Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/16/03

Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/16/03--Canada; Friday 10/17/03--USA

By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Man: One of Genoa City's most popular restaurants has sustained heavy damage in a fire this evening. Gina's has been one of our city's favorite eateries for many years. Owned by Gina Roma, who is also well-known for her singing talents, Gina’s has been well-known for its authentic Italian dishes and extensive wine list. At this time, the cause of the fire is still under investigation...

Chief: Check on the overhaul, will you, captain?

Brad: Chief, come on. What's the situation inside?

Chief: About the same. We've got some hotspots. The roof could still come down.

J.T.: Any sign of anyone--

Chief: I understand your concern, but safety matters. I'm doing this by the book.

J.T.: How long is this gonna take? Come on.

Chief: I'll keep you posted. Please be patient, will you?

Man: ...For obvious reasons, declined to be interviewed. We'll be on the scene throughout tonight to keep you informed of any new details as they become available.

Dru: Excuse me.

Neil: Excuse me.

Dru: J.T.

Neil: Guy any news?

J.T.: No, not since they found Colleen's cell phone inside.

Dru: Oh, Brad, we are so sorry for any involvement Lily may have had in this.

Brad: Drucilla, all I care about right now is finding my daughter and knowing she's safe.

Neil: Okay, we'll find her. We'll find her, Brad.

Brad: Detective Weber. I saw you over there talking to Chief McGuire. Have you found out anything?

Hank: First, suppose you tell me everything you know about the fire. I understand you suspect someone.

Lily: You have got to get out of here now.

Kevin: Why?

Lily: Because they think that... what... how did you even know I was here?

Kevin: I didn’t.

Lily: I don't understand.

Kevin: I was, uh, I was on my way home, I saw the smoke, I came over to see what was going on.

Lily: Yeah, well, you can't stay. You could be in big trouble.

Kevin: What the hell are you talking about?

Lily: The fire, Kevin. They think that you set it.

Kevin: What? That's--that's crazy.

Lily: Look, please, just go, okay? We'll talk about this later.

Kevin: No. I didn't do anything wrong, and I'm not going anywhere.


Sharon: Whatever you and Victoria were up to, does it have to do with Victor?

Nick: I don't know where you get that.

Sharon: Will you please just give me a straight answer? All right, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it has something to do with Safra.

Nick: What if it does?

Sharon: Then you and Victoria were going over sales reports for Safra.

Nick: Okay, great, Sharon. You solved the mystery.

Sharon: Why were you going over them?

Nick: Sharon, this is a brand new division for Newman Enterprises. Doesn't it make sense that we'd want to keep an eye on it?

Sharon: Not in the middle of the night, it doesn’t. And besides, if that's all you wanted to do was keep an eye on it, why would you go through the trouble of keeping it from me? Unless I was right, and it has to do with Victor. You're afraid that I'm gonna go running to him for some reason.

Nick: Can you honestly say you wouldn't?

Sharon: Okay, good. You know what? Now we're getting down to it. You are questioning my loyalties.

Nick: I didn't say that.

Sharon: But you're thinking it, and you're feeling it. Are you really starting to wonder whether or not I can be trusted?


Hank: And you believe this man Kevin Fisher is responsible for the fire?

J.T.: Well, we know how he felt about Lily's friends, especially Colleen.

Hank: Disliking someone and burning down a building aren't in the same ballpark.

Brad: What about Colleen's cell phone? It was found inside.

Hank: Could she have loaned the phone to a friend or left it there accidentally at an earlier time?

Brad: We've already thought about that, detective.

Hank: And another thing, Mr. Carlton, if I recall correctly, your daughter has a pattern of running away from home.

Brad: Oh, come on, I would hardly call it a pattern.

Hank: Not only that, Mr. Hellstrom here is responsible for one of those incidents.

J.T.: Oh, come on, detective. That's old news. Mr. Carlton's fine with me now, right, Mr. Carlton?

Brad: Yeah, I am.

Hank: Well, then maybe one of you can tell me this. If Fisher had a grudge against Colleen, why would he burn down Gina’s restaurant? What's the connection?

Dru: We don't know, detective. But apparently, Lily's friends believe he is dangerous.

Hank: Dangerous how, mame? Has he threatened her, or has he harmed her in any way?

Dru: Not yet, but the girls feel it's only a matter of time.

Neil: Hey, no, listen to me, listen, I had a serious talk with that punk, okay? I told him to stay away from my daughter, and if he didn't, I'd see him behind bars.

Dru: She's 15. The man has 10 years on our daughter.

Neil: He's 10 years older.

J.T.: They met on the internet, detective.

Brad: All right, listen, this is not getting us anywhere. It's simple. I want you to go question the man, find out if he knows where my daughter is.

J.T.: Please, just help us, detective. Every minute we waste talking about this is another minute Colleen's missing.

Neil: Come on, what are you gonna do?

J.T.: Kevin may be the only person who knows where she is. Help us.


Sharon: She and Nick are working down there.

Victor: At this hour? What are they doing?

Sharon: I have no idea. Whatever it is, they seem pretty intense, and they wanted me outta there.

Victor: What are they working on?

Sharon: That's all they told me, that it was work, that it was very important, and I should toddle on home and let them worry about it.

Victor: That is strange. I mean, I can't imagine what would be so urgent for them to be working at this hour.

Victor: (Thinking) very strange, indeed. What's going on with you and your sister, son?

What is going on?

Nikki: My husband, the machine. Not even tired.

Victor: I wouldn't go that far, my darling. You ready to turn in?

Nikki: Oh, yes. It's been a very long day.

Victor: Mm-hmm. The gala wear you out?

Nikki: What's the word when the operation is a success, but you still lose-- pyrrhic victory?

Victor: Mm-hmm. That's not quite it, but almost. What'd you lose?

Nikki: Well, as much as I wanted to see Sharon go down in flames, I contributed to her triumph.

Victor: And, darling, you contributed to it because you chose to, because that's the kind of person you are.

Nikki: Mmm. Whoopee for me. I wish I could be more ruthless, like you. Maybe you can give me lessons.


Brittany: I've missed you so much, Raul.

Raul: I want you. I want to be with you.

Brittany: I want you, too, but...

Raul: God, this feels so right.

Brittany: Hold me, Raul. I felt so alone.

Raul: We don't have to think about that anymore.

Brittany: We've thought too much already.

Raul: It feels so good to kiss you and hold you in my arms again.

Brittany: Please, don't let me go, Raul. Don't let me go.


Lily: Kevin, listen to me. My parents are right around the corner. There are cops all over the place.

Kevin: So what? I haven't done anything.

Lily: Don't you get it? Everyone is freaking out because Colleen is missing.

Kevin: Okay. What does that have to do with me?

Lily: Wait, you're just gonna stay here and maybe get arrested?

Kevin: Okay, they can't arrest me without any proof, and there's no proof that I started that fire. And as far as your snooty bitch girlfriend is concerned, I don't know where she is.

Lily: Well, where have you been all evening?

Kevin: Okay, now you're starting to sound like you think did something.

Lily: No, Kevin, I really don't want to believe that.

Kevin: You really don't trust me, do you?

Lily: Of course I trust you.

Kevin: After everything that we have meant to each other, the fact that you would even remotely entertain--

Lily: I never said I thought you did it. Shh.

Kevin: Well, you may as well have. And that hurts. That hurts a lot.

Lily: Look, Kevin, all I'm asking you to do is to go before anyone sees you.

Kevin: No. Why should I act guilty? You know what? Come on. Let's go clear this up right now.

Lily: Wait, are you nuts?

Kevin: What the hell is with you? I haven't done a thing. Not a damn thing. Come on.

Sierra: Aah!

Neil: Lily!

Dru: Lily! Oh. Oh, Lily.


Sharon: What is going on in your mind, Nick? Is it us against them?

Nick: Sharon--

Sharon: On the one side, there's the people who do know whatever this is, you and Victoria, and then on the other side there's the people who don't know, who shouldn't know, who can't be trusted to know. I mean, come on, Nick. I thought that we were a family. I thought that you and your father were working together.

Nick: So we can't be a family unless we communicate every little thing with each other?

Sharon: There you go. You're dancing around the issues again.

Nick: All right, maybe this is about loyalty. Maybe there's something that I don't want dad knowing right now, and the fewer people I tell, the better.

Sharon: Honey, I'm not "people." I'm your wife.

Nick: You're also someone my father confides in and vice versa. Do you deny that?

Sharon: No, and there's no reason to. I'm not ashamed of it.

Nick: Even knowing I hate it, that it drives me crazy?


Kevin: Get off! Get off of me!

Neil: You bastard! I warned you to stay away from Lily!

Brad: Where's my daughter? Where's my daughter?

Hank: Settle down! Everybody, settle down! Mr. Fisher?

Kevin: Yes?

Hank: We've met, haven't we?

Kevin: Have we?

Hank: Yeah, yeah, you work for Bobby Marsino, his bookkeeper.

Kevin: And all-around gofer, yeah.

Hank: You know Colleen Carlton?

Kevin: Yeah, I know her. So what?

Hank: Do you know where she is, sir?

Kevin: No, I have no idea.

Neil: He's lying! He is lying!

Brad: Let me get my hands on him! (Incoherent shouting)

Hank: Shut up! Shut up!

J.T.: He knows where Colleen is!

Hank: Shut up! Shut up! Mr. Fisher, what are you doing here?

Kevin: I was walking home from work. I saw the smoke and saw there had been a fire. What happened here?

Hank: It's a little late, isn't it?

Kevin: I work late. Marsino's a slave driver.

Hank: What's your connection to Miss Winters?

Kevin: Lily? She's a friend.

Dru: A friend? You are preying on my daughter!

Kevin: That is bogus! That is bogus! I never laid a hand on her!

Dru: Yes, you did!

Hank: Miss Winters?

Neil: Tell him, Lily. Lily!

Lily: He's telling the truth. My mom and dad just won't believe me.

Neil: What are you talking about, Lily?

Hank: Well, listen, now is not the time to discuss the relationship between Fisher and your daughter, Ms. Winters, all right? So, Kevin, you live arouúd here?

Kevin: Yeah, the brewery building, apartment 466.

Hank: All right, Fisher, you can go.

Brad: What, just like that?

Dru: What?

Sierra: No, you can't! You can't let him go.

Hank: I have no reason not to believe the man, Mr. Carlton. I can't arrest him for walking down the street.

Brad: So you're just going to let him walk out of here?

Hank: I'm sure you would expect the same courtesy if you were in his shoes.

Brad: Oh, come on!

J.T.: Detective, he knows something, okay? You can't just let him go.

Kevin: I'm sorry that I couldn't help. Good luck finding the girl.

Dru: No!

J.T.: Where is she, Kevin? Tell us where she is, you son of a bitch! Where is she?


Raul: Wow.

Brittany: Yeah, wow.

Raul: That was awesome.

Brittany: I've hoped for this so much, Raul-- a chance to be with you again.

Raul: I wouldn't let myself hope.

Brittany: Why?

Raul: 'Cause it hurt too much knowing that it might not happen.

Brittany: But now it has.

Raul: Yeah, yeah, it sure has.

Brittany: Oh, we had something so special. I've never had anything like that with anyone else, not even close.

Raul: Not me either.

Brittany: You always understood me. I'm not sure you do anymore.

Raul: I still understand you, Brittany. What's that smile about?

Brittany: I was just thinking back to the beginning, you and me.

Raul: The world's most unlikely couple, you and I.

Brittany: But we're still here.

Raul: Yeah.

Brittany: Still together.

Brittany: Aren't we?

Raul: I'm not sure what you want, Brittany.

Brittany: Well, you should by now.

Raul: This can't all be about sex, sweetie.

Brittany: Is that what you think, that that's all we have?

Raul: No, that's not what I mean.

Brittany: Well, that's what you said.

Raul: Listen, the truth is, I don't know what we have right now. Yeah, the sex was great, but, Brittany--

Brittany: You're not sure how you feel about me.

Raul: No, I know exactly how I feel about you. I'm so in love with you it hurts. It's just, I don't know if that's enough.


Neil: Honey, maybe we should just take Lily and Sierra and go home. There's nothing that we can do here.

Dru: Oh, honey, how could we leave? We're a part of this. Don't you realize there's a strong possibility that none of this would have happened if Lily hadn't gotten involved with a man on the internet?

Neil: Wait a minute. We don't know anything for sure. You saw what Detective Weber did. He let him go.

Dru: Okay, so there wasn't proof to incriminate Kevin, but there's got to be a damn good reason why Colleen and Sierra despise the man.

Neil: So are you saying that otherwise they wouldn't have come to us and told us about it?

Dru: Colleen's missing. She could be hurt or worse because she was trying to help our daughter. Don't you see?

Neil: All right, all right, honey, then we'll stay. I mean, we'll stay, if at least just for moral support.

J.T.: You know what really bugs me? Weber's attitude.

Brad: Because Colleen ran away before.

J.T.: Yeah, well, I don't like it. The guy's a jerk.

Brad: You can't arrest someone without evidence, J.T., And unfortunately we don't have any.

J.T.: Yeah, you put me in a room with that internet stalker, and I'll beat some evidence out of him.

Dru: Brad, if there's anything we can do to help...

Brad: Why don't you just take the girls home?

Neil: If you want, we'll stay until you find Colleen.

Brad: No, it's okay. Listen, uh, regardless of what you might think, I don't blame Lily. I mean, the poor kid has been traumatized enough. If she does think of anything that might be important, I'd appreciate it if you--

Neil: We'll call you immediately.

Brad: Thanks.

Neil: Hey, Brad, you hang in there, all right? We'll be praying for you.

Brad: Thanks.

Dru: Take care.

Neil: Later, J.T.


Victor: Well, as long as I'm presiding over a household of warring females, at least I have a vacation coming.

Nikki: (Gasps) yeah, let's talk about the trip.

Victor: Something warm and tropical, you said.

Nikki: Mmm, we haven't been to Tahiti in a long time.

Victor: Well, maybe we could go skiing in the Alps, because I heard they have great powder.

Nikki: Really?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: I am just so happy to get away. I'll tell you what, we'll do 50/50-- half our time on the beach, half our time on the slopes.

Victor: Good. Then at least we have something to look forward to.

Nikki: So is that all that you're thinking about, our getaway?

Victor: Sometimes I can't help wonder... about what I've created.

Nikki: What do you mean?

Victor: This compound we live in... all so close. I think sometimes too close for the tensions that exist. Perhaps it would have been better if we had sent our children out into the world and made them carve out their own lives.

Nikki: Well, I think that it would have been easier, yes, but not better. Victor, you have done a wonderful thing, a rare thing. Don't lose faith in what you've built.

Victor: Well, at least... those people that are dearest to my heart live close by.

Nikki: Yeah, I live really close by. You could even snuggle up with me every night if you wanted to.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Victor: I'm so glad I have you. Should we go upstairs, snuggle up?

Nikki: Yes, mm-hmm.


Sharon: I live in the hope that someday, somehow you and your father can start healing this damage between the two of you.

Nick: So you've said over and over again.

Sharon: So why do you take that to mean that you should clam up every time I walk into the room?

Nick: Sharon, you are reading way too much into this, okay?

Sharon: You know what? All your life, you've been surrounded by family, and I didn't have that growing up. Maybe that's why I see this as something precious and something worth fighting for.

Nick: Look, Sharon, I want to be able to trust you.

Sharon: But?

Nick: What if you had to choose, if you had to choose between supporting me or my father?

Sharon: I would support you, Nicholas, wholeheartedly.

Nick: Even if it was something you didn't agree with? Your concern for my old man wouldn't get in the way?

Sharon: Why can't I be loyal to this family and you? Why does it have to be either/or?

Nick: Sharon, why are we talking about this right now? It's late. The kids are going to be up before we know it.

Sharon: You want to just call it a night?

Nick: Well, I didn't say that.

Nick: You looked so beautiful tonight. I found myself the whole evening wanting to just come over to you and do this.


Brad: But other than the cell phone, you found nothing to indicate that someone was trapped in that building?

Chief: The restaurant was closed. I think it's highly unlikely.

Brad: I don't want "highly unlikely," chief. I want something definitive.

Chief: I promise you, Mr. Carlton, we are working as fast as humanly possible.

Hank: As far as the person who started the blaze, typically an arsonist spreads an accelerant around, in this case cleaning fluid and alcohol. Then he got out fast.

Chief: We keep our eyes open for anyone that comes around that has an inordinate interest in the fire.

Brad: Why are we worrying about that right now? Shouldn't we be focused on whether or not my daughter is in that building?

Chief: I know how you feel, sir. When a building has sustained a fire like this, it's unstable. I will not endanger my men's lives when the likelihood of rescuing anyone is minimal.

Brad: Let me go in there! I'll sign a release, whatever you need!

J.T.: I will, too. Please, just let us go in.

Hank: Absolutely not. Now you listen to Chief McGuire. He's the expert. Under no circumstances can we allow either of you into that building, period.

Chief: Thank you, Hank.

Brad: Something like this happens, and it's like your whole life flashes before your eyes. You realize how much you'd miss if you lost someone you love.

J.T.: And things you wish you'd done differently.

Brad: This whole ordeal has made me realize something, J.T.

J.T.: What's that?

Brad: I see how worried you are, how affected you've been by this. I know you truly care about my daughter. And if someone as sweet and smart as Colleen can feel the way she does about you--

J.T.: Maybe I'm not as bad as you thought I was.

Brad: Yeah.

J.T.: Hey, you know, listen to us. We're talking like she's already gone, and she's not. No. No, it's way too early to give up now. She's alive.

Brad: How about that, huh? I'm getting words of wisdom from you. And you're right. We can't give up.


Brittany: If you really love me, Raul, what else matters?

Raul: I do love you. I just, I don't know if I can live with you.

Brittany: Oh, here we go again. My career--you disapprove. Like I'm some kind of alien. We're too different to live together?

Raul: No, that's not it. Lauren said something to me today that I've been thinking a lot about.

Brittany: Oh, Lauren did?

Raul: She said love needs difference, that it's better to be with somebody who's not exactly like you. If you're too much the same, then there's no passion. You get bored.

Brittany: Were you and Lauren talking about you and me or you and her?

Raul: Oh, come on, Brittany, don't do this.

Brittany: Do what?

Raul: Start acting all weird about Lauren.

Brittany: Well, I just think it's a little strange that you bring her up right now.

Raul: Why?

Brittany: Because it hurts me.

Raul: Listen, I have explained to you about Lauren. She's been a good friend to me, okay? There's nothing romantic.

Brittany: Except a kiss... or several kisses. Who knows where that's headed?

Raul: Okay, now you're just being ridiculous. It's not headed anywhere. There's nothing going on.

Brittany: Well, you went together to the gala.

Raul: So what? You went with Bobby, the king of sleaze.

Brittany: That's not fair.

Raul: Okay, what do you want to call it then?

Brittany: Is this the part where you're going to insult me again about my job, about how sleazy and cheap it is?

Raul: Right, right. Like I'm just supposed to forget about the whole stripping part and just concentrate on the singing?

Brittany: You know what I think it is? I think you can't handle it that other people are noticing me.

Raul: Open your eyes, Brittany. Who's noticing you? A bunch of horny men who can't get dates and just go to see you take your clothes off, because they're not there to hear you sing, Brittany. They're not.

Brittany: You still don't get it. It takes a lot to do what I do. Anybody could just get up on stage and take their clothes off, but they can't perform like I can. People come to see me because no one else is as talented as I am.

Raul: You keep telling yourself that, and you remember it a few years down the line when you're still stuck at that place getting naked for a living.

Brittany: I really want this to work, Raul, but you have to change your attitude about me singing.

Raul: I love your singing, just not at Marsino's.

Brittany: That's where I work. And I can't deny how much I love the feeling of being onstage.

Raul: The stripping part or the singing part? Brittany, that lifestyle, that whole damn scene, that's got to make you feel cheap.

Brittany: No, you make me feel cheap. This was a mistake.

Raul: You know, I thought that what happened between us right now would mean something, but I guess I was wrong. I think we're a lot further apart than we thought we were.

Brittany: I had so many hopes, Raul. I'm sorry.

Raul: Yeah, me too. I'm a lot more sorry than you know.


Brad: Chief, please, just let me look for signs of Colleen.

Chief: Until we make a final sweep of the building, I can't allow anyone in there but my own men. Besides, if your daughter or someone else was in there-- just let us do our job, please.

J.T.: Colleen.

J.T.: Oh, God.

J.T.: God, nobody could have survived this.

Kevin: I got away with it. That bitch is fried! Nobody messes with me. Nobody messes with me, because I am God!

J.T.: My God. It's Colleen's locket.

Colleen: Look inside my heart.

J.T.: I still don't get it, Colleen.

Colleen: Look inside my heart.

J.T.: Your heart? You... you mean your locket?

J.T.: This?

Colleen: You've held on to it this whole time?

J.T.: Yeah, ever since you returned it to me. I was going to give it back to you at the concert tonight. Look inside my heart.

J.T.: "J.T., Please, hold on to my heart. Keep it safe until I ask for it back."

Colleen: So can I have my heart back?

J.T.: No. No. No, she's not gone. No. No, God, she's not-- Colleen! No! Colleen! Damn it! Colleen! Colleen! Colleen! Colleen! Colleen! Colleen! Colleen! Oh! (Distant knocking)

J.T.: Colleen? Colleen? Colleen! (Loud thumping)

J.T.: Colleen! Colleen! Colleen!

J.T.: Oh, my God, Colleen. Colleen. I'm here. All right, come on. Come on, I'll get you out of here. Come on. Help! Help, someone! I found her! Help! Help!


Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

J.T.: I thought I'd lost you. That tore me up, Coll. I don't know what I would have done without you.


Gina: This wasn't just a business. It was my life.

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