Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/17/03--Canada; Thursday 12/18/03
By Eric
Proofread by Emma
(Doorbell rings)
Chris: You called?
Michael: I suppose so.
Chris: And?
Michael: Would you like a drink?
Chris: No.
Michael: The last time you were here, you were pretty upset.
Chris: I offered you a way to save yourself from going to jail, to keep your law license from being suspended or even revoked.
Michael: And I turned it down.
Chris: Foolishly, out of an admirable sense of loyalty to Victor Newman.
Michael: Hmm. "Admirable."
Chris: But self-destructive as well.
Michael: I want to be admired. I think that'd be nice.
Chris: At what cost, Michael? Jail would be the end of you. After everything you have worked so hard for... why do I keep trying to sell this idea? I made you an offer. You turned it down. Why am I here?
Michael: You're here to hear me sing.
Chris: You've changed your mind?
Michael: It was changed for me. I'm under strict orders from Victor himself to grab a deal and run.
Sharon: Victor?
Victor: Hi, Sharon.
Sharon: Um, is it okay? I don't want to intrude.
Victor: You're not. Come in.
Victor: What's on your mind?
Sharon: I just... I-I feel so horrible. I...
Victor: I don't think I need to ask about what.
Sharon: No, I'm sure not.
Sharon: I just... I owe you so much, and I feel like--
Victor: Whatever happened is between my son and me, all right?
Sharon: Yeah, I know. I know, but--
Victor: No buts. I don't want this to affect your relationship with your husband. That's the last thing I want.
Nick: Should I take cover?
Nikki: Please don't joke with me.
Nick: What do you want, Mom? Why are you here?
Nikki: I don't know. Guess I just needed to talk to somebody.
Nick: I'm surprised you'd pick me.
Nikki: Well, I don't have a lot of choices right now, thanks to you.
Nick: Look, I did what I had to do. I don't want to talk about it anymore.
Nikki: I'm sure you don’t. You know, I keep hoping that normal human decency will find its way into your attitude, but I guess that's not gonna happen.
Nick: How can you talk about normal human decency in the same breath with felony commercial bribery, mom? I don't get it. Look, if you want to ignore what dad did, that's your thing, but what he did was wrong.
Nikki: Nicholas, I wouldn't have destroyed the entire family to get to him. That's where you and I disagree.
Nick: This family is a lot stronger than you give us credit for.
Nikki: I think the bonds are truly broken this time.
Nick: Mom, you're just being melodramatic.
Nikki: You think so? Your sister is gone. That's what I came to tell you. I don't know if we're ever going to see her again.
Jack: Did you have a nice walk earlier?
Phyllis: Nice? You know, I wouldn't-- I wouldn't use that word.
Jack: So what word would you use?
Phyllis: I would use creepy and bizarre. You know, there are a lot of very, very odd goings-on here in Japan.
Jack: Where did you get the wine?
Phyllis: The minibar. Do you want some?
Jack: You know what? I think I may have some.
Dru: Cancel our wedding?
Neil: Yeah, that's right. I would cancel our wedding in a New York minute, unless you come clean with me right this second.
Dru: Why do you think I'm lying? Phyllis? Oh, she's a fan.
Neil: My every instinct tells me that you have an agenda.
Dru: What agenda? What are you talking about?
Neil: I'm talking about the way you've been acting for the past few weeks. Yeah, that's right-- keeping secrets, yanking around all our plans, telling me things that don't quite jive, and then practically the minute that we land and get off that plane, you're sneaking off into the Japanese jungle with Mr. Big-headed mojo meditation!
Dru: Wait a minute! You think Damon and I are getting it on in the woods?
Neil: I desperately told Phyllis I didn't want to believe it, but how could--
Dru: Phyllis. Phyllis gutter-brain. You know, that really burns me.
Neil: Well, how the hell-- what do you want me to think? You refuse to level with me.
Dru: Honey, it's not that I want to refuse you--
Neil: No, no, no. Keep your hands off of me, Drucilla. You're not gonna distract me from the real issue here. I cannot and will not start a marriage with all this deception going on.
Dru: Okay. Okay. I'll tell you what's going on.
Chris: Victor told you to take the deal?
Michael: We were having a contest to see who could be more noble. Predictably, he won. He likes to win, you know.
Chris: So you made a confession to me when you were gonna be the one to take the fall. I take it that was completely bogus?
Michael: Not completely.
Chris: I want to know about the money. Tell me where it came from.
Michael: Oh, hold on a second there, deputy. I'm about to betray someone who's entrusted me as their lawyer. That's not standard practice for me. This is an ugly, heavy day in my life, and frankly, it makes me sick to my stomach. So before I say one word, I want to know what I get out of this deal, and I want to know every detail.
Neil: Okay, I'm waiting. You gonna tell me what the hell has been going on?
Dru: Honey, it's, um... it's business.
Neil: Business?
Dru: It's big. Top secret.
Neil: Oh, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. Let me guess. You can't discuss it.
Dru: No, I cannot, so don't even ask.
Neil: But it involves being here in Japan.
Dru: Right again, and that's all I can say.
Neil: Being here now with Jack, Damon and Vanessa, when we're supposed to be getting married, it's that urgent?
Dru: Honey, I'm not stupid. I know you're trying to sneak in the questions.
Neil: No, I'm not--not trying to sneak in the questions. I'm trying to understand why you put all of this on us. Like, we had our plans already made, baby. I mean, if you remember correctly, we were supposed to be getting married in Trinidad. You remember that? Alone. Just the two of us and our daughter-- our daughter who desperately needs the family time. Then, before I know it, it's like a 3-ring circus with a bunch of your colleagues across the pacific.
Dru: Honey, it was an emergency, okay? It could not be helped. And Damon and Jack and I, we need to resolve a situation, and short of postponing our wedding, which I did not want to do... look, I was in a bind, okay?
Neil: All right, all right. So if you were in such a bind, why didn't you just come to me, talk to me, explain the situation?
Dru: Okay. I... I could've done that better. Right.
Neil: Yeah. I mean, honey, come on. We're talking about a marriage, you know, a partnership. There's supposed to be honesty, trust and openness, and if there isn't, then there's nothing. There's less than nothing.
Dru: I understand.
Neil: Do you?
Dru: Yes, honey, and I apologize.
Neil: For?
Dru: Acting like a crazy person.
Neil: And?
Dru: And for not being as honest as I could have been? But, honey, I can't tell you--
Neil: I know. I know. It's business.
Dru: Well, you still work for the competition.
Neil: Oh, wait. So is that what all this is about-- about Victor Newman, about all those wild rumors that are circulating?
Dru: Honey, honey, I told you, I cannot talk about this.
Neil: Yeah. You know that... it still doesn't explain what you were doing in the jungle with Damon. What were you doing exactly? What, you were having a business meeting?
Dru: Sorta. honey, listen, I have been as honest as I possibly could have been. Please tell me that you're not gonna cancel our wedding behind all of this.
Damon: Drucilla was just eager to get out there, get things moving.
Vanessa: Well, so am I. You couldn't phone and let me know what was happening?
Damon: Well, the two of you ladies haven't gotten along so far.
Vanessa: Oh, come on, Damon. That is a lame excuse.
Damon: All right, I should've included you. But I'm here on Jabot's dime... you're here on Jabot's dime, for that matter. We need to keep their people in the loop.
Vanessa: Really? Says who? We do have other options, my dear.
Damon: Options?
Vanessa: Yes. You and I could go out, find the Neofinetia--
Damon: You know what? You know what? Shut up. I don't want to hear the rest of this sentence.
Vanessa: Come on. Damon, you and I could develop this thing on our own-- you and me, take this all the way. What's stopping us? We don't really need Jabot.
Sharon: You know, when I first came back to Genoa City, you were the one person who showed me any support, the one person who I could talk to and who would listen to me.
Victor: It's because you mean a lot to me. You're my daughter-in-law.
Sharon: You're such a good man. You're such a kind person, and in many ways, Victor, you're like the father that I never had. And I just... I can't imagine throwing all that away.
Victor: It's ironic, isn't it? You were burdened by the father you never had. And my son is burdened by the father he does have, at least this particular one.
Sharon: He wouldn't feel that way if he knew what it was like not to have those strong arms around you and have someone there to stand by you even when you-- you do something stupid or you make a mistake. He just... he doesn't appreciate what you've brought to his life.
Victor: Sharon, don't concern yourself with that, all right? Just put all that behind you. It's between my son and me.
Sharon: You really think I can play it that way?
Victor: You have to. You have to for yourself and for your marriage.
Victor: Is something else bothering you?
Sharon: Just everything that's happened in this family, how do you expect me to feel?
Victor: You sure it's not something more personal than that?
Sharon: Why do you say that?
Victor: I don't know. It's a feeling I have. Anyway, forget about all this and just devote yourself to your family and to your husband, all right?
Sharon: Even after everything that's happened, you still worry about him.
Victor: Yeah. Because he's my son. And no matter how difficult the relationship...
Victor: I can never forget that. He is still my son.
Nick: Victoria's coming back.
Nikki: How can you say that? You reading the same letter that I did? "I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going. Mom, forgive me for not saying good-bye. I know I couldn't bear it. I love you and my heart breaks for you. I can only begin to imagine how disillusioned you must be. I should stay and support you but I can't handle it. I can't stand by and watch the family I love dissolve before my eyes. Please don't try to find me. I need time to heal. I will think of you often and pray for you. Love, Victoria." Oh, yeah, she's coming right back.
Nick: I suppose this is my fault, too.
Nikki: Yeah, of course it is.
Nick: Why?
Nikki: Because you deliberately set out to destroy your father. You demanded that he be accountable for his actions. Well, I'm gonna demand the same thing of you.
Nick: Fine. Then I'm accountable. I'm not trying to hide from anything.
Nikki: Yes, you are. You're hiding from your true motivation, nicholas.
Nick: You're wrong.
Nikki: Look, this was revenge. I know that. If you can't be honest with me, at least be honest with yourself. You've totally destroyed your family. Our reputation, the bonds that we have with each other-- all of that is gone because of your revenge over a father that you thought was overbearing. Well, "pride goeth before the fall." Have you ever heard that? If I were you, I would watch my back. Because even though you can find a lot of people who agree that what your father did was wrong, nobody likes a Judas.
Chris: Michael, I am willing to drop the conspiracy charge, accept a guilty plea on the commercial bribery and agree not to fight probation on that count. Now that is a sweet deal.
Michael: In return, I betray Victor.
Chris: You tell the truth. This is what I'm offering. You have about one minute to accept it, otherwise it's off the table.
Michael: Victor wants to meet with you in his office to go over his terms of surrender.
Michael: It's too bad you got caught up in all this.
Chris: It's what I signed up for. No self-pity. Do we have a deal?
Michael: We do.
Jack: Wine's not too bad.
Phyllis: No, it's not. It's not great, but it n not too bad. Oh, I'm so wired from the time change. You, on the other hand--
Jack: I will be perfectly comfortable.
Phyllis: On the couch. You don't have to do that, Jack.
Jack: Listen, we've already discussed this.
Phyllis: We could flip for it.
Jack: I'm not gonna let you sleep out here.
Phyllis: This is really silly. It's not like we're strangers. We could sleep in the bed together, Jack.
Jack: No.
Phyllis: Why won't it work, Jack?
Jack: I don't think you begin to understand the power you have over me just lying in bed next to me.
Phyllis: It's not like some sort of gambit to try.
Jack: I know that. I just don't think it's a good idea.
Phyllis: Okay.
Jack: Look, we're far from home. We're-- we're in a strange place. It'd be very easy to pretend that...
Phyllis: Yeah, I understand. Don't worry about it. I understand.
Dru: Sweetheart, I've been as honest as I possibly could've been. That may not mean a lot to you, but...
Neil: I understand that you are in a bit of a fix here.
Dru: So, baby, cut me some slack, and understand why I have to keep my mouth shut about certain things.
Neil: Okay, baby, as long as you realize there's a big difference between being discreet-- not divulging company secrets-- and actively fabricating and manipulating people and situations.
Dru: Honey, I've learned my lesson. I have. So do we have a wedding to go to tomorrow or what?
Neil: Gee, I don't know. I kind of like the effect this is having on you. Maybe I oughta keep you in suspense.
Dru: Oh, listen to you. Now who's manipulating?
Neil: Oh, I learned from the master.
Dru: I'm glad you called me the master and not the mistress, otherwise I would've become suspicious.
Neil: Little slip of the tongue-- never happen.
Dru: I'll show you a slip of the tongue.
Neil: Oh, my goodness. (Knock on door)
Dru: Who is it?
Lily: Is the coast clear?
Dru: Yeah, come in.
Neil: Oh, boy.
Lily: Well, good thing I knocked first, huh?
Neil: Always a good policy, Lily.
Dru: What time is it? Ooh.
Lily: You said 7, right?
Neil: 7? 7 for what?
Dru: I promised Lily that we'd spend some Mommy and daughter time together before the wedding.
Neil: Oh, okay, sure. Why don't you two go ahead? We'll reconvene later.
Dru: Yes, we will.
Neil: Go on, baby.
Dru: Come on, sweetheart.
Lily: Bye.
Neil: Bye, girls.
Dru: Honey, isn't this garden beautiful?
Lily: Yes. Now I hope I didn't mess anything up.
Dru: What are you talking about?
Lily: Well, you and Dad. You were obviously--
Dru: We were obviously having a discussion, sweetheart. Now you know me. I wanna make sure Daddy knows everything's all good.
Lily: A discussion. That means that you were arguing.
Dru: No. No.
Lily: Mom, come on.
Dru: Sweetheart, your father had some questions that he wanted answered. I answered them.
Lily: What kind of questions?
Dru: None that concern you. What's with all your questions?
Lily: I guess I worry, you know, 'cause I really want everything to turn out right.
Dru: Sweetheart, are you still not on board with us getting married?
Lily: No, I am, I really am. And I want to believe that it'll work more than anything.
Dru: Baby, it will. Give me your hand. Honey, your father and I, this is the real deal, and it's forever. And nothing is going to break us up, not this time.
Victor: That was a wonderful family, wasn't it?
Sharon: Victor, it is a wonderful family.
Victor: Everything has changed now.
Sharon: I know. I'm heartsick about it. Why did you do it?
Victor: Hmm. To put it simply, I just wanted to make sure that Victoria’s cosmetics line would do better than Jabot's.
Victor: You know how competitive I am. In business. I just bribed some people. Now I'm paying for it.
Sharon: What, uh, what's gonna happen now?
Victor: You're gonna go home, have a nice evening with your husband and your children. You're gonna read Noah that bedtime story about the frog that turns into a prince. I think that's his favorite.
Sharon: But I want you to be the one to read it to him.
Victor: I can't tonight. You're gonna have to do it.
Sharon: Victor, you're not saying... oh, no, no, no. No.
Chris: Victor. I need to talk to you, but I can wait.
Victor: That's all right. Sharon was just about to go home.
Sharon: Victor, no.
Victor: Just do as I asked you, all right? Just go. It's all right.
Victor: I think you have a job to do, why don't you just do it?
Chris: I'm sorry. Victor Newman, it is my duty to place you under arrest.
Damon: Order the rest of the supplies. No, no, it's all right. I'll authorize it. Just sign my name on the P.O. And then initial it. Yeah. Good. All right. No problem. Thanks for checking in.
Vanessa: Saved by the bell?
Damon: I tell you what, Vanessa, that idea just doesn't work for me.
Vanessa: Because?
Damon: Because I signed a contract with Jabot Cosmetics.
Vanessa: Well, I brought this to you, Damon, not Jabot. I'm not talking about doing anything dishonest, but this is my discovery. I shared it with you. I never really intended to share it with a corporation.
Vanessa: Look, I just want you to think about it. There is no reason you and I can't go it alone on this project.
Damon: In other words, cut out Jabot.
Vanessa: Well, they intend to cut me out. Admit it. As soon as this thing hits--
Damon: There'll be plenty to go around.
Vanessa: Fine. Just running it by you.
Damon: Look, it's been a long day. I want to get to bed.
Vanessa: I want the same thing.
Damon: Let's both just get a good night's sleep. First thing in the morning, you and I will get up; we'll go and do some scouting. Just us. You game?
Vanessa: Always.
Vanessa: Just in case you change your mind about that good night's sleep, my bedroom's this way.
Dru: (Laughs)
Lily: Now I know it's not the first time, but you're still excited, right?
Dru: Yes, honey. Arigato. Um, I am ecstatic, honey, not only because I'm marrying your father, but because we're gonna be a family again, sweet. And I'm excited we're sharing it with you.
Lily: You know what? I am, too.
Dru: (Chuckles)
Lily: So what is the scoop on the ceremony? Because nobody has told me anything.
Dru: Um, that's by design.
Lily: Meaning you're not gonna tell me, your one and only daughter?
Dru: Nope. Don't want to ruin the surprise.
Lily: Come on, Mom, just tell me something. Please. Please.
Dru: All right, all right. I've been talking to some wedding consultants here in Japan.
Lily: Really?
Dru: Mm-hmm.
Lily: So it's gonna be traditional Japanese then?
Dru: Um, parts of it. There's gonna be Japanese and western influences. And, oh, you know what? Some friends of mine are on tour here in Japan, and I asked them to come and sing a special wedding song and they're gonna do it.
Lily: Really?
Dru: Yeah.
Lily: Who? Another surprise. Yes, yes, yes.
Dru: Yes, but I'm sure... I'm sure you know who they are. Baby, this is gonna be a wedding like you've never seen before.
Lily: Well, you know, I wish I knew what that meant.
Dru: (Hums)
Lily: God, this is so frustrating. It's the only time you've ever been able to keep a secret.
Dru: I know. Aren't you proud of me?
Lily: Yes, I am proud of you.
Dru: Honey, this is so great. Sitting here with you, seeing you laugh, smile-- it's like old times.
Lily: Yeah. You know, I think it's this place. You know, this chance to get away from everything that happened back home, everything that's gonna happen when we get back.
Dru: Sweetheart, we don't need to talk about that right now.
Lily: No, I know, but I just... I want to say thank you for bringing me.
Dru: Do you really think we could have done it any other way?
Lily: Well, no, not really. You know, when I think about how terrible I was when you guys first told me that you were gonna get married again-- you know, the awful things that I said, what a brat I was.
Dru: I'm not gonna disagree with you, but you've changed your tune now, right?
Lily: Yeah, of course I have. You guys have been so great with the whole Kevin thing.
Dru: Shh. We really don't need to talk about that right now, precious.
Lily: No, I-I know. I just... I just want to say that I've never appreciated you guys more than I do right now, you know, the way that you've supported me. And I guess that all I can say is that I love you. And I really want you and Dad to be happy, because you guys deserve it.
Dru: Honey, that means so much to me. Um, I'm really happy you feel this way, because there's something I've been meaning to ask you, and I hope you'll do it.
Nikki: So what are we gonna do now? It's Christmas. How can we have any holiday spirit? Your sister's gone; we don't know what the situation will be with your father.
Nick: It's bad timing, I know.
Nikki: Maybe nothing will happen until after the holidays. We could at least pretend for the sake of the kids.
Nick: I tried to slow things down. It was out of my hands.
Nikki: What do you mean; you tried to slow things down?
Nick: When I realized it was all unraveling... it was faster than I expected.
Nikki: Can I take that to mean that you have a little regret?
Nick: Would that matter to you?
Nikki: Yes. Yes. Then I could at least believe that the love that you have for your father is still alive somewhere. Somewhere in the depths of your soul, you still have some humanity.
Nick: I don't hate him. I just hate what he did.
Nikki: Well, he's paying for that. He's paying a terrible price for that. He's lost control of this company, he's lost his daughter, he's lost his son.
Nick: What about you?
Nikki: I don't know.
Nikki: I don't know what the future holds for us. I don't know.
Sharon: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't mean to interrupt, but Christine is here with a policeman, and she asked to speak to Victor alone.
Dru: Honey, what do you say?
Lily: I don't know what to say. You really want me to be your maid of honor?
Dru: You know I do. It would make your father and me so happy.
Lily: I mean, I just assumed Aunt Olivia was standing up for you.
Dru: I love Aunt Liv, but this wedding is not just about Daddy and me. It's about us being a family again, precious. And what could be more perfect than to have you standing up there with us with the minister while we exchange our vows?
Lily: Mom, I love you so much. And I hope this turns out to be the coolest thing ever for you and Dad.
Dru: Cool? It's gonna be off the hook, honey. Now you have not answered my question.
Lily: Are you kidding me? Count me in.
Dru: (Laughs)
Lily: God, I am so excited. I cannot wait until tomorrow.
Dru: Me neither, baby. Me neither. Come here.
Phyllis: Okay, I'm gonna take my cue.
Jack: Oh, it's--it's late.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. That's right. We have a big day tomorrow. Big wedding to go to. The bride works for Jabot and the groom works for Newman. Do you think that we should warn them or just wish them well?
Jack: I wish them both all the luck in the world.
Phyllis: Sounds like you mean that.
Jack: Of course I mean that.
Phyllis: No, no, no, I mean... it sounds like you think that's possible, that you can compete with each other all day, and then at night...
Jack: If you could do things all over again, and you knew what you know now, I mean, would you have done things any differently?
Phyllis: Not when it comes to marrying you.
Phyllis: The rest of it...
Jack: Yeah, I guess we both would have done things differently.
Jack: Well, good night.
Phyllis: Good night.
Cop: If you cannot afford to hire an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you free of charge before any questioning. Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?
Victor: I understand.
Chris: Victor, I need you to come down to the station. Do you need some time to get your things in order?
Victor: No, I don’t.
Nikki: Oh, my God. Please, don't do that.
Chris: It's all right. I'll take responsibility.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: I'm not really buying you and the super sized chemist as an item.
Vanessa: Really?
Chris: Yes, it applies to you. I realize that might come as a bit of a surprise.
Victor: Don't be condescending with me.
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