Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/25/03--Canada; Friday 12/26/03--USA
By Eric
Dru: Mmm.
Neil: Know what, honey?
Dru: Hmm?
Neil: This is the first day of the rest of our lives.
Dru: You know, I used to think that was the corniest saying.
Neil: Yeah, me too.
Dru: Not now, though. It's right on point.
Neil: So... are you ready to climb back in victor's big silver bird and head back to genoa city today?
Dru: You know what, honey? I really wish that we could spend, you know, one or two years here in paradise.
Neil: Yeah.It's as if we've been in another world entirely.
Dru: Mm-hmm, but reality is calling. We do have to go back home, you know?
Neil: You're okay with that?
Neil: Hey, baby.
Dru: Hmm.
Neil: Look at me.
Dru: What?
Neil: You know the wedding?
Dru: Mm-hmm.
Neil: It was everything that I hoped.
Dru: Yeah.
Neil: I got exactly what I was after. I'm just wondering... can you say the same thing?
Vanessa: Yes, sir. Well, I thank you for your time anyway. True, true. There's always tomorrow or next year.
Arigato gozaimashita.
Vanessa: Well, you look like I feel.
Damon: I was in the forest.
Vanessa: Let me guess, no orchid.
Damon: Oh, yes, there's plenty of orchids, just not the one we're after. (Snaps finger on paper) where are you?
Vanessa: In the future, I'm afraid. That was professor yamaguchi on the phone in osaka. He's a foremost botanist and an expert on orchids, and he feels, given the weather and all other knowable factors, the neofinetia is officially out of season as of last week.
Damon: Damn.
Vanessa: Look, that aside, why did you go searching without me anyway?
Damon: You were asleep.
Vanessa: Come on, damon you can do better than that.
Jack: Phyllis?
Phyllis: Hey, hey! What are you doing?
Jack: I... just checking the bouquet. I thought maybe it needed some water.
Phyllis: You know, this is the first meme you've stepped foot in this room since we've been in japan.
Jack: Yeah, I know.
Phyllis: You know, I've been laying here, wondering when you are gonna come in and, you know, water me, see if I needed something, see how I was doing. But no such luck. No, but instead you come in here worried about a bunch of flowers, to see how they're doing. (Doorbell rings)
Michael: Evening.
Sharon: Hi, michael.
Michael: I'm here to see victor. Is he in?
Sharon: No, they're all out. I have no idea where. I just came by to pick up the kids' gifts.
Michael: It looks like they sure made a haul.
Sharon: Yeah, I guess we went a little overboard, huh?
Michael: It's a tough holiday not to.
Sharon: It was shaping up to be pretty miserable.
Michael: That was before victor bailed himself out of jail, you mean.
Sharon: When he walked through that door on christmas eve...
Michael: Yeah, I bet you that was pretty emotional.
Sharon: And for nick, too. But christmas is over. I guess it's back to business as usual, huh?
Michael: Starting with your taking me to task. I'm sure you're aware by now that I had a role in this whole debacle.
Sharon: Well, we all make mistakes, michael. Believe me, I know that better than anyone.
Michael: Are you talking about...
Sharon: Cameron kirenen. We're alone. It's okay. You can say his name. Though I'd give anything to have never heard it.
Nick: So this is all good, cameron. I'll put together the changes we made in a deal memo and shoot it off to legal in the morning.
Cameron: Wait a minute. You're telling me that there are lawyers in the northern hemisphere right now who aren't in aspen?
Nick: That's right. We do have a skeleton staff right now. Most people are away on vacation.
Cameron: Yeah, I can imagine.
Nick: Kinda surprised you're sticking around. Couldn't you have put this on hold till the holidays were over?
Cameron: Well, I'll tell ya. I prefer to do my skii when the rest of humanity isn't on the slopes chewing on the powder.
Nick: Hey, I know what you mean. I went to school in switzerland.
Cameron: Say no more.
Nick: So am I right in assuming you don't have plans for new year's?
Cameron: Well, you know what? I do, and they involve your wife.
Damon: Stop being suspicious, vanessa. I didn't find the orchid.
Vanessa: I know. I'm sorry. Look, do you wanna go out again, just the two of us, search?
Damon: Well, that was really why I came back, to get you.
Vanessa: Okay, well, I have to go change.
Dru: You're throwing me for a loop with that one, you know?
Neil: Oh, babe, listen, I'm sorry. I don't mean to do that.
Dru: I mean, you're asking me how I feel about my marriage now?
Neil: Oh, no, no, no, no. Listen, I'm sorry. I-I-I didn't mean that. I've never felt closer to you.
Dru: So what's the question? I mean, are you asking me did I get what I want? Yes, I did.
Neil: Well, baby, you know, you admitted there was something else going on here besides our wedding.
Dru: True.
Neil: And that you and all your jabot friends were hoping for something.
Dru: Right again.
Neil: Well, didn't happen, though, did it?
Dru: No.
Neil: We're not leaving until later today. Maybe it still can.
Dru: What are you saying?
Neil: Why don't you call up your people, you know, meet with them? Use this time you have left wisely. Whatever it is, maybe you can still make it happen after all.
Dru: Baby, you'd be okay with that?
Neil: Oh, come on now. I'd rather you do that than go sneaking behind my back. As a matter of fact, you know, can you hand me that phone right there?
Dru: Yeah. Oh.
Neil: Thank you, baby.
Neil: Yes, operator. Could you please connect me to damon porter's room?
Phyllis: What the heck is going on with those flowers?
Jack: They're beautiful.
Phyllis: Yeah. And...
Jack: So are you.
Phyllis: Did you take a fall? Did you hiyour head?
Jack: No, I'm fine. I'm maybe a little jet-lagged, but...
Phyllis: Why the sudden interest in this bouquet? It's just a bunch of flowers.
Jack: What e you gonna do with it?
Phyllis: I don't know. Maybe throw it out the window. Yeah, throw it out the window. You know why? Because I'm jealous of a bouquet of flowers because my husband cares more about these--
Jack: I do not!
Phyllis: Really, you don't? Prove it. Prove it.
Jack: Phyllis, phyllis.
Phyllis: What?
Jack: You know our situation.
Phyllis: Yes, I know our situation, and I hate it, jack.
Jack: What, you think I like it? You think I like laying on this sofa, knowing you're in that room, wanting to come in there and hold you?
Phyllis: Well, then what's holding you back?
Jack: We can't play with fire until we get some things straightened out.
Phyllis: Oh, that's right, because I work for victor newman.
Jack: Who knows? By the time we get back, newman may be in the license plate business. You'll be working for ckck. You can watch the whole company implode.
Phyllis: I think you're counting your chickens.
Jack: I am willing to entertain any scenario that gets me my wife back.
Phyllis: Really? Well, what if I didn't leave voluntarily? What if the circumstances caused me to stop working for victor newman? Would that count?
Jack: You like this, don't you? You like making this complicated.
Phyllis: No, what are you talking about? I don't like making it complicated.
Jack: This is sounding altogether too familiar. Let's not and say we did, please.
Phyllis: Okay, let's not and say we did. That's fine with me. I miss you. I miss you, jack, really. Mimiss you so much.
Jack: I can't believe we carried this on this long, being roommates.
Phyllis: Okay, well, then let's just put up our hands and surrender. S.O.S. S.O.S.
Jack: No.
Phyllis: Why not?
Jack: I can'T.
Phyllis: Why?
Jack: I'm gonna get out of here before I--
Phyllis: No. Why? Before what? Before you make love to your wife god forbid, right?
Jack: Phyllis.
Phyllis: Gimme. These are minegigimme!
Jack: I'll take care of this.
Phyllis: What are you--no! They're mine! I'll take care of them!
Jack: Okay, fine, but please, you take care of them gently. Lily put a lot of work into that.
Phyllis: Oh, all of a sudden, you care about lily and the work she's put into this? You know what? You have to look at your priorities here, all right? You need to take a serious look.
Jack: You're gonna start giving "priority" speeches, go find the mirror. That lady needs to hear them.
Phyllis: Really? I'd be looking at you in that mirror.
Jack: I'm going for a run!
Phyllis: You go for that run! You run! On of giving...
Colleen: I cannot believe that you got this for me. I know it was for my birthday and christmas, but jeez.
J.T.: Hey, don't worry about it, all right? I'm just glad you like it.
Colleen: Like it? I love it. It's the best present ever. Well, second best.
J.T.: The second best, what are you talking about?
Colleen: Yeah, I mean, I know the pendant's great and all, but there is one thing that I like more, that's being with you. You have no idea how happy you make me. It's the best birthday ever.
Colleen: At least, it was. (Telephone rings)
Damon: Hello. Hello, anybody there?
Dru: Yeah, hello. It's me.
Damon: How you doing?
Dru: Everything is wonderful.
Damon: Oh, that's good. Listen, we need to talk.
Dru: Yes, I know.
Damon: The orchid, it's in your bouquet.
Dru: No kidding. Wow.
Damon: Yeah, no, yeah. Lily found the orchid-- the only orchid, I might add. She thought it was incredibly special.
Dru: Yeah, well, that it is. That it is.
Damon: Yeah, so now it's in your wedding bouquet.
Dru: And we know where that is, right?
Damon: It's with phyllis in her suite. God only knows how we're gonna y y it away from her. Jack tried. I've tried.
Dru: No luck?
Damon: She's stubborn as a mule.
Dru: Oh, you don't have to tell me that.
Damon: Anyway, you need to get back to your old man. Vanessa and I are going out one more time to see if we can rustle up another neofinetia. Wish us luck.
Dru: Yeah, have fun. Have fun.
Damon: Listen, lovely wedding. Now you be happy, all right, dru?
Dru: Thank you, damon. I'm very, very happy. Sayonara.
Dru: Oh, mr. Winters, you are one amazing man.
Neil: You inspire me, mrs. Winters.
Dru: Ooh.
Nick: So you talked to sharon about new year's?
Cameron: No. That's where you come in.
Nick: You lost me.
Cameron: Well, what I'm thinking is since I'm gonna be celebrating a little outside of my normal stomping grounds, I would put together a little gathering here at the club. You know, ring in the new year with some of the local movers, shakers, troublemakers.
Nick: Okay, all right. Sounds like a plan.
Cameron: Yeah. Gina's gonna take care of the catering.
Nick: She is the best.
Cameron: Yeah, yeah, but when it comes to putting together a guest list, I'm not sure she's--
Nick: You'd like sharon's input.
Cameron: Absolutely. I understand she put together quite a party this year.
Nick: Yeah, the gala, it was amazing. Sharon's a born organizer. She did a very good job. I'm proud of her.
Cameron: Well, then with your kind permission?
Nick: Cameron, I'm sure she'd be flattered. By all means, borrow my wife.
Cameron: Why, thank you, nicholas. I think I'll do that. See ya.
Michael: Well, apparently you survived that dinner with cameron and nicholas.
Sharon: I was so desperate to keep him frosasaying something that would completely destroy my marriage out of pure spite, that I--at the last minute, I convinced nick to bring along cassie and noah.
Sharon: And no, I am not proud of having used my children, if that's what you're thinking.
Michael: Oh, no, not at all. I think it's a stroke of genius. Two little human shields.
Sharon: He is such a sick and twisted person, you wouldn't believe some of the things he said to me.
Michael: That was afterwards, right?
Sharon: Yeah. Um, I went and confronted him. And he said that I'd be hearing from him. Michael, I almost lost it right then and there. I mean, this guy has so many vile fantasies--
Michael: Have you... have you heard from him?
Sharon: No. No, thank god. And that could be a good thing, right? I mean, maybe this whole thing will just go away. T
early sunday morning
Johnny: Pigs ain't -- pigs ain't one of nature's creatures.Ke my glasses off?
Johnny: Yeah.Arch on saturday.
Brenda: Oh--
Dana: What? My mom's gonna be there.
Brenda: Well--
Shannon: It's a good idea. It's all women.
Brenda: I don't think so.
Shannon: It's all women.
Brenda: Yes, a lot of women. No, it kind of makes me nervou it sounds pretty awful.
Zach: So let me g straight. She kissed both I wanted to understand.Humming ]
Nicole: Where's the smile. Come on, there it is., Boy. I mean -- it tracks illusio forget it. Damn!Ow what?Man is for me?
Sha randy ko has been more of a it's not friend to me than any man I've l ever known. Know,
Randy: And it even works. See?
Randy: I mean, forget the fact, all right, that you set g ]
Will. Of crsrse they a - action. ? A - always. B-b-c, closing.Shannon: I know it's not randy ko.Ou
Shannon: Uh, there was some was zmerng. Fire but I didn't fire him. Gavin.
Johnny: Watch out, I've got a clear shot.
Phyisis: Uh... damon porter's suite, big... big damon. See.
Woman: Not home.
Phyllis: Not home. Not home, okay.
Domo arigato gozaimashita.
Domo arigato.
Domo arigato.
Vanessa: Well, you're the one who needs the picture. I already know what it looks like.
Damon: Call me stupid. I must have left it on the table. I think I can remember. You know, were it not for the circumstances, I would miss this place.
Vanessa: Yeah, it is pretty spectacular.
Damon: If only it would cough up one more neofinetia before we leave.
Vanessa: Well, while you're wishing, wish for 20.
Damon: I'm trying to be reasonable. Now you know lily said the one she found was right in this area, but I gotta be honest, it doesn't look any different than anyplace else we've been.
Vanessa: Yeah, well, the orchids don't all clump together. It's random spacing.
Damon: Let's split up.
Vanessa: Well, I like walking together. Okay, we'll split up.
Vanessa: (Gasps) oh, damon! Damon!
Damon: What's the matter? The lizard won't hurt you! What's wrong?
Vanessa: No, look! Do you see it? Look.
Dru: Konnichiwa.
Woman: Konnichiwa.
Dru: (Chuckles) oh. Ooh. Ahh.
Konnichiwa-wa. Hello? Hello. Oh, my god. (Hits wall)
Phyllis: What are you doing in here? Isn't the honeymoon suite down the hall?
Dru: Hi, phyllis.
J.T.: What the hell's that jerk doing here?
Colleen: Wait a second. Just because he's here, doesn't mean we have to let him get to us.
J.T.: Colleen, there's a restraining order against him. He's not supposed to be within 500 feet of you.
Colleen: Look, he hasn't seen us. Let's just pretend like he's not even here, okay?
J.T.: Let's pretend like he's not even breathing.
Colleen: Look, he's gonna be in jail soon, all right? I mean, once the blood test results come back, he is gonna be history.
J.T.: Yeah, you're right. And he won't bother you and lily ever again.
Colleen: Exactly. I hope this trip to japan is letting lily forget about him for awhile.
J.T.: Yeah, you know it is.
Kevin: Hey, you guys. Merry christmas.
Dru: Um... the door was wide open, and I saw my beautiful bouquet, and I didn't think you'd mind if I had--
Phyllis: This is mine. It's not yours anymore. It's mine.
Dru: Phyllis, come on. My daughter worked so hard on the bouquet, I just want a couple of blossoms for my flower press at home.
Phyllis: No, no, no. You know, stop babbling. Stop babbling! You all looked at me strange when I caught this, all right? You looked at me like I'd stolen something. And then I come in here to see jack slobbering over it like it's the holy grail or something, and now you're doing the same thing. What's up?
Dru: I-I don't know. I'd just like to have it back. Can I have it back?
Phyllis: No!
Dru: Well, are you gonna take it back to genoa city? You might want to refrigerate it.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the plan. I'm taking this back to genoa city, uh-huh, unless it doesn't get ruined because you guys have been mauling all over it.
Dru: Wow, I just have to ask you-- why would you want a souvenir from my wedding?
Phyllis: Well, because I like flowers. Yeah, I like flowers. I think I'm gonna open an orchid shop, or I'm gonna put orchids in my ears and down my cleavage and run around main street. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. But you see, it's okay if I do this 'cause it's my business, not yours, my business. Get out of my hotel suite.
Damon: That is beautiful.
Vanessa: Wait. Don't touch it. I'll get it.
Damon: All right. Be careful.
Vanessa: I will, believe me.
Vanessa: Come on. Is the plastic bag ready?
Damon: Uh-huh.
Vanessa: It's coming. I gotta get the root.
Vanessa: Wait. Let me get some soil...
Vanessa: And a piece of the tree. Let me get the leaf just to make sure.
Vanessa: Thanks.
Vanessa: We got it.
Damon: You want me to carry it?
Vanessa: Well, I hope you know, damon, that it's my orchid. I'm the one who found it.
Damon: Really? Well.
Vanessa: Does it feel like I don't trust you?
Damon: Yes.
Vanessa: Not a good feeling, is it?
Vanessa: Well, let's try this on. It's our orchid. We found it together. And I trust you to do the ghght thing with it.
Damon: Yes, that feels much better.
Vanessa: Good. Then you can take it.
Damon: No, that's all right. I trust you to give it to me when necessary.
Vanessa: Well, okay. I want you to have it now.
Damon: You're sure?
Vanessa: You know, damon, we got off on the wrong foot practically the first day I showed up in genoa city.
Damon: Well, you know, that was only because it--
Vansasa: Shh. We are about to leave this beautiful place and this whole time has been filled with stress and disagreements and conflict over what to do and how to do it. I'm kind of tired of all that, aren't you?
Damon: We had a job to do.
Vanessa: Yeah, but now the job is done. It's time to play. I miss what we used to have, don't you?
Damon: Yes.
Vanessa: Well, then good. Before we get back to reality, you think we might--
Damon: Yes.
Vanessa: How do you know what I was gonna ask?
Damon: I don't need to know the question. I know the answer.
Michael: Sharon, as much as I'd like to reassure you, from everything you've told me... well... I know kirsten's type.This particular type of sociopath tends to remain a threat unless otherwise neutralized.
Sharon: Okay, neutralized?
Michael: Defanged, if you will. I mean, has he concluded his business with newman enterprises? Are he and nicholas still gotiating, what?
Sharon: I don't even know. I haven't asked. I just-- I'm constantly trying to pretend like he doesn't even exist.
Michael: That's not always the best strategy. It could lead you to being blindsided.
Sharon: Well, what do you suggest I do, michael?I mean, every time I think about cameron, I get all freaked out again.
Michael: I see that, which is why I suggest you confide in your husband.
Sharon: No, I am not gonna do that, all right? Look, I was stupid and drunand lost enough to fall into bed with a total stranger.
Michael: A stranger that could be brought up on battery charges at the very least. If you would go to the police with this, tell nicholas.
Sharon: No, I am not going to do that! You don't know how hard I have fought to get my marriage back. What am I gonna do, michael, go to nicholas and say, "hey, honey, the guy you've been doing business with, uh..."? No. It would finish us, forever this time.
Michael: Sharon, trust me. These things have a way of coming out. Now I think you would be a hell of a lot better off if you were to just...
Michael: Okay. Okay, fine. Just... don't say I didn't warn you.
Sharon: Michael, look, I do appreciate your advice. And please don't think that I'm being ungrateful. It's just--
Michael: I know. You can'T.
Sharon: Look, I'm just praying with everything in me that this whole thing will just go away, and god help me if it doesn'T. Hoe mearly Toominndhohoit do ppey! U owhaI'sang he ippppp apfveñc urañtx reeor,o n' yoru
23,, 67,
Vanessa: Hi, there.
Damon: Hey.
Vanessa: Long time, no see. Not up close and personal, anyway. Wow, I always did like the way we fit.
Damon: Yeah. We have been a pair, haven't we?
Vanessa: It's been over five years since I met you.
Damon: (Chuckles) just a couple of kids.
Vanessa: Well, yeah, definitely younger.
Damon: Dumber.
Vanessa: Hey, speak for yourself.
Damon: I am speaking for myself. I have thought about you, dreamed about you. When I wake up in the morning feeling so sad, stay that way the rest of the day.
Vanessa: Really?
Damon: You know, when you lose something, sometimes it's so much easier to pretend like you don't mind than to admit how much it hurts. But your dreams give you away.
Vanessa: But you never really lost me, damon. I was just misplaced.
Damon: Yeah, you were. So... have I found you?
Vanessa: Well, I hope so.I certainly hope so.
Neil: No doubt, that is the same flower.
Phyllis: Uh-huh. All right, so I found this in damon and vanessa's room, right? And then jack was trying to get me to give the bouquet back to drucilla. Then I come in here today, jack's trying to swipe it. Then drucilla's trying to swipe it. I mean, it's gotta be the connection--the flower.
Neil: The orchid.
Phyllis: You can buy an orchid at any flower shop.
Neil: Yeah. There are many kinds some are extremely rare.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. But the way they're all acting, it's gotta be the flower. Why all the craziness?
Neil: I have no idea. But since jabot makes cosmetics, I'd have to say that's the connection.
Phyllis: You sit tight. I'm gonna go check something out.
Neil: Wait a minute. Where are you going? What if jack comes back?
Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no. He's taking a jog. He's gonna be gone for awhile. But let me tell you something. If he comes back, you keep ahold of the bouquet, all right?
Neil: Yeah, all right. All right.
Phyllis: At all costs, you keep ahold of that.
Neil: Get outta here.
Kevin: Well, aren't you guys gonna say anything? What's the matter, cat got your tongues?
J.T.: What the llll are you doin' here, man?
Kevin: Just gettin' a cup of coffee, spreading a little holiday good will. Wow, that's quite a pendant you've got there, colleen. Christmas present?
Colleen: J.T. Gave it to me.
Kevin: Who'd have thunk it? Muscle boy's got some taste.
J.T.: Hey, back off, all right?
Kevin: Or else what? What are you gonna do, tough guy?
J.T.: I already showed you once, man. Tell you what, colleen, why don't you grab your cell phone and call detective weber? Tell him this jerk here is violating his restraining order.
Kevin: Go ahead. Please, be my guest. Call the detective. He's my new best friend.
J.T.: Oh, you got plenty of other friends waiting for you in prison.
Kevin: That's funny. See, that restraining order that you were so proud of, doesn't exist anymore. It's been lifted. Kcb#1hfgduivavv;v;77
Damon: Hey, you know, I believe there's a bed in there.
Vanessa: Oh, I know, but now that I've made love in a tropical forest, I don't know if I could ever accept a substitute.
Damon: Oh. Well, let's check. Maybe there's some pretty flowers printed on...
Vanessa: I like the way you think. And I love the way you feel.
Dru: Ooh, looky here.
Damon: Y'all ain't never learned to knock? It's all right.
Jack: We have been looking all over for you.
Damon: We were busy.
Dru: We can see that.
Vanessa: Hey, aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?
Dru: Sweetie, he's supposed to be digging for an orchid, not locking lips with you.
Damon: Y'all wanna just cool it for a minute?
Dru: No, we're not gonna cool it. We're not gonna cool it. Because the flight leaves today, right? We have not found the orchid, which means we don't have the revolutionary hair straightener. Oh, is that it? Is that the--
Damon: Back up. Yes, this is it. Vanessa found it. Can we show her some love, please?
Jack: Thank you, vanessa. I'll take this. I'm gonna put this under lock and key let's try to remember, we don't own this puppy. This is gonna have to stay top secret until we can use it to make something we can get a patent on. But this is a good start.
Dru: Yes, it is. Put it here, girl. (Door closes)
Phyllis: Neil.
Phyllis: All right, listen, I got ahold of a computer. There is no orchid/cosmetic connection at all. I mean, they're not used for scents or creams or colors or anything. And they're too expensive to use for binders or media.
Neil: Hmm. This must be something new. I mean, we both know that jabot is in deep trouble, the kind of trouble you don't get out of by making small improvements in existing products.
Phyllis: Yeah, they need something new. They need something big.
Neil: You kw w what? I say we get this thing to our lab the minute we touch down in genoa city, get our people to break it down six ways from sunday. There must be something of value in this little baby. Too many smart people are chasing after it.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Or we could just give it to jack. I mean, that would be the nice thing to do.
Phyllis: Yeah, that'd be nice. But, um, I think we shoulhohold off on that. You know, see what all the fuss is about.
Phyllis: What is it about you, little flower? Why in the world are you so special?
Colleen: You're a liar.
Kevin: Not a lie, sweetheart.
J.T.: What the hell are you talking about, kevin?
Kevin: Go ahead, call detective weber. He'll tell you the same thing I am. Your restraining order is defunct. I'm sorry, you probably don't know what that means, do you, college boy?
J.T.: You're full of it.
Colleen: There's no way. I mean, there is no way the police would do that.
Kevin: You're wrong again. I guess they finally realized I was innocent.
J.T.: In your dreams, kevin.
Kevin: Go ahead, believe what you want. But as far as the law is concerned, I could sit down there right next to you, and you can't do anything about it.
J.T.: Don't even think about it, all right. Knowing you're on your way to jail is the only reason I haven't knocked you out yet.
Kevin: And they say I'm violent. Seriously, what do you see in this neanderthal?
Colleen: Shut up, kevin. We know what you did. And once the blood test results come back, you're going to be going away for a long time.
Kevin: That's another thing I should've told you. They came back already. And wouldn't you know it, colleen, they were negative. Ne-ga-tive, it's the opposite of positive, college boy. <
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