Y&R Transcript Monday 10/20/03

Y&R Transcript Monday 10/20/03--Canada; Tuesday 10/21/03--USA

By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Chris: That's one of the things I love about you-- the way you always know how to make me laugh.

Paul: Well, lord knows I live to amuse your ladyship.

Chris: Wait, did I read you right?

Paul: Well, I don't know. You tell me. I asked you to marry me, and you cracked up laughing.

Chris: You were serious? You weren't kidding around?

Paul: Well, you know me. I've got a wild and crazy sense of humor, but, uh...

Chris: Paul...

Paul: There are some things in life that aren't funny. My proposal to you, well, that would be one of them.

Chris: I am so sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive.

Paul: Oh, no sweat. I mean, you were accidentally insensitive.

Chris: Can I make this up to you somehow?

Paul: Well, yeah, I suppose. You know, I was thinking... everybody goes for Saturday. You know, there are horns honking all over town on Saturday. What about another day of the week like Tuesday? I like Tuesday. I really like Tuesday.

Chris: Wait a minute. Wait.

Paul: Now there's no backing out. Either you want to make it up to me or not.

Chris: And that's the only way I can do it, by setting a date to get married?


Larry: Mmm, mmm, mmm. Lookin' good.

Jill: Oh, Larry!

Larry: I'm sorry, babe. I couldn't resist making a little comment.

Jill: I don't mind the comments, but you don't have to sneak up on me.

Larry: I'm not so sure about that. You know, you've been a hard woman to find a little private time alone with lately.

Jill: I know. I know. There's been a lot going on.

Larry: A lot of this, a lot of that, but, um, none of the good stuff.

Jill: Yeah, I know. It has been awhile, hasn't it?

Larry: And how did we let that happen, huh, a couple of healthy specimens like us?

Jill: I have no idea.

Larry: Well, you know what? I think we need to do something about that, don't you?

Jill: Um, yeah, but not right now.

Larry: Well, why not? What's the matter?

Jill: Its bad timing.

Larry: Baby, you know I don't care about--

Jill: I'm talking about Katherine! I don't know where she is.

Larry: Well, she's not here, and neither is Esther, so that's all that really matters.

Jill: No, Larry, that's not all that really matters, unfortunately.


(Doorbell rings)

Brad: Damon.

Damon: Hey, Brad.

Brad: Listen, I'm really not dealing with the office today.

Damon: I'd be surprised if you were. May I?

Brad: Sure.

Damon: I don't suppose I need to ask you how you're holding up.

Brad: Hasn't been the best night for me.

Damon: I'm sure not. Get any sleep?

Brad: No. I'm assuming you haven't heard that my daughter was trapped in a fire. Thankfully, she's okay.

Damon: No. I had not heard.

Brad: Yeah, well, this all happened after I got back here with Ash from... well, you were there. You saw the state she was in.

Damon: Yeah. I'm here out of friendship, concern. I thought you could use a little support, but if this is not a good time, you just say the word.

Brad: You know what, Damon? I'm dealing with a hell of a situation here, one I don't begin to know how to handle.


Dru: Hello. How are you?

Hostess: Good, and you?

Dru: Fine.

Hostess: There we go.

Dru: Uh, actually, this tab would be perfect.

Phyllis: Oh, perfect.

Dru: I know you're not my waiter, but I will have water with gasses with a merlot chaser. She's buying. Thank you.

Hostess: Okay. I'll be right back.

Phyllis: Um, I don't recall inviting you to sit your booty down in that chair, and I don't recall offering to pay for your meal.

Dru: Oh, well, it's the least you could do, Phyllis, after you showed up at the gala in that schmatta, my Forrester original.

Phyllis: No, my Forrester original. Yours was a knockoff.

Dru: I beg to differ.

Phyllis: Well, you can beg all you want, but it's not going to change the fact that I got my dress straight off the runway--

Dru: Rack. You got yours off the rack, but then again, those kind of faux pas are expected out of you, since your translation of haute couture would be "knockoff."


Chris: Where is all this coming from?

Paul: Well, I guess the usual places-- the glands, the heart, the brain and not wanting to spend the rest of my life without you.

Chris: But right now?

Paul: Oh, you know, you women are too much. You think you're the only ones with a biological clock ticking. That's not true. You see, I'm not getting any younger. I want to marry you when I'm still healthy and strong enough to make love to you every night, every morning.

Chris: We don't have to be married to do that.

Paul: Oh, no? You mean you're thinking about shacking up all the way? See, I didn't think so. And besides, I know what it's like to be married to you. I doubt I'd be satisfied with anything less.

Chris: I am so enjoying the time that we are spending together.

Paul: Exactly! So?

Chris: Okay, right. So how do you get from there to a marriage proposal?

Paul: Well, you know, it's really not that mysterious. I mean, you can train a rat to run a maze, right. You touch one button, and it feels good. You touch another button, you get this terrible shock. Chris, listen to me. Believe me when I tell you that the best years of my life were spent with you. It doesn't take a genius.

Chris: I know, but there were other moments, too. Our marriage fell apart, and we can't entirely blame that on one certain person.

Paul: I know. I never should have gotten involved with Isabella, but that is a chapter of my life I want to put behind me.

Chris: You're not even divorced.

Paul: That's a technicality.

Chris: There's a legal waiting period.

Paul: Not to get engaged. Not to tell the world what our intentions are.

Chris: Paul, our relationship now to a marriage, it's like a huge step from one to the other.

Paul: Huge? Huge, maybe. But bad, why bad? I don't get bad.

Chris: We're not even sleeping in the same room.

Paul: Well, I can fix that in one heck of a hurry.

Chris: You haven't been pressuring me, okay? I love that about you. Don't start now.

Paul: Well, there you go. This is interesting, because there's that "l" word again. I love the idea. I love that about you. When are you going to really hit the nail on the head?

Chris: You want me to say it? I love you. You are the best friend I can ever imagine.

Paul: Oh, friends, wow. You we, that's not my favorite word.

Chris: You're blowing my mind with this. Do you want an answer? It's no. It has to be. The last thing we need is to complicate our lives with a marriage.

Paul: Well, I can't call you ambivalent. You speak with great clarity.

Chris: If that was harsh, I'm sorry, but to me it's the reality.

Paul: You know how much I love you.

Chris: Yes, I'd say you've made that quite clear.


Larry: I mean, this is simple stuff, right, man-woman stuff? So why am I so confused?

Jill: Well, let me explain it to you.

Larry: I mean, you still think that I'm the biggest hunk of burning love around this place, don't you?

Jill: Well, I wouldn't exactly put it that way, but, boy, you definitely are.

Larry: Well, then I'm offering you a wild ride on the loop-the-loop, and you're turning me down. What's up with that?

Jill: They might come home.

Larry: Yeah, I suppose they might.

Jill: And find us, Larry.

Larry: You know what? I've got a perfect, simple little plan. Instead of us getting busy down here on this furniture, what do you say we go upstairs? I mean, it's called a bedroom for a reason.

Jill: I am so sick and tired of just feeling like the walls have ears all the time.

Larry: No one's listening to us, babe.

Jill: Sweetheart, they can't help it when you're-- when we're-- there's no privacy here.

Larry: Jill, read my lips. There's no one here but us.

Jill: And if I knew where Katherine and her pet monkey had gone, I might have some idea of when they'd be back.

Larry: Okay, now tell me, when did you start setting your watch by those two?

Jill: I don't know. I just, I feel like everything's closing in on me. I mean, this feeling of not being able to do anything I want to do without somebody watching me or listening to me or commenting on it.

Larry: You know what? If you want to be alone, then maybe I should just split.

Jill: No! Come on, I like having you here.

Larry: Did you hear what she said, Larry? You like having me here. Oh, baby, I'm getting all hot and bothered.

Jill: Don't make this hard for me.

Larry: Funny you should mention that.

Jill: Stop it.

Larry: Wait a second. You got a little thing on your lip there.

Jill: What is it?

Larry: Um, it's my lip.

Jill: Gosh, you feel so good.

Larry: I could feel a whole lot better, too.

Jill: Oh, you.

Larry: You know what?

Jill: What?

Larry: Whoever invented this clothes thing was probably some old guy who didn't like people having fun. He's just like, "wrap 'em up, dress 'em up. They'll forget all about having fun and stick to business."

Kay: Oh, Esther, it will all work out now. Now why don't you stop being so upset?

Larry: Hello, ladies. Nice to see you.


Paul: You know, you see there-- a perfect example. If we were married, we wouldn't have to do that. We could just, you know, go ahead and kiss. Then one thing would lead to another, and suddenly I'd find myself naked, and then you'd be naked. And we'd be doing all kinds of naked stuff together.

Chris: Okay, just stop. Stop, I'm only human.

Paul: Oh, yeah? Prove it.

Chris: You're tricky.

Paul: And horny, too, but that's not the reason I'm asking you to marry me.

Chris: I would hope not.

Paul: You see, I'm really after your money.

Chris: Oh, you're going to marry me for my money? Well, you'll earn every nickel. If I don't get back to work soon, I'll be broke.

Paul: You know, that's another great advantage of being married-- pooling your financial resources. You know, the truth is, I'm doing pretty well myself right now. In fact, I'm quite a catch.

Chris: Oh, stop it!

Paul: Oh, come on, Chris. Why not make a commitment? Why not just do it? Yes, we have skeletons in our closet, but we can work them out as a couple.

Chris: I don't want to rehash this again. I gave you my answer.

Paul: Well, you see, there's one of my many faults. I'm very persistent.

Chris: It can get irritating.

Paul: It's just; I have felt so close to you ever since this horrible thing with Isabella. I thought if we were together as a--

Chris: (Whispering) couple.

Paul: I should stop now, shouldn't I?

Chris: Oh, just talk about anything else.

Paul: All right, just so you know, I am not giving up.

Chris: I don't deserve you.

Paul: Maybe not, but you've got me anyway. Oh, gee, look at the time. I really must be running.

Chris: You okay?

Paul: Me, okay? Oh, never better. See you this evening, friend, buddy old pal.


Kay: We're interrupting something?

Jill: Oh, don't let it worry you. It's just par for the course around here, isn't it?

Esther: Well, heaven knows we wouldn't want to cramp anyone's style.

Jill: Oh, like hell.

Kay: Jill, I need to talk to you.

Jill: Okay, fine.

Larry: Don't anybody worry about me. I'll just go grab a cold shower. Come on, Esther, let's give these two some privacy.

Esther: I need to ask Mrs. C. Something.

Larry: Jill, you owe me.

Kay: Can't it wait?

Esther: No, I need to know if we should use the big trunk out of the attic, or can we make do with the regular one?

Kay: We'll talk about it later, Esther. We will talk about it later.

Esther: You know what? I need to plan.

Kay: Then don’t. Not yet.

Jill: What is going on here? What luggage? Why?

Kay: Esther and I are leaving. Actually, we're moving out.


Damon: Where's Ashley now?

Brad: Upstairs lying down in the nursery.

Damon: Yeah, she said she went up to check on, uh...

Brad: Our baby. Robert, our son who died. One second she seems perfectly rational, and the next she's running up the stairs telling me she hears our son crying.

Damon: In and out of reality.

Brad: Yeah, it's unnerving as hell.

Damon: Jack knows, well, the full extent of what his sister's going through?

Brad: You know what, Damon? I don't think any of us really knows how far gone she is. In any case, there needs to be some sort of professional assessment.

Damon: A psychiatrist?

Brad: Well, if Jack had his way, Ash would have gone straight from the gala to the hospital.


Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Dru: Yes, I am. I'm going to have the canard salade, avec chilien sauvignon blanc.


Waiter: Very good.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) a boring drunk, no less. Phyllis, come, have some class. There's nothing wrong with having a glass of wine with your lunch.

Phyllis: Oh, that's right, because I'm sure it's noon somewhere in the world. But I forgot. You don't have the kind of job where you have to really pop and snap like I do. So go ahead, knock yourself out.

Dru: You know, I'm going forgive that jab, because you're still stuck on stupid. Look who you work for.

Phyllis: If you're going to go off on the Newman’s--

Dru: Just one, just one-- the guy with the big mustache, only he's not big on character, is he? And the whole town knows it.


Lynne: Paul, didn't you hear me? Mr. Robbins is on line one.

Paul: Take a message. I'll get back to him later.

Lynne: It's the second time he's called today.

Paul: I'm aware of that.

Lynne: Don't you think you should talk to him?

Paul: Oh, damn it, Lynne. What part of "take a message" don't you understand?

Lynne: Mr. Robbins, I'm sorry. Paul's not able to speak with you right now. I don't know how long. He's having a busy day. I understand you're busy, too, and I really appreciate your patience. I'll give him the message. Thank you. You must have had a tough morning.

Paul: Yep, and, no, I don't want to talk about it.

Lynne: Are you sure? It might help.

Paul: Lynne--

Lynne: Right. You don't want to talk about it.

Paul: And I don't want to be bothered, either.

Lauren: Well, now I trust that doesn't go for me.


(Knock on door)

Michael: Coming. Chris.

Chris: Chantal said you left the office.

Michael: And you figured I'd be here. Come in, come. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Chris: I love your place.

Michael: Yep, yep, pretty fancy, huh? It's a step up.

Chris: Yeah, I would say so.

Michael: So what can I do for you? Are you here to tell me you're sticking with our practice? You're going to double our caseload, because I'll break out the decaf.

Chris: I'm in no mood for games.

Michael: Okay, so what do you want?

Chris: I would like to make one thing very clear. If I do get the offer from the district attorney's office, it's my decision, okay? It's not yours. It's not Paul’s. It's mine.

Michael: Point noted, but don't forget that I have a very large stake in that decision.

Chris: I know that, I do, but I have to do what's best for me.

Michael: Which, in my humble opinion, is staying right where you are. Look, you have a responsibility to the clients, to the practice. I need you.

Chris: Thank you for your opinion. Thank you, but I have to make up my own mind.

Michael: All right. All right, I'll back off, but just answer me one thing.

Chris: What?

Michael: Did you happen to give Paul this same speech?


Jill: Katherine, I can't have heard you right. You're what?

Esther: You heard her just fine, Jill.

Kay: Esther, please, I need to speak with my daughter in private.

Esther: If you would just tell me which luggage that--

Kay: Later, please.

Esther: All right.

Jill: You're moving out?

Kay: Yes.

Jill: Why?

Kay: Why? Would you rather I stayed?

Jill: No, I didn't say that. It's just... when was all this decided?

Kay: Well, I've been thinking, you know, since we last talked.

Jill: Oh, you mean when I said that I didn't know how I felt about us.

Kay: Exactly.

Jill: So just like that, you're giving up?

Kay: No, not at all. Actually, Esther and I are going to take a brief trip, and after that Nikki has offered me the hospitality of her home temporarily.

Jill: You're coming back?

Kay: Well, presumably. And by that time, um, perhaps you will have gotten a better grasp of your emotions. I think it's a rather good plan. Don't you?


Phyllis: Where do you get off?

Dru: I'll tell you where I get off. Ashley--remember when she showed up at the gala, fell to pieces in front of all those people?

Phyllis: Yeah, and somehow that's victor's fault?

Dru: It's all his fault. Not somehow, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Okay, wait a second. Wait a second, you are off base. Would you knock this off? This is my family you're talking about. Ashley is my sister-in-law. And what happened, yes, it was tragic, but you have no right to go around slinging blame.

Dru: It's a tragedy that didn't have to happen.


Damon: I take it you find that somewhat extreme.

Brad: Tossing my wife in a rubber room? No, that's not a thought I'm really relishing. I put a call in to Olivia Winters. That's Drucilla's sister. Also happens to be Ash's best friend. I'm just hoping she can give us a starting point, some idea what level of help we need. Because I am totally out of my depth here, Damon, and I'm in no position to be making any huge decisions right now.

Damon: Fella, you and I ain't known each other very long, so very possibly I may be crossing the line here. If you tell me to butt out, I won't be offended.

Brad: Damon, if you have some advice, feel free to give it, 'cause I'm way too frightened about what's going on here to start shutting people out.


Jill: I don't know. I don't know how I feel about this.

Kay: Well, this is what you've said you've wanted for a long, long time-- this house to yourself.

Jill: But temporarily.

Kay: Well, yeah, obviously time and nature will take care of the ultimate arrangements, but for now it's all that I can offer. I'm sorry.

Jill: No, no, it's fine. Its fine, I just never dreamed--

Kay: Of course, Esther will go with me for the duration, so you'll have to find someone else to pick up after you around here.

Jill: Katherine, what do you want in return? Because I know there's got to be something.

Kay: Well, I'm simply trying to give you a taste of what you've always wanted-- a whole world without me in it.

Jill: Oh, no, no. No, you don’t. Oh, my God. I knew I smelled a rat. You really had me going there for a little while, but now I get it. This is another one of your games, isn't it? You promised me no more tests, but you just couldn't resist one last one. When are you going to stop this?


Lauren: Well, I don't remember the last time I saw you this grumpy.

Paul: You're in for a real treat then, aren't you?

Lauren: Well, at least your ego's still intact.

Paul: Ha!

Lauren: Oh, maybe not.

Paul: You know, Lauren, I'm not even sure why I let you come in here.

Lauren: Aw, are you afraid that my sparkling personality is gonna get you out of this, and you'd rather wallow?

Paul: You know, sometimes--

Lauren: I know, I know. You detest how well I know you. Okay, Mr. Grumpy-pants, there's only two reasons that you could be in this kind funk, and seeing that I'm not smelling the aroma of sauerkraut and spareribs, I'm pretty sure it's the other important woman in your life. Am I right?


Chris: I didn't have to give this speech to Paul.

Michael: Yeah. You don't expect me to believe that, do you? He was pushing for his point of view just as hard as I was pushing for mine.

Chris: Well, at least his reasoning wasn't so self-interested.

Michael: Uh-huh, yeah, I don't buy that either and neither should you. He would say anything to get you away from me and out of our practice. Now look, there are plenty of reasons to turn down the D.A.'S job. Paul--even Paul, could see them if he'd be honest.

Chris: Michael, maybe they're not as convincing as you think.

Michael: Or maybe his big agenda is to keep you away from me.

Chris: Don't be silly. Everything doesn't revolve around you.

Michael: Yes, it does.

Michael: So what was going on between the two happy homemakers earlier this morning?

Chris: Oh, before you so rudely interrupted us, you mean?

Michael: Yeah, I definitely felt a little more unwelcome than usual. Did I detect a note of romance?

Chris: Guess again.

Michael: No, I'm right. Something's changed. Listen, Christine, there are more men out there. You should be looking into your other possibilities.

Chris: Might I be looking at one of those other possibilities?

Michael: You know that all I want is the very best for you.

Chris: That doesn't answer my question.

Michael: If there was a snowball's chance in hell that I had a chance at anything, you know, believe me, that I'd be all over it.

Chris: All right, we can't go back. You know that.

Michael: I'm not-- I have no fantasies about you and me riding off into the sunset. This isn't about me. It's about you, and it's about you and Paul. You don't see it, but I do. I'll tell you your life. You are not living the big love story that you think you are.


Kay: Jill, I swear to you this is not another test.

Jill: Oh, test, game, trial by fire-- whatever you want to call it.

Kay: No, no, it's none of those things. I have a lot to lose, you know.

Jill: Oh? Oh, you mean what if I like living here by myself? What if I like the arrangement, and I don't want to live together with you?

Kay: Exactly.

Jill: And what happens then?

Kay: I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead.

Jill: Oh, this is crazy. This is crazy. This is just nuts.

Kay: Well, if you don't want me to move out, I don't have to.

Jill: Oh, Katherine, that is so loaded. That is a bear trap. You've put me in an impossible situation, and you knew exactly what you were doing.


Lauren: So what's going on with you and Christine?

Paul: Oh, you mean what's not going on?

Lauren: I can't believe you're having problems. I thought you'd be halfway down the aisle by now.

Paul: Yeah, well, I figured the same thing. I thought-- well, it doesn't really make any difference what I thought. I obviously read all the signals wrong.

Lauren: Okay, you're going to need to back up, because I'm missing some major details here.

Paul: So you're going to make me get into this whole thing, aren't you? You are going to get all cute and philosophical. You're going to give me a brand-new outlook, put a smile on my face, perhaps. You're going to walk out of here thinking, "mission accomplished," and I'm going to try your new philosophy, whatever it is. But the truth of the matter is I will still be banging my head against a stone wall.

Lauren: Am I that predictable? Because, damn, I need a new routine then.

Paul: Yeah, well... the thing is, I asked Chris to marry me this morning, and... she laughed. Not a guffaw, mind you, but a definite chortle. She thought I was kidding. When she realized I wasn't, she still said no.

Lauren: No wonder you're upset. Did she say it was forever?

Paul: No, no, no, nothing like that.

Lauren: Are you still roommates?

Paul: Platonic roommates, but I don't know. I guess the whole thing blew up in my face. I took a chance, and...

Lauren: You know what, honey? You have just come out of the marriage from hell. Why are you rushing into another commitment?

Paul: So you think Chris is right? That I should be moving along more slowly?

Lauren: Well, here's what I think, and I'm not being philosophical. You should enjoy life. You should relax. There is a big, beautiful world out there. There are places to go and people to see, old friends you've neglected.

Paul: Oh, really? Is that right?

Lauren: Mm-hmm. So Christine needs to do some soul-searching. Let her. And in the meantime, why don't you do some exploring of your own?

Paul: You mean with some of those old friends that you mentioned?

Lauren: And let your conscience be your guide.

Paul: Oh, you see there, that is really dangerous.

Lauren: Exhilarating, yes. Dangerous--I don't know.

Paul: Oh, if you're considering that safe territory, I think you know better.

Lauren: Oh, I don't know what you're talking about.

Paul: I think you do. I guess the question is what are we going to do about it?

Lauren: I think I'm going to let you figure that out.

Paul: (Chortles)


Michael: People who are truly in love do not do the things to each other that you and paul do.

Chris: Oh, Michael, you have no right--

Michael: No, no, Christine, you're going to hear me out. Think about it. Think about all you and Paul have been through. Was it love the night of his child's christening? Was it love when you disappeared for months, and when you came back here in disguise pretending to be someone else?

Chris: I needed some answers, okay? I'm not defending what he did.

Michael: Still, you have to admit that you and Paul have done a lot of strange and bizarre things. I mean, you've done things that are totally out of character for both of you, hurtful, tragic things.

Michael: Christine, there is so much that is not healthy about this relationship, at least not anymore. I hope you take a good, long look at that before you make any decisions about your future. All right. That's my two cents. I hope you know that I really do only want what's best for you, and that's one thing that will never change.

Chris: I'll see you around


Phyllis: Victor did not take Ashley by the arm and force her to get into that car, Drucilla.

Dru: Phyllis, you can do better than that.

Phyllis: Ashley is resilient. She is not a helpless little waif. She is capable of making her own decisions, and to hold Victor Newman responsible for a decision that Ashley made of her own volition is insane. Yes, the consequences were tragic.

Dru: He should have stayed away from her.

Phyllis: He was being a friend. He was afraid that she was not going to stay detached during the rollout.

Dru: Victor Newman knew that he was going to play dirty pool, and he knew that the scales were going to tip in his favor. He got a conscience. He ran to Ashley. He told her how he felt, and he totally ruined her peace of mind.

Phyllis: Are you kidding me? That is the most twisted, insane piece of logic.

Dru: It makes perfect sense to me.

Phyllis: Well, yes, it would, wouldn't it?

Dru: Maybe things are as simple as you're pretending they are, but I doubt that. I believe that you know that dirty tricks were played, and I think you're up to your eyeballs in guilt.

Phyllis: What?

Dru: Yeah, it would make perfect sense that you would defend Victor Newman. But how is it going to look when people find out that you were helping the man that destroyed your sister-in-law?

Phyllis: I'm going to get up and leave this table before I do something that you will regret.


Kay: Well, I really don't see what is so impossible about it.

Jill: You say that you're going to move out so I can decide if I'll miss you or not. Okay, so now the balls in my court. If I don't say, "oh, no, no, no, mommy dearest, don't leave me, not after we've found each other after all these years," that makes me the hard-hearted bitch.

Kay: Well, Jill, I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to believe me. It was not my intention, nor is it my intention. I'm sorry you feel such mistrust.

Jill: Well, can you blame me after our history?

Kay: Well, there's been a great deal of distrust, dishonesty on both of our parts over the years, and I can't change that. You have a decision to make.

Jill: Yes.

Kay: Yes, what?

Jill: If you're prepared to move out and let me have this house to myself for awhile, during which time I will do my very best to come to a decision as to our future as mother and daughter, I'm going to take you up on it.

Kay: All right, so be it. I'll have Esther, um, pack us up for the trip. I'll call Nikki, accept the invitation. Well, now the decision has been made, so I really don't want to remain in this home any longer.

Jill: Katherine. Thank you. You're really rather a brave woman. I will give you that.

Kay: Brave or foolish. Time will tell.


Damon: Now I haven't got a thing against psychiatrists. I know they help a lot of people, but whenever there's a crisis, all too often it seems to me the temptation is to lean on medical science, put people in hospitals, pump them full of drugs, isolate them from their families.

Brad: So what's your approach?

Damon: I'm nobody's doctor, all right? But, please, consider this. Not only has Ashley lost-- has Ashley lost her firstborn son, but she has lost the opportunity to have any more babies. We both know that has to be extremely devastating. Couldn't it be that she just hasn't been able to come to grips with it?

Brad: So you think this fantasy that the baby lived--

Damon: I think it's her mind's way of cushioning her from a reality she's not ready to accept.

Brad: You sure you're not a psychiatrist now?

Damon: Well, look, I consider myself a student of the human heart and maybe the mind, but from a much more spiritual perspective, I hope. Anyway, what I witnessed at the gala--it was a cry of pain a cry to be healed. And I think the only way that's going to happen is for her family to love her through this. Those are the keys, Brad. You start to treat that woman like she's mentally ill; the danger is she's going to conform to that expectation. Whereas with time, support, Ashley will see what she has to face.

Ashley: What is he doing here? Why is this house always full of people? There are children sleeping. I've got a baby that I'm trying to take care of. Look, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. It's just that I'm feeling really stressed out here. There's something going on, and you won't even tell me what it is. Now how am I supposed to deal with that and a newborn at the same time? It's just not fair.


Next on "the Young and the Restless"...

Nick: Are you saying Victor Newman is above the law?

Victoria: Are you saying that whatever it is you find, if it doesn't smell right to you, you're going to the authorities with it?


Miguel: You have a visitor.

Victor: Visitor where?

Miguel: He's waiting in the solarium.

Victor: He who?

Miguel: Your brother.

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