Monday Y&R Transcript 9/29/03

Y&R Transcript Monday 9/29/03--Canada; Tuesday 9/30/03--USA

By Eric

Paul: Sick obsession? Did I really hear you say that? I'm telling you about a woman I love more than life itself, a woman I did something terrible to. I want to know why. What is there in me, todd, that made me do it? So just answer a question for me, will you? How do you get from there to some crazy idea about a sick obsession?

Todd: You and christine have walked an incredible path. I'm not questioning thlolove you have for one another, but sometimes love can become unhealthy.

Paul: And you think that's what's happening with me?

Todd: Not just you, but with christine, too.

Paul: Oh, hold on a minute here. You can say whatever you want about me, you know? That's fine. You may even have a point, but you leave chris out of it.

Todd: Why did you marry isabella?

Paul: I thought I loved her. So what does that have to do with chris and me?

Todd: Everything.

Chantal: No, you can't wait in there. I told you!

Phyllis: Michael's not going to mind.

Chantal: I mind.

Phyllis: Oh, please.

Chris: What's going on?

Chantal: Mrs. Abbott's being herself again.

Phyllis: Yes, and so are you, professional as always.

Chris: Thanks, chantal.

Phyllis: She said "thank you." Thank you. Thanks for coming in. Good-bye.

Chris: Are you like this with waiters and the blind, too?

Phyllis: You know, I've had a very bad day, christine, a very bad day. You want to know how bad? (Telephone rings) (ring) (ring)

Sharon: Hello?

Agnes: Sharon, dear, agnes. Are we still getting together as planned?

Sharon: Well, we'd better. This thing's really breathing down our necks.

Agnes: Just a quick walk-through at the ranch to make sure there won't be any hitches the night of the gala.

Sharon: I'm all ready on this end.

A agnes: Oh, super. It'll just be us, or...

Sharon: Nikki won't be there. I already checked. She isn't expected back until later.

Agnes: I only ask because--

Sharon: Trust me, agnes. I understand. We're already under enough pressure. We don't need the added friction.

Agnes: We'll have the place to ourselves then.

Sharon: Absolutely. We can take as long as we need.

Agnes: Oh, thank you, sharon. You're a gem to work with.

Sharon: So who all is coming?

Agnes: Well, there'll be ruby, myself, oh, and laird worthington. He works with the planning committee.

Sharon: Oh, excellent. He has really great taste. Okay. When can I expect you?

Agnes: We can be there shortly.

Sharon: Great. I'll see you up at the main house.

Nikki: Brad, it's nikki. Thank god you answered. Listen, I need to see you. I'm at home. Okay.

Jill: Invoices to accounting the same day they're filed, 'cause we need to cut down on receivables over 30 days, get that money in our pocket where it... esther, what the hell are you doing here? Call security.

Man: Why?

Jill: Because this woman is not right in her head. She could be dangerous.

Esther: Jill, don't be ridiculous.

Jill: What are you doing here?

Esther: I only brought you this plant.

Jill: Why?

Esther: 'Cause mrs. Chancellor said I owe you an apology.

Jill: That's wh you're doing here?

Esther: I'm not here to make trouble.

Jill: Oh, wait a minute. Are you saying that katherine didn't fire you?

Esther: Fire me, jill? What-- of course she didn't fire me. Why would you ask that?

Kay: What do I say about what, larry?

Larry: Well, I told you that I think that jill needs a little--what's the word-- a little light to come on, if you know what I mean.

Kay: And you are convinced that she is ready to tear down that wall beeen us so she can start getting on with life as mother and daughter.

Larry: All nice and cozy.

Kay: You can't be serious.

Larry: Oh, yes, I am. It's no joking matter.

Kay: Well, I'm not saying that I am in on all this, but exactly what do you have in mind?

Larry: It's pretty simple really. All we have to do is get you into a situation where it seems like you might get killed. Good afternoon. The undeclared race for the mayor's chair is heating up...

the police chief still hasn't decided if he wants the top job - but he's getting alot of support.. you'll hear from both bob wasylyshyn and mayor smith at six.+++It was a surprise landing in north edmonton - when a hot air balloon came down in a courtyard...+++and - enmax is offering up a new deal that's supposed to save you money... +++we'll have the details tonight at six.

In the world of cookies there's more to be found

Todd: You married isabella because you thought you loved her.

Paul: It turned out she wasn't the woman I thought she was, but that's not what I want to talk to you about.

Todd: As I recall, according to mom, christine was actually in asia. You thought you lost her forever. You took on a new case involving a beautiful hispanic woman. Before long, you're married, expecting a child. Paul, why the rush?

Paul: Because she was pregnant.

Todd: No, the whole thing. Why did you rush into this relationship?

Paul: Oh, because I couldn't get christine out of my mind? Is that your point?

Todd: Isn't it a possibility that you were trying to blot her out, to force her away?

Todd: Did it work?

Paul: If you mean, was I able to get chris out of my mind, no. No.

Todd: What about christine? Was she able to put you out of her mind?

Paul: I thought she had.

Todd: How'd y f feel about that?

Chris: I take it michael was your designated shoulder?

Phyllis: What are you doing here?

Chris: I'm going through mail.

Phyllis: Are you back?

Chris: At work? No, not yet.

Phyllis: It amazes me that he keeps your name on the door.

Chris: In case you haven't heard--

Phyllis: I heard. I heard. I heard. You had a bad year. Join the club.

Chris: Sensitive as always.

Phyllis: Well, at least when I'm accused of murder, I don't inspire my attorney to risk his law license.

Chris: Well, for once we agree on something. That disturbed me, too.

Phyllis: What is it about you, christine, this hold you have over men? You put 'em in a trance or something, don't you? Don't you? First danny, then paul, michael... am I forgetting someone?

Chris: Well, it seems to me that you've left quite a trail of your own, danny being an excellent starting point.

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. We're not talking about me. We're talking about you. The holy grail of romantic fantasies, aren't you? Men would walk through fire. They would chuck everything that's important to them. Forget dignity if there's a chance at winning the beautiful christine.

>>Haharon: Nikki.

Nikki: Sharon, what is it?

Sharon: Um, I didn't realize that you would be here. Miguel told me that you'd be working late tonight.

Nikki: Well, I had a change in plans.

Sharon: Okay, well, that presents a bit of a problem, because I need the living room.

Nikki: What do you mean, "you need the living room"? For what?

Sharon: For the gala. It's coming up fast, and we have to firm up plans.

Nikki: Who's "we"?

Sharon: Several members of the board and the planning committee. We're gonna do a walk-through of the house and a final survey and just figure out where we're gonna set everything up.

Nikki: Oh, no, no, no, no. Not today you're not.

Sharon: Nikki--

Nikki: Sharon, I said no!

Sharon: Look, this meeting has been scheduled for weeks, and it has to be today. Please, nikki? I promise we will just be in and out, and I'm sorry about the inconvenience, but everybody's already on their way over, including laird worthington, and you know how busy he is--

Nikki: God, sharon, stop! Are you still talking? I said it's impossible. You're gonna have to postpone this meeting. I--I am going through a personal situation right now.

Sharon: Look, I understand, okay, and I'm sorry, but it is crunch time, nikki, and if we don't set this thing up just right, it's going to reflect badly on the whole family.

Nikki: Wrong. The only name on that invitation is yours. Look, I'm sorry. I don't mean to cause a problem. I can't help it. This is my home. You're just going to have to make other arrangements.

Sharon: We're talking one hour, tops.

Nikki: Sharon, good-bye! ñ @ñ @ @Ing of doorbell ]Oh hi. Look,

Jill: So katherine didn't fire you.

Esther: No, she told me I had to be nice to you. So here I am being nice to you.

Jill: That's all she told you was to be nice to me?

Esther: I can do that. After all, there's a lot of reason to feel sorry for you.

Jill: Esther, I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I want you gone.

Esther: Oh, well, there's one reason right there. I'm not going anywhere, and that makes you very sad. So sad that I thought I should just come right over here and bring you a nice potted plant to make up for the fact that mrs. C. Can walk and talk. I know that is a big disappointment for you, too.

Jill: You little--

Esther: Now, now, jill, we're not gonna fight anymore. I know that you think I am stupid, and you're right, I am probably not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I admit it. So you don't need to keep telling me. And I know that you were feeling very deprived when you were little, and you needed a lot of attention and encouragement.

Jill: Oh, god. See, this is what I'm talking about.

Esther: So I'll keep in my mind that you can't help feeling that way, and we'll all get along. And what we don't like, we'll just tolerate, 'cause tolerance is wonderful thing. It's one of the seven deadly virtues, you know.

Jill: I'll give you deadly! How dare you walk in here and talk to mehihis way?

Esther: I'm doing it for mrs. Chancellor.

Jill: Damn mrs. Chancellor! I told her to--

Esther: Yeah, you told her to fire me. I know. Oh, she didn't tell me that it was your idea, and I know that you think that I am really stupid, but even I could figure that one out. But don't worry. I'm not going to hold a grudge. I'm not going to look for an opportunity to poison your food or drop a hair dryer into the bathtub when you're in it. No, no. I have decided to rise above all that.

Jill: Get out of here.

Esther: Jill, please, remember, it's for your mother. She wants us to get along. Don't you think we owe her an effort?

Jill: You know it's never gonna happen.

Esther: Well, it could. Like, we could play a role. Let's pretend that we're actors hired to play people who don't mind each other-- not friends, but housemates who get along.

Jill: Why on earth would I want to do that, esther?

Esther: Because the paycheck we get is a happy mrs. Chancellor. You know, jill, she's not gonna live forever. If we could just make her happy again--

Jill: Oh, for god's sake, katherine's gonna live another 20 years.

Esther: Well, then we'll play our little charade for 20 years, and who knows? Maybe we'll forget it's an act.

Jill: God, you are out of your mind.

Esther: It's the right thing to do. I'll see you at home, friend.

Jill: Oh, my god.

Kay: Me? Killed? No, I'm not... I'm not sure I like that idea.

Larry: Mrs. C., I'm not talking about anyone actually getting killed or even hurt or not even one scratch on them. What I think jill needs is to realize how much you mean to her and how she would feel if she lost you.

Kay: You listen to me. I just had a stroke that damn near killed me. And jill has had plenty of opportunity to contemplate what life would be like without dear old katherine.

Larry: Well, I think she just needs a little more.

Kay: Why?

Larry: Because the timing was all wrong. She found out that you were her mother after you had the stroke. She never had a chance to deal with you as her mom.

Kay: Hmm. And you think things are better now that she has.

Larry: I think she realizes somewhere in her mind that you matter to her. And that, you know, it's just not easy letting go of old habits.

Kay: Larry. Larry. Larry. We are talking about whether we should do this thing, this whatever it is to put jill in touch with her feelings. So far we have not-- we've not said how we're going to go about this.

Larry: It's a piece of cake.

Kay: Are you sure? I told you I've already had my brush with death this year. I--I'm not too happy about having it happen again.

Larry: Mrs. C., This is 99% safe.

Kayononly 99%?

Larry: Or even better. Now listen up. What I'm talking about is this plan I have...

Nikki: Thanks for coming over, brad. I know you're busy.

Brad: We all are. I'm actually surprised to see you out of the office.

Nikki: I can't believe you're even working at all after everything that's happened.

Brad: Actually, I went to the athletic club, had a little chat with your husband.

Nikki: What?

Brad: Don't worry. Nothing really happened-- this time.

Nikki: Brad, fighting isn't going to accomplish anything.

Brad: Nikki, what did you want to see me about?

Nikki: I just had a visit with your wife. I feel so badly for her. It is horrible enough to lose a baby, but to learn that you can't have anymore children.

Brad: Nikki, do we really have to talk about this?

Nikki: Yes, brad, I think we do. Because this could change everything, and I'm not just talking about you and ashley. There are other people involved. There are other lives that could change forever. You must realize that.

Kay: Now all I have to do is just walk out of the restaurant.

Larry: With jill, and I will take care of the rest.

Kay: How can you control what's going to happen, larry?

Larry: Mrs. C., One of the advantages of being big and strong is I can make it look real without it actually being real. And you won't get hurt. I promise.

Kay: Well, I'm-- I'm trying to feel reassured.

Larry: You don't have to worry.

Kay: Well, maybe not, but I am anyway. Besides, if you think this is going to tap into some hidden well of affection in jill, make her realize how much she loves me--

Larry: Needs you, and doesn't want anything bad happening to you. It will make the difference. You'll see.

Kay: Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Larry: Good.

Kay: Should we have the paramedics standing by?

Larry: Um, actually, there's no reason to because no one's getting hurt. (Telephone rings)

Jill: Yes?

Kay: It's me.

Jill: Katherine, I am so angry.

Kay: Yes, I'm sure you are. Can we have an early dinner together?

Jill: Didn't you hear what I said? I'm telling you I'm mad at you.

Kay: And I'm telling you I'm buying.

Jill: What does that... okay. Okay, fine. But you are not gonna like what I have to say to you.

Kay: Mm-hmm. Gina's in 20 minutes.

Kay: You better know what you're doing, big fellow.

Todd: All right, you wanted to talk about christine. Let's talk about christine. How did it make you feel thinking that she was over you?

Paul: It was baldwin. If she had picked anybody but baldwin.

Todd: So you could have accepted her with any other man, just not this michael baldwin. Now I want you to think about that, and I want you to be honest. If not with me, at least with yourself. <

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