Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/1/03--Canada; Thursday 10/2/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Brittany: You know?
Frederick: Yes, we know.
Ata: Frederick, please.
Frederick: Look, I'm trying to be as calm as I know how, anita. I'm in rather unfamiliar territory here.
Brittany: Oh, dad, you're not any place you don't want to be.
Frederick: What the heck is that supposed to mean?
Brittany: It means, this is my life, not yours. If you want to have an opinion about it or an attitude about it, that's up to you. But you do have the option of just not.
Frederick: Listen to her. Five minutes out of the nest and it's already, "hey, mom and dad, it's none of your damn business."
Brittany: I don't expect you to understd.D.
Frederick: Understand? Honey, you're working as a stripper. You're taking your clothes off in public.
Brittany: Who told you?
Frederick: What difference does that make?
Anita: Look, honey, I'm sure you understand it came as quite a shock.
Brittany: What I really am... I'm a singer. Believe it or not, I'm really good. Yeah, at the end of my routine, I have to show a little skin.
Frederick: A little skin? You act as if it's just your elbow you're waving around up there on that stage.
Brittany: How do you know so much about my routine, dad? Did somebody tell you? Is that how you found out?
Victor: Oh, this is a surprise.
Phyllis: Yes. Sorry to have bothered you.
Victor: What's all that?
Phyllis: It's, um... uh, I'll show you. May I come in?
Victor: Yes, you may.
Phyllis: Great. I made some color mock-ups of some links that I want to connect to the web site. And here in each envelope here, I have a, um, well, a cd so you can ewew it in action. And--and I thought it would be a good idea if we could just pop it into your computer right now.
Victor: Do me a favor. Just bring all that to my office tomorrow morning. We'll take at it then.
Phyllis: Okay. All right, that's fine. Good. Good. I'm sorry to have bothered you.
Victor: Oh, you haven't bothered me at all. It's just that we'll have more time tomorrow morning.
Phyllis: Exactly. Good. I'm--I'm sorry. I'll be going.
Victor: Are you all right?
Phyllis: I'm fine.
Victor: I don't think you're fine at all. What's the matter?
Phyllis: I don't really want to dwell on it.
Victor: Let me guess. You're at loose ends, and you're feeling quite alone. Am I getting warm?
Nikki: Oh, good. You're still here.
Jack: Yeah? What's so good about it?
Nikki: I know it's late. I'm sorry. I'm glad I caught you.
Jack: Yeah, I don't have a lot to rush home to these days. What's with you? You seem a little upset.
Nikki: I am upset. Jack, my whole life is a train wreck.
Jack: Oh, come on. It isn't that bad, is it?
Nikki: Right on the verge, yeah.
Jack: Sit down. What happened?
Nikki: You'll never guess.
Jack: Uh... junior found your husband and rearranged his mustache.
Nikki: Oh, jack, no. I wish that's all it were.
Jack: This does have to do with victor, right?
Nikki: I think it's possible that that little witch sharon--
Jack: Wait a minute. Sharon and victor?
Nikki: No. No. Although in a way, this is worse.
Jack: Nikki, what happened?
Nikki: It's possible that sharon knows the truth about abby-- that victor is her father.
Dru: (Humming) that's what I'm talking about. (Knock on door)
Dru: Be right there.
Dru: Sharon, what a surprise.
Sharon: Hi. You mind if I come in?
Dru: Not at all. You want something to drink?
Sharon: No, thank you. I hope that this is a good time, because I really need to talk to you. It's important.
Dru: What is this about?
Sharon: Look, lies are a really horrible thing. The people who are surrounded by them always end up getting hurt. You know what I mean?
Dru: Yeah. It's a little cryptic. What lies are we talking about here?
Sharon: A lie that you know about and a lot of other people, too, except for the person who it mostly affects.
Dru: Again, sroron, what lies are we talking about?
Sharon: Ashley and brad's baby abby. Is victor her biological father? Good afternoon. Here's some of the stories we're working on for global news at six.It's a halloween holdout. An edmonton area woman launches a plan for people who want to opt out of the big night. We'll have the details.A battle over a bridge is over for an edmonton family who wanted it named in honour of a soldier killed in afghanistan. And hockey fans are getting the chance to honour a retired edmonton oiler who's about to become a sports hall of famer.
Ov ,'j Hit the books insteaof the high notes! Tomorrow corrine mcnally talks about a fundraising event for th
Ashley: I thought I heard someone.
Brad: Hi. Where's abby?
Ashley: I just put her down for the night.
Brad: Already? I didn't even realize how late it was.
Ashley: Where have you been?
Brad: I told you I had some things I needed to take care of.
Ashley: Things?
Brad: How are you feeling?
Ashley: I feel fine. I had dinner at gina's tonight.
Brad: Alone?
Ashley: Yeah, I just wanted to get out of the house.
Brad: Ash, you shouldn't be running around town by yourself.
Ashley: I wasn't running around. I drove over there, and then I came right back.
Brad: I would've taken you.
Ashley: I didn't know what time you were gonna be back home, and the way you tore out of here-- as if I didn't have enough on my mind without worrying about you.
Dru: Victor--abby's father, where did you get a cockamamie idea like that?
Sharon: I don't think it's so cockamamie.
Dru: Hmm, I bet you're under a tremendous amount of pressure planning that gala. Have you been smoking somethin to relax? Honey, I understand.
Sharon: Uh, no. In fact, I overheard nikki and brad talking. They didn't know that I was there.
Dru: So you overheard something. That doesn't mean it's gospel. I don't understand why you're coming to me with it.
Sharon: Because it was so incredible. I had to be sure of my ground.
Dru: Why?
Sharon: Because I have to know if it's true.
Dru: I still fail to see why you think I could shed some light on the matter.
Sharon: Your name came up in their conversation.
Dru: My name came up? Wow, you really did overhear quite a bit.
Sharon: Yeah. And if you're just gonna stonewall me on this, I can go straight to ashley.
Dru: No, sharon. I actually would like to hear what you overheard.
Sharon: Fine, nikki and brad were talking, like I said. Nikki was very upset. It all had to do with victor being the father of ashley's little girl. Only he doesn't know that, and nikki doesn't want him to find out.
Dru: That's nikki's business. What does this have to do with me?
Sharon: Because apparently you're one of the few people who have this information, unlike the father, who's completely in the dark, and that is not right, drucia.A. Surely you see that.
Jack: Sharon? How the blazes would she find out?
Nikki: She told me she started to walk in when I was talking to brad earlier.
Jack: About abby? Oh, god, nik.
Nikki: Jack, I was in my own living room. I thought I had privacy. I don't know what sharon overheard, if she did.
Jack: Yeah, but you think she overheard something.
Nikki: Well, yeah. The way that she's been acting lately, yes.
Jack: What do you mean? How's she been acting?
Nikki: Oh, she's very cat and mouse and playing games and lording things over me more than usual.
Jack: If she knows, if she overheard--
Nikki: She's a loose cannon, who just happens to despise me. I mean, this is gonna give her so much leverage, and that's if she decides to keep her mouth shut and not go to victor right away.
Jack: Only if she knows he's still in the dark.
Nikki: Look, if she was standing there eavesdropping for any amount of time, she knows!
Jack: So you think if victor finds out, it's gonna be the end of your marriage. It sounds like you trust him about as much as I do.
Nikki: That's not it.
Jack: Okay. Okay. Okay. Okokay. Have you asked sharon if she overheard anything?
Nikki: If, yes. Not what exactly. If she didn't know, I didn't want to spill anything.
Jack: Okay, it's quite possible she's just yanking your chain, nik. You could be getting all whipped up about nothing.
Nikki: Oh, I wish I thought that were ueue.
Jack: Boy, it sounds like she did a hell of a number on you.
Nikki: Look, she's been insufferable about this gala. But today she really pushed the limits of rudeness, and for sharon, that's saying a lot. I mean, it's like-- it's like she was daring me to cross her so she would have a reason to spill the beans. Although knowing sharon, she will just bide her time and wait for the moment when I'll be hurt the most.
Jack: Because victor will realize you knew he was abby's natural father and never clued him in.
Nikki: The day that hapnsns there will be hell to pay. And damn it, if sharon has her way, I'm gonna be the one paying. @
Victor: What have you and jack been separated for, a few days? I'm sure you'll start missing him.
Phyllis: He's made his bed.
Victor: Well, that doesn't mean that he doesn't want you in it.
Phyllis: Oh. Well, I wonder about that-- what, with the lovely, lovely diane jenkins by his side.
Victor: That must be very upsetting to you, she of all people.
Phyllis: It absolutely galls me that jack would go to diane to bail his company out.
Victor: I ran into her at the athletic club.
P phyllis: Oh, you did. What a thrill for you.
Victor: I told her that she was wasting her money.
Phyllis: Do you believe that?
Victor: I think jabot's in such deep water that diane jenkins' money is not gonna be of much help.
Phyllis: Did she listen to you?
Victor: She was unfazed.
Phyllis: Of course she was unfazed, because it's not about the money. It's about getting near my husband, you see? And he's opened the door, and he's let her in. And where am I? I'm in a hotel room.
Victor: Why don't you go back?
Phyllis: I'm not going back. I n'n't go back.
Victor: Why not?
Phyllis: Because I can'T.
Phyllis: Victor, I can't go back there. You don't understand. It is so ugly at that house. They're all blaming you for ashley's accident, and I don't agree with that. I think it's unfair.
Victor: So you're caught in the crossfire.
Phyllis: Yeah. He doesn't understand how i could continue to work for you-- victor newman, the source of all evil.
Victor: I'm sorry that this has all caused you a lot of trouble.
Phyllis: It's not your fault. I knew there would be problems when I chose to coininue working for newman enterprises.
Phyllis: I just thought that jack and I could survive it.
Victor: Can I tell you something? You're not gonna survive it if you've already decided to move out and move into a hotel room. (Knock on door)
Raul: Lauren, hey.
Lauren: Hi. Is this a bad time?
Raul: No, not at all. Come in.
Lauren: Okay.
Raul: I was just catching up on some studying. Believe me, I could use a break.
Lauren: Well, how's the semester going?
Raul: Good, I think. I won't know for sure until I get back some papers.
Lauren: You'll ace it as always.
Raul: Can I get you something to drink, water or juice or anything?
Lauren: Yeah, whatever's easy.
Lauren: So where's brittany?
Raul: I couldn't tell you, probably her work. You want some ice? It's still cold.
Lauren: No. No, that's okay. You okay?
Raul: Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Listen, I hope it's okay that I took a couple days off from the boutie.E. I have been swamped with homework.
Lauren: Actually, I thought you were avoiding me.
Raul: Why would I?
Lauren: Because of what happened the other night.
Raul: When we kissed?
Frederick: Thank you.
Anita: Honey, as your father said, how we found out about this job of yours is hardly the point.
Brittany: I want to know.
Frederick: Fine. I was there.
Brittany: You were there?
Frederick: Yeah. I had some business associates and they wanted to go to a gentlemen's club. I'm not ashamed that we went, but I am ashamed of what we saw there.
Brittany: Did your associates know that-- did they know who I was?
Frederick: No. No, we left.
Brittany: Oh, my god. Was that did bobby and angelo have to throw you out of there?
Frederick: Yeah. There was a bit of a scene.
Brittany: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
Anita: Honey, have you seriously considered what this means for you in your life?
Brittany: My life? Oh, come on. It's not me you're worried about. It's yourselves-- what people athe country club are gonna say.
Anita: That is not fair.
Brittany: Guess what, mom, we get a lot of people from the club down at marsino'S. You'd be surprised who shows up to see the girls take it all off.
Anita: You're starting to sound very coarse, brittany.
Brittany: It's the company I keep.
Frederick: Listen, sweetie, we're just not certain that you realize how having this as part of your history could limit your options in the future.
Brittany: You mean like running for office? Hey, in california I could.
Frederick: I fail to see the humor, I really do.
Anita: Sweetie, what your father is trying to say... what he means is--
Brittany: I know what he means, mom. This is gonna be a black mark on my record. Well, you wanna know something? I really don't care, because bobby marsino is giving me a chance to sing in front of an audience. That is experience that you can't buy.
Frederick: But if you don't think you're paying for it, brittany, and paying very dearly--
Brittany: I'm exotic dancing for it. Dad, people have done a lot worse than that to get up the ladder.
Frederick: That makes it okay.
Brittany: It is what it is.
Anita: Tell me something. Does raul share your opinion that stripping is no big deal, it's just another way to get ahead in life?
Brittany: Mom, that is none of your business.
Anita: It's why he broke up with you. I'm right, aren't I? Esor trash?
Jack: Nikki, listen to me. Calm down. Nothing has happened.
Nikki: Maybe not yet.
Jack: Nikki--
Nikkiyou know, sharon is the last person on earth I'd want to have this information. But if she does, and she thinks she can destroy my marriage with it, she will do it, jack. To hell with ashley, to hell with ashley's little girl, she will use this as a weapon.
Jack: Listen to me.
Nikki: She doesn't care!
Jack: Calm down, just calm down.
Nik: : I can't help it! If that little witch decides to use this against me--
Jack: I keep hearing "if" and "maybe" and "what if" without any proof at all. Can I offer a little advice here?
Nikki: Please.
Jack: You are gonna drive yourself nuts trying to figure out what she knows. Go to her, confront her, find out for certain. Then figure out a way to keep her mouth shut.
Nikki: Oh, gee, that's easy. Why didn't I think of that?
Jack: I know you're upset. I understand why--
Nikki: Well, then you should understand the predicament that I'm in. How do iind out what she knows without giving her more information?
Jack: There are tactics. You're a bright lady. You know how to go about this.
Nikki: Oh, jack.
Jack: Find out what you're up against. Then move.
Nikki: All right. I know you're trying to help me. I can't talk about this anymore. I'll see you in the morning.
Dru: I see trouble, sharon. Yeah, you putting bits and pieces of a story together, purely speculation, dear.
Sharon: Oh, no. I think it's more than that.
Dru: Oh, yes. Yes, hiding behind doors, eavesdropping, certainly not the basis for a federal case.
Sharon: So you're not gonna answer my question.
Dru: No, I'm not gonna answer your question, because there's nothing to tell you. I have no information for you.
Sharon: I think you do. I think you're lying, because you don't want to tell me.
Dru: Whoa, are you calling me a liar in my own home? I'm gonna have to invite you to go back to your ranch and talk to your mother-in-law to get confirmation.
Sroron: That witch wouldn't tell me anything. She hates my guts.
Dru: Well, is that what this is all about, holding something over nikki's head, leverage?
Sharon: You know, you're not denying anything. I think I'm wasting my time here. I'm just gonna go straight to victor.
Dru: Oh, I don't think so.
Brad: I'm sorry if I worried you. I'm sorry about a lot of things, what I said to you earlier <
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