Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/30/03

Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/30/03--Canada; Friday 10/31/03--USA
Happy Halloween!!

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Nikki: You say you have things to tell me about your father as if you're gonna tell me something I don't already know.

Nick: Yeah, and I'm damn well going to.

Nikki: No, you're not. I know Victor Newman better than anybody. I know about his strengths, his weaknesses, why he is a phenomenal person, and, yes, I know all about his flaws.

Nick: Mother, I'm not just talking about some personality quirk.

Nikki: No, you're coming in here freezing him out of the room. Your attitude towards your father is extremely hostile.

Nick: Well, it's justified, if you will listen to me.

Nikki: You know, I'm not really interested. I don't care what you know or what you think you know. My point is you cannot treat your father the way you've been treating him.

Nick: All right. Well, you're obviously not going to listen to me. This is a big waste of time.

Nikki: No, you need to listen to me. Your father has just gotten some extremely disturbing news, and we need to be there for him as a family, just as he has been there for us countless times.

Nick: Oh, please. Mom, the guy gets a free pass in life for everything. And why? Because he's made us rich? There's more to life.

Nikki: What? You think that’s all he has done for you. You really believe that? Nicholas, something-- something has changed you. I don't know what, but it scares the hell out of me.

Nick: Well, if you would stop making excuses for dad for one second and listen to me, you might--

Nikki: He just found out his father is alive.

Nick: What?

Nikki: You heard me.

Nick: His... no. My grandfather's been dead since... since forever.

Nikki: No.


Brad: Was that Nick Newman I saw leaving the building a little while ago?

Jack: Yeah, he felt he needed to fill me in. Are you just getting here?

Brad: Yeah. I stopped by the hospital.

Jack: How's Ash?

Brad: She's coming around a little bit.

Jack: Well, that's good news, right?

Brad: I don't know, Jack. Olivia says it's too early to tell. It could just be the initial effects of the medication.

Jack: This is killing me. My sharp, together sister falling apart in front of our eyes.

Brad: I could strangle Newman with my bare hands.

Jack: Yeah, get in line.

Brad: I assume Nick was here to talk about his old man.

Jack: You assume correctly.

Brad: What'd he say, Jack? Come on, I'm dying to hear.


(Knock on door)

Sharon: Who is it?

Victor: Sharon, its Victor.

Sharon: Victor, come on in, please.

Victor: I know I'm not supposed to be here.

Sharon: Is something wrong?

Victor: Something's very wrong.

Sharon: Does this have to do with Nicholas?

Victor: Yeah. Quite frankly, it’s breaking my heart.

Sharon: Oh, no, Victor. What happened now?

Victor: I have never been looked at with such disdain by my son as I was a few moments ago.

Victor: And I don't understand the contempt he feels for me.

Sharon: I am so sorry.

Victor: I mean, I had no idea that he felt such enormous antipathy toward his own father. It breaks my heart, to be honest with you, and I don't quite know what to do with it. I thought perhaps you might have some answers.


Dru: (Whistles)

Damon: Take a picture. It'll last longer.

Dru: Oh, I wish I had a camera, let me tell you. I am just appreciating all your--your hardness.

Damon: Thank you. Where are you headed?

Dru: The--the restaurant.

Damon: You want some company?

Dru: Yeah. I mean, I can’t. I'm meeting Neil.

Damon: All right.

Dru: Yeah, I'm sure there's a long list of ladies that would like to take my place. My goodness. Yes, indeed. Um, hey, listen. Have you come up with that silver bullet yet?

Damon: Unh-unh. No. I'm not gonna stop looking, though.

Dru: No. Well, I wish you'd find it. You know, Tuvia could really use it. We all could.

Damon: Yeah, I know. I have a feeling if it ever does come to me, it's gonna strike like a bolt of lightening.

Dru: Yeah. Yeah, well, I hope that that bolt hits you quick.  I’m gonna pray for that.

Damon: All right, baby.

Dru: Okay.

Victoria: Well, well, well. Look who's here.

Damon: Hey.

Victoria: Great minds think alike. We're both trying to squeeze in a workout.

Damon: I was actually just about wrapping mine up.

Victoria: Oh. Well, I was hoping you could, you know, spot me while I do some reps.

Damon: You know, that trainer over there, he was helping me out. I'm sure he'll give you a hand.

Victoria: Okay. Sure. Yeah, I understand we're both busy people. Um, don't let me keep you.

Damon: You know, I saw you. You had sort of a strange look on your face when you saw me over here talking to Dru before.

Victoria: Hmm, did I? I just didn't realize you two were so chummy.

Damon: Yeah, well, she's been a real source of support for me lately.

Victoria: I didn't realize you needed any.

Damon: Well, neither did I. If you worked at Jabot, you'd know exactly what I was talking about.

Victoria: Is this about work, this mood you're in?

Damon: I'll tell you the truth. I was very disturbed by the latest sales reports. I thought by now we'd begin to see repeat, some loyalty building. That hasn't happened. Our first-time triers are sampling Safra rather than sticking with Tuvia.

Victoria: Well, the category has been stagnant for a long time, Damon. I mean, suddenly there are all these great new products. It would make sense that it would be awhile before you saw any kind of buying habit.

Damon: No. No. This isn't flux or indecision. This is an emerging pattern and one that makes no sense to me.

Victoria: That's because you feel like Tuvia has a better product, but...

Damon: Safra, Satine Cosmetics, it's where I cut my teeth, Victoria. Tuvia is a new generation. It's state of the art. Now quality like that ought to sell itself. And the fact that it isn’t... well, frankly, I find it very unsettling.

Victoria: You know, we made some changes to Safra, Damon. And we're pretty state of the art in our own right. And I hope you're not blaming me because your sales aren't what you think they should be.


Jack: Unfortunately, Nicholas didn't tell me a whole lot more than he told you.

Brad: No details.

Jack: No details. But I did get the sense he has enough dirt to crucify his old man.

Brad: Proof he did something illegal.

Jack: Probably, just like he told you.

Brad: What do you think it is, Jack?

Jack: Oh, God, I wish I knew. Something did trouble me, though.

Brad: What's that?

Jack: I don't know. Nicholas seemed hesitant; like he wasn't sure he'd ever use this information.

Brad: What?

Jack: It's not easy for a kid to bring down his father.

Brad: I got the impression he couldn't wait.

Jack: Well, I got the impression he was torn.

Brad: Then we've got to convince him, Jack, 'cause every day that goes by our situation gets worse.

Jack: Well, I do know one thing that could push him right over the edge.

Brad: What?

Jack: What his hold man is doing to the so-called love of his life.

Brad: Nikki.

Jack: Yeah. I convinced him Victor had to be pretty damn ruthless coming after Jabot knowing what his wife had invested in this place.

Brad: We go down, she loses everything, and not just her $35 million, her entire career.

Jack: Yeah, well, I watched Nicholas pretty closely when we were talking about this.

Brad: You think you convinced him to go for it?

Jack: I don't know. I don't know. One thing, though, I wouldn't be surprised if he's talking to his mother right now telling her the whole story.


Nick: That must have blown dad's mind.

Nikki: Well, he won't admit that. He says he wrote his father off years ago. As far as he's concerned, the man can rot in hell.

Nick: I'm not surprised, are you?

Nikki: Well, I know your grandfather abandoned his family. He just left them to fend for themselves.

Nick: Let me guess. Dad hates him, right?

Nikki: I still think that he should make contact with this man while he can.

Nick: Why? Did Dad even know his father?

Nikki: He hasn't laid eyes on him since he was a boy.

Nick: My grandfather must be ancient.

Nikki: Yes, and he's dying, Nicholas. This is the only chance your father will have to come to terms with him.

Nick: So what are you saying? If Dad and his old man get together, then suddenly everything's gonna be cool between them?

Nikki: No, I don't know. I don't know what will happen. But the worst-case scenario is that Victor will go on hating him like he always has. I think there's a possibility that some good could come out of this.

Nick: Mom, you're dreaming. It doesn't matter what Dad and his old man say to each other. The problem is Victor Newman doesn't change. He doesn't change. He doesn't feel. He doesn't care who he hurts. That's just Dad. That's him. And now I can prove it.


Damon: In a way, I feel like I failed Jabot. I know I haven’t. Ashley neither. Our work in tandem has been first rate.

Victoria: You know, there are a million reasons why the sales have shaken out the way they have.

Damon: I don't agree. I see two possibilities and two only.

Victoria: Which are...

Damon: Either Tuvia is inferior, which it very clearly is not, or something's been messed with. Because, Victoria, these are not the natural market forces that should be occurring, given the array of facts surrounding the competitors. I could go into a whole analysis, but I think you know very well what I'm talking about.

Victoria: Yeah, I do, and I really wish you'd drop it. It's making me feel a little uncomfortable.

Damon: I'm uncomfortable, too, because of the second possibility I see for Safra's inexplicable success.

Victoria: Maybe we're a success because our products are better. Maybe it has nothing to do with your interference theory.

Damon: It's not just mine. Many people are wondering, out loud, if your father did anything to skew the outcome, to rob Tuvia of the initial cash flow necessary to keep Jabot afloat. Now if that turns out to be true...

Victoria: So you're suddenly uncomfortable with me because of a lot of hearsay and speculation.

Damon: No. I'm conflicted, Victoria. I'm feeling, oh, any number of unsavory things about your father, but good things about you.

Victoria: You're letting what other people say about my father taint our relationship, and that's too bad.

Damon: I've got to go to work.

Damon: You take care.

Victoria: You, too.


Sharon: Well, there have always been tensions between you and Nick.

Victor: Yeah, but nothing like this. Now there's only ugliness and brutality to his attitude. Respect is gone. There's nothing but contempt.

Sharon: Well, I'm not keeping anything from you. Nicholas is aware that I've always felt this great loyalty towards you. So whenever our conversation turns to business or anything to do with you, he completely stonewalls me.

Victor: Yeah, I know. He does the same thing when Nikki’s around. Doesn't say a word in her presence. After all that I've done for that boy. My God and I've always wanted the best for him. I don't think I deserve this attitude.

Sharon: You'll get no argument from me, and I've told Nicholas as much. If he were here, I would tell him again.

Victor: No, please don't do that, all right? That would only upset him and would upset your marriage. That's the last thing I want.

Sharon: Well, things can't go on like this.

Victor: No, they certainly can’t.


Jack: Poor Nikki. She's gonna be devastated when she learns the truth.

Brad: Talk about betrayal.

Jack: Yeah, at the hands of her own husband, no less.

Brad: The trouble is even if Nick's information is enough to put Victor in jail, is it really gonna change things?

Jack: What does that mean?

Brad: Cosmetics wars continue, Jack. Safra's got a head start, we're running a distant second with an almost empty gas tank. Even if Newman is behind bars, can we survive?

Jack: Oh, hell, I don't know. But if we are going down, there's got to be some satisfaction in knowing that Newman’s wearing stripes and eating his meals off a metal tray.

Brad: That's a delicious thought, isn't it?

Jack: Yeah, mind boggling. I'm afraid we have to hope Nicholas stays the course. Right now he has all the power. He's the only one that can bring down the castle walls.


Nikki: Nicholas, you are taking such an inflexible attitude toward your father.

Nick: Me, inflexible? Mother, Dad is the champion of that.

Nikki: You obviously don't know Victor Newman as well as you think you do. You're acting as if he's just that one thing. Yeah, he's hardheaded. Once he makes up his mind about something, it's very difficult to change it. But that's just one facet of a very complicated personality. You refuse to acknowledge that. I don't know why. Does it make it easier for you to demonize him?

Nick: You almost finished? 'Cause you still haven't heard why I'm here.

Nikki: I am not going to hear it until you do something about this childish resentment towards him.

Nick: Childish?

Nikki: You know, your father is not the devil. News flash-- he feels things much more deeply than you realize. Why do you think he's--he's built this armor around him?

Nick: Okay, so you know everything there is to know about Dad. You understand him. There isn't anything I could say to you about him that would surprise you. That's what you're saying?

Nikki: I doubt it.

Nick: All right. Well, now you listen to me, and I will prove you wrong.


Phyllis: I cannot believe your father just talked to me that way.

Jack: He's upset about Ashley. Cut him some slack. Come on back to the table.

Phyllis: And you didn't even defend me. Some loyal husband you are.

Jack: If you're talking about the whole Gina thing, my Dad has a point. This is his house.

Phyllis: Really? And I'm only your wife, which obviously doesn't amount to anything.

Jack: This woman just had her entire life go up in flames. He's trying to be a nice guy.

Phyllis: To Gina! In the meantime, he treats me like a piece of trash.

Jack: What do you expect? You know this family has been through hell-- Ashley, the baby, the business. We are all on edge.

Phyllis: And that's my fault?

Jack: No, it is your boss' fault.

Phyllis: Please don't do that. If you're gonna go in on victor again and put me on the defensive, I don't--

Jack: This is another example of the turmoil you bring into this house as long as you insist on working for that bastard. It's not going to get better. As long as you insist on being on that team, it's gonna get worse.

Phyllis: I can't-- I don't know what to say. What's the use?

Diane: Jack?

Jack: Not now, Diane.

Diane: Well, I have those estimates you wanted.

Jack: Diane, not--

Diane: Remodeling the lobby and the reception areas on floors 8 through 14. Unless you think we should put the project on hold.

Jack: Now why would you say that.

Diane: Well, given the company's finances--

Jack: You let me worry about the company's finances.

Diane: Jack, no offense but--

Jack: You know what? You know what? You have every right to know what's going on.

Diane: So are the rumors I'm hearing true? Is Jabot still in trouble?

Jack: The short answer is yes.

Diane: Despite the money I lent you?

Jack: Oh, we got some new promotions we're rolling out soon, but--

Diane: But it's a case of too little, too late.

Jack: Tuvia is not meeting any of our expectations. All the other lines are suffering with the budget cuts. Our advertising is sliced to the bone and worst of all, we're about to lose market share in a time we can least afford it, right before the holidays. The good news is we're in hock up to our eyeballs. And that bill keeps coming in every month whether we sell 10 cents worth of lipstick or not.

Diane: And you're counting on Tuvia to be a success to generate the revenues you need to dig yourself out of this hole. Well, contrary to what some people might believe, I'm not a total airhead when it comes to business.

Jack: No one has ever accused you of that, Diane.

Diane: Wrong. Phyllis has to my face in so many sarcastic words.


Neil: Hey, gorgeous, buy you a drink?

Dru: You'll have to make it very quick, because my fiancé will be here any minute.

Neil: Very funny.

Dru: Hi, Neil.

Neil: Hi, baby. How you doing? So you have a good workout?

Dru: Oh, I was on the treadmill, took a spin class, tried to work out some of my aggressions.

Neil: Uh-huh, but not all.

Dru: I'd have to run to California and back to do that.

Neil: Yeah. You know, one of the reasons why I wanted to get together with you here is because I know how down in the dumps you were this morning.

Dru: It's been a rough week, Neil.

Neil: Yeah, I'm sure the problems with Lily aren't helping much. I mean, I know I think about that kid all the time, night and day.

Dru: Every time I think about that boy, that lowlife's hands on our daughter, I just want to scream. And then I go over to Jabot, and the feeling over there is like being in a funeral home. Neil, I just want something to work right for a change.

Neil: Yeah.


Victor: I so badly wanted to teach my boy, teach him how to run this company that I built with my own hands for my children, so that they could have what I didn't have. And now my son has decided to spit on me. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

Sharon: You'll get no argument from me. I agree with everything you're saying.

Victor: If he would just tell me what's wrong. You know? Maybe he and I can talk, and then I can make him see that everything I've done, I've done for him.


Nikki: I'm sure you have some awful story to tell me, but, you know, I'm really not in the mood.

Nick: Why? Mom, you haven't even heard--

Nikki: Right now I am staying focused on this news about Victor's father. I'm going to call a family meeting-- you, your sister, Victor and me.

Nikki: And my wife?

Nikki: No, she's not invited. That's just the way it has to be.

Nick: Mom--

Nikki: I'm sorry, Nicholas. It's my meeting, and that's it.

Nick: Fine. What's the meeting about?

Nikki: We're going to talk to your father about going to see this man and convince him that it's the right thing to do.

Nick: That's a waste of time.

Nikki: Will you be there?

Nick: Sure, I'll be there.

Nikki: Do you think you'll be able to set your hostility aside just long enough to help us decide what's best for your father and for this family?

Nick: I will try.

Nikki: Thank you. Now if you must tell me this horrendous thing about your father, I suppose now is as good a time as any.

Nick: Why bother? Because it doesn't matter what I say to you, how thoughtless or destructive my father is, you're just going to say how tough the poor thing had it growing up, and he just can't help the way he is. But you're gonna find out. You're gonna find out what he's done all in good time, and we'll see how you feel about Dad.


Damon: Hey, man. Seltzer with lime, huh?

Vanessa: Damon.

Damon: Vanessa?

Vanessa: Well, what do you know? The man remembers me.

Damon: Remember you? You look great. (Chuckles)

Vanessa: Thanks. So do you.

Damon: How have you been?

Vanessa: Working hard.

Damon: Where?

Vanessa: That's what I wanted to talk to you about, but first thing's first. It's really good to see you, Damon.

Damon: Vanessa, how long has it been?


Neil: Thanks. I appreciate that. So things are really that bad at Jabot, huh?

Dru: Dismal, since your boss isn't playing fair.

Neil: Rumor and innuendo, not fact.

Dru: The truth will be out sooner or later, Neil.

Neil: Oh, baby, why don't we squash this business talk? I came all the way over here to put a smile on my baby's face.

Dru: Easy for you to say since Safra's selling like lemonade on a hot summer day in Mississippi.

Neil: It's still early. Tuvia sales are bound to pick up.

Dru: When? After we hemorrhage to death? You know, Jabot can't operate at a loss like this much longer. We just can’t. And may I just say this. If Tuvia goes belly up, I'm out of a j-o-b, and one like it is not going to come along anytime soon.

Neil: Baby, need I remind you at times like this, you've got to ride it out, okay? I know that Jack and Brad still have a few tricks left up their sleeves.

Dru: I wouldn't be privy to that information. You see, Jack nearly kicked me out of his office so that he and Brad could powwow about business.

Neil: Oh, no, he didn’t. Baby, do you need me to go over there and remind them who you think you are?

Dru: It's not funny. It's not funny. Our illustrious chemist is very concerned.

Neil: Damon? Mr. Mellow?

Dru: Yes. You know if he's concerned, we have a problem.

Neil: Well, there is one bright spot on the horizon.

Dru: And what's that?

Neil: Our wedding. Baby, don't tell me you forgot that we're getting married in a couple weeks, have you?


Jack: Yeah, Phyllis told me the two of you had a talk.

Diane: She took great pleasure in rubbing my nose in how well Safra's doing.

Jack: What are you doing going over there? The two of you despise each other. You trying to start something?

Diane: You know what I find interesting? How uptight both of you become at the slightest mention of the person that they're married to.

Jack: Well, you should see what it's like at home.

Diane: What, things aren't better? I mean, last time we talked you said there was tension.

Jack: Is it possible they're worse?

Diane: What happened?

Jack: What hasn't happened? You know about the whole Ashley thing. Now Phyllis and my Dad are at each other's throats.

Diane: Well, that's because she works for Victor.

Jack: It's not just that. Gina moved in because the fire rendered her homeless.

Diane: Oh, that's right. She lived over the restaurant.

Jack: Yeah, well, my Dad didn't want her toughing it out in some motel, so he invited her to stay with us. Meanwhile, Phyllis and Gina are--

Diane: Oil and water.

Jack: Yeah, it was pretty ugly at breakfast this morning.

Diane: Was Kyle there?

Jack: Kyle was with Mrs. Martinez in the kitchen.

Diane: Jack, the house isn't soundproof. I'm sure he overheard.

Jack: It wasn't exactly a shouting match.

Diane: Well, still, he's a very sensitive little boy. He picks up on things. In fact, now that I think about it, the last couple of times that I've had him, he seemed a little agitated when it was time to go back.

Jack: Okay, where are you going with this?

Diane: Well, listening to you describe what it's like at your place, I'm wondering if maybe we should get him out of there. Maybe he should come stay with me.

Jack: I can't believe you're saying that. I can't do that to Phyllis. That would take her right over the edge.

Diane: Why do you care what Phyllis feels? I'm sorry. But do you know what she said to me yesterday? She threw the sales figures at me, and she said, "you know what? I hope you're hay, because you're going to be broke soon. You can just kiss the money you gave Jack good-bye." I'm not exaggerating, Jack. That's what she said. This woman is waiting with baited breath for your family's business to go under, and yet you're worrying about her? You're trying to protect her? You're trying to protect this marriage where neither one of you are on the same page. Why, Jack? Why are you doing this to yourself?


Dru: Honey, so much has happened in the last few days. I really haven't put any attention on our wedding.

Neil: You're not going to bail on me, are you?

Dru: No, no, it's the one bright spot I have to look forward to.

Neil: That's what I want to hear, because, you know, with everything that's going on these days, I think we're wise to keep it small.

Dru: Amen to that. Amen to that. Family, some friends.

Neil: Exactly what I was thinking.

Dru: There is something we must consider, and that is, um, baby, we can't go to Trinidad for our honeymoon, not with everything that Lily's been through. We can't be away.

Neil: I couldn't disagree with you more.

Dru: What?

Neil: We're not going to leave Lily. She's coming with us.


Damon: So you went to Peachtree Pharmaceuticals after Satine was sold?

Vanessa: Yeah, I stuck it out until the bitter end, unlike you and your philosophical differences.

Damon: I was suffocating in that environment, Vanessa.

Vanessa: I know. I remember.

Damon: I had to get out, and I did.

Vanessa: Any regrets?

Damon: No, not a one.

Vanessa: Well, a girl could take that personally, you know.

Damon: Something tells me you won’t.

Vanessa: Well, I did try and stay in touch after you told me you were considering a move here. I sent a few e-mails and never heard boo back, but here I am.

Damon: And you haven't said. What brings you to Genoa City?

Vanessa: You. And, no, it's not for the reason you think.

Damon: Oh? What do I think?

Vanessa: Well, the... no, never mind. I'm not gonna go there.

Damon: (Chuckles) I should have written you back. I just needed space. That pressure cooker we were in is like a vampire sucking the life right out of me.

Vanessa: Hey, it's okay. I mean, I was a little disappointed, but I survived. There's no hard feelings.

Damon: If there were any regrets, my leaving Satine--

Vanessa: Yeah, we had a pretty great thing going.

Damon: Yes, we did.

Vanessa: We were hot, especially in the lab.

Damon: So is that why you're looking me up now? Old times' sake?


Diane: Jack, living in that situation with all that tension, trauma, it's not good for you, and it's certainly not what's best for our son. How much longer can you go on like this?

Jack: God, I just feel like my life's spinning out of control, like any move I make, and I'm on the brink of disaster somehow.

Diane: It's going to be okay, Jack. Everything's going to be all right. Just me and my hands, whoaaa!


Dru: Baby, are you serious? We're going to take Lily with us to Trinidad for our honeymoon?

Neil: Well, we can't leave her alone. I'm sure that's the last thing either one of us wants.

Dru: Baby, this is fantastic. This can be a family affair.

Neil: Hey, and you know me. I booked us a great big suite-- two bedrooms--a gang of activities for teenagers to do-- jet-skiing, biking--

Dru: Don't forget about the ocean in Tobago.

Neil: Hey, let's not forget about the quiet alone time with you and I can kick it and get busy.

Dru: The timing's perfect, baby.

Neil: Plus, it will give Lily a chance to recover from this disaster, you know, of her internet friend, start putting Kevin behind her.

Dru: Honey, come here. I didn't think anybody or anything could take me out of this funk, and you have managed to do it. Thank you.

Neil: I hope I always have that effect on you, especially when we're old and gray and running around with our walkers.

Dru: Oh, honey.

Neil: Hey.

Dru: What? Do you know that woman?

Neil: Not really, but apparently your dear friend Mr. Porter does.

Dru: Who is she?

Neil: That's a good question.


Vanessa: Do you remember when we used to blue sky about the ultimate, chance-in-a-lifetime breakthrough? You know, the one that you and I were destined to achieve?

Damon: Yeah, special Nobel prize for cosmetic chemistry.

Vanessa: That's right. Well, hey, if you're going to dream, dream big, right?

Damon: You know, I was just talking about that with someone. That old silver bullet-- what a holy grail it is for every scientist, inventor.

Vanessa: Well, we spent a lot of times with our heads together trying to figure out what it would be and how to achieve it.

Damon: Stun the world with our unparalleled brilliance; revolutionize the entire field of cosmetics.

Vanessa: Damon, what if I told you I've discovered something that has the potential to do just that?


Sharon: Well, one thing I can tell you, Victor. It's not just your family who's picked up on this enormous hostility.

Victor: Who else has?

Sharon: Phyllis, for one.

Victor: Why, you talked to her?

Sharon: I stopped by her office. I just wanted to see if she could tell me anything about Nick. Like you, I'm searching for answers.

Victor: What did she say?

Sharon: Not much, but I did get this vibe from her like she's waiting for something bad to happen.

Victor: And you don't think that's simply due to the tension that she must feel being married to Jack Abbott under these circumstances?

Sharon: There's this sense of foreboding, and I think everyone feels it, like they're living on a fault line, and it all has to do with you and Nick.

Victor: Well, I know that my son's antipathy towards me has grown exponentially after Ashley’s accident. The Abbott family blames me for that as they blame me for the death of the child. And I guess so does my son.

Sharon: That is so unfair.

Victor: You know, I really thought that I knew everything about the contempt a son can feel for his father. I guess I didn't learn my lesson well enough. Now my own son is about to teach me.

Sharon: Victor, stop it, okay? Now I know that it looks like there's only hatred there, but that's not true. I know that deep down; Nicholas has this great love for you.

Victor: That may have been the case once, Sharon. I don't think it is now anymore.

Sharon: Well, we still haven't answered the question of what caused this change, because something did. Something happened. I remember that night after the gala, it was late, and Nicholas and Victoria were working down at her place.

Victor: Yeah, I found that rather odd, as well.

Sharon: And when I went down there to see what they were doing, they both clammed up on me. In fact, Nicholas was almost rude. He so didn't want me to know what they were up to.

Victor: Why do you think they were so secretive?

Sharon: I don't know, but they were definitely trying to keep something from me.

Victor: And you have no idea what it is?

Sharon: They had these, um, Safra printouts and things, and they were pouring over them. Nick said it was numbers and-- it was sales reports.

Victor: Sales reports?

Sharon: Victor, they were going over them as if under a microscope. Why, does that mean something?

Victor: I hope not, but if it does--

Sharon: If it does, Victor, this could be good. If you know what this is all about, if you know what's eating at Nick, then maybe you two can somehow come to terms.


Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lauren: What's a girl got to do to get a cup of coffee around here?


Damon: So you think you've really found it, huh, that silver bullet you and I dreamed about all those years ago?

Vanessa: What I've discovered will revolutionize personal grooming for women.

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