Tuesday Y&R Transcript 8/26/03

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/26/03
--Canada; Wednesday 8/27/03--USA

By Eric

Dru: Hi. Wow, is this what a launch control room looks like?

Jack: W, , look at you.

Dru: I just thought I'd do a little something afrocentric for the occasion. So are we sending something up to space or what?

Jack: No, something almost as exciting, though.

Dru: How does all of this stuff work, jack?

Jack: Well, all of these computers are hooked up to inventory control procedures in major department stores all across the country.

Dru: Um, come again?

Jack: That simply means that we're getting hour by hour reports on how sales are going.

Dru: And what about the phones?

Jack: Any phones that aren't answered in this room, get answered somewhere else in the building, and they report to us directly.

Dru: You know what? Bottom line, by the end of the day we're gonna know how far ahead we are of newman enterprises.

Jack: Or how far behind.

Dru: Are you kidding? I busted my butt to promote tuvia, as have you, as have the troops. We are going to smoke the competition, guaranteed.

Victor: Everything is ready, so tell everyone to come in here. We'll watch the progress together, all right? No, right now. Yes, immediately, thank you.

Michael: Got a moment, victor?

Victor: Would you kindly make yourself scarce? Nick and victoria are on their way. Neil and phyllis will be here shortly.

Michael: And I shouldn't be here why?

Victor: Because, quite frankly, I'm tired of explaining to people why I hired you.

Michael: And, of course, you couldn't just tell them. Listen, victor, I've been thinking about what you said about keeping an eye on damon porter, making sure that neithervictoria nor phyllisecruits him, making sure that victoria isn't drawn in by the guy and making sure that we're there when and if mr. Porter gets wobbly with jabot and might like to switch teams.

Victor: I know it. What about it?

Michael: Well, it occurred to me. Why don't we just cut through all that and stick with a tried-and-true formula? Why don't I just grab another big suitcase of cash and buy the son of a gun?

Victor: Don't you ever mention that again.

Michael: Okay, you want to play it clean and straight all of a sudden? Fine, you just let me know when we're back to business as usual.

Victor: I said don't push me too far.

Michael: I won'T. I'll let you know when I know anything. Good luck with the launch. Hi to the kids.

Victor:(Thinking) ashley,

I hope you listen to me.

I don't want you to get involved in all this.

I want you to concentrate

on your baby.

Ashley: That is gorgeous. I'm happy for you.

Olivia: Oh, honey, thank you. Thank you. It took me awhile to say "yes," but now that I have, I am so glad.

Ashley: That's great.

Olivia: But, you know, I didn't come all the way over here just to show you my ring and brag. M m interested in how you're doing.

Ashley: I'm good. Dr. Thompson was just here yesterday.

Olivia: So you have the two of us looking out for you.

Ashley: Uh-huh, you're making me feel very special.

Olivia: You are very special. You're having a baby.

Ashley: Am I ever. It feels like any minute. Want some tea?

Olivia: Yeah, I will in a minute.

Ashley: Okay.

Olivia: Why, what's going on?

Ashley: Oh, you know, my skin just feels super sensitive. It's like my whole body is on red alert right now.

Olivia: Well, that's natural, isn't it? I mean, you felt the same way just before abby was born.

Ashley: Yeah, I did. It just seems a little bit more noticeable this time.

Olivia: Well, did nora check you out?

Ashley: Yeah, she said I'm close.

Olivia: How close?

Ashley: I'm not dilated yet, and the baby's not fully in position, so probably a couple more weeks.

Olivia: Anxious?

Ashley: Mm-hmm. Once tuvia is launched and the dust settles, I'm outta here. I'm going home, and this time no one's gonna stop me.

Sharon: Well, that's quite a statement. An invitation to my funeral?

Nikki: How dare you do this to me? How dare you?!

Sharon: I have no idea what you're so upset about. That's a gala invitation, right? I had the printer messenger you a sample. I knew that you would want to see it before it went t in the regular mail since you're the woman in charge.

Nikki: Uh-huh, let's listen to this, shall we?

"Sharon newman is pleased to invite you and a guest to attend the genoa city arts council annual gala dinner dance-- 'by the light of the silvery moon.' The event to be held at her family estate."

Sharon: (Gasps) oh, no! I just realized we didn't get your approval on the theme.

Nikki: Oh, forget the damn theme. How could you do this to me?

Sharon: Do what?

Nikki: You know very well what!

Sharon: Is there something in the wording that's botheri y you?

Nikki: This makes it sound like you are the hostess, that you own this entire ranch, queen sharon. My name isn't even mentioned, not once!

Sharon: Oh, well, nikki, I'm sorry, but--

Nikki: Oh, like hell you are! You did this deliberately to defy me!

Sharon: Oh, now don't get started. This was just an honest mistake.

Nikki: This was no honest mistake! I would wager my life on that.

Sharon: Well, what do you want me to do? Would you like me to call the printer and ream him out? Because, you know, he really did bend over backwards in meeting our deadline, and if you ask me, we should be thanking him, just as you should be thanking me for taking the initiative and getting this done.

Michael: How rude.

Damon: Read much, fella?

Michael: Beg your pardon?

Damon: That sign on the door says, "authorized personnel only," I believe.

Michael: Oh, I'm sorry. I--I didn't even see that.

Damon: Yeah, I know. That's why I'm pointing it out to you. The lab's off-limits. Now what did you say your name was?

Michael: I didn'T. I'm michael baldwin. And you must be the eminent damon porter. Good afternoon. A couple of fast moving and very destructive computer viruses are making the rounds in the edmonton area. Computer repair stores are swamped with customers who's machines are infected. Our troubleshooter will have some advice to make sure it doesn't happen to your computer.+++We knew it was coming - but today health officials confirmed two edmontonians have been diagnosed with the west nile virus.+++What's being done about it? We'll have the st Get starry-eyed and relax to the music. Our guest will explain all you need to know

Damon: You're baldwin.

Michael: You heard of me?

Damon: Yes. Your reputation precedes you as well.Michael: Ah. Dare I ask what that means?

Damon: Well, if you have to ask, you probably don't want to know.

Michael: Oh. Look, I'm sorry. It seems we've gotten off on the wrong foot here.

Damon: You still work for newman, don't you?

Michael: Yeah. A lot of people work for newman. We're not all villains.

Damon: No, but it does generally tend to make y'all persona non grata in this building.

Michael: Huh, uh, yeah. I come in peace.

Damon: Actually, I'm surprised you got past security.

Michael: So am I. I figured that jack abbott had left standing orders to have me shot on sight.

Damon: And yet you risked it. Why? What do you want?

Jack: That's what I like, dru, a lady with confidence.

Dru: (Laughs) um, there is something that's worrying me, though.

Jack: Yeah, what's that?

Dru: I understand newman outspent jabot.

Jack: Ah, yes, the great newman media blitz.

Dru: You don't seem worried.

Jack: I'm not worried. They had to outspend us. We're jabot.

Dru: Of course, and newman is what, virtually unknown in the cosmetics world?

Jack: Pretty much. He has to spend millions of dollars to get his new product on the market. Hell, it isn't even a new product. It's a retread of a bunch of satine cosmetics products.

Dru: Uh-huh.

Jack: We, on the other hand, have history. We have a platinum reputation.

Dru: Platinum... ohmumust be nice being the queen.

Jill: What is that supposed to mean?

Dru: Well, jill, you know, the rest of the us have been busting our buns getting ready for the rollout. I, in fact, postponed my wedding.

Jack: Dru...

Dru: You, on the other hand, have been absent for many weeks...

Jack: Dru...

Dru: And now you prance in, expecting--

Jack: Dru, give her a break.

Dru: Okay, but it's true. It's true.

Jack: Hey, listen, jill's life is a total mess through nothing she did wrong. Let's cut her some slack.

Jill: Thank you, jack, although I don't know that I like big-mouth drucilla knowing my private business.

Dru: "Big-mouth"? Oh.

Jill: All right. Whoa. These numbers look promising.

Jack: Yeah. Ain't life grand?

Dru: (Laughs)

John: Well, good morning, everybody.

Dru: Hi.

Jack: Hey, pop.

John: By judging from those beaming faces, things are going well?

Jack: Yeah, so far, so good. (Telephone rings)

John: Terrific.

Jill: Jill abbott. Oh.

Jack: What's up?

John: Listen, son, by the end of this day, I fully expect your confidence in tuvia to be validated.

Jack: Well, listen, for what it's worth, whatever insecurities I was wrestling with, uh, they seem to have disappeared.

John: I want you to know I realize how hard you have worked to make this new line a success, okay?

Jack: Thanks, dad.

John: All right.

Jack: Hey, bradski. Welcome back to the war room.

Dru: Hey.

Brad: How are sales?

Jack: Well, it's early right now, but things are looking pretty good.

Brad: Where's nikki?

Jack: Nikki wants to be here. I think she plans to be here. I don't know. Maybe something got in the way.

Dru: Yeah, she's probably picking out the right nail polish.

Jill: (Laughs) who made you attendance monitor?

Brad: All right, all right, you guys, listen up. You've all gone the extra mile to make tuvia the finest line of cosmetics for women of color in the world. Today is going to be the payoff. So each one of you, give yourselves a pat on the back.

Jack: Bradley's right. Today is a new day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and tuvia is on the market.

Dru: (Laughs)

Jack: This is gonna be one hell of a fun day.

Victo a and please, don't let the phone ring more than twice before answering it, all right? Put everyone in the department on it. Well, victoria has outlined every detail in her memo. That's it. Thank you.

Phyllis: Hello, victor.

Victor: Good morning, phyllis.

Phyllis: I, uh, changed a couple of things here on the site. I did some tweaking. Um, can you take a look at it?

Victor: Sure.

Phyllis: Thank you. I think you'll like it. I just--I thought it was, eh, classier, that right there. A little more hip.

Victor: That is very, very good. I like that a lot.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: My ears deceived me, or did I just get a compliment from the great victor newman?

Victor: A well-deserved compliment, my dear.

Phyllis: Thank you. So today is the day. Tuvia and safra go head-to-head. Only one company will win.

Victor: The handwriting is on the wall. By this afternoon, jabot will have suffered its first defeat in a long time.

Phyllis: Yeah. It's too bad one company has to lose.

Victor: Must be kind of difficult for you, being married to jack abbott.

Phyllis: It's not difficult at all. It's not. He's a big boy. If it's a fair fight, he'll take it like a man. It's a fair fight, isn't it, victor?

Victoria: Hey, everyone. Ready for battle?

Neil: Hey, hey.

Victor: How was the press conference?

Victoria: Oh, it was great. I think the media really loved our samples.

Phyllis: Yeah, the media-- they le e freebies, don't they?

Neil: We're gonna get a whole lot of good publicity out of this.

Phyllis: Yeah, you guys, check this out. I've already gotten great response on the site.

Victoria: Oh, my gosh!

Phyllis: Look at that.

Victoria: Wow.

Neil: Whoa. Look at that.

Victoria: Wow.

Phyllis: It's amazing. Congratulations, neil. U,u, too, victoria.

Victoria: Thank you.

Nick: Yeah, celebrate now, till we see the numbers. Aa7 ladies com

Nikki: You think I should be thanking you?

Sharon: Well, it wouldn't kill you, would it? I mean, especially after you... you know what? Never mind. I promised nicholas that we were all through fighting.

Nikki: You little witch. You think you've won, don't you, by sending out these invitations and making a fool out of me in front of the whole town?

Sharon: Nikki, don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit?

Nikki: Overreacting? Well, gee, why don't we let agnes sorenson decide that when you have to call and explain to her why her funding has been cut off?

Michael: What makes you assume that I want anything?

Damon: Let me rephrase that. What brings you to my humble workplace?

Michael: It's hardly humble. Though I would think a cosmetics company with the resources of jabot would do better by a man of your caliber.

Damon: Hmm, it's adequate.

Michael: Yes, but when you've reached the level of prestige you have, I would expect a little more than adequate.

Damon: Good chemistry doesn't require fancy digs.

Michael: Modest too. So you like it here?

Damon: At jabot? I'm enjoying getting back into this sort of work.

Michael: After a much needed respite.

Damon: Fella's done his research.

Michael: Your bio's fascinating.

Damon: Oh, how so?

Michael: Well, the top chemist at a leading firm out of the blue quits and walks out, retires to a horse farm to raise thoroughbreds...

Damon: I needed a change of scenery.

Michael: I can relate to that.

Damon: I'll bet you can.

Olivia: The way you say that, like someone's preventing you from leaving?

Ashley: Oh, no, no, I wasn't forced, if that's what you mean. I just wanted to be in the office today. I wanted to be part of the excitement.

Olivia: Mm-hmm, but brad didn't agree?

Ashley: No, he was afraid it might jeopardize my health.

Olivia: Well, I think he could be right.

Ashley: I'm a tough broad. Besides, this is not my first baby.

Olivia: Hey, every pregnancy's different. You know that. You know, I'm happy that brad convinced you totatay.

Ashley: I'm just getting cabin fever.

Olivia: Well, just be patient, okay? The worst thing you can do right now is get yourself involved in a whole business situation.

Ashley: Mm.

Olivia: What's going on? Why that look?

Ashley: Well, because victor paid me a visit, and he said basically the same thing you just did.

Olivia: What? What is wrong with that man? What in god's name is he thinking?

Ashley: I have no idea. It was a really strange visit.

Olivia: How do you mean?

Ashley: Well, it left me with more questions than answers and a really weird feeling.

Olivia: You think there was more to his visit?

Ashley: No, no, I know. I know. He wants me out of the way during this launch for some reason, but why? I mean, I can't fathom what victor's worried about. C/q/c/

Olivia: You know, I feel like calling up vior and giving him a piece of my mind. What is he thinking?

Ashley: I'd like to believe he meant well.

Olivia: Well, his timing is... oh, my goodness.

Ashley: Well, there's my little sweetie pie. Come here, you. Come here, come here, come here, come here.

Olivia: Oh, look at her.

Ashley: Where's frances? No frances?

Olivia: (Laughs)

Ashley: She's under the couch? No, she's not.

Olivia: Look how much she's grown since I saw her last.

Ashley: She's there? Did you come looking for something?

Abby: Yeah.

Ashley: Oh, I know what you want. You want your dolly, right?

Olivia: Oh, beautiful dolly.

Ashley: Yeah? You gonna go in your room and play? Bye, sweetheart.

Olivia: Bye, honey. Oh, ashley, she is so precious.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. Victor'S.

Olivia: Don't even go there.

Ashley: I can't help it. I'm so mistrustful of him. He's not being honest with me. I know he's up to something.

Olivia: To do with business?

Ashley: Oh, yeah, and he knows I'm not gonna like whatever it is.

O olivia: Oh, you know what? Just stop it. Stop it. Stop thinking about victor. You're having a baby. You're having brad's baby. This is gonna solidify your marriage. It's gonna solidify your family more than ever. I know how important that is to you. I know how important that is to brad.

Ashley: I'm trying very hard to distance myself from victor, but no matter what I do, it just seems like our lives are forever bound together. I can't escape his shadow.

Brad: What's up?

Jack: My blood pressure's up. I got a very disturbing call from ashley earlier.

Brad: I know, jack, I got the same call. She's determined not to be kept out of the loop today.

Jack: I thought the whole idea of this trip was to keep her away from all this.

Brad: Yeah, but, we both know how your sister feels about this company. It's in her blood. I can't believe we ever thought she'd allow herself to be kept out.

Jack: Well, what are weororried about, anyway? Once we see the results, we're gonna only have good news for her.

Brad: Let's hope so.

Jack: What do you mean, "let's hope so"? What happened to that carlton confidence?

Brad: Oh, I have lots of confidence in tuvia.

Jack: Then what's bugging you?

Brad: I just wish I knew what the hell newman was up to.

Jack: You mean, why is he visiti a ashley?

Brad: Can you believe that guy? I'm telling you, jack, it took everything for me not to rip his head off.

Jack: Oh, believe me, believe me, I'm sure it was a kick in the gut, finding him there with your wife.

Brad: Where does he get off? He knows why she went away. She needed some peace and tranquility for the few weeks before the baby comes.

Jack: Well, she's certainly not gonna get that with that old goat. So did he say why he was there?

Brad: Oh, supposedly as her friend.

Jack: Oh, gee, you don't believe that?

Brad: He's just trying to manipulate her.

Jack: Yeah, but manipulate her how?

Brad: By claiming to be concerned about her health, urging her to stay away from the rollouts of tuvia and safr w when the fact is, he just doesn't want her to have a front-row seat, watching him as he tries to destroy us.

Jack: For once, I agree with him. I want ashley out of the fray.

Brad: Yeah, but it had the opposite effect, though, didn't it, jack? The lengths we go to to distance her from all this, and one visit from newman, and she wants to know every aspect of what's going on.

Jack: Okay, you and have done everything we can to keep her from getting excited, okay? Now we gotta get back in there and keep an eye on things. Look, for what it's worth, I don't know if you know this, damon porter is back.

Brad: Yeah, I talked to him. Where is he now?

Jack: Down in the lab. Apparently, he wants nothing to do with any dirty politics.

Jack: What do you got?

Jill: Well, it's early yet, but I got this from baltimore. (Telephone rings)

John: John abbott. Oh, yes, lauren. Uh-huh. I see. Mm-hmm. Well, thank you for letting me know. Well, that was lauren fenmore. She wanted us to know that, uh, tuvia is flying off the shelves.

Jill: Yes!

Dru: Yes.

Neil: All right, here are the latest chicago, philly and detroit projections. Actuals should start rolling in any minute. Here you go, nick.

Nick: I can't wait.

Victor: By the way, son, I don't appreciate the crack you made earlier. I don't want to hear any more doomsday prophecies from you. Is that clear?

Neil: Your dad's right. Get with the program, okay?

Nick: We'll see what we see, neil.

Neil: Yeah, speaking of which... well, well... would you look at this? Gentlemen, take a look at your computers. We're already getting hits.

Victor: Boy, this is impressive, isn't it?

Neil: Phyllis has got to see... where is phyllis?

Victoria: Could you grab those folders, please?

Phyllis: Sure. Well, this is exciting, isn't it? I have to be honest, I've never been a part of something like this. The energy-- you could just feel it.

Victoria: Yeah, it's a big day for us, for the other guys, too.

Phyllis: Yeah. Makes you wonder.

Victoria: About what?

Phyllis: Well, you know, how the other guys are doing across town. They had high hopes, too.

Victoria: Well, you would know.

Phyllis: Oh, I wasn't speaking about jack as much as I was damon porter, our mutual friend.

Victoria: Is that what he is now-- our mutual friend?

Phyllis: Yeah. Don't you think so?

Victoria: Youe e being a little obvious.

Phyllis: What are you talking about?

Victoria: You are dying to know how my meeting with damon went.

Phyllis: Oh, I am not. Please.

Victoria: Oh, okay, okay. Well, since you're not interested, then you-- then you won't care that we had a really nice chat, and then I invited him over to the ranch for a ride. You know, he's one hell of a horseman.

Phyllis: Oh, my god, are you kidding me? You did that?

Victoria: Yeah, why? You have a problem with that?

Phyllis: Victoria, you're defying your father's instructions to keep away from damon porter.

Victoria: Oh, come off it. You're just jealous.

Phyllis: No, I'm not. This is not a game, victoria, okay? If this guy defects from jabot, that would be huge for us.

Victoria: Yeah, I know, which is why I intend to keep the lines of communication open.

Phyllis: Regardless of what your father said?

Victoria: My father's not always right.

Phyllis: Oh, I can't believe this. I'd be careful, sweetie, because too much attention makes a horse skittish.

Victoria: Yeah, well, I guess that depends on who's in the saddle. You're looking live at edmonton from our skytracker atop manulife place.Good afternoon. I'm lesley macdonald. Today at 5:30...a grandmother in sylvan lake has lo h her fight with city council to keep a treehouse she built for her grandchildren. And the report on the columbia disaster is out and comes down hard on nasa. Plus...the okanagan mountain fire is now burning away from the city, but it's still considered a huge threat. That'S... ...coming up on edmonton's global news at 5:30. Hc

Michael: I'm not sure I know what you mean.

Damon: You're an attorney, correct?

Michael: Correct.

Damon: Thriving practice?

Michael: I do all right.

Damon: And you've actually made quite a name for yourself here in genoa city.

Michael: I'd like to think so.

Damon: And yet, you've chosen to moonlight by working for newman enterprises.

Michael: Ah, I think I know where you're going with this.

Damon: Evidently, you, too, needed a change of scenery.

Michael: Not to mention a large infusion of cash.

Damon: Well, my daddy used to say, "what good is money if you're miserable?"

Michael: Your daddy sounds like a smart man, but who says I'm miserable?

Damon: Well, victor newman has a reputation as a tyrant, a control freak, difficult to work with.

Michael: And a very powerful man.

Damon: Yes, he seems to think so, doesn't he?

Michael: You've met victor?

Damon: Oh, yes, and to be perfectly honest, I was not impressed.

Michael: Um, well, there's more to victor newman than meets the eye, and certainly, not all of it bad. You can tell that by the way his kids turned out. I mean, you've met victoria, haven't you? What's so funny?

Damon: I--I'm sorry. I just find it fascinating, that's all.

Michael: What?

Damon: The way you casually slipped victoria's name into our conversation.

Michael: Smooth, huh?

Damon: Shs s a lovely woman, isn't she?

Michael: I suppose so. Do you know her very well?

Damon: Not as well as I'd like to.

Michael: Really?

Damon: Well, this has been intriguing. You know, I mean, in a puzzling sort of way.

Michael: Puzzling?

Damon: I still have no idea why you're here, mr. Baldwin.

Michael: Please, please, call me michael.

Damon: Fine. Doesn't answer my question.

Michael: Okay, I'll make this simple for you. I was wondering if you would consider leaving a sinking ship.

Sharon: Nikki, if you want to completely destroy a charitable organization just to get back at me for something that you think that I did, well, what can I say? I mean, that's your prerogative.

Nikki: Are you really going to stand there and pretend that you and aeses sorenson didn't cook this up together?

Sharon: Now this is getting just a little bit juvenile, don't you think? First of all, this was not deliberate, and this was not planned, and agnes had absolutely nothing to do with the wording on the invitations.

Nikki: It is utterly insulting that youxpxpect me to believe this.

Sharon: Well, believe whatever you want. I mean, you will anyway. And frankly, you know, if I were after you, I would not embarrass myself by getting other people involved. This little war that you insist on waging with me is not something that I would want the whole world to see.

Nikki: Brava. Lovely speech. How many hours did you spend rehearsing it?

Sharon: You know, I ha t things to do, nikki. Don't you? In fact, isn't this tuvia's big launch day?

Nikki: You know, sharon, I really have to hand it to you. You've thought of everything. I can't really back out on having the gala here because the invitations are already out, and I can't pull the plug on the council's funding because you will make it seem like sour grapes. So there's really no way I can respond to your pathetic little act of sabotage without embarrassing this entire family. Or so you would dearly love to believe.

Neil: Yeah, thanks. Okay, thank you very much. Uh-huh. Victor, put your eyes on the screen, sir.

Victor: I am looking at it.

Victoria: Hey, how we doing?

Neil: Oh, ladies, come here a minute. I want to show you something. Come here. Hurry up.

Victoria: What? Is it good?

Neil: Check this out. Look--look, see for yourself.

Victoria: Oh, gosh.

Neil: Hmm?

Phyllis: Oh, my god.

Neil: Huh?

Victoria: Is it possible we're doing this well?

Neil: Yes, it's entirely possible.

Phyllis: These are twice the hits I expected.

Neil: And increasing by the minute, phyllis. Good job. (Telephoneinings)

Neil: Neil winters. Yeah, in a minute.

Nick: Well, you seem pretty cool. No worries?

Victor: We did our homework. We planned well. Now we'll wait and see.

Nick: Well, you must have some guess. I mean, what's your goal?

Victor: Son, I've learned over the years not to put my hopes up too high. You just do the best you can, you know? Leave the rest up to fate.

Nick: You always said a man makes his own fate.

Victor: That's right.

Neil: Okay, thanks. More good news, people. I just got off the phone with the regional manager for nelson's department stores. Safra is outselling tuvia at all nelson's outlets.

Victoria: Oh, my gosh. (Telephone rings)

Phyllis: Wow.

Victoria: Let me grab this. Ctctoria newman. (Telephone rings)

Neil: Isn't it great?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Uh-huh, let me grab a pen.

Neil: Phyllis, you did a great job on this.

Phyllis: Thank, you too.

Brad: I don't like the looks of this.

Jack: What's wrong?

Brad: Sales are flat. Not what we should be seeing.

Jack: Good god, brad's right.

John: Fenmore's still holding?

Brad: Yeah, we're doing well there, beating safra hands down.

Jill: What about the other major retailers?

Jack: There is trouble in river city.

Jill: All right, let's take a look at the nelson chain. We're usually very strong there.

Brad: My god, we're getting killed there.

John: Now listen up, everybody. It is still early. There's no need to panic.

Jack: Dad, we have not had a rollout this grim in the history of jabot.

Dru: Um, you know, I-- I need to get some air. (Telephone rings)

John: John abbott.Ashley: Hi, dad.

John: Oh, ashley, honey. How are you, sweetheart?

Ashley: I'm fine, but it's you guys I called about. Put me on speakerphone.

John: All right, sweetheart, we're all here. Go ahead.

Ashley: You know why I'm calling. The tuvia launch is under way. I'm dying to know how sales are going. |Xxú so, it was called cattle point. Of the nation, and subsequentlyne of th here. Your cruise director, ron

Sharon: Nikki, I think it's time that you and I--

Nikki: Learn to peacefully coexist? That'll be a cold day in hell, my dear.

Sharon: Well, I wasn't gonna say that. What I was gonna say is treat each other like equals.

Nikki: Colder day in hell.

Sharon: Well, then I guess you're right. I guess your hands are tied. I suppose you could go whining to one of our husbands...

Nikki: No, no. No, there will be no whining. Just know that there will be retribution.

Sharon: Why, nikki, that almost sounds like a threat.

Nikki: It is.

Neil: What a day it's been.

Phyllis: So far.

Neil: So far, so good.

Victoria: So far, so great.

Victor: Well, I think this is time to celebrate.

Victoria: All right.

Victor: My darling.

Victoria: Thank you.

Victor: Phyllis.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Victor: Son. Neil.

Neil: Thank you for remembering, victor.

Victoria: All right, to safra-- a new era in cosmetics for women of color everywhere.

Phyllis: All right.

Neil: Here here.

Phyllis: Yay. (Telephone rings)

Victoria: I'm gonna get that.

Neil: Cheers.

Phyllis: I cannot believe we're actually closing in on jabot. (Telephone rings)

Victor: I have a feeling when the overnights come in, the numbers will be even more stunning.

Phyllis: Well, I'll drink to that.

Neil: Let's just pray and hope that the numberseeeep growing and piling up.

Victoria: I know. We never expected anything like this. Well, I mean, we expected to do well, but-- yeah. Okay. Well, uh, keep us posted. We'll be waiting to hear from you. Thank you. Bye.

Nick: Well, congratulations. I mean, I never expected numbers like this. I guess all your hard work paid off.

Victoria: Yeah, looks that way, doesn't it?

Nick: Why do you say it like that?

Victoria: No reason.

Nick: Is it because maybe you think it might be more than just hard work? Look, forget I said that. This is your day. All your hard work paid off, it looks like.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. Well, unfortunately, I kind of agree with you. This--this is great, but it seems like it's a lot more than just hard work.

Nick: Meaning what?

Victoria: I don't know. What's your theory?

Nick: Well, one name comes to mind.

Victoria: For me, too.

Damon: So that's what this is about? You're hertoto recruit me.

Michael: Did I say that?

Damon: You might as well have.

Michael: Okay, fine. If that's what you're hearing, what do you say?

Damon: I'm not a man who says much, michael, but I am a good listener. So why don't you stop beating around the bush and tell me exactly what you're proposing? (Knock on door)

Dru: Damon? Wh-- michael baldwin? What are you... he--he is the enemy. You know what? I'm calling security. Better yet, police.

John: Honey, everything is fine, fine. How are you feeling?

Ashley: Left out. I'm missing all the fun.

John: Look, it's a little hectic here. Why don't I call you this evening?

Ashy:Y: Absolutely not. I want to hear all your reactions. Jackie, how's it going? Are the numbers good? Hello? Brad? Are you there? What's wrong?

Brad: Nothing's wrong, ash.

Jack: We're doing gangbusters at fenmore's right now and a lot of other boutiques.

Ashley: Well, that's good news, but what about the larger chains, like nelson's? Hello, dad? Come on, you guys, tell me the truth. Good or bad, I want to hear it.

Jack: Truth is, ash, the numbers are a little weak.

Brad: Not quite what they should be.

Jack: Try to remember, too, it's pretty early.

Ashley: How weak?

John: All right, honey--

Ashley: Brad, somebody, how weak? I want to know.

John: All right, honey, I won't lie to you. The results are not what we expected, but the day is early, and, uh, newman has spent millions of dollars on promotion, and I wouldn't overreact. It's too soon for that.

Ashley: I want to hear some numbers, please.

John: Ashley, I am sure things are going to turn around. Now I want you to relax and take care of the baby you're carrying. Don't worry about things that are going on here.

Jack: It's all under control, sis.

John: Look, uh, we've got to go now. Lots to do, ash. Talk to you later.

Jack: Something's wrong here. Something is way the hell wrong.

Next on

"the young and the restless"...

Dru: What the hell were you thinking about, letting king cobra in here?

Brad: Been on the phone with a few of our retailers. Our numbers are off, safra's aren'T. In fact, they're exceeding all projections.

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