Y&R Transcript Monday 11/03/03

Y&R Transcript Monday 11/03/03-- Canada ; Tuesday 11/04/03

Provided By Eric

Becker: Your father? Victor newman?

Nick: He's the one.

Becker: He personally bribed employees of your retail outlets?

Nick: To give safra products preferential treatment.

Becker: When I say "personally"--

Nick: He didn't hand the money over himself. His bagman did the actual dirty work.

Becker: So if I talk to this peter hudson of nelson orores, who will he tell me he dealt with?

Nick: Michael baldwin.

Becker: I know that name.

Nick: Yes, he's a lawyer here in town.

Becker: Isn't he the one who represented-- yes, of course, I do know him. He's a good lawyer. Why would he be involved in something like this? And the bigger question, why would victor newman?

Nick: I can only assume that baldwin was paid a lot of money, or he's just so unethical that he actually enjoys bribing people. As for my father, well, he just likes to win.

Becker: But to put his whole reputation on the line?

Nick: I should have said he has to win.

Becker: Mr. Newman, I told you before that this is a process that once you start, you can't stop. You can't change your mind.

Nick: I'm aware of that.

Becker: At the same time, I need to know... we're talking about prosecuting your father for a crime that could bring him many years behind bars. Are really serious about this?

Phyllis: Victor, we've been getting along so well lately. I really don't want to spoil that.

Victor: You're asking me about things, phyllis, that I can't get into with you.

Phyllis: And I'm not saying you should. I just want to know if something bad is about to happen.

Victor: I certainly hope not.

Phyllis: Nicholas has been acting very strange lately.

Victor: He's angry.

Phyllis: Okay, isis it an angry young man thing? Or does he have something legitimate to be mad about?

Victor: Could be a combination of both. You know that I'm showing him the ropes. I'm teaching him how to run the business.

Phyllis: Right, you want him to take over someday.

Victor: And apparently it's not going fast enough, so he's upset.

Phyllis: Victor, you know, earlier I asked if I can speak freely, and I'm just going to do that. I'm not buying any of this.

Lauren: Wow. Catch me off guard, why don't you?

Paul: You're not the only one.

Lauren: Good. Then that makes it completely mutual, doesn't it?

Lily: Hi.

Olivia: Hi, sweetheart. How are you doing?

Lily: How do you think?

Lily: So, um, how come you're here?

Olivia: Are your parents home?

Lily: No, my dad just called from the athletic club. He'll be here soon.

Olivia: So we have time to talk alone.

Lily: Is this, um... is this about my--

Olivia: It's about the physical exam you had.

Lily: Oh, well, um, am I all right? I mean, since kevin, is there anything wrong?

Olivia: Lily, there's really just no easy way for me to say this. You have a sexually transmitted disease.

Lily: What? Good afternoon. The hit list is out... the worst one thousand drivers in edmonton have been identified by city police... people who have multiple drunk driving convictions - and dozens of unpaid traffic tickets...+++ the klein government is now talking about freezing auto insurance premiums for eighteen months... that would take us right up to the next provincial election.+++And - hundreds of city sidewalks and roads are crumbling - but there's no money in the kitty to fix them.+++ (Treadmill beeps)

J.T.: Thanks, man.

J.T.: Hey, you okay?

Colleen: Yeah, I just had to get off that thing.

J.T.: What, did you get dizzy or something?

Colleen: I'm fine. I guess I just overdid it.

J.T.: Are you sure? You don't look so hot. Hey, let's go over here.

Colleen: J.T., I'm okay.

J.T.: No, you're not. Look at you. You're still freaked out about what happened at gina's, aren't you? You can't get that out of your mind.

Kevin: Well, if it isn't genoa city's finest.

Hank: I'm returning your computer, fisher.

Kevin: Gee, detective, you didn't have to come all the way down here.

Hank: Oh, it's no trouble.

Kevin: So what'd you find?

Hank: I think you aeaeady know the answer to that, since it's obvious that you erased everything on your hard drive.

Kevin: What? Why would I do such a thing?

Hank: You're the only one that can answer that, mr. Fisher, and I'm sure you're not going to tell me.

Kevin: So I'm clean? You can't charge me with anything?

Hank: Not yet.

Kevin: What is that supposed to mean?

Hank: Well, time will tell, won't it?

Kevin: Look, weber, the way I see it, I'm the victim here. I have been bullied and harassed over a crime that I didn't commit. So if you don't back off and leave me alone, I'll get a lawye and I will sue you and the entire police department.

Hank: (Chuckles)

Lily: Oh, my god. I can't believe this. Do I have A.I.D.S.?

Olivia: No, no, you tested negative for H.I.V. You're gonna have to be retested again in six months, just to make sure. You also tested negative for pregnancy.

Lily: Pregnancy? Oh, my god, I wasn't even thinking about that.

Olivia: It's okay, honey. Fortunately, it's not an issue. Oh, honey, I'm sorry. I just, you know, I just wish that young girls in your situation would understand that if they went to a doctor or a parent, they could do something to avoid the risk of pregnancy.

Lily: You mean like being on the pill?

Olivia: No, I mean like the emergency birth control pill. It's effective up to 72 hours after intercourse. You can get it from a doctor. And if you're over the age of 12, legally, that doctor can't tell your parents.I just wish more young people understood that, that a doctor cannot reveal this information to your parents unless you say it's okay.

Lily: Why are you telling me this? I mean, my parents already know.

Olivia: You didn't tell them everything, did you? You said that you and kevin used a condom, and that's not true, is it? Honey, I can understand why you didn't want to tell your parents this.

Lily: I mean, getting talked into having sex was bad enough, but not even safe sex. God, I am so stupid. My parents are going to kill me when you tell them.

Olivia: Hey, you didn't hear what I said, did you? I'm not going to tell them.

Chris: You get one amazing glass of iced tea for helping me move.

Michael: Thank you, ma'am.

Chris: All this talk about losing me, you know, I'm still going to be in and out of the office, and I fully intend to wrap up any loose ends.

Michael: Glad to hear it.

Chris: You're doing everything you can to make this easier.

Michael: Well, you seem anxious to get down to the prosecutor's office, start chasing the bad guys.

Chris: Oh, it's going to be such a huge transition. I hope I'm up for it.

Michael: You'll be great. You'll probably make a big name forourself down at city hall.

Chris: I'm certainly gonna try.

Michael: Speaking of which, how's that roommate of yours, that son of a gun?

Paul: Well, mutual or not, I probably should have asked first.

Lauren: And ruin all that spontaneity? Unh-unh. Christine doesn't know what she's been missing.

Paul: She knows. We were married once, you know. Although that doesn't seem to make any difference now.

Lauren: Are you sure she's not interested? I mean, could you be reading the signals wrong?

Paul: Oh, lauren, I know what I know. I'm not blaming here. I'm just saying that she is coming from a totally different place now.

Lauren: Yeah, a lot of unresolved issues, huh?

Paul: Well, that and a big career move. She's joined the prosecutor's office as their newest assistant D.A.

Lauren: Wow. Wow, that is a big change.

Paul: Yeah, I guess she might need some time to think things through, huh?

Lauren: Yes, but how much time?

Paul: Well, you tell me, and we will both know.

Lauren: The man seems impatient.

Paul: For god's sake, lauren, how long has it been? How long have we been waiting for this relationship to work itself out? I mean, finally I thought we were moving in the right direction, but things don't seem to be shaking out that way.

Lauren: So let me ask you a question, and you certainly don't have to answer me, but I want you to think about it honestly.

Paul: (Chuckles) okay.

Lauren: This dream that you're holding onto about reconciling with christine, is it really your heart's desire? Or has it just become some habit that you can't seem to let go of?

Phyllis: Victor, you're telling me that the black cloud hanging over this place is because nicholasis upset with you because you won't tell him secrets about newman enterprises?

Victor: You think there's more or what?

Phyllis: I'm a loyal employee, am I not?

Victor: You're married to jack abbott.

Phyllis: Yes, I'm married to jack abbott, and I'm still working for you. I mean, if that doesn't make me a loyal employee, I don't know what does. You have no idea what this is doing to my marriage, what this is doing to my life.

Victor: I accept that you're a loyal employee, okay?

Phyllis: Then treat me like one, please. Did you do something to give safra a boost?

Victor: There are some things you're better off not knowing, phyllis.

Phyllis: Victor, if something bad is going to happen and the sky is going to cave in, there are people who can help you. Please, please, let me help you.

Victor: Phyllis, there's nothing you can do.

Phyllis: Okay, so something bad is going to happen.

Victor: Not necessarily.

Phyllis: Okay, but it could happen is what you're saying, right? And if it does, you're going to need a friend. Please let me be your friend. Please let me stand beside you.

Victor: Safra had help. There were certain people who were in positions to help us. We encouraged them to do so. We gave them inducements to make sure that they paid more attention to the safra products than tuvia'S.

Phyllis: That's it?

Victor: That's it.

Phyllis: That's the black cloud?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Oh, victor, the sky isn't going to cave in.

Nick: You're damn right I'm serious about seeing my father prosecuted, mr. Becker. It's time he's forced to take responsibility for his actions. Too many people are affected when he pulls stuff like this, when he uses his money and power to rig the game in his favor. Everybody else is out there working hard, playing by the rules.

Becker: Hold on, mr. Newman. I hear anger in your voice. Do you hate your father?

Nick: Stop trying to psychoanalyze me. A crime's been committed.

Becker: I understand, but is it a crime this office can successfully prosecute? Here's what I'm getting at, mr. Newman-- I'm feeling a vibe here, and I could be wrong, but I'm feeling a vibe that this could be more about your relationship with your father ththan it is about your desire for justice.

Nick: Can't it be both?

Becker: I cannot use the resources of the federal government to help you wage war with your father. If this is a family squabble, or if you're gonna decide suddenly that you don't want to testify or that you wish you hadn't started the whole process to binin with, now is the time to be honest about that, to be honest with me and to be honest with yourself.

Paul: Well, why don't you just lay it right out there?

Lauren: My specialty.

Paul: (Sighs) I don't know, lauren. I don't know what to think anymore. I mean, I have a hard time remembering... a time when I didn't love chris.

Lauren: But now?

Paul: Now I don't know what we we're supposed to be to one another.

Lauren: I can relate.

Paul: Oh, yeah? Can you?

Lauren: Yes, I can. I mean, look at the two of us, how long we've been in each other's lives, and our relationship has been all over the map, and yet, you've always had a very special place in my heart.

Lauren: Okay, on that note, I'm leaving. (Laughs) I've given you enough to think about for one day.

Paul: That's a fair statement.

Lauren: And, hey, you know, that kiss-- no biggie, all right? Just a little day-brightener for us old-timers. I don't want you getting guilty around christine, okay?

Paul: I won'T.

Lauren: Good.

Paul: In fact, it, uh...

Lauren: You loved it. (Laughs) bye.

Colleen: Oh, god, I hate this. I want it to be over. I don't want to be obsessing about what happened.

J.T.: Colleen, come on. What can I do to help?

Colleen: I don't know. I'm just so tired, you know? I haven't been sleeping at night. I've been having these nightmares.

J.T.: For how long?

Colleen: A few days.

J.T.: Bad ones? All because of this freak kevin. I can't wait till they put him in jail.

Colleen: If kevin did this to me--

J.T.: No, colleen, not if. Kevin did this to you.

Colleen: Well, it would definitely help, knowing he's off the streets, but it's not gonna ease the pain, J.T. I have to find a way to get past it.

J.T.: How you gonna do that?

Colleen: I don't know. The fire was pretty bad, huh?

J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, it was.

Colleen: Kevin hated me that much?

J.T.: Colleen, he is pure evil.

Colleen: It was-- it was so cold in there, and I was so scared. I was pounding, and I was screaming, but no one answered. I think I almost fainted, and... and there you were.

J.T.: God, baby, I'm sorry.

Colleen: J.T., What if you hadn't found me in the fire? What if you hadn't gotten to me in time?

J.T.: Come here.

Hank: Easy, kid. Don't make threats you can't back up.

Kevin: I have a case, man. You accused me of arson, of being a child molester, and now I'm paying for your mistakes.

Hank: What are you talking about?

Kevin: Bobby marsino-- my boss. He wasn't too happy when he found out my computer had been confiscated by the cops.

Hank: Well, marsino knows how these things work. If you want, I'll talko him, explain it.

Kevin: Forget it. I'm in enough trouble already. There's a lot of work-related information on this computer. Maybe it didn't mean anything to you, but it sure meant a hell of a lot to bobby.

Hank: He'll survive.

Kevin: Yeah? Well, I may even lose my job over this.

Hank: Well, life is tough all over.

Kevin: Hey, you know what? Just go on, get outta here.

Hank: I didn't come here just to return your computer.

Kevin: What else?

Hank: I'm serving you with a restraining order. From this moment on, mr. Fisher, you're to stay away from lily winters or face arrest.

Lily: You're serious? You won't tell my mom and dad?

Olivia: No, I can'T. I'm your aunt, but I'm also functioning as your doctor, and we have a doctor/patient relationship. Honey, you're over the age of 12. And legally, I can't tell your parents anything unless you authorize me too o so.

Lily: Thank you so mu, aunt liv.

Olivia: You're welcome, but I'm not telling you anything I wouldn't tell any young person that came into my office. If you have unprotected sexual contact, the first thing I would say is get tested for H.I.V. And all other sexually transmitted diseases. And if you think there's a risk of pregnancy, then make sure you get the emergency pill. And no doctor or medical clinic can tell your parents about it if you're over the age of 12. That's the law, unless you tell them to. I just wish more young people understood that, because I think we'd have less diseases and less unwanted pregnancies.

Lily: And that's a really good thing, isn't it?

Olivia: It is if kids knew it, if they believed it, if they understood that. Honey, anything your parents find out, it won't be because of me.

Lily: So, um, what's wrong with me? What do I have? I mean, is it curable, or am I gonna be messed up forever?

Olivia: You're not gonna be messed up forever, because you were tested, and you're gonna be fine. Now the S.T.D. You have is called chlamydia, and it's common in young people who are sexually active. It's spread by sexual contact. Since this was your first experience, kevin must have given it to you.

Lily: Ugh. God, how disgusting.

Olivia: The good news is we caught it in time. Chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics, which is why I got you these. At edmonton from our skytracker atop manulife place. Good afternoon. I'm lesley macdonald. Today at 5:30...the alberta government has taken a major step toward freezing auto insurance rates. And there's word toy y the prime minister is being wooed into early retirement with a prestigious u-n job. Plus...mike harris decides whether to lead the proposed new conservative party. Those stories and more......coming up on edmonton's global news at 5:30.

I know we've got infrastructure problems. What's happened to our cities?

To montreal: Losing 40% of its water supply to leaking water mains.

To toronto: Falling by the wayside to help those already there.

To vancouver: Slipping further behind in a battle with drugs.

To winnipeg: Making a desperate plea.

You get to be budget designers. But who's buying that.

You can't get out of bed without paying a fee.

"Crumbling cities" and one that just may have the answer. Special series on global national all this week. And on your life.Global invites you to get involved and make a difference. November twelfth small.Global news is a

Chris: I doubt paul's feeling all that lucky.

Michael: Why wouldn't he be?

Chris: I, uh, haven't been quite the woman he'd like me to be.

Michael: Oh. Are you holding him at arm's length?

Michael: Well, good. Good. I am pleased to see that you are not rushing into anything.

Chris: Yeah, I just-- I have to believe we'll get through this, just like we have everything else.

Michael: I wouldn't worry about it. There's no point. Paul will just have to take a lot of cold showers. (Door closes)

Michael: Ooh, speak of the devil.

Paul: Well, I can see that chris roped you into moving her stuff.

Michael: Ah, chris can rope me in anytime she wants. Well, that is my exit cue line.

Chris: Thanks, again.

Michael: Anytime. (Door closes)

Phyllis: This is nothing. This is--this is nothing. This is just standard business practice. I mean, a guy does a good job, you give him season tickets to the basketball game, you send a guy to vegas-- attaboy-- I mean, you give his wife a place on the arts council board, I don't know. People have been doing this since, you know, they were living in the caves.

Victor: Listen to me.

Phyllis: No, no, no. I... this is what nicholas is upset about? This is insane. He's doing an "angry young man" thing.

Victor: I said listen to me.

Victor: This is not about season tickets and a seat on the arts council. This is much bigger than that.

Phyllis: Much bigger?

Victor: You and I may agree that what I did is common business practice... but some people will interpret what I did... to be a criminal act.

Victor: This must never get out. No one must ever know about this conversation. And I can't believe I just told you-- jack abbott's wife.

Phyllis: Please. Please, don'T. Please.

Phyllis: I'm not going to say a word. I can't tell jack. I won't tell jack. My lips are sealed.

Victor: Thank you.

Phyllis: Victor, if you feel, in the future... that things are getting t t of control... I want you to come to me. Will you come to me?

Victor: I hope I don't have to. But I'm glad to know I can.

Victor: And now I've got to go.

Phyllis: Thank you for taking me into your confidence. It means a lot to me.

Victor: Don't you ever make me regret that.

Nick: Mr. Becker, yes, I am angry at my father. Do I hate him? I don't know. I feel strongly that he should face up to some of the things he's done. I know too many people that have been hurt by the advantage my father bought for safra products. He bought and paid for them illegally. So you ask me if some of this is personal, you're damn right it is. But are you telling me that you're gonna let my father get away with bribing people just because it's personal for me?

Becker: I never said that.

Nick: You're just concerned I may get cold feet.

Becker: You wouldn't be the first.

Nick: I've thought about this and the impact that it will have on my life and the other members of my family. But I keep coming back to this-- I cannot be a part of something that is successful because of cheating. I won't let my children grow up with wealth that has been achieved unfairly.

Becker: And it bothers you that your father, who's obviously a dominant figure in your life, gets his power--or some of it-- but not playing by the rules?

Nick: Why do you keep talking to me like I'm some child who's been spanked and sent to bed without dinner?

Becker: I just want to be sure that you--

Nick: You can be sure. I mean business. I am not going to change my testimony. I'm not gonna back down from this. You go talk to peter hudson. He will tell you that michael baldwin gave him a briefcase full of money. Then you go squeeze baldwin, and he'll tell you my father paid him to do this. You squeeze him a little more, and he'll give you the names of the other people he bribed. Meanwhile, I'll be on the sidelines the whole time cheering. You don't have to worry about me. You just do your job.

Olivia: Take osose antibiotics as directed. Chlamydia is a bacterial infection, so it's curable. Just make sure you take all of the medication. It's not a big deal right now, lily, but if left untreated... it can become pelvic inflammatory disease, which can lead to infertility.

Lily: Kevin did this to me. It makes me sick.

Olivia: Well, you're taking the right steps now, okay? You're getting treated. You're gonna be fine.

Lily: I guess.

Olivia: Oh, honey, I know this is a terrible thing that's happened to you.

Lily: I don't know. I just... I feel so used and dirty.

Olivia: I know this is a terrible thing, but, in time, you're gonna realize, this is not the defining experience of your life. You're gonna put this behind you, and you're gonna go on. You're gonna be happy again. I know you're strong. And you have parents, and you have me. You have friends that love and support you. You have to hang on to that.

Lily: I will. Thank you again, aunt liv. I don't know what I would do without you.

Olivia: Aw, come here, honey. It's gonna be okay.

Paul: You know, I would have been happy to help you move these boxes.

Chris: Yeah, I know. It was no big deal. Michael was there. He offered. We managed fine.

Paul: Remind me to thank him.

Chris: I already did. So I have an idea.

Paul: Yeah, what's that?

Chris: How about we go to dinner tonight? My treat. We can try that new steak house.

Paul: Really?

Chris: Yeah, really. And after that, we can go dancing. We haven't done that in so long.

Paul: You know, chris, I'm really not up for it.

Chris: How about a movie?

Paul: (Chuckles) why do you keep doing this?

Chris: What's wrong?

Paul: Nothing.

Chris: I get the feeling that you'd rather be anywhere tonight than with me.

Chris: Okay, I guess-- I guess I can't blame you. I'm sorry. @,Es

Chris: You do realize I am not trying to hurt you. I'm just not ready.

Paul: I realize that. Oh, boy, do I ever realize that. You owow, I gotta take my hat off to you. At least you're honest about it.

Chris: Well, it hasn't been fun. I hope you know that.

Paul: You know, if we're ever gonna get this working again, we have to be honest with one another... whether or not it hurts.

Chris: I agree.

Paul: And I can't pretend that I don't wish things were different.

Chris: I know. Paul, maybe someday...

Paul: I just have to realize it's the way things are, and it's the way it has to be right now.

Chris: Can you, honestly?

Paul: I want to say yes, but I'm not sure.

Chris: I see. No, actually, I don't see. I don't know. What does that mean for us and our relationship?

Paul: I-I don't know, chris. I don't know that either.

Chris: So I'm not the only one that has sorting out to do?

Paul: You know, I just think it's time.

Chris: Time for what?

Paul: For me to move out. (Door opens)

Michael: Is he gone?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Michael: Good.

Phyllis: What?

Michael: I'm not supposed to be here.

Phyllis: Oh, really? Why is that?

Michael: I'm just not. I heard you were down this way. I wanted to say hi.

Phyllis: Oh, sweet. Thank you. Victor was just here.

Michael: Yeah, so I gathered.

Phyllis: We had a fascinating conversation.

Michael: Ah, really?

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. He told me... well, I'm sure you know, don't you? But why don't-- why don't you ll me about what I just learned from victor? I'm really interested to hear your version.

Victor: Hello, son. Give me a double shot of tequila, please.

Victor: You're not too happy to see your dad?

Colleen: Oh, my god.

Colleen: Anyone, please. Are you out there? Can you hear me? Please. It's so cold. (Crying) oh, god, please. Somebody help me.

Kevin: Hello, colleen.

Next on

"the young and the restless"...

Colleen: Why'd you follow me in here, huh? Figured you do it right this time? Get rid of me for good?

Victor: I'm talking <

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