Y&R Transcript Monday 11/24/03--Canada; Tuesday 11/25/03--USA
By Eric
Proofread by Emma
Victoria: Listen, Mom, I know you have really high hopes--
Nikki: I'm just hoping that it was a positive experience for them.
Victoria: I don't want to bring you down.
Nikki: Well, then don’t.
Victoria: I think we need to be realistic about this. Dad and Nicholas have issues that run really deep. They're not just gonna evaporate because of one overnight trip.
Victor: You want to talk to me?
Chris: Yes. Alone, please.
Victor: I don't see any reason for that.
Chris: You don't mind, do you?
Nick: No.
Victor: Do I need to remind you that this is my aircraft?
Nick: Seriously, Dad, I don't mind.
Victor: No, wait a minute, son. You say you're here in the capacity as assistant district attorney, is that right?
Chris: That's right, yes.
Victor: Mm-hmm. And you want to discuss something that we can't talk about in front of my son?
Chris: I'd rather not.
Nick: All right, look, don't worry, all right? Dad, I'll see you at home.
Victor: All right, son. What is this about?
Chris: Bribery, Victor. Conspiracy to commit commercial bribery.
Ashley: Jack, would you hand me that brush right there in front of you?
Jack: Oh, yeah.
Ashley: Thanks. I think that's just about everything. Oh, boy. It took all my willpower last night not to try to bust outta this joint.
Brad: Well, I'm glad you didn't, sweetheart.
Ashley: Don't go telling me I wasn't ready, because I've been more than ready for days.
Jack: You are champing at the bit, aren't you?
Ashley: If I never see another hospital room... "Don’t overdo it, Ashley. You don't want to go ahead of yourself, Ashley."
Brad: Took the words right outta my mouth.
Ashley: You guys don't treat me like an invalid. That's the fastest way to make me really cranky.
Brad: I'll keep that in mind.
Ashley: Do, both of you. I mean it. I am so anxious to go home. I want to get back to the lab.
Jack: All in good time. There's no reason to rush that. Best thing for you is to work your way in a little bit at a time.
Brad: I agree with Jack.
Ashley: Somebody take a photo. A historic event here.
Brad: Hey, seriously, Ash, we're gonna get you home, get you reacclimated. You can spend some time with Abby, take it easy. Enjoy Thanksgiving.
Ashley: Mm-hmm. Okay, and then I want to go back to work. I can't wait to roll up my sleeves. What?
Jack: What?
Ashley: Every time I even mention work... something's going on. Tell me what it is.
Brad: There's about to be an explosion, Ash. Something big.
Ashley: An explosion involving Jabot?
Brad: Involving Newman.
Kevin: This must be my day for being harassed.
Hank: You have a problem being here, Mr. Fisher?
Kevin: Well, it depends on what you want. I just came from Crimson Lights, where Lily Winters and her loudmouthed sidekicks embarrassed the hell outta me.
Hank: You were ordered to stay away from those girls.
Kevin: Hey, how was I supposed to know they were gonna be there? What, do I need permission now to get a cup of coffee?
Hank: A restraining order means what it says, Fisher.
Kevin: Fine. Fine. Then how about getting one for me against those chicks, huh? They were the ones who were hassling me. And what about J.T. Hellstrom?
Hank: What about him?
Kevin: What's being done about his attack on me?
Hank: Our investigation is ongoing.
Kevin: Ongoing? Ongoing. Right. That's cop talk, right, for back burner?
Hank: Are you all finished, Fisher?
Kevin: Yeah. Why am I here? What do you want?
Hank: To give you this. It's a grand jury subpoena.
[Neil remembering….]
Lily: Dad, I want to ask you for a favor. Can we please not tell mom about this? The S.T.D., I mean.
Neil: Whoa, whoa, whoa, now. Now I can't, you know, keep something like that from your mother. What are you talking about?
Lily: Why not? I mean, what good would it do for her to know?
Neil: Well, Lily, first of all, you need your mother's advice.
Lily: No, I don’t. I really don't, Dad. Please don't tell her.
(Door opens)
Dru: Hey, boo.
Neil: Hey, lover girl.
Dru: You miss me?
Neil: Like something fierce.
Dru: Uh-huh. Oh, two cups of coffee? Did you have company today? Yeah, yeah, I most certainly did.
Dru: Uh-huh. Male or female?
Neil: Does the name Detective Weber ring a bell?
Dru: Oh, you two finally caught up with each other, huh?
Neil: Yeah, we sure did. He agrees. If Lily's willing to cooperate, there's a chance that we can prosecute Kevin Fisher.
Dru: Hallelujah. It's about time.
Neil: Yeah, well, there's some legal step that Weber will have to take first, but with a little luck, we may be able to finally put that little creep behind bars.
Dru: Good, 'cause it can't happen soon enough for me.
Neil: Yeah.
Dru: Okay, um, feeling a little something here. Is there something you're not telling me, baby?
Neil: Oh, honey, there's just something that I... something I should have told you earlier.
Dru: What? Is it bad?
Neil: It certainly isn't good. Why don't you sit down for a minute?
Cassie: Oh, hi, Mom. Miguel's gonna be here soon. I'm going to Amy’s to study, and I promise I won't be late.
Sharon: Uh, wait a minute, young lady. There is something that we need to talk about.
Cassie: Mom, can't it wait? Miguel's--
Sharon: No, Cassie, it can’t. This has gone on long enough. You cannot run to Nikki every time you have questions about something.
Cassie: Questions like what?
Sharon: Like what happened today at the restaurant. Sweetie, she didn't need to know about that.
Cassie: Well, why not? If you're not hiding anything, then what's the big deal?
Sharon: Uh... Cassie, how do I say this to you? Um, you know how Nikki feels about me. And when you tell her stuff like this, it just makes it worse, and we don't need that. So please don't talk to her about our personal business.
Cassie: Then who am I going to talk to? You don't tell me anything. Nikki's the only one that listens. Who's gonna tell me what's going on?
Sharon: Cassie, you listen to me, okay? Nikki does not know everything, and I don't want her to.
(Door opens)
Cassie: Dad, you're home.
Sharon: Nicholas.
Nick: Hi.
Sharon: Oh, I'm so glad you're here.
Colleen: Did you see the look on Kevin’s face when he left here?
Sierra: He deserves to be embarrassed. I mean, he shouldn't have been in here in the first place.
Colleen: He must have known. I mean, out of all the places in town...
Lily: Maybe he hoped he'd run into us.
Colleen: Yeah, so he could scare us into leaving.
Lily: Yeah, you know, make him feel like a big man.
Sierra: Well, we showed him.
Colleen: Yeah. We got right into his face, told everyone what a freak he was.
Sierra: Maybe he finally realized that we're not just stupid little girls he can push around.
Girl: Hey, um, I just wanted to say, what you guys did to that creep, it really took guts.
Girl #2: Yeah. I mean, he looks so normal.
Colleen: Well, believe me, he is not. He's a guy who sucks in young girls in chat rooms. He uses the screen name "Fisherman."
Sierra: Or sometimes "Fishin4luv."
Colleen: Really bad news. Pass it around, okay?
Girl: We will. Thanks.
Colleen: What's wrong?
Lily: I have something really terrible to tell you guys. I just can't keep it a secret anymore.
Dru: Wait a minute. Are you telling me that my little girl has a venereal disease?
Neil: Listen, your sister is treating it with antibiotics. She anticipates a complete cure, you know.
Dru: That's not the point.
Neil: What then?
Dru: You didn't tell me. You deliberately kept this from me. You had no right.
Neil: No, she didn't want you to... she begged me not to tell you, and since she was honest with me, what could I do?
Dru: I cannot believe that Olivia didn't tell me. I am the mother. I could have been comforting my child.
Neil: Would you just slow down a minute, all right? She wasn't able to tell you. She couldn't legally. That's not how it works.
Dru: That's not how it works?
Neil: No, don't get crazy on Olivia.
Dru: We are flesh and blood, and our daughter has a venereal disease. It's called Chlamydia.
Neil: All right, there are other sexually transmitted diseases, like aids, that are far worse.
Dru: That doesn't make me feel any better. Let me tell you something. Those antibiotics better be working for my child.
Neil: They're gonna work. They work 100%.
Dru: I know my baby must be so hurt.
Neil: Yeah, she's hurt, and she's angry. She's angry at what that punk did to her. She hates him, Dru.
Dru: All this time, you and my sister and my daughter just kept me outta the loop. Huh.
Neil: If it's any consolation, there is a silver lining to this cloud.
Dru: What?
Neil: The fact that our daughter has this disease, it may help us. It just might help us put that piece of garbage away, behind bars.
Kevin: Well, what the hell is this for?
Hank: It orders you to appear before the grand jury.
Kevin: Why?
Hank: You'll be instructed to take a blood test, Mr. Fisher.
Kevin: Okay, same question. Why?
Hank: To determine if you have a sexually transmitted disease.
Kevin: Oh, come on, man.
Hank: It's called Chlamydia.
Kevin: I never heard of it. And even if I had, what business is it of yours?
Hank: Well, Lily Winters has come down with it after claiming she had sex with you, Mr. Fisher.
Kevin: (Chuckles) that chick is nuts, man. I told you, I never laid a hand on her.
Hank: Then you won't object to us taking a sample of your blood.
Kevin: The hell I won’t. Nobody's gonna stick a needle in me on the say-so of some stupid teenybopper.
Hank: I'm sorry, Fisher, because that's exactly what the grand jury's going to insist . And unless you have something to hide, I see no reason why you'd refuse.
Sharon: So how was the trip?
Nick: We'll get into that later. I got to make a phone call right now.
Cassie: But, Dad, you haven't even said hi.
Nick: I know, sweetheart. It's just this call's very important. Why don't I meet you up at the main house in a few minutes?
Sharon: Nick, I don't understand. You just got back from this huge trip with your Dad. What could be so important? Is Victor up there?
Nick: I don't know. I will fill you in on Dad up at the house, all right?
Sharon: All right, fine. Whatever. I'll see you up there.
Nick: Okay. (Car horn honks)
Cassie: Oh, that's Miguel. I'm really glad you're back, Dad.
Nick: Me, too, sweetheart.
Cassie: Oh, and just to let you know, Mom's acting weird again.
Nick: Weird how?
Cassie: I'll talk to you about it later. I'm going to study at Amy’s. Bye.
Nick: Bye. (Door closes)
Ashley: An explosion involving Victor?
Jack: Brad and I both felt you should know about this.
Ashley: Okay, you're-- you're kind of scaring me.
Brad: There's nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart, believe me.
Jack: From our perspective, this is cause for celebration.
Brad: You know how we've suspected all along that Newman did something to sabotage Tuvia? Turns out we were right, and now there's proof.
Jack: And that proof is about to come to light.
Ashley: Proof of what, something illegal?
Jack: Yeah. The authorities are about to swoop down.
Ashley: On Victor?
Brad: Apparently Newman bribed key executives at several of the larger department store chains, providing Safra with premium positioning, premium shelf space, at the expense of our displays.
Jack: So that when Jabot customers walked in the door...
Brad: There's Safra, front and center.
Jack: No longer any great mystery why they opened up so strongly, why weeks later, they were still trouncing us. But the tables are about to turn. Newman's about to get his.
Brad: Any idea when this is supposed to go down?
Jack: What, you mean the arrests?
Brad: Whatever happens next?
Jack: Newman, apparently, is out of town for a few days. When he gets back, I think the U.S. Attorney's gonna be looking for him.
Brad: To watch him knocked off his pedestal-- how great will that be?
[Ashley remembering past life with Victor]
Victor: I have a great idea.
Ashley: I'm afraid to ask what.
Victor: No, no, no, it's not what you think.
Ashley: How do you know what I'm thinking?
Victor: What would you say about a moonlight horseback ride?
Ashley: You're right. That's not what I was thinking.
Victor: So what do you say?
Jack: Oh, to be a fly on the wall when those handcuffs are slapped on.
Brad: A fly on a wall? Hell, I'd like to be right there looking him right in the eye.
Jack: I am honestly tempted to see if there's some way we can make that happen.
Brad: Yeah, well, don't tempt me, Jack.
[Ashley remembering again]
Ashley: I love to go riding with you, and it's a beautiful night, but...
Victor: But you see, your riding clothes are still out at the ranch. I mean, they're just waiting for you.
Ashley: You're not making this easy for me, are you?
Victor: Have you seen the moon tonight? It's glorious.
Ashley: Now that's not fair. Now that is not fair. You know I'm a sucker for a beautiful moon.
Victor: I told you I was honest, but I never said that I was fair.
Ashley: It sounds wonderful. All right, all right. Let's do it.
Victor: I will ring for the check.
Jack: Ash? Yo. You okay? You seemed like you were a million miles away.
Victor: Well, the obvious question first-- what does any of this have to do with me?
Chris: The federal prosecutors were investigating charges of mail fraud and interstate transportation.
Victor: Mail fraud?
Chris: Yeah. The feds had their hands full with other things, so they handed the case over to us. I'm following up on the state charges, as I told you.
Victor: Uh-huh. Conspiracy to commit bribery. I mean, that sounds serious but silly at the same time.
Chris: Take my word for it, Victor, it's very serious.
Victor: Hmm. Well, if you say so. How can I help you?
Chris: I don't think you seem to understand. I'm investigating charges against you.
Victor: Against me?
Chris: Yes.
Victor: You mean, me, personally?
Chris: We have reason to believe that you bribed certain employees of certain retail chains to give Safra products favorable placement on their shelves.
Victor: Now I'm not admitting anything, but you're telling me that the state is willing to waste its resources prosecuting a businessman for greasing a few palms to make sure that his product gets preferential treatment?
Chris: That's exactly what I'm saying.
Victor: And I'm telling you that a little kickback is as old as time.
Chris: Did you do it, Victor? Did you "grease a few palms"?
Victor: What if I did, Christine? What are you gonna do about it?
Nikki: Victoria, it disturbs me, what you said earlier about your brother and your father.
Victoria: Well, come on, Mom, it's no secret. Dad and Nicholas have been getting along horribly lately.
Nikki: Well, that's why I wanted them to take this trip, to get past it.
Victoria: I'm just saying that once things reach a certain point, it's hard to pull them back together again.
Nikki: Oh, come on, don't you start this, too.
Victoria: What do you mean me too?
Nikki: I'm just sick of hearing people malign your father.
Victoria: Is that what I'm doing?
Nikki: Honey, it's not just you. People have been coming to me with cryptic messages for weeks now. Something bad is going to happen. It's connected somehow to Nicholas and your father. Do you know about this?
Victoria: Who have you been talking to?
Nikki: Victoria, if you know something, tell me.
Victoria: The only thing I know is that Nicholas doesn't trust Dad.
Nikki: And you don't think the fact that they have now spent time together could change that?
Victoria: I don't think Nicholas wants to change it. He doesn't feel like Dad's a trustworthy person. No one's gonna change his mind about that.
Nikki: You are so positive about this. What do you know that I don't?
Victoria: Nothing. Look, I hope they come back from this trip, and they're all buddy-buddy again, but I don't think that's going to happen, and I hate seeing you set yourself up.
(Door opens)
Sharon: Oh, good, you're both here. Nicholas is home.
(Telephone rings) (Ring)
Becker: Becker.
Nick: Mr. Becker, its Nick Newman.
Becker: Yes, Mr. Newman.
Nick: Listen, I just came from our plane, and Christine Blair owed up. She wanted to speak to my father, but she wouldn't say anything until I left.
Becker: She's an assistant district attorney.
Nick: What did she want? Did it have to do with the, uh...
Becker: Yes, the bribery you reported to us. We handed the case off to the district attorney's office.
Nick: Why?
Becker: Mr. Newman, when you first started in with this, I told you that you weren't gonna be able to control the process. Our office is tied up with a lot of cases that were already on the books, but we wanted this dealt with quickly, so--
Nick: Look, what my father did was wrong. You know, he hurt a lot of people, a lot of innocent people. That hasn't changed.
Becker: So what's the problem?
Nick: Well, I just didn't know this would take off so quickly. I just came back from a trip with my father, and...
Becker: Look, Mr. Newman, I know this is difficult, but I warned you it would be, and yet you opened it up. Now there's no chance in the world to shut it down.
Nick: Right. Right. Okay. Uh, well, thanks for your time.
Becker: Listen, for what it's worth, I still think you did the right thing.
Chris: Victor, I'm not clear. Are you confessing to me?
Victor: Most certainly not. And by the way, what is it with this cold attitude of yours?
Chris: I can't let our friendship prevent me from doing my job.
Victor: I got you this job.
Chris: Yeah, I know you did.
Victor: Is this your first case?
Chris: Yes.
Victor: On your first assignment, you come nipping at the heels of the man who recommended you for this position?
Chris: Victor, you are making less of this than you should.
Victor: And, Christine, you are making far more of it than you should. For heaven's sake, there are real criminals out there-- pedophiles, people who sell drugs to kids, murderers, car thieves. What are you talking about? You're coming after me for bribery?
Chris: I don't want this case. I wish it hadn't been handed to me, but it has, and, Victor, I have to treat it and you as I would anyone else in your position.
Victor: Look, this is no longer amusing. I'm gonna call Glenn Richards right now, and I will tell him to stop wasting his precious resources on something as ridiculous as this.
Chris: I wouldn't do that. Glenn has already told me he wants the case prosecuted. He knows you're involved.
Victor: And he told you to come after me?
Chris: More than that, he specifically instructed me to bring the full force of our office into this matter.
Victor: Glenn Richards said that, huh?
Chris: Yes.
Victor: Well, well, well. Let's see what happens when the next election comes around.
Ashley: I'm sorry. I guess my mind kind of wandered.
Brad: I know some pretty heavy stuff's about to come down, Ash. We wanted you to be prepared.
Ashley: No, you did the right thing by telling me, believe me.
Brad: All right, I'm gonna take back your release papers.
Ashley: Oh, please do. I'm so anxious to get outta here. Let's get going.
Brad: I'll be right back.
Ashley: Okay.
Jack: Ash? Hey. You okay?
Ashley: Yes, I'm fine. How are you?
Jack: Me? Ha ha ha.
Ashley: Yeah. Now that we have a few seconds, why don't you tell me how you've been?
Colleen: Is this about Kevin?
Lily: Yeah, and it’s... its really gross.
Sierra: So tell us.
Lily: He, um... (Sighs) he gave me a disease.
Sierra: Oh, my God. Like an S.T.D.?
Lily: Yeah.
Colleen: Lily, no. What kind? I mean...
Lily: Chlamydia. Luckily, it can be treated, you know. And my aunt's a doctor, and we caught it really early, and I'm taking antibiotics.
Sierra: So you'll get over it completely, right?
Lily: Yeah, yeah. I won't be, like, ruined for life or anything. But if I hadn't found out about it when I did, then I could have ended up with something really serious.
Sierra: God, that's terrible. Like you haven't suffered enough 'cause of that jerk.
Lily: I know. I'm so embarrassed, you guys. You know, it's like having this disgusting thing, you know? That's why I didn't tell you guys right away.
Colleen: Hey, this is not your fault.
Sierra: Yeah, Colleen's right. I mean, my God, I can't stand the thought of that guy anymore.
Colleen: God, I wish there was a way we could make him pay.
Lily: Yeah, well, that's one good thing to come out of all this.
Colleen: What are you talking about?
Lily: Well, my dad thinks that we can use this against Kevin. You know, that I have this S.T.D. To prosecute him.
Colleen: That would be great. I mean, he should already be in jail for what he did to Gina’s.
Lily: Yeah, and what he tried to do to you.
Sierra: I think we'd all be a lot safer if he was behind bars.
Lily: I know. I don't know if I could handle going to court, though. You know, I'll have to talk to the police and the prosecutor, tell them everything that happened in detail. And then everybody will know that I have this gross disease.
Colleen: Yeah, but if it's the only way to make him pay--
Lily: I don't know if I'm that brave.
Sierra: Your parents must have gone ballistic when they found out about the S.T.D., Though.
Lily: Actually, only my Dad knows. I talked him out of telling my Mom.
Colleen: Oh, I bet he wants to rip Kevin’s head off.
Lily: Yeah? Well, me, too, believe me.
Lily: I don't know, it's, like, what worries me is, like-- it's like, if we do go through with all this, you know, if we do go to court, then my mom will have to know. And that'll just be one more person who'd be all disappointed and upset.
Sierra: Yeah, but, Lily, your mom's cool.
Colleen: Yeah, she's not gonna come down on you.
Lily: No, I know. It's not that. It's just... it's like; I don't want to involve her if I can help it. You know, she and my dad are getting married any minute. She has all this stuff going on at work, and it's like, I feel like I've caused her so much trouble already. I mean, the last thing she needs right now is this.
Dru: How'd we let this happen to our little, girl, Neil? How much more is she gonna have to go through?
Neil: It's gonna be tough, baby. Lily's a strong kid. She gets that from her mom.
Dru: Don't patronize me. Do you have any idea what she's gonna have to go through, the kind of accusatory questions they're gonna ask her, the kind of testimony she's gonna have to give?
Neil: Yes, I do know, okay? The detective and I discussed all that. Listen, we're just gonna have to convince her that it's the best and only way to stop Kevin from hurting anyone ever again. You know, Weber assured me that it's gonna take some time to go through all these legal maneuvers, to force Kevin to take a blood test, prove that he's a carrier of the disease. And by that time, baby, we'll be married, and we'll be back home from Japan.
Dru: Neil, what if our girl can't bring herself to testify?
Neil: Mama, our little girl g gonna come through this just fine. I promise you, she's gonna do whatever it takes to nail this bastard to the wall.
Kevin: Man, I'm sick of you people treating me like I'm some kind of criminal. I'm not giving my blood to anybody without talking to my lawyer.
Hank: It won't change anything.
Kevin: Says who?
Hank: That piece of paper you're holding-- see, let me explain something to you, Mr. Fisher. A subpoena is not a request. It's an order.
Kevin: So you're telling me I have no choice.
Hank: Oh, sure, yeah, you have a choice. You can tell the grand jury that you refuse to take a blood test.
Kevin: Fine. Fine. Then that's what I'm gonna do.
Hank: Fine. Then you end up in court, a lot of publicity, and you still lose.
Kevin: You got to be kidding me.
Hank: Well, my advice to you-- save yourself a lot of trouble. Take the test.
Kevin: I, um, I got this thing about needles. They--they creep me out.
Hank: Then I suggest you suck it up like a brave little soldier and get it over with. It's not open-heart surgery, Mr. Fisher.
Kevin: That's easy for you to say. You're not the one getting stuck.
Hank: Well, it's up to you. Simple blood test or jail. Take your pick.
Chris: I'm sorry, Victor, but this is not gonna go away, not easily.
Victor: Unless I convince you no bribery took place.
Chris: I would dearly love it if you could do that.
Victor: This is a paradoxical situation, now isn't it?
Chris: I am supposed to do my best to make these charges stick, and yet, I don't want them to be true.
Victor: For heaven's sake, Christine, think about this for a minute. You're gonna go do all this work; spend all this time finding out what? I am not admitting guilt. What you're gonna find out is that someone greased some palms. That is common business practice, universally. It has always been that way. It happens every day.
Chris: In order to exert the kind of influence on nationwide sales we believe we're seeing, someone put up very large sums of money.
Victor: For heaven's sake, Christine, what about all the drug companies giving out free drug samples? What about the car companies--
Chris: It's not the same thing, Victor.
Victor: Why not?
Chris: It... oh, God. I don't want to argue with you about this.
Victor: Because you have no case.
Chris: I guess we'll just let the judge decide.
Victor: Is that how you're gonna play this?
Chris: Yes.
Victor: All right. Then from now on, you just talk to my lawyer. Am I allowed to leave my own plane?
Chris: I'll leave. I'm sorry, Victor.
Victor: I wonder.
Nikki: Nicholas is home? Where is Victor?
Sharon: I don't know. Nick didn't say.
Victoria: Did you ask?
Sharon: Well, of course I asked.
Victoria: They didn't come home together?
Sharon: Look, all I know is Nick came charging in, he barely had a moment to say hello to Cassie and me, and he said he had to make some kind of phone call.
Victoria: A phone call? What about?
Sharon: I have no idea.
Victoria: Don't you think that's a little strange, Sharon?
Sharon: Yea it did seem strange, but I assume my husband will answer all of our questions when he gets here.
Nick: What questions?
Jack: Believe me, the last thing you want to hear right now is your older brother's latest travails.
Ashley: I want to hear it. Tell me.
Jack: Oh, God, Ash...
Ashley: Things still a mess between Phyllis and you?
Jack: A mess. God, I wish it was that good.
Ashley: Same old, same old? Lots of tension because she works at Newman?
Jack: That's about to be multiplied by 90.
Ashley: Right. Because of what's happening with Victor.
Jack: I'm just hoping Phyllis will finally see the light-- the lengths that man went to bring me down, the heartache, the broken dreams that resulted... the criminal acts he committed to ruin our family's company, her family's company. I don't know why she can't see that. She's part of this family. She has a stake in all of this. As far as my marriage goes, hell, it... more and more, I'm beginning to doubt that...
Ashley: Hey, don't even start to think about that, Jack. It's the first step towards a very slippery slope.
Jack: Ash, how can I not question whether my marriage is gonna survive? Especially when I don't know how I'm gonna react if find... find out...
Ashley: Find what? What?
Jack: If Phyllis knew all along. What if she was privy to what Newman was doing and never said a word to me? What do I do then?
Dru: So, um, what's Detective Weber gonna do with all this information?
Neil: He's working the legal angles. They'll issue a subpoena forcing Kevin to take a blood test. If they order it and he refuses, he could go to jail.
Dru: Let me ask you a question, honey. Do you think that, um, this Kevin Fisher knew that he had a venereal disease when he touched our daughter?
Neil: Baby, I don't know. It's possible. But in any case, it's the only way that our little baby could have contracted the disease, because Kevin was her first and only sexual partner.
Dru: Honey, we know that, but she still has to look this man in the eye in court.
Neil: Yeah, unfortunately, that's the case.
Dru: You know, um, this man had a strong psychological hold on our daughter.
Neil: I think by now that psychological hold has been broken. She despises that man.
Dru: Let's hope so, because she has to look him in the eye in court and accuse him of a heinous act.
Neil: She's gonna be able to do it. Trust me. If we have to persuade her, lean on her a little bit, so be it. Hey, we're a family, and we're gonna fight this together. We're gonna fight that child rapist as a family together. And we're gonna make sure that animal never again preys on another innocent, young, naive girl.
Dru: Neil, trust me when I tell you, I'm gonna make sure that Kevin Fisher pays.
Lily: Oh, my God. You told her, didn't you?
Nikki: Sweetheart, I'm so glad you're home.
Nick: Yeah, it's good to be back.
Nikki: So how did the trip go?
Nick: I know you had really high expectations.
Nikki: Did the meeting happen?
Nick: Oh, yeah, we definitely met Albert Miller.
Sharon: And?
Nick: And he is the coldest, most unfeeling man I've ever met.
Nikki: Oh, my God.
Victoria: Oh, no. Poor dad.
Nick: You should have seen him. I mean, Dad was pouring his heart out to this man, trying to make him understand what it did to him when he abandoned his family.
Victoria: Seems like it really affected you.
Nick: Yeah, it did.
Nikki: How did your grandfather react?
Nick: (Sighs) you're never gonna believe what he did. He offered Dad money to turn his back and just walk out of his life forever.
Nikki: Oh, my God. How did your father deal with that?
Nick: How do you think? I mean, he basically told Dad that he wished he was never born.
Sharon: Is he all right?
Nikki: Where is he?
Nick: Last I saw him, he was on the plane.
Victoria: Why?
Nick: He had some stuff to finish up.
Victoria: And you just left him there? You couldn't wait for him?
Nikki: What do you mean; he had stuff to finish up? What could that be? Did he go to the office?
Nick: I can't really tell you.
Sharon: Well, when will he be here?
Nick: I don't know that either.
Nikki: What, do you truly not know, or you just don't want to tell us?
Nick: Mom, I don't know anything more. I'm sorry.
Sharon: But when you left, he was still on the plane.
Nick: Yes, and he told me to leave, and that's why I came home, 'cause I knew you guys would be anxious to hear something.
Victoria: All right, we're obviously not gonna get any answers out of Nicholas. Why don't you guys give me a call when Dad gets here?
Nikki: Are you keeping something from us? Because I get the distinct feeling that you know more than you're saying. Do you?
Victoria: Hey. Where have you been? Why didn't you come home with Nicholas?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Diane: When Jack called me and asked me to take Kyle, I figured you two were on the outs a bit.
Phyllis: Does that make you happy?
Kevin: Damn it. I wish I never even heard the name Lily Winters, because I tell--
Michael: Whoa. What? Whoa. Lily Winters?
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