Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/7/03--Canada; Wednesday 10/8/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma
(Telephone rings) (ring) (ring)
Damon: Hey, darling. It's me.
Damon: Oh, really? Well, I'm just hoping you feel the same way once we hang up.
Damon: I've been giving your invitation a great deal of thought.
Damon: No, no, hang on. I never promised I'd be your date to this gala, now did I?
Damon: You know, it just doesn't seem like that much of a wise idea to me, Victoria.
Damon: I didn't say I wouldn't be there, all right?
Damon: Regardless of your father's tactics, I'm still not one to walk into a man's house in flagrant disregard of his wishes. There's always respect. You understand?
Damon: I'm sorry.
Nick: What'd dad do now?
Nick: Sorry. I would've rang, but you were on the phone.
I just overheard
Michael: Connie says you're on the warpath.
Victor: Come in and close the door. Now open it.
Victor: And close it again. Now how difficult was it, closing that door?
Michael: You're making an obscure point.
Victor: There's nothing obscure about making sure that you have privacy when you conduct business of a delicate nature. I don't have to explain that to you, Mr. Baldwin. Confidentiality is your bread and butter.
Michael: But you are explaining it because...
Victor: My son overheard a conversation that he shouldn't have overheard. And because of that, he is more suspicious of me than ever.
Lily: Nothing has changed with my parents, Kevin. They still hassle me all the time.
Kevin: Then why the sudden urge for me to meet them?
Lily: I told you. I'm just tired of all this secrecy.
Kevin: Baby, listen to me. If I meet your mom and dad, there's gonna be no more reason for any secrecy. As soon as they see how old I am, they're gonna forbid you to see me, ever.
Lily: I won't let them do that.
Kevin: Okay, but you're not 18 yet, and until you are, as unfair as it is, you got to play by your parents' rules. You have no say in the matter. None. So stop telling me that we all need to get together and make nice, because I am doing you a favor by saying no.
Lily: Yeah, but, Kevin--
Kevin: Damn it, I said no. That's it. This is the end of the conversation, okay?
Dru: So you're telling me Lily wasn't in school today?
Colleen: Look, this isn't easy for us, Mrs. Winters, coming to you like this.
Neil: Colleen, do you know where she is?
Sierra: Sort of.
Colleen: We're not 100% sure.
Sierra: Yeah, I mean, she could be just goofing off downtown somewhere.
Colleen: But, um, we're pretty sure we know who she's with.
Neil: You mean, another girl ditched school, too?
Sierra: Not a girl.
Dru: Then who?
Colleen: Kevin Fisher. The guy she met on the internet.
Dru: Whoa! I thought those two broke up.
Neil: Yeah.
Colleen: Unfortunately not.
Sierra: This guy's a real cre..
Colleen: Look, we have tried to tell her that he is bad news, but she won't listen to us anymore.
Sierra: He's the most important thing in her life now.
Colleen: Listen, she is really hung up on Kevin.
Sierra: That's why we're telling you. Maybe you can stop her before it's too late.
Dru: Too...
Neil: Too late? What do you mean?
Colleen: We think Lily is in over her head. Way over.
Phyllis: Okay, so, um, you know how to handle this, right?
Gina: You actually think we can make this happen?
Phyllis: Yeah, well, I have to make this happen.
Gina: Why?
Phyllis: Because if I don't, I'm gonna be eating a lot of crow.
Gina: Well, I think that's something you're very familiar with.
Phyllis: Anyway, I spent a lot of money on my dress, and I don't intend to be twiddling my fingers tonight.
Gina: Well, then why don't you go alone?
Phyllis: Excuse--excuse me? Unacceptable. Unacceptable. Absolutely not. Listen, Gina, you want to go to the gala. I know you do. Right? Now let's call a spade a spade here. We don't like each other, but if we work together and if we play our cards right, we're both gonna get what we want, you understand? So are you in? All right. Good. So--oh, there they are. There they are, okay? Show time. Show time.
Gina: Just--just stay...
Phyllis: Show time. Show time. Yeah.
Gina: Hi, you two.
Jack: Gina. What is with all the urgency? You wanted to see dad and me?
John: Yeah, your phone call sounded so serious.
Gina: Well, it is. It--it is very important.
Jack: And Phyllis is here, too. What are you doing over there, honey?
Phyllis: Well, I'm-- I'm here to see you, lover. And, um, I'm here to see you, too, John.
John: All right come on, what is it?
Diane: Genius at work?
Damon: Hey. What's happening?
Diane: I'm here to get your wish list. You know, I'm overseeing some of the renovations around here.
Damon: I, um, I wasn't aware that included the lab.
Diane: Well, it could use a little updating, don't you think?
Damon: No. Not the least little bit.
Diane: Really?
Damon: The equipment's state of the art. There's lots of storage space, safe working conditions. It's easy to clean up.
Diane: Yeah, but what I mean is I think you could kind--
Damon: We are not in danger of being on the cover of any interior design magazines, are we?
Diane: And that doesn't bother you? Working in cosmetics, a field that's all about looks, beauty, aesthetics?
Damon: Up in the public areas, the executive suites, I imagine that's a legitimate concern, sure.
Diane: But not down here, where it all happens? I mean, you honestly couldn't use a little, I don't know... inspiration?
Damon: Of course I could. I'm looking at it.
Michael: You're right. It was careless of me to take that phone call without closing the door.
Victor: You're not gonna defend yourself and make excuses?
Michael: It's not beyond me to make a sincere mea culpa when it's due and move on from there.
Victor: Do you think that's gonna appease me, or what?
Michael: Look, what do you want from me, Victor, blood? I made a mistake. It won't happen again.
Michael: I was here earlier waiting for you. Then a call from Pete Hudson came through.
Victor: What the hell did he want?
Michael: More money, if you can believe that.
Victor: What'd you tell him?
Michael: I told him that well had run dry and that any attempts at extortion would be met swiftly and very, very unpleasantly.
Michael: Look, Victor, the fact is that Nicholas didn't hear anything. He's determined to see what he wants to see. His indictment of you is based on little or no evidence.
Victor: I'll deal with my son. You better not let this happen again.
Michael: I know, I know. I won’t. Now shall we move on to further matters? The reason I was waiting for you earlier, cooling my heels here, is because you had asked me to grace you with my presence.
Victor: I wanted an update on that situation involving that chemist... and Jabot and my daughter.
Michael: Damon Porter. There's nothing new to report.
Victor: You wouldn't be shining me on, now would you?
Michael: I don't think that would be very wise, do you?
Victor: What means are you using to monitor the situation?
Michael: Trust me when I tell you I am giving this matter my personal attention.
Victor: I don't trust you as far as I can throw you. (Laughs)
Michael: Yes.
Michael: Yet another reason why we understand each other so well.
Victor: Sometimes you make me laugh, Michael Baldwin.
Michael: It's a gift.
Victor: I told my daughter in no uncertain terms that I don't want her to show up to the gala on the arm of that Porter fellow.
Michael: And what was her response?
Victor: I fully expect her to defy me.
Michael: She's not the kind of woman who would go stag to an event like that.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Can you think of an alternative?
Michael: As a matter of fact, I can. Though I'm quite sure you won't like it.
So of course, I only got
Nick: I'm way more suspicious now.
Nick: Don't you?
Nick: Why are we tiptoeing around this? This isn't about you, and this isn't about your staff or the job you did. This is about whether Safra's success had anything to do with dad's interference.
Nick: I need you to put all that aside and focus on what's happened and what's probably going to continue happening unless we stop it.
Nick: You should have heard him on the phone, talking down whoever that was.
Nick: They were talking about Safra, all right? And some deal they made under the table. Look, it all makes sense.
Nick: Who else do you think it could have been?
Nick: What more proof do you need that something shady went down?
Nick: No, we shouldn’t. So are you with me about getting to the truth?
Nick: Sis, there have been times...
Nick: I need your word that you're not gonna chicken out on me, start getting all sentimental about dad and family loyalty. Something's not right here, and it hasn't been right. If there was ever any question about that before, there shouldn't be now, because there isn't in my mind. Owd buzzes ]
Dru: Okay, girls, we thought that they broke up, you know.
Colleen: Yeah, they did for awhile. Then they got back together.
Neil: So the way you're talking, you've already met this kid Kevin.
Colleen: Yes. Actually, a few times. And like Sierra said, he's really weird.
Sierra: Yeah, but whatever he's told Lily, she obviously believes him.
Neil: What exactly is it about Kevin that you don't like?
Dru: Yeah.
Colleen: Well, we don't trust him first of all. And he's a lot older.
Sierra: At least in his 20s.
Dru: Whoa. Did you say 20s? 20s?
Neil: 20? Um... how much time is she spending with him?
Sierra: Every chance she gets.
Colleen: She wanted us to cover for her again today.
Sierra: That's why we didn't tell you when you came looking for her after school.
Colleen: But we got to thinking about it, and we realized we couldn't keep it from you any longer.
Dru: Do you think she's with Kevin right now?
Colleen: Well, we can't swear to it, but we're pretty sure, yes.
Neil: So where would they be?
Dru: Colleen. Sierra, do you know?
Sierra: At Kevin’s apartment, probably.
Dru: Oh, my god!
Neil: His apartment.
Dru: Has she been there before?
Neil: The truth, girls.
Colleen: Um, yes, sir. We think kind of a lot.
Neil: Mm-hmm. And where is it? Where is Kevin’s apartment?
Sierra: Lily's gonna kill us, col.
Dru: Never mind that.
Neil: I want to know where his apartment is right now!
Colleen: The brewery building.
Neil: What number?
Dru: Colleen, if you know, tell us. Tell us.
Colleen: 466.
Neil: I'll be back.
Dru: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Lily: I didn't mean to upset you.
Kevin: Who's upset? I was just making a point.
Lily: Fine. Forget it.
Kevin: Hey, you're the one who told me all these horror stories about your parents.
Lily: Yeah, but they're not monsters, Kevin.
Kevin: But they still treat you like you're a kid, right?
Lily: Well, maybe it's partly my fault, for sneaking around behind their backs and lying to them all the time.
Kevin: Lily, how many times have you told me that they don't understand you? That they don't really care about what's important to you?
Lily: Well, that's sure the way it feels sometimes.
Because that's the way it is. Look at the way your mom dragged you here from
Yeah, but if I hadn't have come back to
Kevin: So let's not mess this up, okay? We have a really good thing going here.
Lil I I know we do, but sometimes--
Kevin: No buts. No buts.
Kevin: I'm the only one who understands you. You said that, right?
Lily: Yeah.
Kevin: So why would you want me to have anything to do with your parents? You don't want to be part of that trip, do you?
Victor: Now why would you offer a solution you know I won't like?
Because it's still preferable to watching your daughter hanging off Damon
Porter's arm all evening. I will ask
Victor: Your date?
Michael: Purely as a means of keeping her away from Mr. Undesirable.
Victor: Now why the hell do you think she'll say yes?
Michael: Does that mean I have your permission to ask her?
Victor: I seriously doubt she'll go along with it.
Michael: But if she does, will you remain the calm, compassionate person I know you to be when we come in through the door?
Victor: In case she does, Mr. Baldwin, and I seriously doubt it, do not entertain the thought of asking her another night.
Michael: I'm not entertaining anything, Victor.
Victor: Good.
Michael: See ya at
the hootenanny.
Lily: Yeah, maybe you're right.
Kevin: Of course I'm right.
Lily: It's just so sad, you know? 'Cause, like, there was a time when my mom and I... we were best friends. And my dad... I used to worship him when I was a kid.
Kevin: You can't stay a little girl forever, Lily.
Lily: I know. Why'd everything have to get so messed up?
Kevin: Because your parents are being so selfish right now. They're getting remarried, even though they know that you're against it, and they know that it's going to upset you.
Lily: Yeah. All they'll do is just start fighting again, the same way they did the first time they were married. I just can't handle it again, you know? I just... I can’t.
Kevin: Maybe you won't have to.
Lily: What do you mean?
Kevin: I need you to believe in me. Trust me that I know what's best for you. Because I am the guy who's gonna take you away from all of this craziness.
Lily: You are?
Kevin: Mm-hmm. (Knock on door)
Neil: Lily! Lily, I know you're in there. Open up.
Lily: Oh, my God. That's my dad.
Kevin: Okay. There's a fire escape off the bedroom. Go out that way. Don't make any noise. (Knock on door)
Neil: Come on. Open the door. (Knock on door)
Neil: Open the door!
Phyllis: (Laughs) you guys.
Gina: So tell me what you think of the dessert.
Jack: What do we think? We think this is all a big ruse. We think you called us here for something other than testing desserts.
Phyllis: W-what? Oh, come on. You know that Gina here needs the consumer opinion before she puts something on the menu.
Jack: Fess up, sweetheart. What's going on here?
Phyllis: Oh... we want to go to the gala tonight.
Jack: Count me out.
Phyllis: Oh...
John: Me too.
Gina: Okay, all right. Wait a minute, both of you. Both of you, please.
Jack: You want to go? Fine, go.
John: We do not want anything to do with it.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. I can't believe you're reacting this way.
John: Oh, and I can't believe that you would suggest that anyone in our family
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