Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/4/03--Canada; Thursday 12/5/03
By Suzanne
Proofread by Emma
Sharon: Cameron-- Cameron something. I don't know. I never got his last name, but he's in a meeting with Nick right now. Oh, my God. What if he says something to my husband?
Michael: Just calm down. There's no reason to be upset right now.
Sharon: Well, you would be, too, Michael, if you were me.
Michael: Well, he doesn't know that you and Nicholas are related in any way.
Sharon: Married, no. I mean, unless he overheard Sherry, but I don't think so.
Michael: He doesn't know who you are. He doesn't know what family you're part of, right?
Sharon: Well, I talked a lot that night, but I don't think I named any names. At least, I hope I didn’t.
Michael: All right, so you can't be sure then.
Sharon: You think that he's here to blackmail me?
Michael: No, no, I don't have enough information, Sharon.
Sharon: Well, what else do you need to know, Michael?
Michael: When you saw him in Nick's office, are you certain he recognized you?
Sharon: I'm positive. He looked me right in the eye, and I could tell by the look on his face that he knew exactly who I was and what he had done to me.
Brad: Colleen, could you come downstairs for a minute?
Colleen: You wanted to see me?
Brad: Yeah, sit down, honey.
Colleen: Sure. Is something wrong?
Brad: No, sweetheart.
Colleen: Oh, 'cause I'm kind of anxious to get over to Fenmore’s.
Brad: Why, big sale?
Colleen: No, I need to get a special dress.
Brad: What's the occasion?
Colleen: J.T. invited me to the winter ball-- my first big college dance. I can hardly wait.
Brad: Is the dance in the coming week?
Colleen: Yeah. Why?
Brad: I hate to disappoint you, honey, but I'm afraid you can't go.
Raul: Did you get your car all spiffy?
J.T.: Yeah, clean as a whistle. I even vacuumed the trunk.
Raul: Yeah, is that where you're gonna keep your date?
J.T.: It needed it, man.
Raul: You're taking this dance thing a little too seriously.
J.T.: Hey, this is a really big deal for Colleen. It's her first college formal.
Raul: Whoo-hoo!
J.T.: Hey, just because you're not into it, doesn't mean you have to--
Raul: Why should I be?
J.T.: Colleen's, like, bouncing off the walls about this thing. I want it to be really special for her.
Raul: Well, there's a first. "Slick" Hellstrom all hopped up about a school dance.
J.T.: Hey, shut up, man. I told you why. Anyway, I am pretty excited about this thing.
Raul: Oh, brother.
J.T.: Hey, why don't you stop moping around here and ask Brittany?
Raul: Dude, don't even go there, okay?
J.T.: Fine.
Raul: It's just a bad idea.
J.T.: Hey, am I pushing? No, so don't give me any grief, okay?
Brittany: Well, gee, if we can't give you grief, what are we supposed to do for recreation around here?
Victor: Can you give me a glass of water?
Ashley: Victor.
Victor: Thank you.
Ashley: Over here.
Victor: Ashley. My goodness, what a surprise.
Ashley: A good one, I hope.
Victor: That goes without saying. So nice to see you out of the hospital.
Ashley: Nice to be out.
Victor: What brings you here?
Ashley: Nothing, really. I just felt like getting out, trying to get in the holiday spirit, I guess. I found myself here having a cup of coffee much like I used to do at Gina’s. I can't believe it's gone.
Victor: Yeah, it's too bad, isn't it? It was such a landmark.
Ashley: Yeah, when I think of all the fond memories I have there, many like this... You and I used to meet there a lot for coffee in the mornings, remember?
Victor: Yeah, strange that you bring that up now.
Ashley: Why, should I forget?
Victor: No, of course not. It's just so rare that I hear a nice word from any of the Abbotts these days. Another surprise this morning.
Ashley: Well, no matter what, there will always be a place for you in my heart.
Jack: Thank you for seeing me.
Nikki: You didn't really give me much choice, did you? I sense that whatever it is you have to say, I don't want to hear it.
Jack: Maybe not, but you need to hear it.
Nikki: Is this about Ashley?
Jack: No, Ashley’s fine, given everything that she's been through.
Nikki: Okay, then it must be about Victor-- more doom and gloom about what a terrible man he is.
Jack: Apparently you still haven't been told what's going on.
Nikki: Ah, here we go again. Look, if you are here to make more vague allegations and innuendos about some evil deed my husband has done, will you please save your breath? I'm really sick of listening to you.
Jack: Just hear me out, Nikki.
Nikki: No, I should never have indulged you before. I'm not going to.
Jack: No more innuendos this time. This time I'm telling it like it is.
Nikki: What part of "I don't want to hear it" don't you understand? Jack, if you feel the need to go on another tirade about Victor's alleged lack of scruples, do it somewhere else. Okay, you don't want to leave? I'll leave.
Jack: This isn't about lack of scruples, Nikki. It's about breaking the law. Crimes were committed-- serious crimes.
Brittany: So what were you guys talking about?
J.T.: The winter ball at G.C.U.
Brittany: I can't believe you're actually going.
J.T.: Hey, anything for my girl.
Brittany: Last of the true romantics.
J.T.: Colleen thinks so.
Brittany: Well, I'll have to set her straight one of these days.
J.T.: Oh, yeah, go ahead and try. She thinks I walk on water.
Brittany: Like one of those insects when the lake's crusted over?
J.T.: So, Brittany, why aren't you going?
Brittany: Where?
J.T.: To the dance.
Brittany: Stag? Please. Why are we even talking about this? I mean, sure, I wish I was going, but... I already have plans that night.
J.T.: Oh, right, so it wouldn't have worked anyway.
Brittany: Exactly.
J.T.: Okay.
Brittany: I bet Colleen's stoked.
J.T.: Oh, yeah, yeah, she's really excited.
Brittany: Well, I have to go. Here, can you rinse this out for me?
J.T.: I'm not doing your dirty work.
Brittany: I pick up after you constantly.
Brittany: Bye, Raul.
J.T.: Nice going, man.
Raul: What?
J.T.: Oh, like you don't know what I'm talking about. On second hand, maybe you are clueless.
Raul: Hey, you got something you want to say to me, man?
J.T.: Yeah, yeah, that chick is still in love with you, but if you don't freakin' get over yourself, she won't be for long. Here, clean that up.
Victor: That you should think kindly of me, especially now after all that has happened, means more to me than I can tell you. How's your beautiful girl?
Ashley: She's fine. Abby's a ball of energy these days.
Victor: I'm sure she's happy to have you home for thanksgiving.
Ashley: Yeah, oh, yeah. I think it meant more to me, but, yeah, she was very happy to see me.
Victor: I'm sure she was. She's beautiful, you know.
Ashley: You think so?
Victor: Oh, yeah, but then any child of yours would be beautiful. I'm sorry.
Ashley: No, it's okay. Don't apologize. I'm trying to come to terms with my loss. I'm trying to get beyond it. And, yes, Abby is my greatest joy.
Victor: I'm sure. I'm very glad you have her.
Ashley: You're fond of her, aren't you?
Victor: Yeah.
Ashley: That's nice. Well, what about you? It can't be easy being Victor Newman these days.
Nikki: You're telling me Victor committed a crime? That is absurd!
Jack: Bribery is a crime, Nikki. It's against the law.
Nikki: Bribery?
Jack: Victor bribed some key executives to improve Safra's shelf position at the expense of tuvia.
Nikki: Oh, come on! Look, I'm the first to admit that my husband can be a tough businessman. He would never do anything illegal.
Jack: Apparently there's a first time for everything.
Nikki: Victor doesn't have to cheat to win! He would never do that!
Jack: Sweetheart, you need to get ready for the fallout. It's coming your way. It's all about to hit the fan and soon.
Nikki: Okay, I'm gonna ask you one more time to leave this house.
Jack: Why? Because you don't want to see the truth?
Nikki: Jack, this is a very important time for my family right now. My husband and my son are closer than they've been in a very long time, and I cannot have you come in this house with all of your negativity.
Jack: No, no, Victor brought the negativity into this house with the crimes he committed. You want to get angry at me, knock yourself out. I am telling you the straight story.
Nikki: Why are you doing this to me? Are you trying to hurt me?
Jack: No, I'm not trying to hurt. Look, there may be a kinder, gentler way to tell you this. Right now I'm dealing with my own pain thanks to Victor. Phyllis and I have separated.
Bobby: Come on, don't worry. No, it'll never happen again. We just got careless. But that's a good thing, 'cause, I mean, careless you can fix. It's not like the place burned down. That wouldn't be so easy to fix. Right. No, everything's gonna be fine. Right. Listen, I gotta get back in this meeting. Why don't I give you a call in a few days? Uh-huh. All right, I'll talk to you. Bye. What's up, kid?
Brittany: Angelo said to tell you the beer order's here. He'll be out back for awhile.
Bobby: Oh, okay. So did you miss us?
Brittany: Who's "us"?
Bobby: Us--Marsino's, the girls, Ange, the crowd, everything.
Brittany: I miss the money.
Bobby: You miss the dancing? 'Cause i gotta tell you, the guys really missed you. In fact, I had a lot of explaining to do on why you weren't here on the grand reopening night.
Brittany: Well, I can't help what people want. Life's tough all over.
Bobby: Really? All right, what's the matter?
Brittany: You. You and your big, fat mouth, that's what's the matter.
Colleen: Okay, you really didn't just say that, that I can't go to the dance.
Brad: I just got off the phone with your mom.
Colleen: Oh, well, why didn't you tell me? I haven't talked to her in a few days.
Brad: Well, you'll be able to do that in person. She wants you to come to New York for a visit.
Colleen: Well, you don't mean now?
Brad: I'm afraid so, honey. She's anxious to see you.
Colleen: Well, I'll just call Mom up and tell her about the dance. I know she wouldn't want me to miss it.
Brad: Colleen, I'd rather you didn't do that.
Colleen: How come?
Brad: Because she's been worried sick about you ever since the fire at Gina’s.
Colleen: She knows I am fine, Dad.
Brad: Well, she might know it, but it's different seeing it for herself. Anyway, I think it'd be good if you got away for a little while.
Colleen: Why?
Brad: Well, for one thing because Kevin Fisher is still on the loose, which drives me nuts.
Colleen: Dad, he's not gonna bother me. We have a restraining order against him.
Brad: I know that, and I know the police are doing everything they can. In the meantime, he's not locked up yet, is he?
Colleen: How long would I have to be gone?
Brad: Just, like, you know, a week or so. You'll be back to spend most of the holidays with us.
Colleen: Can't I go after Christmas? This dance is really, really important to me.
Brad: No, honey, I'm afraid not. This is the time that's good for your mom. She's leaving on a book-signing tour.
Colleen: What am I supposed to tell J.T.?
Brad: Tell J.T. The truth-- that your mom wants to see you.
Colleen: This is really bad timing, Dad.
Brad: I know that, honey. But listen, your relationship with J.T. Is rock solid. He'll understand. And besides that, there will be more college dances.
Colleen: I know, but this one was going to be special. It's my first. I was going to meet his friends. I was really looking forward to it.
Brad: Honey, your mom has been really terrific about letting you stay with Ash and me. I know she'd rather have you in New York with her, but she understands that you have a life and a boyfriend, that you're happy here. She's been pretty terrific.
Colleen: Yeah, I guess.
Brad: She misses you, Colleen.
Colleen: Oh, I miss her too, but...
Brad: I know you're disappointed. But you know what? Listen, this is going to be just a little, tiny, tiny moment out of your life. And you'll be back in Genoa City, and we're going to spend Christmas together. Do this for me, will you, baby? I think we owe it to your mom.
Colleen: Okay.
Brad: That's my girl.
Michael: So you think this Cameron person, you think he remembers everything?
Sharon: That we had sex, and that he got violent with me afterwards-- how do you forget something like that? It's going to haunt me for the rest of my life.
Michael: Yes, but depending on the type of man he is, he might not necessarily remember any of this.
Sharon: What? What do you mean?
Michael: It's possible that he has a history, that there have been others. Now you say that he beat you.
Sharon: It took weeks for those bruises to heal.
Michael: Did you seek medical attention for your injuries?
Sharon: No.
Michael: You didn't file a claim of any kind?
Sharon: Michael, I told you I felt disgusted with myself and ashamed.
Michael: All right, so you didn't go to the police.
Sharon: No, no way.
Michael: But you understand this Cameron fellow, he doesn't know that. If you're worried about blackmail, the best way to counter that threat is with one of your own.
Sharon: You mean file charges?
Michael: No, no, no, assuming that the sex was consensual, you still have battery case. You can say you went to the Denver police. You gave a very accurate and detailed description of your assailant. Now if he has smarts, he'll drop whatever he has in mind, go for easier pickings.
Sharon: Michael, look, none of this helps me, okay? I don't want to stir things up again. Nicholas can never find out about this--never!
"The Young and the Restless" will continue.
J.T.: Coming.
J.T.: Hey, how you doing? I'm glad you stopped by. I've got something to show you.
Colleen: Oh, really?
J.T.: Yeah.
Colleen: What is it?
J.T.: Well, I bought myself a shirt, only now I'm kind of thinking I may have made a mistake. All right, if I can get this right, tell me what you think.
Colleen: Oh, it matches your eyes, brings out the blue.
J.T.: Yeah, it’s not too over the top or anything?
Colleen: No, I like it.
J.T.: You'd better not be lying to me. Otherwise you're gonna pay for it.
Colleen: What do you mean?
J.T.: Well, you're my date for the winter ball, so if I end up looking like a geek, you're going to look like one, too, for hanging out with me.
Colleen: This shirt's for the dance?
J.T.: Yeah. I mean, come on, I wouldn't wear that kind of thing at the coffeehouse. Which reminds me, did you get your dress yet?
Colleen: What?
J.T.: Your dress. You were gonna go by Fenmore’s, right?
Colleen: Right. Uh, no. No, I did not get a dress.
J.T.: You'd better hurry up. I mean, how am i gonna know what color corsage to buy you?
Colleen: I don't need a corsage.
J.T.: Right. Right, that's a little prom-ish. Okay, it doesn't matter, 'cause you look beautiful, no matter what.
Colleen: J.T., Look, I'm trying to tell you, I'm not going to the dance.
Nikki: You and Phyllis...
Jack: Splitsville.
Nikki: Because of victor?
Jack: She knew what Victor was up to. She's known for awhile. She never told me.
Nikki: Jack, this is crazy! Why would you leave Phyllis over something that you only think Victor did? There's got to be something more behind this.
Jack: It's not what I think. It's what I know, and, no, I will not condone my wife concealing a crime that may bring Jabot to bankruptcy.
Nikki: Jack, you know how many enemies Victor has. Obviously this is a setup. Somebody's trying to destroy him!
Jack: This is not a setup. It's the real deal.
Nikki: Will you stop saying that? Now whoever is your source is lying to you. Who is it? Who's telling you these things?
Jack: It's your son.
Nikki: Oh, my God. Now you're really... You've lost your mind.
Jack: You don't want to believe me, you ask your son.
Nikki: I don't need to ask him. I know my son!
Jack: Apparently not as well as you think.
Nikki: Look, even if he had suspicions, he would go straight to his father. He wouldn't go behind his back with unfounded rumors.
Jack: I'm afraid this isn't about rumors anymore.
Nikki: What the hell does that mean?
Jack: Nicholas doesn't suspect, Nikki. He knows.
Nikki: Oh, my God, Jack. What have you done?
Jack: What have I done?
Nikki: You claim to be reporting the truth to me. I don't accept that. You have to be twisting whatever happened. I think this has everything to do with your hatred for Victor. You planted these lies, and you have poisoned my son's mind against his father!
Jack: Your husband is the one who poisoned the situation, Nikki. Victor Newman was willing to do whatever he had to do. He trampled over everything and anything to get his way, including you.
Nikki: Not true!
Jack: Including your $35 million investment. Do you know why? 'Cause he couldn't stand the idea of not getting his way. He wanted Safra to triumph over tuvia in the worst way. He couldn't stand the idea of losing, and so he cheated. He broke the law.
Victor: You're justified in asking that question. I have indeed seen better days, much better.
Ashley: I'm kind of surprised to see you working out here and not at home.
Victor: Sometimes one gets bored working out at home, so I come here, see some new faces and look who I run into.
Ashley: Is there anything I can do, any way I can help?
Victor: Kind of you to offer, very kind, but I don't want to drag you into any of this.
Ashley: Well, I’ve already been dragged in, believe me.
Victor: Really?
Ashley: Yeah. I know mistakes were made, and I'm aware of the allegations against you. I don't know if they're true, but if you did do those things, then... Shame on you. However, I'm not going to jump on the "I hate Victor" bandwagon. And no matter what anybody says, I don't think that you ever intended to personally hurt me.
Victor: I would never do that. Never.
Ashley: No, but still, I mean, you are aware that if you hurt my family, you do hurt me. That's the sad truth. And I just wish that we could all just put this ugliness and all this hostility behind us. If I were to be given one wish on this earth, that would be it.
Bobby: Wait a minute. You're upset with me? What did I do?
Brittany: Shared your theory about what makes me tick with a certain person I wish you hadn’t.
Bobby: You mean what's-his-name, you’re ex there?
Brittany: His name is Raul.
Bobby: Listen, what can I tell you? I told to him how I see it. You're only sticking around him because you're afraid he'll croak if you don't. So sue me.
Brittany: How about I give you a fat lip instead?
Bobby: Hey, that sounds good.
Brittany: Bobby, don’t. This isn't a joke.
Bobby: (Chuckles) that depends on your sense of humor, doesn't it?
Brittany: Why did you have to talk to Raul?
Bobby: Hold on. I didn't lie to him, did I?
Brittany: You put your spin on things.
Bobby: All right, I know you care about the guy. I know he was your first love, right?
Brittany: My first real one.
Bobby: All right, and that's an important thing. That's an important thing in everybody's life, but you don't get stuck there.
Brittany: I am not stuck!
Bobby: Oh, yes, you are. Come on, you're a grown woman. What you had with him was great in high school, but let's face it. You've outgrown that. And I'll tell you something else, you're not doing him any favors either. There's no way he's going to grow up with you playing nursemaid to him 24/7.
Brittany: Hey, I came here to chew you out, so how come you're doing all the talking?
Bobby: 'Cause I'm trying to make a point. Look, I know you feel sorry for the guy because he's got diabetes. And you know what? I'm sorry, too. I wouldn't wish that on anybody, but like someone told me, life's tough all over.
Brittany: So I should just leave him to deal with it himself?
Bobby: Now you're getting my point, 'cause it makes no sense you giving up something you care about out of pity.
Brittany: Where do you get off?
Bobby: I'm just trying to help.
Brittany: Well, that's not your job.
Bobby: You're right. My job is working in this place, so talking to your ex-- that was my good deed for the day.
Brittany: Oh, Bobby, don't pretend you're a boy scout. You're not.
Bobby: Yeah, I am for you.
Brittany: What?
Bobby: Yeah, you heard me. I can't let you stay tangled up with some guy just 'cause you feel sorry for him. Brittany, you deserve better than that.
J.T.: Hey, come on, don't tell me you're getting cold feet about hanging out with those college kids.
Colleen: No, that's not it.
J.T.: Because they're all really cool, and, you know, if anybody makes a crack about you being in high school, don't worry. I'll take care of them. Besides, they all really want to meet you.
Colleen: Really, they do?
J.T.: Yeah, I talk about you so much they're sick of it.
Colleen: You're teasing me.
J.T.: No, I'm not. It wouldn't surprise me if all those guys start hitting on you the minute I turn my back, which is why I plan to stick to you like glue. Yeah, you're not going to be able to get rid of me all night.
Colleen: Why would I want to get rid of you?
J.T.: Well, I hope you never do. So as long as you're not lying about that shirt, we're gonna have a lot of fun. And this is all from a guy who used to hate dances, so I think that's progress.
Colleen: Yeah, so do I.
J.T.: So no more talking about you not going, okay? We're gonna have fun.
Colleen: J.T., It's not that I don't want to go.
J.T.: Well, then what's the problem? Don't tell me your dad's turning off on us again. I thought we were past that.
Colleen: Yeah, we are. It's not my dad. This time it's my mom.
Michael: Sharon, believe me, I would rather not stir up things either. I'd like to walk out that door and forget we ever had this conversation, as a matter of fact.
Sharon: Michael, you can't leave me hanging now. I've told you all this information, and you have to help me, please.
Michael: All right, okay, calm, calm. All right, you say you don't want to attack this man legally. What about personally?
Sharon: What? Michael, are you crazy?
Michael: No, no, no, I'm not trying to renew old acquaintances. If you don't want to threaten him with prosecution, there are other ways his silence can be obtained. Is he married?
Sharon: I don't know. I mean, he wasn't wearing a wedding ring that night, but I really don't know much about him, Michael, or what he does or where he's from.
Michael: Well, that's easy enough to find out if he's doing business with Newman Enterprises.
Sharon: Are you listening to anything that I'm saying? I don't want to pursue anything here. I just want this whole ugly disaster to go away.
Ashley: Well, I meant what I said. If there's anything at all I can do to help...
Victor: I hate to say it, but I fear it's too late. I've run out of options, and I have to play the hand that i have been dealt.
Ashley: I'm not sure I know what that means.
Victor: In life as well as in business, a man has to take responsibility for his actions. And I'm profoundly sorry for any pain that I may have caused you.
Victor: It's so nice to run into you. And now I better get going.
Ashley: Okay.
Ashley: Victor?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: You do know, don't you?
Victor: I know what?
Ashley: About the baby.
Victor: What about the baby?
Ashley: You know, the baby that I lost--Robert. I don't blame you.
Victor: Nothing you could've said right now would have meant more to me.
Victor: Thank you, my beautiful Ashley.
Jack: Nikki, I know this isn't easy. You have to believe me, Nicholas found out what victor did on his own, and it sickened him. Learning the lengths that his father would go to, it tore him up. I know this because I saw it when we talked.
Nikki: When? When was that?
Jack: Weeks ago.
Nikki: Well, Jack, that doesn't make any sense. Because Victor and Nicholas took a trip to Toronto, and they had a breakthrough.
Jack: Whatever happened in Toronto is irrelevant now.
Nikki: How can you say that?
Jack: Nikki, your son is a very honorable man. He knew he had to take a stand. He knew that what his father had done was ruining lives, innocent lives, and yes, I think a part of him was trying to protect his mother. I admire the hell out of him for that. I think you should, too.
Nikki: Don't! Don't touch me. Just get out. Get out of this house. Get out!
Jack: I had to tell you, Nikki. You had to know.
Nikki: Oh, my God. Oh, my God!
J.T.: Hey, don't worry. I'll win your mom over with a little bit of that hellstrom charm, just like I did your dad, all right? Where's she staying?
Colleen: She's not in town.
J.T.: Then how'd she even know about the dance?
Colleen: J.T., This is not about my mom not approving of you. Actually, my dad's been telling her how great you are.
J.T.: Cool, then what's the hang-up?
Colleen: She wants me to go to New York for a visit.
J.T.: For how long?
Colleen: A week or so. I'll be back by Christmas.
J.T.: When are you leaving?
Colleen: Real soon.
J.T.: Well, I guess that kind of screws up the winter dance, doesn't it?
Colleen: I tried everything to get my dad to postpone the trip, but he wouldn't budge. It's the only time that works for my mom.
J.T.: Well, it sounds like a pretty done deal.
Colleen: I'm sorry.
J.T.: Hey, look, it's not your fault, all right? Stuff happens.
Colleen: I know, but this was the winter ball. It was gonna be great. I was gonna meet your college friends, be more a part of your life.
J.T.: Look, you're disappointed. I know that. I am, too. But when you get back, we're gonna have all of Christmas break to spend together. Think of the fun we can have.
Colleen: Yeah, okay. I shouldn't be making such a big deal. I mean, it's only for a short time.
J.T.: Right. And there'll be other dances.
Colleen: Same thing my dad said.
J.T.: There's one in the spring. We can hang out there. It'll be fun.
Colleen: Sounds so far away.
J.T.: No, look. It's right around the corner.
Colleen: You're right.
J.T.: Hey, I got an idea.
Colleen: What?
J.T.: Let's have a special dinner here tonight, kind of like a going away thing. And I'll cook.
Colleen: Oh, sounds risky.
J.T.: Oh, no. At least I'm not gonna go buy it from a restaurant and pretend that I cooked it.
Colleen: You're never gonna let me forget that, are you?
J.T.: Unh-unh, I'm not, not in this lifetime. So what do you say, is it a date?
Colleen: There is nothing that I’d rather do than spend tonight with the guy I love.
J.T.: Well, good. And don't think I'm not gonna miss you like crazy when you're gone.
Colleen: Yeah, well, you better.
J.T.: Now you get out of here and let this master chef go to work.
Colleen: Bye.
J.T.: See you later.
Brittany: Bobby, what are you talking about? You don't tell me what I can't do. That's not who you are to me.
Bobby: Do you think that I get this involved with every chick that dances in the place?
Brittany: News flash-- I don't dance here, not anymore.
Bobby: So what are you telling me, I'm not gonna see you again?
Brittany: Not unless I start hanging around here to watch the show.
Bobby: Well, you're more than welcome to, on the house.
Brittany: What am I gonna do with you?
Bobby: I don't know. But if it'll help you make up your mind, I'm a little nuts about you.
Brittany: Bobby, don’t.
Bobby: Well, I can't help it.
Brittany: We have a business relationship.
Bobby: Actually, not anymore, according to you.
Brittany: That's right.
Bobby: So you're just gonna leave?
Brittany: Bobby, I've said what I came to say. It's like talking to a brick wall. Thanks for everything, Bobby.
Bobby: Hey, wait.
Brittany: I don't think I should.
Bobby: I know, but there's something I gotta do before you go, otherwise I won't be able to live with myself.
Michael: Sharon, this is all speculation, so what? You and this guy ran into each other again. I'm sure he wants this incident to go away, too. You're not necessarily in any peril. I mean, he's obviously a businessman of some stature, or why else would he be meeting with any of Newman’s top executives like Nicholas. So my advice to you-- let it be, simmer down, try not to overreact.
Sharon: But, Michael, he doesn't know that I'm married to Nick. What if he says something? What if makes some kind of stupid crack before he even realizes who he's talking to?
Michael: Well, your only alternative then would be to be straight with Nick.
Sharon: No. No. No, I can't. Michael, I can't. What happened last winter, it's never gonna happen again. You know, I was so messed up back then, and I really thought that my life was over. And that's the only reason...
Sharon: When I hit bottom, I came back home. And I have had to fight and struggle, and finally, finally, things are back to normal with Nick again. I cannot let anyone destroy that, and I won’t. And I don't think that I could survive losing my family again.
Michael: Then I guess we have to hope the guy keeps quiet.
Sharon: Gee, thanks a lot.
Michael: Frankly, if the guy didn't shoot his mouth off when he first saw you, I doubt he ever will. He has other fish to fry.
Sharon: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Michael: Uh, I really don't know. Did it work?
Sherry: Oh, good, connie was right. You are in here.
Sharon: What is it, sherry?
Sherry: Your husband finished his meeting with Mr. Kirsten. He's like to see you in his office right away.
(Door opens)
Victor: Oh, I didn't realize you were home.
Nikki: I'm home.
Victor: What's the matter with you? Why are you in such a strange mood?
Nikki: I wouldn't say it's strange.
Victor: What happened? Will you explain yourself?
Nikki: Damn you. Damn you! How could you do this?! How could you do this to me?!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: You shouldn't even be in this office.
Sharon: I dragged him in here because I needed to talk to him.
Nick: What about?
Nikki: Didn't it bother you to know that you would be hurting me? You didn't care about that?
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