Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/18/03--Canada; Friday 12/19/03--USA
By Eric
Proofread by Emma
Nikki: And so it ends.
Sharon: Oh, God, Nikki, don't say that.
Nikki: That's how I feel. It's the end of an era.
Sharon: It just made me sick seeing Christine and that policeman leading Victor away.
Nikki: Yeah. Only one voice was rejoicing.
Sharon: Nikki, he still feels like he did the right thing somehow.
Nikki: My son has become a self-righteous fool.
Nick: Is that how you really feel about me, Mom? I wasn't rejoicing, by the way.
Nikki: You feel that your father never let you be your own man. Well, you sure got even with him, didn't you?
Sharon: All right, look, now it doesn't help if we're fighting with each other.
Nikki: Sharon thanks for those pearls of wisdom.
Nick: Mother, your beef is with me. Don't take it out on Sharon. And why are you two mourning so much? The man is getting what he deserves.
Nikki: "The man"? "The man"? Your father did not deserve this. Your father did not deserve to be betrayed by his son. I know my words are falling on deaf ears, because you are so deep into your personal vendetta, you don't give a damn if your father's life has been destroyed.
Man: That's Victor Newman.
Man #2: Sure looks like him.
Man: Mr. Newman, evening. Tom Paine, "Genoa City Chronicle." What brings you here tonight?
Man #3: Look out, Paine. You can ask questions later.
Tom: Can't wait to find out what this is about.
Vanessa: Hi. Mind if I join you?
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, go ahead, join me. Nobody else will.
Vanessa: Wow. That looks exotic.
Phyllis: Uh, yes, it is exotic. I figure it's silly to fly all the way to Japan and order bacon and eggs, so... so, Vanessa, may I call you Vanessa?
Vanessa: Of course.
Phyllis: Are you enjoying your time here?
Vanessa: Very much. Very much so. I'm curious about one thing, though, Mrs. Abbott. Phyllis, may I call you Phyllis?
Phyllis: Yes, yes, you may.
Vanessa: Well, it's no secret that you don't like Drucilla Winters, so it just makes me wonder why you're here.
Phyllis: Wow. That's bold. Well, if anybody's an outsider, Vanessa, it would be you, but neither one of us is really here for the wedding, are we?
Vanessa: I think that's a fair statement.
Phyllis: In fact, from what I've seen, you're not a big fan of Dru either. And Neil, for that matter.
Vanessa: Very observant.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. So why don't you tell me, why are you here in Japan?
Vanessa: Well, I asked you first.
Phyllis: Oh, no, you go first. I insist.
(Doorbell rings)
Dru: Coming.
Dru: Hey.
Damon: There's the beautiful bride.
Dru: Thank you. Come in.
Damon: Ain't it a lovely day for a wedding?
Dru: It is a perfect day for a wedding. What's up?
Damon: Well, I saw Neil, big old grin upside his face, heading over to Phyllis and Jack's suite with his tux. Said he was gonna change there.
Dru: Well, you know, its bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding gown before the ceremony.
Damon: So I've heard. Anyway, the coast is clear, so I thought I'd come by.
Dru: You know, you don't have to be so careful anymore.
Damon: Well, why not?
Dru: Well, I did have to tell Neil that we Jabot folk were in Japan on business.
Damon: The famous Drucilla Winters mouth strikes again--unbelievable.
Dru: Hey, look, look--
Damon: You didn't tell him anything about the orchid, did you?
Dru: Give me some credit, okay? I didn't run my mouth about that.
Damon: You shouldn't have said anything.
Dru: Hey, I didn't have a choice, especially after that fiasco in the forest. He actually thought we were gettin' it on in the palm trees, okay?
Damon: You have got to be joking!
Dru: Came this close to canceling the wedding.
Damon: Well, if it weren't that, it would have been some other excuse. Have you ever been able to keep a secret in your entire life?
Dru: Wow. That's not fair.
Damon: You just had to get involved in this search for the orchid, didn't you? Why the hell couldn't you just stick to getting married?
Neil: You know, you're a life saver, Jack.
Jack: No problem.
Neil: Hey, listen, buddy, I'm gonna need one more favor. It's a pretty big one.
Jack: Okay, shoot.
Neil: How about being my best man?
Jack: Are you serious?
Neil: Of course I'm serious. You came all this way. You might as well make yourself useful.
Jack: Does this mean our two companies are smoking the peace pipe here?
Neil: You have to talk to Victor about that.
Jack: Yeah, that ain't gonna happen.
Neil: Yeah, listen, I know that you and I haven't been tight over the years, but once upon a time, I did work for you and your father's company. I respect the hell out of ya, Jack, and I'd be honored if you do this for me.
Jack: Yeah, I suppose I could do that, even though you work for the prince of darkness.
Neil: That part of my life is 7,000 miles away. Right now I'm just concentrating on my wedding.
Jack: Let me ask one question here. Did Dru put you up to this, asking me to be your best man?
Dru: I gotta tell you, Neil was very suspicious already about you and Jack coming to Japan on business. The only thing that's different is that I'm now involved.
Damon: I don't think that you have ever truly appreciated the importance of secrecy here.
Dru: Yes, I have.
Damon: In case there is any doubt in your mind, allow me to explain it to you one more time. We cannot own this particular orchid. It's a plant. It grows in the wild.
Dru: With a magical compound in the root.
Damon: Yes, that's right. And the possibility of owning anything related to that plant happens only if we can extract and synthesize the ingredient that causes curly hair to relax temporarily.
Damon: Until then, it's a loose football. Anybody can grab it.
Dru: You don't think I know that?
Damon: You don't act like-- you have never acted like you do. Newman Enterprises could develop this thing in half the time we could. They have unlimited funds. We don’t.
Dru: Oh, for the love of Pete, would you chill out? Neil's not gonna go sniffing around.
Damon: According to you, he's already suspicious.
Dru: I'm gonna keep him so busy, he won't know which way is up.
Damon: Well, that's good. Good. You do that. While you're keeping him occupied, you will also be out from under foot. Then we can focus on finding this orchid.
Dru: Whoa, "we"? You and Vanessa?
Damon: Yeah, that's right. What's the matter with it?
Dru: I don't trust her. You need to keep your eye on her.
Damon: You forget, not only was this her original discovery, she knows more about that plant than any of us. She's worked with it.
Dru: I don't care. I don't like the idea of you all cutting me out of the action. I wanted to help save Jabot, too.
Damon: Drucilla, please. Please, no one is trying to cut you out!
Dru: Shh!
Damon: There will be plenty of opportunity for you to be involved later, if we can find this orchid and turn it into a marketable product.
Dru: You just want me to shut up and get married.
Damon: Would you? Please! The next time I talk to you, I want you to be Neil’s wife and for me to have the orchid safely tucked away in my luggage. There's something we can do together. Can you do that? Please help!
Vanessa: Well, if I had to take a wild guess, I would say that you're here because of Jack.
Phyllis: Yeah. Wondering my husband's in Japan, if that's what you mean.
Vanessa: Oh, well, so you don't believe he's come strictly as a wedding guest?
Phyllis: Oh, not in a million years.
Vanessa: Uh-huh. So you guys are separated, right?
Phyllis: Yes, we are. Thanks for reminding me.
Vanessa: I'm sorry. Look, obviously, I don't know Jack well, but I gotta tell you, from what I gather, the only thing on his mind is his company.
Phyllis: Yes, and his company is in Genoa City, so why is he here in Japan?
Vanessa: Beats me.
Phyllis: Why did you and Damon come?
Vanessa: Well, I can't speak for Damon, but I'm here because I'm in love.
Phyllis: Really? You know, I gotta be honest with you. I'm not really buying you and the supersized chemist as an item.
Vanessa: Really?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Vanessa: What makes you say that?
Phyllis: Well, because I've been watching you whispering to each other and hugging each other and acting like you're a couple, and, you know, this act, uh, it's not ringing true.
Vanessa: Well, you see, Damon’s playing a little hard to get, but I assure you, I'm up to the challenge.
Damon: Hello, ladies.
Vanessa: Well, hello there. Speak of the devil.
Vanessa: Mmm. I missed you, too.
Damon: You disappeared. We had plans, remember?
Vanessa: Well, of course, I remember, darling. I just got sidetrack, chatting with Phyllis. thank you, Damon. You played your part beautifully. That kiss--bravo.
Damon: Yeah. The last thing we need is Phyllis on our tail. She can get very aggressive when she starts asking questions.
Vanessa: So I've seen. But I think we handled her curiosity, don't you? I mean, that was an Oscar-worthy performance you gave.
Damon: Focus, darling, focus. What we need just now is an orchid. Do you remember? And we need to get one without Phyllis or Neil seeing a petal.
Vanessa: Well, that went out the window as soon as you told Drucilla. Think, you could have been here by your lonesome.
Damon: Yes, well, yet another thing that complaining won't change. Yeah, have a look at this.
Vanessa: Well, that's a lovely internet photo, Damon, but I don't need it. I can practically see the darn thing in my sleep.
Damon: Oh, is that so? Well, then are you ready for our little expedition?
Vanessa: Well, don't I look ready? Hi.
Olivia: This is fantastic! Thank you.
Olivia: Ah, you know what?
Lily: What?
Olivia: Why don't we get a pot of tea?
Lily: Would I look like too much of a tourist if I ordered a root beer?
Olivia: That's okay, honey. You are a tourist. No shame in that.
Lily: Thanks.
Olivia: What's up with you?
Lily: What do you mean?
Olivia: Come on, you've had that big old grin on your face since you woke up this morning.
Lily: Well...
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Lily: I've got a surprise.
Olivia: Do tell.
Lily: Well, Mom and I had a long talk last night, and she wants me to be her maid of honor.
Olivia: Oh, honey, that's fantastic!
Lily: I mean, are you sure that you don't mind that she didn't ask you?
Olivia: Of course I don't mind. I'm thrilled.
Lily: Okay.
Olivia: This is gonna mean the world to your mother.
Lily: I know.
Olivia: Having you on board with this wedding.
Lily: I fought it for such a long time, Aunt Liv. You know, it's because I was scared that the marriage wouldn't work out.
Olivia: Like before.
Lily: Yeah, but you know what, though? I realize now that Mom and Dad belong together. I mean, sure, they may argue every now and then, but they really do love each other.
Olivia: I'm so glad that you finally realize this.
Lily: I am, too. They have just been so wonderful to me, so supportive through this whole Kevin mess. I want them to be happy now, you know?
Olivia: Mm-hmm. That's what I want for them, too.
Lily: Yeah. I just have one problem.
Olivia: What's that?
Lily: I still have to think of a wedding present.
Olivia: Yeah.
Nick: Mom, don't give me this "poor Victor" stuff. This isn't gonna bring Dad down. It's just gonna make him meaner.
Sharon: Nicholas, how can you say that? Your father was just arrested.
Nick: Well, you two have enough sympathy for the three of us.
Nikki: When did you become so heartless?
Nick: Mother, I'm not heartless. For your information, I didn't enjoy seeing my father marched out like that. It's a bad situation. But I don't think I should be blamed for it.
Nikki: I can't fight with you anymore. There's nothing left.
Nick: Mom, I--
Nikki: No, don't, no.
Man: The address, Mr. Newman.
Victor: 421 Larkspur Trail.
Man: Hold it up, sir. A little higher, Mr. Newman. That's it.
Man: And your keys. And I will need your belt.
Man: And I'm sorry. I'm gonna need your watch.
Victor: You must be kidding me.
Tom: Hey, you're new with the D.A.'s office, right? What is going on over there? They won't let me talk to big shot Newman.
Chris: Good.
Neil: Hey, Jack, why would you think that Drucilla would have anything to do with me choosing my best man?
Jack: Oh, I think Dru's worried about me. I think it would be just like her to think I need a diversion, keep my mind off of my problems back home.
Neil: Mm-hmm. Jabot problems?
Jack: Jabot's in a bad way, Neil. Dru knows I'm worried. Dru knows I'm hoping for miracles. I'm sure she's told you about all this.
Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm aware that money is tight, but I figured you'd just pull something out of a hat like you've always done.
Jack: Not this time. Hat's not working, no rabbit, no miracles.
Neil: Hey, buddy, you know as well as I do, sometimes you have to look in unexpected places to find your answers.
Jack: Yeah, you're right. You never know where your help's gonna come from, or whether the other guy's gonna get there before you.
Neil: Competition can be rough.
Jack: I have never been afraid of competition, Neil. Some people don't like to compete on a level playing field. They have to have it all, no matter what they have to do to get it.
Neil: You know someone like that?
Jack: Oh, yeah, you work for him.
Vanessa: Wow, Damon, you never told me there were so many of 'em. Look, there's a lady slipper and a cherry blossom. Oh, they're just gorgeous.
Damon: Yeah, they're lovely, but we haven't got time to smell the flowers.
Vanessa: Why do you keep looking behind us?
Damon: I was already followed here once.
Vanessa: Well, then I'd better make this quick. Wow, except now is not the time to be quick. It's the time to be careful. Okay. (Sighs) look at that. I already see something promising. Right over there, it's a tree they like to grow on. See, I told you, you needed me.
Damon: I never said I didn't.
Man: I'll be right outside.
Chris: Where's your lawyer?
Victor: Having dinner, I assume.
Chris: Did you call him?
Victor: No.
Chris: Why? You're allowed a phone call.
Victor: I made a phone call to my stockbroker.
Chris: What?
Victor: Yeah, on the way over here, I realized there's a certain stock I want to take a position in. I thought that tomorrow morning I wouldn't have a chance. So I did it today.
Chris: What are you talking about? You're in jail. You've been arrested.
Victor: Life goes on, doesn't it?
Chris: You have worked very hard to prove to me that you're not taking this very seriously. Frankly, I think it's a bit of an act.
Victor: You do your thing. I do mine.
Chris: Victor, you have to have a lawyer.
Victor: You can arrest me. You can try to humiliate me. But you will not tell me when and if I call a lawyer. You got that?
Chris: I can get you a public defender. Would you prefer that?
Victor: You know what I would prefer? For you to drop this ridiculous charge. Go arrest some people who are truly dangerous out in the streets, who are hurting people. This is nonsense, and you know it!
Chris: But you know how the system works, and, yes, it applies to you. I realize that might come as a bit of a surprise.
Victor: Don't be condescending with me! I engaged in what is normal business practice. That's all. To gain an advantage over a competitor.
Chris: Bribery is illegal. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you can get away with it.
Victor: Trying to make an example out of me or what?
Chris: Oh, Victor, just get yourself a lawyer.
Victor: I will decide when the hell I get a lawyer.
Chris: What are you doing here?
Michael: What do you think, Christine? I'm here to serve as Victor's attorney.
Olivia: Did you try the gift shop?
Lily: Yeah, I couldn't find anything cool enough.
Olivia: Okay, it's too late for us to go shopping now. Maybe you could write them something, a poem.
Lily: No, I suck at poetry.
Olivia: I doubt that. Besides--
Lily: It's the thought that counts, right?
Olivia: It's true.
Lily: (Laughing) you know, I do like the idea of making them something. I just wish I knew what I could make them.
Olivia: Honey, it's like I told you on the plane. The fact that you came along, that you're in the wedding party, that's all the gift you need. I mean, look at this place. It's so incredible. What a great place to get married in. It's so lush. It's so colorful. It's great.
Lily: Oh, my gosh, that's it.
Olivia: What?
Lily: The perfect present.
Olivia: What?
Lily: I'm not gonna tell you.
Olivia: What?
Lily: No offense, Aunt Liv, but this is my special secret surprise.
Olivia: Oh. Okay.
Chris: Michael, you can't serve as Victor's attorney.
Michael: Of course I can. Why can't I?
Chris: Do you want him to serve as your attorney?
Victor: I'm not sure yet.
Michael: The perfect client.
Chris: Damn it. You're both treating this like it's some kind of a joke.
Michael: Au contraire, Madame. It's as serious as a heart attack. But not necessarily because of anything inherently earth-shattering that Victor has or hasn't done, but it's more because you and your boss, the district attorney, have decided to treat something as earth-shattering.
Victor: You got that right.
Chris: So once again, you're telling me the law doesn't apply.
Michael: No, I just want the application to be--
Chris: Oh, just to the other guy.
Michael: No, there is wiggle room. That's how deals are made.
Victor: Will you stop it, please? Christine, if you don't mind, I'd like a minute with my attorney.
Chris: I'll be right outside.
Victor: What the hell are you doing?
Nikki: You two should go home and be with the kids. It's almost Christmas, and I have done nothing to decorate the house.
Sharon: I could help you with that, Nikki, if you let me.
Nikki: Thank you, Sharon. That would be nice.
Sharon: We have to try not to let this ruin the holidays for the kids.
Nikki: Well, that's gonna be hard.
Sharon: You know what Victor was talking to me about when he was arrested? He wanted me to go home and read a story to Noah. "Save the family"-- that was his message.
Nick: You both are talking like he's gonna be gone forever. He's gonna be out on bail in a matter of minutes.
Nikki: Yeah, waiting to go on trial. How festive.
Sharon: Well, maybe we should all be there to bring him home.
Nick: No, Sharon, look, I don't care what Mom does, but I want you with me. The kids are really gonna need you right now. I'll agree with Dad on that.
Nikki: Yeah, get to the house before the reporters do, because you know it's gonna be all over the papers.
Nick: This is gonna be very hard on all of us. But Dad didn't think about that, did he? And now we are gonna pay the price, but at least we can hold our heads up high.
Nikki: So what are you working on?
Nick: Just Newman Enterprises stuff.
Nikki: Are those from your father's office?
Nick: Yes, Mother, as a matter of fact, they are.
Nikki: So what, you can just go in there and tear apart his files?
Nick: Somebody has to be running things.
Nikki: And after everything that's happed, you feel that should be you.
Nick: There's no one else nearly as qualified. I don't have a choice.
Nikki: You just said that he would be out on bail soon.
Nick: Well, he needs to stay away from Newman Enterprises. He's pending trial. Besides, he already turned the company over to me.
Nikki: Yeah, well, he wanted to change that.
Nick: Well, it's too late. I'm in charge now, and that's the way it's gonna stay.
Nikki: My God. Do you see the irony in this? Do you? In your desperate desire to destroy your father, you've actually recreated yourself in his image. You have become what you hate about him. You are ruthless.
Nick: You agree with her?
Sharon: I'm gonna go home and be with the kids. I'll see you when I see you.
Neil: Hey, if you're trying to start something with me, Jack, don't bother 'cause I'm in too good a mood. Besides, Victor doesn't pay me enough to defend him when I'm on vacation.
Jack: But you are aware that Newman played dirty. He gave Safra an unfair advantage over Tuvia during the early days of the rollout.
Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard the rumors, but I have tried my damnedest to stay out of it.
Jack: Just pretend the whole issue didn't exist?
Neil: I had nothing to do with it.
Jack: So what do you think's gonna happen when Newman goes to jail?
Neil: I guess we'll find out. Right now you're looking for miracles.
Jack: And you're looking to get married.
Neil: Exactly. Come on, man, why are we even talking about this? You know, it's my wedding day. We're an ocean away from our troubles, both of us. So how about we lighten up and get on with it?
Jack: I think that's a good idea.
Neil: So how about being my best man?
Jack: I would be honored, sir.
Victor: I told you to make a deal for yourself.
Michael: Well, I did. Do you think--
Victor: Why the hell did you come in here and confront her and antagonize her? What sense does that make?
Michael: I thought you were gonna fight this, Victor.
Victor: Of course I'm gonna fight it.
Michael: Well, I might not be able to stand with you in court, but I can help fight now. With a little luck, we still might be able to stop this before it gets started.
Victor: Good.
Michael: And don't worry about me. I'm covered as well as I can be for now.
Victor: All right.
Michael: All right.
Michael: Christine.
Chris: I'll stand.
Michael: Come on. Let's sit down like the three friends we know we are. You drop your badge. I'll drop my obnoxious attitude. Victor will agree to take this seriously, okay?
Chris: Where are we going with this?
Michael: Well, let us look at it from the point of view of the ultimate boss, the person who really calls the shots at the end of the day-- the taxpayer.
Chris: Oh, brother.
Michael: Bear with me. Look at this man. He employs thousands of people. He donates millions of dollars to charity every year. He's kind to small animals and children. Why the hell are we spending the taxpayers' money prosecuting this guy?
Chris: Michael, you know the evidence we have.
Michael: No, just bear-- hang on. Joe Schmoe wakes up in the morning, grabs the paper, picks it up and what? He gets mad, doesn't he? He wants to know what they're doing about street crime, about violence, about drugs--
Chris: And corruption.
Michael: In politics, elected representatives, they are endowed with people's trust. Victor's a businessman. Look, putting him in jail won't make anyone sleep better in this town at night.
Victor: Except Jack Abbott.
Michael: You of all people, you don't want to be doing this. I know you don’t. We can at least admit that, can't we?
Victor: Christine, when I recommended you for this position, I thought of your innate sense of fairness and your ability to think independently, to march to your own drummer. Instead, you end up being used by the district attorney.
Chris: "Used"?
Victor: Yes, used by him. So that he can put a trophy in his case, use me as a stuffed head to show off. Is that what you signed up for?
Chris: Glenn Richards never said anything about wanting to use you as an example. He simply wants the case prosecuted because a crime was brought to his attention.
Victor: Give me a break. There's all kinds of people out in the streets who need to be arrested now!
Michael: It was not brought to his attention in the course of a police investigation, but by a resentful son. This is a family matter, Christine.
Chris: Can I tell that to the people at Jabot?
Michael: Exactly. Jack Abbott knows about this. It's very likely he's going to bring a civil suit against Newman Enterprises. Victor will have to pay out a great deal of money. Why don't you let that be his punishment?
Chris: Michael, you know the position I am in.
Michael: You have a lot more control over it than you'd like to think.
Chris: Easy for you to say.
Michael: Don't hide behind the letter of the law.
Chris: You know what? Stop.
Michael: You can--
Chris: You said we were gonna talk, but it's like you're both trying to twist my arm. Read my lips-- it's not gonna work.
Vanessa: This is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Damon: You're not feeling so cocky now, are you?
Vanessa: Oh, maybe I should look at that picture after all.
Damon: What about when the flowers fall off? What do they look like then? I mean, all we need is the root.
Vanessa: Yeah, but it's the bloom that defines it. I mean, they all look alike when they're spiking.
Damon: Well, that's great. Jack's gonna be devastated.
Vanessa: He was hanging the hopes of his company on this, wasn't he?
Damon: Wedding's gonna be starting soon. No point in us hanging around here.
Vanessa: I'm sorry, Damon. Look...
Damon: Lily.
Lily: Damon, Vanessa, hi. What are you guys doing here? No, you know what? Never mind. I don't wanna know.
Damon: We were just heading back to the hotel for the wedding.
Lily: Okay, well, you guys go ahead. There's something that I have to do, but don't worry. I won't be long.
Damon: All right.
Vanessa: Sure.
Lily: Have fun.
Vanessa: Okay.
Lily: Careful.
Vanessa: Yeah.
Michael: There's nothing we can do?
Chris: No.
Michael: Or say?
Chris: Definitely not.
Michael: All right, well, I'm sure we'll bring this up again, but now it's getting late. Let's talk about bail.
Chris: There's nothing to talk about. The warrant is endorsed for no bail.
Michael: Oh, Christine, that's nonsense.
Chris: When the judge found out that Victor had his own plane, she felt the risk of flight--
Michael: Oh, give me a break, Christine. This is ridiculous.
Victor: Relax. Christine, what must I do to make that judge happy?
Chris: She'd like to see you personally and have you hand over your passport.
Michael: Oh, this is nonsense! No bail on a business charge? That's ri--
Chris: I said the risk--
Michael: Oh, I know. I know. Risk of flight, airplane. Good joke. Now let's get down to night court, and we're gonna get this dropped
Chris: I don't think so.
Michael: Why the hell not?
Chris: You know, for one thing, I don't like your attitude and for another, I am insulted by the implication that you think I can be bought with a little emotional blackmail. No disrespect, Victor, but maybe a night in prison will convince you that this is a damn serious matter, and maybe you should start treating it as such.
Michael: I'm sorry.
Victor: What for?
Michael: I pushed her too hard.
Victor: She has a righteous and condescending attitude. I can't stand that. You did just fine.
Michael: Well, I'm glad you think so, but I'm gonna get down to night court myself, and I damn well am gonna get bail set.
Victor: Don't bother.
Michael: What?
Victor: I'm gonna stay here. I've got a lot of things to think about.
Michael: You can do that better in a good hotel.
Victor: I'm gonna stay here.
Michael: Victor, it's gonna be Christmas.
Victor: Ain't gonna be Christmas for me.
Michael: Oh. All right, if you're sure.
Victor: Michael, thank you.
Michael: Okay.
Dru: (Sighs) ("Here and Now" playing)
Luther Vandross: One look in your eyes and there I see just what you mean to me here in my heart I believe your love is all I'll ever need holding you close through the night I need you yeah here and now I promise to love faithfully Women: Faithfully
Luther Vandross: You're all I need here and now I vow to be one with thee...
(Telephone rings) (ring)
Dru: Hello.
Neil: Hey there. Just calling to check in on my bride-to-be. See if she's excited as me.
Dru: Oh, honey, I am so excited. I can't wait to get married.
Neil: Me either. I finally get to see you in your dress.
Dru: You know you could come by now and get a sneak peek.
Neil: Hey, hey, hey. Come on now. Don't do that to a brother. Remember, we agreed-- no lookee-lookee on the day of the wedding until the ceremony.
Dru: I know. I know. I know. I just don't like the idea of you being all alone.
Neil: So will you be in your room later if I need to talk to you?
Dru: Of course. Where else would I be?
Neil: I don't know. Maybe in the forest taking a walk.
Dru: (Laughing) no, I will be right here, getting more and more excited about the man that I'm marrying. I promise.
Neil: All right, baby, my one and only. I'll see y d downstairs.
Dru: Okay.
Damon: When we were in Genoa City, you never said there was a season. We could have been here a few days earlier.
Vanessa: Let's not rule out tomorrow. We could still get lucky.
Damon: In otther words, keep looking and pray. (Knock on door)
Vanessa: Sit tight.. I'll get it.
Jack: So did you get it? Can I see it?
Lily: Oh, my gosh.
Lily: It's beautiful! It's so delicate. Oh, mom is gonna love it! She's gonna love it!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Mary: When I see you in the company of someone like Lauren Fenmore, well, has she ever been able to make a relationship last?
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