Transcript Wednesday 11/05/03--
Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma
J.T.: Hey, Colleen, you're all right, okay? You're safe now.
Sierra: We won't let anything happen to you.
Colleen: I know. I'm sorry. I just can't stop crying.
J.T.: It's all right. Don't worry about it.
Colleen: I was just so freaked.
Sierra: Well, who wouldn't be? Going into Gina’s like that, seeing Kevin?
J.T.: Colleen, what were you thinking?
Colleen: I don't know. It was just something I had to do.
J.T.: Well, don't ever pull a stunt like that again, okay?
Colleen: Okay, I won’t. I turned around, and he was right behind me.
J.T.: That freak must have followed you there.
Colleen: He said he was walking by when he saw me go in.
Sierra: Yeah, right.
Colleen: My God, he scared the living daylights out of me.
J.T.: Did he touch you? Did he lay a hand on you?
Colleen: No. He said he only wanted to talk, that he didn't mean me any harm, like I'm dumb enough to believe that.
Sierra: That guy is such a sleaze.
J.T.: Well, don't worry about it, okay? When I'm through with him, he's never gonna hurt you ever again.
Esther: Mmm. This is the best prime rib I've had in a long time, Mrs. C.
Kay: Yes, well, Gina improves the quality of food no matter where she goes.
Esther: Yeah, but I bet she misses her old place though.
Kay: I know how she feels.
Esther: You're just picking at your salad.
Kay: Esther, for God's sake, I am not hungry.
Esther: Mrs. C., It is really important that you eat.
Gina: Hi, ladies. How is everything?
Esther: Oh, we were just saying, Gina, everything is so much better since you took over.
Gina: Oh, Esther, thanks.
Kay: Can't tell you how happy I am that you're managing this.
Gina: Oh, well, I owe it all to John Abbott. He spoke to the owner. I was even able to bring some of my old staff with me.
Kay: Hmm.
Gina: To tell you the truth, Katherine, I didn't know what I was gonna do after the fire.
Kay: Well, John's a very good friend.
Gina: Yes, he is.
Gina: Katherine, what's wrong? You don't seem like yourself.
Esther: Well, it's no wonder. The poor woman has been forced out of her own home, kicked out by that miserable she-devil. It's a crime is what it is.
Kay: Esther, please. Moving out was my choice. And I certainly have nothing-- nothing at all-- to complain about.
Esther: Okay, fine. Then I'll save you the trouble and complain for you.
Man: If I had a better idea of exactly what you wanted, ms. Abbott...
Jill: Brightness. I want this whole room to reflect joy and happiness. I want vivid colors, and I want more modern furniture.
Man: A complete, radical change.
Jill: Radical, yes. That's exactly it. And I want it done by the first of the year.
Man: The whole house?
Jill: Well, I suppose the bedrooms could wait, but the whole downstairs-- I want it done by Christmas.
Man: Wouldn't you rather wait until after Christmas? It would be a lot less hectic by then.
Jill: No. No. This has to be done by then. Now listen, I want you to make this your first priority, okay? Spare the expense.
Man: Okay, then. Why don't I draw up some sketches, put together some colors and have them ready for you, let's say, the beginning of next week?
Jill: Oh, that is perfect. Thank you.
Man: I'll show myself out.
Jill: Okay. Bye.
Man: Bye.
Jill: Well, hello, stranger.
Larry: Jill, um, what in the hell is going on in here?
Nikki: What did you say?
Nikki: No. The answer is no.
Nikki: Look, I called this meeting, and that's how I want it.
Nikki: I don't see any reason for her to be involved.
Nikki: It will all be explained after everyone is here, and not before.
Michael: So I'm just being paranoid?
Nick: That's what I said.
Michael: Mm. Yeah. Seems to be a lot of that going around lately. Paranoia-- it's like an early winter cold. Everyone seems to have it.
Nick: I'm outta here.
Michael: No, hang on, pony boy. You're an executive of this company. You should know this. People are hearing things. They may be imagining things, but they're talking. "Oh, Nicholas is gonna set off an explosion. Nicholas is gonna burn down the barn. Nicholas is talking about justice and punishment." You know, you're causing a great deal of anxiety amongst the masses.
It's just you,
Michael: Oh, so tell me, why would I be?
Nick: You tell me.
Michael: Oh, we're just going around in circles now.
Nick: Not really my fault.
Michael: Oh. Okay. Putting on the lawyer hat. Mr. Newman, let me direct your attention to the evening of the arts council gala. Did you or did you not on that occasion point your spindly little finger at me and say, in a high-pitched voice, "I'm on to you"?
Nick: It really got under your skin, didn't it?
Michael: Was that your intention, sir, to get under my skin?
Nick: Could be.
Michael: Oh. So in other words, you weren't really "on to me," you just wanted me to think that you were, so I could become, what, worried, anxious?
Nick: Yeah, it doesn't really make sense, does it?
Michael: No, sir, it doesn't, because I would have to be hiding something, wouldn't I? And you would have to know I was hiding something.
Nick: But I wouldn't necessarily have to know what that was.
Michael: Which leads us back to my original question. Do you believe that you know what I am allegedly hiding? Well? Answer the question, please, Mr. Newman. Do you?
Colleen: Where are you going? What are you gonna do?
J.T.: What do you expect me to do, colleen, stand by and do nothing?
Colleen: Please, stay here.
J.T.: That guy sneaking up on you at Gina’s like that-- that's it, he's going down.
Colleen: But I'm fine.
J.T.: You are now, Colleen. But he wants to hurt you.
Colleen: But he's not going to, not now. Not with the police watching him.
Sierra: She's right. They could arrest him any minute.
J.T.: Well, why haven't they? Why is he still on the street?
Sierra: They need evidence.
Colleen: Well, don't hold your breath. Kevin said they didn't find anything.
Sierra: Come on. What about his laptop?
Colleen: They gave it back to him, which means whatever it is he's gonna do, he's gonna get away with it.
J.T.: Oh, the hell he is.
Colleen: No, J.T.--
J.T.: Colleen, let me go!
Kevin: Don't give me that garbage. No, I won't hold. I spent ten minutes on hold already, and I'm telling you, this is for real. No, no, no. Let me explain something to you. I'm a taxpayer. You're a public servant. I pay your salary. That means, when I call, you have to do something about it. I don't care that you're busy. You know what? You better follow through with this. Otherwise, I swear, I will sue the entire department.
Jill: Care to join me in a drink?
Larry: No, thank you.
Jill: I haven't seen much of you lately.
Larry: I've been busy.
Jill: Have you been avoiding me, Larry?
Larry: Now why would you say something like that?
Jill: I don't know. I just sense that you're a little bit uncomfortable with this new setup.
Larry: Well, it, uh, seems like you've been pretty busy around here lately yourself.
Jill: I know. This place is a mess, isn't it? I just can't seem to find a maid.
Larry: Maybe that's because you insist on your maid being, uh, a guy.
Jill: Yeah, well, I've been living in a house with all women for far too long. It's time for a change.
Larry: If you say so.
Jill: Oh, come on, Larry. Change is good, okay? And now that I am, you know, the mistress of the manor, I want a whole new look for this old mausoleum.
Larry: Well, you are the boss.
Jill: I don't want you to think of me like that, okay? We're too close. Or at least we used to be. Now you're all reserved and distant.
Larry: So, uh, I guess you're trying to get rid of all signs of Mrs. C. Being around here, huh?
Jill: No, I am not. She's my mother. I'm just-- I'm trying to modernize things. That's all.
Man: Dinner's ready, Mrs. Abbott.
Jill: Oh, thank you, Arthur. We'll be two for dinner. I hope there's enough.
Arthur: Yes, mam. Would you like me to serve in the dining room?
Jill: No, I don't think so. I think we'll eat right here.
Larry: Uh, Jill, thank you, but I really don't think I--
Jill: You are having dinner with me. I insist. And, Arthur, after you've served us, you can go on home. I won't be needing you anymore tonight.
Arthur: Yes, ma'am.
Kay: Esther, now I mean it. Relax.
Esther: I can't help it, Mrs. Chancellor. Jill is using you, and you're too blind to see it.
Kay: Well, your attitude, dear heart, is one of the reasons-- major reasons-- she wanted us out.
Esther: Oh, baloney. She loved putting me down. She's probably at the house right now wishing that she had someone to pick on.
Gina: You know, it just hit me. Where are you living?
Esther: Well, we could be staying at the Newman ranch.
Nikki was kind enough to offer us hospitality, but I figured, what's going on
with her and her life right now, a pair of houseguests would be a little bit
much. We have a very nice suite at the
Esther: Yeah, while Jill wallows around your house, happy as a pig in slop.
Kay: My daughter needed space, Esther. She needed space. Now for the hundredth time, would you please be so kind as to shut up?
Gina: Speaking of Jill, um, how is she doing?
Kay: I have no idea. No idea.
Esther: Yeah, because she's probably enjoying her space, and she doesn't have time to call. If you think that this is gonna bring you and Jill closer, Mrs. C.
Colleen: J.T., Promise me that you will not go after Kevin. I don't want you getting hurt.
J.T.: Oh, trust me. I'm not the one who's gonna get hurt.
Colleen: Okay, but just don't do anything stupid.
J.T.: Stupid? Me?
Colleen: I'm serious, okay? I don't want anything bad to happen.
J.T.: It's a little late for that, Colleen. Something bad already has happened.
Colleen: Okay, let's not make it worse, okay?
J.T.: How could things get worse? I mean the guy's out there on the loose, Colleen. And what, we have to sit by and wait till he does something bad again? Next time, we might not be so lucky. I'm not gonna lose you, Colleen.
Colleen: Don't worry. I'm gonna be really careful, okay?
J.T.: No, no, you're gonna be more than careful. I'm not letting you outta my sight, not till that guy's put away. That's how it has to be.
Colleen: Weird, isn't it? He's the bad guy, and we're the ones in prison.
Lily: Hey, guys. How's it going?
Nikki: I can't believe what I'm hearing.
Nikki: Okay, fine. I don't care. I'm gonna go change. When Nicholas gets here, make sure he doesn't try to leave before his father arrives.
Nick: You know what? I'm not on trial here. So I'm not gonna answer any more of your stupid questions.
Michael: Okay. Fine. I really wish you would though. This is serious business, Nicholas. You're getting on people's nerves.
Nick: I'm getting on your nerves.
Michael: Victoria's and your father's, and I suspect your wife's and anyone else--
Nick: Stop talking about my family.
Michael: Oh, I hit a little nerve there, didn't I? Come on, Nick. Let's stop beating around the bush.
Nick: Fine. Why don't you tell me what you think I'm up to? We'll go from there.
Michael: You have a problem with how Safra got off to such a fast start.
Nick: Ooh. Big secret.
Michael: You don't believe in your own products?
Nick: Safra is just recycled Satine product. We didn't have enough time or manpower to make up new stuff.
Michael: Still, Safra ain't junk.
Nick: Tuvia's better.
Michael: And consumers are fickle, irrational beings.
Yeah, and sometimes water runs uphill,
Michael: Finally. Finally, we're getting somewhere.
Nick: What and you think I'm just gonna spill it for your benefit?
Michael: No, for both our benefits. Come on. Tell me. How much of this is about you and Victor? You know, it's not unusual-- it's not unusual for the prince to want to--to take on the king, take over the kingdom. It's all very oedipal and twisted.
Nick: That's what you think this is about. That's--that's funny.
Michael: You're laughing a little too hard, Nick.
Nick: Yeah, and you're really starting to annoy me, you little punk.
Michael: I really did hit a nerve, didn't I?
Nick: Is that what you think?
Michael: Victor's not such a bad guy really.
Nick: And what are you, his favorite new flunky?
Michael: Oh, let's stick to the subject at hand, shall we? Look, you say you have something on me. Come on. Why don't you tell me what it is? Make me sweat, Nicholas. Show me what you got. Shatter me. Terrorize me. Scare me. Just get it over with, huh?
Nick: You figured it out, man. You called my bluff.
Michael: I did?
Nick: Yeah. I already told you. If I had something on you and it could hurt you, trust me, I would have already used it by now.
Michael: Hmm. Oh, so this whole "Nicholas is on the rampage" thing, this "I'm gonna get you" trip you're laying on your dad, that's all a bunch of horse hooey, huh?
Nick: You stay out of my personal life, you got it? You think you know Victor Newman. Trust me, you don’t. You got the answer you were looking for. Now go crawl back under your rock.
Michael: Hmm. He really doesn't know anything.
Nick: You really didn't think I was gonna tell you anything, did you, you idiot? Why would I? I have a federal investigator to do it.
Sierra: Lily, hi. We didn't see you come in.
Lily: It's okay. You know what? Maybe I-I shouldn't have come over.
Sierra: No, wait.
Colleen: Lily, stay.
Lily: You sure?
Colleen: Of course.
Lily: You know, um, Colleen, I meant to come see you in the hospital.
Colleen: It's okay. I wasn't there for very long.
Lily: Yeah, thank God. How are you?
Colleen: Fine.
Lily: Really?
Colleen: Yeah, really. I'm cool.
Lily: You know, you've been on my mind so much lately.
Colleen: Same here.
J.T.: Well, look, you guys got a lot of catching up to do. I'll see you later, all right?
Colleen: Okay.
Sierra: This is weird, huh? I mean, here we are, and no one knows what to say.
Lily: Well, I know I have a lot to get off of my chest. But I won't blame you guys if you don't want to listen.
Gina: Well, Katherine, I think once the novelty wears off, jill is gonna find herself to be one lonely woman.
Kay: Well, and my fear is Jill will decide she loves being alone, in which case I will have to make this temporary arrangement permanent.
Esther: No. You wouldn’t. Haven't you sacrificed enough for that witch?
Gina: Look, before too long, Jill is gonna realize just how much she misses you.
Kay: I hope so. I'm not counting on it.
Gina: Listen, I have to get back to my new job, but I’ll you do me a favor?
Kay: Hmm?
Gina: I want you to eat, because you've got to get your strength back. I want you to do that for me.
Esther: Yeah, strength enough to throw Jill out into the street.
Jill: Arthur is a marvelous cook. I was lucky to get him.
Larry: Yeah, he's good. He made one heck of a meal.
Jill: What?
Larry: Nothing. Look, you never did answer my question.
Jill: What question would that be?
Larry: All of this stuff-- I mean, it looks like a hurricane blew through here.
Jill: I know. My decorator was here. Ahh, we just went through all the plans.
Larry: So you are going to go through with it.
Jill: What redo the house? Of course I am. I want to bring this lovely house into the 21st century.
Larry: But why the rush, Jill? It just seems a little weird to me.
Jill: Well, time waits for no man or woman. Isn't that what they say? I just don't see any reason to delay something that's so important to me.
Larry: I don't think Mrs. Chancellor's gonna be too happy.
Jill: Well, Mrs. Chancellor will just have to change like the rest of us, okay? She's been living in the past for far too long anyway. How about that drink now?
Larry: Jill, don't you think you ought to take it a little easy on that stuff?
Jill: Oh, my God. What is wrong with you? You used to be so much fun.
Larry: I just--I'm not-- I'm not in a drinking mood tonight, okay?
Jill: Have I done something to annoy you, irritate you, upset you?
Larry: Jill, you've been-- how do I say this? Different ever since Mrs. C. Moved out.
Jill: Yes, I have. For the first time since I can remember, Larry, I feel free.
Larry: Look, I know what freedom is about, okay? And this--this isn't it.
Jill: Baby, come on. You worry too much.
Larry: I just-- I think you're moving too fast, that's all.
Jill: I am trying to rearrange my life a little bit. Is that so terrible?
Larry: Your life, maybe. But Mrs. C.'S home?
Jill: My home, Larry. My home. Don't you see? This place is like a museum. If it stays like this, we're gonna have to start charging admission to the public. I just... I just want it to reflect something of me, that's all.
Larry: Well, then I guess I have nothing to say about it.
Jill: Well, good. Because there are much better things we could be doing than arguing, all right? We've got this huge, beautiful house all to ourselves, just the two of us.
Jill: Come on, baby. Did you miss me? 'Cause I sure missed you.
Lily: Wow. I didn't think this would be so hard.
Colleen: Lily, you don't have to say anything, okay? I mean, it's been a long time since we've all been together.
Lily: Don't you think that's letting me off easy?
Colleen: Easy? Lily, you've been through a lot.
Lily: Me? Colleen, what about you?
Colleen: I don't blame you, if that helps.
Lily: I don't know why you wouldn't blame me.
Sierra: It wasn't your fault. It was your stupid boyfriend. Sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.
Lily: No, why not? It's true. God, you guys, I have so much to apologize for. I mean, especially to you, Colleen. I have been the biggest jerk.
Sierra: Come on, Lily. You don't need to do this. Right, Colleen?
Lily: No, no, I need to say this. It's just that for so long, I thought you guys didn't understand me. You know, I thought you were jealous of Kevin and me, and now I see how crazy that was.
Colleen: Yeah, honey, you only saw what you wanted to see.
Lily: Yeah, but that's no excuse for the way I treated you. Colleen, you have been nothing but a good friend to me. I mean, you saw Kevin for what he really was the moment you met him.
Sierra: We tried to tell you.
Lily: Yeah, but I didn't want to listen, you know, and that was the whole problem. I should have believed you guys. It's like, I just think-- it's like, why did I let Kevin use me like that? You know, I was so convinced that he was the only one who really cared about me... when really it was you guys. I mean, you guys tried everything you could to open my eyes. You even risked our friendship to talk to my parents.
Sierra: What are friends for?
Lily: Yeah, but I didn't act like a friend. I do not blame you guys if you gave up on me.
Colleen: Oh, lily, don't say that.
Sierra: We care about you.
Colleen: And we just didn't want to see you get hurt.
Lily: Yeah, well, too bad I did anyway. God, I feel so stupid.
Colleen: Look, you shouldn't, okay? This is not like you're the first person this has ever happened to or the first person Kevin has tried to manipulate.
Lily: Yeah, well, I should have realized what he was up to. You know its like-- I mean, you guys know me, I'm not some silly little girl. I mean, the truth is there's nobody to blame but myself. I walked right into his trap.
Lily: Trust me, okay? I am not gonna let Colleen wreck things for us. I told you, Kevin. You mean way too much to me.
Kevin: Yeah?
Lily: Yeah.
Kevin: Well if you really feel that way, prove it.
Lily: How?
Kevin: You know how. There's only one way.
Kevin: Oh, come on. Talk to me. I know you're interested.
Kevin: God, this is too easy. Um, "they're one of my favorite bands, too."
"Once, in
Kevin: "Why don't we get together? We can talk about music some more."
Kevin: Oh, you'd like that, huh? "When can we meet?"
(Door closes)
Nick: Hey.
Nick: I thought that, uh--
Nick: Well, thanks. Saves me from going to the mat with mom again. Where is she?
Nick: Okay, well, then that will give us a few minutes then. There's something I need to tell you guys.
Jill: Come on, Larry. Come on. I'm the same person I was before. I'm your wild little tiger.
Larry: Look, Jill, I really don't think--
Jill: Come on, baby. Loosen up. Lordy, you are as tight as a watch.
Larry: Mmm.
Jill: Oh. Where is that big, hunky guy that I used to know? Where's the one that used to turn me on and make me beg for more? Come on. Ooh. Is he in there? Hello? Hello? Is he in there? Come on, baby.
Larry: Ohh.
Jill: Come on. Come, baby. Yes.
Larry: Oh, oh, oh. Let me.
Jill: Oh, sweetheart, let me get that for you. Oh.
Larry: Mmm.
Larry: Oh, baby.
Jill: Ohh.
Larry: Mmm. (Door closes)
Larry: Oh, my God.
Jill: What?
Colleen: Lily, come on. Don't do this to yourself.
Lily: Do what to myself?
Sierra: All this guilt you're feeling, it doesn't really help anything.
Lily: I know. I just... I feel so bad. You know like I've let everyone down, especially my parents.
Colleen: Wow. It's been a long time since you cared about that.
Lily: Yeah, I know.
Sierra: So, um, how are things going with your folks?
Lily: Do you guys have any idea what it feels like... to have your dad look at you and just cry, telling you how bad he feels that he let you down?
Colleen: So I guess he handled it okay, huh?
Lily: Yeah, we've had some really good talks... some really serious ones. They've been real supportive.
Sierra: Cool. I thought you'd be grounded for life or something.
Lily: No. When you get into the kind of mess like I did, it's kind of like... I don't know, it's kind of like you move to this whole new level. I don't even feel like a kid anymore.
Colleen: Yeah, but if your parents are working things out, at least something good's come of it.
Lily: Yeah, one good thing-- realizing at my parents care about me a lot. Which maybe would have happened sooner if it hadn't been for Kevin.
Sierra: I'm just glad they're not ragging on you.
Lily: No, they're being great. God, it's like, when I think about what that freak did to me... I used to count the minutes until I could see Kevin again. What I hope and pray that I'll never see him again.
Colleen: Oh, come here, baby. Shh. It's okay.
Nick: No. Now listen, we don't have much time.
Nick: Something pretty heavy is gonna go down in the next few weeks. I want you to be prepared.
Nick: I can't get into it anymore.
Nick: I can't talk about it anymore.
Nick: I did what had to be done.
Nick: Well, I'm sorry if this is upsetting you, but this has been a long time coming, and as far as I'm concerned, it's totally justified.
Victor: What's going on here?
Victor: What did I just walk in on?
Nikki: Oh, good, everybody's here. We can start the meeting.
Victor: Are you sure about this?
Nikki: Darling, we already discussed this. You were outvoted. Does anybody need anything before we get started? Okay. Well, let's sit down.
Nikki: Your father has recently discovered something that's unsettling to say the least.
Nick: What we talked about the other day.
Nikki: Yes. He wanted to ignore it, but I don't think that that's in his best interest. So I've convinced him that we discuss this as a family before any decision is made.
Victor: I found out that my father is still alive... and your mother wants me to go see him. I don't intend to do that. It's as simple as that.
Colleen: Lily, if you never want to see Kevin again, I think that's one wish that'll come true.
Lily: What do you mean?
Colleen: I, uh, I ran into Kevin.
Lily: What? Where?
Colleen: Gina’s.
Lily: Colleen, why would you go there?
Colleen: Look, I know it was a bad idea. Anyway, I ran into him there.
Lily: Oh, my God. You must have been terrified. Did he do anything to you?
Colleen: No, no, no. He was acting all nice and innocent. He asked me to give you a message.
Lily: Yeah? Well, whatever it is, I don't want to hear it. My dad already got a restraining order to keep him away from me.
Colleen: That's what the message was. He said that he couldn't see you any more.
Lily: (Snicker) please. Like it's some big tragedy.
Sierra: Yeah. I wish he'd make one mistake-- just one-- so the police could bust him.
Lily: My Dad wants to press charges.
Colleen: You know if you did that, you'd have to testify. Do you think you could handle that?
Lily: I don't know. I mean, just thinking about it, the whole thing freaks me out. But I do want Kevin to pay for what he did. God, I want him to pay so bad.
Kevin: Sorry, girls, but this is the way it has to be. I can't leave anything behind for Detective Weber to find. You understand.
Kevin: Not to worry. You will all get to meet "fishin4luv" soon. Real soon.
(Knock on door)
J.T.: Look, you sick bastard. I warned you to stay the hell away from Colleen, but you didn't listen to me, did you? So now you're going down, man. You hear me? You're going down.
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