Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/6/10 -- Canada; Thursday 1/7/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9309 ~ Billy Makes Malcolm an Offer
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Murphy: Boy, you were pretty quiet when you got in last night.
Kay: (Groans) I don't know. I-- (Laughs) I'm afraid Jo-Jo was more than I bargained for. I sought her out because I wanted to get to know her. And, by God, I'm going to do it, too.
Esther: Oh! (Inhales sharply) That woman!
Kay: What--what-- what happened?
Esther: She asked me if I'd do her laundry.
Murphy: (Scoffs) She, what?
Kay: Well, you--you--
Esther: Well, you haven't even heard the half of it. When I went in her bag to get the laundry out, you can't believe what I found-- a knife and a gun!
Kay: Oh.
Jo-Jo: Well, you never know when you're gonna have to take a man down.
Kay: You know, Jo-Jo is in bail bonds, and she's a bounty hunter.
Jo-Jo: Yeah, I'm a bounty hunter. Eh, forget about the laundry. How about some grub?
Esther: If you're talking about breakfast...
Jo-Jo: Yeah.
Esther: It can be arranged.
Jo-Jo: Oh! I never had a maid before! Boy, I could get used to this! (Laughs) Come on.
Murphy: Well, I hope Esther survives this visit.
Kay: Oh, I hope we all do.
Murphy: (Laughs)
Kay: All right, where is everybody, because I really have to prepare them for that thing-- um, uh, uh... introduce them to Jo-Jo.
Murphy: Well, the kids and Nina were gone when I rolled out of bed, but I-I did see Jill.
Kay: How was she?
Murphy: (Laughs) She went out of that door like a bat out of hell.
Kay: Oh, God.
Jill: Oh, thank you. Mm. Hey, I didn't see you there.
Cane: Come here.
Jill: Oh, Cane.
Cane: How are you?
Jill: You know what? You have enough to deal with these days. Mnh-mnh.
Cane: Come on. You're gonna tell me all about it, and if you don't, you're just gonna be one more person I have to worry about.
Jill: (Sighs)
Cane: So, uh... (Clears throat) Is it Katherine? (Sighs)
Jill: No. Actually, it's Katherine's daughter. (Sighs)
Cane: (Laughs) Wait, wait, wait. No, I-I thought that, uh--
Jill: You know, I hired Paul to find her daughter.
Cane: Oh. That probably was difficult for you.
Jill: Yeah, you don't know the half of it, okay? Katherine and I flew out to South Dakota, brought her back on the plane with us last night.
Cane: So what's she like?
Jill: She's our worst nightmare.
Cane: (Laughs)
Jill: Mm-hmm.
Cane: You just met her.
Jill: Yeah. After five minutes, I knew everything I needed to know about her. Oh, Cane, how I wish I had not gone down this road. (Sighs)
Tucker: I believe every one of those proposals will help Chancellor expand its operations.
J.T.: Well, we can go over each one in detail when you have more time.
Neil: Well, J.T., I wasn't aware that you were so involved in the executive end of Mr. McCall's business.
Tucker: Tucker, please, remember?
J.T.: Well, that's an area I've always wanted to get into, but I just simply didn't have the opportunity at Newman.
Tucker: Newman's loss is my gain, and then some.
Neil: Couldn't agree with you more.
Tucker: So about those proposals, I suggest we move now. No sense in waiting.
Neil: Tucker, um, your expertise is very much appreciated.
Tucker: Good. So it's a go?
Neil: All of your suggestions will be taken into consideration by Katherine and myself.
Nina: I don't understand why you can't leave. You gave your statement hours and hours ago.
Chance: Mom, apparently, they weren't satisfied with my answers.
Nina: (Sighs)
Chloe: Even though it's so obvious that you were set up.
Chance: The problem is, the guys here, they don't know me. What they do know is that I met up with an escaped convict who's got a record for trafficking drugs. I didn't call for any backup, and on top of that, they found drugs on me.
Chloe: Yeah, because they knocked you out, and they set you up.
Chance: Chloe, please try and convince them of that.
Sid: They're ready for you.
Nina: Who, the D.A.?
Chloe: (Clears throat)
Chance: (Groans)
Sid: Internal affairs. It's their job to step in when there's a cop involved.
Chloe: Look, believe me, he is as clean as they come.
Sid: (Sighs) Let's go, Detective.
Nina: (Whispers) Be good.
Chance: It's all right, Mom.
Nina: All right.
Billy: I'm glad you're out of the hospital.
Lily: Yes. Your funny texts got me through it...
Billy: Ha ha.
Lily: Although I would have much rather have seen you in person.
Billy: Yeah, I'm sorry. It's, uh, it's been a little nuts over at "Restless Style."
Lily: It was really hard for me to be here and not think about Colleen.
Billy: You know, I, uh, I sometimes pick up the phone to call her.
Lily: (Laughs) Yep. (Sighs) So do I, although I think that if she could talk to us, she would probably tell us to stop grieving and just get on with our lives.
Billy: Well, that is what we're doing. I've got the magazine. You have the baby.
Lily: How are you doing with that, by the way?
Billy: I'm glad I'm able to come here and tell you how happy I am for you.
Lily: Right. You just wish that it wasn't Mac who was making it all possible, right?
Billy: I've come to peace with it. I just told her yesterday what a wonderful thing it-- I think it is that she's doing, so...
Lily: Wow.
Billy: Yeah.
Lily: Well, that's a switch.
Billy: I know. Well, it's a new year-- turning a new leaf.
Lily: Mm.
Billy: I'm not here to talk about me. Let's talk about you. Tell me something good.
Lily: Something good... let's see. Uh, well, I did get an unexpected surprise when I was at the hospital.
Billy: Yeah?
(Doorbell rings)
Lily: Oh, hold on. Sorry. Hey!
Malcolm: Hey. Uh, bad time?
Lily: No, never. Come on in. (Giggles) So, um, you remember Billy Abbott, right?
Billy: (Laughs)
Malcolm: Hey. Well, look who went and grew up. Good to see you.
Billy: Man, Malcolm, I didn't expect to see you. It's good to see you.
Malcolm: Yeah, I'm getting a lot of that these days.
Billy: Huh.
Lily: (Laughs)
Sharon: Oh, you know what? Wait. I don't want Noah to walk in on us.
Adam: Oh, he, uh, I heard him leave earlier this morning.
Sharon: Really?
Adam: Yeah.
Sharon: Oh. He couldn't get out of here fast enough.
Adam: Hey, now. He didn't run out of here screaming when we told him that we were married. That's a start, right?
Sharon: Yeah, I guess that's true. You know, we didn't expect people to jump for joy when they heard the news, which they haven't. (Laughs)
Adam: (Sighs) Yeah, I don't really like it that everyone's coming down so hard on you about that.
Sharon: Oh, it's okay. I can take it.
Adam: You know, you really are one of the strongest people I've ever known. Mm. I like this, but I-- and I... don't want to leave you, but... I have--I have to get into the office.
Sharon: Mm. Oh, the office... where you work with someone who was ready to put you through a wall when he heard the news that we tied the knot.
Adam: Yeah. Well, if you mean Nick, I can handle what he has in store for me. Don't worry. Come here.
Nick: So you're gonna want to read that before you go to Dubai.
Victoria: Right. Anything else I need to know?
Nick: About your trip? No. But you should know that our brother got married.
Victoria: Adam? To Sharon?
Nick: Yeah, that's what they were doing in Nevada.
Victoria: Oh, Nick. Oh. You must want to kill him.
Nick: I was tempted. But now I know how to handle Adam.
Tucker: Before we go...
J.T.: Thanks.
Tucker: Did, uh, Katherine ever make a decision on that company you suggested she purchase?
Neil: No, she didn't.
Tucker: Chancellor sure could use a high-tech operation like that under its umbrella.
Neil: I couldn't agree with you more. But Katherine is hesitant to make a large acquisition so soon after the I.P.O.
Tucker: Still, my gut is rarely wrong, and it's telling me not to let this one get away.
Neil: I hear you on that, and I have every intention of pursuing it, but I have a lot of other matters on my plate that I have to deal with first.
Tucker: I could call her myself--or Jill-- make a personal pitch.
Neil: Well, uh, yeah, I guess you could do that, um, if they were in the office today. They're both off.
Tucker: Everything okay?
Neil: As far as I know. But I wouldn't want to bother them unnecessarily.
Cane: (Laughs)
Jill: First of all, she's an ex-con, okay?
Cane: Oh.
Jill: And secondly, you should have seen her eyes bug out when she found out how much Katherine was worth.
Cane: So you think she's after Katherine's money?
Jill: Oh, I wouldn't put it past her, which is why I want her on a plane back to where she came from.
Cane: (Sighs) So, um, does Katherine feel the same way?
Jill: I don't see how she couldn't.
Cane: Well, you know, maybe she's not afraid of being replaced.
Jill: I am not jealous.
Cane: Well, maybe not of Jo-Jo, but maybe what she represents. You know, Katherine has shown you time and time again what you've shown me.
Jill: Which is?
Cane: Blood or not, you'll always be family.
Jill: (Sighs) God, I wish Jo-Jo were more like you. The worst part of it is that I am the stupid idiot that put all of this into motion.
Cane: Listen, what you did, it was unbelievably--
Jill: Stupid. (Sighs)
Cane: No, thoughtful, kind. But since you are the, uh, idiot that put all this in motion...
Jill: (Giggles)
Cane: I think that you need to see this through so that Katherine can have some closure.
Jill: That's why I did it in the first place. I didn't want her always wondering, what happened to that baby?
Cane: Hey, what you did was give her a beautiful gift. I guarantee you. It sounds like it's gonna be one she's never gonna forget.
Jo-Jo: (Sighs) Now that I've seen the inside, I think I'm gonna, you know, check out the grounds.
Kay: Uh, uh, before you go, uh, would you mind telling me just a smidge more about yourself?
Jo-Jo: (Scoffs) Not much to tell.
Kay: W-w-well, Jo-Jo, I know that you grew up in an orphanage, and you had a rather difficult time, I'll bet.
Jo-Jo: Yeah, old news. No point in dwelling on it.
Kay: What I'm trying to understand is what turned you into th-- turned you into the woman that you are now?
Jo-Jo: What, are you disappointed that I didn't turn out to be a fancy businesswoman like you and your sidekick Jill?
Murphy: All right, now. Hold on.
Kay: No, no, no, Dear. No, no. No. No, Dear. That's not it at all. No.
Esther: (Clears throat) Is this big enough?
Jo-Jo: Perfecto! (Chuckles) Can't get but just one sip from those dainty little things you use. Here, hold that for me, Mom.
Esther: (Sighs) I'm gonna go check on Delia and clean up the kitchen, which someone ransacked, because she couldn't figure out what she was hungry for.
Jo-Jo: What's the matter? Never heard of Irish coffee?
Kay: Oh, I've had my fair share, believe me, r-regretfully, however.
Murphy: (Chuckles)
Kay: But those years... ended a long, long time ago.
Jo-Jo: Oh. So you're on the wagon now. (Chuckles) (Clicks tongue) Well, if you're looking for something we have in common, forget it, 'cause I got this all under control.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Jo-Jo: Mmm!
Kay: I--
Jo-Jo: So now how about that tour?
Kay: Yes. Uh, uh, ah, let me get my coat.
Jo-Jo: Mm-hmm.
Kay: Be right with you.
Murphy: Hey, look...
Jo-Jo: (Sighs)
Murphy: My wife went out of her way to make you feel comfortable here, but that doesn't give you a free pass. So I've got my eye on you.
Chloe: (Sighs) How much longer are they gonna keep him?
Nina: You know, you could leave.
Chloe: (Sighs) You know, you once told me that I was a lot like you when you were younger, and you didn't mean it in a nice way.
Nina: What's your point?
Chloe: You would never leave Chance when he needed you most, just like I'm not leaving, and I'm not walking out of here until he's walking out with me.
Nina: (Sighs) Yeah, well, that could take a while.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Neil: Well, look who it is. Hey, Stranger.
Sharon: Hey.
Neil: Hey.
Sharon: Happy New Year.
Neil: Happy New Year to you, too. Look at you.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Neil: Good to see you're still in one piece.
Sharon: Yeah. You heard the jet went down?
Neil: Yeah, that's terrible news. Yeah, I--it's amazing what a near-death experience can do to give you perspective, right?
Sharon: How's Lily?
Neil: Lily's better now that she's out of the hospital.
Sharon: Oh. Why was she in the hospital?
Neil: She got an infection, slight fever. Normally, nothing to worry about, but in her condition...
Sharon: Right, of course.
Neil: Hey, you know, you really should stop by and, uh, and see her. And, by the way, thank you so much for the Christmas gifts-- the scarves, the sweaters. Lily loved them.
Sharon: Oh, good! You know, I just tried to--to pick out something that I know Dru would like.
Neil: Yeah, well, any gift that you pick out means a lot more to her, because you were so close to Dru.
Sharon: Well, um, I'll call her and I'll see when she feels up to having visitors, 'cause I don't want to just pop in.
Neil: Well, you wouldn't be the first one just to "Pop in."
Sharon: Oh?
Neil: Malcolm. Malcolm is, uh, he's back.
Sharon: Really?
Neil: Yeah, a little surprise return just in the nick of time to ring in the new year.
Sharon: And I bet you were less than thrilled.
Neil: So Dru told you about him?
Sharon: About Malcolm being Lily's father? Yes.
Neil: Yeah, of course. Of course she told you.
Sharon: Well, you know, she just-- she needed someone to talk to. You know, she was going through a rough time and...
Neil: Yeah, Sharon. It was a rough time for all of us.
Sharon: And now?
Neil: Now my main focus and goal is--is Lily. You know, blood or not, I'm her father, and she needs me now more than ever.
Sharon: And Malcolm?
Neil: Malcolm can't expect us to pop back into town and pretend like nothing's happened the last few years.
Sharon: Ah. Well, does he know that?
Neil: Well, I think I made it clear to him that his presence is bringing up a lot of tension that none of us need right now, least of all-- least of all, Lily.
Sharon: So when is he leaving?
Neil: He didn't say. But if my brother wants to salvage what's left of our relationship, it'd better be sooner rather than later.
Billy: You know, I caught that series you did, that photo essay-- uh, "Milan madness: Behind the scenes during runway season."
Malcolm: (Chuckles) Yeah. (Sighs) "Madness" is putting it mildly.
Billy: I also got the other series-- uh, "The children of Mogadishu." Those images stick with you.
Malcolm: I'm surprised you've seen so much of my work.
Billy: Well, these days, it's my job to keep up on all the cutting-edge talent.
Lily: See, Billy actually owns "Restless Style" now.
Billy: You know, I could really use somebody on my team with your eye in talent, so if--if you're interested, and you want to come by...
Malcolm: Absolutely.
Billy: All right.
Lily: (Laughs)
Malcolm: (Chuckles)
Nick: All right, no problem. I'll get back to you. Bye.
Victoria: Why do I feel like I'm leaving you when you could use my sisterly support the most?
Nick: I can handle Adam. I'm more concerned about you going on this trip. Are you sure you're okay with that?
Victoria: I don't know. (Sighs) I'm gonna hate being separated from Reed, but it won't be that long. J.T. and I really need the break.
Nick: Well, I told you, you know, some time apart was really good for me and Phyllis.
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I just hope it does the same for us. I want him to be excited, you know? I want--I want him to be excited about seeing me, and--and I want to feel the same way about him. (Sighs)
Adam: I don't suppose you're talking about me? I didn't think so.
Victoria: I should go.
Adam: Oh, that's right. You are leaving for Dubai today, and I am here just in time to wish you a bon voyage.
Jill: Oh. Please, please tell me that our guest has beat a hasty retreat back to where she came from?
Murphy: If you're talking about the daughter that you helped find, she's still here.
Jill: Great.
Murphy: Hey, hey, hey.
Jill: (Sighs)
Murphy: Since you're the one who opened the can of worms, I suggest you stay. I mean, other than prying Esther off the ceiling, Katherine is gonna need all the backup she can use.
Jill: (Sighs)
Jo-Jo: It is some spread you got here, Lady-- oh, I mean, Mom. (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Jill: Well, good morning, you two. How's it going?
Jo-Jo: Fan-falootin-tastic.
Jill: Good. Good.
Jo-Jo: (Grunts)
Kay: Some present you brought me.
Jill: You really didn't have to get on the plane, you know.
Kay: Oh, now you're blaming me... (Scoffs)
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: When you insisted that I had to meet her?
Jill: Well, you could have said no.
Kay: (Whispers) It's too late to go back now.
Jo-Jo: Mm.
Jill: (Sighs)
Jo-Jo: Mm. My dogs are barking. Mm-hmm.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: (Normal voice) Uh, well, while you're taking care of your feet, uh, perhaps there are some questions you would like to ask me?
Jo-Jo: Ooh. You mean, why you abandoned me?
Kay: I just assumed that you would want-- want to know.
Jo-Jo: Not really. You gave me up. You must have had your reasons. You know, no point in dwelling on it. It was a long time ago.
Kay: That's a very refreshing outlook.
Jill: Look.
Kay: Uh, some people would harbor a great deal of resentment, uh, were they in your situation.
Jo-Jo: Nah, holding grudges, that's not my thing, especially when I get to crash in such a classy place as this. But you know what? I would like to ask you one thing.
Jill: Oh, fire away.
Jo-Jo: Well, you know, I was downstairs last night. I was looking around. I was looking at all of the pictures. There's a lot of you, and you live here. So, uh, what's the connection?
Jill: I just own half the house.
Jo-Jo: Ooh! So you're roomies.
Jill: No. No, no, no.
Kay: No. Oh, no, no, no, no.
Jill: Katherine and I have just--have been in each other's lives for a long time.
Kay: Uh, yeah. Um, yes. Uh, Jill, are you sure?
Jill: Yeah, it's fine. Uh, there was a time that we actually thought I was her daughter.
Jo-Jo: (Laughs) Well, you thought you were. But I'm proof positive-- ya ain't. (Clicks tongue)
Kay: (Chuckles)
J.T.: Hey, I just finished my meeting. Thought I'd, uh, pick up Reed and meet you at Crimson Lights, have some of that hot chocolate you like so much.
Victoria: Oh, that sounds perfect. Actually, your timing couldn't be better. I'm more than ready to leave.
J.T.: All right, I'll see you in ten.
Victoria: I'll be there. All right, wish me luck. You know where to find me if you need to get a hold of me.
Nick: I really hope this trip is everything you want it to be.
Victoria: Thanks.
Nick: All right.
Victoria: (Clears throat) Good-bye, Adam.
Adam: You're not gonna congratulate me? Surely, Nick told you about my marriage.
Victoria: Yes, he did. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Sharon: (Giggles)
Neil: Is this what I think it is?
Sharon: Yes. I got married over the holidays.
Neil: Wow! So anyone I know?
Sharon: Adam. Y-yes, Victor's son Adam, Nick's brother-- that is the Adam.
Neil: Well, I don't think you really need to hear what I have to say about it, so...
Sharon: (Laughs) I'm sure I know what you would say about it-- the same thing that most people would who don't know him that well.
Neil: Yeah. Sharon... (Sighs) I'm sure you got your hands full just trying to make peace between your new husband and--and Nick.
Sharon: Actually, the only thing I really care about is my son Noah, and I'm doing everything I can right now to help him through this transition.
Neil: I'm sure you are.
Sharon: As far as what everyone else thinks, who cares? I'm--I'm not gonna apologize for marrying someone who makes me happy.
Cane: Hey, Baby, hope you didn't eat, 'cause I picked up your fav-- huh. Wow. If I knew we were gonna have company, I would have got some more, uh, muffins.
Lily: (Laughs)
Malcolm: Your wife's a popular girl.
Cane: I can see that.
Lily: Um, let me put these flowers in some water.
Cane: Sure.
Billy: I-I should be getting home. I got to go.
Cane: You know, Billy, actually, uh, if you could stay, I want to talk to you about something.
Lily: Cane, if this is about Mac--
Cane: No, it's about Jill.
Malcolm: Um, why don't I get some tea to go with those muffins?
Lily: Um, yeah, I-I'll help you.
Cane: (Sighs)
Billy: What about Mom?
Cane: I ran into her at Crimson Lights. Uh, she's a little upset.
Billy: Oh. What, did she and Katherine get into it again?
Cane: No, but she and Katherine's biological daughter might.
Billy: W-want to back up? What?
Cane: Apparently, Jill initiated the search for this woman, and now, uh, she wished she didn't.
Billy: Oh, wow. I mean, after what a nightmare you turned out to be, I would have-- it's a new year, it's a new leaf, and I apologize. I'm sorry.
Cane: Wow, Billy. I, uh, I accept your apology, but, uh, Jill's a little roughed up, so maybe she could have some support, so, you know, maybe give her a phone call or something, huh?
Billy: Yeah, I'm gonna handle that.
Cane: Okay, cool.
Billy: (Clears throat) (Clears throat) Um... (Laughs) Thank you for the heads-up.
Cane: You are welcome for the heads-up.
Billy: Yeah.
Cane: Yeah.
Billy: (Sighs)
Cane: See you.
Billy: Uh-huh.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Tucker: I heard you and Katherine took the day off. Are you all right?
Jill: Yeah, I'm hanging in there. Thanks for asking.
Tucker: All right.
Jo-Jo: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, you're--you're the guy. You're the guy. The one--the one-- oh, you're the one on TV! It's Tucker McCall.
Tucker: Yeah, that's me.
Kay: Hello, Tucker.
Tucker: Kay, Murphy.
Murphy: Hi.
Jo-Jo: Hi, I'm Jo-Jo.
Tucker: Jo-Jo?
Jo-Jo: Yeah.
Murphy: She's, uh, Katherine's daughter.
Kay: Uh, uh, Jo-Jo Glover.
Tucker: Well, so you decided to find her. Good for you.
Jo-Jo: Yeah. Hey, Tuck, would you mind, you know, posing for a little shot?
Tucker: Uh, yeah, sure. Just, uh, give me a minute.
Jo-Jo: Oh, no problem. Yeah.
Kay: Thank you.
Tucker: Uh, I hate to intrude on this family moment...
Kay: No, no, no.
Tucker: But I was just curious if you've given any more thought to Neil's proposal.
Kay: Actually, I have looked it over.
Tucker: Well, you must agree it would be a great coup for Chancellor.
Kay: Yes, yes, yes. It has its merits, but I do have some concerns. In fact, I did write it down last night on a notepad that I put right here on the-- all right, all right. Where is the notepad? I had it right here, right here last night!
Jill: Oh, Dear.
Jo-Jo: Whoops.
Kay: What?
Jo-Jo: Uh, well, you know, when I came down last night, I was kind of looking around and I, you know, I accidentally knocked over a glass and, uh, you know...
Jill: (Gasps)
Jo-Jo: I figured, you know, if it--if it was I-important, you wouldn't have left it out.
Billy: Hey, Mom, it's me. I was hoping to run into you at Crimson Lights and hang out, but you're not here, so, um, call me back when you get a chance.
Billy: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Where is it?
Victoria: Excuse me?
Billy: Well, you trekked all the way back to my trailer to browbeat me about leaving your scarf there, but you're not wearing it.
Victoria: Well, I won't need it where I'm going. I'm off to Dubai on Newman business.
Billy: Oh, well, that's a trek. But if you, uh, miss the cold, they do have an indoor ski park, so...
Victoria: Oh. Wow. Well, that's good to know.
Billy: (Laughs) Hey. Thanks for making sure I got home the other night.
Victoria: Try not to ruin any more lives while I'm gone.
Billy: Yes, Ma'am. (Clears throat)
Chance: (Sniffles)
Chloe: You know, it looks like they were grilling you like you were one of the FBI's "Most wanted." And if that guy is such an expert, then--I don't know-- why doesn't he know an innocent man when he sees one?
Nina: Are they finally finished with you?
Chance: We're about to find out.
Sid: For the record...
Chance: (Sighs)
Sid: I don't think you're guilty.
Chance: Thanks, Sid.
Sid: Unfortunately, I don't have the final say. Charges may still be pressed.
Chance: (Sighs) Can you at least tell me where I stand at this point?
Sid: Suspended with pay. But if and when you do come back, you're off the Riggs case permanently. I'm gonna need your badge and your gun.
Lily: So, um, Uncle Malcolm was telling Billy and me about all the places he's been, and it turns out that he's even worked in Australia.
Malcolm: Well, mostly in Sydney. What part do you hail from?
Cane: Uh, outback, mostly.
Malcolm: And, uh, you left, right, to find the love of your life? (Chuckles)
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: So, um, where's your next assignment gonna be, Malcolm? It's, uh, far from here, is it? Is that where it is?
Lily: Uh, we were actually just discussing that.
(Doorbell rings)
Cane: I'll get it.
(Knock on door)
Cane: Okay. Hey. Hey, man.
Neil: Hey. Hey, man. How's our girl doing?
Malcolm: She's doing great.
Neil: Oh, hey, Malcolm. Good to see you. Uh, I wondered if I'd see you before you left.
Cane: (Sighs)
Malcolm: Yeah. About that, Neil, um, I know how you and Cane feel about my being here. Yeah. After talking it over with Lily, I've decided I'm gonna stay.
Neil: So what-- what are we talking about? For an extended visit, or--or what?
Malcolm: Well, I've been offered a job, and I'm considering taking it.
Neil: Hmm. So we're talking indefinitely then?
Malcolm: Yeah, Bro, indefinitely. (Clears throat)
Murphy: Was that a, uh, "C" or an "O"?
Kay: Your guess is as good as mine.
Jo-Jo: Say "Cheese."
Tucker: Cheese.
Jo-Jo: (Clicks tongue)
Tucker: Any luck?
Kay: No, I mean, it's pointless, just pointless. Obviously, this is-- this is just no time to be discussing business, Tucker.
Tucker: I can see that. But my guess is that you did share your concerns with Jill.
Jo-Jo: (Sighs)
Kay: I have.
Tucker: Well, then why don't she and I go over the deal?
Jo-Jo: Damn, I just can't get a good--
Kay: Watch out!
Jill: Oh! (Glass clinking)
Kay: Oh!
Jo-Jo: Oh! Good catch!
Jill: (Gasps)
Kay: That--uh, thank you, Esther.
Murphy: There a, uh, there's a stronger signal out by the pool.
Jo-Jo: Oh.
Murphy: And you can get there through the kitchen.
Jo-Jo: Oh. Yeah.
Jill: (Sighs)
Esther: Thanks a lot. (Sighs)
Murphy: (Sighs)
Kay: Now... you were saying?
Tucker: (Chuckles) Obviously, you've got your hands full.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Now why don't you let Jill go over the proposals with me and Neil, of course.
Kay: Would you mind?
Jill: No, not at all.
J.T.: I can't believe he drank his hot chocolate and now he's on mine.
Victoria: I know. Well, he's gonna be really wired.
J.T.: There you go.
Victoria: I hope you're up for the challenge of all this.
J.T.: Well, there's a reason I took the rest of the day off.
Victoria: What? Did you hear that? He took the rest of the day off.
Reed: Yay!
Victoria: Yay!
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Victoria: And you know what? We're gonna have a lot of fun when I get back, just you and me. And I'm gonna call you every single day. You'd better pick up the phone.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Victoria: Okay?
J.T.: Should we tell her your plan, Buddy?
Victoria: Hmm. What's the plan?
J.T.: Okay. He wants to use his new webcam to blow you a kiss every night before bed.
Victoria: Oh. I love that plan.
Connie: The shipment requisition that you asked for, and your messages.
Nick: Thank you, Connie.
Connie: Mm-hmm.
Nick: Hey, Connie, what is so important at "The Chronicle"?
Connie: They need a quote from you about your brother's marriage.
Adam: Wow. Newman family news spreads like wildfire, doesn't it?
Nick: Interesting how that happens.
Adam: Well, here's your chance.
Nick: For what?
Adam: Tell the world what you think about your brother and his marriage.
Nick: Hello, Sharon.
Sharon: You left this on the charger. But as long as I'm here, I'd like to know what you're going to say, too.
Cane: Billy offered you a job at "Restless Style," huh?
Lily: Yeah. Isn't that great?
Neil: (Sighs)
Cane: No, Sweetie, I don't think it's great.
Neil: (Groans)
Lily: (Sighs) Okay, listen, I know that Uncle Malcolm coming back here has made things a little--
Cane: Way too stressful for you-- that's what it's done.
Lily: No, challenging, okay? But we can get through this, if we could just get past all this constant tension.
Cane: I don't know. I just think it's a bad idea.
Lily: Cane.
Cane: See, Malcolm, if you really cared about Lily, you would know this, and you would be on a plane out of here, and you would leave her alone. That's what you would do.
Lily: Okay, no, no. That's not gonna solve anything. We have to deal with this. Otherwise, I won't be able to stop thinking about it, and you know what that'll do to me.
Cane: (Sighs)
Neil: Lily, you're absolutely right.
Cane: (Sniffles)
Neil: I'm sorry. You know, I'm--we...
Cane: (Sighs)
Neil: We've got to find a way past this, man.
Lily: (Sighs)
Neil: Would you mind giving us a minute, please?
Lily: Of course, yeah.
Malcolm: (Sighs)
Neil: Well, that was nice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was good. I-I got to hand it to you.
Malcolm: (Sighs) Here it comes.
Neil: I mean, seriously, Malcolm, just like the old Malcolm. You make it sound like that you're really staying for Lily, but we both know it's all about you suddenly wanting to be a part of that girl's life.
Malcolm: There is another reason I'm staying.
Neil: Oh, really? Tell me. What is it?
Malcolm: You.
Victoria: Well... (Sighs) My car to the airport is waiting outside now.
Victoria: I'm gonna miss you so much.
J.T.: Come here, Buddy. (Groans) (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs)
J.T.: We'll miss you, too.
Victoria: Good-bye, Baby. Bye.
J.T.: (Whispers) Bye.
Victoria: Okay.
Nina: I know you're not happy about being suspended, but after last night, I'm just glad that you're alive and well.
Chloe: Yes. And the fact that you weren't fired probably means that you'll be back on the force really soon. And I really think that you should consider a less-threatening career choice.
Chance: (Sighs) I still have so many questions about Riggs.
Nina: Were you not listening to Meeks?
Chloe: You're not on the case anymore, Chance.
Nina: You've got to let this go.
Chance: (Sighs) Riggs sent that note to me. Somebody planted those drugs on me. Somebody is targeting me. I want to know why.
Nick: Connie, please call back "The Chronicle" and tell them this is my quote-- "While my brother and I have had conflict in the past, it's important that we look to the future. I sincerely hope that Adam and Sharon are as happy as my wife and I. My heartfelt congratulations to both of them."
Tucker: I really believe this is an opportunity Chancellor cannot pass up.
Jill: Well, if it's as good as you say it is, we're not gonna let it go by.
Billy: (Chuckles) Holy crap.
Esther: Oh, my God!
Kay: What are you doing?
Jo-Jo: Well, Murph didn't believe I used to be in the circus.
Jill: Oh!
Tucker: Um, that's my cue. I'll be in touch.
Murphy: I believed you. I just said I wouldn't do it here.
Jill: What brings you by?
Billy: You didn't get my message?
Kay: Those are collectible items. Here, give them to me--now!
Jo-Jo: Sheesh! God! I've seen Easter eggs that are better-looking than those.
Billy: So that's Katherine's daughter?
Jill: How did you know about that?
Billy: Well, Cane filled me in on the-- oh, she's coming this way.
Jo-Jo: Hey, who do we have here? You a friend, or are you, uh, family-like like Jill? (Chuckles)
Jill: This is my son.
Jo-Jo: (Gasps) Ooh. Oh, yeah. What a cutie-patootie, too. You don't, by any chance, uh, crash along with the rest of the pack around here, do you?
Billy: Sadly, no.
Jo-Jo: Oh! Well, doesn't matter. 'Cause I--we're gonna have plenty of time to get acquainted, because I plan to get to know everybody who has anything to do with Mama Kay.
Billy: I can't wait. Yeah.
Murphy: Jo-Jo?
Jo-Jo: Yeah?
Murphy: Exactly how long are you planning to stay?
Jo-Jo: Let's just say, I don't think it's too early to get started planning that "Welcome to the family, Jo-Jo" bash.
Esther: (Whispers) Oh, my God.
Kay: I don't care what those documents say. I want a D.N.A. test-- a D.N.A. test.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Deacon: What, did you come down here to remove the knife in my back?
Amber: I need to know where "Little D." is.
Michael: The lab has just finished its analysis-- all the evidence found in the gym bag at the dump.
Sharon: I hear congratulations are in order.
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