Monday Y&R Transcript 11/10/03

Y&R Transcript Monday 11/10/03--Canada; Tuesday 11/11/03--USA

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Dru: Honey.

Neil: Hmm?

Dru: Would you like some more toast?

Neil: No, no, thank you. Um, Lily still getting ready for school?

Dru: Yeah, and you know how long that's gonna take.

Neil: You know, its spooky crazy the amount of time that she spends in that bathroom.

Dru: Obviously you've never been a 15-year-old girl. Listen, I wanted to ask you, what was going on when I walked through the door last night? You know, Lily was in your arms...

Neil: Do I really need to tell you? I mean, you understand what's going on. Our daughter is going through major stuff.

Dru: Yes, I know, because of Kevin Fisher.

Neil: Yes. It's thrown her for a hell of a loop.

Dru: I know. Poor baby.

Neil: I'm just glad that she trusts me enough to open up now.

Dru: Yeah, it makes me really happy to see that you two are together. She's definitely daddy's little girl.

Neil: Yeah. Hey, by the way...

Dru: Hmm?

Neil: I made a decision, which I talked to Lily about.

Dru: Mm-hmm.

Neil: I want to lean on the authorities to prosecute Kevin Fisher. I want that little punk behind bars where he belongs, where he can't harm another innocent young girl like Lily.


Raul: Colleen's dad bailed you out of jail?

J.T.: Yeah. How "twilight zone" is that? I think he finally gets the way I feel about her.

Raul: The way you went after Kev?

J.T.: Bastard had it coming.

Raul: Yeah, he did.

J.T.: When I heard he was following Colleen like that, I lost it, man. I almost killed him.

Raul: Well, it's a good thing you didn’t. That'd be a little more difficult to explain to Tom and Martha.

J.T.: Yeah. Well, mom and dad are cool. Mr. Carlton called. He didn't want them reading about it in the paper.

Raul: You know what? You are the only guy I know who could assault somebody and wind up smelling like a Rose.

J.T.: (Laughs) yeah, well, hopefully, Kevin will go to jail, and this will all go away.

Raul: You and your arrest record... my dangerous roommate.

J.T.: Oh, right, like I'm the only criminal who lives here?

Raul: Hmm?

J.T.: Well, how about that fast one you pulled on Brittany ? Did she figure out you're the thief who stole her job?


Anita: You're so pleased about closing down Marsino's club, you can hardly stand it.

Frederick : Well, serving alcohol to a teenager... serious offense.

Anita: Yes, well, that Bobby person's gonna be back in business in no time, and who do you think he's gonna call first? Who is his number one moneymaker?

Frederick : Anita, please.

Anita: It's our daughter's claim to fame. I think maybe we should try enjoying it.

Frederick : Must you always be so cynical?

Anita: Force of habit. It's a form of self-protection, Frederick .

Frederick : Well, we need to be protecting our child, not ourselves.

Anita: And what do you suggest?

Frederick : Well, it's not like I've just been sitting on my hands.

Anita: Really?

Frederick : I've rearranged a few people down at the bank and cleared a spot so I can offer Brittany a job.

Anita: A job at the bank?

Frederick : Mm-hmm.

Anita: Wow, that's her fantasy. You'll be our daughter's hero.


Vanessa: Behold, the man in his natural habitat.

Damon: Now how'd you know I was ready for a break?

Vanessa: We always were in synch that way.

Damon: Yeah, that way, too.

Vanessa: (Chuckles) I should have come knocking on your door a lot sooner.

Damon: So why now? What brings you by here this morning?

Vanessa: Can't you guess?

Damon: Guess? I’ll, now let me see. I would imagine you're wondering whether I've given any more thought to that information you presented me with.

Vanessa: The discovery of a lifetime, Damon. So have you? Are you as psyched about it as I am?


Dru: Do you really believe the district attorney can manifest a case against Kevin Fisher?

Neil: I think there's a good chance, yes.

Dru: How? There's not a shred of evidence against the boy.

Neil: Why don't we leave that to them, okay? Our job is to make sure that our daughter gets through this with the least amount of trauma.

Dru: Did you talk to Lily about this?

Neil: Yes, I did.

Dru: Did she agree?

Neil: Not yet, but she will soon. I... she wants to see this Kevin pay. She wants to see him go to jail and make sure that he doesn't hurt any other girls like he hurt her.

Dru: How involved does our daughter have to get?

Neil: Come on, Drucilla. She's the victim here. She's gonna have to tell the police the whole story.

Dru: No. Absolutely not. They're gonna ask her a lot of invasive, devastating questions. I'm not putting her through that all over again, especially after she's been through what she's been through. No.

Neil: Honey, the outcome far outweighs the present.

Dru: Oh, Kevin going back on the internet, stalking little girls? Is that what you're talking about?

Neil: Yes, I am. And the next time, his victim might not be so lucky. And if he did set that fire, then he shouldn't be allowed to go free.

Dru: How could we get our little girl into this?

Neil: Hey. Hey. We are through blaming ourselves, all right? Every parent makes mistakes.

Dru: We've made one too many.

Neil: All right. Well, what matters is that we're with Lily every step of the way here, you understand? That we love and support her throughout this entire legal process.

Dru: Okay. You going to the gym today?

Neil: Maybe later. You know, I got to build up my stamina for our honeymoon.

Dru: Don't get any ideas. Typical man.

Neil: Typical? Hey, wait, that reminds me. When we were at the lounge the other day?

Dru: Mm-hmm.

Neil: We saw Damon talking to that Vanessa woman.

Dru: Yeah, what about it?

Neil: As I recall, you were very curious about her. You even thought that maybe she was trying to snatch the man away from jabot.

Dru: Really? I don't remember that.

Neil: Oh, you don't remember that? Come on, baby. After I went and worked out, you made a beeline for Damon. Yes, you did. And I know that because when I came back, you were still talking to him. So come on, tell me. What's the scoop?

Dru: No scoop.

Neil: No scoop?

Dru: Unh-unh.

Neil: Did he say whether or not she was an old girlfriend?

Dru: (Grunts) I mean, I'm sure they were friends when they were working over there at Satine cosmetics, right?

Neil: Yeah, but did... do you know why she came back to see him after all this time?

Dru: No, honey. He was vague about that.

Neil: Did you press him?

Dru: No, I did not. It's none of my business.

Neil: Since when is someone else's business none of your business? You know, you're famous for getting in other people's junk. You know that. What am... come on. Why you lying? Why don't you just tell me--

Lily: Hey.

Neil: Hey.

Lily: What are you guys talking about?

Dru: Hi, honey.

Neil: Hi, honey.


Frederick : Anita, I would be just as happy if she was occupying her time nonstop with tennis lessons at the country club, yes.

Anita: Well, you're never gonna sell her on that, not now that she's a working girl.

Frederick : Look, she'll be fine at the bank. She'll do a good job. She'll learn all about money and how it functions.

Anita: Frederick , Brittany has had money thrown at her entire life. First by us, then by that seedy clientele at Marsino's. I think it's a little late to teach her the value of a dollar.

Frederick : Yeah? Well, I don't care. I'm gonna try. Maybe she'll discover that not taking your clothes off and getting the respect of people around you at work isn't such a bad thing.

Anita: Well, I appreciate you doing this. I pray it works.

Frederick : Yeah.

Anita: What? I just lost you. Where'd you go?

Frederick : Oh, I was just thinking about Raul Gutierrez.

Anita: You got to be kidding me.

Frederick : No. Hey, come on, he helped me put together that whole sting operation. He did his part, even brought his friend in. I thought they did the job like gangbusters, and I think we ought to give the devil his due.

Anita: Don't tell me you're suddenly full of admiration for Raul. I mean, he's the same boy we were so dismayed with, and not too long ago.

Frederick : But compared to Bobby Marsino? Come on, he's every father's dream.

Anita: Talk about settling for second best.

Frederick : Look, I'm sure that Brittany , once she gets this behind her, will find herself a much more suitable young man.

Anita: She'll be here soon, so...

Frederick : All right, well, let's just go gently, all right? Let's get her on board with the job at the bank.

Anita: Well, that would be victory enough for one way, wouldn't it?

Frederick : Yeah.


Raul: Listen, as long as you keep your mouth shut, Brittany will only know the official story.

J.T.: Oh, not your dirty little secret-- how you conspired with Brittany ’s dad?

Raul: We went in for a beer. We didn't have our I.D.s.

J.T.: It was just bad luck that the liquor control guy was there, saw us and then shut the place down?

Raul: Couldn't have happened to a nicer strip club.

J.T.: Yeah, well, it would have been really nice if you would have asked me if I wanted in on this.

Raul: Look, man, you didn't think it was right for Brittany to blow everything off and start working for this goon Marsino anyway, especially that kind of work.

J.T.: Hey, it doesn't matter what I think. You didn't go behind my back and screw me out of a job making a grand a night.

Raul: So what are you saying? You're saying that I shouldn't have done it?

J.T.: I'm just saying, if Brittany finds out this was all a big setup--

Raul: She won't not if you don't blab.

J.T.: What about her parents? What if they let that slip?

Raul: Don't worry, they won’t.

J.T.: Man, I hope you're right. But I wouldn't expect them to cover your butt. They'd sell you out in a second if it served their purpose.

Raul: Yeah, well, they'd only be hurting themselves. They're not that stupid. Brittany would be through with them for good.

J.T.: Okay, all right. So your plan worked. Brittany 's not working at Marsino's anymore. What next?

Raul: What do you mean?

J.T.: Brittany sure as hell isn't going back to folding sweaters, man.

Brittany : You got that right.


Dru: Honey, we were just talking about our beautiful, witty, intelligent daughter, weren't we, Neil?

Neil: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm sorry for all the parents who are out there who aren't as fortunate.

Lily: Yeah, right. I'm surprised you guys haven't traded me in.

Dru: What, traded? Girl, we wouldn't trade you for all the money in the world. No, sirree, in spite of all the drama.

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Lily: You know, I'm really sorry for all the trouble I've caused.

Neil: Hey, I'm just happy that we're all communicating again. I mean, look at this here. This feels like old times.

Dru: Baby, once upon a time, ooh, didn't she love spending time with her mother and father, Neil?

Neil: Yeah.

Lily: I remember. I know we used to really have some cool vacations together back then.

Neil: Uh-huh. There's another cool vacation right out there on the horizon.

Lily: Now are you guys sure you want me to come with you on your honeymoon? Wouldn't I just be in the way?

Dru: No, you would not.

Neil: Yes--

Dru: No, she would not...

Neil: I'm kidding.

Dru: Be in the way, Neil. It's high time we started doing things as a family. Stop it.

Lily: Well, it sounds good to me.

Dru: All right. Well, I'm off to the trenches, okay? You all have a blessed day.

Neil: You, too, sugar. Bye, mama. I love you.

Dru: Love you back.

Lily: Bye.

Neil: Drive safe.

Dru: You better believe it. See ya.

Lily: Thank you, dad.

Neil: Thanks for what?


Raul: Brit, didn't hear you come in.

Brittany : Well, I heard that crack you made about me folding sweaters again. No, thank you. What are you doing here anyway?

J.T.: Well, I had a lot of your coffee. Your food was really good, too. I was really hungry when I got home last night.

Brittany : Damn it, Raul. I told you I want him out of here.

Raul: Hey, you know J.T. It's kind of like having cockroaches.

J.T.: Yeah, once you have me, you can't get rid of me. It's impossible. I'm not going anywhere.

Brittany : Wow, you guys are just, like, a laugh a minute. Doesn't anything I want around here matter? My name is on the lease, his isn't.

Raul: Well, maybe if the guy learned how to read, one day maybe...

J.T.: Oh, I'm taking that in school this year. Reading --it's good stuff.

Brittany : You know what? I'm having one of the worst weeks of my life. My whole life is in ruins, and I can just go to hell, is that it?

J.T.: Oh, come on, Brittany . You know you'd miss me.

Raul: Yeah, how would we survive around here without J.T. Giving us a hard time?

Brittany : I would survive just fine, thank you.

J.T.: All right. Well, this is a lot of fun, but I got a hot date. So I will see you guys later.

Brittany : And don't come back.

J.T.: Okay, breakfast at 8. Cool.

Raul: (Laughs)


Damon: Now what sort of scientist would I be if I hadn't at least kicked it around in my head a little bit?

Vanessa: Only a little? You mean the biggest discovery in hair care in decades--

Damon: If you do say so yourself?

Vanessa: With good reason, wouldn't you agree? So... first steps-- how do you plan to develop this? Taking an extract from a rare orchid and turning it into gold, so to speak?

Damon: The first step I would take would be to temper my enthusiasm.


Colleen: Hi.

J.T.: Hey. Sorry I'm late.

Colleen: It's okay.

J.T.: Did you already eat?

Colleen: No. I was waiting for you, but I'm really not that hungry.

J.T.: Are you sure? That looks pretty good.

Colleen: Yes. There are muffins, and there's coffee if you want some.

J.T.: I think I'll have some of both.

Colleen: Okay.

J.T.: We've got a few minutes, right?

Colleen: Yeah. So... how does it feel to be my dad's new best friend?

J.T.: Hell of a change, huh?

Colleen: Yeah. You better be careful. I think he's almost ready to adopt you.

J.T.: Wow. That's kind of crazy.

Colleen: (Clears throat) yeah, that's one word for it. It's not as crazy as what you did.

J.T.: What do you mean?

Colleen: Getting arrested for beating up Kevin. I can't say I'm happy about that, J.T.


Lily: Thanks for not telling mom.

Neil: About your S.T.D. From Kevin.

Lily: Yeah. You promised you wouldn't say anything unless she asked.

Neil: And I didn’t. For now. But like I told you last night, your mom is gonna have to know at some point.

Lily: Yeah, but why?

Neil: Well, for one thing, if the police use it as evidence to prosecute Kev,, she's gonna have to know, sweetie.

Lily: Dad, you know, I'm not so sure about this police thing.

Neil: Hey. Hey, kid. I know it's not gonna be easy, but I really feel that it's the right thing to do.

Lily: I know, so he doesn't fool some other girl like he did me.

Neil: Or worse-- do what he tried to do to Colleen.

Lily: Yeah, but, Dad, I'm just so scared. You know, it's, like, they're gonna want to know every little detail. I don't know if I can talk about that.

Neil: Hey. Pretty little girl, you're not gonna have to face it on your own. Your mom and I will be right there with you.

Neil: It's gonna be okay.


Raul: You're being a little melodramatic, aren't you? "My whole life is in ruins"?

Brittany : Raul, don't even. I lost my job. I have no place-- no place to sing anymore, not to mention the money. And we're still a mess. Well, aren't you gonna say anything?

Raul: What do you want me to say?

Brittany : You don't even care, do you? You know, jobs like this don't grow on trees. I got to perform in front of an audience every night if I wanted to. Now I'm here with zip--zero. And I'm gonna be unemployed for God knows how long.

Raul: Well, I hope long enough for you to find something that's better for yourself. Brittany , come on. That gig was a dead end. You really want to start singing; you want to get in the music business? Now is your chance now you got time to explore, knock on doors. I don't know. Send tapes out, make a cd. You didn't have any time to do that before when you were stripping every night, dragging yourself home every morning at 3:00 . Look, you have some money saved up, right? So use this time, at least until January, so if nothing works out, you have school. But for God's sakes, Brittany , stop moping around this place like it's the end of the world and biting everybody's head off.

Brittany : Well, sure. You know, that's easy for you to say. You've got your whole life mapped out in neat little 5-year increments. I'm not like that.

Raul: I'm just trying to give you some perspective.

Brittany : Raul, you don't have a clue.

Raul: All right, fine. Whatever.

Brittany : Besides, this is all your fault, you know-- yours and J.T.'s.

Raul: Why, because we went into a bar and ordered a beer? Brittany , that is so lame.

Brittany : No, it's not.

Raul: Yes, it is. Don't start on that kick again-- trying to blame us for this place getting closed down. We didn't even get carded. J.T. told Brenda that a dog ate his I.D., And she laughed and brought us a couple beers, okay? So as far as I see it, if Marsino can't train his people right, he deserved to get busted.

Brittany : God, you are so cavalier about this.

Raul: I don't think it's a tragedy that you're not at that place anymore. And if that ticks you off, oh, well.


Brenda: A classic.

Johnny: Man, I never forget a face. My friends call me love shack because of the name there.Had a childhood.


Neil: (Thinking) she is 15 years old... which means if you lay a hand on my daughter, it's called statutory rape. You touch my daughter one more time, you going to wish that you never met this black man, 'cause I'll make sure you go to jail for a long time, do you got that?

Kevin: Yeah.

Neil: Yeah?

Kevin: Yeah.

Neil: Yeah?!

Neil: Yes. Detective Hank Weber, please. Neil Winters. Thanks. Will you have him call me at my office? Yeah, he, uh... he has the number. Tell him it's very important. Thank you.

Phyllis: Hey. Here are the Safra sales figures you wanted.

Neil: Hey, hey, hey, come back here wearing a dress like that. What are you doing? What, no "good morning"? No witty zingers? I mean, you must be in a funky mood.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I am. I can hardly stand myself.

Neil: You and Jack battling again?

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, we're not battling. Last night it was something new. I got the cold shoulder. At least I got some variety.

Neil: Darling, I wish I could help you out.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm sure. Listen, I don't want to talk about me. Let's talk about you. You must be excited about your upcoming wedding to Dru.

Neil: Yeah, well, if it weren't for the fact that my daughter is having some serious problems... um, I really haven't been able to give it that much thought.

Phyllis: Oh. You don't want to talk about it?

Neil: No, not really. You know, the kid's going through a real rough period. It's just every parent's worst nightmare, you know?

Phyllis: Yeah. Sounds serious.

Neil: Very. And on top of that, I had a conversation with Dru just a little while ago, and it's been bothering me ever since.


J.T.: Colleen, are you really mad at me?

Colleen: No, I'm not mad. There was a reason I didn't want you going over there, especially not in the mood you were in.

J.T.: What was I supposed to do? Let this guy get away with terrifying you?

Colleen: No, I'm not saying that either. Look, part of me is glad that you beat him up. We all know he deserved it.

J.T.: Okay, so what's the problem?

Colleen: J.T., There are laws, even if the guy's a creep. Couldn't sleep. I spent the whole night worrying about what could happen to you.

J.T.: Hey, everything's fine, okay? Don't worry.

Colleen: How can I not worry? He pressed charges against you.

J.T.: The police aren't gonna want to move on that, Colleen. Kevin's gonna be in jail before anything happens.

Colleen: You don't know that.

J.T.: Yeah, I do. I read this detective, Colleen. They hate Fisher as much as I do. Weber pretty much said that.

Colleen: But they arrested you. What does that say?

J.T.: Okay, it wasn't smartest thing for me to do, to go over there. But I did it for you.

Colleen: I know you did, and that was so amazing of you to do that for me. But I don't want you getting in trouble because of me, because of some fight. Do you understand? I need you too much.


Brittany : I was right. You don't care, and for the record, I still blame you and J.T.

Raul: Brittany , guys our age go into bars all the time, trying to see what they can get away with. How the hell were we supposed to know that the liquor control guys were gonna swoop down on us at that precise moment?

Brittany : Yeah, that was kind of weird, huh? I mean, how does that work anyway? Is it, like, random? Do they, like, go around from place to place hoping to kill somebody? Or does someone have to report a violation or something?

Raul: How would I know? I'm just glad that J.T. And I didn't get arrested that night. Hey, you don't even know, do you? J.T. Got arrested last night all on his own, beat the hell out of that Kevin freak. Yeah, it's a good thing that Mr. Carlton was over at the police station, 'cause otherwise, he'd probably still be sitting there.

Brittany : No, no, no, forget J.T. I don't want to talk about him. You can tell me later. I want to talk about this.

Raul: Brittany , what is there to talk about? What happened, happened. That's it.

Brittany : I want to know how. I want to know why.

Raul: It doesn't matter.

Brittany : It matters to me. When everything was coming down, and people were hustling out of the club, I remember Bobby saying to Angelo, "damn it, somebody called the cops on us, and I'm going to make sure he pays."

Raul: He was mad. He was speculating.

Brittany : Look, how many keggers, how many parties did I go to in high school? And the only time the cops came, the only time, was when somebody complained and turned us in. And that night at Marsino's, there were three of them. I think Bobby was right. I think the cops got a call. Somebody tipped them off.

Raul: Well, the guy who runs the place is a total jackass, so, yeah, he probably does have a couple enemies.

Brittany : Just shut up, okay? I know you can't stand him. Was it you, Raul? Did you set it up?

Raul: Yeah, damn it, Brittany , you caught me. Yeah, I just wish I would have thought of it earlier.

Brittany : Yeah, well, it probably was you. Either you or my parents. Wait a minute-- my parents. They couldn't have. Could they? No. No, they don't even know what happened. Even they wouldn't sink that low.

Raul: So, Brittany , are you going to chew on this all morning? Or what are--

Brittany : No. My dad called and woke me up. He and my mom want to meet me.

Raul: How come?

Brittany : I guess their day just wouldn't be complete without my smiling face across the breakfast table.

Raul: So that's all it is? They said they just want to meet you for breakfast?

Brittany : Like I can read their tiny, little minds.


J.T.: You know I'm not gonna let anything ever happen to you.

 Colleen: It's not about things happening to me. It's about them happening to you. I don't want to see this get any worse for you.

J.T.: Don't worry about me. I'm okay.

Colleen: That's what you say now, but let's forget about the cops, okay? What if Kevin goes after you?

J.T.: I'd like to see that.

Colleen: J.T., I'm serious.

J.T.: I am, too. Colleen, you know that's not his style.

Colleen: You're right. He'd rather prey on girls like me and Lily. God, I hate this. Every time I think about what happened, I just start to lose it.

J.T.: You've been through a lot lately. Hey, don't worry. Just let it out.

Colleen: I don't want to, okay? I'm just so tired. I'm just tired of this, okay? I want it to be over. I want to feel safe again.

J.T.: You will. You will, I promise. Your dad and I aren't gonna let you out of our sight. Kevin's not coming anywhere near you ever again.


Vanessa: Are you telling me to do that? Temper my enthusiasm? I'm surprised.

Damon: Vanessa, I'm aware that you believe there's a great deal of potential here--

Vanessa: Damon, I know the I is.

Damon: Now how can you know that? This is something you stumbled upon, a side discovery you have not had time to investigate.

Vanessa: Are you telling me that you don't think it's worth pursuing?

Damon: Well, come on, Vanessa, you understand the process.

Vanessa: Yes, Damon, we both understand the process, so--

Damon: So what we have here is a chemical that seems to possess certain properties that could be valuable-- the ability to straighten hair safely, naturally and very effectively between shampooings. I say "seems" and "could," because your personal findings have not been replicated, have they?

Vanessa: No, not yet, but--

Damon: All right, so it's very possible we could be disappointed in any of 100 different ways. You know as well as i the nature of the journey in going from hypothesis to product on a shelf. It could take years--

Vanessa: Ahah, Damon, or everything could fall into place in the blink of an eye.

Damon: Yes, yes, it has been known to happen.

Vanessa: I mean, this extract, it straightens hair with no chemicals, no lye. It's totally natural and so effective, I can't believe it myself. You shampoo it in, you dry your hair, and it's as straight as a stick. And the texture--

Damon: Regardless, you are talking about a potentiality.

Vanessa: This is more than just potential.

Damon: To say nothing of the fact that you and I both have extremely full plates.

Vanessa: Extremely full-- wait, wait a minute. Are you telling me that you don't want to take a closer look at this?


Phyllis: Well, I can relate to that. You see, every conversation I have with Dru bothers me.

Neil: Believe me, she feels the exact same way about you.

Phyllis: All right, well, back to your conversation with her.

Neil: Yeah, it's just the weirdest thing.

Phyllis: What is?

Neil: Well, you remember that woman that you saw talking to Damon Porter at the Genoa City Athletic Club the other day?

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, the one that was with him at the bar, right?

Damon: Yeah, Vanessa.

Phyllis: Vanessa? Oh, well, that's a great name for a mystery woman.

Neil: Yeah, well, Dru was very curious about her, thought that she might be trying to recruit Damon from Jabot.

Phyllis: Oh, well, that's possible. That must have been driving Drucilla crazy.

Neil: Yeah, it sure did. That's why she talked to Porter after Vanessa left.

Phyllis: Of course she did. Of course she talked to him. Right. Because she's very territorial where Damon Porter is concerned. So what did she learn?

Neil: Nothing that she'd share with me, and that is the problem.

Phyllis: Ye. So are you saying your wife-to-be is keeping secrets from you?

Neil: Phyllis, I can't really complain, you know, because I'm keeping a secret of my own. But the bottom line here is that, yes, I think that Drucilla is potentially hiding something from me.

Phyllis: Are you sure you're not just a little paranoid?

Neil: No, I really don't think so.

Phyllis: So what do you think she's hiding from you?

Neil: I wish I knew.

Phyllis: Oh, wait a second, Neil. Your fiancée and Damon Porter...

Phyllis: Oh, my God. Do you think that something's going on there?


Colleen: Oh, I feel so useless. All I can do is hide behind you and Dad.

J.T.: It's not safe for you to be alone yet, not till they get Kevin.

Colleen: And until then, what, huh? I feel like some stone around your neck. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

J.T.: You need to think about something else.

Colleen: Like what?

J.T.: I don't know, something fun. How about this? How about after school I'm gonna come pick you up. We'll go somewhere. We'll hang out, and I'll bring my guitar, play some music. I've been working on some new songs.

Colleen: Really?

J.T.: Yeah.

Colleen: You'd do that for me?

J.T.: Yeah, I'd do anything for you.

Colleen: Okay, but you have to promise me you'll play that one song, our song, the one you sang to me last Valentine's Day.

J.T.: It's kind of cheesy, don't you think?

Colleen: No, it's not cheesy. It's beautiful. It shows the real J.T.-- Your sensitive side, the one that I can't get enough of.

Colleen: Thank you.

J.T.: For what?

Colleen: For everything, but mainly for being you.

Colleen: Oh, my gosh. We have to go. I'm gonna be so late.

J.T.: All right. For the road.


Damon: Vanessa, I didn't say I wasn't willing to look into it.

Vanessa: Well, you're not exactly enthusiastic.

Damon: Well, it's on my list, I promise.

Vanessa: So one of these days in your spare time, you'll get around to investigating the discovery of a lifetime? Come on.

Damon: Sooner than that.

Vanessa: Well, how much sooner? Have you done any groundwork? Figured out how to get a supply of the extract?

Damon: No, I haven't thought that far ahead.

Vanessa: I'm, uh, I'm starting to get a really bad feeling here.

Damon: Why is that?

Vanessa: Don't forget I know you, Damon, not just as a colleague and not just as a friend.

Damon: Your point?

Vanessa: My instincts are telling me-- no, they're screaming at me-- that you're more excited about this than you're letting on. And that worries me; it worries me a lot, Damon.


Neil: If you are suggesting that something romantic is going on between Damon and Dru, the thought never even crossed my mind.

Phyllis: Ha-ha, really?

Neil: Really. What, that surprises you?

Phyllis: Well, I know you're on your way to the altar, but, you know, one last little--

Neil: No, no, no, no, you see this guy standing right here in this nice suit and tie?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Neil: That girl would never cheat on me.

Phyllis: Okay, okay.

Neil: Okay.

Phyllis: Famous last words.

Neil: So whatever's going on between Damon and Dru, it's not personal.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, okay, well, then maybe they're conspiring to have Victor whacked.

Neil: Oh, ho ho ho, yeah. It's funny you mentioned that, because I think I heard Drucilla going out to buy a box of bullets.

Phyllis: Oh, okay, well, there you go. Okay, seriously, seriously.

Neil: All right, I wonder if the reason is Vanessa, because you know something? I was talking to Vanessa the other day, and she walked--

Phyllis: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You were talking to Vanessa the other day? What are you doing? Are you holding out on me?


Frederick : Hi, kitten.

Brittany : Hi, Dad.

Anita: You look lovely today, sweetie.

Brittany : Oh, I do?

Anita: Yeah. Listen, we ordered some muffins and bagels and cream cheese, juice. You want anything?

Brittany : Coffee first.

Frederick : Coffee coming right up.

Anita: Here you go.

Brittany : Thank you.

Anita: You're welcome. So how are things?

Brittany : Not bad.

Frederick : Really?

Brittany : Yeah.

Frederick : I just, well, maybe it's a rumor, but did something happen at Marsino's?

Brittany : Why do you ask?

Frederick : Did it?

Brittany : Well, yes, but how would you have heard about it?

Frederick : Just from a friend.

Brittany : From a friend? Who? Mom?

Anita: What do you mean?

  Brittany : Well, I mean, I was just kidding around with Raul before, but then all of sudden I-- I mean, why are you bringing this up?

Frederick : Because we heard.

Brittany : You heard? Come on, somebody busted Marsino's for serving underage customers.

Anita: What?

Brittany : Was it the two of you? I mean, did you have anything to do with the alcohol control officers coming to the club?

Frederick : No, no, no, no, sweetheart.

Anita: Oh, my go... why would you think that?

Brittany : You did. I can tell you did. You two called the cops on us, didn't you.

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