Wednesday Y&R Transcript 8/27/03

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/20/0
3--Canada; Thursday 8/21/03

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Raul: Look, Brittany , just go. I really don't feel like talking to you right now.

Brittany : All right, then I'll talk.

Raul: I'm working.

Brittany : Raul, please, you've got to let me explain.

Raul: Explain what, huh? Why you were up onstage at a strip club dancing around virtually naked in front of a bunch of sleazy guys? Now let's see. Come on, let's hear it. How would you explain that, Brittany ?

Brittany : I was worried when you didn't come home last night. Did you stay at your parents'? Look, I know you're angry with me, and I am so sorry that you had to find out this way. I should have told you, but I was trying to protect you.

Raul: Protect me? Protect me? Is that your excuse?

Brittany : I knew you would get upset.

Raul: Do you seriously think that this is how we're gonna live? That you're gonna go off and do something you know I don't like and just lie about it and to hope God I don't find out the truth?

Brittany : No.

Raul: Why should I believe you? Why should I ever believe anything that comes out of your damn mouth ever again?


(Knock on door) (Knock on door)

J.T.: Man, how am I supposed to be creative with people knocking on the door all day?

[J.T. opening the door]

J.T.: Look, I hope you're happy you broke my concentration.

Bobby: Is there a problem?

J.T.: No, no problem. What are you doing here?

Bobby: Can I come in?

J.T.: Why?

Bobby: So's I don't have to stand outside.

J.T.: What do you want, Marsino?

Bobby: Well, Brittany lives here, right?

J.T.: Yeah.

Bobby: I'd like to come in and talk to her-- with your permission, of course.

J.T.: No, I don't think so.

Bobby: Fine, then without. Brittany , yo!


Sierra: Hey, Colleen.

Colleen: Sierra, I didn't know you were back in town.

Sierra: Yeah, I just got in this morning.

Colleen: So tell me about your trip. How are your grandparents? How was Phoenix ?

Sierra: My grandparents are cool, but Arizona in August? Way too hot. Um, actually, speaking of which, I'm gonna go get some iced coffee. You want anything?

Colleen: Uh, no thanks.

Sierra: Oh, Lily's here. I'm gonna go say hi.

Colleen: Okay, but I'm warning you to be careful. She's in a bad mood.

Sierra: Why?

Colleen: Remember Kevin, the guy she met on the internet?

Sierra: They broke up?

Colleen: Yes, and it is the best thing that could've happened.


Phyllis: Hey, where you going? Where you going? Oh, I bet you have an appointment. Yeah, you want to be anywhere but here, don't ya?

Dru: You know what, Phyllis, in the cosmetics world, you work, work and work some more. No time for play. Excuse me.

Phyllis: Yeah, I don't have time for play, either. We need to have a serious, serious talk.

Dru: You're gonna be talking by yourself, because I'm all booked. Call my assistant.

Phyllis: I bet you're booked. It's a lot of hard work spying, isn't it? Let me ask you, do you actually do anything for Jabot besides gossip about me to my husband?

Dru: Come here. You know in "Webster’s"...

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Dru: If you've got proof, it ain't gossip.

Phyllis: Oh, and what proof do you have, hmm? Yeah, you have nothing. What did you tell my husband this morning? What did you say to him? What conspiracy theory are you trying to sell him?

Neil: Contemplating the meaning of life?


Victoria : More like ruminating over what a creep my father is.

Neil: Talking about the meeting we just had with him?

Victoria : How can he be such a mastermind at business, and yet feel like he has to micromanage every tiny, little detail?

Neil: If you're referring to the Damon Porter issue, luring him over to our side, my opinion--I think you should have stayed out of it.

Victoria : Why should I? He never even would have known there had been an opportunity if I hadn't told him. And then suddenly it was, you know, "back off, I'll take it from here."

Neil: Hey, hey, what's got you so bent? I thought we agreed that Phyllis wasn't the right person for the job.

Victoria : And you think the only other option other than Phyllis is my dad?

Neil: So you really want to handle porter yourself?

Victoria : This is about a larger issue, Neil. This is about keeping me away from the action.

Neil: Now if that were the case, I'd be upset for you, but in this case I really feel that you should listen to your daddy.

Victoria : (Sighs) ugh! You, men! I'm so tired of dealing with your chauvinism. Why is it the male of the species feels that the only way anything can be done right is if they do it themselves.


Dru: What makes you think I had a meeting with your husband this morning, Phyllis?

Phyllis: Probably because you called last night saying you needed to discuss some very important things first thing in the morning.

Dru: Okay, so pray tell, why do you think you can demand that information from me? Just go ask--

Phyllis: Just tell me what you talked about.

Dru: Okay, are you not hearing what I'm saying? It was a private meeting. Why are you coming to me? Go to your husband. But you can't because things are too shaky on the home front. Oh, what are you gonna do?

Phyllis: (Chuckling) oh, my. Pardon me for just one second.

Dru: You know, I really have to go.

Phyllis: I really have to make a call, and I'd like you to hear it. Hey, Jack. Hey, baby. Um, I know. I did, too. I feel the same way. I love you. (Giggles)


Neil: Okay, look, I'm sorry. I certainly didn't mean to imply that men are superior to women.

Victoria : Well, it certainly sounded like that.

Neil: Look, I just think this is the wrong time to make waves, especially since you and your father seem to be communicating better lately.

Victoria : Right, and as usual, whenever we need to keep the peace, it's my turn to back off.

Neil: When you're dealing with Victor Newman, is there really an alternative?

Victoria : Maybe. Contrary to popular belief, my father isn't always the best man for the job. Some things are better left to a woman.

Neil: Porter's pretty good at holding his own, even with clever females.

Victoria : Boy, he really got under Phyllis’s skin, didn't he?

Neil: Whoa, ho, ho, you said that. I didn’t.

Victoria : Interesting, but it just proves my point. He may be smooth and manipulative, but I am better equipped to deal with him.

Neil: Really? And what makes you so sure about that?

Victoria : Phyllis is easily flustered. She acts impulsively.

Neil: I don't know. This whole thing could backfire in your face.

Victoria : Gee, thanks, Neil. Maybe a little credit, please.

Neil: No, I am. I'm giving you credit, but after Phyllis’s little foray, my bet-- Damon’s defenses are up. And if another beautiful, attractive Newman employee goes sniffing around, he might just figure your agenda isn't strictly personal.

Victoria : Yeah, but see, there's a difference. Phyllis is married. I'm not. A little flirtation from me won't automatically send out warning signals.

Neil: And if he does become suspicious?

Victoria : Then I will use my feminine wiles to throw him off the track.

Neil: Hey, you know what? Victor's gonna take this as blatant defiance. You want my opinion, you're gonna forget the whole thing.

Victoria : Too late.

Neil: What do you mean?

Victoria : Oh, I've already made an appointment to meet with Mr. Porter. Ooh, gosh, I'd better get rolling.

Neil: You must be kidding me.

Victoria : Oh, calm down, Neil, I can handle him.

Neil: Vicki, you're playing with fire.

Victoria : Well, a little danger makes life interesting. Bye!


J.T.: Man, you can't just break in here.

Bobby: You're a roommate here?

J.T.: Yeah, I am.

Bobby: You share this place with Brittany .

J.T.: And her boyfriend Raul.

Bobby: Well, I'm not here to see you or him. I'm here to see Brittany . So why don't you just go and do whatever the hell it was you were doing before I got here? Yo, Brittany ! Brittany !

J.T.: She's not here, man.

Bobby: And you wouldn't lie to me, right?

J.T.: Yeah, actually, I would.

Bobby: What's the deal with you, huh? Why the attitude? You've been down to my club. You know it's a nice place. It's no dive.

J.T.: Hey, hey, I like your club, man. My I.D. Works there. I get to drink beer, watch chicks take their clothes off. Come on, you don't hear me complaining.

Bobby: But what? It's not good enough for Brittany ?

J.T.: No, no, not in my book it isn’t. Come on, man, be honest. You're using her, right?

Bobby: How many times I got to tell you? She came to me begging for the job.

J.T.: Right, right, singing. And she wanted it so badly, she convinced herself that's all she was doing until Raul saw her, and then she never felt so naked in her entire life. That's what she told me, man.

Bobby: Yeah, I'm done talking to you. Where's Brittany ?

J.T.: Just leave her the hell alone, okay? She's got some things to sort out with Raul.

Bobby: Yeah, I'll bet she does. He's a little bit of a control freak, isn't he?

J.T.: Oh, because he doesn't want his girlfriend stripping?

Bobby: If a man respects a woman, he's got to let her live her own life.

J.T.: Yeah, but he also protects the people he loves. And Brittany , you know, she likes to take chances, go for the thrill.

Bobby: She likes the money.

J.T.: Hey, where exactly do you draw the line? I'd bet she could make a lot more money on the side, you know? You know what I'm talking about?

Bobby: Marsino's would frown upon that kind of thing.

J.T.: Yeah, but it does happen, right?

Bobby: Actually, that's why the customers really like her, 'cause Marilyn's not for sale.

J.T.: Oh, oh, yeah, yeah. She adds class to your place. But what do you do for her, huh? Brittany 's got a great voice and a lot of potential, but where's she gonna go working for you?

Bobby: Let me guess. You're gonna be an agent when you grow up.

J.T.: Wow, that's funny. You're a comedian. Okay, were you there the other night when Raul stopped by?

Bobby: Yeah, he made a scene.

J.T.: Yeah, well, maybe you noticed that our little Marilyn suddenly realized the money wasn't worth it, which is exactly what I told you would happen. So why don't you stay the hell away from her, okay? She's got some things to sort out.

Bobby: I'm starting to lose my patience with you, and I'm this close to hitting you upside the head with this bottle, you understand?


Brittany : Lying to you was wrong. I know that. And from now on I promise I will be honest with you about everything.

Raul: And what, that's it?

Brittany : What do you mean?

Raul: That's it? You think we'll go right back to the way things were before? I'm gonna continue to work here. You're gonna go work for Bobby, and we'll just pretend like everything's cool?

Brittany : Raul, come on. This isn't the end of the world.

Raul: Are you kidding me? You're gonna quit that job.

Brittany : Says who?

Raul: Says me. I'm not gonna let you do this.

Brittany : Excuse me? You're not gonna let me?

Raul: Brittany , what you were doing is so wrong.

Brittany : Look, I'm the same person that I was. This is just something that I do to make money.

Raul: You know what? If making money is so important to you, then why stop at stripping, huh? Why don't you go out there and sell drugs? Go be a prostitute!

Brittany : Oh, hey, hey, hey, what I'm doing is not illegal.

Raul: Just because something is not against the law does not make it right.

Brittany : Right in whose eyes? Yours? You have no right to judge me.

Raul: I don't get this. I don't get you. There are so many other jobs out there.

Brittany : None that pay this well, not nearly.

Raul: So you go back to watching your pennies for awhile. Is that so terrible?

Brittany : Well, maybe not for you, but...

Raul: What?

Brittany : Look, don't take this the wrong way, okay? But it's different for you. You're used to not having a lot of money. I'm not. I know that I said that it didn't really matter to me, but deep down... I just keep remembering how horrible it was to live in that boardinghouse. It was a total dump! And now we have this great apartment. We're happy, we're comfortable. I don't want to go back to the way things used to be. I don't think I could take it.

Raul: So you woke up one morning and decided that stripping was the answer?

Brittany : No, no, it wasn't like that.

Raul: Okay, tell me. How was it, Brittany ?

Brittany : I was working here, and one day Bobby walked in, and we struck up a conversation. And he looked at me, and he saw something.

Raul: Oh, I'll bet.

Brittany : Not like that. He saw potential, potential in me that I didn't even see in myself.

Raul: What Bobby saw was a pretty, young college girl who he could manipulate.

Brittany : You're wrong! I sang for Bobby, and he was impressed. And that's why he gave me a shot at singing in his club.

Raul: You were doing a lot more than singing.

Brittany : In the beginning I wasn’t. At first singing was all I agreed to. And then I got up there, and...

Brittany : I don't know, it was like something else to control.

Raul: You don't have any issues taking your clothes off, Brittany ?

Brittany : Money makes it easier.

Raul: My god, you know, well, that explains why you make so much money in tips. A few hundred bucks a night? Come on, that always seemed a little high for what was it, a singing waitress?

Brittany : Actually, there's something else I've been keeping from you. I'm making more than a couple hundred bucks a night. A lot more. I was a little thrown that you wanted to see me.


Victoria : Oh, you mean because after our last meeting...

Damon: Please, sit. You were very angry with me the day we met.

Victoria : Yeah, yeah, I've regretted that ever since, although you didn't play fair. You know, I mean, it was kind of a dirty trick.

Damon: You're referring to my faing to mention who I was.

Victoria : Mm-hmm, if I had known that you were the infamous Damon Porter from Jabot, I might have censored what I said.

Damon: If I had told you the truth, I was afraid it would have killed our conversation entirely.

Victoria : And that would have been a bad thing?


Phyllis: Why didn't you tell me you didn't drop your little bomb on my husband this morning?

Dru: My little bomb? Okay, that rendezvous-- that would be your little bomb.

Phyllis: It wasn't a rendezvous. It was just a bite to eat and a cocktail or two.

Dru: A cocktail, yeah. Yeah, that landed you back at Damon Porter's apartment. Sounds like a full evening to me, sister.

Phyllis: Well, maybe it's a full evening for you, sister, but, you know, how do you know we went back to the apartment? How do you know that? Do you have a crystal ball in your office?

Dru: I don't need a crystal ball to see what you're up to.

Phyllis: I'm not up to anything.

Dru: Really? When was the last time you saw Damon Porter?

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. Listen to you. You really have it bad for this guy. What are you, jealous because I've been spending time with your man?

Dru: I'm not jealous, and Neil is more than enough man for me. Second of all, why are you rippin' and runnin' after Damon Porter? I mean, you see him the night before he disappears. Then as soon as he gets back you got to see him again. What's up with that?

Phyllis: You know, call me crazy.

Dru: Crazy.

Phyllis: Yeah, but I swear they pay you for more than just spying on me.

Dru: Well, let me break it down for you, Phyllis. You see, I have my company's back, which would include your husband. But I've got to ask you, um, why do you have to see our mutual friend Damon Porter? You know, our R&D genius? Do you have something to hide?


Raul: Exactly how much money are you making?

Brittany : It varies depending on the crowd.

Raul: Ballpark.

Brittany : About a grand.

Raul: $1,000? A night?

Brittany : I wanted to tell you, but I knew you'd get suspicious.

Raul: The lies just keep on coming. What else do you have, Brittany ?

Brittany : No, it's not like that. Look, I was saving up to get you something really special. I wanted to get you a car.

Raul: No thank you.

Brittany : Oh, come on, Raul. I know how much you want one.

Raul: I don't want anything paid for with money that you got stripping. I got work to do. Do you want me to go with you when you tell Bobby?

Brittany : When I tell Bobby what?

Raul: That you're quitting.

Brittany : I'm not quitting. I thought I made that very clear. Look, this is my decision. It's my body, and if I want to work at Marsino's, I'm going to. End of discussion.

Raul: You know, Brittany , why don't you grow up?!

Brittany : What?

Raul: You're like this little girl who all she does is act out to get attention. You don't care about how anybody else feels. It's all about Princess Brittany. Well, here's a news flash. The whole damn world doesn't revolve around you, sweetheart.


J.T.: Okay, so let me get this right. On top of breaking in, looking for Brittany, who's not even here, now you want to knock me out?

Bobby: I don't like your attitude, kid.

J.T.: Oh, give it up. She's done with you, man.

Bobby: Well, maybe she is, maybe she isn’t. I'll wait and hear it from her.

J.T.: Yeah, well, uh, you're hearing it from me.

Bobby: All right, this isn't funny anymore. Where the hell is she?

J.T.: I said she's with Raul.

Bobby: All right, you tell her that I was here looking for her.

J.T.: No.

Bobby: Hey, don't get in my way, kid.

J.T.: Look, you're bad news, okay, and I know what you want. Brittany 's worth a lot of money to you on that stage, isn't she? This isn't about respecting women, letting them run their own lives. All she is is a nice, expensive piece of meat to you.

Bobby: You're wrong about that.

J.T.: Oh, oh, am I? All right, then was is it? Do you think you're attracted to her or something? Is that it? Oh, wow. That's it, isn't it? That's unbelievable.

Bobby: Don't you ever talk down to me, cowboy. I don't let anybody get away with that. You got it?

J.T.: I think it's time for you to go.

Bobby: Oh, yeah, it is. But this little thing between you and me-- it's not over.


Colleen: I am so glad J.T. Was with me when we went to Kevin’s apartment. I do not think I could have handled him on my own.

Sierra: Well, you don't think Kevin would have hurt you, do you?

Colleen: I don't know. He's out of control, and he could be dangerous.

Sierra: Then Lily is definitely better off without him.

Colleen: Look. She's still on the computer.

Sierra: She's always on it.

Colleen: I know.

Wes: Hey, girl.

Lily: Hey.

Wes: I was gonna get a coffee. You care to join me?

Lily: Uh, no, thanks.

Wes: How about now?

Lily: Sure, Wes. I would love nothing more.

Wes: That's great. I'll get the coffees. You get the table.


Damon: I'm actually quite glad we met, had a chance to talk. It's not often you find someone who can give you an intelligent conversation, particularly in a bar.

Victoria : Well, you're smooth. I'll give you that.

Damon: It's not a line. I thought we clicked on... somewhat of an intellectual level. But then I might just be flattering myself.

Victoria : Oh, no. There's obviously a brain behind that pretty face.

Damon: In any case, I regret the way things turned out.

Victoria : Oh, because you got to see my nasty temper.

Damon: Well, you had every right. I handled things badly.

Victoria : I bet you were hoping you would never have to see me again.

Damon: Oh, that's not true. I actually was all that much more eager to speak to you again.

Victoria : Could've called.

Damon: Well, I had assumed that I had burned all my bridges with you. Does this visit signify that I, in fact, have not?

Victoria : Let's just say the jury's still out on that.

Damon: What can I do to sway the vote?

Victoria : Um, you could tell me about yourself.

Damon: What would you like to know?

Victoria : Well, why did you want to become a chemist?

Damon: When I was a kid I was full of questions-- why is the sky blue? How deep is the ocean? That sort of thing. Science was a way of finding the answers. I found chemistry to be the most exciting and challenging. One thing led to another...

Victoria : And you became a cosmetics guru.

Damon: It paid well.

Victoria : And you chucked all that to go raise horses-- is that because you had solved all the mysteries of the universe?

Damon: No, hardly. In fact, horses have proven to be the most mysterious of all.

Victoria : You know, that's one thing we share in common-- a love of horses.

Damon: You ride?

Victoria : Since I was old enough to walk. My parents have horses at their ranch.

Damon: What is it about beautiful young women and horses?

Victoria : Well, I'll tell you something. Men come and go. Horses, on the other hand-- they are loyal, loyal animals. All they need is a few sugar cubes, some apples and they're happy. What about you? I read that you raised thoroughbreds.

Damon: Mm-hmm. Not a triple crown winner in the lot.

Victoria : You know, I had a friend whose father raised a horse that ran dead last at the Kentucky Derby.

Damon: That's more than I can say. The only roses my horses have ever gotten grow wild on the ranch. But I've had a great time with them. It's a costly hobby but, uh, extremely rewarding.

Victoria : Yeah, I know what you mean.

Damon: And now here we are at the starting gate-- two contenders in the biggest horse race of our lives.

Victoria : Yeah. Yeah, it's too bad that Safra's gonna leave Tuvia in the dust.

Damon: (Laughs)


Phyllis: You win. I give up. I saw Damon Porter this morning because I've been trying to pump the man...

Dru: Pump the man?

Phyllis: For information.

Dru: Right. Right, for Newman.

Phyllis: Yes, for Newman, all right? You found out about our first meeting, so I was trying to do damage control.

Dru: Okay, and that's why you had to meet Damon Porter, right?

Phyllis: Yes. I wanted to talk to him to stop you from doing something stupid, which would be going to my husband and telling him that we painted the town red, which did not happen.

Dru: Okay, Phyllis, I still have some other questions, like is that the reason why he left town after your tête-à-tête, which is French, by the way.

Phyllis: I have no idea why he did that, all right? I didn't even know why he was going.

Dru: Really?

Phyllis: Yes, really. Listen, I-- he didn't leave because of me, Dru, if that's what you're wondering. We talked business. Your Mr. Porter is very happy at Jabot. There was nothing I was gonna do or say to win him away. He's not interested. It was business. Don't you understand? I was trying to use him, and it didn't work. It wasn't worth risking my marriage. That's the end of the story.

Dru: Whoa. You had me there for a minute. Wow, you are so good. I ain't buying it, Phyllis, because you're way too open.

Phyllis: I really don't care if you buy it. I love my husband. I'm not interested in Damon Porter, not now, not ever. And let me tell you something. If you go to Jack and start giving him these ugly tales that don't hold water, you're gonna look like a moron. And that's English.


Wes: I got you an iced mocha. Hope that works for you.

Lily: Yeah, it's fine.

Wes: I noticed you were on the internet when I came in.

Lily: What, is that a crime or something?

Wes: Whoa. Easy. I'm trying to be a friend here. You want to knock off the attitude?

Lily: Sorry.

Wes: Still trying to get in touch with Kevin?

Lily: Still trying, still failing.

Wes: So he's not responding to your e-mails, huh?

Lily: No. I must have sent him about a dozen. He's never online anymore, and he's totally ignoring me.

Wes: Why don't you just back off and let him come after you?

Lily: Because he won’t. He doesn't want to see me ever again, not that I blame him after what happened.

Wes: What happened?

Lily: Nothing.

Wes: I really am sorry, Lily. I mean, I know it's not easy to break up with someone you care about.

Lily: Yeah, well, maybe I was never meant to have a boyfriend.

Wes: Oh, come on. Look, I know this won't make you feel better right now, but there will be other guys, you know that.

Lily: Yeah, but I don't want to be with another guy. I want to be with Kevin. Look, it feels like my whole life I've been on the sidelines. Like when I was in Europe , my mom was a famous model, and I was the little kid who tagged along.

Wes: Right.

Lily: You know, I come back to Genoa City , and I became Colleen's sidekick.

Wes: Hmm.

Lily: Like, all she would ever do is talk about J.T. You know, she would go on and on, and I would just sit there and listen. It was like everyone else was living life except for me. And then... I met Kevin and my life finally started.

Wes: Well, he sounds like a great guy.

Lily: He was. I wish you could've met him.

Wes: Well, tell me what he's like.

Lily: Well, um... for starters, he's gorgeous.

Wes: Oh, well, that's never a bad thing.

Lily: I mean, like really beautiful.

Wes: Okay.

Lily: Like, he has-- he has these eyes. You know, when he looks at me, it's like he's staring straight into my soul. Like, he's so sensitive and thoughtful. He even offered to take me to a bistro because he knew how much I missed Paris .

Wes: Hey, hey. I can take you to a bistro. Oh, it's not the same thing, huh?

Lily: No, but thanks for trying. You know, I thought this was going to be the best summer of my life. But I've never been more miserable.


J.T.: I can't believe that stupid jerk. Guys like that think they can just do whatever they want, boss everybody around. (Fire alarm sounds)

J.T.: What the hell is... oh, God, that's the fire alarm.


Brittany : Gee, Raul, why don't you tell me how you really feel?

Raul: I understand being worried about money. And sure, having a whole lot of it would make life a whole lot easier in some ways. But money is not the most important thing, Brittany . God, what about your self-respect? Doesn't that matter to you?

Brittany : Sure, it does. And I'm gonna have plenty of self-respect when I pay my rent and my tuition and I still have plenty of money left over to enjoy my life.

Raul: And to buy Bobby gifts?

Brittany : What?!

Raul: He gave you that necklace.

Brittany : How do you know that?

Raul: Because I was the one that sold it to him! It's by a local artist, one of a kind. And when I saw you wearing it, I knew you didn't buy it. There's one more lie! And you know what? I don't even want to know how you repaid him.

Brittany : You don't think there's something going on between us.

Raul: Do you really expect me to believe that there isn't? When that idiot was in here, all he could talk about was how special this chick was, and how he had to find the right gift for her. Let me tell you something about guys like Bobby Marsino. They don't give girls expensive gifts like that unless they expect something in return.

Brittany : First of all, you're wrong about Bobby and me. Secondly, I gave that necklace back, and I told him that I had a boyfriend.

Raul: Well, good! Good! Then there's no reason for you to ever see him again.

Brittany : You still think I'm quitting?

Raul: You are quitting.

Brittany : You know what? You sound exactly like my parents. I left home because they kept telling me how to live my life! And I'm not gonna let you do the same thing, Raul.


Damon: Aren't you just so sure of yourself, Miss Newman?

Victoria : Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Porter, but I think Safra's a winner.

Damon: Well, you know, that's exactly how I feel about Tuvia.

Victoria : Well, aren't we just the proud parents?

Damon: And tomorrow we will present our offspring to the world.

Victoria : Which means that women of color everywhere will be even more beautiful than they already are.

Damon: Isn't it exciting?

Victoria : Yeah, but stressful.

Damon: Healthy competition usually is.

Victoria : Which is why I plan to spend a lot of time on horseback. It's a great stress reliever. How about you? Want to join me?

Damon: I would love to. You name the time and the place.

Victoria : All right. Well, how about tonight? We can take advantage of the beautiful weather we've been having.

Damon: I've got a few things to finish up at work.

Victoria : Cool. You know where the ranch is?

Damon: It's practically a landmark in this town.

Victoria : Then I'll see you in a couple of hours.

Damon: Uh, Victoria .

Victoria : Hmm?

Damon: It just dawned on me that we're talking about your daddy's place.

Victoria : (Chuckles) oh, right, right. The intimidator. Yeah, don't worry about him. His bark is worse than his bite.

Damon: Uh-huh. Well, I just wasn't so sure the old man would appreciate me hanging around his daughter or his horses.

Victoria : Yeah, there's something you should know about me. My father does not run my life, although he tries.

Damon: Let me walk you out.

Victoria : Thanks.


Wes: You know, Lily, the summer's not even over yet. I mean, you've still got time to end it on a high note. Why don't you kick back, hang out with Colleen and Sierra?

Lily: I'd rather not.

Wes: Are you having issues with them?

Lily: Just Colleen.

Wes: Why? What'd your friend do?

Lily: She's not my friend, okay? She never was.

Wes: What are you talking about? She's been a great friend.

Lily: Yeah, well, it's all an act.

Wes: You know, I've got an idea. Why don't we go see a movie? Your choice.

Lily: Maybe another time.

Wes: Okay, well, what would you like to do?

Lily: I would like to sit here... alone.

Wes: No, I don't think I should leave you by yourself.

Lily: Why not? I'm always by myself.

Wes: Wow, Lily--

Lily: Look, I'll be fine, okay? I just don't feel like company right now.

Wes: Okay, how about this? I'll give you a call on the weekend and maybe we can do something then.

Lily: Sure.

Wes: All right. I'll see you.

[Kevin breaks in J.T’s & Raul’s apartment smashes windows,and other objects.]

(Telephone rings) (ring) (ring)

Colleen: Hey, J.T., It's me. I just left a message on your cell. Maybe you turned it off or something. Anyway, I'm at the coffeehouse, but I'm going over to the park. And it is so nice out, and I thought I'd take a walk around the lake. So if you're not doing anything, why don't you join me? Call me when you get this message. Oh, and I love you.(Answering machine beeps)

[Kevin smashes the answering machine and leaves the apartment]


Next on "the young and the restless"...

Ashley: You shouldn't have come, you know.

Victor: I know, but I did.


Dru: Guess who

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