Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/5/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/5/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 1/6/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9308 ~ Kay Prepares Herself to Meet Her Daughter for the First Time

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Kay: I can't thank you enough for your incredible gift of finding my daughter for me.

Jill: You know something? I am really honored that you asked me to come with you.

Kay: Well, frankly, I can't imagine anyone by my side other than you.

Jill: So have you thought about what you're gonna say to Joanne? I mean, are you gonna tell her who you are?

Kay: What, just walk in and say, "Hello, I'm your mother who gave you away"? I mean, would you want anyone doing that to you?

Jill: No, that wouldn't be good. (Sighs)

Kay: Well, let's see what we--we think first, okay? You know, don't you think?

Jill: Yeah. I wonder if she's gonna look like you.

Kay: Oh, God.

Jill: (Laughs) Or if she's gonna be as stubborn as you are.

Kay: Yeah. (Sighs) I hope a-- a good family adopted her, you know? That she grew up surrounded by love and-- I had a dream once. (Sighs) She was happily married. She lived in a suburb and she had these four wonderful little children.

Jill: Wouldn't that be a kick?

Kay: God, I hope she's had a good life. I really do.

Paul: I, um, have discovered some interesting things about Joanne Glover that Katherine should know about before she goes and meets her.

Nina: You're too late. She and Jill jumped on the Chancellor jet to South Dakota as soon as you sent her Joanne's address.

Murphy: Well, when-- when you say, uh, she's "Interesting," what exactly do you mean by that?

Paul: (Stammers) Trouble, Murph. She could be trouble.

Heather: You married Sharon? That's who you've been dating this whole time?

Adam: We weren't keeping it secret.

Heather: (Sighs) Well, I guess she's even more desperate than I thought.

Jack: Please tell me you didn't really marry Adam.

Sharon: Sorry to disappoint you, Jack.

Jack: I know this man better than you do, Sharon.

Sharon: Thanks for all of your good wishes.

Jack: Sharon--

Sharon: I don't want to hear it, Jack. I married a man who doesn't think I need rescuing, which is why you are leaving.

Jack: Oh, whoa, whoa. Wait. Wait. Look, I may not approve, but I am your friend. I do care what happens to you. What-- tell me about your elopement. I promise, I'll behave.

Chance: (Sighs)

Chloe: Hey, um, did you call your boss?

Chance: No. I wanted to check things out for myself first.

Chloe: You can't be serious. The guy who stabbed you wants to meet you alone, and you're like, "Okay, yeah. Fine, whatever"? What if he tries to hurt you again?

Chance: Listen to me. I will be careful.

Chloe: Okay, well, then at least call for backup.

Chance: Call who? Chloe, there's no one that I trust.

Chloe: If anything happens to you--

Chance: Okay, okay. Stop right there, all right? Look, I'm not gonna put myself in jeopardy. I'll be fine, okay?

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: You gotta believe me. Hey, little monkey, tell mommy not to worry, okay? I'll see you guys soon.

Chloe: (Sighs) What do you think? I don't think it's good. I don't think it's good. Hi.

Mac: Hi.

Chloe: Um, will you do me a favor? Um, would you mind watching Delia for a little bit?

Mac: No.

Chloe: I'll be-- it's really important. I'll be really quick.

Mac: Of course--of course not.

Chloe: Yeah?

Mac: Yeah. Hi.

Chloe: Okay, um, I have a bottle in the refrigerator...

Mac: Okay.

Chloe: And, I don't know, if she fusses, binky, play a little game or something. Mwah! I love you. I'll be back soon. Thank you so much. I'll be really quick.

Mac: Say "Bye." Okay. All right, so, it's you and me. You and me. No? We're gonna have fun. We are, yeah. It's okay. Mommy's gonna be back super soon. (Gasps) How about I read you a story?

Billy: Hi.

Mac: Hi.

Billy: I saw Chloe take off.

Mac: Yeah, I'm-- I'm babysitting.

Billy: Oh, she must have forgot that I was gonna pick up Delia, so I-- I'll--I'll take it from here. Come on. Come on. Come on. (Making silly noises)

Mac: She's, uh, she's a little upset that mommy left.

Billy: Yeah? You upset? You upset? Well, she's been having some separation anxiety lately. It's perfectly normal for a girl your age, isn't it?

Mac: Her age?

Billy: (Chuckles) Yeah, well, I've been checking out this web site that tracks your kid's development. Huh? What happened? What happened? Did "Big bad Mackenzie" scare you, huh? Is she the culprit? That one? (Growls) (Chuckles) (Sighs) What's going on? What's going on?

Sharon: Adam set up this amazing winter wonderland for us. There were, um, candles everywhere. And there were these twinkling lights, and it was just so beautiful.

Jack: Sounds romantic.

Sharon: It really was. And he gave me this, which was his mother's. And, you know, I could-- I think I could feel her presence there almost. It was like she was blessing our marriage. Say something, Jack.

Jack: Like what?

Sharon: "Congratulations" would be nice.

Jack: Yeah, I'm--I'm sorry. It's just--it's just-- it's a lot to take in.

Sharon: Okay. Well, get used to it. I already have.

Jack: Tell me about Noah. How's he handling it?

Sharon: Well, I know my son, and I know that he's going to love Adam as soon as he gets to know him better.

Jack: I just wish you'd reasoned through this whole thing, talked to someone, before you just took off for Tahoe.

Sharon: Jack, you said you'd behave.

Jack: I just don't see how anything was lost in getting a second opinion.

Sharon: Why would I want a second opinion? I'd already made up my mind. Marrying Adam is exactly what I need.

Jack: You know what? You know what? That actually makes sense. After the year you'd been through, losing the baby, your drama with Nick, your time in the psychiatric hospital, it makes all the sense in the world you'd grasp for a lifeline. And no one, myself included, would blame you for wanting to put the instability of last year behind you.

Sharon: You think that I married Adam because my life is unstable? Jack, my life has never been more solid, ever. And that is because of Adam's love and his encouragement.

Jack: You just eloped, Sharon. You took off without telling anyone, not even Noah. Why would you do that unless you were afraid someone would talk you out of it?

Sharon: Jack, what a bunch of nonsense. Wow, Adam and I are lucky we found one another.

Jack: Sharon, you don't know this man. He is an opportunist. He sees that you're vulnerable right now, and he's taking full advantage of it, as a means of exacting some kind of sick revenge on me.

Heather: Wait until she finds out that you're a pathological liar. You know, I-I know I prosecuted Sharon, but I was actually pulling for her. I was hoping that the 30 days in the psychiatric hospital would help.

Adam: They did.

Heather: You know what? No. The last thing she needs is someone like you.

Adam: I'm sorry you couldn't get past what happened with us.

Heather: Oh, my God, I don't even give it a second thought. Maybe you two deserve each other-- the klepto and the liar-- it's a perfect match.

Chance: Riggs, are you here? Riggs, where are you?

Riggs: Here, Detective Chancellor.

Chance: Riggs, is there anyone else here? Is there anyone with you?

Riggs: I don't know. I-I don't think so. I think they left.

Chance: Riggs, did you send me that text message?

Riggs: You gotta help me.

Chance: Riggs, did you text me?

Riggs: Get me out of here before they come back.

Chance: Who did this to you?

Billy: There you go. There you go. (Sighs) Well, I'm glad I ran into you. I was gonna call you tomorrow. I'm, uh, I don't know. I've been doing some soul-searching of sorts.

Mac: New Year's epiphany?

Billy: Something like that.

Mac: Do you even remember last night?

Cordelia: (Fusses)

Billy: How could I forget?

Mac: You were so drunk, Cane had to cut you off.

Billy: Yeah, well, he's a smart man.

Mac: Yeah, I didn't think you were gonna make it home. It reminded me of the night Raul found you.

Billy: Yeah, well, he saved my life.

Mac: I can cut you off. I can ban you from the bar, but I can't stop you from drinking yourself to death if that's what you want to do. No one can. How you live your life is up to you.

Billy: (Sighs) Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.

Cordelia: (Fusses)

Billy: (Groans) (Silly voice) I thought we had you all settled in there. I thought you were settled. Come here. Ohh.

Mac: Maybe there's more than, um, just separation anxiety going on. Oh, she feels warm.

Billy: (Normal voice) Well, is she coming down with something? Is she--she sick?

Mac: Well, she's drooling a lot. She's probably teething.

Billy: Well--

Mac: Walk her around, and I'll--I'll be right back.

Billy: That's all I do? What's the matter? What's the matter? (Sighs) You need an instruction manual. (Chuckles)


Jill: We should have kept the cab.

Kay: I have his card.

Jill: You know, this doesn't look very residential. Are you sure you have her home address?

Kay: Jubilee Street. It said Jubilee Street.

Jill: Yeah, well, it says that on the sign. I just don't get a very-- ohh.

Kay: 26. 26.

Jill: We don't have to go through with this.

Kay: Nonsense. We've come this far. Don't be silly.

Jill: Oh, Lord. Watch your step. Oh, you okay? (Sighs)

Kay: (Clears throat)

Jill: Good. Let's just call a cab back. Come on.

Kay: No, no.

Jill: Come on.

Jo-Jo: Get outta the truck, you miserable bail-jumping weasel. I've wasted two days chasing your butt to Buffalo Gap and back. You try anything funny, you're gonna check into the Wooden Waldorf. I wouldn't count on them burying you till the ground thaws.

Kay: Excuse me.

Jill: (Scoffs)

Jo-Jo: (Scoffs) There's an "Eye-talian" joint two blocks down the street, granny. I hear they got a slammin' early bird special.

(Door slams)

Man: (Grunts)

Jo-Jo: If you know what's good for you, Sweet Cheeks, you'd knock it off! And I mean now!

Kay: (Clears throat) Uh, do we think this is our Joanne?

Jill: Do we think we should stick around to find out?

Kay: (Sighs)

Jill: Oh, please, tell me you're not considering meeting this wom-- she had a gun. She's dangerous.

Kay: You and Paul spent your time and energy finding her.

Jill: (Scoffs) It was a mistake, Katherine.

Kay: All right, well, think of it this way-- were I a bounty hunter, I imagine I would be just as successful as Joanne is.

Jill: "Jo-Jo," you mean?

Kay: Whatever.

Jill: (Sighs)

Kay: Well, I am right, am I not?

Jill: Yes. Yes, Katherine. You are tough, and you are tenacious.

Kay: That-- that describes her to a tee.

Jill: Yeah, but she--

Kay: Jill, come on. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt.

Jill: You promise me you will not tell her that you're her mother until you know her better?

Kay: I will say hello to her first, and then we will take it from there.

Jill: Good. And now give me your jewelry.

Kay: Oh, it's--no. It's not necessary. Stop it.

Jill: Watch your step.

Kay: I can do it. I can do it!

Jill: All right. All right, all right!

Kay: (Sighs)

Jill: (Sighs)

Kay: All right.

Jill: This is crazy.

Kay: No, here we go.

Jill: It's crazy.

Mac: It's okay. We're just gonna take your temperature. (Thermometer beeps) 'Cause we need to see if you have a fever. Yeah.

Billy: What's that? Yeah.

Mac: I know.

Billy: You're good at this.

Mac: Well, there were more people than doctors in Darfur. And I'm not licensed, but I diagnosed kids all the time. Good job.

Billy: Yeah? So what does she have? Does she heave malaria? Does she have amoebic dysentery? (Thermometer beeps) Huh? (Growls)

Mac: Low-grade fever.

Billy: Do I call the doctor? What do I do?

Mac: No, not unless she gets a rash or her fever gets higher, and this will take the fever down. Yeah.

Billy: Look at you. You're all calm. I go straight into panic mode. I was gonna take her straight to the hospital. No kidding. I'm glad you were here. Thank you.

Mac: You're welcome.

Billy: (Makes silly noises)

Sharon: You think that Adam married me to get revenge on you? He--he couldn't possibly love me.

Jack: I didn't say that.

Sharon: Wow. It is a wonder that you can hold your head up, Jack, with an ego that large.

Jack: I know this may-- (Scoffs) He is a master manipulator. He's also a compulsive liar.

Sharon: No, that would be you who lied our marriage to death, Jack. You lied to me about owning Jabot. You talked your father into changing his will. You--you lied to me about being a sex addict, for God sake, and that list goes on and on.

Jack: Well, gee, you've taken a big step up here, haven't you? Now you're married to a man who served time in prison for forging his father's diary.

Sharon: Oh, yeah, well, you know what? You admitted to me that it was you who sent him down that road.

Jack: Oh, no, he was well on his way. All I did was give him a little nudge.

Sharon: Well, at least he has an excuse. He was going through a very hard time then. He was finding out Victor was his father. His family was rejecting him. He lashed out.

Jack: By framing his own father for murder!

Sharon: He's not the same person that he used to be. He has changed. So have I. The two of us has face-- we've faced our demons, and you know what? We're moving on with our lives together. The only person here who hasn't changed, Jack, is you.

Jack: I just wish you would see this man for the snake that he is.

Sharon: I will not allow you to stand here and insult my husband like that.

Jack: I know he thinks he's very clever-- clever enough to roll with the big boys. He's not. He's in over his head. He's an unsophisticated, nasty kid whose father didn't give a damn about him.

Chance: Riggs, who did this to you?

Riggs: I'm just so cold. (Shivers)

Chance: All right, I want you to stay put, okay?

Riggs: Okay.

Chance: All right, now what I need to know from you is, why did you send me that text message? All right, what is going on here?

Riggs: You have to get me out of here.

(Car stereo plays music)

Chance: Who's in the car?

(Car door opens)

Riggs: I don't know. I-I swear, I don't.

Chance: All right.

Riggs: But we need to get out of here.

Chance: All right, shut up! Shut up. All right, stay down and keep calm. This is Detective Chancellor. I have a code 8, officer needing--aah! (Grunts)

Jack: I cannot believe he has this kind of a powerful hold on you.

Sharon: Why can't you be happy for me? Why--I thought you said you were my friend!

Jack: I am your friend. Friends tell the truth.

Sharon: (Sighs) Hi, Sweetheart. I'm glad you're home. Jack was just leaving.

Adam: Ahh, so you've heard the news. Did Sharon tell you about the wedding?

Jack: Some people buy that act.

Adam: I gather he didn't take it very well.

Jack: I don't know how you pulled this off. But sooner or later, you're gonna slip up, and when you do, I'm gonna be right next to you. I'm not taking my eyes off you, Adam. Good luck, Sharon. You'll need it with this one.

Chloe: Chance? (Sighs) Chance? Chance, all right, I-I know that you're here, because your car is parked outside somewhere, and-- oh, God, all right, if you are trying to scare me, you are doing a really good job. Where are you? Chance!

Chance: (Groans)

Chloe: Chance?

Chance: (Groans)

Chloe: Chance. Oh, my God, Chance. Are you okay? What happened? What happened?

Chance: (Groans)

Chloe: Chance.

Chance: (Sighs) (Breathing heavily) Where's Riggs?

Chloe: I-I don't know. I-I don't know. No one else is here.

Chance: (Groans) Oh, God. Find my radio. Where is it?

Chloe: Right here. Oh, it's--its right here. Here, here, here. Here.

Chance: (Sighs) This is Detective Chancellor with a code 30, officer needing assistance. I'm at an empty lot at the corner of, uh... (Winces) Twin Lakes and Marsh Way. Hurry. (Sighs)

Chloe: Are you okay? Stand up.

Chance: Easy. Easy.

Chloe: Okay.

Chance: (Winces) Aah. (Groans) Ow. (Breathing heavily) Chloe, what are you doing here? You shouldn't have followed me.

Chloe: I--well, I was worried about you.

Chance: You were? (Breathing heavily) (Sirens wail)

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: Chloe, listen to me. It is my job to take risks, okay?

Chloe: Yeah, well, not foolish ones. And promise me, next time, you will call for backup when you walk into a dangerous situation like this. (Sighs)

Nina: So why did Joanne grow up in the orphanage? Why wasn't she adopted?

Paul: Mm, next page.

Nina: Oh. Juvenile hall. What'd she do?

Paul: Well, her, uh, juvie record is sealed, but look at her rap sheet-- assault, weapons charges...

Nina: (Gasps)

Paul: Grand theft.

Nina: Oh, my goodness.

Murphy: Oh, boy. It looks like she's moved around quite a bit. There's a 10-year gap in her whereabouts.

Paul: Yeah, well, she spent some time in a federal prison in Dublin, California.

Nina: What for?

Paul: Extortion, money laundering, trafficking in stolen goods. She got, uh, involved with a motorcycle gang that got swept up in a federal Rico prosecution.

Murphy: Katherine needs to know about this. She and Jill have no idea what they're walking into. (Sighs)

Jo-Jo: You heard me the first time, maggot. Yeah, well, your check bounced higher than Pam Anderson's chest. Well, you don't show tomorrow with the green, I may be forced to post a certain video on the web. (Scoffs) Well, it was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Mayor. (Chuckles) Bathroom for customer's only.

Jill: No, we don't need the facilities.

Jo-Jo: Oh, you're a customer. Why didn't you say so? I don't get too many like you walking in my door. Okay, park it. (Sighs) You gotta fill this out. I got a pen around here somewhere.

Kay: Uh, I'm looking for a Joanne Glover.

Jo-Jo: Where'd you hear that name?

Kay: Uh, are you, or are you not Joanne?

Jo-Jo: Last person to use that name was a judge who sent me away to do a little work upstate. (Chuckles) So who are you here to bail out?

Kay: Are you a bounty hunter?

Jo-Jo: I prefer to be called a "Fugitive recovery agent," but, yeah. And I'm the best in the business, and that includes that clown with the braids on TV. Who you lookin' for?

Jill: I think we just found her.

Jo-Jo: Well, then what the hell are you doing wasting my time? Beat it! I got a fugitive in lockup I gotta deliver to the po-po.

Kay: Is your birthday September 30th?

Jill: (Whispers) Oh, Mother.

Jo-Jo: You walk in here all snooty, sayin' my name and my birth date. Who the hell do you think you are?

Kay: Your mother.

Jill: (Sighs)

Jo-Jo: (Scoffs)

Woman: Do you have a headache, any ringing in your ears or blurred vision?

Chance: No, I'm fine.

Chloe: That's a hell of a lump you got back there.

Chance: (Winces) Aah. (Groans)

Heather: Hi.

Sid: What else can you tell me about Riggs?

Chance: Somebody beat the crap out of him, Sir. His face was all messed up. The guy was-- he was pretty freaked out.

Heather: Could Riggs have been playing you?

Chance: No. My instincts say no.

Sid: Your instincts got you knocked out.

Heather: But why would he have contacted you? It just doesn't-- it doesn't add up?

Chance: The more I think about it, the more I feel like somebody put him up to it.

Heather: But he's just a petty thief. Oh, excuse me.

Sid: This is my case. Why didn't you call me?

Chance: Pardon me, Sir, but you weren't making much headway on it. I make one phone call, and all of a sudden, this happens to me.

Woman: You may have a mild concussion, Detective. We'll take you to the E.R.

Chance: No, I'm not going to the hospital. Just give me whatever paperwork you have. I'll fill it out. It'll get you off the hook.

Chloe: You know, it-- it's okay. I can take him there.

Sid: Maybe something more is going on. You should have called backup.

Chloe: You know, that's what I told him.

Sid: If you had, Riggs would be in our custody now.

Billy: It's not your fault your dad hasn't been around. He's just, you know, he's been dealing with stuff. He has-- adult stuff. And that's-- that's not an excuse. There isn't a good excuse. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be around. I'm gonna see you every day from now on. (Making smooching sounds) Your little toothache blues. (Growls) (Chuckles) (Growls) You know, she feels cooler.

Mac: Her temperature broke.

Billy: Yeah?

Mac: It did.

Billy: It did? Well, we're lucky to have Mac around, aren't we? Yes, we are. You know, I don't think I should take her tonight. Do you mind if I stick around, spend some time with her?

Mac: Of course not.

Billy: Do you want to read a story? Huh? You want to read a story?

Mac: This is supposed to be her favorite.

Billy: Oh, yeah?

Mac: Yeah.

Billy: Well, let's check it out. Let's check it out. All right.

Mac: Okay.

Billy: "There was a king who had 12 daughters. They slept in 12 beds all in one room, and when they went to bed, the doors were shut and locked up, but every morning, their shoes were found to be quite worn, though, as if they had been dancing all night." Dancing all night.


Jo-Jo: (Scoffs) You, my mother? Do I look like I need a mommy?

Jill: She's telling you the truth.

Jo-Jo: (Chuckles) Wait, did "Squirrel girl" put you up to this?

Kay: I never, never heard of that woman.

Jo-Jo: Well, what are you after? I hope it's not my money, 'cause I got none.

Kay: (Sighs) My child was raised by the Grey Nuns in the orphanage near the Canadian border.

Jo-Jo: Nobody-- nobody knows that.

Kay: Um, the Sisters of Charity.

Jo-Jo: (Scoffs) Charity? (Spits) What a joke.

Kay: My child was born on September 30th, and-- and she was taken to that orphanage.

Jo-Jo: This-- this can't be real.

Jill: No, I assure you, this is real.

Jo-Jo: Are you my sister?

Kay: Uh, she's as-- as close as--as any sister you would ever have. She helped me find you.

Jo-Jo: Why now? Why af-after all these years?

Kay: Well, that's not easy to explain.

Jo-Jo: Oh, what? So, uh, I'm on the bucket list? You wanted to get rid of some guilt? You dumped me in an orphanage, I survived. End of story.

Kay: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I-I simply would like us to get to know each other better.

Jo-Jo: Yeah, you got a name?

Kay: Katherine Chancellor.

Jill: (Sighs)

Jo-Jo: Listen up, Kathy. Go back to where you came from. I don't need you.

Kay: You listen to me. I would like to fly you to Genoa City where I live and we can put you up in my home.

Jo-Jo: And leave all this? I got a business to run.

Kay: Oh, consider it. Please?

Jo-Jo: (Chuckles) Whoa. Look at that rock. Synthetic, huh?

Kay: It's, um, it's real.

Jo-Jo: Oh, get outta here.

Kay: Come--no, no, no, no. Would you like to try it on?

Jo-Jo: Wow. Looks good on me. (Chuckles) When do we leave?

Adam: How's your head?

Sharon: Mm, throbbing.

Adam: Should I call the doctor?

Sharon: No, unless he has a cure for family.

Adam: (Chuckles)

Sharon: You know, today was a lot tougher than I thought it would be-- my mom, and then Noah, and then Jack. I knew that people were gonna be shocked that we eloped, but wow.

Adam: (Sighs) I'm sorry.

Sharon: How did Ashley react?

Adam: She was actually very supportive. Heather, on the other hand...

Sharon: Oh, but did she accuse me of marrying you to get revenge on her?

Adam: What?

Sharon: Yeah, that's what Jack just said. He said that you married me to get revenge on him.

Adam: Ahh. Well, that's what Nick told me yesterday. 'Cause it's all about them.

Sharon: Right, of course. And, you know, the things Jack said-- it really made me feel terrible to have somebody speak to me that way. I don't know why they can't just accept that I've moved on.

Adam: Honestly, Sharon, a woman like you comes around once in a lifetime. I really can't blame 'em. I wouldn't be able to move on, either. But the responsibility is--I-is really all mine. I came to Genoa City, and I made some terrible decisions. If my dad can forgive me after the diary fiasco, then Nick and Jack, they'll-- they'll come around, too, eventually, sooner or later. It's just gonna-- it's just gonna take time, and I'll do whatever it takes.

Jack: To go, please.

Paul: You and I need to talk.

Jack: Could we do this another time, please?

Paul: How about all those reassurances that you would put Patty's welfare first?

Jack: Wait, I have always supported your sister's recovery.

Paul: I see. By dating her therapist?

Jack: Could we--we just have this conversation another time?

Paul: Jack, Patty was making progress. Emily is the only person in Patty's life that she trusts besides me. If she finds out--

Jack: She won't find out. We will make sure of that.

Paul: This whole thing is wrong.

Jack: (Sighs)

Chloe: (Sighs) I-I hope I didn't get you in trouble for agreeing with your boss about backup and everything.

Chance: No, I should have called for backup. I just didn't know who to trust, that's all. Sid, is there any way I can help with the crime scene investigation?

Sid: Let us take care of that.

Chance: Have you guys, uh, recovered my jacket? I gave it to Riggs right before I was knocked out.

Heather: Long black overcoat? Navy blue lining?

Chance: Yeah.

Heather: Bring the jacket over here. (Clears throat) This it?

Chance: Yeah.

Sid: You positive that's your jacket?

Chance: Yes, why?

Chloe: What's going on?

Heather: There's enough drugs in this pocket to warrant a major drug trafficking offense. Still claim the jacket's yours?

Chance: Yeah, it's my jacket, not my drugs. Obviously, those aren't my drugs. Somebody planted them in my jacket.

Sid: Look at it from my point of view. Riggs is the perp that stabbed you. You come down here on your own, get a lump on your head, and he's still on the loose.

Heather: It's got all the signs of a drug deal gone bad.

Chance: Oh, come on, guys. This is crazy.

Sid: If you hadn't gone "Lone Ranger" and called me instead, you'd have a witness.

Chance: (Sighs)

Sid: What can I do? I gotta play this one by the book.

Chloe: No, no, no. Chance and drugs--no way.

Chance: I can't believe I'm under suspicion.

Sid: I don't want to do this, but you'd better come with me.

Chloe: Wait, are-- are you arresting him?

Chance: It's all right. We're just gonna get this whole thing cleared up.

Sid: Hello? Yeah, put me through to internal affairs.

Billy: (Quietly) Look how cute she is. She's sleeping with her binky.

Mac: (Chuckles)

Mac: I heard what you said to Delia about showing up.

Billy: Yeah, well, I've kind of checked out from everyone lately, and, uh, it's definitely not her fault. I'm gonna be a better dad. I can do better.

Mac: I hope you mean that.

Billy: I meant what I said-- I had a revelation.

Mac: Well, revelations from the bottom of a bottle don't usually last.

Billy: Yeah, well... (Sighs) I mean this one. I mean, I've been a royal ass to everyone in town, and it's, um... no arguments?

Mac: No, not from me.

Billy: (Laughs) Shh. Okay. Yeah.

Mac: Sorry.

Billy: That's what I love about you-- that honesty keeps me right on the straight and narrow.

Mac: (Quietly) But we're not--this is not--

Billy: I know. I-I know. We're--it's not about you and me. I know. Listen, I really admire what you're doing for Lily. It's selfless, and it's incredible, and it's a huge gift. And you have the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met in my life. And I'm sorry I gave you a hard time.

Mac: You don't have to apologize to me.

Billy: Yeah, I do. I do. I mean, come on. Look at this. Lily deserves to have a child. She'll be a great mom. And you're making that possible, and it is an incredible, incredible gift that you're giving her. And I was just too wrapped up in myself, not thinking about anyone else, to realize that. I was too busy feeling sorry for Billy. I know what this means to you. And I know I'm late, but I, uh, I support you.

Mac: Wow. What happened to you?

Billy: Well, I had a little talk with myself sitting on the curb outside of Jimmy's.

Mac: Hmm.

Billy: Hmm. Yeah. And I realized that I've been wanting to be a better person for you and for Delia, but I couldn't do it. I have to do it for me. So it's good to know, and something I need to know, that, uh, it's never too late to change, right?

Mac: Billy 2010-- I like him.

Billy: Yeah. (Chuckles)

Sharon: You're not responsible for how other people react to our marriage.

Adam: No, I created some of this animosity. The least I can do is try and fix it.

Sharon: Well, I love you for wanting to try, but I don't think that Jack is ever going to accept you, and it's because you're his mirror. You know, he--he lied to me over and over again, and every time he promised me that he would change, I would catch him in another lie. And you have accomplished what he couldn't. You turned it all around.

Adam: Yeah, I just hate the fact that they're upsetting you so much.

Sharon: Well, if Nick and Jack want to hang on to the past, that's their problem. You and I are doing it right. It's the rest of the world that's wrong.

Jack: Paul, we all want the same thing. We all want Patty's recovery.

Paul: And how is that gonna happen if Emily's no longer treating Patty? It took ages for Patty to trust her.

Jack: Other therapists can work with your sister. Emily is not gonna do anything to get in the way of Patty's further progress.

Paul: So you don't see anything strange about this whole situation? That you're in love with a person that has the same face as Patty?

Jack: Keep in mind, it's Patty who has Emily's face.

Paul: (Sighs)

Nina: You okay?

Paul: I'm fine.

Nina: Katherine's still not answering her phone.

Murphy: Yeah, it keeps, uh, it keeps going straight to voice mail.

Paul: You know, you warned Jill not to spring this on Katherine. I wish to God she had listened.

Jo-Jo: Free booze! Whoo-hoo. The good stuff. Wow, this is the life. Didn't even have to check my gun through. Sure beats the hell outta flying coach. How'd you two ladies manage a private plane? You gotta know somebody important. Drink, anyone?

Jill: Uh, no.

Kay: No, thank you.

Jo-Jo: Well, shouldn't let it go to waste. (Chuckles) So... is there a-a Mr. Chancellor? (Laughs)

Jill: He died many years ago.

Jo-Jo: Mm. (Gulps) What--wait a minute. Is this your plane? Are you that Chancellor?

Kay: So are you.

Jo-Jo: I'll be damned. Ma! (Laughs) Mm. I'm happy.

Kay: (Chuckles) So am I.

Jo-Jo: (Chuckles)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nina: You've gotta let this go.

Chance: Somebody is targeting me. I want to know why.

Malcolm: Well, I've been offered a job, and I'm considering taking it. Looks like I'm back.

Jill: We actually thought I was her daughter.

Jo-Jo: But I'm proof positive ya ain't.

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