Y&R Transcript Monday 10/13/03

Y&R Transcript Monday 10/13/03--Canada; Tuesday 10/14/03--USA

By Eric
Proofread by Emma

John: You can't go in there. You can’t. No, Gina!

Chief: Give me the second alarm.

Gina: Chief, please, tell me, how did this happen?

Chief: We don't know, ma'am. We'll send in the arson squad once we knock it down. Until they investigate, we really can't say.

John: Well, what is the damage looking like?

Chief: Pretty much a total loss, sir.

Gina: Oh, no.

Chief: Ms. Roma, I'd like to ask you a few questions.

John: Come on.

Gina: Okay, anything. Anything.

Chief: Have there been any recent problems with your electrical system?

Gina: No. Everything's working fine.

Chief: How about the gas appliances in your kitchen?

Gina: No. Not that I'm aware of, no.

J.T.: Excuse me, chief. Is the place empty? Are you absolutely sure no one's inside?

Gina: Oh, my God. (Cries)


(doorbell rings) (knock door)

Damon: Mr. Baldwin.

Michael: Yeah.

Damon: You know, there are a great many people I might have expected to find on the other side of this door. You are not one of them.

Michael: May I come in?

Michael: I've heard a lot about this place.

Damon: Oh? From whom?

Michael: Oh... mutual friends of the female persuasion. Since, uh, the gala ended a short time ago, I took a chance you'd still be up.

Damon: Why?

Michael: I think it's time we had a man-to-man talk.

Damon: About?

Michael: What else? A woman.


Nick: Still at the party?

Victoria: Kind of.

Nick: Enjoyed yourself, huh?

Victoria: Yeah, the evening definitely had its moments.

Nick: Well, considering the way the evening ended, I don't know how anyone can say they had a great time.

Victoria: Oh, God. Oh, it's so awful. Poor Ashley.

Nick: Yeah.

Victoria: So what's on your mind?

Nick: Safra.

Victoria: Oh, God, Nicholas.

Nick: Don't pretend you don't agree with m that Dad and Baldwin did something to give Safra an unfair advantage.

Victoria: I'm not saying it's impossible.

Nick: And the pressure that put on Jabot, that's the reason Ashley got in her car that day.

Victoria: Oh, please. Come on. You can't possibly make that connection. You just can’t.

Nick: Whether it was a direct result or an indirect result, what happened here tonight is because of our father.


Nikki: Well, this was quite an event.

Sharon: It certainly was. A far cry from what I expected. And unbelievable what happened with Ashley, huh?

Nikki: It's just heartbreaking.

Sharon: I can only imagine what it did to you, seeing that woman like that.

Nikki: Well, Sharon, it was very upsetting.

Sharon: Come on, Nikki. It had to have been more than that. I'm sure you were jumping out of your skin, wondering if she would tell Victor about Abby, along with the rest of the world that was standing here watching.

Nikki: You know, I didn't know what to think. I was just in shock. I mean, seeing her in her bathrobe thinking she's holding the baby that she lost, it... I just wanted to do something to help her.

Sharon: Well, what could you do? Anyway, it certainly was a memorable evening.

Nikki: Yes, I don't think anyone will ever forget this year's gala.

Sharon: Nikki. Um, listen, what you did for me tonight, I owe you a huge thank you.


Victor: Well, hello.

Phyllis: Hey.

Victor: I didn't realize anyone was still here.

Phyllis: Why are you sitting here all alone?

Victor: I have a feeling for the same reason as you. I'm trying to make sense of what happened tonight.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Phyllis: Well, I'll get out of your hair.

Victor: No, please don’t. I wouldn't mind some company. Would you sit down?

Phyllis: What happened tonight leaves you feeling a little... devastated, for lack of a better word.

Victor: What happened tonight was a tragedy.

Phyllis: We can agree on that.

Victor: I guess Ashley coming here, wanting to show me her baby is going to fill your husband with further contempt for me.

Phyllis: Probably. I can just hear what Jack's going to say.

Victor: Is that why you're not going home yet?

Jack: Hey, how is she?

Brad: She's resting.

Jack: Listen, I've been-- I've been thinking. I'm starting to question whether it was a good idea bringing her here.

Brad: Where the hell else should I bring her, Jack?

Jack: A hospital.

Brad: Oh, listen, don't even start that.

Jack: Brad...

Brad: Jack, I am not ready to make any huge decisions, not tonight. I need some time.

Jack: What do you need time for? Your wife is delusional. She thinks the child you just lost is still alive, Brad, and she has some history.

Brad: Yeah, I'm-- I'm well aware, jack.

Jack: Much as I hate to say this about my own sister...

Brad: You think she's lost it.

Jack: What, you need more convincing?

Brad: I guess she's a lot worse off than I realized.

Jack: Brad, she's having a breakdown, and she needs our help. We have to do something for her now, tonight.


Man: All right, right here. Excuse me, folks. Pardon me. Excuse me. Thank you. All right, set up right here.

Chief: As far as we've been able to determine, the restaurant was empty.

Gina: Oh, God, thank God.

Chief: Would there have been a janitor or a night cook on duty?

Gina: No, no, they all left early.

Chief: Anyone who may have stayed on after closing?

Gina: No... oh, my God. The bartender, he stayed to close up after we left. I got to call him. I got to call him to find out of he's okay.

J.T.: Have your men been searching the place? Is there any chance they would have missed anything?

Chief: I doubt it. Why do you ask?

J.T.: My girlfriend Colleen. The last time anyone saw her, she was on her way over here tonight to meet her granddad.


Brad: Jack, don't push me.

Jack: We can't just pretend like this isn't happening.

Brad: I'm not suggesting we do. I just need a little time.

Jack: You don't have time, Brad. She's in crisis right now.

Brad: No, right now she's asleep. Whatever we decide, it can wait till morning.

Jack: What was the trip like back from the ranch? I mean, did she talk about the baby, she cry, what?

Brad: No, no, no, no. She--she nodded off almost the moment we got in the car. She woke up a little bit when we got here. I took her upstairs and put her to bed. I doubt anything more will happen tonight.

Jack: Brad, I hear what you're saying--

Brad: Let's just let her sleep, okay? It's the best thing for her.

Jack: For now, maybe. Brad, we're not professionals. We don't know what we're dealing with. Is this a one-time occurrence? Is it going to get worse?

Brad: I don't know.

Jack: That's my point exactly. We don't know. We can't predict what's going to happen next.

Brad: All right. We'll have a better handle on things in the morning.

Jack: And then what? We're going to wing it, fly by the seat of our pants?

Brad: Jack...

Jack: Listen to me. We need a plan. We're in over our heads. Way over. God, if you couldn't see that out at the ranch tonight, then I'm starting to question your sanity.


Victoria: You are working so hard to blame Dad for everything that's wrong in the world.

Nick: Not everything. Victoria, we've talked about this. It's about Safra. It's about the launch and the obvious fact that somebody gave our products an unfair advantage.

Victoria: It never occurs to you, never occurs to you, that we might just have better products.

Nick: Yes, Victoria, I think they are better, but please, don't insult your own intelligence here. You know these markets as well as anyone.

Victoria: I agree. There was an anomaly. Safra did better in some markets than I would have predicted.

Nick: Oh, so you're saying that whether Dad hired Baldwin or not, this would've happened.

Victoria: I'm saying that you are innocent until proven guilty.

Nick: How can you be so blasé about this? When I saw Ashley tonight--

Victoria: Oh, come on. You can't possibly blame our father for that. Ashley is on the verge of a total mental breakdown, if she isn't there already. Look, she's lost her baby, she doesn't want to believe that her child is dead, and it's bad enough, it's horrible enough, without you blaming our father for this.

Nick: Look, I know Dad wasn't the one who plowed into Ashley’s car that day, but it was his manipulations, his and your new boyfriend’s.

Victoria: Oh, oh, okay. I see where this is going. So how soon is it going to be before you start blaming me, too? I mean, I did come to the gala with Michael. So what is it, guilt by association?

Nick: Victoria, I thought the only reason you came to the gala with him was so you could get some information out of him. So what happened? Did his sweet nature make you forget your mission?


Damon: May I presume this is about Victoria Newman?

Michael: Yeah, that's a good guess.

Damon: It's fascinating. You and Victor are just working all the angles, aren't you?

Michael: No, no, I'm not here to talk about Victor. I'm here because I know your reputation. I know you have an eye for the ladies-- Diane, Phyllis, Drucilla, probably numerous others. Now you've added Victoria to your list.

Damon: Are you asking me what my intentions are?

Michael: I know Victoria’s interested in you. What I don't know is if her feelings are reciprocated.

Damon: And you want to know this so you can report back to her father.

Michael: I told you this has nothing to do with Victor.

Damon: Oh, you're falling for Victoria, aren't you?

Michael: I asked you first.


Chief: Check and see how close we are to a knock down.

John: Look, I'm her grandfather John Abbott.

Chief: Did you meet the girl here, Mr. Abbott?

John: I didn't know I was supposed to. I came by Gina’s earlier to pick up Ms. Roma and accompany her to a party. Neither of us saw my granddaughter.

Gina: I just spoke with Johnny. He closed up shortly after we left. It couldn't have been any more than ten minutes or so.

J.T.: What about Colleen?

Gina: He didn't see her, J.T. He didn't see her.

J.T.: Where could she be? I don't understand any of this. Where the hell could she be?


Sharon: There I was, one of the most important nights of my life, everyone's waiting, everyone's hungry, and I find out that the catering van has been in an accident. There's no food. I was in a panic. Even Laird Worthington didn't know what to do. And there you were, and with one phone call, it was handled.. everything fell into place.

Nikki: Well, Sharon, luckily for you, it all worked out.

Sharon: Well, no, it wasn't luck, Nikki. It was you. I mean, you saved the day just by picking up the phone. It was incredible.

Nikki: You know, with everything else that happened, I'd almost forgotten about that.

Sharon: Well, how could you have forgotten?

Nikki: Well, because compared to the drama with Ashley, the situation with the catering just didn't seem important anymore.

Sharon: True, but it was still a potential disaster. I mean, if we hadn't gotten the food here--

Nikki: But we did, Sharon. That's the point.

Sharon: Yes, that's exactly the point, because of you. Agnes was breathing down my neck. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done. I'm very grateful.

Nikki: You handled yourself well, at least outwardly.

Sharon: Still, I have to wonder why you did it. Why did you come to my rescue?

Nikki: That's a very good question, considering how you've treated me.


Phyllis: Uh, yeah, I expect to get an earful from my husband.

Victor: So what do you think about this?

Phyllis: About what happened with Ashley?

Victor: No, about your husband's attitude towards me. I'm convinced that he thinks I'm responsible for every bad thing that has happened to his sister these past few weeks. I'm sure he doesn't stop telling you about that.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah.

Victor: So what do you think about that?

Phyllis: Are you testing me?

Victor: (Chuckles) I didn't intend to, but perhaps I am, yeah.

Phyllis: What's the real question?

Victor: I know that the Abbotts-- and not only the Abbotts, but also members of my family-- think I did something questionable in regard to the early success of Safra.

Phyllis: Did you?

Victor: What do you think?

Phyllis: I'm a woman who goes after what I want. If I want something, nothing's going to stop me.

Phyllis: And I wouldn't be at all surprised to know that you operated the same way in certain business ventures from time to time.


Brad: Do you have any idea what it's been like for me, watching my wife come unglued?

Jack: All the more reason to have a plan. We don't know what she's going to do next. Listen, Ashley is dealing with depression here. She may try to hurt herself. And what about Abby and Colleen? She's certainly in no condition to deal with them.

Brad: All right, I'll call Olivia and see what she says.

Jack: Brad, I think that's a very wise idea.

Ashley: What's a wise idea?


Sharon: In case you're wondering, I was not planning to tell Victor the truth about Abby tonight.

Nikki: Well, I would think the situation with Ashley would have driven any such thought from your mind.

Sharon: Well, I'm not saying that I have had a change of attitude. I still think he deserves to know the truth, just on an evening like tonight--

Nikki: W-wait a minute. What are you saying? You think that that's why I bailed you out? Because I was afraid that the ax would fall?

Sharon: Isn't that the reason?

Nikki: Let's get one thing straight. I didn't do this for you. I did it for my family.

Sharon: Well, whatever the reason, I'm just saying that I'm grateful, and you went way beyond the call.

Nikki: That's what someone in my position does, Sharon. It's what someone in my position knows how to do. I mean, I'm not Victor. I don't have the responsibility of running this multi-national corporation. I'm not Victoria, I'm not Nicholas, totally devoted my career. Yes, my job with Jabot is important, but the most important thing that I do is to look after and protect my family. That is what the Nikki Newman’s of the world do.

Sharon: Well, that's what I am trying to do, Nikki, but you won't let me.

Nikki: After tonight, you wonder why? Look, we both know what you're after. You want to take my place. You want to be what I am. Sharon, you're not ready, and I hope that you learned that tonight. For so many reasons, you are not prepared to be the predominant woman in this family. That's my job, all right? And I am not anywhere near ready to relinquish that. Good night.


Brad: Hi, honey.

Ashley: Hi.

Brad: You're awake.

Ashley: Yeah, couldn't sleep.

Brad: I thought you were down for the night. Feeling better?

Ashley: Still tired, but not really sleepy. I didn't know you were here.

Jack: Yeah. Yeah. I thought I'd stop by. You were already in bed.

Ashley: Oh. Oh, honey, I'm sorry about dinner. I guess I kind of pooped out on you, didn't I? At least somebody had an exciting night. How was the gala?


Man: Folks, you're going to have to move back. Please, move back.

John: J.T., Now you said Colleen got a call at Crimson Lights?

J.T.: Yeah, that's what Cody said. I left her there 'cause I had to go home and change for the gala.

John: You assumed she did the same.

J.T.: Yeah, right. We were supposed to meet at the boutique. And when she didn't show, I got worried, and I called Cody to find out when she'd left.

John: And that's when you discovered that someone left her a message to meet me at Gina’s?

J.T.: Yeah.

Gina: But you didn't make that phone call, John.

John: No. No, and I never had anybody do it on my behalf.

J.T.: So the call was a hoax.

John: Well, why would anybody do something so bizarre?

Gina: Look, maybe Cody got the message wrong.

J.T.: No. Cody's sharp. He's not going to do something like that.

Gina: Then someone was pretending to be John to try to lure Colleen to my restaurant.

J.T.: "Lure"? Gina, you can't possibly believe that.

John: What else could it be?

J.T.: I don't know, a prank or something-- one of my stupid friends.

Gina: Do you know anyone who could do such a thing?

J.T.: No, not really. What about your bartender? He was sure he didn't see Colleen there?

Gina: He said no one was there.

J.T.: When you two left, there were no customers. They were all gone.

John: We weren't paying attention. Did you see anyone, Gina?

Gina: No. I don't recall. I mean, the kitchen had been closed.

J.T.: What about the bar? Was there anyone at the bar?

Joe: Excuse me, folks.

Gina: Wait a minute, I--

Chief: Did you say your girlfriend's name is Colleen?

J.T.: Yeah, why?

Chief: Is this hers?

Gina: Oh, my god.

J.T.: That's Colleen's cell phone.

John: Where did you get this?

Chief: One of my men found it inside.

J.T.: Oh, my God.

Gina: Oh, my God, J.T.!

Chief: Stop him! Stop him!

J.T.: Let me go! Let me go! Let me inside!


Ashley: So were there a lot of people there? Was it a big success?

Jack: You know, it's the Arts Council Gala-- same old, same old.

Ashley: Oh, come on, Jackie. You've got to do better than that. I'm living vicariously. Who went with whom? What were they wearing? I want all the good stuff.

Jack: To tell you the truth--

Ashley: You didn't notice? Okay, let's start with Phyllis. Was she stunning as usual?

Jack: Sure. Yeah, she looked great.

Ashley: Good. Anything scandalous happen? Anybody get tossed in the pool? Give me some gossip.

Jack: To tell you the truth, there's-- there's nothing to tell.

Ashley: Why are you guys staring at me? You're looking at me.

Brad: Are you sure you're feeling okay, Ash?

Ashley: Yes. I told you I was fine. I just couldn't get back to sleep.

Brad: Do you remember what happened before you fell asleep?

Ashley: You went out to get dinner, and I guess I fell asleep on the sofa. Why are you asking me that, Brad? Um, what's the big deal? Am I supposed to remember something? Actually, I don't really remember walking up the stairs. So I'm assuming you helped me. I know I was tired.

Brad: Yeah.

Ashley: Okay, now I know I've been a little out of it lately. Is that it?

Brad: Uh, you-- you were pretty out of it.

Ashley: Well, if that's all there is, then why are you looking at me like I'm from another planet? (Telephone rings) (ring)

Brad: Hello.

John: Brad, its John. The reason I'm calling is--

Brad: Not to worry. Everything's under control here. Did J.T. Find, uh, Colleen at the gala?

John: No, she never showed up.

Brad: What, you didn't meet her at Gina’s?

John: No, Colleen did not meet me. Look, Bradley, the reason I'm calling is there's been a fire at the restaurant. You should come over here as soon as you can.

Brad: What are you-- what are you telling me?

John: Just get down here as soon as possible, please.

Jack: What was that? What did Dad want?

Brad: Um, I have to go. Can you just watch Ash?

Jack: Yeah, I'll watch her. What is this about? What...


Victoria: No, I did not learn anything from or about Michael. Except that he does have a warmer side that I didn't know about.

Nick: And that's supposed to help me figure out what he and dad have been up to?

Victoria: Maybe not, but... he made me laugh. I was feeling a little down.

Nick: About what?

Victoria: Damon. I wanted to come to the gala with him, and Michael knew it. And he wasn't childish about it. He completely understood. He was a gentleman.

Nick: So warm and sweet and funny-- he's also a lying cheater.

Victoria: You have no solid evidence of that.

Nick: I'm getting close.

Victoria: I have an idea. How about we just forget about this, all right? I mean, we all have enough on our plates.

Nick: I can't do that. I have to know what happened, especially if it impacts other people's lives.

Victoria: You're talking about Ashley.

Nick: Yes, Vick, I'm talking about Ashley for starters. I'm going to be running this company some day, and you're going to have a big role in that. Don't you want to know what kind of company we're getting? Don't you want to know if some of the stories we've heard about Dad over the years are true-- that he's ruthless, that he destroys people's lives and doesn't care about them?

Victoria: Powerful people always have their detractors.

Nick: What if some of the stories are true? Doesn't that matter at all to you? Because it sure as hell matters to me. And I have to be able to look my children in the eye, let alone myself.


Damon: I will be damned.

Michael: You probably will be. But you still haven't answered my question.

Damon: I never would have expected this from you. I was pretty much under the impression that you were a workaholic. But now I suppose a woman can change a fella, can't she?

Michael: In that case, you must be morphing daily.

Damon: (Laughs) well, let's just say I have an appreciation for what the ancients would call the, uh... the sacred feminine.

Michael: You mean, you like women.

Damon: I'm just a fella who feels more able to connect with women than with men. That's all. I have several close female friends and... look, Victoria’s an extraordinary young woman. I am very pleased to have her in my life.

Michael: Yeah, I get it. You like women. You connect with them. You appreciate Victoria, but you're not really in love with her.

Damon: Oh, well, now would you like to hear my theories on love?

Michael: Gosh, I'd love to, but it's a bit late in the day for me. I'm sorry to bother you.

Damon: No bother, counselor. In fact, I believe I've learned something quite interesting about you.

Michael: My goodness, what?

Damon: Well, a great many people contend that you're nothing but a snake, a man only out for himself, regardless of who he steps on. But under that villainous exterior, I suspect there's a real human heart beating.

Michael: That's a back-handed compliment if I've ever heard one. Good night, Mr. Porter.


Ashley: What do you think that was all about?

Jack: What, Brad taking off like a bat out of hell?

Ashley: Obviously something's going on with Colleen.

Jack: I'm guessing she never showed up at the gala.

Ashley: Well, I hope everything's okay.

Jack: Hey, hey, whatever the problem is, your husband can take care of it. I don't want you worrying about it.

Ashley: Why are you being so protective?

Jack: I'm not being protective.

Ashley: You and Brad were acting very weird when I was asking you about the gala.

Jack: It was a pretty weird night, all in all.

Ashley: Because you were at the ranch with Victor? You two didn't get into it, did you?

Jack: No. No.

Ashley: Please talk to me. Tell me what happened, because it's quite obvious that something did.


Victor: I don't think you answered my question, though.

Phyllis: Oh, I thought I did.

Victor: No, what I think you said is that if I had done something questionable you would understand.

Phyllis: I would understand.

Victor: In other words, you think I'm guilty as charged.

Phyllis: You didn't make Ashley get into that car.

Phyllis: I know there are people who think your actions caused her to get into the car, but are you responsible? I mean, in a court of law, would you be blamed?

Victor: I'm really not interested in how lawyers would interpret this case. I'm interested in what people feel in their hearts and minds.

Phyllis: Sometimes there's a certain price you have to pay for a no-holds-barred approach.

Victor: Yeah.

Victor: Unfortunately, there's always a price you pay in business. You always win at the expense of someone else.

Phyllis: It's really not that easy now, is it?

Victor: Unh-unh.

Phyllis: Well, I could tell that something's weighing on you. And... I think now it depends on who the competition is.

Victor: Meaning what?

Phyllis: In my experience, I have done things, which, in retrospect, were wrong...

Phyllis: And cause a lot of people pain.

Victor: Yeah. You think that applies to me?

Phyllis: I think that in business, you're King Midas. Everything you touch turns to gold. Overkill isn't necessary for a man like you.

Phyllis: But then, who-- who the hell am I to give people advice?

Phyllis: It was a lovely party. I'm sorry it ended tragically, but it was lovely. I'll see you at work tomorrow. Thank you.

Victor: Good night, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Good night.

Victor: Phyllis?

Victor: Thank you for sitting down with me. I appreciate it. Good night.

Phyllis: Good night.


Victoria: So this is a moral issue.

Nick: Of course. What'd you think it was?

Victoria: I don't know, maybe a vendetta against Dad.

Nick: It could be, depends on what we find out.

Victoria: We?

Nick: Lauren Fenmore thinks your little boyfriend was about to offer her a bribe before she kicked him out of her store.

Victoria: Yeah, right. But that was just a feeling she had. He didn't actually say the words.

Nick: Okay. So what if she's just one name on the list? What if Baldwin went to some other people who didn't feel the same loyalty to Jabot, like, say, this person he was screaming at on the phone the other day-- somebody he had an arrangement with, an understanding?

Victoria: All right. Nicholas, believe me, if Michael did something like this, and I'm not saying that he did, he would have covered his tracks extremely well. No one will ever find out.

Nick: So you're saying we shouldn't even try?

Victoria: There's that "we" again. I'm not sure I understand what this "we" means. I mean, what do you suggest we do?

Nick: We figure it out. We put our heads together and we figure it out. Look, Baldwin has screwed up before. Where do you think he got this reputation as being a snake from? What if there's a trail out there just waiting for us to find it? We will never know unless we look. Look, are you with me or not? Victoria, that's your name on that company, too-- yours and mine. Don't you think we at least owe it to ourselves to try? Come on, let's do this, you and me. We do it together.


Jack: What makes you think something happened at the gala?

Ashley: Jack.

Jack: Look, everyone had a great time. Everyone, except maybe Drucilla.

Ashley: Why, what was the problem?

Jack: She and Phyllis showed up in the same dress.

Ashley: Oh, no. Oh, my gosh. I would've paid money to see that.

Jack: Yeah, Phyllis was fit to be tied. Drucilla handled it worse than she did.

Ashley: It couldn't have been easy for you and Dad, being in Victor's home.

Jack: Yeah, it was a little strange.

Ashley: You're staring again.

Jack: Okay, sorry.

Ashley: Look, Jack, what is it? Are you worried about something? Or is it what I first--

Jack: Yeah. Yeah. We can talk about this in the morning. You look tired.

Ashley: Why do you keep dancing around my questions, Jack?

Jack: Hey. Hey. Hey.

Ashley: Don't "hey" me. You're starting to bug me. Now I can call Drucilla or whomever else I want in the morning and find out.

Jack: There is no story. There's nothing to tell.

Ashley: You are lying through your teeth.

Jack: Come on, go upstairs. Get some sleep.

Ashley: Fine. I'll go upstairs, but I'm not going to sleep, because I'm not tired, okay?

Jack: Good night.

Ashley: Well...

Jack: Well, what?

Ashley: You can go home now, Jack.

Jack: No, I'm going to stick around for awhile.

Ashley: Why?

Jack: Because I told Brad I would.

Ashley: It's not necessary.

Jack: Look, I'm just concerned about Colleen. As soon as junior gets home, I'll leave.

Ashley: What the hell is going on with you?

Jack: Ash.

Ashley: Look, Jack, you won't leave, and yet you won't be straight with me.

Jack: So just chalk it up to my being naturally annoying.

Ashley: Okay, fine. I'm going to bed. Whatever.


Man: Set up over here, all right?

Brad: John, what's going on? Gina, J.T., Will somebody tell me what the hell's going on?

Gina: We don't know anything for sure.

Brad: What do you mean? What are you talking about?

Gina: They found Colleen's cell phone in my restaurant.

Brad: Colleen's cell phone? What about Colleen? Where's my daughter?

J.T.: That's just it, Mr. Carlton. We don't know.


Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Drucilla: He could've been a psychopath, a murderer.

Lily: Yeah, well, he wasn’t.

Neil: And you knew that how?


Kevin: I had a good day. Good things happened. I made them happen. You know how it feels. It feels good.

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