jack: Hey, you're wrong. Adam is all bad.

Dr. Taylor: Two minutes... to give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell Ashley that the baby she's raising is Sharon's.

Adam: You've seen Ashley. She's happy, sane. Do you want to take that from her?

Dr. Taylor: You're the one who took from her-- her sanity, her child.

Adam: See, giving Faith to Ashley made everything right for her.

Dr. Taylor: And what about Sharon?

Adam: She took a horrible tragedy and turned her life around for the better. I've never known anyone like her.

Dr. Taylor: And next, you're gonna tell me that you really love her.

Adam: I do.

Dr. Taylor: Then prove it. Give her her baby back.

Adam: I'd lose everything if I did that.

Dr. Taylor: (Laughs) Yeah, there it is. You sit there pretending that you care for Sharon and Ashley and even Faith, but all you care about is yourself. That's all you've ever cared about.

Adam: Nobody else gives a damn.

Dr. Taylor: You use people. You manipulate them to get what you want. Well, no more. Time is up!

Eden: I'm just gonna talk to her.

Daisy: (Gasps) I heard about last night.

Eden: Thought maybe you lost this.

Daisy: Hmm. It's not mine.

Eden: Funny, these numbers look just like these.

Daisy: Oh, that--that is weird.

Eden: You know what's weirder? Noah found this at his house when he was checking fire damage.

Daisy: (Laughs) W-w-wait. You--you think I started the fire?

Eden: Crossed my mind.

Daisy: I can't believe you'd think I'd do something like that.

Eden: Who else would do it?

Daisy: You know, I don't like to run around pointing-- pointing the finger at the innocent, but there's something off about that Ryder guy that works here.

Eden: Why would he want to hurt me?

Daisy: Get back at Michael and Lauren-- something to think about.

Eden: (Sighs)

Lily: So, um...

Cane: (Clears throat)

Lily: Tucker McCall wanted you to come work at Chancellor?

Cane: Yeah. Don't worry. I didn't let him turn my head.

Lily: You said no?

Cane: You're my priority. You--you and the baby, you're my priority, and, uh, working here just lets me focus on that.

Lily: Hmm.

Cane: Spit it out.

Lily: What? (Chuckles)

Cane: (Laughs) What you want to say, but you're not saying. Spit it out.

Lily: Okay. Um, I think that you should take the job.

Ashley: You know what, Neil? Brad went through this when he found out that Abby was Victor's biological child.

Neil: Yeah, but don't you see? I'm--I'm the type of person that I'm--I'm used to looking at a-a problem, right, and solving it.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Neil: And th-this one here doesn't seem to have a solution.

Ashley: You guys are brothers.

Neil: Yeah, that's what makes it more of a problem. When we were growing up, like most brothers, we fought all the time. He was my kid brother.

Ashley: You know what? He still is your kid brother. It's gonna be okay.

Neil: Yeah.

(Cell phone rings)

Ashley: (Laughs)

Neil: Excuse me, I'm, um... (Clears throat) Sorry. Yeah?

Malcolm: Hey, Bro, it's me. Look, can you, uh, can you meet me at the Athletic Club? I-I really need to hash some stuff out with you.

Neil: Um... yeah, yeah, I'll be there. Well, speak of the devil. That was Malcolm. He wants to talk.

Ashley: Oh. Well, y-you have to go.

Neil: Yeah. Um, I'll see you later, okay?

Ashley: Yeah.

Neil: Okay.

Neil: Bye.

Ashley: Hi.

Sharon: Hey.

Ashley: What's the matter?

Sharon: Nick is what the matter is. I wish I didn't ever have to see him again.

Ashley: Oh.

Dr. Taylor: Tell the driver I'll be waiting outside in front.

Adam: If I go down, so do you.

Dr. Taylor: I'll turn state's evidence.

Adam: I'd be more worried about my father than prison.

Dr. Taylor: No, no, no. You are the one who should be worried about your father, because when Victor finds out that you are the pathetic, worthless son he always knew you were, he'll kill your sorry--aah!

Adam: Shut up. Do you understand me? Shut up.

Dr. Taylor: Get your hands off me, Adam. You can't intimidate me anymore. (Chuckles) It's over. You're finished.

Adam: Hey, you're not going anywhere. Listen to me.

Dr. Taylor: Get—

(Brakes squealing, thud)

Phyllis: (Gasps) (Gasps)

Emily: Hello.

Jack: Hey. Four local moving companies, their price quotes, availability, contact information. You are now officially in charge of your own life.

Emily: Wow. I see you read chapter 12.

Jack: Is there gonna be a test?

Emily: Oh, you just passed.

Jack: Thank you.

Emily: For what?

Jack: For being straight with me. I was doing that dance with Sharon for an awful long time.

Emily: Mm. You know, it's a funny thing about men and dancing. They always want to lead.

Jack: Well, I'll let you lead now and then.

Emily: Mm.

Jack: But from now on, no one cuts in.

Emily: (Whispers) That sounds good.

Jack: Hey.

Emily: Hmm?

Jack: I got some great CDs, good for slow-dancing practice, at home. You could use your new keys.

Emily: Ooh, these ones?

(Keys jingle)

Jack: Yeah, those.

Emily: I'd love to. Mm.

Malcolm: Thanks for coming.

Neil: (Inhales sharply) What's going on?

Malcolm: (Sighs) I had a talk with Lily after you left. (Sighs) She's something, man. I can't believe how together she is. She's strong and smart...

Malcolm: Got a heart as big as Texas. (Chuckles)

Neil: Takes after her mother.

Malcolm: And you. You've raised an incredible kid, Neil. You should be proud.

Neil: I am proud.

Malcolm: (Sighs) (Chuckles) She asked me, um, she asked me to stop being such an insensitive jerk when it comes to you. (Laughs) Uh, not in those words. But, um, I'm willing to try.

Neil: Me, too.

Lily: So why wouldn't you take the job?

Cane: Oh, you know, corporate greed, long hours, and the dry cleaning costs, like... (Whistles). (Laughs)

Lily: Yes, and then there's also financial security, a great health plan...

Cane: Mm.

Lily: A major career boost.

Cane: So we're going ten rounds on this one, aren't we?

Lily: (Laughs) Cane, I just want you to do what makes you happy.

Cane: Then I'll take care of you, 'cause that makes me happy.

Lily: Well, the pay is lousy.

Cane: Yeah, but the fringe benefits are just amazing. Sweetheart, if I take this job, if I throw myself into this job, how am I gonna take care of you?

Lily: (Sighs) Cane, you cannot stop living your life just because I have cancer. That would not be good for any of us. Just follow your heart, okay? Because it always takes you to the right place.

Cane: (Sighs)

(Cell phone buttons beeping)

Cane: Tucker, hey, it's, uh, Ashby. I'm in. All right, I'll do it. I will, uh, be there first thing in the morning. All right.

Lily: See? I think that this is gonna change our lives.

Tucker: He took the job.

Jill: (Laughs) I never doubted it for a minute.

Tucker: You're a very confident woman.

Jill: I'll tell you what else I never doubted-- that you would join me in my room when I offered you that $20 bill in New York City.

Tucker: Well, did you ever imagine that we'd be sitting here sipping champagne, talking about the future of Chancellor Industries...

Jill: (Laughs)

Tucker: Just a few weeks later?

Jill: Never in a million years.

Tucker: Well, you should have. You're an incredibly beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman. Any man would be lucky to be with you.

Jill: You know, ten years ago, you would have had me at beautiful. But with age comes wisdom. I have to wonder, Tucker McCall, are you too good to be true?

Tucker: Most definitely.

Ashley: Excuse us.

Sharon: I don't want to fight.

Nick: I... I came to apologize to you. I never should have said that.

Sharon: Well, you did.

Nick: I really wish I could take it back.

Sharon: You can't, Nick, not the words, not the pain. You're so quick to criticize Adam and accuse him of trying to hurt me. Why don't you look in the mirror, Nick? The guy staring back at you, he hurt me far more than Adam ever could.

Man: He came out of nowhere. I didn't see him until it was too late.

Adam: You gotta call 9-1-1. (Breathing heavily)

Man: I just hit a guy on Union Street...

Phyllis: Oh, my God, is he okay?

Man: In front of Jimmy's.

Adam: Phyllis, what are you doing here?

Phyllis: I was going to the art store. Why were you fighting with him?

Adam: I wasn't.

Phyllis: Yes, you were. I saw you. He said, "You’re finished." What does that mean?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: He's trying to tell you that you didn't see what you saw. He's hiding something.

Phyllis: How are we gonna find out what it is?

Ashley: Adam's actually the one who recommended Dr. Taylor.

Sharon: I know Dr. Taylor.

Ashley: You do? How?

Jo-Jo: Just a matter of time, the gig's up. (Clicks tongue) Hmm. Sorry.

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