Tuesday Y&R Transcript 12/23/03

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/23/03--Canada; Wednesday 12/24/03--USA

Provided By Eric

Danny: You look gorgeous.

Gina: And you look marvelous, little brother.

Danny: Thank you.

Gina: So are you here alone?

Danny: (Clears throat) well, uh, actually, um...

Gina: Now wait a minute, are you gonna tell me? What?

Danny: Christine's joining me later.

Gina: Oh, that's wonderful.

Danny: She's running a little late. She got some call from work.

Gina: She had to work on christmas eve?

Danny: Hey, what are you talking about? You're working.

Gina: Honey, I am not working. I am throwing a party.

Danny: And a damn good one from what it sounds like up there.

Gina: Yeah. So you better get upstairs. I've got to go get some more wine.

Danny: All right. Got it. All right. See you soon.

Kay: Gina, gina, gina.

Gina: Oh, katherine.

Kay: Hi.

Gina: Hi, sweetheart. John didn't tell me you were coming.

Kay: Oh, well, I'm looking for jill. Have you seen her?

Gina: No, I haven't, but while you're waiting--

Kay: I'm not... well, waiting, I mean. See, uh, we didn't have any real plans, but... actually, we didn't have any plans at all. She hasn't returned my phone calls, it is christmas eve, and she is my daughter.

Gina: I understand. But you know what? We would love to have you join us.

Kay: Well, thank you, and I may take you up on that, if I don't find her. And if I do, and she tells me to get lost, I'll--I'll be here. Merry christmas.

Gina: Merry christmas, honey.

Gina: Ah, jill, how can you be so cold?

Jill: To katherine. "To mother."

Jill: Why are you doing this?

Jill: You're only gonna encourage her, make her feel even more entitled to come barging into your life without any warning... when that is the last thing you want.

Colleen: More, huh?

J.T.: (Chuckles) I can't help myself. You got roast beef, turkey, lasagna-- gina's world-famous lasagna of all things.

Colleen: That's true.

J.T.: Everything is just great.

Colleen: Well, almost everything.

J.T.: You complaining?

Colleen: No, but I am a little disappointed.

J.T.: You're kidding. How could you be disappointed?

Colleen: Well, gina forgot the most important thing.

J.T.: What's that?

Colleen: Mistletoe.

J.T.: Oh, yeah. Oh, look, look, here's some right here.

Colleen: Honey, those are grapes.

J.T.: So you don't want to kiss me, then?

Colleen: Wow, look at that, mistletoe, you're right. Good afternoon. It's the americans turn to squirm... the first ever case of mad cow disease has just surfaced in washington state. We'll have reaction.+++Pot smokers are not happy about a ruling today from the supreme court of canada. The highest court has upheld laws that criminalize the possession of marijuana.+++ And a sherwood park mother is trying to cope with the death of her daughter at the hands of a suspected drunk driver. Ottawa bureau- chief david viennau joins us with a look at the latest waves making headlines on pament

Danny: Hey.

Chris: Hey.

Danny: How's my favorite workaholic?

Chris: Oh, don't you start with the name calling now.

Danny: You're right. You're right. I-I'm sorry. You showed. I should just be grateful.

Chris: No, I should be the one who's grateful. I really needed tonight. Thank you.

Danny: My pleasure.

Migue well, ho, ho, ho, here's the rest of the newman clan.

Nick: Hey, merry christmas, miguel.

Miguel: Merry christmas, all of you.

Nick: Wow.

Nikki: Well, look at you. How beautiful. Come here. I need a christmas hug.

Cassie: Merry christmas, nikki.

Nikki: Merry christmas.

Noah: Merry christmas.

Nikki: Oh, cold noses. You know what that means. Hot chocolate, miguel, with extra whip cream.

Miguel: Right away. And what would you like, and you, nicholas? How would you like a fortified, kickapoo version of that eggnog?

Nick: Yes, please.

Sharon: Sounds great.

Miguel: Coming right up.

Noah: Wow.

Nikki: Yeah. We know how to do christmas around here, huh?

Noah: Is that mine?

Nikki: I don't know. You'll have toee. Oh, wait, wait, while you look, you must wear this. There we are.

Cassie: I think that's mine.

Nick: So how you doing?

Nick: Look, we're gonna have a nice christmas tonight, all right? I'm not gonna get into it with dad.

Nik: : I know you're not, because he's not gonna be here.

Nick: What?

Nikki: He's not coming.

Nick: Why, because I'm here?

Nikki: You'll have to ask him that.

Nick: Well, what did he say?

Nikki: Nicholas, I have not talked to him. He hasn't called.

Nick: Then how do you know he's not coming?

Nikki: Because I called the jail looking for him, and I found out that he's refusing to let anybody post bail. Guess he'd rather spend his christmas eve there than here with his family.

J.T.: It's coming your way.

Kyle: Let's look inside.

J.T.: Oh, well, already gone now.

Gina: That's why he's glad he's back.

Ashley: Hey, merry christmas.

Brad: Hey, merry christmas.

Chris: Hi. Merry christmas, you guys.

Ashley: Christine, how are you finding things in the D.A.'S office?

Chris: Uh, well, it's pretty exhausting.

Ashley: I can imagine. Must be pretty difficult to be investigating people that you're close to, like michael and victor, huh?

Chris: Well, it's even worse when you find what you're looking for.

Ashley: Did you?

Chris: Well, yeah. I...

Ashley: Oh, I'm sorry. What, you can't talk about it?

Chris: No, it's not that. I just... I assumed you would have heard.

Ashley: Heard what?

John: Honey, you know, let's not make christine talk about work. It's christmas.

Ashley: Well, obviously, there's been a break in the case, dad.

Brad: Ash...

Ashley: What are you hiding from me?

Brad: Do we have to do this now? It's christmas eve.

Ashley: Well, obviously, this has to do with victor, because I heard you saying something about him getting his. Now what does that mean?

Brad: He's been arrested.

Ashley: What?

Brad: For bribing retailers to try and drive us out of business.

Ashley: Uh, well, that's hard to believe, isn't it?

Brad: It's true. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to spoil your holiday.

Chris: Listen, I am so sorry. I didn't realize that--

Ashley: No, please, don'apologize, christine. I really hate being kept in the dark.

John: Look, ash, ash, ash, honey, we just don't want you worrying about victor newman. Now come on. There's a reason for it. He deserves everything that's happened to him. And beside which, the guy's probably out on bail and with his family for christmas, right?

Chris: Actually, no.

Ashley: Well, don't tell me he was denied bail.

Chris: Victor refused it.

John: What? Why would he do that? Was it some kind of ploy on his part?

Chris: I don't know. Ift t is, it was a strange one. Michael bent over backwards to get bail set in the first place.

Brad: Yeah, well, think about it, though. Nikki must be madder than a hornet. He's probably safer in jail.

Brad: I'd be surprised if that marriage makes it through the new year.

Kay: This is very likely a mistake, katherine. What the hell. (Rings doorbell)

Jill: Well, there you go. It's decided for you. And it's probably for the best anyway. Why would she be here? Why would anybody be spending christmas eve alone unless they had to?

Johnny: Me. Is a great port.

Pete: That's my point right there.

Johnny: A --

seafood sauce as war

Dana: Did you write that? Did y and you make fun of any (rings doorbell)

Kay: Not even the manservant is at home.

Kay: Unless she's in there passed out and alone. Yes, katherine, you must... god.

Kay: No, come on. No, you will not. You are going to have a little faith, katherine. Now that is the real gift... that you can give to her.

Kay: Though she'll never know. Never know.

Danny: Thank you. Mr. Abbott, good to see you.

John: Oh, merry christmas to you, danny. Come on.

J.T.: You keep covering that thing up, no one's gonna be able to see it.

Colleen: Well, I have to make sure that it's still there. I still can't believe it. It is just so beautiful. Thank you so much.

J.T.: Well, you should thank sierra. I mean, she's the one who came up with the idea.

Colleen: I cannot believe that you pawned your guitar to pay for it.

J.T.: Yeah, and somehow, she got it back for me.

Colleen: I just... I cannot imagine what she said to him to get him to give it up.

J.T.: I don't know. Did you ask her?

Colleen: She wouldn't even admit to it.

J.T.: Oh, come on. Of course it was her. She takes off right after she hears I pawned it, then shows up, like, a half-hour later with santa...

Colleen: I know.

Sierra: Hey, guys. What's up?

Colleen: Oh, nothing. We were just talking about what a terrible liar you are.

Ashley: Honey.

Brad: Yeah.

Ashley: I forgot my medication.

Brad: Where is it? I'll go get it.

Ashley: I'll go get it. Um, would you just keep an eye on abby?

Brad: Yeah, of course I will.

Ashley: Okay. I'll be right back.

Danny: Mademoiselle.

Chris: Oh, thank you.

Danny: Hey, listen, I'M... I'm really sorry about before. I mean, I know the last thing you wanted to do was think about work tonight.

Chris: Oh, that's okay. It was just funny, ashley's reaction.

Danny: You mean how she was worried about victor?

Chris: Yeah, he tried to drive her who f family out of business, and yet, she can forgive him.

Danny: Forgiveness-- that's a tough one.

Chris: Not always. Cheers.

Danny: Cheers.

Gina: Katherine, you came back. I'm so glad.

Kay: So am I. Oh, thank you for the invitation.

G gina: So you didn't find jill?

Kay: No, no, she wasn't home. And, uh, hopefully, she's spending the evening with her friends.

Gina: Well, guess what.

Kay: Hmm?

Gina: So are you. Come on. Let's go upstairs. Give me your coat.

Kay: Oh, no, dear, take this. I feel like I've been holding that all evening long.

Ga: All right.

Kayoh, it's cold outside.

Gina: Yes, it is.

Man: Oh, you shouldn't have.

Jill: Tell me about it.

Man: Yeah.

Jill: Martini, please, very dry.

Nikki: There you go.

Sharon: So he didn't call or anything?

Nick: No. I don't know what's going through his mind. Maybe he's trying to make a point.

Sharon: Maybe you should goand talk to him.

Nick: I'm the last guy that could get through to him. If victoria was here, maybe, but not me.

Noah: Dad, look. Remote control.

Nick: Cool, buddy.

Noah: Can you help me open it?

Nick: Sure. Come on.

Cassie: Oh, my gosh. Thank you.

Nikki: Oh, you're welcome, sweetie.

Cassie: It's a journal.

Nikki: Yeah.

Sharon: It's beautiful.

Nikki: You have a wonderful mind. Anything that you come up with that you don't understand or you think others might not understand, you put right in there, and then lock it up tight, away from nosy little brothers.

Cassie: Okay.

Sharon: Can i get you anything, nikki? You want eggnog, hot chocolate?

Nikki: No, sharon. I'm--I'm fine, thanks. I'm really not in the mood for all this.

Sharon: Okay.

Noah: How does this thing work?

Nick: Well, we're gonna need some batteries.

Nikki: I have the batteries. I'll get them. They're upstairs.

Sharon: Nikki, um, why don't you let me do it? You stay here with the kids.

Nikki: Okay, thanks. They're on my bathroom sink.

Sharon: Okay.

Nick: This thing does flips and skid outs.

Nikki: Hey, uh, you keep looking in that bag, I think you might find something else.

Noah: It's called a trick topper.

Nick: If you hit this button...

Noah: That's to do...

Cassie: It's a pen, a fountain pen. It's so pretty.

Nikki: So are you.

Brad: Katherine, mamie, hi.

Mamie: Hi.

Brad: Good to see you. Merry christmas.

Kay: Nice to see you. Merry christmas, darling.

Mamie: So where is ashley?

Brad: Uh, she'll be back in a minute. She forgot something at the house.

Kay: How's she doing?

Brad: She's much better, thanks. It's been rough, but she's a fighter, as you know.

Mamie: Oh, yes.

Brad: Something always keeps her going.

Mamie: I imagine abby has a lot to do with it.

Brad: Yes, I imagine you're right. Yoyou're looking live at edmonton from our skytracker - it is..............in the city. Good afternoon. I'm j'lyn nye - the first ever suspcted case of mad cow disease in the u-s has been reported. The announcment was made this afternoon .... researchers have found that overweight kids take more "sick days" from school - we'll have more on that story coming up in health matters... and a potentially deadly bacteria has been found in the water supply of calgary's rockyview hospital. Details last night, apartment 7a used a regular breath-freshening toothpaste.

Ashley: Victor.

Victor: What are you doing here?

Ashley: I just found out about your arrest.

Victor: You should be home with your family.

Ashley: So should you. I understand that you're refusing to post bail. What's that all about?

Victor: I don't want to talk about it.

Ashley: Why, because you don't think I could possibly understand?

Victor: I don't think anyone can.

Ashley: Well, you're wrong. You've lost something precious to you, something that mattered more to you than anything else in your life. And once you step out from behind these walls, your world will have changed drastically. And there's no going back, and there's no one to blame but yourself. You still think that I don't know what that's like?

Victor: I guess you do.

Ashley: I do. Your wife and children need you.

Victor: I think everyone in that house feels betrayed by me in one way or another. (Chuckles) the only one who has been supportive has been sharon.

Ashley: Aren't you forgetting a couple of people-- ahah and cassie? What do you think this night's gonna be like without you there? They idolize you.

Victor: Maybe they shouldn'T.

Ashley: Oh, I see. So we're only supposed to look up to people that are perfect, huh, people that don't make mistakes. Is that what you're telling me? Is that what you're telling them?

Victor: You know it was more than a mistake.

Ashley: I know. I wish you hadn't done it, victor. I wish there was some way we could turn back the clock. But we can'T.

Ashley: All we have is here and now. And those little kids are gonna be so confused. You're the only one that can give them the answers they need, you know.

Victor: My beautiful ashley.

Victor: How's abby?

Ashley: What?

Victor: That's the reason you got out of the hospital, isn't it, to see her?

Ashley: Yeah.

Victor: That's why yorere here.

Ashley: Yeah. She's the reason I'm here.

Victor: She's lucky to have a mother like you.

Ashley: She's lucky in both her parents.

Victor: Well... let's not go there.

Victor: Nice of y to come by.

Ashley: Have you listened at all to anything I've said?

Victor: I've heard everything you have said.

Ashley: Yeah, but have you listened to anything?

Victor: You've given me a lot to think about. I want you to go home and give a big hug to that beautiful daughter of yours and give her a kiss for me. (Door slams)

Colleen: All right, so tell me the truth.

Sierra: I was just doing some last-minute shopping.

Colleen: Shopping, right. At the pawnshop?

Sierra: No, would u u give it a rest?

Colleen: Not till you admit it. You got J.T.'S guitar back.

Sierra: Why won't you just let it go? I mean, who cares who really did it?

Colleen: I do.

Sierra: Why?

Colleen: Because if I knew who they were, I could thank them and let them know how much it means to us.

Sierra: Just a guess, but I think whoever did it already knows that.

J.T.: Hey, col, I think your granddad wants us to sing christmas carols.

Colleen: Oh, really? Okay. Aren't you coming?

Sierra: No, you two go ahead.

J.T.: Oh, sierra, come on. You know what your problem is? You've got no holiday spirit. Come on, let's sing.

Kay: Jill?

Jill: Mother.

Kay: Well, hello. How longavave you been here?

Jill: Oh, my god. Are you gonna start lecturing me tonight of all nights?

Kay: No, no, no, no. I'm not here to lecture you about anything. I just want to give you this.

Kay: Well, it's not radioactive, jill. You can touch it.

Jill: I'm just surprised.

Kay: Well, don't be. It's really a standard custom. Open it.

Jill: "To my daughter."

Kay: Yes, well, it's a lot of collected poems and verses, thoughts. There's some lovely thoughts in there, and I thought it just might, well, I don't know. I thought it just, um, ahem. Well, inspire new heights of normalcy between us.

Jill: Katherine... poetry, it's so, um...

Kay: Sappy?

Jill: Yeah, but it's very sweet. Thank you. I, um... I have one for you, too.

Kay: Oh? Shall I open it?

Jill: Yeah, I stopped by your hotel suite earlier.

Kay: Well, I was at the house looking for you.

Jill: You were?

Kay: Yes. It takes hours to wrap and seconds to tear apart. Ah.

Kay: Oh, "tosca." How did you know?

Jill: Your cd collection-- it's chock-full of arias about fallen women meetinbibitter doom. It kind of explains your world view to a "t" now that I think of it.

Kay: Yes, well, I'll just ignore that in the spirit of the season. Actually, I was hoping you might join me.

Jill: Oh, lord, no. No, I listened to a little bit of that "tosca." It sounds like cats in heat to me.

Kay: Oh, god, I thought that would be your point of reference, but I wasn't talking about "tosca." I meant the abbott christmas party upstairs. Jill, I just thought it would be, you know, lovely to spend christmas eve with family.

Jill: Yeah, you know what? I could spare a few minutes for it. Just let me get my things together.

Jill: Okay, I'm ready.

Kay: Okay.

Brad: I'll see you guys in a little bit.

Danny: Okay.

Brad: Oh, hey. Hi. You're back.

Ashley: Yeah.

Brad: I was getting a little worried.

Ashley: Oh, I'm sorry.

Brad: No need to apologize. If you had to go, it was important.

Ashley: Yeah, it was.

Brad: You feel better?

Ashley: Much.

Sharon: Nikki, this one doesn't have a tag on it.

Nikki: Oh, that's for cassie from victor.

Nick: You mean, he asked you to go shopping?

Nikki: No, this was all him.

Cassie: They're beautiful.

Nikki: You know how he feels about little girls trying to grow up too fast, but he thought that those would be perfect for you. He would have loved to have seen that look on your face.

Cassie: I should have waited.

Nikki: No, no, no, he wouldn't have wanted that. Victor always says the whole point of christmas is to make children happy. So many of his when he was growing up he spent alone like he is tonight.

Nikki: I'm sorry. Excuse me, excuse me.

Victor: Merry christmas to everyone.

Cassie: Victor!

Noah: Victor! Merry christmas! I missed you.

Victor: Come here, come here.

Noah: I missed you.

Cassie: I just opened the gift you gave me. It's beautiful. I love them.

Victor: I missed you, too, very much. If you could help me. (Piano playing)

Gina: Christmas future

is far away

christmas past

is past

Danny: Christmas present

is here to stay

bringin' joy to last

Gina: Have yourself

a merry little christmas

let your heart be light

from now on

our troubles

will be out of sight

Danny: Have yourself

a merry little christmas

make the yuletide gay

from now on our troubles

will be miles away

here we are as in olden days

happy golden days of yore

Gina and danny: Faithful

friends who are dear to us

gather near to us

once more

Gina: Through the years

we all will be together

if the fates allow

Danny: Hang

a shining star

upon the highest bow

Gina and danny: And have

yourself a merry little

christmas now

Danny: Here we are

as in olden days

happy golden days of yore

Gina and danny: Faithful

friends who are dear to us

gather near to us

once more

Danny: Through the years

we all will be together

if the fates allow

Gina: Hang a shining star

upon the highest bow

Gina and danny: And have

yourself a merry little

christmas now

Friday on

"the young and the restless"...

Nick: By all means, borrow my wife.

Cameron: Why, thank you, nicholas. I think I'll do that.

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