Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/28/03

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/28/03--Canada; Wednesday 10/29/03--USA

By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Jack: The smoking gun?

Dru: You know why Safra's doing so well, Brad?

Brad: Listen, I really want to talk to Jack about this alone, all right?

Dru: Oh, but we're all in a dinghy together on this.

Jack: Dru, let's try this Brad's way, okay?

Dru: Well, if Brad has something important to say, I think I should hear it.

Jack: If there's anything you need to hear, we'll be in touch.

Dru: Excuse me. I'm not the Jabot mailroom clerk. I am the national spokesperson for--

Jack: Dru.

Damon: Let's let the gentlemen put their heads together. Come on, Dru. Come with me down to the lab.

Dru: I-I-I don't-- I don't think its right, you know? I don't think--I don't think its right.

Jack: Okay, what the hell is this about?


Bobby: Hey. What, you decided to go out to dinner with me tonight?

Brittany: I don't want to dance my set tonight. But it's not so that I can have dinner with you. I'm sorry.


Raul: All right, you're sure this plan of yours is gonna work?

Frederick: As long as you do your part, nothing can go wrong.

Raul: That's easy for you to say. You don't have to do anything.

Frederick: Well, we've already done our part, Raul. The rest is up to you.

Anita: Look, you know how important this is. We have to get Brittany out of that hellhole.

Raul: I just want to make sure that I'm not gonna get in any trouble here, okay?

Frederick: Just trust me. You won't have any problems.

Anita: Brittany is never gonna know that you had anything to do with it.

Raul: You realize what would happen if she found out?

Anita: Yes, we understand. You're in a very delicate position.

Frederick: But listen, I'm certain the two of you are gonna be much better off if she's not working at Marsino's anymore.

Raul: Yeah, you got that right.

Anita: This really is the best thing for all of us.

Raul: It doesn't mean I'm crazy about it. Whatever. I'll do anything as long as it gets her out of there.

Frederick: Good. Then it's a go.

Raul: Yeah, it's a go.


Neil: Yes?

Woman: Sorry. Am I interrupting?

Neil: That depends on who you are.

Woman: Vanessa Lerner.

Neil: Doesn't ring a bell.

Vanessa: No reason it should. We haven't met.

Neil: So how can I help you?

Vanessa: You can point me in the direction of Damon’s lab.

Neil: Damon?

Vanessa: Damon Porter. Does that ring a bell?

Neil: Yes, of course it does. Forgive me. It's been a very hectic day.

Vanessa: Well, we all have them. So is Damon around? I realize it's after hours.

Neil: You know, I haven't seen Damon. I'm Neil Winters, by the way.

Vanessa: So it said on the door. You've got a beautiful office. You must be pretty high up around here.

Neil: I'm curious. Um...

Vanessa: Vanessa.

Neil: Mind if I ask, what is your connection with Damon?


Phyllis: Hey, who's there?

Nick: Phyllis. Working late, I see.

Phyllis: Yep. You're one to talk. What's up?

Nick: Things to do.

Phyllis: What kind of things?

Nick: That's none of your business, really.

Phyllis: Okay. Sorry.

Nick: Good stuff on the computer?

Phyllis: Uh-huh sales reports are stellar.

Nick: Yeah, I've seen them.

Phyllis: Well, if you've seen them, you should be happy. What's wrong?

Nick: Nothing's wrong.

Phyllis: Really? Well, how come you're not whooping and hollering like the rest of us?

Nick: Sorry. It's not my style.

Phyllis: Nick, what's going on with you? I mean, what's wrong? Go ahead and tell me. What is it? Your shorts too tight?


Bobby: What else? You already turned me down for dinner at the Colonnade room.

Brittany: Oh, you're still upset about ??

Bobby: No, no, I'm fine. I completely understand. You were just afraid that you were gonna get swept off your feet. (Door opens)

Brenda: Hey, there you are. So, yes, it's fine. Called the boyfriend. I can be late.

Brittany: Oh, thank you, Brenda. I really owe you one.

Bobby: Ahem. Anybody gonna fill me in on what's going on around here?

Brenda: You're gonna have to wait your turn, mister.

Bobby: Really? Brenda.

Brenda: Yeah, boss.

Bobby: Come here. You want to take the rest of the night off, go to the Colonnade room, have dinner with me?

Brenda: Yeah, right. See, you need to watch him. He keeps this little bottle in that bottom drawer there. At night, he likes to... cuckoo!

Bobby: Ha ha ha ha. See how they are? Hmm? I ask them to dinner. They think it's too good to be true, and they're, like, yeah, right.

Brittany: Yeah, the same with me. I don't know what came over me, how I'd give up an opportunity like that, but I did, so now...

Bobby: Now what?

Brittany: Well, now I've got something else to lay on you.


J.T.: Mr. and Mrs. Hodges. What a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here.

Anita: Hello, J.T.

Frederick: It's been awhile.

J.T.: Yeah, it sure has.

Frederick: How have you been?

J.T.: Good. Good, you know, busy with work and school and things like that.

Frederick: Yeah, I read in the paper that you're quite the hero, huh?

J.T.: Yeah, well, that was a pretty scary thing, so...

Anita: I was glad to hear your girlfriend's all right.

J.T.: Yeah, me, too. Very glad.

Raul: Well, look, it was nice of you guys to stop by and all--

J.T.: You know, if you're looking for Brittany, you've come to the wrong spot. You should try Marsino's. She's on tonight. Well, actually, she's on, but her clothes are off.

Anita: Tell me, J.T., Is that what Brittany’s stripping is to you, a joke? What, we're supposed to find that funny?

Raul: I don't think J.T. Meant anything by it.

J.T.: I was just kidding, all right? No offense.

Frederick: I am a little curious, young man. What do you think about what Brittany’s doing?

J.T.: That's really none of my business. It's her life.

Frederick: Right. Bobby Marsino? You, uh, bothered by him?

J.T.: Well, I don't like him, but he's not my problem. You know, Brittany doesn't want or need any advice from anyone.

Anita: That is where you're wrong. Let's go, Frederick. I've heard quite enough.

Frederick: Yeah.

Frederick: We'll be in touch.

Anita: Thank you.

Raul: No problem.

J.T.: What the hell was that about?


Nick: Just got a lot on my mind, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Oh, really? Is your Daddy working you too hard?

Nick: Something like that.

Phyllis: Well, Nick, you better get used to it, because one day you're gonna take over this company, and the more you learn now, the easier it will be.

Nick: I suppose so.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm, so I think we should take a couple of bows, because we pulled off something nobody in the industry thought we could.

Nick: You're right. I think you've done some amazing work, Phyllis. In fact, I think you're the best damn web site maven in the business.

Phyllis: Thank you very much. I appreciate you saying that, because, um, well, you're right. And one day I may be working for you.

Nick: Maybe. So I guess it's time for me to start apologizing.

Phyllis: Why's that, because you were wrong about Safra? It's okay. We make mistakes.

Nick: I'm proud of all you guys-- of your success. If it's legit.

Phyllis: The numbers don't lie, Nick, and they keep on getting better and better.

Nick: So it seems. Phyllis, do you mind if I ask you a question?

Phyllis: Go ahead.

Nick: Doesn't it bother you even a little bit, what Safra's success is doing to your husband or to his family?


Brad: I knew it, Jackson. There was never a doubt in my mind.

Jack: Wait, you knew what?

Brad: Newman, he's the reason for Safra's so-called success. He cheated.

Jack: Okay, tell me something I don't know, like why you're so steamed right now.

Brad: I was at the hospital with ash. Nicholas stopped by.

Jack: What was Nicholas doing at the hospital?

Brad: He heard what happened, and he wanted to check in on her, see if there was anything he could do.

Jack: He's a good guy.

Brad: Yeah, but that's beside the point. Apparently he struck gold.

Jack: What does that mean?

Brad: He wouldn't go into detail, but apparently he discovered what he's been looking for-- the proof that'll nail that bastard Newman to the wall.

Jack: You're saying Nicholas has evidence that his father did something shady?

Brad: Try illegal.


Damon: Here. Cool your jets.

Dru: Trying to get me drunk? Won't work, 'cause I'm ticked off.

Damon: And when Drucilla is ticked, the whole world knows, is that it?

Dru: So?

Damon: Take a deep breath. Count to ten.

Dru: (Breathes deeply) one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten-- no change, because I am passionate about my work, and that stuff hurt my feelings.

Damon: Because Brad wanted to talk to jack alone?

Dru: Because there should be no secrets within this company. I've worked just as hard

anyone in the good ol' boy's club, if not harder, to make Tuvia a success.

Damon: Oh, so this is a feminist issue then, is it?

Dru: Trying to be funny? Sister trying to have a temper tantrum, okay? I need to have a temper tantrum. I'm having a temper tantrum.

Damon: So I noticed.

Dru: Yeah. Truth of the matter is, is that I'm a little on edge. You know, Tuvia sales suck, I'm worried about my job, stuff's happening at home, it's just...

Damon: Anything you'd like to talk about?

Dru: Not right now.

Damon: Well, you're right about one thing-- Tuvia is definitely experiencing some serious difficulties. And the way things look now, I don't see a way out.


Vanessa: Damon and I go way back.

Neil: Well, well, sounds like a story.

Vanessa: I'm a chemist--R&D.

Neil: With?

Vanessa: Peachtree Pharmaceuticals.

Neil: Really? Not a cosmetics house?

Vanessa: In a former life, that's how I met Damon. We used to work together at Satine Cosmetics.

Neil: Aha, mystery solved.

Vanessa: Well, no mystery. We're colleagues, friends.

Neil: And since we purchased Satine Cosmetics--

Vanessa: Here I am on your doorstep.

Neil: Looking for Damon.

Vanessa: When last we spoke, he had just gotten an offer to come to Genoa City to develop a new cosmetics line.

Neil: He's a very talented man.

Vanessa: Enormously talented. You're lucky to have him.

Neil: Certainly a hot commodity.

Vanessa: You're the one who recruited him?

Neil: Yes, I had a hand in bringing him here.

Vanessa: Well, then that makes you the ideal person to tell me how he's doing.


Brittany: Don't freak, Bobby. It's no biggie. I just don't want to do my usual set tonight. Brenda's gonna let me take hers, and then she'll do mine. That way I can get home earlier.

Bobby: Why, you tired?

Brittany: Yeah. Yeah, that's it. I'm just--I'm just really tired.

Bobby: Hmm.

Brittany: Okay, I want to get home to see if I can spend some time with Raul.

Bobby: (Chuckles)

Brittany: Well, you had ask, you know. I said I was tired, and that wasn't good enough.

Bobby: Yeah, I know, I know. I keep rubbing my face in it. You're hung up on the college kid, that's all there is to it.

Brittany: And that makes me stupid?

Bobby: Yeah, it does. 'Cause you got a guy that has a career, stability, who encourages you to do whatever you want to do with your life. But you can't let go of some dumb high school romance.

Brittany: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. That's enough. You were sounding pretty good, until it got insulting.

Bobby: Hmm. Angelo was right. He said, "boss, don't fall for any of the girls," and I never wanted to. But, you know, you were special, you know that?

Brittany: Well, you know, when I first met you, I thought-- oh, you know, he's a little too smooth for me. But you know what? You're a really cool, really sweet guy.

Bobby: Here comes the "but."

Brittany: No, no "but." Look, I never led you on. I never let you think we were going somewhere.

Bobby: You're right. Why don't you get out there, do your little dance? And then you can take the night off. Go home, see your boyfriend. Discuss biology, history, whatever it is you two do.

Brittany: Oh, biology. Definitely. Well, with any luck, it'll be biology.


J.T.: So you gonna tell me why Brittany’s parents were here?

Raul: They came to see Brittany.

J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, but they were actually being nice to you for once.

Raul: Yeah, well...

J.T.: You must be looking pretty good compared to Bobby.

Raul: Yeah, that's real funny.

J.T.: Come on, man. Don't be so uptight. Relax.

Raul: You know what? Actually that doesn't sound bad. You, uh, you want to go out?

J.T.: What, go see a movie or something?

Raul: No. No, I'm up for a beer. How about you?

J.T.: A beer?

Raul: Yeah, why not?

J.T.: A beer, huh?

Raul: Yeah.

J.T.: Yeah, sure. Where? I can get into Jimmy's.

Raul: No, let's go somewhere more exciting.

J.T.: Like what?

Raul: Marsino's.

J.T.: Are you kidding me? Raul, there's like a million reasons why you shouldn't go there, man. Plus, they're never gonna serve us.

Raul: You got a beer there once. You told me.

J.T.: Yeah, I know. I got lucky.

Raul: So. Well?

J.T.: You don't want to go there. You're gonna go ballistic when Brittany gets up onstage.

Raul: Not tonight.

J.T.: Raul, I don't know why the hell you'd want to do this.

Raul: Don't sweat it. Come on. Humor me.

J.T.: All right. Yeah, fine. Sure. You want company to Marsino's, I kind of like the place anyway.

Raul: Yeah, you would.

J.T.: Oh, come on. Do me a favor, man. Ditch the red cap. It makes you look like you're playing little league.

Raul: Sorry, man. Cap stays.

J.T.: We're definitely getting carded. You’re saying is true...


Brad: Newman will finally get some of what's coming to him.

Jack: What exactly did Nicholas say?

Brad: I told you, he wouldn't go into detail.

Jack: Not even a hint?

Brad: I got the impression it's something big, that he's finally got the goods on his father.

Jack: Oh, let's just hope he's willing to use it.

Brad: Why wouldn't he?

Jack: If it's as damaging as you say it is, you really think he's gonna go after his old man with both barrels?

Brad: Listen, if you heard the way Nick was talking, that'd be the last of your worries.

Jack: It's one thing to threaten to bury someone. It's quite another to actually go and do it and get your own hands bloody.

Brad: Jack, Nick Newman is one angry man. Trust me; he's got no qualms about sticking it to his father.

Jack: God knows he's had issues with the old man for years.

Brad: There's a lot of resentment there.

Jack: Can you blame him? We know what he's like as a competitor. Can you imagine being his son?

Brad: God, I've been praying for this.

Jack: I have, too. You know what this proves?

Brad: What?

Jack: The old goat wasn't as good as he thought he was at covering his tracks. Oh, did Nicholas say that Michael Baldwin’s involved?

Brad: No, but come on. I'd be surprised if he wasn’t.

Jack: I agree. God, I wish I knew what he found out.

Brad: It's gotta be pretty serious.

Jack: You said, "illegal."

Brad: That's the impression I got. And if it is, Jack, we could nail that bastard on a criminal charge. Let him find out what it feels like to have the bottom drop out from under him.

Jack: Okay, I'm gonna say this. You might not want to hear it right now.

You're gonna have to stay focused. I realize your life is a shambles right now because of that egomiaiac-- your wife's a mess, you've just lost a child. We have to save a business, Bradley. We have to make sure Ashley has a job to come back to when she is well.

Brad: Wait a minute. What are you talking about? I thought you said the money we borrowed from Diane bought us some time?

Jack: Yeah. Well, that's dwindling fast.

Brad: How fast?

Jack: Safra's numbers are still going up. Tuvia's ain't. You know what? Whatever Nicholas has, we better use it soon. Or you and I are gonna be standing on a sinking ship with no land in sight.


Phyllis: All right, where's this coming from? Has Jack or anyone else in the family said anything to you?

Nick: Just curious.

Phyllis: Okay, we're in some heavy competition here, and Jack knows that. We were the underdogs. It could've just as easily been us who lost. In fact, people were betting on it.

Nick: Me included.

Phyllis: I'll tell you something. If we had failed, I wouldn't have blamed my husband. Where there's a winner, there has to be a loser, right? All's fair in love and war and business.

Nick: Operative word there is "fair."

Phyllis: All right, why don't you just tell me straight? What's going on?

Nick: I'm sure you've heard some of the rumors floating around here, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Yes that our triumph wasn't on the up and up.

Nick: What if some of those rumors were true?

Phyllis: I don't put a lot of stock in rumors.

Nick: Well, that doesn't answer my question, now does it, Phyllis?

Phyllis: What, that there's some underhanded scheme to crush our competition?

Nick: How would you react if you knew that had happened?

Phyllis: Underhanded covers a lot of territory.

Nick: Well, then I'll be more specific. How would you feel if you knew that devious tactics had been the cause of what happened with Brad and Ashley? And that those tactics, directly or indirectly, were part of a sinister plot? Would you be sitting here celebrating and gloating if you knew that?

Phyllis: Well, I'm not celebrating and gloating, and if you put it that way, no. So what's going on? Why don't you just tell me?

Nick: Just something for you to think about. Good night, Phyllis.


(Men applauding and yelling)

J.T.: Somewhere do you want to sit? In the back, right?

Raul: No, man. What's the point of coming to this place; if we're not gonna sit in the front where the action is?

J.T.: If someone saw me sitting with you, wearing that hat, looking like a tourist--

Raul: Come on. Let's go sit in the front.

J.T.: Like I said, I don't really mind this place. The girls are hot and it's not full of a bunch of jerks.

Raul: It is now.

J.T.: That's funny.

Brittany: Oh, my god! What are you two doing here?

J.T.: Come on, Brittany, relax. We came to see the show.

Raul: Yeah, you going on soon?

Brittany: J.T., I'm gonna kill you.

J.T.: It was his idea.

Raul: It's true.

J.T.: Yeah, honestly. Brittany, we're your biggest fans.

Brittany: No, Raul. I don't want you here.

Raul: I'm trying to get used to it. Isn't that what you want?

Brenda: Marilyn, honey, you're up.

Brittany: Well, at least go sit in the back.

Raul: No.

J.T.: Hell no.

J.T.: What's up, dude?

Raul: Nothing. Nothing.

J.T.: All right, good.

Man: There he is. The guy with the red hat, that's him. Let's go over here.


Dru: I thought you liked to stay out of the politics.

Damon: I do. Child, I could not care less about Jack and his silly vendetta with Victor Newman. But if Tuvia's in as much trouble as I think it is, even I can't help worrying.

Dru: Sure must be disappointing. You know, putting in all those hours with Ashley, developing product that's languishing on the shelves, collecting dust.

Damon: It's, uh... it's a helpless feeling. These are innovative, quality cosmetics. And I can't for the life of me figure out why they're not selling better.

Dru: We had high hopes for the new line, that's for sure.

Damon: As well we should have. Jabot has always been a front-runner in this field. No reason on earth for our disastrous showing.

Dru: Oh, it's not your fault. You walked in on crisis. You know what I'm saying? We had our R&D person went off on maternity leave. You were expected to come up with a whole new product line for women of color. It's not your fault. You took the ball, you ran with it.

Damon: I don't blame myself, Dru. I mean, Tuvia is the best damn line of cosmetics for women of color ever created, if I do say so my damn self.

Dru: Mm-hmm. That's right.

Damon: So much better than Safra.

Dru: That's right, that old thing. Safra. Pfft.

Damon: This is what I'm talking about. It doesn't make sense. Tuvia's treading water. And no matter how much money we throw at promoting it, it just doesn't move forward.

Dru: So what are we gonna do about it?

Damon: You know, there's only one thing I can think of that might actually pull us out of this slump.

Dru: Hmm?

Damon: A silver bullet.


Vanessa: Something tells me I'm out of line. I shouldn't be asking about one of your employees.

Neil: Well, you did say you were an old friend of Damon’s. One, I take it; you're hoping to get reacquainted with.

Vanessa: Let's just say I have something to discuss with him. Something I'm sure he'll find very interesting.

Neil: Hmm, that sounds intriguing.

Vanessa: Oh, it's definitely that.

Neil: So you gonna give me a little hint?

Vanessa: I think I've taken up enough of your time, mister...

Neil: Neil.

Vanessa: Neil. Let Damon know I'm in town and to expect a visit. You wouldn't mind doing that, would you?

Neil: Well, uh, I wouldn't mind, but unfortunately, I-I can’t.

Vanessa: Oh? And why not?

Neil: Because Damon doesn't work here at Newman Enterprises. He's with Jabot. Kind of our crosstown rival in the cosmetics biz.

Vanessa: So you just let me stand here and go on and on--

Neil: Vanessa, listen, I--

Vanessa: No, Ms. Lerner to you, and not even that. I don't know who you think you are, playing games--

Neil: I am your newest friend here in Genoa City.

Vanessa: You know what they say about first impressions and how important they are? Well, yours stinks.

Neil: Well, um, um...


Jack: Hey, baby.

Phyllis: Hey.

Jack: Wow, you don't quit, do you?

Phyllis: Um... I just, uh, I thought that I'd do some extra work. Um... hey, um, I went into the refrigerator and I scrounged around for some food. Do you want me to fix you a plate?

Jack: No, I don't have much of an appetite.

Phyllis: Did you have a bad day?

Jack: Try the day from hell. My sister's been hospitalized.

Phyllis: Oh, Jack. Oh, my God.

Jack: She lost it. She had a total nervous breakdown. She's at Memorial right now under observation.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Why didn't you call me to tell me?

Jack: I don't know. I guess I figured you were busy, down the hall from Victor, celebrating your latest Safra sales figures.

Phyllis: I can't believe you just said that to me.

Jack: Oh, that's right. I don't have a right to be upset about this.

Phyllis: No, not if you're gonna attack me.

Jack: I come from work, I find you doing overtime for Victor Newman, the one man responsible for everything awful that's happening to my family.

Phyllis: Jack...

Jack: You know what? I don't want to hear this.

Phyllis: Please, don't do this now.

Jack: I don't want to hear you defend Victor Newman.

Phyllis: Listen, um, why don't I put this away, and, uh, and I'll just devote all my time to you right now? Because I think that you need some--some T.L.C.


(Crowd cheering)

J.T.: That girlfriend of yours sure can sing. And that's not all she's good at there, buddy.

J.T.: Come on, man. Since everyone else is watching, you might as well take a peek. Although, you've probably seen it all before, and from really up close.

Raul: Will you shut up?

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Raul: Jesus, what is... who do you have to know to get a drink around here?

Brenda: Hi.

J.T.: Hey.

Brenda: Hi.

Raul: Brenda, right?

Brenda: Yes. I remember you. How are you?

Raul: I'm just dandy. Could I get a beer for me and, uh, one for this guy, in bottles?

Brenda: Yeah. I don't suppose you guys have I.D.s?

Raul: Ah, you know, I think I forgot mine at home again.

Brenda: All right.

Raul: J.T., Did you bring--

J.T.: You're not gonna believe this; his dog ate mine this morning.

Raul: No?

J.T.: Seriously.

Raul: Sparky?

J.T.: Bad dog.

Brenda: That's bad, boys. Bad, bad boys. I'll be right back.

Raul: Thank you.

J.T.: See, that's another reason I love this place.

Raul: Right.

J.T.: God, Raul, look at her. She is--she's hot, man.

Raul: Shut up, man.

Brenda: Three cold ones, Ange.

Angelo: Coming up, babe.

Brenda: Cool. (Men cheering)

J.T.: Next time, but you got to lose that hat, though. You're seriously killing me with the hat.

Raul: It works, trust me.

Brenda: Now you're sure you don't want glasses?

Raul: No.

J.T.: It's already in a glass. Thanks. Oh, you can stick this on his tab.

Raul: Yeah, hold on, um, I'm gonna pay as I go.

Brenda: Excuse me.

Raul: I'll get this round. Keep it.

Brenda: You got to love a big spender. I'll be back when you're ready for seconds.

Raul: Mm-hmm.

J.T.: Cheers, buddy.

Man: Hey, guys. Can I see some identification, please?


Phyllis: Jack... I'm absolutely heartbroken about Ashley. I'm so sorry. You must be devastated, and I can imagine how Brad feels.

Jack: Well, all we can do is wait and pray.

Phyllis: Yeah. Do you want me to fix you something to eat? When was the last time you ate?

Jack: No. Let me just unwind a little bit.

Phyllis: Okay. No problem.

Jack: So how was your day?

Phyllis: My day was busy. It was busy. I had a lot of interruptions. Your friend Diane decided to pay me a visit and rub my nose in how excited she is, working in the office next to yours.

Jack: You said you had a lot of interruptions. Who else came by, your friend Michael Baldwin?

Phyllis: No, he didn’t. Just Diane... and Sharon and Nick.

Jack: Nick? Nick. What's going on with Nick these days?

Phyllis: Oh, I have no idea. Nick is--he's very, very hard to read.

Jack: Oh, I always found him pretty straightforward.

Phyllis: Well, you guys have your own thing going on, because, um, you know, he's hard to read. You guys have always been close.

Jack: Well, close or not, he is a Newman, and I'm sure he's gloating with the rest of 'em.

Phyllis: Ah, you'd think.

Jack: What, you say he isn't?

Phyllis: I don't know. He's being a little philosophical.

Jack: Philosophical about what?

Phyllis: Well, maybe that's the wrong word.

Jack: Well, what were the two of you talking about, business?

Phyllis: Why so many questions about Nick?

Jack: Just interested. You say Sharon dropped by, too, huh?

Phyllis: Yeah, Sharon dropped by. Lucky me. It was my day for royalty

Jack: What was she doing there? She working at Newman now?

Phyllis: No, she's not.

Jack: Kind of odd, isn't it, Nicholas' wife seeking you out?

Phyllis: She just came to talk.

Jack: About what?

Phyllis: You know, this and that. Chick stuff.

Jack: Little bizarre, isn't it? I mean, I never thought of you and Sharon as chums.

Phyllis: Why don't I get you a flashlight, and you can shine a light in my eyes, detective? Get a better effect. You trying to get some dirt?

Jack: Dirt? Well, there's an interesting word. Why? Is there some dirt out there I should know about, Phyllis?


Dru: Yeah, that silver bullet thing, right? That's that train in Japan? Yeah.

Damon: No, baby, "to find a silver bullet" is a term used to herald a new discovery, a technological breakthrough. You know, something that could actually change an industry, or create a whole new one.

Dru: Gotcha, gotcha. Have you ever come up with on of those silver bullets?

Damon: It ain't for lack of trying. I'm not giving up, though. It's still a dream of mine.

Dru: You're all right, Damon Porter.

Damon: I'm glad you think so, Drucilla Winters.

Dru: Yeah, I'm listening to you talk, you know, about your love, about your passion. I see the wheels turning. It's good.

Damon: I could sure use a silver bullet right about now. Something that'd turn this business around.

Dru: You know, maybe you'll find your silver bullet right here in the lab.

Damon: Who knows? Sometimes, all it takes is a little luck.


J.T.: Yeah, I got it right here. What the hell is this about, guys?

Raul: J.T., Don't make it any worse, okay? Look, sir, we don't have any identification.

Man: Are you over 21?

J.T.: Hey, we're just--

Raul: No.

J.T.: No, I'm not.

Man #2: Excuse me. Show's over. Gentlemen, we've got a situation here. This place is closed for the evening as of now. (Customers protesting)

Man #2: It may be closed for some time. Please leave in an orderly fashion. (Customers protesting)

Angelo: Look, the kid had an I.D., Man. I mean, the light sucks in here. I couldn't tell.

Man #3: Hey, look, don't give me that, all right? Neither you nor the waitress checked their I.D.s. This bar is closed. I want you to put away your bottles and shut down your guns. Good night, Charlie.

Angelo: Charlie? Charlie who?

Bobby: I run a clean place here. I've never been in trouble before. Can you give me a break?

Man: I got to do what the law tells me to do.

Bobby: I don't serve minors. Somebody comes in underage; I personally throw 'em out the door.

Man: Well, tonight you did serve an underage, Masino.

Bobby: What are you talking about?

Man: See grandpa over there with the red hat?

Bobby: It's gonna be like that, huh?


Phyllis: Are you trying to pick a fight with me? Haven't you had a stressful enough day?

Jack: Gee, you seem a bit on edge. Did I hit a nerve?

Phyllis: Please, can we talk about something besides work, Jack, please?

Jack: Because your day was so hectic?

Phyllis: Oh. There's a lot going on. Why don't we just leave it alone, okay?

Jack: Yeah, I would have to agree. There's a lot going on.

Phyllis: What's that supposed to mean?

Jack: I'll tell you what it means, Phyllis. It means what goes around, comes around.

Phyllis: Wow, I just love it when you talk in code. It makes me feel so warm.

Jack: From day one of this miserable competition, I knew Victor had pulled a fast one in order to bury us.

Phyllis: Jack, I don't want--

Jack: I swore at the time I was going to get to the bottom of it. Seeing my sister unravel by the seams has only made me more determined. You, on the other hand, seem to be handling how this is hurting my family quite well. You wake up every day, you go to work, sell your time and talent to a man who does not know the meaning of the word "integrity"... a man who will do anything-- I mean, anything-- legal or illegal, as long as he gets his way.

Phyllis: What proof do you have that Victor did something illegal?

Jack: Oh, I may not have any proof. But someone else might.

Phyllis: Who? Who?

Jack: I'm going to bed.

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