Y&R Transcript Friday 10/10/03

Y&R Transcript Friday 10/10/03--Canada; Monday 10/13/03--USA

By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Nick: All right, let's get back to our conversation.

Lauren: Look, Nicholas, I can't be sure that that's--

Nick: Lauren, don't change your story, okay? Now you were saying that Baldwin was trying to bribe you.

Lauren: All right. Well, let me just choose my words carefully here, 'cause I don't want to misrepresent anything. Michael was pushing for us to give more exposure to Safra's products. He was taking a "what can I do to make this work?" Kind of approach. I told him I wasn't gonna change anything. In fact, I pointed out that we were in Jabot's lobby, who happen to be partners in my boutique. It didn't seem to be a deal breaker for him. I told him he was being ridiculous and basically threw him out.

Nick: But he never actually offered you anything?

Lauren: No, but there's no doubt that's where he was headed.

Nick: I can't believe that. I mean, he must have known that you would tell everyone in town this.

Lauren: Actually, I haven’t. But I cannot imagine that your father would approve of him going around town bribing people. I actually think that Michael just, you know, overplayed his hand. He's never exactly been good at a soft sell. Hey.

Raul: What's up, Nick?

Nick: What's up, Raul?

Lauren: How ya doing?

Raul: I'm okay. Hey, how about that dance we talked about earlier?

Lauren: You mean, you're ready?

Raul: Yeah.

Lauren: Okay, good. Let's do it. Nicholas?

Nick: Yeah, I'm done. Thanks. Enjoy yourselves.

Nick: Bribery. That has to be it.


Sharon: The food is road kill?

Laird: I know. I'm as devastated as you are, dear lady. It was an accident. Apparently the van just rolled over. The thought of those poor canapés--oh.

Sharon: But now what... I have no food. I have all these hungry people. What am I gonna do? What in God's name am I gonna do?


Brad: I'm sure this isn't what they're serving at the gala tonight... Ash?

Brad: Ash?


Phyllis: Conversation here at the ranch, lots of fun. Blah, blah, blah, blah.

Damon: Yeah, well, I imagine that's what galas are all about, right?

Phyllis: Yeah. Yep. So I'm hungry. You hungry?

Damon: Oh, I could eat.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Really? How do you do that?

Damon: What's that?

Phyllis: Well, if I were here with Diane Jenkins, I wouldn't have an appetite. You know, food? Blah. Yuck.

Damon: You know, you need to lighten up. Nobody asking you to go out with the woman. You're here with Jack, right?

Phyllis: Uh-huh.

Damon: I assume that means things are looking up.

Phyllis: Yes, things are looking up. They are, thanks to your advice. Thank you. I really value our friendship, Damon.

Damon: As do I. (Champagne cork pops)

Phyllis: Then I have to ask you, why are you here with Diane Jenkins?


Michael: That Damon Porter guy really gets around, don't he?

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Michael: Is there anything I can do to help move the night along?

Victoria: I don't think so.

Michael: I could pray the morning comes early. Look, why don't we get supremely sloppy, crocked-to-the-gills, hammered drunk? Yes. There's a lamp shade I saw in the living room that would look great on me. You could sing depressing love songs, and I could play piano, wearing my lamp shade.

Victoria: Me sing?

Michael: Yeah.

Victoria: I'd have to be drunk.

Michael: See? A little laughter. I'm liking that.

Victoria: You're disappointing me, Michael. You're supposed to be a real creep.

Michael: Yeah, well, I try, but somehow, I-- I can't help being sweet.

Victoria: Can I ask you a question?

Michael: Shoot.

Victoria: Do you dance?

Michael: Come on, look at this. Look at these moves. I'm a golden God of the dance, right?

Victoria: All right. Come on, golden God.

Michael: You got it. Come on, baby.


Kevin: (Grunting)

Colleen: Please, somebody, if you're out there, open the door, please. Help me, please. (Crying) I'm so cold. Please, don't leave me in here.

Kevin: I'm glad I won't have to listen to your whiny little voice again, because what goes around comes around. It's called karma, baby. (Cell phone rings) (ring) (ring)

Kevin: J.T., Mr. Tough guy. (Ring)

Kevin: If you're looking for your girlfriend, sport, don't waste your time, because she's indisposed.

J.T.: Hey, Col, it's me. I'm at the boutique. I'm waiting for you. I told you not to take a year to get ready. All right, well, call me as soon as you get this, okay?

J.T.: Damn. Where is she?


Bobby: Listen, uh, Brittany, if you're not having a good time, and you want to get outta here, we don't need to stay. I made my appearance, I bid on a few items. I'm good to ..

Brittany: No, I'm having a good time.

Bobby: All right. You sure seeing your ex-boyfriend moping around hasn't put you in a little bit of a funk?

Brittany: Bobby...

Bobby: Look, I think the guy's lame. He does nothing but bring you down. You need to brush him off. At this point in your life, you should be having a good time all the time.

Brittany: Thanks.

Bobby: So you want to get outta here?

Brittany: No.

Bobby: Okay. Want to get a drink?


Lauren: You're not gonna win any academy awards, you know?

Raul: For what?

Lauren: Acting like its okay not being here with Brittany. Anyone with eyes can see that it's killing you.

Raul: Are you finished?

Lauren: Yes.

Raul: I thought we were gonna go dance.

Lauren: Well, okay. Let's do it.


Neil: Lily... aren't you gonna eat something?

Lily: I told you, I'm not hungry.

Neil: Come on. Just eat a little bit.

Lily: Is this enough?

Neil: Sure. Whatever you want to eat. You know, Lily... I thought we could use this time, you know, to maybe talk a little bit more.

Lily: Why? What's the point? All you're gonna do is just get mad at me again.

Neil: I won’t. I promise.

Lily: That's what you always say, but you do anyway.

Neil: Look, kiddo, you have to understand something-- that when you sneak around with some older man that you just met on the internet, that upsets me. It's a lot harder to protect you when I don't know what's going on in your life.

Lily: But I don't need you to protect me.

Neil: I'm your father, and I'm going to, no matter what. There are a lot of things out there in the big world that you're not ready for, and it's my job as your daddy to protect you from them.

Lily: It's okay. You can't do everything.

Neil: No, I can't, but I can do more. And obviously, you're not getting something that you need right here at home. Otherwise, you wouldn't go searching for it somewhere else. And I'm sorry, Lily. I'm sorry if I let you down.


Brad: Frances, its Brad Carlton. Could you come over here right away and watch Abby? It's an emergency. Ash is missing.


J.T.: I wonder if she's still at Gina’s, talking to her granddad. Probably not, but I better check, just in case.

J.T.: Yeah. (Telephone rings) (ring)

J.T.: Oh, come on. Pick up. (Ring) (ring)

J.T.: Well, maybe we got our signals crossed, and I was supposed to meet her out at the Newman ranch.


Colleen: Anyone, please, are you out there? Can you hear me? Please. It's so cold.

Colleen: It's so cold.


>Brad: Frances thanks for coming. Abby's already asleep.

Frances: Any word from Mrs. Carlton?

Brad: No. She's not answering her cell.

Frances: Well, how long has she been missing?

Brad: I don't know, only five or ten minutes. I went into the kitchen, I came out, she was gone, one of the cars is gone. She must have driven somewhere.

Frances: Where will you start to look? Any ideas?

Brad: The only time she left the house that I know of was to go to Gina’s. Maybe she left something there and went to pick it up.

Frances: Did you call the restaurant?

Brad: Nobody's answering. Listen, Frances, I really want to get going.

Frances: Go, go.


Nick: Good, you're alone.

Victoria: What's so good about that?

Nick: Baldwin?

Victoria: Oh, come on. You know, he has a really nice, sweet side to him.

Nick: Victoria, this is way more important than you holding hands with some loser at this party, all right? I know what dad and Baldwin were up to. I know why Safra's sales were so high during the launch.

Victoria: You can't let this wait for a few more hours?

Nick: Victoria, Baldwin went to Lauren Fenmore and tried to influence her to give Safra better exposure on the shelves.

Victoria: All right, so it's an odd thing for a lawyer to do, but so what?

Nick: Lauren said he was about to bribe her.

Victoria: And what would make her think that? Did he actually offer her a bribe?

Nick: No, it was just a feeling she got, but I trust Lauren.

Victoria: Nicholas, you have nothing to base this on. Nothing.

Michael: Here you go.

Victoria: Oh, thank you.

Michael: What?

Nick: I'm on to you, Baldwin.

Michael: Okay. I wish you would prevail upon your brother to call me something else besides Baldwin. It's creeping me out a little.

Victoria: I'll try.

Michael: Guy really doesn't like me dancing with his sister, does he?

Victoria: No, I don't think so. But they really didn't keep that good an eye on me. But I definitely kept an eye on you.


Nikki: That was a long time ago.

Bobby: Yeah, well, I got to tell you, you still look--

Nikki: Mr. Marsino, you're inside my home. If you continue to talk about this, you will find yourself outside my home.

Bobby: Whoa, easy. I wasn't gonna make an announcement or anything.

Nikki: That's good to know.

Bobby: All right.

Nikki: Just the same...

Bobby: Well, it's a dead subject. But I got to tell you, you still look damn hot. Nice party. Thanks for having me.


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