Tuesday Y&R Transcript 11/11/03

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/11/03--Canada; Wednesday 11/12/03--USA

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Neil: Phyllis, don't be so melodramatic. Why would I be holding out on you, huh? Come on.

Phyllis: So you're telling me you just forgot to mention that you had a full conversation with this Vanessa person?

Neil: No, I exchanged a few words with the woman. That is all.

Phyllis: What are you not telling me?

Neil: A whole lot of nothing.

Phyllis: Right. I don't believe you. There's--I smell a story here.

Neil: No, no, no. You see, that's my cologne that you're smelling.

Phyllis: So nothing happened. Nothing happened. There's no story?

Neil: Why would I keep anything from you? You are, after all, the soul of discretion.

Phyllis: Wait a second. Are you telling me that you don't trust me?

Neil: Hmm, no. What I'm telling you is that right now, I don't trust anyone. We're walking through a very dangerous minefield.

Phyllis: You wound me. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Neil: Okay, nothing against you personally, but, you know, it's just the times.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, dare I ask? Where did you meet her? What'd you guys talk about?

Neil: Phyllis, I met her here at my office. We talked about Damon, her old friend and former colleague. There, do you have anymore questions for me?


Damon: You think I'm hiding my true feelings.

Vanessa: Are you?

Damon: How am I giving you that impression?

Vanessa: Look, I realize it's been awhile, but I have a really good memory.

Damon: Oh, I do, too.

Vanessa: Well, the Damon I used to know would recognize what a breakthrough this truly is-- the greatest hair relaxer on the face of the earth. You'd have jumped all over this, but now you're acting like... like it's no big deal. I want to know why.

Damon: Vanessa, I gave you my reasons.

Vanessa: Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not buying them. I think that you're just as excited about this as I am. You just don't want me knowing that, and that makes me uneasy.

Damon: That wasn't my intention.

Vanessa: Well, I can't shake this feeling that you're holding back.

Damon: I'm sorry.

Vanessa: I'm not sure I'm buying that either.

Damon: Vanessa, look--

Vanessa: The thing is, I came to you with this discovery of mine because I knew I could trust you. I mean, I can't pursue it myself because I'm working with other people doing other research. But I thought that if this idea of mine had legs, if it turned out to do what I think it could, that-- that I could trust you to do right by me. I mean, never in a million years would I think that you're the kind of man who would cut me out. Or are you?


Dru: Writing a letter-- a love letter to Jack that is?

Diane: Oh, Drucilla, no. It's about business.

Dru: This time, maybe.

Diane: He wanted some information about my renovation work.

Dru: Oh, right, on your office.

Diane: Mine and a few others.

Dru: Well, congratulations. How's it going?

Diane: Uh, I'm enjoying it, actually. It keeps me busy..

Dru: And closer to Jack, I bet, huh?

Diane: That's one of the perks.

Dru: I got to say this out loud, Diane. I so glad it's you and not Phyllis.

Diane: You don't like her?

Dru: Let's just say this, that once upon a time Jack tried to convince Phyllis to come work for Jabot, and thank God you gave us that huge loan. Changed everything.

Diane: My getting an office here wasn't based solely on that loan, Drucilla. I mean, Jack has always loved my architectural work.

Dru: No, no.

Diane: The timing was purely coincidental.

Dru: Of course. Please don't take offense, Diane. Please, I don't mean to minimize your architectural abilities. It's just that anything that keeps loudmouth Lucy away from Jabot is so appreciated. Quite frankly, I don't understand why Jack doesn't kick that heifer to the curb.


Brad: Hi, honey.

Ashley: Hi.

Brad: I thought these might brighten up the room a little bit.

Brad: How you doing?

Ashley: I think I'm starting to feel like myself, more in touch.

Brad: I'm glad. Do you remember why you're here, Ash?

Ashley: Well, I know that I've been completely out of it, living in a fantasy. I know the baby's gone. There's nothing I can do about that.

Brad: No, there's not. There's nothing anyone can do. I'm sorry, honey.

Ashley: I'm not sure if everything I remember is real, you know. It kind of seems like a blur.

Brad: Yeah. I'm not sure I'll ever understand what that must have been like.

Ashley: Yeah, me neither. I mean, I just know that I can't keep hiding from the truth.

Brad: I'm so glad to have you back with us, Ash.

Ashley: Yeah? Well, I'm glad to be here. Present, I mean. I'm really ready to go home.


Brittany : You are such bad liars. Look at me. Come on, look at me. Can you tell me I'm not right, that you two aren't the ones who called the alcohol beverage control people, told them they should drop in on Bobby's club?

Anita: So we're bad liars. That's a good thing, right, Frederick?

Frederick : Honey, how the authorities ended up there is beside the point. What matters is the place was closed down for serving liquor to underage kids.

Brittany : Maybe it's beside the point to you, but it sure isn't to me.

Anita: Why? Your father is right. The important thing is that you're making a change in your life now.

Brittany : How could you do this? I mean, not just to me, but to Bobby and all the other girls? You took away their livelihood, Dad.

Frederick : Well, you know what, kitten? When it comes to protecting you, I don't really care who gets hurt. I'm sorry, that's just how I am.

Brittany : So you did. You actually called the cops.

Brittany : You know, Bobby isn't gonna like this. That club is his life, and he is a very tough guy. When he finds out what you did, you may need to take a vacation, just for your personal safety.

Brittany : Do you realize what you've done? Do you realize the kind of danger you could be in?


Diane: Sounds like you and I have the same opinion of Phyllis.

Dru: Jack's wasted on her. She does not deserve a quality man like Jack Abbott, and you know it.

Diane: Couldn't agree more.

Dru: Gives him grief all day long, Diane.

Diane: I know. I know.

Dru: Oh, does he share his troubles with you?

Diane: Well, I mean, in a business sense... so far.

Dru: Well, I know he must be eternally grateful to you for making him that loan and keeping his company afloat, huh?

Diane: It's more than just gratitude, Drucilla.

Dru: Of course.

Diane: Unfortunately, though, Jabot is still on shaky ground.

Dru: Can you believe the way Phyllis professes her love for Jack while she stands by and watches Jabot go down the drain?

Diane: Especially if she knows something that would help.

Dru: Absolutely. If I were Jack, I would send her packing on the one-trick pony she rode in on. She's duplicitous; she's disloyal to Jack and to the family. I don't know why he tolerates it.

Diane: Well, to tell you the truth, I doubt he's going to put up with it much longer.

Dru: Not if you have anything to do with it? Well, darlin', if you could snatch that good man away from that conniving woman, more power to you.

Diane: Thank you. And if I don't, it won't be for lack of trying. Well, you came in looking for Jack. What's up?

Dru: Oh, I have some marketing ideas I have to run by him. Damon's working on a couple of new products.

Diane: Oh, well, I don't know where Jack is, but Damon’s down in the lab.

Dru: Thanks.

Diane: Oh, I'd wait a bit if I were you.

Dru: Why?

Diane: Well, this very attractive woman came by looking for him, and I just pointed her in his direction.

Dru: Black, model-type?

Diane: Mm-hmm. That'd be the one.

Dru: Vanessa. I wonder what they're up to.


Damon: Vanessa, how the hell am I supposed to respond that?

Vanessa: The truth would be nice.

Damon: Well, you obviously don't trust me as much as you say you do.

Vanessa: Well, I used to, without hesitation. The question is, can I still?

Damon: I'd like to think so.

Vanessa: It's so hard to imagine that you would have changed.

Damon: People change, Vanessa. I mean, that's the way life works, right? Certain things get to you, and they start to affect your perspective. The task is remaining true to yourself. I mean, that's the nature of integrity, right?

Vanessa: There are only two reasons I can think of why you're not leaping all over my discovery, Damon. Either you don't believe in its potential, which I highly doubt, or you know it's a winner, and you want to claim it for yourself, steal it out from under me. So which is it?


Phyllis: This Vanessa girl and Damon are old friends and colleagues. Oh, that's the relationship?

Neil: That's what the lady claimed.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm, the one and only time you spoke with her, right?

Neil: Phyllis, what do you want from me? You want a blow-by-blow?

Phyllis: Yes, yes, I would like that, Neil.

Neil: All right, then here it is. She stopped by my office. It was after hours. She was looking for Damon.

Phyllis: She was looking for Damon here, after hours?

Neil: Yep. Said her name was Vanessa Lerner, she was an r and d chemist with a pharmaceuticals company-- uh, Peachtree.

Phyllis: Pharmaceuticals?

Neil: Yeah, it surprised me, too. Told me she and Damon used to work together at Satine Cosmetics. Wondered how he was and could I give him a message.

Phyllis: Like what? What message?

Neil: You know something? That's where it gets a little hairy. All along, she figured he worked right down the hallway.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Well, so what? So he--he works across town. Big deal, right?

Neil: Well, she wasn't very happy about that. As a matter of fact, she said something about first impressions were everything, and mine stunk.

Phyllis: Ooh. Oh, well, uh, our friend Vanessa has a little bit of an attitude, doesn't she?

Neil: Yeah, now that you mention it...

Phyllis: Well, I don't understand this. So he works for another company. I mean, why get so bent out of shape? Does that make sense?


Brad: Honey, you need to be careful. You can't push yourself too hard.

Ashley: I know. I'm gonna be delicate for awhile, but I really, really want to get out of here, Brad. I want to spend some time with the girls-- Abby and Colleen.

Brad: I know you do, but we have to wait until the doctors think you're ready.

Ashley: I'm ready. I feel so much better. I'm so much more whole.

Brad: Honey, you've made incredible progress, and nobody wants you home more than I do, but we have to take it slow.

Ashley: I know you're trying to help, but what would help me is to reconnect with my life.

Brad: Ash, you don't recover from a breakdown like you've had... you don't recover overnight. It just doesn't happen.

Ashley: Okay, what do you want me to do, just keep my life on hold? I miss my work. I want to get back to the lab.

Brad: The lab will be there when you're ready. Listen, Damon has things under control.

Ashley: Oh, does he? He has things "under control"? So you tell me, am I not needed back at the lab, or am I not wanted? Is that why you don't want me to get out of here?


(Knock on door)

Raul: Coming. (Knock on door)

Raul: Hey, hold your horses.

Bobby: Well, if it isn't the boy wonder. If I knew you were gonna be here, I would have picked up a six-pack, seeing how much you like to drink.

Raul: Listen, if you're here to cause troub--

Bobby: I'm here to see Brittany .

Raul: She's not home. I'll see you later, all right?

Bobby: Nah, that's all right. I'm gonna stick around.

Raul: Hey, I got stuff to do.

Bobby: So? Nobody asked you to entertain me.

Raul: Hey...

Bobby: Don't you "hey" me. You know that I'm already pissed off at you and your boyfriend for getting me shut down. Not to mention my employees being out of work, I got partners who are upset, and why? 'Cause you don't like your ex-girlfriend dancing at my place.

Raul: Taking her clothes off.

Bobby: You know, you're really hung up on that, aren't you? In case you haven't noticed, the female body is a beautiful thing. Your problem--you try to own it, try to tell 'em what to do with it. I got news for you. It's hers, not yours. And if she wants to come down to my club and show it off, that's her business. Now why don't you give me one reason why I shouldn't put you in the hospital right now?


Angelo: Hey.

Man: Relax. It's just me.

Angelo: Jeez, Sal. I wasn't expecting anybody.

Sal: Yeah, right, 'cause the joint's closed down.

Angelo: Yeah. How'd you hear so quick?

Sal: With our ears, what do you think? So what happened?

Angelo: Ah, you know, the health department. You know, they find a dead cockroach down the street, had one of our napkins in its pocket.

Sal: Don't treat me like a jerk, Angelo. Word is you and Bobby, serving beer to kids.

Angelo: Hey, Sal, ease off, okay? It's not like we had a sign that said, "beer for underage punks." All right, somebody sent those booze police in there. In fact, the same people sent those two kids in here. So I think it was a setup.

Sal: Wouldn't have worked, unless you got careless.

Angelo: Okay, we screwed up. It happens. But Bobby's been down at city hall. He's twisting arms, he's eating dirt, and we're gonna be open again in no time.

Sal: Say it was a setup... who, Angie? Who set you up? I'd like to know.


Anita: Are you saying Bobby Marsino is going to come after us?

Brittany : Why not? I would if I were Bobby.

Anita: Oh, well, that's nice to know.

Brittany : Don't you get it? This isn't some kid that you don't want me going out with, so you call up his parents.

Frederick : I'm not afraid of that guy.

Brittany : Well, maybe you should be. Maybe you don't know what you've gotten yourself into. It's not just Bobby. It's Angelo, too. And who knows who else? Bobby's got backers, and I seriously suspect they're not people that you know from the country club.

Frederick : So you're telling me that you're working for somebody that's connected to a bunch of shady people who might get violent with your parents because he broke the law? That just convinces me even more you need to change jobs. Speaking of which--

Brittany : Dad, that is such nonsense. You close down a guy's business, and he's supposed to send you flowers?

Frederick : Speaking of which, I have a nice offer to make you.

Brittany : What, a new car? A trip to New York for clothes? Dad, that doesn't work on me anymore.

Anita: Brittany , you should listen to your father.

Brittany : (Sighs) what?

Frederick : It doesn't pay as much, but it has a future, and you can learn something.

Brittany : Oh, no, don't tell me. A job at the bank, right? God, can I possibly express to you how much that is never going to happen?


Vanessa: Don't get me wrong, Damon. I want to trust you. I want this to be huge for us, but the key word here is "us." Was it a mistake to come to you?

Damon: Well, now I don't know if you're only talking about the orchid extract now.

Vanessa: The potential of what I've found, scientifically and financially...

Damon: You're putting a lot of faith into this.

Vanessa: Yes, I am... and in you. Your heart is so strong, Damon Porter. I watched you walk away from work you love at Satine Cosmetics 'cause you couldn't stand what was going on there. Talent being burned out, people being put in these rigid little cages-- you couldn't be a party to that, so you took a stand on principle, and you walked away. People admired you from that. I admired you for that, even though I missed what we shared terribly. And now here you are in Genoa City starting a whole new chapter. And I know in my heart that you're still the same ethical, fair-minded man I worked alongside every day in Atlanta, the man I gave this heart to once upon a time, a man I know, deep down in my soul, I can trust to do the right thing.


Brad: Look, honey, I don't think you should be pushing yourself to get back in the lab. Don't you remember what the pressure was doing to you?

Ashley: I don't have a baby to worry about anymore.

Brad: You're not finished healing yet.

Ashley: I'm not talking about being in the lab 24/7, honey.

Brad: Don't jump the gun, Ash. I think you should just focus on yourself right now.

Ashley: That's all I've been doing is focusing on myself. I was so wrapped up in my misery that I created a fantasy life so I could get away from it. That's the last thing I want to do is go back to something like that.

Brad: Well, exactly. That's why you should take the time to fully recover.

Ashley: Honey, I don't need time. I need my life back. Please don't keep that from me.

Brad: All right, how about, um, we'll talk to Liv and see what she says.

Ashley: Okay. I know she's gonna see things my way. I know she will. And then you can get me outta here.

Brad: If she agrees. Do you have any idea how scared we were that we wouldn't get you back? Now that you're recovering so well, I don't want to do anything to jeopardize that. You understand?

Ashley: Yes, of course. I love you.

Brad: I love you, too.

Brad: I'm so proud of you, Ash. You're the strongest woman I know.

Ashley: Hmm.

Brad: You are. There's nothing you can't do. But let's not push it. Okay? We have all the time we need.


Dru: Hey, Damon, have you seen the report... wow, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company.

Vanessa: (Clears throat)

Damon: Drucilla Winters, Vanessa Lerner.

Vanessa: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Dru: Pleasure to meet you, too.

Damon: Vanessa and I are old friends.

Dru: Old friends, huh?

Vanessa: From way back.

Dru: Nothing like old friends from way back. Although, I'm surprised you've never mentioned the beautiful Vanessa before, but then again, I'm sure you have lots of friends from way back.

Vanessa: Well, I've never heard him mention you either, Miss, or is it Mrs. Winters?

Damon: Soon to be Mrs. Next few days or so.

Dru: You know, Damon and I have so much to talk about. How much longer will you be with your friend?

Vanessa: Oh, actually, I was just leaving. I'll be in touch. Pleasure to meet you.

Dru: You too. You too.


Neil: This Vanessa chick, she seemed to think that I was playing games with her.

Phyllis: And she didn't give you any reason as to why she wanted to see Damon?

Neil: She had something to discuss with Damon, something she was sure that he would find interesting.

Phyllis: Oh, interesting. Oh, all right. That could mean a lot of things.

Neil: Pretty much what I said. But above and beyond that, Drucilla wouldn't open up any further.

Phyllis: Okay, which brings us back to Drucilla. So you're worried that your soon-to-be-wife is keeping secrets from you, and they may involve Damon and this Vanessa girl.

Neil: Let me tell you something. I know Dru. When something's going on inside of that head of hers, and I'm telling you right now there's definitely something going on inside that head of hers.

Phyllis: Well, you know, I'm your friend, and I see red flags, and you're about to get married. So, I mean--

Neil: Hey, stop that. No, no, no, stop that. Stop. I told you, I'd be willing to stake my life and reputation on it.

Phyllis: Okay, okay. Neil, there's gotta be something.

Neil: Right. But what? Damon and Vanessa. What's it all about? And what isn't Dru telling me? 


Ashley: So how's my blood pressure?

Olivia: Very good. 120 over 80.

Brad: Wow, that's great.

Ashley: See?

Olivia: Okay, what's that about?

Brad: Ash thinks she's ready to go home.

Ashley: And I want you to confirm that and sign my release papers, please.

Olivia: You're in a rush, huh?

Ashley: Yes, I am. I want to get outta here, I want to get home, I want to spend time with my girls.

Brad: Which I'm in favor of...

Olivia: As long as it's not too soon.

Ashley: My husband's afraid I'm going to lose it again, and I promise you, that's not going to happen.

Brad: I just don't want you to put yourself under too much pressure.

Ashley: I won’t. I promise. I just want to get back to the real world.

Olivia: Oh, okay. Brad, why don't you let me have a moment alone with Ashley before we make up our minds on this, okay?

Brad: Sure.


Dru: Well, well, well, well, well, Mr. Porter...

Damon: Dru, don't you... don't even start.

Dru: Ooh, it is hot in through here. Cozy. Cozy.

Damon: I'm sure you can imagine what we were talking about.

Dru: Actually, I can't, because clearly, you were not having a business conversation.

Damon: Vanessa and I are old fr-- you know what? Grow up. If I wanna hold somebody's hand, that's exactly what I'll do. Thank you. Mind your own business.

Dru: Ooh, oh, okay. Okay. What about that, um, hot piece of science she dropped in your lap the other day? What did you tell her you did with that information?

Damon: I told her I'd given it some thought.

Dru: That's it?

Damon: Vanessa had the same reaction.

Dru: Yeah, I guess so. I would imagine she thought you'd be all over that like white on rice.

Damon: She was surprised I wasn't, yeah.

Dru: So what does this mean?

Damon: Pardon?

Dru: What are her expectations? And don't tell me she doesn't have any, because I saw the way she was looking at you, brother, and if you were a big, old piece of chocolate cake, there'd be nothing but crumbs left.


Angelo: Come on, Sal, the whole revenge thing, it's--it's so Sicilian. Let it go.

Sal: What, are you going' soft? Someone cuts off your money supply, and you're just sitting by yourself and play cards and don't do nothing?

Angelo: Well, you know, living well's the best revenge.

Sal: Yeah? Well, you ain't gonna be living very well if Bobby misses a couple of payments.

Angelo: He won’t. Sal, would you chill out? Look, the place has been closed a day or two. You act like we burned it down and moved to Rio with the safe. Okay, we're gonna be back on track here, pal, in no time.

Sal: Where's Bobby?

Angelo: He's out taking care of things, like I told you. Sal...

Sal: Okay. Look, I just came by for a little human contact, you know?

Angelo: Hey, stop down anytime, brother. In fact, why don't you come down here for your information instead of getting it through the grapevine, okay? Because you worry too easy.

Sal: I only worry when the money's not coming in.

Angelo: Well, relax yourself, babe, because we've got the best-lookin' chicks in town. You should come down and check out our new girl Marilyn. She sings, she dances. It's like, uh, two hard-boiled eggs in a linen hankie, huh?

Sal: If you say so. Keep a tight one, Angie. And you tell Roberto we want this place cranked up again.

Angelo: It's nice to feel like you trust us, Sal. You're a real mensch, you know that?


Raul: So what, are you threatening me?

Bobby: Hey, who's gonna blame me? You mess with a man's livelihood, he's gonna fight back. What about my employees sitting at home wondering how they're gonna pay their rent at the end of the month because of you?

Raul: You're so sure that I came in there and ordered a drink just to get you in trouble?

Bobby: You college kids are so smart. You think everybody else is stupid. Do I look stupid? I barely graduated high school, and I know that you called those suits from the A.B.C.

Raul: You think I did that.

Bobby: No, I know you did. You called them, and then you grabbed that skinny friend of yours and you came down and you took advantage. Brenda was just trying to be nice.

Raul: Oh, bull. She was trying to sell beer.

Bobby: Fine. You know what? It was my fault. Either way, you really didn't do anything. You know why?

Raul: Why not?

Bobby: Because you don't want Brittany to find out that you were the one that shut me down.

Raul: And you'll tell her, of course.

Bobby: Yeah, and then you'll be her ex-ex-ex-boyfriend.

Raul: You know, I really wish you wouldn't do that.

Bobby: You wish. You know what? I'm not gonna tell her. I'm not gonna tell her anything. You know why? You're gonna do me a favor. Yeah, you're gonna do me a huge favor.


Frederick : Never gonna happen, huh?

Brittany : No, Dad. Look, I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt your feelings. I'm sure that you think that a job at the bank is every girl's secret dream. Mom, help me out here.

Anita: I think a job at the bank makes sense.

Brittany : Fine, then you take it.

Frederick : Kitten, I even moved some people around down there, and I created a special job for you.

Brittany : You mean I get to count the $100 bills? Goody, goody.

Anita: Your father doesn't deserve your sarcasm.

Brittany : No, you both deserve worse than that. You're offering me a job, and you expect me to be grateful? The only reason I even need a job is because you screwed up the one I had.

Frederick : I only did it because I care--

Brittany : Because you think you know what's best for me, right? No, you don’t. And what you did, calling the authorities and tipping them off, it's worse than... wait a minute. How did you two know there would be underage drinking there that night?

Anita: Don't play detective, Brittany.

Brittany : No. Wait. You couldn't have known unless...

Brittany : Oh, my God.


Brenda: A classic.

Johnny: Man, I never forget a face. My friends call me love shack because of the name there.


Damon: What are you really trying to ask me, Dru?

Dru: Well, I'm just trying to figure out what's in it for her. I mean, clearly she didn't give you this bonanza out of the goodness of her heart.

Damon: No, if this thing is as big as we think it is, of course we're gonna compensate her.

Dru: How? Or by how much?

Damon: Well, those details will still have to be worked out, now wouldn't they?

Dru: Pretty hefty details, right?

Damon: Dru, we don't even know if this thing's gonna go anywhere. And we could be looking at years of work in the lab.

Dru: That's why we got to get crackin'. We got to get on the jet. We need to get some of that Neofinetia root, right? We need to see that it does straighten hair, start the experimentation, and see if we got a product.

Damon: Yeah. I agree.

Dru: All right.

Damon: Every day that goes by is another day we're gettin hammered by Newman.

Dru: All right. How can I be of service? Put me to work.

Damon: Well, the first step is mine. As you say, I got to get some of that extract in my hand. I assume that means a trip to the Ryukyu Islands .

Dru: That's right. We're gonna be flying to Japan .

Damon: Okinawa .

Dru: Okay, now listen, I can make all the flight arrangements, okay?

Damon: Uh, no--

Dru: I can clear my calendar like snap, snap.

Damon: (Whistles) uh, hello?

Dru: What?

Damon: You ain't comin'.

Dru: Oh, crack. I can't believe you just said that.

Damon: Drucilla, you're not coming.

Dru: No, no, no, you put me on this, and I'm staying on this, and we are going to be shoulder to shoulder. We're gonna make history together.

Damon: Am I confused, or do you have a wedding to go to? Your own. Now I'm sure that fiancé of yours wouldn't take too kindly to you jettin' off to Japan just now.

Dru: Well, I think I could convince him.

Damon: I may be gone awhile, couple of weeks. And weren't you just telling me about some problem y'all are right in the thick of concerning your daughter? Child, you ain't going to Japan . And I got zero time to waste.

Dru: Okay, well, I just hate the idea of you jetting off without me.

Damon: (Snickers) I'll be sure to pack my winter woollies.

Dru: It's not funny. You know, you hold the future of Jabot in the palm of your hand, Damon.

Damon: Yeah, not until I hold a Neofinetia Falcata in my hand. Maybe not even then.

Dru: Okay, well, when are you leaving?

Damon: As soon as possible. I got a few things to wrap-- you know, I was right in the middle of something. Get lost.

Dru: Rude. Let me know what your itinerary is.

Damon: All right.


Ashley: So what's that look about?

Olivia: I was just thinking how great it is-- this love between you and Brad.

Ashley: Yeah, it is pretty amazing. He's very sweet and very tender. And I don't think I've ever known anybody quite as romantic.

Olivia: You're a very lucky woman, Ashley.

Ashley: You're right. I am. I'm very lucky. (Thunder rumbling)

Olivia: I know how anxious Brad is to get you back home, and I'm sure you are, too. The two of you together again.

Olivia: Ashley?

Ashley: Yeah. The two of us together. It was such a beautiful time.

Olivia: Well, I can tell you can't wait to get back home. 

Ashley: I wish I were there.

Olivia: I'm gonna have to agree with Brad. Don't push it. You're gonna be home soon enough.

Ashley: Not soon enough for me.

Olivia: Honey, you've been through such an ordeal.

Ashley: Life is full of them.

Olivia: Yeah, not like yours.

Ashley: You're not going to release me, are you?

Olivia: I would just feel better knowing that you would stay one more night, just for observation.

Ashley: What do you think you're going to see?

Olivia: I hope nothing. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Ashley: Then what's the point? Please don't keep me here another day longer than necessary. I just want to get back to a normal life.

Olivia: Normal , meaning what, exactly?

Ashley: Well, I know it's not lying in this hospital bed, wallowing in everything I've lost.

Olivia: You're not wallowing.

Ashley: Liv, I really just want to put it behind me. I want to get beyond it. I wanna be happy again. That's all I want. I know happiness seems so hard to find sometimes.

Olivia: I have some patients to see, and then I'm gonna come back. We'll talk about it then.

Ashley: Will you please bring the release papers?


Raul: I'm gonna do you a favor?

Bobby: Yes, you are. And in return, I'm not gonna break your face, I'm not gonna put you in the hospital and I'm not gonna tell Brittany that you're the one that ratted me out to the authorities. It's a pretty good deal for you.

Raul: And in exchange?

Bobby: You're gonna leave her the hell alone.

Raul: Meaning what?

Bobby: Look, punk, I just spent four hours sweating it out in a hearing with the licensing board. I paid a huge fine for you and your buddy J.T. Now I need to advertise my star dancer for my grand reopening night. I've spent a lot of money, I've lost a lot of money, and I can't afford to have anybody disappointed. I need to know that she's gonna be there.

Raul: Well, I'm sure she's dying to get back to work.

Bobby: I'm not so sure. She still may be a little shaken up. And I don't need you messing with her head, okay? And I want you to make sure that nobody else does, including her parents, whomever. I'm gonna hold you personally responsible, and I want you to guarantee she's gonna be there.

Brittany : J.T. J.T., Where are you, you bastard? I swear, I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna bust your head open, and I'm gonna break both your arms. J.T., Where the hell are you? What are you two doing here?

Raul: We were, uh...

Brittany : Have you seen J.T.? I swear, he's a dead man. Bobby, he's the one. He's the one who set us up.


Neil: Oh.

Dru: Psst.

Neil: What?

Dru: Is the coast clear?

Neil: Hey. No, no, no, what... no. What are you doing here?

Dru: Is Victor Newman around?

Neil: I don't know, but he could be, Dru.

Dru: Is he still mad at me?

Neil: You mean, are you banned from this building? I don't know, but let's not find out.

Dru: Honey, ain't nobody gonna throw me outta here, 'cause I got you. How was your day?

Neil: I got you, too. We got each other. My day was fine. How was your day?

Dru: Interesting.

Neil: Yeah, inter... there goes that word again. "Interesting." What does that mean?

Dru: You know.

Neil: No, no, I don't know. You're being awfully secretive lately, you know that?

Dru: That is your imagination. You talk to Lily today?

Neil: Yeah, I just talked to her. She's at the house. She's in her room doing homework.

Dru: Good, good. You know, I want her to put everything that happened with Kevin Fisher behind her. She should only be thinking about friends and school.

Neil: Yeah, I agree. If we want Kevin Fisher to go to jail, then she's gonna have to answer some questions. She's gonna have to relive that whole, horrible experience to some extent.

Dru: I know. I'm just glad that she's going away with us.

Neil: Yeah, I am, too. Oh, baby, that trip to Trinidad , I'm gonna love it. It's gonna benefit me greatly.

Dru: Do you think us getting married might have a little bit to do with that?

Neil: Are you kidding me? That is the main event. No question.

Dru: Right. You know, I was thinking about that, sweetheart, and how would you feel about us changing our location? You know, where we get married?

Neil: Changing it to where?

Dru: Japan .

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