Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/14/03

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/14/03--Canada; Wednesday 10/15/03--USA

By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Gina: Look, we're not even certain she was there.

Brad: Why would her cell phone be inside?

J.T.: That's what's freaking us out, Mr. Carlton.

John: Brad, listen to me. They said there is no evidence of anyone being trapped in the fire.

Brad: You know what, John? That just isn't good enough. I'm going in.

John: Bradley!

Joe: Where the hell are you going?

Brad: My daughter could be in this building, damn it!

Joe: Look, we don't have it knocked down yet. It's not safe.

Brad: Where did you find her cell phone?

Joe: Near the bar area.

Brad: What about the rest of the place?

Joe: My men have pretty much covered all of the main room. There's no sign of anyone.

Brad: I got to get in there.

Joe: We'll do an exhaustive search at daylight.

Brad: What do you mean, daylight? That's hours from now! I want to know where my daughter is, and there is any chance she's in that building-- any chance at all-- I want to know it now! I want to know it tonight.


Dru: Whoo! That shower felt good. Got out of those shoes, honey. They were cute, but they were killing my dogs.

Neil: I never understood why you women torture yourselves mincing around in those skinny little high-heels.

Dru: Because they make our butts look like a million bucks and our legs look great.

Neil: Oh, yes, they do. Hey, but I wished I'd been a fly on the wall when you and Phyllis realized you were wearing the same dress.

Dru: That was a fashion nightmare.

Neil: You got to admit it's kind of funny.

Dru: Real barrel of laughs, Neil.

Neil: As much as you don't like the woman, you got to admit she's got great taste.

Dru: Whatever. I'm sure we provided some level of comic relief for the crowd. God knows the party needed it.

Neil: What do you mean?

Dru: Ashley showed up twisted. Whoo.

Neil: Oh, Dru. The woman just lost a baby. Did you expect her to be the life of the party?

Dru: You don't understand. No, she showed up in her pajamas and a natty robe. I really thought she was cracking up.

Neil: Oh, my God. That poor lady.

Dru: Look, you know, I'll tell you all about it later. Right now I want to discuss something less depressing. How'd it go with our daughter?


Nikki: What are you doing?

Victor: Hi, sweetheart. I was having a drink.

Nikki: I see that-- in the dark, no less.

Victor: Why don't you come sit by my side?

Nikki: Is there any special reason we're being so quiet?

Victor: The quiet feels good after all the commotion, doesn't it?

Nikki: Hmm. You might fool someone else with that excuse.

Victor: Yeah. I was just thinking.

Victor: You didn't ask me about what.

Nikki: Unh-unh. I know better.

Victor: You know.

Nikki: I know you're thinking about Ashley. How could she not be on all of our minds?


Nick: I saw your lights on. I'm glad you're still up.

Victoria: What are you doing here?

Nick: Following up our conversation.

Victoria: What?

Nick: No time like right now.

Victoria: Where did you get all that stuff?

Nick: I ran over to the office.

Victoria: Oh, my God. Have you lost your mind? We just had a huge party. Go home. Go be with your wife. I'm exhausted.

Nick: Well, stop drinking that warm milk then. I have every printout from the first day of the launch-- no, actually, two days before up until the first of this week.

Victoria: All right, that's a lot of material. What do you suppose we do with it?

Nick: We're gonna go over it with a fine-toothed comb.

Victoria: Now?

Nick: Yes, now. If Dad and your precious little Baldwin did something to give Safra preferential treatment, I don't know about you, but I am not going to bed until I get some proof.


Neil: Hey, you know, Dru, I talked to our girl for awhile.

Dru: Wait. She actually listened to you?

Neil: Not at first, no. She was very upset that I went over to see Kevin. She was even more upset that I threatened him with jail time if he ever comes near her.

Dru: What does she see in that old dude anyway?

Neil: Baby, it's not about age. It's about not getting the attention at home.

Dru: She actually-- she actually said that?

Neil: She didn't have to.

Dru: Have we been such terrible parents, really?

Neil: Not intentionally. No. No. No. No. We're busy people with demanding careers. We're planning a wedding.

Dru: A wedding she doesn't want to be a part of.

Neil: Yeah, but be that as it may, recently we've been trying to spend more time with our girl, find out what's going on in her life.

Dru: And how are we supposed to do that when she's running off there and on the damn internet.

Neil: Yeah, Dru, I talked to her about that. And I got to tell you, it's not like I made a major breakthrough, but for the first time in ages, you know, we really-- we connected. And I think there's hope for this family yet. (Whispers) here she comes.

Lily: Hi, Mom. How was the gala?


Cassie: This is so good. I mean, I hardly had anything to eat at all at the party.

Sharon: Me, either, probably because the food arrived so late.

Cassie: Adam and I were trying to get away from Noah.

Sharon: Really? He kept bugging you, huh?

Cassie: He was a total pest. I mean, you should've had him on a leash.

Sharon: He just wanted to make sure you were having a good time.

Cassie: Yeah. Well, remind me never to bring him on any more of my dates.

Sharon: So, um... did you and Adam have fun?

Cassie: Yeah, definitely. Well, I mean, except for that last part.

Sharon: Oh, you're talking about Ashley.

Cassie: That was so sad.

Sharon: Yeah. Yeah, it was sad, and it was very disturbing.

Cassie: Well, you think she'll be okay? Mom?

Sharon: Hmm?

Cassie: Do you think Ashley will be okay?

Sharon: Uh, let's hope so, sweetie.

Cassie: Is something wrong?

Sharon: No. No. That just got me thinking about something.

Cassie: About what?

Sharon: Do you know where your father is? Have you seen him?


Victoria: Nicholas, I'm tired. I want to go to bed.

Nick: Fine. Go through this, help me find what I'm looking for, and then you can go to bed.

Victoria: You're so certain it's even here.

Nick: You agreed with me that Dad and Baldwin must have done something, and it's probably illegal.

Victoria: If they did--if-- it will be here tomorrow.

Nick: Take a look at this. Two southwestern chains reporting their sales figures for the first week. Stellar performance. Now look at this. It's another chain, similar territory-- same shoppers' demographic, same square footage, same everything-- yet the numbers aren't nearly as good. You explain that to me.


Nikki: What Ashley is going through right now is just so tragic.

Victor: That's putting it mildly.

Nikki: So the sadness I see in your eyes is strictly about her?

Victor: There's so many things I regret.

Nikki: Like what?

Victor: The way I seem to have managed to alienate both of our children.

Nikki: Oh, come on. I think you're being a little hard on yourself.

Victor: Nope. I watched how Nicholas talked to Jack Abbott tonight. It broke my heart.

Nikki: Why do you say that?

Victor: He looked at that obnoxious man with such fondness and respect. When I compare that with how he looks at his father...

Nikki: I thought you were mentoring him now.

Victor: Hasn't done a damn thing. I thought it would get me closer to him, but it hasn't worked out that way.

Nikki: Victor, I'm sorry.

Victor: Yeah, so am I-- more than you'll ever know.


Dru: The gala was fine, honey, yeah. I'm surprised to see that you're still up.

Lily: Well, I couldn't sleep. I'm just gonna get a glass of milk.

Dru: No. No. No. Hold on. Hold on. I want you to sit down.

Lily: Well, it's late. Can't we do this tomorrow?

Dru: No, we cannot do this tomorrow. It's important, okay? Your father and I want to make sure you understand something.

Lily: What?

Dru: Honey, we love you. You know that, right?

Lily: I guess.

Dru: And your father and I have simply set boundaries to protect you. We want the best for you. We want you to understand this world is a scary place.

Lily: Mom, if you're gonna give me the big, bad internet speech, I already heard it from dad.

Dru: Yes, I know. Your father told me.

Lily: Well, then can I please just go to bed?

Dru: See, this is a prime example of what you do. We want to communicate with you. You can't get away from us fast enough.

Lily: It's because I don't like being lectured all the time.

Dru: Do you think we enjoy saying the same thing to you over and over to you again?

Lily: It seems like it. Do you want to know why I'm on the internet so much? It's because all you guys ever do is criticize me.


Colleen: Somebody open the door, please! Somebody help me! Dear god, it is so cold! (Pounding on door)

Kevin: I bet you're getting cold in there, Colleen. (Pounding continues)

>>Kevin: Don't worry. It's about to get a lot warmer.

Bobby: Kev.

Kevin: Hey.

Bobby: What the heck are you doing here so late?

Kevin: Oh, working on your quarterly tax statement.

Bobby: You been here long?

Kevin: All evening.

Bobby: Yeah.

Kevin: You're not paying me by the hour. Why would I be lying?


Brad: So you think she came here because of this crank call?

John: Look, apparently someone telephoned the Crimson Lights, left her a message to meet me here at Gina’s.

Brad: John, she's just a kid. I mean, if she were trapped inside--

Gina: No, she is not. You've got to believe she's not in there. (Crowd screams)

Man: We got a man down!

Joe: Folks, you're gonna have to stay back! We've still got a dangerous area here. Stay back, please!

J.T.: Colleen. Look, we've got to pray she got out in time.

John: Oh, son, if she was even in there. We don't know that for sure.

Brad: When did you last see her?

J.T.: At the coffeehouse. We were supposed to meet at the boutique and go to the gala together tonight.

Brad: Colleen never showed.

J.T.: No. I went out to the Newman ranch to see if we got our signals crossed, but she wasn't there.

Brad: Did you try her cell phone?

J.T.: Yeah, lots of times. I called some of her friends. Look, I tried everything I could think of to find her but--

Gina: That's when we heard about the fire and we rushed right over.

J.T.: I didn't believe she was in there. I didn’t. Then they came out with her cell phone.

John: J.T., Listen to me. You were the last person to talk to Colleen. Did she say anything that would shed light on her disappearance? Think hard, anything that would give us a clue?

Brad: J.T., What? What is it?

J.T.: Something did happen earlier today.


Cassie: Dad? Is that who you're worried about?

Sharon: I just wondered if you knew where he went?

Cassie: Well, the last time I saw him he was down by the pool with Aunt Vicki. They were talking. It seemed really intense.

Sharon: Huh?

Cassie: Actually, he hasn't been acting himself all night.

Sharon: Oh, you noticed that, too, huh?

Cassie: Like he was distracted or something. Is Dad having a problem?

Sharon: Um, I'm really not sure, sweetie. You don't know where he is right now?

Cassie: He left with Aunt Vicki, that's all I know. But you didn't answer my question. Is Dad having a problem?

Sharon: Honey, I told you, I don't know what's going on with him.

Cassie: Is that the truth, or is this another one of your secrets?

Sharon: No, Cassie, that's the truth. But you're right, it worries me.

Cassie: Me too. He didn't seem like he was having a very good time tonight.

Sharon: No, he didn't, did he? You know, why don't we take these plates in? It's getting kind of late.

Cassie: Okay.


Nikki: Victor, would you like me to describe to you all the reasons why you are a sensational parent? Or is it just gonna go in one ear and out the other?

Victor: You're just trying to cheer me up.

Nikki: Well, I've got my work cut out for me.

Victor: If there's one thing in your life that you could do over again, what would it be?

Nikki: That's easy. I never would have let you get away from me.

Victor: That's sweet of you to say. But I would have been a different father to my children when they were growing up. I would've been far more involved. If I could do it all over again, I'd be a far more attentive father. But what the hell. Why wish for something that can't be anymore?

Nikki: Victor, it's ridiculous. You did the best you were capable of doing.

Victor: (Chuckles) sometimes I wonder.

Nikki: Well, don't wonder. I mean, look-- look at our kids. I mean, look what we did. Victoria and Nicholas are remarkable young people. They've got bright futures ahead of them.

Victor: Even in spite of their upbringing.

Nikki: Will you stop that? Victor Newman, I am not listening to another word of this. This is ridiculous. You should have no regrets. Our kids are fantastic. And for you to go on and on beating yourself up like this-- well, I'm just not gonna stand for it anymore.

Victor: All right. Well, then it's all solved.


Victoria: I don't know how to explain these numbers, Nicholas. Luck?

Nick: Luck. Victoria, you're supposed to be a professional.

Victoria: I am a professional. Are you listening to yourself? You're out to single-handedly make Newman Enterprises the example of moral business practices.

Nick: Look, I already told you what I'm--

Victoria: Yeah, you told me, and I understand that. But you know what? You're gonna be in charge

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