Monday Y&R Transcript 8/25/03

Y&R Transcript Mon
day 8/25/03--Canada; Tuesday 8/26/03--USA

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma

(Door opens and closes)

Victor: What have you got there?

Nikki: The blueprints for the renovation of the tack house.

Victor: Well, you disapprove or what?

Nikki: No, I think it's lovely.

Victor: Good.

Nikki: I don't know if it's gonna get you back in good graces with your daughter.

Victor: I'm not trying to buy my daughter's affection, if that's what you're implying.

Nikki: I know that. I just don't know where you found the time to do this when you're right in the middle of trying to get a major new cosmetics line out.

Victor: Maybe it's a measure of my confidence in our new line.

Nikki: Really?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: So you think Safra's gonna do that well? Don't you have just one nervous bone in your body?

Victor: Would it do any good if I were nervous? I mean, would that help the performance of the new line? My darling, the die has cast. Today we'll find out who will sink and who will swim.

Nikki: Yes, we will.

Victor: Uh-huh. I'm gonna go upstairs and change.


(Telephone rings) (ring)

Brad: Hello.

Ashley: Good morning, my love.

Brad: Hey, you. I wasn't expecting you to call. I was just there.

Ashley: Well, you had to know I was gonna touch base with you, today of all days, despite your lovely visit last night.

Brad: It should have been lovely.

Ashley: Oh, honey, let's not get into the whole Victor thing again, okay?

Brad: I still wonder what he was doing there.

Ashley: Well, I'm still curious, too, but I think you're right. He's just trying to keep us off balance. So let's not let him, all right?

Brad: Deal. So how are you feeling today?

Ashley: I'm good. I'm on pins and needles, though.

Brad: Ash, please don't get too excited about this.

Ashley: Honey, just because I'm not in Genoa City , you can't expect me to ignore this day and what's going on and all the implications for my family.

Brad: A few more days, I'll come get you and bring you home. We'll wait out the birth of our little one together. You can put your feet up, relax. We'll congratulate each other as the Tuvia sales roll in. Now how's that for an image?

Ashley: Mmm, sounds like heaven to me.

Brad: Me too. I better go.

Ashley: All right. Well, keep in touch.

Brad: Don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine. Have a wonderful day, honey.

Ashley: I can't wait till we're together again.

Brad: Bye.


Jack: I'm behind you. Careful, you'll break that thing.

Phyllis: I didn't know you were there.

Jack: You know, if I wanted to snoop, I wouldn't have announced myself, now would I?

Phyllis: I guess I'm a little skittish.

Jack: I'd say maybe a little paranoid.

Phyllis: Listen, honey, it's not unreasonable for me to be a little jumpy about in-house information on the very first day of the biggest product launch I've ever been a part of.

Jack: God, you put it that way, I think you'd be a total basket case.

Phyllis: Okay, whatever you say, Mr. Calm, cool and collected.

Jack: Okay, for what it's worth I'm a little jumpy, too.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Jack: But I'm at home right now with my wife, and my day hasn't started yet.

Phyllis: And when our day does start, it's every man for himself, isn't it?


Cassie: Mom. Good eggs, mom.

Sharon : Thanks, sweetie.

Nick: Yeah, it tastes like you scrambled them up with a little something different.

Sharon : Oh, well, I guess I was just feeling creative today.

Nick: Oh, yeah?

Cassie: Noah would have loved 'em.

Nick: Yeah, he took off out of here at the crack of dawn, didn't he?

Sharon : Oh, he was so excited to go to that water park with his friends from day camp. Hey, you know what? Looks like everyone woke up on the right side of the bed today.

Nick: Yeah, it's nice, for a change.

Cassie: Hey, don't mess with me. (Laughs)

Nick: You know, a couple of years ago, she wouldn't have caught that.

Cassie: Are you sure about that?


(Cell phone rings)

Damon: Porter here.

Victoria : Newman here.

Damon: Well, good morning.

Victoria : Hi. Guess where I've just been.

Damon: Where have you just been?

Victoria : Out for a ride. It's all your fault.

Damon: I've created a monster.

Victoria : You did. Totally. I had a really good time.

Damon: Well, I just reminded you how much you loved it, that's all.

Victoria : You know, there's only one thing missing.

Damon: What's that?

Victoria : Company. Anyway, um, thanks for joining me last night.

Damon: Shoot, I shod be the one thanking you.

Victoria : So, uh, we'll do it again sometime soon.

Damon: Well, I look forward to it, Miss Victoria .

Victoria : Well, um...

Damon: Busy day?

Victoria : Yeah, for you, too. Good luck. I mean that.

Damon: Same to you, Victoria.

Victoria : Bye.

Damon: Bye-bye.


Colleen: Hey, daddy.

Brad: Hi, sweetheart. This is a pleasant surprise. I didn't think I'd see you before I went to work.

Colleen: The phone woke me.

Brad: Ah, that was Ash.

Colleen: Oh, I haven't talked to her in a couple of days. How's she doing?

Brad: She is doing well.

Brad: But I'm not sure that I can say the same about you.

Colleen: Oh, I just had a bad night. I didn't sleep too well.

Brad: Anything to do with a certain tall, blond guy?

Colleen: J.T.?

Brad: Mm-hmm.

Colleen: No. He is the best part of my day. Always is.

Brad: Well, that's very sweet.

Colleen: Uh, dad, I have to tell you something.

Brad: I'm listening.

Colleen: Remember when I said J.T. And I were just friends?

Brad: Uh-huh.

Colleen: Well, it was true. It's just, um, we're back together now.

Brad: I know.

Colleen: You know?

Brad: You see, um, your old dad isn't quite as dense as you might think. I've assumed you guys were back together. I appreciate you telling me.

Colleen: And I appreciate you being so understanding, and just so you know, J.T. And I are doing great, better than ever.

Brad: Well, we'll talk about that later. Right now I want to know, if J.T. Isn't bringing you down, then who is?

Colleen: Lily. Looks like I don't have a best friend anymore.


Cassie: So, mom, do you need some help?

Sharon : That's okay, hon, I'll get it. You have to go to tutoring.

Cassie: Okay.

Nick: You, uh, need a lift into town today, squirt?

Cassie: Actually, Chuck's taking me.

Sharon : Chuck from the stables?

Cassie: Uh-huh. I'm kind of nervous about today.

Nick: How come?

Cassie: Now that you said I could ask Adam to the gala...

Nick: You have to do the asking.

Cassie: I hope he says yes.

Sharon : I'm sure he will.

Nick: Are you kidding me? I mean, you're a total knockout. He'd be crazy to turn you down.

Sharon : Oh, and before I forget, I want us to make a plan to go shopping so we can get a special dress.

Cassie: Cool. (Car horn honks)

Cassie: Well, that's Chuck. Got to go. Bye.

Sharon : Bye.

Nick: Bye.

Sharon : Good luck.

Nick: Quite a change, huh?

Sharon : Cassie and me? Getting there, thanks to you.

Nick: I didn't do anything except stop being an ogre.

Sharon : Well, you're a concerned father. I mean, no one could fault you for that.

Nick: Well, it's obvious it worked. You know, letting you be the hero, especially since I know everything you've been going through with my family lately.

Sharon : Oh, let's not talk about Nikki, please.


Victor: How do I look?

Nikki: Well, very nice. Very "Victor Newman"-- calm, collected, handsome. Ooh, it's a shame it's all gonna go to waste.

Victor: Well, I'm glad the tension hasn't ruined your sense of humor.

Nikki: Oh, no. I've taken a page from your book.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: We've all worked too hard and too long to fail now.

Victor: Which is what's gonna happen, you know.

Nikki: Don't underestimate us. While you were busy redesigning the tack room, we were busy coming up with new products.

Victor: Mm-hmm, but who's gonna buy your new product?

Nikki: We shall see.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: So listen, um, what do you know about Damon Porter?

Victor: Why do you ask? He's the head of the R&D department for jabot while Ashley’s gone.

Nikki: Well, I know you were hot to hire him.

Victor: So?

Nikki: You didn't succeed.

Victor: And?

Nikki: Nothing, it’s... does Victoria know him?

Victor: What are you getting at?

Nikki: Nothing. Look, just know that we will have no trouble moving our products, and as an R&D chemist, this guy really is a genius.

Victor: Really? Mm-hmm.

Victor: Where do things stand with the gala?

Nikki: Everything's right on track.

Victor: We're gonna have it here, or has that been decided?

Nikki: No, of course it's been decided. Yes, it's here. I'm hosting it just as I said I would.

Victor:M-m-hmm. And Sharon and Agnes Sorenson agree with that?

Nikki: Absolutely. For once, Agnes and I are in complete agreement.

Victor: Really? How about Sharon ?

Nikki: Oh, she's a little put out that she didn't get her way, but the important thing is I think she finally understands who's in charge around here.

Victor: Mm-hmm. And whoever's in charge looks very beautiful.

Nikki: Why, thank you.


[Music throughout] 

Brad: I didn't know you and Lily were having problems, honey.

Colleen: Yeah, ever since she started seeing this Kevin guy.

Brad: You don't like him?

Colleen: Can't stand him. It looks like the relationship's over, and that's good. The problem is, Lily blames me for the breakup.

Brad: Why?

Colleen: Mainly because J.T. And I broke up one of their dates. We told him to stay away from her, and we told Lily that she should have nothing to do with him.

Brad: Well, I can understand why she's upset. Why'd you do that?

Colleen: 'Cause he's a creep. She is so desperate for a boyfriend, dad, and she's just convinced herself that he's this sweet, sensitive guy, but s she had seen the way he treated me last night...

Brad: What were you doing with him?

Colleen: I-- I just ran into him. He was acting really weird and angry about me interfering, and then--especially after I accused him of dating Lily only for sex.

Brad: Whoa, wait a minute, she slept with him?

Colleen: No, but that's what he's hoping for. I mean, why else would he keep asking her to his apartment?

Brad: Apartment? How old is this guy?

Colleen: Older than J.T.

Brad: Wait, Colleen, I thought we were talking about a high school kid. Do Lily's parents know about this?

Colleen: Dad, you cannot say a word to them.

Brad: Colleen, this is serious.

Colleen: I know, but she will probably never hear from him again, and besides, they probably already know.

Brad: You sure she confided in her parents about this?

Colleen: Well, maybe not, but her mom's ex-- this guy Wesley-- she's really close to, and they talk all the time, and he's a shrink, and I'm sure if he was worried, he would tell them. Please, dad, don't get involved.

Brad: Okay, I, uh, I won't say anything for now, but if this guy comes around again...

Colleen: I will let you know, I promise.

Brad: All right.

Colleen: Thank you. If you went to the winters, lily would probably hate me even more than she does.

Brad: She doesn't hate you.

Colleen: Yeah? You should've seen her yesterday. She said that I didn't want her to be happy, that I wanted to be the only one with a boyfriend.

Brad: Honey, she's hurting, all right? She's just lashing out at you.

Colleen: I was only trying to protect her, dad.

Brad: I know you were. Listen, being a good friend, that means giving people the advice they need, not the advice they want to hear. I'm proud of you for speaking up. You should be, too. You kept lily from making a terrible mistake.

Colleen: I wish she'd see it that way.


Victor: Well, somehow that doesn't seem very reassuring.

Nikki: It's really very simple. Sharon finally understands my position in this family and in Genoa City . I have a reputation.

Victor: Well, in Genoa City , you have the reputation for not liking this event.

Nikki: Well, like so many other things, that is all in the past. I plan to give them a gala they will never forget.

Victor: Uh-huh. What are your plans for Sharon ?

Nikki: She'll function with me, assisting with the hosting.

Victor: Darling, its one thing to outmaneuver her. It's quite another to make peace.

Nikki: It's all settled. You don't have to worry about it. We're headed toward the denouement.

Victor: Well, I hope that's the case, because there's enough competition going on in our family. We don't need you and Sharon to go at each other all the time.

Nikki: I know. It makes us lose sight of the people we really care about.

Victor: That's right, and I don't want that to happen, not even today.

Nikki: No.

Victor: Good luck with the new line.

Nikki: Thanks.

Victor: And may the best line win.

Nikki: Right.

Victor: And don't forget one thing... I love you.

Nikki: I love you.

Nikki: Good luck.


Jack: Hey, we're a team, right, you and me? Nothing that happens today or any other day is gonna change that.

Phyllis: Mmm, that's very sweet of you today.

Jack: Comes right from the heart.

Phyllis: This could be one of those battles where only one company is left standing.

Jack: Yeah, I suppose it could happen that way.

Phyllis: Newman has very deep pockets.

Jack: Ooh, I wouldn't make any predictions based on that. I could read you a hundred case histories where the little guy with the better product wins the day.

Phyllis: I worry about you.

Jack: Yeah?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Jabot's your life.

Jack: Let's not go there. That road leads to the big question of why you're working against me rather than with me.

Phyllis: That's right. We don't want to go there, do we? We've been getting along so well.

Jack: We have been getting along better.

Phyllis: Okay, I'll go for "better." All right, the bell rings in an hour.

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What, you trying to make me nervous?

Phyllis: Yeah, I want you to be nervous. I want you to be nervous with me.


Nikki: Well, don't you seem confident?

Victoria : I am. You look great.

Nikki: Thanks. It's my lucky suit. Your father gave it to me.

Victoria : Oh, good for you.

Nikki: You want some breakfast?

Victoria : Oh, no, I'm too keyed up to eat. I mean, I'm starving, but I...

Nikki: No, I know. I know the feeling. How was your ride?

Victoria : It was great.

Nikki: And the one last night, with the very handsome Mr. Porter?

Victoria : Ah, you know about that, huh?

Nikki: He's a little hard to miss.

Victoria : You saw us together?

Nikki: Are you trying to keep it a secret?

Victoria : What, that I invited him out to the ranch for a ride?

Nikki: Honey, normally, I would be pleased for you, but these are not normal circumstances. I really think it would be best, at least for the time being, that last night's invitation weren't repeated.


Damon: Hey. You know, this is probably about the best melon on the planet. You should try it.

Brad: Not hungry.

Damon: Things are gonna start happening soon. Stores are about to open back east.

Brad: Yep.

Damon: You're quiet.

Brad: Where do things stand with you and Phyllis Abbott?

Phyllis: We have been getting along better, right?

Jack: Well, you had me worried there for awhile.

Phyllis: When did I have you worried?

Jack: Your first encounter with Damon, when you were feeling him out about coming to work at Newman.

Phyllis: I wasn't exactly feeling him out.

Jack: Oh, yes, you were, exactly. We don't have to argue that right now. My point is, you've been straight with me since then, and I want you to know I appreciate that.

Jack: Sugar?

Phyllis: What?

Jack: I just said something very nice to you.

Phyllis: Yeah... I know. It was very sweet. I love you.

Phyllis: I have to go to work. Um, I'll-- I'll see you this evening when I get back.

Jack: Hey, okay, I just want you to know, I will be very generous in sharing my champagne with you. See, I'll be celebrating the successful launch of the Tuvia line.


Man: Hey, could you go out to the truck and get the laptops? Thanks.

Michael: I must be moving up in the world. I just got the official wave-through from your secretary. What's going on?

Victor: The launching of Safra. This will allow us to monitor the effectiveness of our campaign in real time.

Michael: Technology sure is wonderful.

Man: We'll be back with the rest of the equipment in a little while, Mr. Newman.

Victor: Thank you, Marcus.

Michael: So this is the day. Flags flying, horns tooting. Got something for me to do?

Victor: Mm-hmm, I'm thinking.

Michael: Let's think together.

Victor: Damon Porter.

Michael: Jabot's product design genius. What about him?

Victor: I want you to find out everything you can about him. I mean, everything.


Damon: What do you mean, where do things stand?

Brad: Phyllis is a loose cannon. She can't be trusted. Now last time I was with you, she called and wanted to see you.

Damon: Yeah, and you pressed me to meet with her.

Brad: What was it about? What was the urgency?

Damon: Damage control. Phyllis was concerned Drucilla would tell Jack about our evening together. She hoped I would intercede, get Dru to keep her mouth shut, not that I have that sort of power with our lovely--

Brad: Dru didn't say a word to Jack.

Damon: Well, good. I guess that means she listened to what I told her. You know, that this was just a plan to get information out of Phyllis.

Brad: Yeah, well, we didn't learn a damn thing, did we?

Damon: And we're not gonna, not from Phyllis. She called it off. It's too risky. Won't take a chance with her marriage.

Brad: Ohh, so she felt something, did she? She wasn't the only one.

Damon: Why speculate, Brad? That's a thing of the past. I have some other news.

Brad: Can't wait.

Damon: Someone called just as I was saying good-bye and good luck to the lovely Phyllis Abbott.

Brad: Do I even want to hear this?

Damon: I think. Victoria Newman.


Victoria : Um, since when do you dictate who I date?

Nikki: Honey, I'm not dictating. It's just that this is not the right time for you to be getting involved with this particular man. I don't think I need to say any more.

Victoria : Oh, come on. Why should I let you and dad have all the fun? Jack and Phyllis, Neil and Dru...

Nikki: Honey, those were existing relationships.

Victoria : Mother, relationships? Damon and I--I mean, what? We have one horseback ride, and you think we're gonna take the Newman jet to Vegas or something?

Nikki: It's very unhealthy, don't you see that? Your father and me and these other couples that you mentioned, the competition has put a terrible strain on all of us. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you and Damon would be immune to that.

Victoria : Mother, Damon and I have not discussed anything like what you're talking about.

Nikki: Please, I am not naive. This is how it starts.

Victoria : How do you know?

Nikki: Because I know, all right? I know. I saw you.

Victoria : You--you saw what?

Nikki: Before the two of you said your good nights, I saw you in the stables, okay? I saw that look in your eye, and I know it, especially from you. I know it very well.


Nick: I think we should talk about my mother. You mentioned the other day that the gala was back at the ranch, then you clammed up about it.

Sharon : Well, I just didn't want to go running to you with all of her... look, stop it. You're getting me talking about Nikki again.

Nick: She must have coerced you into this.

Sharon : In the interest of keeping the peace, let's just say that it was a learning experience and leave it at that.

Nick: She really put the screws to you, huh?

Sharon : Mm-hmm.

Nick: Well, she's at least letting you still host the thing, right?

Sharon : Uh...

Nick: Are you kidding me? I mean, what is with mom and this power play she's been on lately?

Sharon : The gala's up at the main house. Nikki is hosting. I will be her co-host. So be it.

Nick: You don't sound too upset about it.

Sharon : Well, sweetheart, what good would it do? Look, we have a really big event to put on, and it'll be here before you know it. In fact, just last night, the invitations were sent out. I had the printer take care of it.

Nick: You're amazing, you know that?

Sharon : What?

Nick: My mom is being this total pain, and you're just-- you're just dealing with it.

Sharon : Well, I know I have your support, and that's what counts. Honestly, Nick, I'm okay with this. I am just gonna smile and pitch in and make this event as successful as I know it can be. In fact, I've already started doing exactly that.

Nick: By sending out the invitations?

Sharon : Mm-hmm. They will be blanketing the whole town in no time.

Nick: Well, hopefully, appreciative, at least.

Sharon : I have no doubt that Nikki will have something to say about my taking the initiative.

Nick: Well, my money's on you, because she doesn't know who she's dealing with.

Sharon : (Chuckles) you're sweet.

Sharon : No, she doesn't, but she's about to find out.


Michael: Why is it so important to get a background check on Damon Porter?

Victor: Because I think Damon Porter may be in play.

Michael: You mean ready to quit Jabot?

Victor: Possible.

Michael: Then what's so complicated? Make him an offer.

Victor: Not that simple.

Victor: I don't think he's ready to move yet.

Michael: And you want me to find out when he is.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Right. Seems that Phyllis Abbott has taken it upon herself to keep an eye on Damon Porter for us.

Michael: Really?

Victor: You're friends with her. Tell her to back off.

Michael: I'll try. Phyllis can be a handful.

Victor: Mm-hmm. That's why I need you. There's another thing. I'm sort of concerned that my daughter may have more than a passing interest in Damon Porter.

Michael: I see. And you think this interest is of a business nature?

Victor: Hmm, could be. She's certainly aware of what benefit Damon Porter's expertise would be to Safra. However, I also know that my daughter has been without a man in her life for some time now.

Michael: I think you're right to be concerned.

Victor: There's something you know that I don't?

Michael: No, just what you said. Victoria 's very important to you. A lot of things going on, corporate intrigue. Not the best time to be forming relationships. Not a time when everyone will be honest with everyone else.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Michael: Do you want Victoria caught up in the middle of that?

Victor: Of course not.

Michael: Well, then neither do I.

Victor: Now you know that she's furious with me for hiring you?

Michael: Yeah, I know, I'm not one of her favorite people, but really, I admire Victoria from a safe distance.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Victoria : We need to get you some glasses, mother.

Nikki: Are you actually going to deny that you're interested in Damon? Don't forget who you're talking to.

Victoria : Oh, right, right, right. She knows all. She sees all.

Nikki: And don't be so smart with me.

Victoria : You're making it very difficult to take you seriously.

Nikki: Victoria , I am telling you, you better take this seriously.

Victoria : And I am telling you to back off. Let me live my own life. My god, how many times do i have to say this to you and dad before you get it through your heads?

Nikki: Okay, okay, okay, I have said my piece. I'm not gonna hammer at you. I can't really afford to lose my one and only ally in this family.

Victoria : You mean against Sharon ?

Nikki: Bingo.

Victoria : So how are things going with the gala?

Nikki: I finally put that girl in her place.

Victoria : So the gala is here at the ranch, and you're in charge.

Nikki: I played my trump with that little snit right in front of Agnes Sorenson. It was a distinct pleasure.

Victoria : (Chuckles) well, knowing my sister-in-law, she's probably fit to be tied.

Nikki: Oh, well. Couldn't happen to a more deserving little wretch, could it?


Brad: Victoria called you? Why?

Damon: She wanted to go horseback riding. It had been awhile for me.

Brad: You didn’t...

Brad: At the Newman ranch?

Damon: Yeah.

Brad: "Yeah." (Chuckles) you know, you do like living dangerously, don't you?

Damon: She's a charming woman.

Brad: I'm gonna paint a little picture for you, Damon, all right? These kinds of things get very complicated; and we have lots of beautiful women right here at Jabot. I'd be happy to introduce you.

Damon: Oh, I'll find my own. Thank you.

Brad: You try to remember one thing.

Damon: Mm-hmm.

Brad: No matter what the tensions, Victoria is, above all else, a Newman. She's very much Victor Newman’s daughter.


Nikki: Who was at the door?

Miguel: A messenger. This just arrived for you.

Nikki: " Genoa City printing and mailing"? What is that about?

Miguel: The man didn't say.

Nikki: Okay, thanks.

Nikki: Hmm. "Gala invitations out in the mail, right on schedule. Call with any questions." Very fast. Good girl, Agnes. Now let's see what they look like.

Nikki: Hmm. Very nice. Tasteful. Wonders never cease. What?!

"Sharon Newman is pleased to invite you..." " Genoa City Arts Council Annual Gala. The event to be held at her family estate."  "Her family estate"?! Ohh!


Victor: In other words, find out anything you can that's going on between my daughter and Damon Porter on any level. I don't want her emotions to get caught up... at the cross fire between Safra and jabot.

Michael: Understood. And Phyllis?

Victor: She's a very good I.T. Person, but I don't want her schmoozing and recruiting and otherwise get involved with Damon Porter, is that clear? (Knock on door)

Man: Oh, excuse me, Mr. Newman.

Victor: All right, we're finished.

Michael: All right, Victor. Next time I hope you find something really interesting for me to do.

Victor: Please understand the importance. If we manage to lure Damon Porter over to our company, Jabot will be on the ropes, perhaps for good.


(Telephone rings) (ring)

Jack: Hello.

Ashley: Hi, Jack, it's me.

Jack: Sis. Hey, great to hear your voice. How you doing?

Ashley: I'm good. I'm good.

Jack: Good, good, that's it?

Ashley: Uh, I'm still a beached whale.

Jack: Oh, give me a break. Pregnancy looks better on you than any woman I ever met.

Ashley: Thank you very much.

Jack: So everything on schedule?

Ashley: Well, it's not an exact science-- anywhere from one to two weeks. If we go into the third week, I'm gonna start doing jumping jacks.

Jack: You do whatever they tell you, you hear me?

Ashley: Aye, aye, sir. So the launch?

Jack: The launch. Yeah, going off without a hitch.

Ashley: You're sure?

Jack: There's nothing we can do now-- products are in the stores. The ads are in print, our sponsor on the air as we speak. We just wait for the restocking orders to come flooding in.

Ashley: Jack.

Jack: Hey, look, I know you want to be with us right now. Hell, I'd love to have you with me, but the timing isn't right.

Ashley: Victor-- Victor paid me a visit.

Jack: What? Why?

Ashley: I don't know. I was hoping you had some idea.

Jack: What did he say?

Ashley: Well, he was very solicitous. He wanted me to stay calm, not get distressed over business things, focus on having a healthy baby and try not to get, uh, caught up in this war between our two companies. So what's going on that you're not telling me?

Jack: You know, there are hundreds of details, none of them dire.

Ashley: Jack, I know he hired Baldwin .

Jack: What did he say to you about that?

Ashley: Well, he wouldn't talk about it, actually, but I have a really bad feeling. It's almost as if Victor was trying to warn me in a very subtle way. And now that I know Baldwin ’s involved...

Jack: We don't know how much Baldwin ’s involved, whether he's involved at all. Hell, he could be working on a will for the guy.

Ashley: Don't be an idiot. Come on, Jack. Don't stonewall me. Brad just did that. Stop soft-pedaling. Victor's up to something, you know it.

Jack: Of course he is. So are we. You know what? You're up to something even more important-- delivering a healthy baby.

Ashley: All right. Will you please just contact me today; let me know how the launch is going?

Jack: Yeah. I'll give you a call. Listen, I've got to get to the office now.

Ashley: Jack--

Jack: I promise I will call you, all right? I love you, sis.

Jack: You had to get Ashley involved, didn't you, Victor? There's nothing you won't do to try to win this.


Nikki: Sharon ! Where are you?! Get out here now!

Sharon : Oh, back to the barging in again, are we?

Nikki: What the hell is this?

Sharon : What's it look like?

Nikki: This is an invitation to your funeral!


Next on "the young and the restless"...

Damon: That sign on the door says, "authorized personnel only."

Michael: I am so sorry. I didn't even see that.

Damon: Lab's off-limits.


Phyllis: You're defying your father's instructions to keep away from Damon Porter.

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