Y&R Transcript Friday 10/17/03--Canada; Monday 10/20/03--USA
By Eric
Proofread by Emma
Jack: Oh.
Phyllis: Hi. Poor baby.
Jack: I'll survive. Come on.
Phyllis: Thanks for the message and telling me that-- that you stayed here last night.
Jack: Yeah, Brad's really got his hands full.
Phyllis: Yeah, I'll say he has his hands full.
Jack: Yeah, I finally heard from him about 4:00.
Phyllis: Wow. Did Colleen ever turn up
Jack: It turns out she was in the fire at Gina’s.
Phyllis: Oh, my God, are you kidding me? Is she okay?
Jack: Yeah. She's at Memorial now. She's stable.
Phyllis: What happened?
Jack: Poor kid got stuck in a walk-in cooler. It turns out that was a blessing.
Phyllis: Are you kidding me? Oh, my God, Jack. So are you saying that the cooler saved her from the fire?
Jack: Yeah. Yeah. Brad's still there at the hospital with her right now. I told him I'd stay here and... I just sent the nanny home to get some sleep.
Phyllis: What a harrowing evening for everyone.
Jack: Yeah, you can say that again.
Phyllis: And your sister? How's Ashley doing?
Paul: Are you ready? Ta-da!
Chris: Oh, this is my special treat. You made pancakes.
Paul: I did make pancakes. These aren't just any kind of pancakes, though, my dear. They are special Williams' family recipe pancakes.
Chris: Ah, they are light and fluffy.
Paul: They are indeed light and fluffy.
Chris: This must be one of your mom's secret recipes.
Paul: Oh-ho, secret? There are very few people on the face of this earth that know the secret ingredient to these pancakes. And if you are very good to me I'm gonna let you in on it.
Chris: Well, gee, thanks. After all these years, I'll finally be a member of the elite group.
Paul: Well, yeah, you know, if you're nice to me. I'm going to go get some-- wait. Wait. You got to have butter and some syrup.
Chris: I'm not gonna wait.
Paul: All right. Here you go. All right. And I think, uh... notice how evenly browned they are? You know, if you pour any more syrup on those, they're gonna float away. You really have put way too much. See, I kind of like mine very plain, not much of anything on them. Oh, my God. This is awful!
Chris: I know.
John: Careful. Oh, what a mess.
Gina: Oh, my God.
John: Gina, maybe it's not such a good idea we snuck in here like this. It really doesn't look safe.
Gina: I got to face it sometime, John.
John: I know.
Gina: I mean, another day, another week, a month, it's not gonna make it any better.
John: Of course not.
Gina: This wasn't just a business. It was my life, you know?? I can't figure out why anybody would want to burn it. Look at it. They burned it down.
John: I can't even begin to understand it.
Gina: I don't know anybody who hates me that much.
John: Well, Brad thinks that this Kevin character is connected, you know. He--he's the punk that Lily Winters met on the internet. Well, apparently Colleen had a disturbing encounter with him.
Gina: Well, then why don't the police do something about it?!
John: They did. They questioned him, because he was down here before Colleen was found, but there's no evidence to prove that he did it. They can't hold him.
Gina: Well, I'm not gonna cry over a burned out old building. When I think about what you and your family went through last night, having to stand out there watching this place burn down, thinking colleen might have been inside... we're all lucky. We're so lucky that J.T. Found her when he did. I just hope she's gonna be okay.
Brad: Hey, doc. How you doing?
Reese: Still sleeping, I see.
J.T.: Yeah, she's been zonked out for hours.
Reese: Well, that's okay. That's good. The more she rests, the sooner she'll be on her feet again.
Brad: How about the tests you took?
Reese: All negative. You know, she inhaled a little smoke, a small amount of carbon monoxide, but not enough to do any long-term harm.
Brad: But you had her on oxygen.
Reese: Yeah, just for a small amount of time last night. Her o2 blood saturation has been at normal levels for hours now. Thankfully, that walk-in refrigerator that she was trapped in held together-- protected her from the heat.
J.T.: What about her bruises?
Reese: Well, you know, who knows what she went through trying to get out of that place, but none of it's serious.
Brad: So she's gonna be okay?
Reese: Yeah, right as rain, Mr. Carlton. Although I never did understand exactly what that meant.
J.T.: If it means Colleen's gonna be okay, then who cares, right?
Reese: Yeah, she's gonna be fine. Let me check her pulse here. Strong pulse. Well, good morning, young lady. How do you feel?
Colleen: Tired. Groggy.
Reese: Yeah, well, we gave you a mild sedative last night. That'll wear off. Your best medicine's right here in this room with you.
Colleen: Dad. J.T.
Brad: Hi, baby.
Reese: Excuse me.
Colleen: Hi. You guys have been here since last night?
J.T.: Where else would we be?
Colleen: You must be exhausted.
Brad: Don't you worry about us. We're fine.
J.T.: Look, I'm gonna let you guys have some time alone, okay?
Colleen: No, don't go.
J.T.: Hey. I'll be right outside this door, all right? I promise.
Colleen: Okay.
Brad: Welcome back, little girl.
Colleen: It's good to be back.
Brad: Can I get you anything?
Colleen: I could use a hug.
Brad: Come here.
Chris: Are you sure your mom wasn't trying to poison you with those Sunday morning pancakes?
Paul: Well, you know, I think I figured it out. I cut the recipe in half. And I forgot that when I put in the salt and the baking soda. So consequently, they really are good. I know you're not gonna believe me.
Chris: They were light and fluffy.
Paul: Yeah, and salty, too.
Paul: So maybe I'll have another chance one day to... do the special pancake thing.
Chris: Oh, you will. And one thing's for sure...
Paul: What's that?
Chris: I couldn't ask for better company.
Paul: You know, Chris, there's something, um... I wanted to talk to you about.
Chris: What?
Paul: Well, it's kind of important. I'd like to, uh... (doorbell rings)
Paul: Ask you something. Are you expecting someone?
Chris: Unh-unh. I'll get rid of them.
Michael: Christine. Christine, open up. It's Michael. I've got news!
Brad: You gave us quite a scare, little girl.
Colleen: I know. I'm sorry.
Brad: No. No, I'm sorry.
Colleen: For what?
Brad: Because I'm your dad. It's my job to keep you safe.
Colleen: Dad, I'm 16. You can't follow me around all day.
Brad: How about for the next month or so, okay?
Colleen: Don't go crying on me, okay?
Brad: I just might. Honey, thank God our prayers were answered.
Colleen: Gosh, you look so wiped out. You really didn't have to stay here last night.
Brad: Are you kidding me? J.T. And I weren't going anywhere, not till we saw that beautiful smile on your face. Listen, I called your mom. I told her what happened, and I told her you were fine. Okay? I'll call her again this morning. What? Something hurt?
Colleen: No, it's just... I have to ask you something.
Brad: What, honey?
Colleen: What happened to me last night?
Jack: Ash is upstairs asleep right now
Phyllis: That's good, I guess, right?
Jack: Yeah, it's best for her.
Phyllis: You know, Jack, when I saw her at the gala standing there in her bathrobe holding that imaginary baby, the baby that died, I just...
Jack: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Just take it easy.
Phyllis: My heart broke for her. So--so how was she? I mean, when Brad brought her, you followed, right?
Jack: Apparently, she fell asleep in the car. Brad brought her upstairs. By the time I got here with her car, we thought she was down for the count.
Phyllis: She wasn't down?
Jack: No, Brad and I were sitting here talking. Suddenly she comes downstairs wide awake, says she can't sleep, totally lucid, no recall at all of what happened at the ranch.
Phyllis: She had no recall?
Jack: Nothing.
Phyllis: Are you kidding me?
Jack: It was a mind blower.
Phyllis: That's really, really bizarre.
Jack: Anyway, Brad gets a call from dad. He takes off, and I finally talked her into going back upstairs.
Phyllis: So you-- you didn't tell her.
Jack: Oh, God, that she had a psychotic episode in front of half the town? No. Oh, by the way, if you see dad, I don't know what he knows. I'm not sure if Brad's told him anything yet.
Phyllis: Right. Right. I won't say anything. By the way, Mamie told me that John brought Gina home last night.
Jack: Oh, God, that's right. Gina lives over the restaurant.
Phyllis: So I guess he's involved in that whole mess.
Jack: Yeah, so this wouldn't be a good time to give him any more bad news.
Phyllis: No, it wouldn’t. So, anyway, back to your sister. Things sounded like they were sort of quiet last night.
Jack: You do understand why I had to stay here, though?
Phyllis: Oh, yes, of course. You had no idea what might happen. Maybe things could blow up again.
Jack: Yeah, thanks to that bastard you work for. This is victor's fault.
Phyllis: Jack.
Jack: It's Victor's fault, no one else’s.
Phyllis: Jack.
Jack: She would not be in this condition if he hadn't interfered in her life.
Phyllis: Jack, please don't do this. Please don't do this, please. This is not helping.
Jack: It might help.
Ashley: What's going on down here? And, Jack, what are you still doing here?
Brad: You don't remember?
Colleen: I was gonna go to the gala with J.T.
Brad: Right.
Colleen: And I was at the coffeehouse, and then he left. And we were gonna meet at the boutique. But then Cody gave me this message that granddad wanted to meet me at Gina’s.
Brad: Your granddad never made that call, honey. He knew nothing about it.
Colleen: Then who did?
Brad: What happened when you got to Gina’s?
Colleen: The door was open, and so I went in. But it was all closed up, and it was empty and...
Brad: What? Honey, if this is too much for you right now, we can do this later.
Colleen: No, it's okay. Like I said, there was no one there. But I-- I went back into the kitchen thinking maybe granddad was back there
Brad: Was someone there in the kitchen?
Colleen: I didn't see anybody. But when I went to leave, I heard this noise.
Brad: What sort of noise?
Colleen: It sounded like someone was pounding from the inside of the walk-in refrigerator. And so I opened the door, and... the rest was kind of a blur.
Brad: What do you mean?
Colleen: Somebody grabbed me and they threw me inside, and they slammed the door. And I didn't see who it was. Then I realized that the door was locked. I started freaking out. I was pounding on the door, and I was yelling for help, and... Dad, it was horrible knowing that someone was outside the door and they wouldn't help me.
Brad: I know, baby.
Colleen: Whoever did this did it on purpose.
Brad: Well, it's okay. You're safe now. I just thank God you're all right. Honey, I have to ask you-- do you have any idea who would do something like this to you?
Colleen: No, I have no idea.
Brad: Well, the police are on top of it. The arson investigators are looking into all the possibilities. We'll catch him.
Colleen: I hope so.
Brad: You had a very close call last night. It's a terrible ordeal.
Colleen: For both of us.
Brad: I never prayed harder in my life. I guess God was listening.
Colleen: Shh.
J.T.: If I'm back too soon...
Brad: No, J.T. Come on in.
J.T.: You sure?
Brad: Yeah, I'm sure. I'm gonna give you kids some time alone, okay?
Colleen: Okay.
Brad: If you need anything at all, you call me on my cell, all right? I love you, sweetheart. I love you more than you'll ever know.
Colleen: I love you, too.
Brad: Take care of my little girl, okay?
J.T.: Yes, sir.
Brad: All right.
Colleen: (Whispers) hi.
J.T.: Hi, yourself.
Colleen: You smell smoky.
J.T.: Yeah, well, I couldn't get the smell off yet.
Colleen: You look happy.
J.T.: I am. I'm happy you're alive.
Colleen: Thanks to you. My hero.
J.T.: Yeah, right.
Colleen: I mean it, J.T. I'd just given up hope that anybody was gonna find me.
J.T.: For awhile, I thought I'd lost you.
J.T.: That tore me up, Coll. I don't know what I would've done without you. I love you so much.
Michael: Oh, I hope I'm not interrupting.
Paul: Obviously, you are interrupting. Hmm, let me get you some pancakes.
Chris: Oh, Paul.
Michael: No. No. He's right. I am interrupting. Where are my manners?
Paul: You know, I kind of had a feeling it was you, because the timing was so poor.
Michael: You're a very funny man. I did not know it, but he is a very funny man.
Chris: You know what? Just cut him some slack. He got up early to make me breakfast.
Michael: Cereal? Is there at least a prize?
Chris: What are you doing here, Michael?
Michael: Look at you. You're such a Norman Rockwell couple--so happy. All you need is some kids and puppies.
Paul: You know, Michael, you said you had some news.
Michael: Well, I have a message for the lady of the house.
Chris: For me?
Michael: Mm-hmm. I have been hearing a rumor through the grapevine, so I checked it out. And word is you're gonna be offered a position.
Chris: You mean a job?
Michael: Mm-hmm.
Paul: What are you talking about?
Michael: The D.A.'S office, there is an opening coming up, and you're gonna get the nod.
Chris: Are you serious?
Michael: Very serious. The position you will be offered is assistant district attorney.
Jack: Well, good morning to you, too, sunshine. How about some coffee?
Ashley: I'd like an explanation.
Jack: I told you I was gonna wait here until Brad got home.
Ashley: You mean he's still gone?
Jack: Yeah. Long story short, when dad called, Colleen was missing. She was trapped in a fire.
Ashley: What?!
Jack: No, she's fine. She's in the hospital. She's fine.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Brad called. Everything's fine. She's stable. There's nothing to worry about.
Ashley: Oh, my God. Well, why didn't you tell me?
Jack: Well, you were upstairs in your beddy-bye sawing logs, and I didn't want to interrupt your sleep.
Ashley: Where was the fire?
Phyllis: At Gina’s, can you believe it?
Ashley: You're not serious.
Phyllis: Yeah, I am. I am. I heard it on the radio. It's a total loss.
Ashley: This is unbelievable. You were here the whole night?
Jack: Yeah, snoring on your sofa.
Ashley: Why?
Jack: What do you mean, why?
Ashley: Well, we have a guest room. You would've been more comfortable there.
Jack: Well, you know, I thought Brad could walk in any minute. He might need me for something.
Ashley: That makes no sense at all.
Phyllis: Well, you know, it was late. He was tired. He wasn't thinking straight, right, Jack?
Jack: Right.
Ashley: Yeah, well, now that the crisis is over, I guess you can be on your way. I'll take over from there, Phyllis. Thanks.
Jack: What about Abby?
Ashley: What about her, Jack? She's in her playpen, and Frances is gonna be here in a couple of hours.
Phyllis: Hey, you know, I have a great idea. Why don't we have breakfast together? If you have eggs and cheese, I can whip up some omelets.
Ashley: Time out. Hold on.
Phyllis: If you don't like omelets I can do something else.
Ashley: What I'd like is an explanation.
Jack: What is the problem?
Ashley: I'm picking up the same weird vibe I was picking up last night.
Phyllis: What vibe?
Jack: What vibe?
Ashley: Like something happened and everybody's tiptoeing around me.
Jack: Don't be ridiculous.
Ashley: And for some reason, I can't be left alone.
Jack: Sis, listen, relax.
Ashley: I'm not gonna relax, Jack, until you tell me...
Phyllis: Oh, hey, Brad. Brad's here.
Ashley: The damn truth.
Phyllis: Great timing, Brad.
Jack: Well, from the sound of things, it could have been a whole hell of a lot worse.
Brad: That, Jack, is an understatement.
Ashley: Did they run enough tests? Are they sure Colleen's okay?
Brad: You know what, honey? I'll fill you in on all that later.
Jack: Well, all's well that ends well, right?
Phyllis: Yeah, give our best to Colleen, all right? Let's go, sweetie.
Ashley: Now you're leaving?
Jack: Not until I put my coffee cup in the kitchen.
Phyllis: Um, listen. We should get Abby and Kyle together for...
Jack: Ashley's car keys I put in the desk.
Brad: Thanks.
Jack: She came down a little while ago just like you see her.
Brad: Great.
Jack: Great for now. What about later?
Brad: I'll handle it, Jack.
Jack: How are you gonna handle it? You have to talk to Olivia.
Brad: I'll call you later.
Paul: Congratulations, Chris. That's incredible. What an honor.
Michael: Look, it sounds good, but there would be sacrifices.
Paul: Like what?
Michael: Well, like money, for one thing. The D.A.'S office is only gonna offer Chris about half of what she's making now.
Paul: You know, this illustrates my point. If you knew Chris well, if you knew her really well, you'd know that money does not make any difference to her.
Chris: I became a lawyer because I wanted to help people.
Michael: Yeah, well, you'd have a much better chance of doing that sticking with me. You're not gonna be able to do pro bono defense work when you're a prosecutor. Look. Look. If you stick with me, you would have every opportunity of picking up a case here and there out of the goodness of your heart.
Paul: You know, I disagree. She would be doing good things for people every day working in the prosecutor's office.
Chris: And it would make me a much more well-rounded attorney.
Michael: Wait, Chris, look. Think about it. Do you really want to be there? After everything you've been through recently, do you honestly want to spend all of your time sending people to jail? That's hardly the Chris I know.
J.T.: I can't tell you how it felt standing there watching that fire, knowing you might be trapped inside.
Colleen: Hey, it's okay. I'm fine now, see? And the whole time I was in that cooler, all I could think about was how I might never see you again.
J.T.: You must've been so scared.
Colleen: Who could hate me so much to do something like this?
J.T.: You don't know?
Colleen: No. I was grabbed from behind, and I didn't see a face or hear a voice.
J.T.: Yeah, well, I know who did it. I can't prove it yet, but I know in my gut it was Kevin.
Gina: Thank you for being here with me, John.
John: Gina. Gina. I would never let you face this alone.
Gina: It's so hard, you know. I just keep telling myself it's a building, you know. It's just things.
John: No, it's-- it's much more than that.
Gina: But every time I--I look around, I see where people used to sit. And they were having such a good time, and I was part of all that. I mean... we celebrated engagements and weddings and birthdays and the birth of their children. People even came here after funerals. I was a part of all that.
Gina: I was a part of their history and... they were a part of mine. I wanted people, when they came through that door--even if they'd never been here before-- I just wanted them to fee like they were coming home. Home--that's what I wanted to give them.
John: Gina, you did. People all felt that way about this place.
Gina: Yeah, right. Well, now it's all gone. It's over. It's over.
John: It does not have to be over. You can rebuild.
Gina: No. It wouldn't be the same. You know, it's like a first love. When it's over, you know that nothing will ever be the same again.
John: You know, some say it may be better.
Gina: No. It doesn't have the same passion, same intensity, electricity in the air, you know, all that silly stuff.
John: Well, now look. You're still reeling from the shock of all this. Let's not close the door, okay?
Gina: Oh. Hell, maybe it's for the best. You know this restaurant business stuff, it's-- it really ties you down. You have no life of your own. You can't go anyplace. You can't do anything. Well, now I get to travel, and I get to have lunch with my friends, and I can read all those books that I've been meaning to read. Look at this place!
Gina: I don't know what I'm gonna do. Every part of my heart and soul I put into this place because I-- I really loved it. And I don't know what I'm gonna do. My home is gone. My home is gone, John.
John: Shh, come on. Come on there, baby. (Gina crying)
John: It's gonna be okay.
Michael: All right. You know what? Consider this offer if you feel you must, Christine. You know, talk to the D.A. See what he has to say. But the truth of the matter is I do need you. We have a great thing going. And I do not think the D.A.'S office is gonna offer you anything as exciting as what we do in our practice. All right, done. Excuse me. I'll be going.
Paul: Please don't tell me you're thinking about taking what he said to heart.
Chris: He does need me.
Paul: He will find someone else.
Chris: Just, ooh, don't pressure me, okay? I know that you hate that I am in practice with Michael but this is a decision I have to make for myself, if the offer even comes through. Right now it's just a rumor.
Paul: Okay, I won't push. But why don't you promise me something? That you will actually consider the offer and not refuse it just because Baldwin wants you to.
Chris: Before we were interrupted, we were having a delightful morning, remember? And I think you were gonna ask me something important.
Paul: Yeah. Well, Baldwin certainly has a rotten sense of timing.
Chris: Okay, just stop. Please, tell me what you wanted to say.
Brad: What were you and Jack arguing about when I came in?
Ashley: Same thing that was bugging me last night. Something's going on around here. It has nothing to do with Colleen. It's about me, and I'd really like to know what it is.
Brad: You know what, ash? I'm exhausted. I've been up all night. So I'm gonna get some sleep and then we're gonna talk about it.
Ashley: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Since you opened it up, I'd kind of like to resolve it now.
Brad: Ash, I just--
Ashley: Please, honey, I really need some answers. Please tell me what happened. Why is everybody treating me like a china doll that can’t left alone?
Brad: Honey, we've all been worried about you for weeks now, since the accident.
Ashley: We've both been through a terrible ordeal, you and me both.
Brad: Yes, we have. But you've been very depressed, and that's perfectly understandable. I just think it's a mistake to try to go it alone when you don't have to.
Ashley: Now wait a second. I don't need that kind of help, Brad, not any more than you do. I-I'm fine. In fact, I think I'm coping pretty damn well.
Brad: No. No, sweetheart, you're not.
Ashley: Excuse me?
Brad: You're not coping well at all. You need some help.
Ashley: How could you make that statement?
Brad: Let's sit down, and I'll tell you.
Colleen: You think it was Kevin who locked me in the cooler.
J.T.: Yeah, and then he torched the restaurant.
Colleen: Look, I know he hates me, but--
J.T.: Colleen, look. The guy's a psycho. He tried to kill you last night, and he almost succeeded.
Colleen: Okay, how do you know that he was anywhere near Gina’s?
J.T.: Well, believe it or not, the psycho actually showed up there later. He was acting all innocent, like he had just seen the smoke and was curious, but the police questioned him anyway.
Colleen: And he denied having anything to do with the fire.
J.T.: Yeah. Are you sure you didn't get a look at him?
Colleen: It all happened so fast.
J.T.: Hey. You've been through hell. We can talk about all this later, okay?
Colleen: No, J.T.--
J.T.: No. No. No. No. I don't want you getting all upset again. You're here, and you're in one piece. And I'm so grateful. That's all that matters, Coll.
Colleen: Come here.
Chris: What's going on?
Paul: What do you mean, going on?
Chris: Well, something must be. You made me breakfast.
Paul: Well, I tried to, anyway.
Chris: That was nice. Oh, forget the pancakes. You know how much I love spending time with you.
Paul: You know what? I feel the same way. In fact, every moment that we spend together is special. And that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.
Chris: What is?
Paul: Well, our, um, living arrangements.
Chris: Are you thinking about moving? I totally understand. It's just that... I've kind of gotten used to having you around here.
Paul: Uh, no. Actually, that was the last thing on my mind.
Chris: So what are you getting at?
Paul: Well, I guess that things have been so wonderful for us lately. I mean, it made me realize that, you know, there's really no one else on this earth that understands me the way-- the way you do. And I guess what I'm trying to say is... I don't know. That's enough. Why don't we get married?
Chris: Get married?
Paul: Yeah.
Colleen: I wish we could stay like this forever.
J.T.: Yeah, your dad might have something to say about that.
Colleen: Yeah, what was with you two?
J.T.: What do you mean?
Colleen: I don't know. Something about the way he looked at you when he left.
J.T.: It was a long night. Guess you could say we bonded.
Colleen: Wow. Almost makes it worthwhile.
J.T.: Hey, don't even joke about that. That was, like, the worst night of my entire life. I will tell you one thing, though.
Colleen: What's that?
J.T.: Your dad-- he's a pretty okay guy. Yeah, well, I never got it-- how much he cares about you. But even when that fire chief said there's no way anybody could survive that blaze, he never gave up. Neither did I.
Colleen: How did you know I was in the cooler?
J.T.: Your locket. I found it outside the door. Which reminds me...
J.T.: The chain's broken, but I'll fix it for you.
J.T.: There. Back where it belongs.
Colleen: And that is exactly how I feel-- back where I belong.
Brad: You know how much I love you, how much you mean to me. No matter what, I'm at your side. I'm here for you. I will help you through this.
Ashley: We'll help each other, sweetie.
Brad: This may take a long time, Ash, and I'm prepared for that. This goes far beyond a car crash-- your physical injuries, your body healing. Your mind, your emotions-- they have to heal, too, and that doesn't always happen the way we think it will. Sometimes we get stuck. We lose our way.
Ashley: Did you hear that?
Brad: What?
Ashley: The baby's crying.
Brad: I don't hear Abby.
Ashley: Not Abby, silly. That was Robert.
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