Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/23/03--Canada; Friday 10/24/03--USA
By Eric
Proofread by Emma
Sierra: He tried to kill Colleen. It is so obvious.
Kevin: She is out of her mind, detective. She sees what she wants to see.
Hank: Shut up! Now, Miss, we've already spoken to you once. If you have further information--
Kevin: She has nothing. She has her imagination.
Hank: I would love to hear it, okay?
Sierra: If you would have just seen his expression--
Hank: But I didn’t. Was there anything else?
Sierra: No, but he's the one.
Kevin: Oh, shut up!
Hank: Miss, I'd like to talk to Mr. Fisher. If you'll excuse us, please. I gave you my business card this morning. Feel free to call, all right?
Hank: Mr. Fisher, is that your laptop computer?
Kevin: Yeah, what about it?
Hank: Well, I have a warrant for its seizure.
Kevin: Seizure?
Hank: Yes, Mr. Fisher, I'm taking it with me and have the police forensic experts go over it.
Kevin: Yeah, like hell you are.
Lily: You must be so mad at me.
Dru: I'm heartsick, yeah.
Lily: Guess I was pretty stupid, huh?
Dru: I'm wondering how stupid I've been all this time.
Lily: Why?
Dru: Because there could have been a million things I could have said or done to help you prevent--
Lily: Keep from doing what I did?
Dru: Just to make sure you were clear that you were making the choice you wanted to make.
Lily: Guess it's too late now.
Dru: Unfortunately that is the sad truth, but we're going to have to do some things.
Lily: Mom, will you make me a promise?
Dru: What?
Lily: I don't want Dad to know. Please, don't tell him.
Dru: Honey, how can you expect me to keep something like this from your father?
J.T.: You ready to go?
Colleen: Yeah, a nurse brought me discharge papers.
J.T.: You're thinking about Lily again, aren't you?
Colleen: Oh, I can't help it.
J.T.: Well, I hope she's doing okay.
Colleen: How could she be, J.T.? The first guy she loves, the first guy she had sex with tried to kill me.
J.T.: Look, I know it's tough, but she's just going to have to admit to herself that Kevin’s a psycho.
Colleen: I just, I want us to be friends again. You know, I want to help her any way that I can.
J.T.: Well, I know you care a lot about Lily, but she's got a lot of problems, starting with her parents. If they had any idea--
Neil: Go on, J.T., Finish it. What were you about to say?
Brad: So talking to Damon made you feel a lot better?
Ashley: Yeah, he got me thinking about my work. I've always been able to hide in my work when things weren't going well.
Jack: Wait, you feel like hiding?
Ashley: Jackie, I didn't mean that. I don't know why I said that. What I mean is I feel comfortable there. So he got me thinking about that, and life didn't seem so gloomy anymore.
Olivia: Well, you've gone through a lot, Ashley. I mean, no one would blame you if you felt a little blue.
Ashley: Well, what's the point? I mean, life has its ups and downs, right? You've got to get used to it.
Brad: So you're really feeling this much better?
Ashley: Yeah. There's always going to be sadness. You have to accept that. It's a part of life, but it's not all of it. And I know, you guys, I haven't been myself lately, not even remotely, but I am now. I'm okay, really.
Brad: That's my girl.
Nikki: Victor? Victor?
Victor: What?
Nikki: What? Come on; is that any way to greet me, your lovely wife, your reason for living?
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: What is it? What's happened?
Brad: I had a visit from Matthew.
Nikki: Matthew? Matthew your brother?
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: Well, what did he want?
Victor: It's rather unbelievable. He came to tell me that my father Albert Miller is still alive.
Nikki: What?
(Doorbell rings)
Victoria: Hey.
Damon: Victoria.
Victoria: You alone?
Damon: Yes.
Victoria: What do I smell?
Damon: Sandalwood. Incense.
Victoria: Oh.
Damon: Take off your shoes.
Victoria: Boy, you don't waste any time, do you?
Nick: John Silva, please. Its Nick Newman. Hey, John, how you doing? Good. Listen, we need to get together. You have some time? Yeah, tonight will work. Well, I don't want to get into it on the phone, but it's important. Well, that's all I'm going to say for now. I'll see you tonight. Thanks.
Sharon: Is that John Silva you were talking to?
Nick: Yes.
Sharon: Something big?
Nick: Sharon, I don't need you--
Sharon: Does this have to do with your father?
Nick: Doesn't everything?
Sharon: I'm getting a really bad vibe, Nick.
Nick: Well, this doesn't concern you.
Sharon: How can you say that? I'm your wife.
Nick: Baby, I need you to stay out of this, please.
Sharon: You're going to do something, Bick, I know it. You're going to do something that's going to hurt your father.
Nick: I didn't put my father in the position he's in.
Sharon: But you're going to do something about it.
Nick: I have to.
Sharon: Why?
Nick: Because he would if the shoe was on the other foot.
Sharon: Victor would never do anything to harm you.
Nick: To teach me a lesson, you bet he would.
Sharon: Honey, I don't agree.
Nick: Sharon, I don't know if you've ever noticed this about my father, but he is very easy on himself but very hard on others. When I think about how many lectures I've gotten about ethics and integrity and being able to look yourself in the mirror...
Sharon: Well, he believes in all that.
Nick: Really? How many times have you heard him refer to Jack Abbott as the scum of the earth? He thinks Jack is a sneaky, underhanded man with no principles. And this is how he justifies destroying Jabot, ruining people's lives and costing them their jobs. And why? Because he thinks Jack is a cheat and a liar. Well, don't you think it should cut both ways?
Sharon: I'm not saying that Victor Newman shouldn't live by the same rules as everyone else.
Nick: Well, I wouldn't let him hear you say that, because he definitely thinks he's in a class by himself.
Sharon: Nick, you've always had issues with your father, but it kind of sounds like you hate the man. Do you? Do you actually hate your own father?
Victoria: Now before you jump to conclusions, I think I should say something.
Damon: Yes?
Victoria: Well, last time I saw you, we kissed.
Damon: I remember.
Victoria: And I'm a single woman showing up at a single man's apartment in the middle of the afternoon. Now I don't want you thinking that I'm just here so you can, you know, have your way with me.
Damon: I'm glad.
Victoria: What? Excuse me?
Damon: If you were here for that, I'm afraid you would have to come back another time. I was right in the middle of something.
Victoria: Something more important than seducing me?
Damon: Maybe just for today. I was preparing a Japanese tea ceremony.
Victoria: Oh, for one?
Damon: For two if you'll join me.
Victoria: All right. Yeah, I'm game.
Damon: Are you sure?
Victoria: Sure. It sounds harmless enough. Oh, I guess I'm supposed to bow or something, right?
Damon: It works for me.
Victoria: All right, Mr. Porter, international man of mystery, what's next?
Ashley: So, Liv, can you think of any reason why I shouldn't go back to work?
Olivia: Well, the way I look at it is if you're comfortable, and it doesn't hurt, there's no reason.
Jack: God, I cannot tell you how happy I am things are looking up. Listen, I'll get out of your hair.
Ashley: Oh, don't go. It's kind of funny, but I feel like I've been away for a long time, and I've missed you.
Jack: I've missed you, too.
Brad: Can I get you anything, honey?
Ashley: Um, yes, actually. I'm famished. I feel like I haven't eaten in a week.
Brad: Well, I'll whip something up for you.
Ashley: Would you?
Brad: Yeah.
Ashley: That'd be wonderful. Thanks.
Brad: Okay, coming right up.
Ashley: Great. So stay. Come sit down with me. You too, Liv.
Hank: I assure you, Mr. Fisher, this warrant-- it's the real thing. It specifically authorizes me to enter your apartment and take your computer.
Kevin: How did you get a warrant? I haven't done anything.
Hank: You contributed to the delinquency of a minor.
Kevin: What?! I did not!
Hank: Apparently it's fairly common knowledge to most of her friends that Lily Winters was skipping school to spend time with you.
Kevin: Her friends-- they hate me. They would say anything. You don't believe them, do you?
Hank: It doesn't matter if I do. The judge did.
Kevin: That's for my apartment, not here.
Hank: I love it when I get to say this line. We can do it the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. It's up to you.
Nikki: Victor, that's impossible. Your father died years ago.
Victor: Or so I believed.
Nikki: You've barely talked about him all this time.
Victor: Well, the reason for that is when my mother left me at that orphanage when I was 7 years old that was the last time I ever saw my father. I never laid eyes on him again, never wanted to.
Nikki: How can this be? What did Matthew say?
Victor: Well, his story was rather convincing. He said that my father had an old friend who came across proof that my dad had had another family ih his younger days.
Nikki: Another family, meaning you, your brother and your mother?
Victor: Yeah. I remember my mom telling me that before she died that when my father decided to take off, he ostensibly was looking for another job. Except he never came back, but he certainly made another life for himself, it appears a rather successful one.
Nikki: This is just unbelievable. I mean, what kind of proof did Matthew have?
Victor: My father's friend sent him some old documents and papers.
Nikki: And why would this friend be going through your father's papers?
Victor: Because apparently my dad is dying.
Nikki: So in other words, your father has pretended to be dead all these years?
Victor: What better way to get rid of unwanted responsibilities than to pretend you're dead?
Nikki: My God. How could anybody do that?
Victor: My father was a cold bastard.
Nikki: Well, even so, do you want to go see him before he dies?
Victor: Under no circumstances do I want to ever see him again. I'm telling you that. I told that to my brother. If my father is dying, let him die alone. As far as I'm concerned, let him rot in hell.
Ashley: Mmm, this is so delicious. I feel like I've never tasted food before. Honey, you are such a good cook.
Brad: Wow, you must really be hungry.
Ashley: Sweetie, this has been difficult for you, hasn't it?
Brad: If you're feeling better, it was all worth it.
Ashley: Well, I am. I certainly had some strange thoughts, though. I mean, they seemed so real. I know they weren't, but at the time they seemed real.
Jack: Can I ask you a question?
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Jack: Do you remember being at Sharon’s gala out at the ranch?
Ashley: Yeah. I guess my head was still pretty messed up, though, because I don't remember many details, but I know I was there. I had some wrong ideas about reality at that time, too. Did I embarrass you?
Brad: No. You never embarrass me, not ever.
Jack: Then you don't believe--
Olivia: Jack, can I just ask one question? I mean, you mentioned that you had some wrong ideas about reality. What kind of things were those?
Ashley: Do I really have to go back over that again?
Olivia: Just briefly, Ash, please.
Ashley: Okay, well, I thought that, um, I thought that Brad and Jack were against me.
Brad: Against you?
Olivia: Against in what way?
Ashley: Um, you thought I was going crazy and that maybe you were going to try to take Robert away from me.
Brad: Oh, God.
Ashley: I even thought that maybe you were trying to convince me that Robert isn't real. Just really unpleasant, you know? I mean, what can I say? I guess I hit my head really hard during that accident, huh? I don't feel that way now. I know how much you love me. I know you'd never try to hurt me.
Jack: Ash, listen--
Ashley: You know, Jackie, I want to go to the lab. I've missed my lab. I haven't been there in so long, and I know Damon’s a great guy and he'd never mess with my equipment, but I want to check it out myself. Let's go to the lab, huh?
Brad: Sweetheart, I don't think you should be going anywhere right now.
Ashley: Why do you all look so serious? What's wrong? What's wrong with you? It's a gorgeous day. Look at it. I feel great. And there's our son. I'm going to go see what he needs. Don't wait for me, you guys. I could be awhile. Thanks for coming by. Yes, baby, I'm coming!
Brad: Oh, no. Oh, God.
Jack: Olivia, I think we need some help. I think it's pretty clear we're out of our league now.
Neil: You two want to tell me what you were talking about?
Colleen: Mr. Winters, it was really nothing.
Neil: It didn't sound that way to me. What is it that you don't want Lily's parents to find out?
J.T.: Look, it's been a really long day for both of us.
Neil: It's going to get even longer unless you answer my question.
Colleen: Lily's already so angry with me.
Neil: Colleen, now you listen to me, okay? You're not protecting Lily by keeping quiet. You're protecting that psycho Kevin. Is that what you want? Colleen, that maniac wanted to kill you!
J.T.: Come on, Mister...
Neil: I understand that you're concerned about your friendship with my daughter, but I'm concerned about her life, so I want you to tell me right now, did she have sex with Kevin?
Colleen: I'm sorry. You're going to have to ask her that yourself.
Neil: Did he force himself on my daughter?
Colleen: No, he didn't!
Neil: So you're admitting that there was a sexual involvement?
Colleen: No, I didn't say that either.
J.T.: Sir, I don't like the way you're twisting Colleen's arm.
Neil: Oh, really?
J.T.: She's tried really hard to be a good friend to your daughter, but I don't think she knows anything for a fact. Do you, Colleen?
Colleen: No, no, I don’t.
Neil: So then why did you come over to my apartment to warn my wife and me about this relationship?
Colleen: Look, Sierra and I were just scared for her.
Neil: Were you scared because you thought she was in way over her head or you knew it? Now which is it?
Dru: You know, Lily, maybe we should talk this through some more.
Lily: I really don't want to.
Dru: No, we have to. I need to know what's going on in your head after everything that's happened with Kevin.
Lily: What's going on in my head? Well, I had sex with a guy who I believed loved me, a guy who everyone now thinks is some nutcase who tried to kill my best friend. I mean, how do you think I feel?
Dru: Well, let's not talk about Kevin. Let's talk about you.
Lily: What about me? Okay, you want to know how I feel? I feel cheap. I feel dirty. I feel used. I mean, is that what you want to hear?
Dru: No, no, that's not what I want to hear, but I can appreciate your honesty.
Lily: I mean, I did something that can't be undone, and I feel so stupid because I trusted Kevin, and he said that he loved me. It was all a lie. I mean, how could he use me like this?
Kevin: What's the hard way? Are you going to beat me up?
Hank: Get real. The hard way is I arrest you, take you downtown, and you give me your computer. The easy way is you give it to me right here and now. You get a copy of this warrant. It has a receipt on the back.
Kevin: Man, why do you want my computer?
Hank: I just want to see what's on it.
Kevin: Okay, look, I'll show you right now. We’ll fire it right up.
Hank: No, no, no, no, we want to do it ourselves, our way. You understand.
Kevin: You want to see what I've erased. Look, my entire business is on that computer, my clients' records in some cases.
Hank: Well, we're not interested in your legitimate business, Mr. Fisher.
Kevin: Okay, but there's highly confidential material on there.
Hank: I know what you mean. My computer's the same way. So how are we going to do this? Thanks. You saved us both a lot of hassle. For you. Oh, and, Mr. Fisher?
Kevin: Yeah?
Hank: Is there anything else you want to tell me?
Kevin: Yeah, just one thing. You'd better not mess up any of my files.
Hank: You're a pro, right? I'm sure you have backups.
Brad: How could I let myself believe--
Jack: She seemed like she was fine. Olivia, what just happened?
Olivia: I think she's aware we're concerned and why we're concerned.
Brad: She knows the baby isn't alive.
Olivia: "Knows" isn't exactly the right word. Part of her desperately wants it to be alive, and a part of her knows it isn’t. There's a struggle going on.
Jack: Ash.
Ashley: (Whispering) he's asleep. I thought you'd want to see him.
Brad: Honey--
Ashley: I can't go back to work today, honey, I just can't do it. Robert feels so secure in my arms; I don't have the heart to put him down. Tomorrow's soon enough, isn't it?
Brad: I can't do this.
Olivia: Brad...
Ashley: Can't do what?
Brad: Ash, listen--
Jack: Brad, be careful, okay?
Ashley: What's going on?
Brad: The accident you had-- it was a bad one.
Ashley: I know.
Brad: And you were banged up pretty badly, very badly for a pregnant lady.
Ashley: What's your point?
Brad: We wanted that baby so much Ash, our baby.
Ashley: You're doing it again. This is just like that bad dream I kept having. Why are you doing this?
Brad: There is no baby, Ash.
Ashley: Don't say that.
Brad: The baby didn't survive. They did everything they could, Ash.
Ashley: How can you say that when Robert’s right here in my arms? Don't do that!
Brad: Robert is not there, Ash!
Ashley: No, don't do that!
Brad: There is no Robert. This is a blanket. It's just a blanket.
Nick: Sharon, this isn't about hating someone. It's about doing what's right and what's wrong.
Sharon: And you feel qualified to decide that?
Nick: Sometimes it's obvious.
Sharon: What if you're mistaken?
Nick: Well, then nothing's going to happen.
Sharon: Oh, nothing? You call the total destruction of your relationship with your father nothing?
Nick: Maybe it's time.
Sharon: How can you say that?
Nick: Because I am tired of being his boy. That's what he calls me-- his boy, and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of having to ask his permission to breathe.
Sharon: Honey, Victor doesn't intend for you to feel that way.
Nick: Sharon, this is exactly what he intends. You see, my father is getting older, and he still needs me to know that he is the dominant male. That's what this whole mentoring thing is about, so he can keep me under his thumb a little while longer. Yes, he is going to give me that company someday, but it won't be until his last dying breath, because he always wants me to know that he is the man, and I am the boy.
Sharon: Gosh, I had no idea that you felt this way. You are taking all this way too personally.
Nick: How else am I supposed to take it?
Sharon: Look, Victor is who he is. He was turned into the man that he is by things that have happened to him in his life, not all of which were very nice.
Nick: I am so tired of people making excuses for him. I've heard them my whole life. Well, how come nobody else gets any excuses? If you don't measure up in Victor Newman’s eyes, then you are nothing.
Sharon: Honey, you can't let him do this to you. Don't let him make you feel this way.
Nick: I'm not letting him. He's making it happen.
Sharon: Okay, you know what? Fine, let's-- let's just get out of here. Let's sell the coffeehouse. We'll move to another state, and we'll open another place. And we'll forget all about Genoa City and Newman Enterprises and the ranch and all of it. If it's driving you this crazy--
Nick: Sharon, running is not the answer.
Sharon: But if you stay--
Nick: I have to stay, and I also need to know that I can count on you.
Sharon: To keep my mouth shut?
Nick: I've asked you not to get involved in this. I've told you to stay out of it, but you kept asking questions. Now I need to know that you will stay on the sidelines.
Sharon: You don't want me talking to Victor?
Nick: Not about this. I have a very important meeting tonight.
Sharon: With John Silva?
Nick: Yes, and after talking with him, this could all be over.
Sharon: Really?
Nick: It depends on what John says.
Sharon: Honey, please, please, be careful, okay? Sometimes it just isn't worth it to have to prove that you're right.
Nick: I'll keep that in mind. I promise.
Sharon: Okay.
Nikki: Victor, I know you don't mean that.
Victor: I do.
Nikki: I can completely understand why you feel the way you do about your father. Darling, I don't want you to have any regrets if you don't go to him now.
Victor: I have enough regrets where that man is concerned to last me a lifetime.
Nikki: It could be an opportunity to settle your differences with him.
Victor: You think if I see him on his deathbed, I'll suddenly decide that all is forgiven?
Nikki: No. I don't know. At least you would have closure.
Victor: Albert Miller died when I was a little boy left in an orphanage. I ran away from that place. I couldn't stand it. I ran away to fend for myself, and I swore then that I'd never need a father, and I never have.
Nikki: I understand.
Victor: I will never forgive that man for what he has done to me and my mother and my brother.
Nikki: You remember the time I had Paul Williams and Andy Richards try to find your parents?
Victor: You thought you were doing me a favor.
Nikki: Well, you didn't see it that way at first. It's funny, by the time we found your mother, she was dying, too.
Victor: What's your point?
Nikki: Well, that turned out to be a good thing. I mean, you thought that she had abandoned you, too, and you had a chance to talk and to understand why she had to leave you at the orphanage. And you had precious time together, Victor. You had time to heal. And I'm just saying it could be the same way with your father. What do you have to lose?
Dru: Honey, you have so many questions I hardly know where to begin.
Lily: There's nothing that you can say that's gonna make me feel any better, if that's what you're hoping.
Dru: I know I failed you.
Lily: Mom, it's not your fault.
Dru: I hope you can understand why your father and I were so concerned about you meeting someone on the internet. You knew nothing about Kevin. And at the same time I realized out of loneliness you reached out to him, and that's why I failed you.
Lily: No, stop blaming yourself. It is not your fault. It's mine, because I wasn’t honest with you.
Dru: True, but maybe if I had been there, you never would have reached out to this person on the internet, this boy that ended up being a man, a man who took advantage of you horribly. Did you use contraception?
Lily: What?
Dru: No, answer me. Did you use a condom with Kevin?
Lily: Yes!
Dru: Well, thank goodness. We're going to go get you tested and examined.
Lily: What, tested?
Dru: Yes, tested. There's A.I.D.S. Out there, honey, sexually transmitted diseases. You say you're not pregnant because you used the condom. Good, but we're still going to the gynecologist. Oh, yes.
Lily: Mom, no, I'm fine.
Dru: You're not fine. You just had your first sexual encounter with a very seedy individual. You know nothing about his sexual history. We're going to the gynecologist.
Lily: Okay!
Dru: Okay.
Lily: Mom, you still haven't answered my question about dad. Please, say that you're not going to tell him.
J.T.: Please, stop badgering her.
Neil: Okay, listen, I'm sorry. I don't mean to do that, but my daughter's whole future could be at stake. Her life could be at stake.
J.T.: I don't think we know anything for sure yet, all right?
Neil: I'll tell you something, I'd like to find that little punk, and I'll beat the hell out of him.
J.T.: Believe me, I would like to do the exact same thing, but I think it would be a huge mistake to take the law into your own hands.
Neil: J.T., if I find out that that bastard has used my 15-year-old daughter for sex, he's a dead man, and I mean that.
Damon: More tea?
Victoria: No, thanks.
Damon: What's the matter?
Victoria: Can I ask you a question?
Damon: Of course.
Victoria: If someone close to you, someone important to you, done something wrong, what would you do?
Damon: Morally wrong or legally wrong?
Victoria: I don't know. Maybe both.
Damon: Well, I can't really answer that. It would depend on who the person is and what he or she had done, I suppose.
Victoria: Well, I guess I'm just not ready to talk about it yet.
Damon: Well, when you are, I'll be happy to listen.
Victoria: Say, does your tea ceremony allow a girl to lean across and kiss a guy?
Damon: Oh, I have no doubt that many a Japanese child has been conceived after a profound shared tea ceremony between a man and a woman.
Victoria: Whoa, whoa, hang on there, buddy! You're going to have to settle for just a kiss, but, um, we really must do tea again soon sometime.
Victor: I have plenty to lose. My own valuable time spent on a man who never had any time for me. I don't think I'm a fool.
Nikki: No, of course not.
Victor: It's one thing to think that my father merely abandoned us, but to now realize that he made a successful life for himself all the while never sending a dime to my destitute mother or to his children, nothing but contempt for that man.
Nikki: Aren't you even the least bit curious what he might have to say?
Victor: To listen to the feeble mutterings of a man on his deathbed? Of course he's going to say he's sorry. Anyone is sorry on judgment day.
Nikki: Darling, I'm just saying once he's gone, you will never have this chance again.
Victor: In my mind, Albert Miller died 40 years ago. As far as I'm concerned, he can stay dead.
Dru: Why is it so important that your father not know, Lily?
Lily: Because he will kill me.
Dru: Now you know that's not true.
Lily: Yes, it is. And what good would it do, anyway? You can't change it, and you know how upset he'll be, so what is the point?
Dru: The point is, sweetheart that we have to get to the bottom of this. I want to know why you felt so abandoned, why you felt so alone. I need to know.
Lily: Please, don't tell dad about Kevin and me. (Door opens)
Neil: Good, you're both here. Sweetheart, are you all right?
Lily: Yeah, I'm fine.
Neil: Really?
Lily: Yes. Why are you guys looking at me like that?
Neil: I'm looking at the daughter that I was so sure I knew, the daughter I trusted, believed in, but I'm seeing a girl I'm not sure I know at all. Talk to me, Lily. I want to know the truth. What's going on between you and Kevin?
Ashley: No, don't do this.
Brad: I have to, Ash. I can't stand to see you like this another minute. The baby is dead.
Ashley: Don't! Give me my son.
Brad: Ash--
Ashley: Give him to me.
Olivia: Jack, go get the car, get her to the hospital.
Ashley: Give me my son.
Brad: There is no baby.
Ashley: Give me my baby right now!
Brad: There is no baby. Ash, there is no baby!
Ashley: I want my baby! Give me my-- Robert! Don't go! Don't go, Robert, please! Please, don't go! No! (Crying)
Ashley: No, Robert, oh, God! (Crying)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: You know that I've always wanted what is best for you and for Nicholas. I guess I haven't always been the best dad.
Nick: Are we talking jail time?
Silva: On the federal counts?
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