Friday Y&R Transcript 11/14/03

Y&R Transcript Friday 11/14/03--Canada; Monday 11/17/03--USA

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Nick: Let the feds do their job without any interference. You go ragging on Phyllis, she'll know.

Jack: Nicholas, Nicholas, Nicholas, how dumb do I look? I'm not going to do anything to hinder this investigation, but I sure as hell am going to find out how my wife is involved in this mess.

Nick: Don't make me regret telling you about this.

Jack: Nicholas, relax. Take your trip, come back in one piece. We need to stay in contact about this.

Nick: All right, but you're going to sit tight, right?

Jack: I won't do or say a thing until the right time. Happy trails. Travel safely.

Nick: Thanks.

Jack: Well, well, well, the day of reckoning is upon you, Victor, and I got a front row seat. How about that?


Bobby: So what's with the third degree? Oh, wait a minute you're Jill’s mother.

Kay: Correct.

Bobby: Oh, I thought you were living in some fancy hotel.

Kay: I just stopped by to see how Jill is ruining my home.

Bobby: You must be pretty unhappy.

Kay: Why would you think that?

Bobby: Well, I can tell you like antiques, and so do I. But Jill doesn't really have a sense of the history and all that. I'm sure you guys have fought about that more than once.

Kay: I'd prefer not to discuss Jill and my personal life with a stranger.

Bobby: Oh, sure, I'm sorry.

Kay: What do you do for a living?

Bobby: I run a gentlemen's club.

Kay: So Jill is dating someone who runs a strip club.

Bobby: No, ma'am, we're not dating.

Kay: Mm-hmm. Does Jill know what you do?

Bobby: Yeah, I told her that I run a club.

Kay: Are you married?

Bobby: (Chuckles) you're a real pistol, you know that, Mrs. Chancellor?

Kay: No, not a pistol-- a 12-gauge shotgun. Be wise for you to remember that.

Bobby: Well, I take it you don't approve of me.

Kay: Absolutely not.

Bobby: Well, you know, I've been disapproved of by some pretty hardheaded people in my life, but I gotta tell you, lady, you really take the cake.


Larry: Just relax, Jill, all right? I don't take it personally that you get the hots for another guy every now and then. It's not like I thought that you and I were going to be forever.

Jill: I don't have the hots for Bobby. I just met the man.

Larry: Look, Jill, you swim with a different class of fish than I do, okay? It's the upper class. You and your friends are out of my league.

Jill: Larry, I thought you cared about me.

Larry: It's got to mean more to me, Jill. It's got to be worth the price if I'm gonna play the game.

Jill: I guess you're more old-fashioned than I imagined.

Larry: Hey, I will always, always owe you for all you've done for me, and I have no regrets. And I hope that you don't either.

Jill: I have a regret that you're leaving.

Larry: Yeah, well, um, no hard feelings, okay?


Danny: Sounds like you have some stories for me.

Chris: Uh, yeah, none I'm too anxious to tell at the moment. Anyway, I'm more interested in you.

Danny: Me?

Chris: Yeah, your career, what's going on with you.  How is your son?

Danny: Daniel is incredible. He's the light of my life.

Chris: Oh, exactly what I would have guessed.

Danny: You know, I owe that to you-- the incredible work you did in that custody case against Phyllis. Let me tell you something. If you hadn't been so brilliant, that little boy's life might be completely different.

Chris: I wouldn't have been able to win you custody if you weren't the man you are.

Danny: How is my other ex?

Chris: Um, well, we don't cross paths that often. Last time I saw Phyllis, she was her usual snippy self.

Danny: Yeah.

Chris: She's actually had some pretty heavy stuff happen to her this year.

Danny: I heard.

Chris: Well, I almost felt sorry for her. Well, I don't know, I kind of take that back. I do feel sorry for her. It's a horrible thing being unjustly accused of something you didn't do.

Danny: The way you say that...

Chris: Yeah, you know what? Long story-- too, too long. Another time, okay?

Danny: As long as you promise me there will be another time. I know I shouldn't ask, but I can't help myself. How's Paul?


Paul: Oh, come on, Lauren, that's not going to work.

Lauren: And that's how you respond to my invitation?

Paul: Oh, you're not serious, are you?

Lauren: When a woman asks you to move in with her, she's not just kidding.

Paul: All right, then let me rephrase it. As tempting as it is, I must respectfully--

Lauren: It would be safer at Mary’s, maybe?

Paul: Uh, yeah, I think maybe just a little bit safer.

Lauren: It's a 2-bedroom suite.

Paul: To emphasize it more, maybe much, much safer.

Lauren: Okay, I'll take it as a compliment.

Paul: I would, because it is.

Paul: Boy, you know, it's really hard to believe. I mean, at this point in my life, I find it...

Lauren: What, hard to believe that you're out on your own again?

Paul: Yeah, I mean, how did my personal life wind up in such a mess?

Lauren: I don't know. Maybe you're a human being. I mean, that would be my theory.

Paul: A human being? A euphemism for "deeply flawed," is that it?

Lauren: Now don't you go putting words in my mouth.

Paul: It's true though, isn't it?

Lauren: You know, if you're going to angst over a hot cider, I'm out of here.

Paul: Okay, I'm sorry. No more angst.

Lauren: But if you are fishing for compliments, I would have to say, "flaws? What laws?"

Paul: Oh, God.


Nikki: Darling, I think sometimes you forget you're a very daunting man.

Victor: That doesn't explain why my son has disrespect for me.

Nikki: I understand. He just wants people to see him as his own person. He needs to define himself, and part of that is disagreeing with you.

Victor: Sweetheart, I know what you're trying to do. However, his attitude towards me has become totally unacceptable.

Nikki: I agree, I agree. It has gone way too far, but you do cast a very long shadow.

Victor: I was simply trying to teach that boy how to become a success in his own right. I was about to hand him the keys to the kingdom, for heaven's sake.

Nikki: Well, I think that's the problem. It's not that he doesn't want to learn. He just wants to do things his way.

Victor: Wants to do things his way? Do you think he's ready to deal with the pressures of playing on this level? He isn’t.

Nikki: And he won't be if you don't cut him some slack. Be patient. He's got to learn these things for himself.

Victor: I wish it were that easy.

Nikki: It is. Victor, you're a wonderful example. Just let him follow you. Try not to spell things out for him. Let him make his own mistakes.

Victor: But, sweetheart, it goes beyond that. It's not that I just explained everything to him. I obviously-- I didn't hold him by his hand. His attitude towards me is absolutely unacceptable.

Nikki: You know how you get when people try to tell you what to do. Why do you think he's any different?

Victor: You're a wise woman, aren't you?

Nikki: Sometimes.

Victor: Mm-hmm. And you're an optimist.

Nikki: I will never give up. I will never give up on you or Nicholas, because I know there's too much positive there, and one day he's going to realize it.

Victor: What would I do without you? You're not only wise, not only optimistic, but you're beautiful, very beautiful.

Nikki: Oh, well, thank you. Mmm, I'm so happy.

Nikki: Oh, Nicholas.

Victor: Didn't hear you come in, son.

Nick: Didn't want to interrupt.

Nikki: I was just saying good-bye to your father.

Nick: Mom, we're only going to be gone a couple days.

Nikki: I know. It just means so much to me, the two most important men in my life going off on this journey together. I know something good is going to come from it. I just feel it.

Victor: All right, we'll try not to let you down, okay?

Nikki: I know you won’t.

Miguel: Excuse me, Mr. And Mrs. Newman, the car is here.

Victor: Thank you, Miguel.

Nikki: Thank you, Miguel. Well, all right, boys, bon voyage. Remember what I said now- this is an opportunity to mend fences.

Nick: Anything's possible.

Nikki: Right.

Nick: I love you, mom.

Nikki: I love you, too, baby.

Nikki: He's starting to lighten up already, and you haven't even left yet.

Victor: Let's hope his mood holds.

Nikki: Well, you can help that along. I know you can. Now you go. Travel safely. I will be thinking about you every minute.

Victor: I'll be thinking of you, too.


Bobby: You don't even know me, Mrs. Chancellor.

Kay: Nor do I care to, Mr. Marsino.

Bobby: Your daughter seemed like she could use a friend.

Kay: And you just volunteered your services?

Bobby: No offense, but if you're this rough on everybody she runs into, no wonder why she's so lonely.

Kay: No offense taken. I'm just trying to protect her.

Bobby: From what? From me? Let me tell you something. I work with women day in, day out. I know how to respect women.

Kay: Then respect this. Leave now.

Bobby: Fine. Just tell your daughter that I came by. I won't be around again.

Kay: Well, that's good.

Bobby: I was only trying to be nice. I'll find my way out.


Larry: Look, Jill, I'm not splitting because you're a bad person, all right? It's just that you and me; we're not a good fit, at least not for the long run.

Jill: Is there nothing I can say that will change your mind?

Larry: Afraid not.

Jill: I vouched for you. I got you this job.

Larry: No, Jill, actually, Mrs. Newman did.

Jill: Whatever. Have you told her that you're leaving?

Larry: She understood, and, hey, my probation is over.

Jill: I count on you, Larry.

Larry: Come on, Jill. You and I both know that you'll find someone else. Me, I need a change in my life. Hey, hey, no tears, okay? Look, we shared some amazing times together, so let's remember the good times, all right?

Jill: I don't suppose that begging would do any good? No, I didn't think so. So, okay, where are you going to go? Where will you be?

Larry: Around.

Jill: I don't know what else to say.

Larry: Well, how about "good-bye"?

Jill: Good-bye, Larry Warton. Good luck to you.

Larry: And the same to you, Jill. I wish you the best.


Nikki: So they're off?

Miguel: Yes, it's nice to see father and son traveling together even now with Nicholas so grown up.

Nikki: It is. (Telephone rings)

Nikki: I hope it's a sign. I'll get it, I'll get it. Hello?

Michael: Yes, is Victor there?

Nikki: Who is this?

Michael: Michael Baldwin. I'm sorry, Nikki, I don't mean to be rude. I'm in a bit of a hurry. I need to talk to Victor. Is he there?

Nikki: No, he's not.

Michael: Well, can you tell me how to get a hold of him?

Nikki: He's on a trip. He's out of town. It's of a personal nature, and I don't want him bothered.

Michael: But this is extremely important, Nikki.

Nikki: Well, so is his trip. Now I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to wait until he returns in a couple of days.

Michael: But, Nikki, this is real--

Nikki: Good-bye.


Danny: Uh-oh, you're not saying anything.

Chris: Paul is fine. Thanks for asking.

Danny: Okay, so we don't want to talk about Paul?

Chris: Not really.

Danny: Another story?

Chris: All part of the same one.

Danny: You're kidding me.

Chris: And as long, okay? And frankly, I don't know. I think you had to be there.

Danny: I think I'm glad I wasn’t. I mean, you're okay, though, right?

Chris: Oh, yeah, I'm more than okay. I'm excited. I'm looking into the future. I'm working in the D.A.'s office. Do you know that?

Danny: The district attorney? I mean, you're a prosecutor?

Chris: Imagine that, huh?

Danny: It's-- yeah, it's kind of hard to. I mean, you, the champion of the underdog.

Chris: Yeah, I know. I just think it's time for a change.

Danny: Yeah, I know that feeling.

Chris: You still haven't told me much about yourself.

Danny: What can I say? Life is good, Cricket.

Chris: Oh! No one has called me that in years.

Danny: Old habits die hard.

Chris: "Cricket Blair" hardly sounds like an imposing prosecutor.

Danny: Cricket Blair?

Chris: Don't ask.

Danny: I know, I know, it's a long story.

Chris: Didn't you have to go see your sister?

Danny: Yes, yes, I do. It was wonderful seeing you, Cricket--uh, Christine-- just wonderful.


Paul: I see. So you are just not going to let me get all down about this, are you?

Lauren: No, no way.

Paul: I didn't think so. Thank you.

Lauren: For what?

Paul: Oh, God, the list is so long.

Lauren: Well, you know specifics. What are you grateful for specifically?

Paul: Specifically?

Lauren: Yeah.

Paul: Um... you. What an incredible friend you have been all these years through thick and thin. I mean, you have been a true constant. I've always been able to count on you.

Lauren: That's me-- old faithful.

Paul: No, no, no, no-- not old, because, Lauren, you are the same beautiful, amazing woman that I knew as a teenager.

Mary: What in the Sam hill?


Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Mary: I want to know what I just walked in on here.

Lauren: Isn't it obvious?

Mary: The only thing that's obvious, Lauren, is you.


Victor: Albert Miller did me more harm than anyone has ever done.

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