Friday Y&R Transcript 12/12/03

Y&R Transcript Friday 12/12/03--Canada; Monday 12/15/03


 (Doorbell rings)

Michael: Brad Carlton. Hmm.

Brad: Good morning, Mike.

Michael: Couldn't this have waited till office hours?

Brad: I wanted to see you off the clock.

Michael: Well, you know, off the clock is kind of my time. A little morning ritual, you know-- some coffee, some news. The world is in a terrible mess, in case you haven't noticed.

Brad: Hmm, yeah. And from what I hear, your little corner of it's going down the tubes at a hell of a rate.

Michael: So the word is out.

Brad: And Victor's in up to his neck.

Michael: You're so happy.

Brad: Yeah, I am. I wanna be there when they lock the cell and throw away the key.

Michael: It's not gonna be that way.

Brad: No?

Michael: Mnh-mnh. You ever notice how many nasty people aren't in jail even though they should be? You really should read more.

Brad: You tried to ruin us, Baldwin, you and that greedy bastard you work for.

Michael: Oh, come on.

Brad: Now you're both going to pay.

Michael: Brad, let's not be children. Look, this is my home. You want to talk business, come to my office. I will be too happy to set the meter running and you can talk till my ears bleed.

Brad: Yeah, well, you oughta enjoy that little office while you can, 'cause you're gonna be going away for awhile. And when you get back, you'll be lucky if they let you deliver pizzas for a living.


Chris: Where did I put that thing? It's gotta be in the bedroom.

(Knock on door) (Knock on door)

Chris: (Gasps)

Paul: Oh, sorry.

Chris: Damn it. You scared me.

Paul: Well, I didn't think you were here. I knocked. Nobody answered.

Chris: I didn't hear you knock. I was in the other room for a couple of seconds. What the hell are you doing walking in here anyway?

Paul: Oh, my goodness gracious. You have quite a mouth on you this morning.

Chris: I feel like saying a lot worse, believe me.

Paul: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not too thrilled with you right now either.


Victor: It's chilly outside, isn't it?

Kay: Oh, freezing.

Victor: Let me take this, Katherine.

Kay: Thank you.

Victor: Is Nikki still in your hotel suite?

Kay: Yes, fast asleep, thank heavens. I heard her pacing back and forth until the wee hours.

Victor: Does she know you're here?

Kay: Yeah, I am so sorry that she wouldn't talk to you when you phoned last night.

Victor: I guess now that is to be expected.

Kay: Well, in answer to your question, yes, yes. She told me everything, Victor. Everything that you told her at least.

Victor: Well, my dear, I have no secrets from my wife. Not that there's any guarantee that she'll be my wife much longer.

Kay: Oh, come on. I pray it never comes to that, for heaven sakes. I mean, when the two of you got married again, nobody, nobody in this world was happier than I was.

Victor: Well, darling, you know that your support has always meant the world to us, you know?

Kay: Well, then I'm not just going to sit here and see this beautiful love story end badly. Victor, it was all because of your unbelievable stupidity. I'm not gonna mince words, my friend. That's what it was, this whole bribery situation, it was stupid. And you're paying very dearly for it right now, are you not?

Victor: Katherine, I've been in business for a long time.

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Victor: What I did is common practice in business, you know, in this country and universally. That's how people do business. They buy favors. I guess it isn't altogether ethical. My son got very upset by it. And my wife lost $35 million by investing in a company she shouldn't have invested in. Anyway, how are things with you?

Kay: (Chuckles) you're talking about Jill.

Victor: Yeah.

Kay: You're asking about my daughter and me.

Victor: How's that going?


Gina: We don't usually have customers that get drinks this early in the morning, my dear.

Jill: Do me a favor, Gina. Mind your own business.

Gina: Well, there's no need to get nasty about it. I was just explaining why we don't have a bartender.

Jill: Whatever. If I want a Bloody Mary first thing in the morning, I will bloody well have one.

Gina: Okay. Whatever floats your boat, babe.

Jill: Besides, this is a breakfast drink. There is this stick of celery and all this healthy tomato juice. It's good for you.

Gina: Oh, okay.

Bobby: Hey, good-lookin'.

Jill: Oh, Bobby.

Gina: Bobby, long time no see.

Bobby: How are ya, Gina?

Jill: There is... (gasps) there's vodka in this. I asked for a virgin Mary.

Gina: Oh, how clumsy of me. I'll fix that for you.

Jill: Thank you.

Bobby: So, Gina, I was sorry to hear about your restaurant burning down.

Gina: Yeah, well, thank God for insurance.

Bobby: So you're gonna rebuild?

Gina: I'm thinking about it.

Bobby: Hmm, and you're working here now?

Gina: Yeah, just managing, trying to fill the time.

Bobby: I can't believe you didn't come by me for a job.

Gina: Yeah, well, aren't you a cutie. But I don't think Marsino's is really my kind of place.

Bobby: To each his own. Oh, Gina, could I get a coffee, black?

Jill: What do you say that we go over there by the fireplace?

Gina: Go on over. I’ll bring your drinks over.

Bobby: Uh, Gina, I'm still gonna need a table for three.

Gina: You got it.

Bobby: Thanks.


Chris: I can't believe that you would barge in here without calling.

Paul: So what, I need an engraved invitation now?

Chris: At the moment, yes. You have your own apartment, or did you forget that?

Paul: Well, first of all, we own this place together. My name is on the mortgage.

Chris: Only because we haven't finished the paperwork.

Paul: Oh, look at this. A letter addressed to me.

Chris: Is there some reason you're being so nasty?

Paul: You know, I could have said the exact same thing to you the other night.

Chris: Oh, so this is about raking me over the coal for that some more.

Paul: No, actually this is about me coming to pick up the rest of my stuff. And believe me, the next time; I will knock on that door until my knuckles bleed.

Chris: I don't think there will be a next time, not the way things are now. I can't believe you still have a key to this place.

Paul: Well, you never asked for it back.

Chris: Well, I'm asking now.


Michael: Brad, if you don't mind, I got a long day ahead of me. You mind if we chat on the way down in the elevator?

Michael: Look, it may come as a surprise to you, but you're not the first person to suggest that I might end up in jail.

Brad: I think what you and Victor have done is gonna bring Newman Enterprises crashing down.

Michael: Yeah. You're hysterical. You need medication.

Brad: Might take a year or so for the stench of corruption to drive away business, or who knows, lead to other revelations. Don't kid yourself, Baldwin. It could happen.

Michael: And Jabot will take Newman Enterprises' place as a player on the world stage.

Brad: Oh, you joke, but the fact is that we've hit rock bottom-- no place to go but up for us.

Michael: Delusions of grandeur.

Brad: Reality, Mikey. I'll let you in on a little secret. We've got a new product coming down the pipeline that's going to revolutionize an entire sector of the personal grooming market. Now how sweet is that? Newman rotting in jail because he wanted to destroy us. And you, hell, you won't even make it into one of those country club prisons. You're a 2-time loser. They're gonna stick you in with the hard cases.


Jill: So what brings you here this morning?

Bobby: I'm just meeting somebody for breakfast.

Jill: Business?

Bobby: Not exactly.

Jill: Oh, that means it must be a woman.

Bobby: Hmm. Oh, nice decorations.

Jill: Oh, good segue. Yeah, I guess they're all right if you like that kind of thing.

Bobby: You got something against Christmas?

Jill: Just the usual bah-humbug stuff, that's all.

Bobby: Are you kiddin' me? I love this time of year.

Jill: Well, I did, too. I mean, when I was little. But when you get too big to sit on Santa’s lap, what's the point?

Bobby: Christmas always reminds me of being in my mother's kitchen with her baking up cookies, like, in the shapes of trees and sleds with the sprinkles, all that cornball stuff.

Jill: Oh, no, no, no. I think that's really sweet. You know what? You've mentioned your mother before. I guess you're pretty close, huh?

Bobby: Oh, let me tell ya, my mother's a saint. I don't know how she put up with me all these years. I think I gave her each and every one of her gray hairs.

Jill: Speaking of mothers, you know, I'm still pretty mortified at the way mine treated you when you dropped by the house.

Bobby: I told you, forget about it. I got a real kick out of her.

Jill: Yeah, but there's just no excuse for that kind of rudeness.

Bobby: Jill, you gotta give her a break. I mean, if you ask me, you should be lucky to get her genes. They're gonna give you that spunk.

Jill: Oh, please spare me.

Bobby: No, I mean it. I think we could both learn a thing or two from her.


Paul: So is this going to be like getting a divorce all over again?

Chris: We never really cut the ties back then, not really.

Paul: Oh, okay. So what you want to do is formalize things and buy me out, clean house, erase any trace of our lives together?

Chris: I'm sure Lauren would prefer that.

Paul: You know, I find this really interesting.

Chris: I'm glad I can amuse you.

Paul: What did I do? You seem so angry.

Chris: I didn't want you to move out. I didn't ask you to leave.

Paul: Oh, no, you just wanted me to hang around to be your little...

Chris: What? Go ahead, say it.

Paul: So how is Danny, anyway?

Chris: Oh, God.

Paul: He certainly came riding to your rescue the other night.

Chris: Are you gonna give me my keys back, or do I have the locks changed?

Paul: So this is how it's going to end.


Michael: You're really having fun with this, aren't you, Brad?

Brad: This is not fun now, nor has it ever been fun. Ever since Newman came up with his little scheme and put you to work on it, my life has been hell.

Michael: And now it's time for revenge.

Brad: Victor Newman owes me more than he could ever pay back. Because of him, my baby boy is dead. You have any idea how that feels?

Michael: No. And I'm sorry it happened. In spite of how you feel about me, I hope you realize I mean that.

Brad: At the end of the day, I've got no big beef with you. You're just a cog in his machine.

Michael: Just a soldier doing his duty.

Brad: Not that that's any excuse. You know, you probably could save your own skin. I mean, it is Newman they're after.

Michael: All right, enough, Brad. Time to take your act on the road.

Brad: Sure, Mike. I don't know what I was thinking. I mean, what do I care if you go down? All I'm saying is if you were inclined to help them bury Victor, I might be motivated to put in a good word.

Michael: All right, out! Out, Carlton, out!

Brad: Just a thought.

Michael: Idiot.


Victor: How are you and Jill getting along these days?

Kay: Like a prickly pear, at best. No. I'm this insidious, stupid, meddling nuisance that doesn't have a right to have an opinion.

Victor: Well, welcome to my world.

Kay: Ah, Victor.

Victor: How about a cup of coffee, Katherine?

Kay: Thank you. No, I just feel that Jill is making some very serious mistakes.

Victor: You mean by taking you up on your offer to vacate the house?

Kay: Oh, well, no. I'm starting to believe that that was my mistake. Thank you.

Victor: Now it's backfiring or what?

Kay: (Chuckles) I'll let you know when she finishes redecorating my home. Right now her motif is contemporary bordello.

Victor: Thank you for making me laugh. "Contemporary bordello," I love that. That's funny, darling.

Kay: It isn't just the specter of seeing my house transformed into something totally unrecognizable, I mean, my God, it's watching my daughter, who is a grown woman, make the same insidious mistakes that I damn near drowned in.

Victor: What, are you talking about alcohol? Is she drinking or what?

Kay: Mm-hmm, too much, too often.

Victor: I'm sorry.

Kay: Oh, well, it's not just that. It's her choice of companions. Victor, I swear to God, I just feel helpless.

Victor: Well, Katherine, what I have learned is that you try to run your children's lives at your own peril. All you manage to do is drive them away, and then they find more and more creative ways to show their contempt for you in front of the whole world.

Kay: Well, we're not talking about Jill and me anymore, are we?


Brittany: Hey, Bobby. Mrs. Abbott.

Bobby: You're right on time.

Brittany: Actually, I'm early.

Bobby: Well, I won't hold it against you.

Jill: Um... you two know each other?

Brittany: Well, you seem surprised.

Jill: Well, yeah. I wouldn't really expect... I...

Bobby: Brittany, can I get you something to drink?

Brittany: Oh, no, not right now, thanks. Actually, Mrs. Abbott, I didn't realize that you and Bobby were acquainted either.

Jill: Yeah. Bobby and I are new friends, aren't we, Bobby?

Gina: Excuse me, Bobby. Your table's ready.

Bobby: Oh, great. Thanks, Gina.

Gina: Right this way.

Jill: Um... isn't she a little bit young for you?

Bobby: It was nice to see you, Jill.

Gina: I'll send the waiter right over.

Bobby: Thank you, darling.

Brittany: She's a little old for you, don't you think?

Brittany: So what's this about, Bobby?

Bobby: What's what about?

Brittany: This meeting.

Bobby: Don't overanalyze anything. I just enjoy spending time with you. That's it. End of story.

Brittany: Just don't push, okay?

Bobby: Hey, didn't we have a good time when we went out the other night?

Brittany: It was okay.

Bobby: Careful. You're gonna make my head swell too big.

Brittany: It was fun.

Bobby: So it's not gonna kill you to get to know me better.

Brittany: I'm not sure I could handle getting to know a man like you any better.

Bobby: Oh, come on. Deep down inside you know I'm a decent guy.

Brittany: The skin merchant with a heart of gold, right?

Bobby: Yeah, something like that, because I got a little surprise for you.

Brittany: Surprise?

Bobby: Uh-huh. His name is Sal Staley, and he's right here, and he's gonna join us.

Sal: How's it going, Bobby?

Bobby: Good, sit down. This is that terrific singer that I've been telling you about--Brittany Hodges.

Sal: Hi.

Brittany: Hi.

Bobby: Sal-- he's in the music industry. He's got connections. Right, Sal? This guy right here could be your ticket to the big time.


Gina: Table for two?

Frederick: Please.

Gina: Right here.

Anita: Great.

Gina: And how about some coffee to start with?

Anita: Yes, that would be great. Frederick?

Frederick: Uh, yeah.

Anita: Two, please. Thanks, Gina.

Frederick: So, my dear, when are you going to stop all this foolishness and move back home?

Anita: And why would I want to do that?

Frederick: Come on. You can't possibly enjoy living out of your suitcase.

Anita: Well, it does have its perks.

Frederick: Really? Name one.

Anita: Well, I get a lot more attention from you than I ever did when we lived together.

Frederick: Come on, that's rubbish.

Anita: Is it? Take this morning, for instance.

Frederick: What about it?

Anita: Isn't it your racquetball day?

Frederick: Yeah, well, Ben has gallbladder problems.

Anita: You don't fool me, Frederick Hodges. You miss me.

Frederick: Speaking of which, why don't we drop by your suite at the lodge later? I'm free the rest of the day.

Anita: Are you trying to seduce me?

Gina: Are you ready to order?

Frederick: Oh, yeah.


Chris: I was on my way out. I need to start my day. I'm sure you do, too.

Paul: Oh, yeah. Get my stuff and get out?

Chris: Was there something else?

Paul: No, I guess not. I guess this is it. We're finally moving on.

Chris: I have an appointment, so...

Paul: Going after Victor bright and early this morning, huh?

Chris: How do you know about that?

Paul: What have you forgotten what I do for a living? Word travels.

Chris: It's a very serious investigation.

Paul: Oh, don't worry. I won't leak it. A bit of advice? You and Victor are colleagues and close friends, and there's a lot of mutual respect there. And God knows your relationship with Michael Baldwin, although I don't understand it--

Chris: Just get to the point.

Paul: Well, all my sources tell me that the evidence is very strong and getting stronger by the minute. So be careful.

Chris: Of what?

Paul: Oh, I think you know what I'm talking about, Chris-- your personal feelings. I mean, you have to be very torn at the moment.

Chris: Well, thanks for your input. I have no intention of talking about the case with you, but I am going to do the job that I was hired to do. Your boxes are in the guest room where you left them. Turn off the lights on the tree, too.


Victor: I hope you don't mind if we change the subject.

Kay: Mm, but, Victor, let's not pretend that it doesn't hurt like hell right now being you.

Victor: You know me only too well, don't you, Katherine?

Kay: Look, if I can't meddle in Jill’s affairs, my God, at least allow me the pleasure of meddling in yours.

Victor: Well, you can meddle in mine any time you want to, but that ain't gonna change a damn thing, unfortunately. My son doesn't exist for me anymore.

Kay: Well, yes, and your heart is broken. So is Nikki’s. She can't begin to understand why your son has betrayed you the way he has.

Victor: I will never understand that. I will never understand that, and I most certainly will never forgive it.

[Michael remembering]

Victor: Use your understanding of human nature, your knowledge of the law to make people do what they ordinarily wouldn't do.

Michael: Mm, meaning put your Safra products right up there in the consumer's face and push Jabot's Tuvia into the shadows.

Victor: Enough choice locations to start undermining Jabot's advantage over us.

Michael: And pray, when does the sword of Damocles stop hanging over my head?

Victor: As soon as you do what I'm asking of you.

Michael: You should be careful who you pull this kind of stuff on. Someday even the great Victor Newman might need a friend.

Victor: Ain't gonna be you, Mr. Baldwin, I assure you.

Michael: You'd better hope you're right.

Victor: You have a nice day.

Michael: And yourself, Mr. Newman.

(Doorbell rings)

Michael: Oh, my God. I'm sorry, Chris.

Chris: Did you forget I was coming over?

Michael: Let's just say I was trying to forget, and I wish I could say you were a welcome sight.

Chris: Michael, you called me. You asked me to come here. That's why I came to your apartment. I'm pretty sure I know what you want to talk to me about. Or am I mistaken?


Sal: So Bobby tells me you really got it, kid.

Brittany: Got what?

Sal: It. You know, that special thing that makes a star.

Brittany: Well, isn't it really hard to get a record made, especially for an unknown like me?

Sal: Everybody's an unknown when they're born, right?

Bobby: Yeah, but that's where Sal comes in. See, he knows everybody in the music industry, and they take his call.

Sal: Yeah. Of course, my connections don't amount to anything if the talent's not hot.

Bobby: Let me tell you something. The talent is hot.

Sal: Okay. The trick is to hook you up with the right people, all right? There's a lot of scam artists out there--empty suits blowing a lot of smoke. A pretty girl like you can't be too careful.

Brittany: So how does this work?

Sal: Well, I'm gonna want to hear you sing.

Bobby: You know, I can help arrange that.

Sal: Do you want to do your place, or do you want to rent some rehearsal space?

Bobby: I'm easy. I think that we could probably do it at my--

Brittany: You know, this sounds really great, and I don't mean to be ungrateful, but I'm just curious about something.

Bobby: What's that?

Brittany: Well, if you have all these contacts with important record producers, what are you doing here in Genoa City bothering with somebody like me?

Bobby: Sal's doing me a favor.

Sal: Let me explain something to you, sweetheart. Yeah, I got a lot of connections, all right? But I only use them if I come across something very special. Otherwise my credibility's blown, get it?

Brittany: Sure. Yeah, that makes sense, I guess.

Sal: I mean, bottom line, I keep my eyes and ears open, and when I am lucky enough to come across a star in the making, I move. Look, chicks who can sing are a dime a dozen. And like I said, if you don't have that special something, that magic, well, go sing in karaoke bars, sing in some church choir, but don't, you know, don't waste Sal Staley’s time, you know?

Brittany: Well, thank you so much for giving me this chance, Mr. Staley.

Sal: Thank Bobby. He's the one who can't stop bragging about how great you are.

Brittany: Yeah, I think he's pretty great himself.


Frederick: Mmm, those pancakes hit the spot.

Anita: You're gonna have to double up on your workout if you keep eating like that. You'll get soft around the middle.

Frederick: Well, I can think of another activity that would burn just as many calories.

Anita: Is that Brittany?

Frederick: Yeah, right, like our daughter would be up before noon.

Anita: No, I'm serious, Frederick. She's with Bobby Marsino-- the man who owns the strip club.

Frederick: My God, that is Brittany.

Anita: Who's that other man she's with? Do you know him?

Frederick: No, I don’t. What the hell is the matter with that girl? Why can't she just one time find a friend that we approve of?

Anita: Frederick, don't stare. They'll see us.

Frederick: Good. I've had it about up to here with this rebellious stage she's going through.

Anita: Frederick, please, sit down.

Frederick: Anita, they're having breakfast together. Do you have any idea what that might mean?


Michael: Here we go. It's not every day the spider and the fly get to sit down over coffee.

Chris: I don't enjoy playing this role with you.

Michael: Well, it's your duty to bring all evildoers to justice.

Chris: Don't mock me. One of the reasons you valued me as your legal partner was you knew I took my work seriously.

Michael: You're right. Who'd have thought there'd come a day when I'd prefer you to be a little less diligent, a little less thorough?

Chris: I can't do that.

Michael: Right again. I wouldn't respect you. On the other hand, so many people are convinced that I'll be spending another sabbatical behind bars, uh... well, it gives you a perspective where you're willing to give up on some of the finer points.

Chris: In other words?

Michael: In other words, I'm a little nervous, Christine.

Chris: Why did you let Victor involve you in this scheme?

Michael: That's very clever. Did I ever say it wasn't only my idea?

Chris: I don't believe it.

Michael: Well, a prosecutor's personal beliefs really don't carry much weight in a court of law, and as of now I haven't said it was anyone else's idea but my own.

Chris: So you don't want to go to jail, and yet you want to be the one to go to jail. You're sending a mixed message.

Michael: I don't think anyone has to go to jail.

Chris: I talked to Peter Hudson.

Michael: Did you now? And what did our faint-hearted friend have to say?

Chris: What he had to say was not good for you.

Michael: Not good for me personally, or not good for the other person who was involved in the dastardly deed?

Chris: It's so obvious that Victor was involved. Come on, even if you conceived the idea, you don't have the kind of money that was being thrown around.

Michael: Well, if I did it would be cocktail hour on my yacht in the Mediterranean right about now.

Chris: Nice fantasy.

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Chris: Michael, you can't run and hide from this, and I can't make it go away. On the other hand, I can help you make it less of a disaster if you are willing to work with me.


Bobby: Why don't we order some breakfast? Then we can talk while we eat.

Sal: So long as Bobby's picking up the tab, huh?

Frederick: All right, Marsino, this time you've gone too far.

Brittany: Dad, what are you doing here?

Bobby: You know what? Let me handle this.

Frederick: Get your hand off my daughter.

Bobby: Fine. Keep your voice down. People are trying to eat.

Brittany: Dad, please, you're embarrassing me.

Frederick: You should be embarrassed, sweetheart, hanging around with this kind of scum. Who is that guy?

Brittany: He's a friend of Bobby’s. Just go, Dad.

Frederick: Oh, yeah, and leave you alone with these losers? I don't think so.

Anita: Frederick, please.

Frederick: Anita--

Anita: You're making a spectacle of yourself.

Brittany: Mom, for God's sakes, get him out of here.

Frederick: Keep quiet, kitten. This Marsino guy and I gotta get a few things straight.

Bobby: You got a beef with me, fine, but this isn't the time or the place.

Frederick: I'm warning you, Marsino, keep your filthy hands off my daughter, or I will shut down that rat hole club of yours permanently.

Brittany: Mom, do something.

Anita: Frederick, please, let's go.

Frederick: Fine. You're coming with us, Brittany.

Brittany: No, I'm not. How dare you come in here and humiliate me like this?

Frederick: Sweetheart, you can do better than this greaseball.

Bobby: Hey, watch your mouth.

Brittany: I'll never forgive you for this.

Anita: Honey, please, calm down.

Brittany: I will not calm down. Bobby was trying to help me with my singing career.

Bobby: Hold on, ladies. Why don't you relax? I think me and Freddie here have something to talk about. Let's go. Hey, Ray,look at this. New releases guaranteed in stock.

Bobby: I need you to listen to me, Hodges.

Frederick: No, you listen to me, punk.

Bobby: No, just shut your mouth and listen.

Frederick: You got nothing to say that I want to hear.

Bobby: Just the same, I think it's only fair that I warn you. My business associates are not gonna take your threats as nicely as I have.

Frederick: Are you trying to scare me, Marsino?

Bobby: No, just a little friendly advice. You keep mouthing off about shutting my place down, the wrong people might hear, and, believe me, you do not want that to happen.

Frederick: Now who's making threats?

Bobby: No, no threats. Just a little friendly advice. You'd better think about it.

Frederick: Come on, Brittany. Let's go back to our table. Maybe you can explain to your mother and me how you expect men like these to help your so-called career.

Brittany: I am so sorry, Bobby and Mr. Staley. I hope that you don't think that I'm not serious.

Bobby: No, no, no, don't worry about it. It's fine. Why don't you just go over and make nice with your folks?

Brittany: (Sighs)


Kay: Oh, this talk of forgiveness. It's just your pain talking.

Victor: No, Katherine, its reality talking. That's how it is now and will probably always be.

Kay: Always is a very, very long time, my friend.

Victor: I've just got to deal with the wounds that my son inflicted upon me, pull out the dagger that he put in my back and just deal with it.

Kay: And with Nikki?

Victor: All of it.

Kay: Well, you see, I am far more concerned with the two of you than any legal repercussions, for heaven's sakes. Do you realize you're not the only one being betrayed here?

Victor: Katherine, darling, please listen to me. You know that I didn't intentionally mean to hurt Nikki.

Kay: Well, then how the devil could it... look, as big a debacle as this is, I am not going to allow it to tear the two of you apart. No, I won't allow it.

Victor: Well, sad to say, but there ain't much you can do about it.

Kay: Well, if I have to intervene, I don't care. I mean, I'm going to do it before you just spin totally out of control.

Victor: Katherine, I'm telling you, there's not much you can do.

Kay: Oh, come on. Isn't there something, some way I can help?

Victor: All I can ask you to do is go to my wife and tell her how much I love her and not to confuse the hurt and the embarrassment she feels over the $35 million that she lost because she made a bad investment in a company I told her not to invest in. That's what part of her pain is all about. With my son, there's a different issue. But you go to my wife, and you’ll her that I love her. And maybe one day she'll be able to forgive me.

Kay: Victor, Victor, Victor, dear, dear friend. Oh, God. It's certainly not going to be the Christmas season that either of us hoped for, is it, though?

Victor: No. But you know something? I'm very grateful for friends like you. You and I have been old friends.

Kay: Yeah.

Victor: And I love you for it.

Kay: Yeah, I love you, too. I love you, too, Victor.

Victor: But, Katherine, I'm a fighter. I'm a bull. Upward and onward. You know that, right?

Kay: Oh, yeah.

Victor: That's it.


Michael: Okay, folks, the moment you've all been waiting for. Our fearless assistant D.A. Is gonna reach into her bag of tricks, and abracadabra, alakazam, she reaches in and finds a-- wait for it-- a deal, a deal. "Let's deal, you bad man, you. We consider you an awful sinner, but if you rat out your boss, we'll let you go. So what do you say, huh? What do you say?"

Chris: Well, I hope you're amusing yourself. Damn it, this is serious.

Michael: You don't think I know that?

Chris: Well, act like it then. Victor is the one my office wants to bring down.

Michael: Wants, needs. For political gain, for ego--

Chris: We can talk motivation all day. You don't like the law, write your congressman and have it changed. Until then, commercial bribery is illegal, and Victor is the target. Michael, I would feel so much better if the damage could be minimized. You do not want to go to jail. God that would be the end of you. Why don't you help me out? You'll be helping yourself at the same time.


Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Damon: This is what we're looking for. It's very rare, very hard to find.


Neil: What? What is that about?

Victoria: Oh, I'm so angry with you! I can't believe you did something like this!

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