Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/7/10

Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/7/10 -- Canada; Friday 1/8/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9310 ~ A Mysterious Fire Threatens Noah and Eden

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Michael: Now listen to me. No more skipping breakfast and lunch. I know you didn't do it on purpose, and you were crazy busy at the boutique, but it affects your blood sugar. You almost fainted. You hurt your ankle. It could have been much worse.

Lauren: Fine. I will eat like a pig from now on. You happy?

Michael: Yeah.

Lauren: So how was your day?

Michael: I tracked down Heather. She said the crime lab was way behind schedule. She'd see what she could do.

Lauren: Daniel just must be frantic waiting for news.

Michael: Yeah, whatever. We'll probably hear something tomorrow. But tonight, I plan on connecting with a real human being.

Lauren: Mm.

Michael: My favorite human being, as a matter of fact. Well, after we finish drinks, what's your pleasure, Mrs. Baldwin? Dinner? Dancing? Tap-dancing? Clogging?

Lauren: Oh, oh, yes. All of the above when it comes to dancing. That's what I'd like to do. (Laughs)

Michael: (Laughs)

Lauren: But before that, I would like to hobble over to my Christmas gift.

Michael: Oh, yeah, your new office.

Lauren: Yes.

Michael: So that contractor finally returned your call?

Lauren: He did. He did. And we're--you know, we're at the point where if I want to tweak anything, now's the time, so I want you to see it. And then, Mr. Baldwin...

Michael: Hmm?

Lauren: I would like to spend the rest of the evening thanking you for it.

Daisy: I haven't seen much of you two lately.

Eden: I just saw you at school.

Daisy: Outside of that. I got kind of used to hanging with you and your family over the holidays. It's the first time Christmas hasn't sucked for me since my parents' accident.

Noah: Well, hey, French club is going to that new movie about the revolution. Maybe you could sit with us.

Daisy: I would love that.

Noah: Cool. Hey, let's plan it. I'm gonna get our drinks.

Eden: You can stop now.

Daisy: Excuse me?

Eden: This little act of yours-- poor, orphaned Daisy-- maybe everybody else buys it, but I don't.

Daisy: That's just mean. My parents are dead. I-it really hurts when you talk this way. I mean, I-I thought we could be friends, but you won't even give me a chance. Do you know how sad that makes me?

Eden: I'm sure you'll get over it.

Daniel: Hey, just relax, all right? They're gonna bring him. It's not like Deacon's calling the shots in here.

Amber: He's the only one who knows where "Little D." is. You know, I-if we can get him to open up before they put him on that transport, then...

Deacon: (Chuckles) (Clears throat)

Sid: You the folks Mr. Baldwin called about?

Daniel: Uh, yeah. Can, uh, we talk to him?

Sid: Prisoner's being transferred in five minutes. You got four.

Deacon: Wow, this is nice. I gotta tell you, I didn't expect a going-away party. What, did you come down here to remove the knife from my back?

Amber: I need to know where Little D. is.

Deacon: Ahh.

Chloe: I think Jack is actually brilliant for hiring me. And you know what? They're not gonna be here for a couple more minutes. So you want to grab a drink with me, and I can run off some ideas? Because there are so many things I'm just not really sure about.

Chance: (Sighs) Chloe, I'm just not really up for it tonight.

Chloe: Okay, well, come on. It'll help you take your mind off of Riggs. Come on.

Chance: (Sighs) No, look. Look, somebody set me up. Now why would they do that, okay? Who would want me off the force so badly? My reputation is trashed. I'm facing charges at the moment. My superiors are telling me to leave this one alone. There's nothing I can do about this. And this is just not adding up for me, so my mind is not-- it's not here.

Chloe: Yeah, no, I kn-- I'm--I'm sorry. That was really insensitive of me. I--you know what? You're right. I should be supportive, and I will cancel. I will call Jack.

Chance: What? No, no.

Chloe: I can reschedule. It's not a big deal.

Chance: G-give me the phone. Chloe, stop, okay?

Chloe: I'll reschedule.

Chance: It's gonna be fine. Don't reschedule. Keep your meeting, all right? I'm just gonna go to the gym, all right? I'm gonna let off some steam, do something.

Chloe: Okay, well, you know, there are other ways that you can do that.

Jack: Hey.

Emily: (Sighs)

Jack: Hey. We have to concentrate.

Emily: Mm. I thought we were.

Jack: On planning the wedding. I promised Chloe...

Emily: (Sighs)

Jack: We would fill out her questionnaire before we were meeting with her.

Emily: We've done most of it.

Jack: Yeah, not the open-ended questions.

Emily: Mm, let me guess-- "Describe the perfect cake." (Gasps) Oh! Better yet--"If you were a tree, what would you be?" (Chuckles)

Jack: "If this were your last day on earth, how would you spend it?"

Emily: That's a good question.

Jack: It is, isn't it? Well?

Emily: My last day on earth... (Sighs)

Jack: Who would you spend it with?

Emily: Mm... George Clooney.

Jack: Minus 200 points.

Emily: (Laughs) I'm joking. You, of course. We'd be outdoors, someplace tranquil, listening to the birds, lots of trees, and a beautiful scenery.

Jack: So not in a football stadium.

Emily: Oh, on second thought...

Jack: Ooh, why did I open that door?

Emily: (Chuckles) Would it be cheating if I said, "As long as I'm with you, it'd be a perfect day, no matter where we were or what we were doing"?

Jack: Yeah, that's cheating. But I like that kind of cheating.

Sharon: I'm so glad you're home.

Adam: (Sighs)

Sharon: So... how was the rest of your day?

Adam: (Chuckles) Compared to the shock of Nick giving our marriage his blessing in the press?

Sharon: It was a little anticlimactic, wasn't it?

Adam: Uh, you could say that. Yeah, he was lying through his teeth, though.

Sharon: That was hard for him, and he's--he's really trying. And it's something that we all need to do if we're going to coexist.

Adam: Very true. Very true. Is Noah home?

Sharon: No, he went out with Eden.

Adam: So it's just the two of us, huh? My favorite combination.

Sharon: So, um, dinner?

Adam: Oh, yeah. You want to-- are we gonna stay in?

Sharon: I don't know. I mean, we could, but I-I'd have to go to the store, because I-I don't have any groceries. I didn't go since before Tahoe. But--but you know what? Do you like--do you like salmon? Because I can grill salmon.

Adam: I could always eat a steak, but seafood sounds fantastic.

Sharon: Isn't it funny that we're married and we don't even know what we like to eat? I mean, we'll get to know each other.

Adam: Yeah. I look forward to that.

Sharon: Me, too.

Adam: Hey, why don't we go to the store together, and then we see what guilty pleasures just end up in the cart when the other one's got their back turned?

Sharon: That sounds like fun. (Chuckles)

(Doorbell rings)

Adam: Are you expecting someone?

Sharon: No.

Adam: Oh, boy.

Sharon: I'll get it.

Adam: (Sighs)

Ashley: Hi.

Sharon: Ashley!

Ashley: Bad time?

Sharon: What a surprise. No, come on in.

Ashley: How are you?

Sharon: I'm good. Come on in.

Ashley: Thanks.

Adam: Hey, Ash.

Sharon: Um, Adam and I...

Ashley: Hi!

Sharon: Were just talking about what we were gonna do for dinner.

Ashley: Oh.

Adam: So if that is a pot roast in that bag, we are in business.

Ashley: (Laughs) I'm sorry. It's not a pot roast. It is a wedding gift, though.

Sharon: (Gasps) Wow, that's--

Adam: That--that would be our first gift.

Ashley: Oh, I'm sure it's not gonna be your last one.

Adam: Bets? Any takers...

Ashley: Ohh.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Adam: On that?

Sharon: That was really-- that was really nice of you.

Ashley: I don't mean to be pushy, but could you open it? I'd love to see your reactions.

Sharon: Yeah.

Adam: Of course. (Sighs)

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Adam: What could it be?

Sharon: (Gasps) Oh, my gosh, is that--

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Adam: Oh, my God, how--how did you get this picture? I-- we had a disc on the plane and--

Ashley: Okay, I made a-- I know. I know. I made a few phone calls, and I tracked down your justice of the peace that married you guys, and he had the photos on his computer, so he e-mailed them to me, and I put them on another disc, so the disc is right there underneath the tissue at the bottom of the box.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh, this is fantastic!

Ashley: (Laughs)

Sharon: You know, I mean, everything burned in the crash, so I thought we'd only have the memories. Wow, this is--

Ashley: I know. I'm so glad you like it.

Sharon: It is so thoughtful of you, Ashley. I mean, I--

Adam: It's like the best gift we could have gotten.

Sharon: I thought we had lost all of these.

Ashley: Aw.

Sharon: Thank you.

Ashley: You're welcome.

Sharon: There.

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Sharon: Thanks again.

Nick: "Nick Newman reacts to black-sheep brother marrying ex."

Phyllis: (Clears throat) Well, "The Chronicle" didn't waste any time.

Nick: They sure didn't.

Phyllis: It's really sweet of you to congratulate them like that.

Nick: No need to throw more fuel on the fire.

Phyllis: As much as I love hearing that, Baby...

Nick: You don't think I can control myself around Adam?

Phyllis: Oh, it's not Adam I'm worried about.

Nick: I was kind of hoping we were past that.

Phyllis: Yeah, so was I. I was kind of hoping we were past that, too. It's hard, you know? I know you're talking the talk, but can you walk the walk?

Jack: I believe that completes our wedding questionnaire.

Emily: (Sighs) A feat in itself.

Jack: Now listen, I wanted to say something. Chloe is a great gal. Sometimes her tastes can run a little...

Emily: Edgy?

Jack: Nothing is written in stone, nothing. If you don't like anything, if she isn't your girl, we can find somebody else to coordinate it. I want this to be the wedding you always dreamed of.

Emily: (Sighs) Is she coming here?

Jack: No, I arranged for her to meet us at the club. That way, we can eat and talk.

Emily: Hmm, that works for me.

Jack: Okay, let's go.

Emily: Okay. (Sighs) You, uh, you saved this?

Jack: Yeah, I thought we could show our kids one day. What is it?

Emily: I just-- I feel that there's one person who can never see this.

Jack: Patty.

Emily: Yeah. I put a call into the hospital and had them cut off all her media access.

Jack: Good idea. Come on. Let's not keep Chloe waiting.

Emily: Okay. Mm.

Jack: I'll help you.

Emily: (Laughs) Thank you.

Adam: A party?

Ashley: Yeah, in honor of your marriage. I could have it at the ranch or at the club, whichever you guys prefer.

Sharon: Oh, Ashley, that's so nice of you, really, but...

Adam: Well, who would come? Just--just--

Ashley: Oh.

Sharon: No, really, I think maybe my mom and Noah would come out of obligation, but he's right. You're pretty much the only person who's been supportive.

Adam: (Chuckles)

Ashley: Oh, I'm--I'm sorry it's been so hard on you two.

Sharon: No, I mean, we're-- we're fine. We're fine. We knew what we were getting ourselves into.

Adam: Look, I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making this woman here happy. I could care less what anyone else thinks. Mm.

Sharon: You're so sweet.

Ashley: Okay, okay, okay. How about if I, um, throw you an anniversary party? And we can remind all the naysayers how wrong they were about the two of you. How's that?

Sharon: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Adam: Okay, you can count us in on that.

Ashley: Okay, well, I can at least take you out to dinner. What do you say? I mean, we three can celebrate, right?

Sharon: Um...

Adam: Well, we were probably gonna eat out anyway, right?

Sharon: Yeah.

Ashley: Eat out anyway? Let's go get our coats.

Sharon: Terrific.

Adam: Okay, you're on.

Noah: Hey, Mom, Ashley.

Sharon: Oh, hey, guys.

Ashley: Hi, you guys.

Noah: How's it going, Adam?

Adam: Hey. Couldn't be better, thanks.

Eden: I heard you guys got married. Congratulations.

Sharon: Thank you. And, yes, we did.

Eden: I'm so glad you're okay. It must have been really scary-- the plane crash, I mean.

Sharon: Yeah, it was-- it was really terrifying. We're lucky to be alive.

Noah: We're, uh, on our way to the movies. Just came to get some cash.

Adam: Oh, you know what? I think--

Noah: Uh, I have money in my room, Adam. Thanks, anyway.

Adam: Okay.

Sharon: So we're on our way out, too. Can you just feed Fisher before you leave? He's in the kitchen.

Noah: Sure.

Eden: Okay, well, it was nice to see you guys.

Ashley: You, too. Enjoy the show.

Noah: We will.

Sharon: Oh, uh, Noah, I have my cell phone on me in case you need me. We're gonna go to the Athletic Club, all right?

Noah: Okay.

Nick: You have good reason to feel the way you do about Sharon and me.

Phyllis: So what does that mean? Going forward? Is it useless to ask?

Nick: You told the nanny we were gonna be late, right?

Phyllis: Uh-huh. Do you want to work on the computer changeover to the new server?

Nick: Uh... (Sighs) No, work's gonna be here in the morning. I think we should have an evening to ourselves. We can go grab some dinner at the club, and then see where things go after that.

Phyllis: Oh, okay, let's see where things go after that. Let's just take our minds off of our less-than-favorite people. Is that what you're proposing?

Amber: You had to know how much I would care. Otherwise, you wouldn't have mentioned Little D. in the first place.

Daniel: Unless you were just doing it to push her buttons.

Deacon: You always think the worst of me.

Amber: Would you just please tell me where I can find him?

Deacon: (Sighs)

Amber: Come on. This is ridiculous. When you are convicted at trial, he's gonna be all by himself.

Deacon: If I'm convicted.

Amber: Excuse me, kidnapping, accessory to murder? You are going to prison for a long time, Deacon. Who's gonna look after him then? You are all he has in this world, and if you can't look after him, then I could.

Deacon: You need to forget about the kid and get on with your life. Be with Danny. (Chuckles) I mean, that's what you wanted, isn't it?

Amber: You know, I've never stopped loving that little boy. And you told me that he's never forgotten about me, either.

Deacon: You know, my lawyer, he is, uh... (Chuckles) He is such a good lawyer, and he tells me that I can probably beat these charges, and when I do, I'll take care of him myself.

Daniel: You know, this is ridiculous. You dangle this kid in front of her like bait. Then you say, "Forget about it. I-I'll take care of him myself. Walk away." You talk about playing games and messing with people's heads, you ever get tired of this?

Deacon: Listen to me, you little punk. You think what you want about me, but when it comes to my kid, I'm just trying to protect him.

Amber: What, from me?

Deacon: Right now, Little D.'s safe. You go looking for him, that could put him in danger.

Amber: How?

Deacon: There are people who might want to harm him to get at me.

Daniel: What people?

Amber: Who would want to hurt an innocent little boy, huh?

Sid: Yeah, all wrapped up and ready to go. Mr. Sharpe's limousine is ready. Time to say your good-byes.

Amber: (Sighs)

Lauren: I am thrilled with everything that you did.

Michael: I'll walk you out. The place looks beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: They do very nice work.

Lauren: Don't they?

Michael: Mm-hmm. I love that "New office" smell.

Lauren: Yeah, its glue, you know, from the wallpaper.

Michael: Eh.

Lauren: But I love the wallpaper. And have you tried my chair? It's the most comfortable chair in the whole world. Come on. Try it.

Michael: Hmm, all right. Huh. Oh, okay. Let's see. Ahh. Huh.

Lauren: "Huh"?

Michael: That's all right, I guess.

Lauren: "All right"? Well, what's wrong with it?

Michael: It would be a lot better if you were in it.

Lauren: (Laughs) Well, that can be accomplished.

Michael: Oh, you think so?

Lauren: Yeah, not fast, but it can be accomplished.

Michael: Oh, okay.

Lauren: Okay?

Michael: Talkin' big, my friend, talkin' big. (Chuckles) You have skills, all right?

Lauren: Here we go. Yes. (Laughs) Oh, Honey, thank you so much. This is the most incredible gift ever.

(Door opens)

Michael: Mm.

Lauren: Ooh!

Daisy: Oh, oops.

Lauren: (Laughs)

Daisy: Um, sorry to interrupt. Madison left. I just closed out the register.

Lauren: Oh, thanks. How were sales?

Daisy: They were great. We even sold that fuchsia wool coat-- you know, the one you thought we'd be stuck with forever?

Lauren: Wow. You are a miracle worker.

Daisy: Mm-hmm. Love the new office, by the way. The color's great.

Lauren: Thanks.

Daisy: But, uh, you two seem more into the chair. (Clears throat)

Chloe: First things first.

Emily: Oh, the invitations.

Jack: No, the reception, right?

Chloe: Oh, no, no, no, the dress. It's all about the dress. Do you have some clips for me? That would be from magazines or something.

Emily: (Stammers) I really haven't thought about this. (Laughs)

Chloe: (Chuckles) Okay. So then I will hook you up with Lauren A.S.A.P. and attendants?

Jack: Uh, we will each have one.

Chloe: Oh, I like it. Fairy-tale wedding, intimate version.

Emily: (Chuckles) Oh, and there's my matron of honor.

Jack: (Mouthing words)

Emily: (Chuckles)

Ashley: Well, how much fun is this? The three of you are having dinner together?

Chloe: Mm.

Ashley: Hi.

Chloe: Hi.

Emily: Oh, well, uh, Jack, uh, hired Chloe to plan the wedding.

Ashley: Really? Well, you're in very good hands. I mean, Chloe, you have excellent taste.

Chloe: Well, thank you. Maybe you should start doing my P.R. from now on.

Ashley: (Laughs) I could, I could.

Chloe: And I hear that you're standing up for her.

Ashley: Yeah, looking forward to it.

Chloe: So do you know who the best man's going to be?

Jack: Uh, still to be determined. Hey, why don't you join us? We just got here. I mean, pull up a chair.

Ashley: You saw me walk in with Sharon and Adam, Jack.

Jack: Yeah, that could spoil anyone's appetite.

Adam: Staging an intervention?

Sharon: Why, because she's having dinner with us?

Adam: "Mr. and Mrs. Town pariah."

Sharon: You know what? If anyone can handle Jack, it's Ashley. Besides, why are we even talking about that jerk after the way he spoke to me last night? Telling me that you only married me to stick it to him?

Adam: Ah, who cares what Jack thinks, okay? We know how things really are. And Ashley seems very supportive.

Sharon: Ashley is a very genuine person. So that she is supportive, that says a lot to me.

Adam: Do you know that, uh, when I told her that we eloped, she offered to have us move in to her place?

Sharon: What, at the ranch?

Adam: I think she figured because I had lived there, and, you know, Noah would be right there with Abby, and down the road from his dad...

Sharon: Oh, um, I hope you said no.

Adam: I did-- nicely, of course.

Sharon: Okay, good. I mean, because it's a very generous offer. But, you know, we're newlyweds. We need our own place.

Adam: Couldn't agree more.

Sharon: Great. As if it weren't bad enough that Jack were here.

Nick: You want to leave?

Phyllis: Do you?

Nick: Well, we were bound to run into them at some point, but if you are uncomfortable...

Phyllis: Oh, I can handle this. Can you?

Nick: We're here. Let's eat.

Noah: Mom? Hello? Hmm.

Eden: Mm-hmm.

Noah: We have the whole place to ourselves.

Eden: Mm-hmm.

(Cell phone rings)

Eden: (Groans)

Noah: (Sighs)

Eden: Hold on. (Scoffs) Hey, Michael.

Michael: Hey, kiddo. Just checkin' in.

Eden: Uh, yeah, I'm at Noah's. We're gonna watch a movie. Is Fen staying with Kevin and Jana?

Michael: Yes, Lauren and I are going out. But you still have to be home by midnight, okay? Have fun-- not too much fun. Say hi to Noah. Okay, bye.

Michael: Eden is over at Noah's house.

Lauren: Okay, good.

Michael: (Sighs)

Chloe: So are we thinking house, church, here? Oh, you could do a destination wedding, like Hawaii. Or you could go to Minnesota and hang out with her peeps.

Emily: Oh. (Laughs) Um, I don't have enough "Peeps" to justify that.

Jack: You know, she does ask some good questions, though.

Chloe: Yeah. All right, well, look, guys, I really can't lock anything in unless you give me an approximate head count, and that goes for the ceremony and the reception. You know, Valentine's Day, it's a really big day. Everything's gonna be booked.

Emily: I guess we need to make some decisions.

Chloe: Yeah.

Jack: Yeah, let's do that.

Chloe: Okay.

Phyllis: The specials look good.

Nick: Hey, let's order two things and we'll share.

Phyllis: Okay. I love how you're making an effort. It means a lot to me.

Nick: You know, any man who has to try and make an effort with a woman like you needs to have his head examined.

Phyllis: When would you like me to schedule your appointment?

Nick: (Chuckles) That's good.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: I'm not gonna take you for granted again. You're a spectacular woman. You're an amazing wife and mother. And I promise you that I'm gonna be there for you the way you're always there for me.

Adam: Oh, my brother has good taste.

Ashley: Mm, that was nice of him and Phyllis to send over champagne. See?

Adam: Oh, I think Nick is just driving home some kind of point.

Ashley: Oh.

Sharon: Let's just take it at face value.

Adam: Pretend you're me.

Sharon: You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to write them a thank-you note, and have our waiter send it over to them.

Ashley: That's nice. And you know what? We should send a bottle to Jack.

Sharon: Why? What's he celebrating?

Ashley: Well, he and Emily just got engaged.

Sharon: What?

Ashley: I thought you knew. It--it was in the papers.

Sharon: That-- (Scoffs)

Jack: To the wedding of your dreams.

Emily: Oh, thanks.

(Glasses clink)

Sharon: I hear congratulations are in order.

Emily: Mm.

Sharon: Ashley told us your wonderful news. When's the wedding?

Jack: Valentine's Day.

Sharon: Oh, oh, Valentine’s Day. Wow, I see you're not wasting any time.

Emily: Well, when something's right, what's the point of waiting?

Sharon: You know, that is exactly what I said. I just wish that you had sat down and talked to me about this, Jack, before you did something so impulsive.

Jack: (Sighs)

Chloe: Okay, powder room break?

Emily: Oh, actually, I'd like to hear what Sharon has to say.

Sharon: Well, then you should have been in my living room last night when Jack was attacking my marriage, pretending to be my friend.

Jack: I am your friend.

Sharon: Oh, really? Well, then I hope that you will enjoy this bottle of bubbly, because you're gonna need it to wash down all those words you're about to eat.

Jack: This is not the time.

Sharon: Yes, now is exactly the time. You come to my door and you condemn me for eloping with Adam, claiming that I'm unstable?

Jack: I never said that.

Sharon: What? Yes, you did. You must have a selective memory, Jack, which is probably why you neglected to tell me you're engaged to a woman who you've known for, what, ten minutes?

Jack: I-I would really prefer not to do this here.

Sharon: Oh, I'll bet.

Jack: In case you didn't notice, we're in the middle of something.

Chloe: Oh, no, no. Don't--don't mind me. I-I love a good scene.

Sharon: Well, you know what? Jack is really excellent at making scenes, but he just likes to have his behind closed doors.

Emily: Well, it could be the better part of valor.

Sharon: I didn't ask you.

Phyllis: Wow, it looks like Jack is getting the worst of it. What is going on over there?

Nick: I don't know, and I don't care.

Phyllis: Yeah, you don't?

Nick: No, mnh-mnh.

Phyllis: "Mystery dinner theater presents," right?

Nick: Is that the bottle of champagne that we sent Adam and Sharon?

Phyllis: Yeah, it is. It is. She may hit Jack over the head with it. Looks like, um, it's quite a possibility.

Nick: You know what? Let's--let's get outta here, all right? This is not the idea of the quiet evening that I had, so--

Phyllis: Yeah, you're not-- you're not interested in any of this, right? That's fine by me.

Nick: Yeah, I'll just sign for the drinks up front.

Phyllis: Okay, good idea.

Adam: Hey, are you okay?

Sharon: Yeah, I'm fine. Actually, I'm better that fine. I feel very vindicated right now.

Jack: There is no comparison, none at all, between our two situations.

Adam: The difference being she and I have known each other for quite some time.

Jack: She has no idea, none whatsoever, what a snake she's getting involved with.

Sharon: "Snake", gee, where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah, that's what people said about you when we got married.

Chance: Is there a problem?

Sharon: Not unless you consider hypocrisy a problem.

Jack: Chloe, I think this meeting is over. We will reschedule the next one shortly.

Chloe: Okeydokey. Excuse me. Hi.

Emily: You know, Sharon, I've listened out of respect because I was not privy to your conversation, but, frankly, what Jack and I share is none of your business. No one really knows what goes on in a relationship except the two people in it.

Sharon: Well, I suggest that you explain that to your fiancé good and slow so that he understands it this time.

Noah: Want to go upstairs?

Eden: Uh-huh.

Noah: You get the candles, I'm gonna put on some music.

Eden: Okay.

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: (Sighs) Really? It's the D.A.'s office. I'd better take this.

Lauren: Okay.

Michael: (Sighs) Michael Baldwin. Already? That was quick. Well, I appreciate that, Heather. Thanks for expediting things. Yes. Okay, bye.

Lauren: Good news?

Michael: Apparently, the lab had just finished its analysis--all the evidence found in the gym bag at the dump.

Lauren: Oh, fantastic.

Michael: There's a report waiting for me at the precinct.

Lauren: All right, so go. I've got lots of stuff to work on, believe me.

Michael: Are you sure? We had plans.

Lauren: I know, but this is more important. We can meet up later.

Daisy: Do you need me to stay, Lauren?

Lauren: Oh, thanks, Honey. You have more than earned your paycheck today.

Daisy: Okay, good night.

Lauren: Okay, see you later.

Michael: (Sighs) I promise, I won't be long.

Lauren: I just hope this is good news for Daniel.

Michael: Me, too.

Lauren: See you later.

Michael: (Sighs)

Sid: He's all yours.

Amber: (Sighs) Please, j-just one more minute. One more minute.

Sid: You can talk to your boyfriend upstate.

Amber: Please, come on, Deacon. Listen. It could be months before you go on trial. I just, um, I just want to check on Little D. and see how he's doing. I'll--I'll come and visit you and tell you in person how he's doing.

Deacon: You've got to promise to keep him safe.

Amber: I swear, you can trust me.

Deacon: (Laughs) Of course I can. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in this little predicament, would I?

Daniel: Oh, yeah, that's it. Blame Amber. She's one of your victims, remember? Not that it would matter to you.

Amber: Daniel, please.

Sid: Get him out of here.

Deacon: He's with your mother.

Phyllis: Summer woke up just enough for me to kiss her good night.

Nick: Well, that means I have her mama all to myself.

Phyllis: Thank you. Are the chili dogs toasting?

Nick: Oh, yes. They'll be nice and ready.

Phyllis: Good. You know, that's a really good expensive wine. I thought you were saving that for a special occasion.

Nick: We are. We have our favorite takeout, great bottle of wine, and you. If that isn't special, I don't know what is.

Phyllis: Hmm. (Glasses clink)

Chloe: You know, just when things started to get good-- Sharon was about to rip Jack a new one. It was fun. (Sighs)

Chance: If I'd realized you were so engulfed in the story, I would have stayed at the gym a little bit longer. I'm sorry.

Chloe: Really?

Chance: No, Chloe, not really.

Chloe: Mm.

Chance: (Sighs)

Chloe: Well, we're here. You want to have dinner?

Chance: No, honestly, I just want to go home.

Chloe: Mm. So the gym didn't help.

Chance: No, it-- (Sighs) No, it's not that the gym didn't help, it's just I don't feel like staying here and-- and putting on a happy face when I just don't feel that way inside, you know?

Chloe: Yeah. Look, you're the most upstanding guy I know. And having people accuse you of being this crooked guy, I know it's gotta be killing you.

Chance: Well, thank you for understanding at least. (Sighs)

Chloe: So let's-- let's go home, and we can make some dinner together.

Chance: Make some din-- (Laughs) That is pretty funny. You want me to make dinner?

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Chance: Honestly, what I can make is a cup of coffee, and if I'm lucky, maybe a PB&J and the rest, it's kinda out of my league.

Chloe: Oh, well, I make a really mean grilled cheese on sourdough with bacon and tomato.

Chance: That's funny, because I actually grew up on those.

Chloe: Hmm, okay, well, let's get outta here. Let's, uh, we'll go home, and we will have our own little feast.

Chance: Come on. You got these?

Ashley: Good night.

Chloe: Good night.

Ashley: Sharon, I'm so sorry. I was hoping that tonight would be much more festive.

Sharon: Well, I'm sure it would have been if his "Hypocritical highness" hadn't been here holding court.

Emily: Oh, good night, Ashley.

Ashley: Good night, Emily.

Emily: Sharon, I apologize if I upset you. Given what you've been through this past year, I should have been more sensitive.

Sharon: Don't patronize me, Lady.

Emily: That I wasn't doing.

Sharon: You know, I don't know what Jack told you, but, um, you don't know anything about me. So I don't need or want your 5-cent therapy.

Jack: I noticed you didn't have a lot to say when you took Sharon away from my table. Letting her wear the pants-- not a bad idea.

Adam: You think I'm the patsy, a loser, some guy you framed.

Jack: Hey, if the ankle bracelet fits...

Adam: You underestimate me, Jack. My father's been a formidable opponent for you. I will be, too.

Jack: So that's why you really married Sharon, isn't it? To be my opponent, to get under my skin.

Adam: I married Sharon because I love her. When I want to get under your skin, you'll know it.

Jack: Bring it on, son. Bring it on.

(Box thumps outside door)

Lauren: Hello? Is anyone there?

Michael: Aah!

Lauren: (Screams)

(Rat squeaking)

Lauren: (Sighs) (Sighs) "Ms. Fenmore, hope you'll carry us at Fenmore's boutique. Your friends at Floritano Leathers." (Sighs)

Amber: (Sighs) The phone, uh, at the trailer in Furnace Creek is disconnected, and that's the only number for Tawny I have.

Michael: Hey! I was at the D.A.'s office. I took a chance you'd still be here.

Amber: Do you have any news?

Daniel: Yeah. Yeah, what you got?

Michael: Yes, I do, and it's good. Uh, you will not be indicted in the foreseeable future.

Amber: Thank you. Thank you, God. (Sighs)

Daniel: So that means they're dropping the case against me?

Michael: Mm, technically, no. You're still considered a person of interest, and they have the right to refile charges at any time.

Daniel: I'll take it.

Amber: So who are they going after instead?

Michael: They're basing their investigation on D.N.A. found on that ski mask in the gym bag.

Amber: So did they get an I.D.? Do they know who it was?

Daniel: Did they figure out who the third man in the alley was?

Michael: Not exactly. Uh, it turns out your third man is actually a woman.

(Front door opens)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Amber: Help me find Deacon's son.

Phyllis: No, I'm sorry. That's the last thing he needs.

Kevin: You either come clean, or I need you to take your things and just get the hell outta here.

Sharon: I'm gonna go with you.

Adam: Sharon, you stay here with Ashley!

Ashley: Sharon, get back here! We have to hurry.

Sharon: Noah!

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