Y&R Transcript Monday 1/11/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 1/11/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 1/12/10 -- USA


Episode # 9312 ~ Jill Devises a Plan to get Jo-Jo's DNA

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Jill: Hi.

Tucker: Hello, gorgeous.

Jill: (Laughs) You're just being kind.

Tucker: Mm.

Jill: Neil and I have been working around the clock on this deal.

Tucker: And doing a crackerjack job. After reading your proposal, there's no way Cell Tron's gonna say no.

Jill: Well, your advice helped a lot.

Tucker: Well, you didn't need my help. I see now why Katherine rehired you.

Jill: (Chuckles)

Tucker: And I can't wait for the moment that we close this deal and break open that bottle of bubbly.

Jill: (Laughs) People are gonna notice.

Tucker: Well--

Jill: Neil's gonna be here.

Neil: Hey, hey. Hi.

Jill: Oh, here's Neil. Hi. (Sighs) So...

Neil: Yeah?

Jill: How'd they like my proposal?

Neil: They were clearly impressed.

Tucker: As they should be.

Neil: Unfortunately, they weren't as convinced a stock swap is the way to go.

Jill: (Sighs)

Tucker: Well, as far as I'm concerned, it's the only way to go.

Neil: Tucker, since you just acquired all that Chancellor stock, proving how valuable it is, maybe you could just pick up the phone and-- and--and call the C.E.O. What do you think?

Tucker: I will do anything I can to help.

Neil: That's great. That is absolutely fantastic, because I have a feeling that with your endorsement, we could close this deal tonight.

Murphy: (Sighs)

Kay: Oh, I'm simply-- I don't know.

Murphy: Oh, hey, girls, listen to that.

Kay: To what?

Murphy: Oh, peace and quiet.

Esther: Oh.

Kay: Oh.

Esther: Because "Hurricane Jo-Jo" blew out to sea.

Murphy: Oh.

Esther: But when she hits land, batten down the hatches.

Murphy: Well, just wait till she hears about the test.

Esther: What test?

Kay: Oh, I asked, uh, Jo-Jo to submit to a D.N.A. test to prove that she's the daughter I gave up years ago.

Esther: (Sighs) Thank God.

Kay: Now listen to me. There's a chance that we may be related...

Murphy: (Sighs)

Kay: Although I, uh, I didn't feel the connection that I thought I should.

Esther: Yeah, because she is nothing like you.

Kay: Well, you and Chloe aren't exactly carbon copies, you know.

Esther: Well, at least we both eat with a fork.

Murphy: (Chuckles)

Kay: Let's just wait and see what the test says.

Esther: (Sighs)

Murphy: Yeah, if Jo-Jo agrees to take it.

Kay: Well, she knows, uh, how mistaken we were about Jill. No, no, I-I think she'll-- I think she'll understand.

Jo-Jo: Hey, I was hopin' you'd be here so you could say hi to my new friends.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Jo-Jo: Hey, gang, this here's my mama.

Kay: Hello.

Man: Jo-Jo told us all about you.

Esther: I'll bet she did.

Kay: Uh-huh.

Man: You were right.

Kay: Yeah?

Man: This is a sweet, sweet spread.

Kay: Uh, you know what? Um, p-perhaps you and your friends would feel much more comfortable in a less formal surrounding, you know? Uh, how about, uh, Pete's bar-- uh, Jimmy's? Jimmy's. Jimmy's.

Jo-Jo: Oh, no, no. No, we just--no, no, we just came from there, and, you know, we figured why pay for booze when we can drink here for free?

Man: Yeah.

Jo-Jo: Come on, gang. Let's go get the good stuff.

Man: (Laughs) Now you're talkin'. All right.

Jo-Jo: (Laughs) Yeah. Welcome.

Man: Whoo-hoo. (Laughs)

Murphy: How soon can you get that test?

Esther: Hurry.

Sharon: (Sighs) I don't know what those kids were even doing at the house. Noah told me that they were going to a movie.

Michael: (Scoffs) Eden told me she was hanging out at Noah's to watch a movie.

Adam: Well, I found 'em in Noah's bedroom.

Lauren: (Clears throat)

Sharon: It's not like we didn't know they were sexually active.

Michael: What? Again?

Nick: I don't think any of us is in love with the idea.

Lauren: (Stammers) Look, short of sending them into a monastery or a convent or military school, for that matter, I--there's very little that we can do.

Michael: No, no, what gets me is if they're irresponsible to--to--enough to go upstairs and--and leave a lit candle, then--then--

Phyllis: Right. What else are they being careless about?

Eden: Hey.

Sharon: Oh, Noah.

Noah: Mom, I-I'm fine.

Sharon: Are you sure?

Noah: Yes.

Eden: Yeah, we both are, okay? You can ask the doctor.

Doctor: Uh, tests indicate smoke from the fire did infiltrate the lungs. Fortunately, Eden and Noah got out before any significant damage was done.

Adam: Um, Ashley deserves the credit for-- for giving C.P.R. to Eden, too.

Doctor: Uh, your throats and noses will be sore. You'll probably get a headache. Um, if any symptom lasts more than two days, call your regular doctors, okay?

Noah: I just want to go home.

Nick: I want to talk more about this fire. The inspector said it was caused by a candle?

Eden: Which I totally don't get. I swear, I blew them all out before I went up-- uh--

Michael: All right, maybe we should do this later. Um, just again, I cannot thank-- thank you enough.

Ashley: It's okay. I'm just really happy everybody's okay.

Adam: That's all that matters, really.

Michael: Sharon, we're gonna help you with the house. We're gonna--we're gonna cover the deductible from your homeowner's, all right?

Sharon: No, please. Please, that won't be necessary.

Michael: No, please, this has to--

Lauren: And go to Fenmore's. Get anything that you want free of charge, please.

Sharon: Honestly, I-- thank you. It's fine.

Eden: I'm so sorry.

Noah: It's okay.

Michael: No, no, no, it's not. Come. Let's go. Now.

Eden: (Sighs)

Lauren: Watch your step. Watch your step.

Michael: You okay?

Lauren: Yeah.

Michael: All right, Sweetie. Come on.

Nick: Adam, I will not forget what you did tonight-- saving my son, our son. Thank you.

Adam: It's okay. I-I'm just glad I was there to do it.

Nick: Are you okay? Do you need anything?

Adam: No, we're good. Thanks.

Noah: Before you say anything, I know that I'm in trouble.

Nick: Big trouble, son.

Noah: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Yeah, you know, I want to hit you in the head for what you did, but I'm glad you're okay.

Noah: Thank you.

Nick: Same goes with me. Come on.

Ashley: Okay, so, um, did Adam mention to you about staying at the ranch for a while?

Sharon: Oh, yeah, he--he did. He mentioned that earlier today.

Ashley: Initially, he turned me down, but now you don't have a place to stay.

Adam: Yeah, I know. We could always stay at the club, right? I mean, it's our home away from home.

Ashley: Why would you want to cram yourselves into a little suite when half of my house is completely empty?

Sharon: You know, it might be a little bit cramped at the club.

Ashley: Okay, does that mean you'll stay?

Sharon: We would love to.

Ashley: Oh, great!

Sharon: Thank you.

Ashley: Sure.

Gloria: French Bordeaux. I don't know what year it is. No, the bottle's over there, I'm over here, and I don't feel like getting up to go look, but it's yummy, whatever it is. (Sniffs) No, "Lover man," you stay put. When Michael and Lauren get home from their date, Michael will run me home. I'm sure he won't mind.

Michael and Eden: (Shouting indistinctly)

Gloria: Uh-oh. Somebody's coming. Gotta go. And why don't you take a nap? You're gonna be up late tonight.

Michael: I thought we had gotten past the irresponsible stage.

Eden: I was not being irresponsible!

Lauren: Oh, really? What would you call it?

(Door slams)

Michael: What are you doing here?

Gloria: Good God, what happened to you?

Lauren: She burned down Sharon's house, that's what's happened.

Abby: I'm so glad you're okay. I couldn't take losing anyone else.

Noah: You might not be so happy when you see what I just did to your sweater.

Abby: Who cares?

Noah: Oh, okay. Now I know she really loves me.

Ashley: Aw.

Abby: (Laughs)

Adam: (Sighs)

Ashley: Sweetie, is-- is the baby sleeping?

Abby: Uh, yeah, her and Summer both crashed, like, an hour ago.

Ashley: Good.

Adam: Um, we should-- we should get to bed, too.

Sharon: Yeah, you must be exhausted.

Faith: (Cries)

Ashley: Oh, I better go check on her. I'll be right back.

Tucker: I believe this is a win-win situation, Margaret. I wouldn't be calling otherwise. I'm--I'm sure you will.

Jill: Well?

Tucker: (Sighs) The stock swap is a go.

Jill: That is terrific. Yes!

Neil: See? See? I knew it. I knew it. I knew you could convince her.

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Tucker: All we gotta do now is dot the T's and cross the I's.

Neil: Mnh-mnh! Hold on a second now. You have to get Katherine to sign off on it.

Tucker: Well, I've done my part. The rest is up to you two.

Neil: Once Katherine realizes that the swap only strengthens the company stock and preserves our liquid assets, I think she'll be all for it.

Tucker: Hmm.

Jill: Well, I say we go see her right now.

Neil: I do, too.

Tucker: (Chuckles)

Esther: Excuse me.

Jo-Jo: Hey, let's get this party started. Ess, we're gonna need about, uh, a dozen six-packs and, uh, something to eat. How about some of those, um, those fancy hot dogs you make on a tray, and, uh, maybe some chips and dip?

Kay: All right, that's enough.

Jo-Jo: Is there a problem, Nom?

Kay: Well, I know I-I said to make yourself at home, but, uh, I mean, this is crossing the line.

Jo-Jo: I didn't know there was one.

Kay: Well, Esther is not a short-order cook, and you're not the only one staying here or eating here.

Jo-Jo: Let me get this straight-- you take me away from my home, my friends and my business, and just because these people ain't like your hoity-toity crowd, you want to kick them and me to the curb?

Kay: No, I simply said you are taking advantage of my hospitality.

Jo-Jo: I'm your kid.

Kay: No, you're-- maybe not.

Jo-Jo: What the hell?

Kay: I want a D.N.A. test.

Jo-Jo: No way.

Sharon: Hi.

Ashley: Hi.

Sharon: Remember me? You remember me?

Ashley: I think she stopped crying when you held her last time, didn't she?

Sharon: I think she did.

Ashley: Oh, you must have the magic touch.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Adam: You've gotta be, uh, tired, too, huh?

Sharon: No, no, I'm fine.

Adam: Well, I'm gonna take a shower and get out of these clothes.

Sharon: Oh, but, you know, you don't have any clothes to change into.

Adam: Oh, yeah, I still have some stuff here from before, uh, and I actually have some things, Noah, that-- that can tide you over, as well.

Noah: I-I-I've got some stuff I can get at my dad's in the morning.

Ashley: And, Sharon, I have so many clothes that you can wear.

Faith: (Cries)

Ashley: Oh, would you mind taking her? I'll be right back.

Sharon: Ohh. Oh, here, let me take her.

Ashley: I'll be right back. I'll be right back.

Sharon: Here, why don't you sit like this? Okay, take your time. I'll hold her.

Ashley: Okay.

Sharon: Come on. Let's go look out the window.

Abby: I can't believe the "Dark prince" actually did something human.

Noah: Well, Adam didn't just save me and Eden. He even went back in for Fisher.

Abby: All he ever did for me was totally creep me out.

Noah: Yeah, well, I wasn't exactly thrilled when he and my mom got married, but maybe he isn't so bad.

Abby: Or maybe he's just trying to look good. H-how did the fire even start?

Noah: I mean, they said it was candles, but Eden swore she blew 'em out.

Abby: Wait, so this is Eden's fault?

Noah: No, this is nobody's fault.

Abby: She burned down my house.

Noah: (Sighs)

Gloria: I was at Kevin and Jana's, playing with Fen, having a glass of wine.

Michael: What? You were drinking while you were playing with my son?

Gloria: One glass, Michael, and not a very good one. And I remembered you had that bottle from a great year.

Michael: So naturally, you helped yourself?

Gloria: Don't be stingy, Michael. They'll make more. In fact, why don't you and Lauren have a glass? You're in such a foul mood.

Michael: Who can blame us after what we've been through?

Gloria: And look at what I've been through. You don't see me snappin' at people. I'm always the model of good cheer.

Michael: Yeah, especially when you're crocked to the gills.

Gloria: (Scoffs)

Eden: Am I gonna be charged with anything?

Michael: You said it was an accident.

Eden: It totally was.

Gloria: Yeah, but everybody's so lawsuit-happy these days, it wouldn't surprise me.

Lauren: We should go pick up Fen.

Gloria: Fen is asleep, and Jana can't wait to make him blueberry waffles in the morning. And aren't you two supposed to be on a date?

Lauren: (Sighs) We were.

Eden: I'm sorry, okay?

Lauren: Are you?

Eden: I told you, I blew the candles out.

Lauren: Yeah, well, obviously, not all of them.

Michael: Well, maybe they-- they lit up again. It happens.

Gloria: Yeah. If Eden says it was an accident, I believe her.

Lauren: You know, when we want your opinion, Gloria, we'll ask for it.

Gloria: Hey. Hey.

Lauren: Because we're in the middle of a family crisis here.

Gloria: Oh, that's right. I'm not a member of the family.

Lauren: Oh, please. I didn't say that.

Gloria: You may as well have.

Michael: Maybe I will have a glass of wine.

Gloria: Oh, Lauren.

Lauren: What? Unbelievable.

[Eden remembering]

Noah: Want to go upstairs?

Eden: Uh-huh.

Noah: You get the candles, I'm gonna put on some music.

Eden: Okay. Wait a minute. The candles weren't that close to the curtains.

Lauren: You know something? Sharon's dog could have knocked one over. The problem here is that you were thinking with your hormones and not your head, and, therefore, you almost got yourself and your boyfriend killed.

Ryder: I can't believe you set their house on fire. I finally found something online about it--the fire. Report says it's a miracle that nobody got hurt.

Daisy: (Snorts) Some miracle.

Ryder: Do you even care that you could have killed those kids?

Daisy: Eden was getting on my nerves. And you know more than anyone how I get when someone pisses me off.

Ryder: Yeah, how could I forget?

Daisy: Hey. At least I had the guts to take some action.

Ryder: Do you think it's funny what you did to him?

Daisy: W-w-what I did to him I did for you, because he was bullying you. You should be thanking me instead of carrying that dork's picture around like he was your best friend.

Ryder: You went too far then, and you are going too far now.

Daisy: (Sighs)

Kay: Jill told you herself there was a time when everyone thought she was my daughter.

Jo-Jo: But she wasn't.

Kay: Well, uh, that's exactly why I would like to make sure this time, Jo-Jo.

Jo-Jo: Oh, so you're protecting yourself.

Murphy: No, she's protecting both of you.

Jo-Jo: How is that?

Kay: To spare you a moment if someone challenges your birthright and you have nothing to-- you would have nothing to back it up.

Jo-Jo: (Laughs) Yeah, right. Yo, dudes, listen to this. Katherine Chancellor, trillionaire, the lady who ditched me when I was a baby, is trying to dump me again.

Kay: I never said that.

Jo-Jo: I didn't ask to be found or taken away from my home or whisked to this boring, tired town, and I certainly didn't ask to be part of anyone's family.

Kay: Uh, could we just talk for a mom--

Jo-Jo: What is there to talk about? You came to find me. And then you gave me some sad tale, and you convinced me to come back here, and--and--and play family. But I didn't quite measure up to your highfalutin standards, did I?

Kay: That's not true.

Jo-Jo: Oh, and now you want to give me a D.N.A. test to prove I'm not your kid? Well, forget it. I'm not giving up my bodily fluids for you or for anyone else, and I'm not leaving.

Man: You go, girl.

Jo-Jo: You can put that in your pipe and just smoke it.

Man: You go, girl.

Jill: What the hell is going on here?

[Sharon remembering]

Nick: Right there, that could be Faith's room.

Sharon: Faith?

Nick: Yeah, that's our baby. That was-- that was the name of our daughter that we had in that dream that Cassíe came to visit me to show me what my life would be like someday.

Sharon: Oh, Nick.

Sharon: Your mommy is so lucky. Yes. She gets to wake up every day and see your beautiful face, those beautiful eyes and that cute little nose.

Faith: (Fusses)

Sharon: Oh. Ohh, and those cute cheeks. Yes, she's so lucky. (Chuckles)

Faith: (Coos)

(Doorbell rings)

Sharon: Uh-oh, someone's at the door. Someone's at the door. Let's see who it is.

Sharon: Hey.

Nick: Hey, Sharon. What are you doing here?

Sharon: Ashley said that we could stay here until we figure out what to do with the house.

Phyllis: Great. We're gonna be neighbors.

Sharon: Yeah, we are.

Phyllis: Um, I'll go check Summer.

Nick: I cannot believe how big she has gotten since the last time I saw her.

Sharon: I know.

Nick: Hey, pretty girl.

Sharon: Yeah. (Laughs) Oh. Oh, look, did you see that?

Nick: See what?

Sharon: She smiled at you.

Nick: Did you smile at me?

Sharon: Yeah, look. Do you want to smile at Nick? Do you?

Nick: She's so beautiful.

Sharon: She is. Noah is gonna really like living with Faith. He's so good with babies.

Nick: I'll be glad that he'll be back at the ranch under supervision.

Sharon: What, are you-- is it like he's been running wild living with me or something?

Nick: Well, no one was home to stop him and Eden from going upstairs.

Sharon: So this is my fault that I wasn't at home to baby-sit our teenage son?

Nick: No, I didn't-- I didn't mean it like that, all right? I guess I'm just scared that Noah's growing up so fast. I mean, it seems like yesterday that he was just-- I don't know-- as small as this little peanut right here.

Sharon: I know. You know, when she cried earlier, it was so funny. She sounded exactly like Noah did when he was her age.

Nick: It must be the Newman in her.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Nick: Yeah. Yeah.

Faith: (Coos)

Nick: Yeah, I know.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Faith: (Coos)

Sharon: (Laughs) She's talking to you.

Nick: I know. Yeah?

Sharon: She has things to say to you.

Nick: Oh, I know. Well, yes, you're obviously very smart.

Sharon: Yes.

Nick: Yeah. Yes. Oh, there you go.

Sharon: (Chuckles) (Gasps) Look at those big eyes.

Nick: Yeah.

Esther: Oh. Good-bye.

Murphy: And, uh, ladies.

Esther: Get out! Get out.

Jo-Jo: Thanks, guys. We'll do this again real soon.

Jill: Yeah, don't be too sure about that.

Esther: (Sighs heavily)

Kay: Oh, dear God.

Neil: You know, Katherine, uh, maybe now isn't the best time to do business. What do you think?

Kay: Well, it must be important, or you wouldn't come out-- out here all this way.

Neil: Yeah.

Kay: On the other hand, I really could-- I could use some-- I could use a distraction.

Neil: Okay, want to sit down, or...

Kay: Oh, yeah, please. Please. Yes. Thank you. Thank you.

Jill: What? How dare she refuse to take a D.N.A. test?

Esther: Yeah, because she knows she's not Mrs. C.'s daughter.

Jill: (Sighs) I gotta tell you, I'm really proud of Katherine for taking this step, though.

Murphy: Yeah, well, it's too bad we can't take it without Jo-Jo's help.

Jill: Well, maybe we can. I mean, who says that we have to have Jo-Jo give us a sample of her D.N.A.? Why can't we get it ourselves? Why can't you just go into her room and get a hairbrush or a toothbrush, or whatever will give you a good swipe?

Esther: What? No! What if she catches me? That woman packs a knife and a gun.

Jill: You dingbat! You are a maid. You knock on her door. You tell her you have clean towels or you're turning down her bed we're trying to get her out of Katherine’s life, all right?

Esther: Well, Jill, if you had done a little more...

Jill: (Sighs)

Esther: Investigating, she wouldn't be in it.

Murphy: All right, all right, all right. She's in it now. We just gotta find out how long Jo-Jo's gonna stay.

Esther: Fine, but you keep her down here while I look.

Murphy: I got you covered.

Esther: And just so we're clear, I'm doing this for Mrs. C.

Jill: Oh, shut up, Esther.

Daisy: Would you stop stalking me?

Ryder: You can't just cut me off. I've got nowhere to go. I've got no job.

Daisy: It is not my fault you couldn't work Kevin to let you stay.

Ryder: I'm not trying to work Kevin. He is my brother.

Daisy: Oh, I think I'm gonna hurl.

Ryder: You know, he was the one person who was there for me.

Daisy: Excuse me?

Ryder: And now he hates me because he thinks I'm a liar.

Daisy: (Scoffs) Don't go soft on me now. You know what's at stake.

Ryder: Which is exactly why you're gonna let me stay with you.

Daisy: If I get caught with a boy in my room, I'll get kicked out of school.

Ryder: That is not my problem.

Daisy: Why don't you just sleep here?

Ryder: (Scoffs) Um, usually, they don't let you keep the keys after they fire you.

Daisy: Fine. Suck it up and sleep in your car.

Ryder: It's winter.

Daisy: It's either your car or the street.

Eden: Do you think I'm not sorry?

Lauren: Sometimes that isn't enough.

Eden: What else can I do?

Michael: Well, the important thing is nobody was hurt and everything in the house can be replaced.

Lauren: But that doesn't absolve her of responsibility.

Michael: I'm not saying that it does.

Lauren: Or keep us from wondering if she's safe in other areas.

Eden: What are you talking about?

Michael: You did admit that you were going up to Noah's room.

Eden: (Sighs) We were safe, I swear.

Lauren: Just like you said you blew out the candles?

Eden: I did blow out all the candles, and Noah and I, we always use protection, always.

Lauren: Yeah, until that one time you forget and you slip up. I mean, have you really thought about the consequences? Really? About what would happen if you got pregnant? Or is that something--

Gloria: Oh, you two, will you just lighten up? Remember what it was like to be a teenager? Heard you were quite a handful.

Lauren: And I can tell you stories about your brother.

Michael: Don't push it, lady.

Lauren: (Sighs) Well, whatever we did doesn't make it okay for Eden to be having sex at her age or does it give her the right to destroy someone's property out of pure wanton carelessness. She has to take responsibility for her actions, all of them.

Eden: (Sighs)

Nick: What's up?

Sharon: (Giggles)

Adam: Uh, everything's all set upstairs. You don't mind if we go up, do you?

Nick: There's no need to play host. Phyllis will be down any minute.

Adam: Speaking of upstairs, uh, I just got my voice mail.

Nick: Look, I obviously did not know what was going on when I was leaving those messages.

Adam: I just wish you wouldn't automatically think the worst of me.

Ashley: Hey, Sweetie pie.

Nick: Hey, Supergirl.

Phyllis: There we go. She's a sleepy girl right now. We gotta get her home.

Nick: Oh, okay. Let's get you home. Uh, actually, just one second, okay?

Phyllis: All right.

Nick: Son, over here.

Noah: (Sighs)

Nick: I hope tonight was a real wake-up call for you. You and Eden could have died in that house tonight.

Noah: I know.

Nick: So you see how one moment in your life can change things forever?

Noah: (Sighs) I do. And I'm really sorry.

Nick: We're not done talking about this, all right? I love you, son.

Noah: I love you, too.

Nick: I'm so glad you're okay.

Noah: (Sighs)

Phyllis: All right, so, Abby, thank you very much for watching Summer.

Abby: Oh, yeah, anytime.

Nick: Yeah. Yeah, thank you again, and, uh, good night, everyone.

Ashley: Good night.

Nick: All right.

Abby: So how long are you gonna stay?

Noah: Well, uh, depends how long it takes to get back in the house.

Ashley: Oh, that reminds me, Jack called. He talked to the insurance adjuster.

Sharon: Oh, already?

Ashley: Yeah, it's gonna be months before they can even begin to assess the damage.

Sharon: Wow.

Adam: Well, maybe we can just start looking for a place to rent tomorrow.

Abby: Oh, but I want Noah to stay.

Ashley: I know I keep saying it. I sound like a broken record, but there's so much room here. I mean, you have all the privacy and space you need.

Sharon: You know, Ashley's right. There's really no reason for us to leave the ranch.

Jill: This is why Chancellor went public-- so we could continue to expand and diversify.

Neil: And we can accomplish both those goals by acquiring Cell Tron.

Jill: Yeah, but if we're gonna do this, we've gotta do it now.

Kay: I don't know that I have ever, ever seen you this enthusiastic.

Jill: Well... (Scoffs) I just think this is a fantastic opportunity, and I think it's gonna benefit everybody involved.

Kay: The fact that you have taken such a keen interest in the company's broader financial picture and, um, and-- and--and educating yourself to the ins and outs of this particular deal makes me very, very proud of you, very proud. What do you think?

Tucker: Well, you know that I'm for it, but my best advice to you is just go with your gut.

Jo-Jo: (Sighs) (Burps) (Belches)

Murphy: Oh, hey, uh, Jo-Jo, wait.

Jo-Jo: What? You want to make some comment about the way I slurp my java?

Murphy: Oh, no, no, no, no. I was just wondering, uh, you know, Katherine’s all wrapped up in some business stuff, and maybe you and I can have a beer.

Jo-Jo: (Scoffs) Why?

Murphy: Well, we haven't had a chance to talk one-on-one, and, you know, I'm really interested in your work as a bounty hunter.

Jo-Jo: Are you serious?

Murphy: Yeah. I mean, is it like that reality show on TV?

Jo-Jo: Are you kidding? That guy is a big wuss.

Murphy: Ah, I figured.

Jo-Jo: Come on. Let's have a brewski. I'll tell you about the time I dragged a skip and a whole year's worth of alligator steaks right through the everglades.

Murphy: Alligator steaks?

Jo-Jo: Yep, let's go.

Murphy: No way.

Jo-Jo: Mm-hmm.

Murphy: (Chuckles)

Sharon: You were my hero tonight.

Adam: It's about time I did something right.

Sharon: You do a lot right, a lot. You saved Noah and Eden. You even ran back into a burning house to save a dog who growls at you every time he sees you.

Adam: (Chuckles)

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Adam: Yeah, well, Fisher actually licked my face tonight. That's gotta count for something, right?

Sharon: Mm-hmm. You saved me, too, because I don't know how I would have survived if Noah hadn't made it.

Adam: I can't change what you've been through, but I would do anything to make sure you don't go through that kind of pain again.

Sharon: I love you, Adam.

Phyllis: You were up there a while.

Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, I just... (Sighs) I needed to watch her sleep in her own bed, safe and sound.

Phyllis: I know.

Nick: You know, it was about a year ago that Noah almost drowned in that pond.

Phyllis: Yeah. (Sighs)

Nick: And I remember thinking, if Noah pulled out of it, everything was cool, you know? The worst was behind us.

Phyllis: Right. Little did you know...?

Nick: When I got that call about the fire... (Sighs) If Noah hadn't made it...

Phyllis: But he made it.

Nick: Yeah. Because-- I'm so grateful. I am. But it's Adam. I-I-- (Sighs) It's Adam. (Sets bottle down)

Ryder: Hey. Since you're the reason I don't have a place to stay, you'd better find me one--now.

Daisy: (Scoffs) Fine. I'll give you the keys and alarm code to Fenmore’s. You can sleep in the storeroom tonight.

Ryder: Tonight. And what do I do about tomorrow?

Daisy: Do I look like a real estate agent?

Ryder: What about Lauren?

Daisy: Lauren gets in at 10:00, 10:30. I'll come and pick up the keys on my way to school tomorrow. But if you do anything to tip off that you were there-- I mean, if you leave so much as a candy wrapper on--

Ryder: Don't worry, okay? I won’t.

Daisy: (Scoffs) Let's go.

Lauren: Do you have any idea how lucky you are? How lucky we all are to be in the comfort of our home, while Sharon and Noah and Adam have lost theirs?

Eden: How many times do I have to say it? I'm sorry. I messed up. I don't need you coming up with a hundred different ways to remind me how bad.

Lauren: Okay, you know what? I don't like your tone.

Eden: Look, if I could go back in time and make it so that we never even lit those candles, that I never even went into Noah's house, I would, but I can't!

Michael: All right, all right. You know what? Everybody just calm--

Eden: How can I, okay? When she keeps telling me over and over again what a horrible person I am?!

Lauren: I never said that.

Eden: If you want me to pay for my mistakes, that's fine. Just take the money that I got from the ashram, whatever is in my college fund. Take everything I have. Give it to Sharon. Just stop telling me how I almost ruined her life!

Lauren: (Scoffs) Well, I think that was completely uncalled for.

Gloria: You were riding her pretty hard.

Michael: Which is strange, considering you're usually always telling me to take it easy on the kid.

Lauren: I'm tired.

Michael: We're all tired.

Lauren: I have a headache. I'm going to bed.

Michael: So much for date night. (Sighs)

Kay: (Sighs)

Jill: All right, Katherine. You've heard from all three of us, so now it's up to you.

Kay: (Chuckles) Well, obviously, you have done your homework.

Jill: And then some.

Kay: Go for it.

Jill: Yes!

Neil: Nice.

Jill: Yes.

Tucker: It's a smart move, Katherine.

Kay: Uh-huh.

Jill: You won't regret it.

Kay: Better not.

Neil: I'll have the contracts drawn up first thing in the morning.

Kay: Oh, this is going to be such an exciting year for Chancellor Industries.

Tucker: One you'll never forget.

Kay: (Laughs)

Jo-Jo: Then there was the fugitive who left his mark in every motel along the Texarkana border-- bullet holes for every single time he-- (Laughs)

Murphy: You know, I get the idea.

Jo-Jo: Oh, come on. Don't tell me. Are you--are you shocked?

Murphy: Well, just some things don't need to be spelled out, that's all.

Jo-Jo: Aw, I'd never have taken you for a prude. Though if you are, it kind of makes sense. The woman you're married to is kinda rigid.

Murphy: Uh, Katherine is the most open-minded woman I know.

Jo-Jo: Not the vibe I get. Of course, I don't share a bed with her.

Murphy: Excuse me?

Jo-Jo: Oh, come on. Don't act so innocent. I bet you and Mama Kay get it on whenever she's in the mood. (Laughs) Thank God for that little blue pill. (Laughs)

Murphy: (Yawns) Well, uh, it's been fun, but it's kind of getting past my bedtime.

Jo-Jo: Oh, I was just getting started.

Murphy: Well, remember where you left off...

Jo-Jo: Okay.

Murphy: For next time. Now I gotta go kiss my wife good night.

Jo-Jo: (Sighs) (Sighs) (Burps)

Jill: Well, did you get it?

Esther: I looked everywhere. That woman must not own a toothbrush or a hairbrush, which shouldn't be surprising, since it's clear that hygiene is not a top priority.

Jill: So you got nothing?

Esther: I just told you, I couldn't get anything.

Jill: What do we do now?

Murphy: Nothing. We got all we need right here.

Esther: (Chuckles)

Nick: You know, Adam was right when he said I always think the worst of him.

Phyllis: Come on. It's not like you-- he hasn't given you reason to.

Nick: What am I supposed to do now? Just wipe the slate clean? Forgive and forget?

Phyllis: No.

Nick: 'Cause I don't think I could do that.

Phyllis: No, no. No one's asking you to do that.

Nick: I know. It just feels so wrong to--

Phyllis: What? To be grateful on one hand, but then want to wipe him off the face of the earth on the other?

Nick: Well, that's a little extreme, but, yeah, I think you're getting the idea.

Phyllis: Yeah. I mean, of all the people who could have saved your son-- its crazy.

Nick: See, the thing is, he never should have had to save anyone.

Phyllis: What-- what do you mean by that?

Nick: I don't care how old Noah is. He is not an adult. He and Eden should never have been alone in that house.

Adam: You sure you're gonna be okay staying here?

Sharon: I think I know what's bothering you.

Adam: You do?

Sharon: Mm-hmm. You're concerned about living across the property from Nick. You think he's gonna be on your case all the time.

Adam: I'm not worried about Nick.

Sharon: Okay, good, because I noticed a definite change in him tonight. I mean, and how can you stay angry at a man who just saved his son's life?

Ashley: It's true. Sharon's right. You were the hero.

Adam: Listen, I'm just a man who was trying to protect the people that I love. That's it.

Sharon: Oh, go on.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Sharon: You were the hero. I'm never gonna forget it.

Adam: Aren't you tired? Can we go upstairs? My red cape needs recharging.

Sharon: Okay. Thanks again for letting us stay.

Ashley: Of course. My girls and I are thrilled that you're here.

Sharon: Good night.

Ashley: Good night. Good night.

(Telephone rings)

Ashley: Hello? Dr. Taylor, hi. It's--it's been so long. It's so great to hear your voice. I know, you know? I never had a chance to thank you for everything you did for Faith and me. Oh, she's incredible. I-I'd love it if you could see her. You're kidding me. You're in Genoa City? That is so sweet. You came all the way here just to see us? I would love that. Tomorrow would be great. Yeah, why don't you stop by the house? Okay. I can't wait to see you.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Emily: Are you going to be involved with Sharon every time she makes a decision that you don't agree with?

Daisy: You think I started the fire?

Eden: It crossed my mind.

Dr. Taylor: I am telling Ashley and Sharon everything.

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