Friday Y&R Transcript 8/22/03

Y&R Transcript
Friday 8/22/03--Canada; Monday 8/25/03--USA

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Brad: What the hell are you doing here?

Ashley: Just don't do anything.

Brad: You're the last person who ought to be here.

Victor: I just want to make sure that your wife is taking care of herself.

Brad: Well, that's not exactly your responsibility, now is it?

Victor: I don't view it as a responsibility.

Brad: Ah, you just love these little surprise visits, don't you?

Ashley: He was just leaving, honey.

Victor: Remember what I said, okay?

Brad: Why don't you tell me what you said, Victor? I'm sure I'd be fascinated.

Victor: I told your wife that her unborn child should be her one and only priority and that everyone who cares about her shares that feeling. Now does that offend your sensibility?

Victor: Have a nice day, Ashley.

Brad: Hold on a second, Victor. I have a few questions for you.


Phyllis: What is all of this? Where--where am I? What's going on?

Jack: You're in my arms, and you're at home now.

Phyllis: I am? I mean the flowers and the candles.

Jack: Well, I took you at your word. Your call this morning kind of got my juices flowing.

Phyllis: So, uh, you’re meeting with Dru-- your meeting with Dru--

Jack: Whoa, whoa, one rule tonight-- no discussing business. Strictly off-limits. Deal?

Phyllis: Deal.

Jack: Seal that with a kiss?


Victoria : Oh, what a great night.

Damon: Are they smelling the barn or what?

Victoria : (Chuckles) yeah, I think they're tired. They're ready to go. Okay, here we go. That's a good-- oh, that was a good ride.

Man: Have a good ride?

Victoria : Yes, yes, we did. It was excellent.

Man: I can tell these fellas got a workout.

Victoria : Yes, they did. They're not the only ones. You got it?

Damon: That's for sure.

Victoria : Thank you so much for staying late, Chuck.

Chuck: Ah, not a problem. You folks have a nice evening.

Victoria : All right, you, too.

Damon: Thank you.

Victoria : You...

Damon: What?

Victoria : You really pushed me. I haven't ridden like that in years.

Damon: Nothing you couldn't handle.

Victoria : Still, when you went over that fence at the end of the pasture...

Damon: You weren't expecting that?

Victoria : No, no, I wasn’t.

Damon: Yet there you were, right behind me.

Victoria : Well, I wasn't gonna let you get away. So, um, you must have done a lot of riding back in Georgia .

Damon: Every free moment.

Victoria : Ever saddle up any of those thoroughbreds?

Damon: No, I left that to their trainers mostly. I would think you might know that.

Victoria : Why?

Damon: Your father certainly does.


Sierra: So you feel like doing something tonight?

Lily: Not really.

Sierra: We could see a movie.

Lily: There's nothing I want to see.

Sierra: How long are you gonna be mad at Colleen? She only did it because she was worried.

Lily: Can we please not get into this again?

Sierra: She thought you were in trouble, Lily. I mean, you should be grateful you have a friend that cares so much.

Lily: Well, that's no excuse. She totally overreacted at Kevin’s apartment. She thought he was trying to take advantage of me.

Sierra: Are you sure he wasn't?

Lily: Yes. Maybe things were moving a little fast, but I knew what I was doing. Kevin would have stopped if I'd asked him to.

Sierra: But would you have asked him to? I mean, if...

Lily: Well, that's not the point. Kevin and I were really starting to click. We had something special, and now it's gone, all because of Colleen.


Colleen: Kevin.

Kevin: Hello, Colleen.

Colleen: What are you doing here?

Kevin: It's a nice night, don't you think? I thought I'd go for a walk. You?

Colleen: I'm meeting J.T.

Kevin: Wish I'd known. I'd have brought my boxing gloves.

Colleen: I think I'll wait for him by the tennis courts.

Kevin: You're a mouthy little twerp, you know that?

Colleen: Don't talk to me that way.

Kevin: Why shouldn't I? Fill your boyfriend's head with a bunch of lies; drag him over to my apartment so he could take a swing at me?

Colleen: I only told J.T. the truth.

Kevin: Why does he even care about what's happening with Lily and me?

Colleen: He cares because I care. Face it, Kevin. Lily can do a lot better than a guy like you. 


Dru: Hi.

Neil: Hey, are we late? We're not late, are we?

Olivia: Hi, honey.

Wes: Only about five minutes.

Neil: Five minutes?

Wes: But who's counting?

Neil: Good to see you, brother.

Olivia: You didn't tell me this man had all those moves on the dance floor.

Dru: Well, I can see you broke a sweat. Actually, he's legendary on the Parisian dance circuit.

Neil: Parisian?

Wes: Oh, your sister's exaggerating, Liv.

Dru: No, I'm not.

Olivia: We ordered some drinks. I hope you don't mind.

Dru: No.

Neil: No, not at all. In fact, can you believe we're finally here? We've been trying to get together for how long?

Dru: Remember the rules. Remember the rules.

Olivia: No business talk.

Wes: That's right. Yeah, we know you guys are about to be knee-deep in rollouts. So here's your last chance for a reprieve.

Neil: You will get no argument from me, believe me.

Olivia: Well, come on, twinkle toes. Want to show me some more of your fancy moves?

Wes: Oh, okay, you want some more moves. I better take my jacket off for this.

Neil: Oh, he took the jacket off.

Wes: You two gonna join us?

Dru: Well, now this sounds like a dance challenge to me.

Neil: No, no, no, no.

Wes: Oh, it is.

Olivia: That's what it is. Exactly.

Neil: Oh, it is? Okay, now that he challenged-- the challenge is accepted.

Wes: We'll see you on the floor.

Dru: Okay, okay. Come on, honey.

Neil: I always want to dance when we go out, honey.

Dru: Oh, wait. Hold on a second. Hold on a second.

Neil: What? What are you doing?

Dru: Look at this. Look.

Neil: What is that?

Dru: Apparently, this fell out of his jacket. Oh, my God.

Neil: Ooh.

Dru: Oh, it's gorgeous. Well, apparently, tonight was meant for more than just a break, huh?

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Dru: Come on.

Neil: My lover.

Dru: You dancing' devil. Oh, yeah.

Neil: (Laughs)


Damon: I would say Victor Newman knows nearly everything there is to know about my operation back home in Georgia .

Victoria : Something tells me you don't find that flattering.

Damon: (Chuckles) flattering? I find it intrusive, uh, arrogant, presumptuous.

Victoria : In other words, he's gotten to you already.

Damon: I met the man a few weeks ago at jabot.

Victoria : Oh, so, it--it wasn't recent?

Damon: He was there to put the screws to our key executives, collect on a loan.

Victoria : Mm-hmm.

Damon: Lucky me, I just happened to be in the room when your father arrived.

Victoria : So you got an earful?

Damon: Oh, better. He proceeded to regale Brad Carlton and me with his knowledge of my private financial affairs, how I'm in debt on account of a racehorse that never panned out.

Victoria : How sensitive of him.

Damon: Wasn't it, though? He suggested that, uh, I should be working for him, instead of the Abbotts; since I'd be able to dig myself out of hock that much faster.

Victoria : Well, sounds like you got the full treatment. I can understand how that would be upsetting.

Damon: I was livid.

Victoria : How did you respond?

Damon: Well, it was obvious I didn't like his tactics. I also reminded Victor that I was under contract to Jabot.

Victoria : Right, um, that's a short-term contract, right?

Damon: That's right.

Victoria : Um, I'm aware that you and Phyllis have talked, that you've told her that you're a little disenchanted with the way things are going over there at Jabot. I personally feel that creative people should really be insulated from a lot of things, office politics, definitely. I guess they don't understand that over there at Jabot.

Damon: Is that where this is going? You want to know if I'm interested in jumping ship?


Ashley: Victor came here as a friend, honey.

Brad: Really? Well, since this is such a friendly room, maybe you won't mind filling us in on this fascinating new cast of characters you're putting together over at Newman.

Victor: We both have new product line rolling out tomorrow. This is hardly the time to discuss personnel.

Brad: Rumor has it someone from your operation's been pursuing our Damon Porter.

Ashley: What?

Victor: I have nothing to do with that.

Brad: Is that so? Well, let's chat about something else, shall we? How about this new hire of yours?

Victor: Who I hire or don't hire, Bradley, is certainly none of your business.

Brad: Why Michael Baldwin? That's a question I keep asking myself.

Ashley: You hired Baldwin ?

Victor: Yes. I put him on retainer as part of my legal staff.

Ashley: You hate him. You have nothing but contempt for him.

Victor: He is a very capable lawyer. What I feel about him personally doesn't really matter at all.

Brad: Just know this, Victor. We're watching you very closely. Make no mistake about that.

Victor: This is hardly the time to discuss that. Ashley, I'm looking forward to seeing you with your beautiful new baby in your arms. Have a nice day.


Wes: Okay, Neil, tell the truth, tell the truth. Who's the winner?

Neil: Are you putting me on the spot? I'm gonna call it a tie and keep the peace.

Dru: A tie?

Neil: Yes, a tie.

Dru: You are crazy?

Olivia: Coward.

Neil: What?

Dru: Oh, look at those two. Aren't they sweet? Oh.

Neil: Kind of reminds me of Lily and me.

Dru: How? You've never danced with Lily a day of your life.

Neil: Well, you kept Lily in Paris all those years, otherwise I would have.

Dru: Oh, stop, stop, stop.

Olivia: Baby, are you okay? You just seem so serious all of a sudden.

Wes: Uh, maybe this isn't the time to bring this up but, um, well, seeing that teenager just reminded me of something.

Dru: What?

Wes: Lily, her big romance-- looks like it's over.

Neil: That's why she's been moping around lately.

Wes: Yeah, yeah. She was pretty upset, both over the breakup and the fact that it seems like her friend Colleen had something to do with it.

Dru: Right, Colleen. Uh, well, look, I'm just glad that she has you to talk to, Wes.

Olivia: Do you know anything about this boy?

Dru: No, she really hasn't said much of anything about him.

Wes: Yeah. Well, other than mentioning she met him on the internet, I haven't really heard much either. I know she liked him, though. Thought he was "way cool," as she put it.

Dru: Yeah, well, I really don't approve of her meeting anyone on the internet, and I hope by next year, she's forgotten the man's name.


Sierra: You don't know for certain that it's over with Kevin

Lily: Trust me, I know.

Sierra: Okay, I'm sure he's upset, probably a little embarrassed that J.T. Hit him, but it wasn't your fault, and if he's a good guy, he'll get over it.

Lily: Yeah, but it's not that simple. Even if Kevin does give me another chance, he hates my best friend and her boyfriend. Not that I blame him.

Sierra: Well, look, let's not talk about Kevin any more. Summer's almost over. Do you really want to go back to school hating Colleen? I mean, what are you gonna do? Not talk to her at homecoming, football games? Isn't there some way you can forgive her?

J.T.: Hey, guys.

Sierra: Hey, J.T. How are you?

J.T.: Pretty bad, actually. Somebody wrecked our apartment.

Sierra: What? Who?

J.T.: I'm not sure, but I have a pretty good idea. I think it's this jerk my roommate Brittany works for, this guy named Bobby Marsino.

Lily: Well, why don't you go to his place and beat him up? Since you obviously enjoy it so much.

J.T.: Don't start with me, Lily.

Lily: Don't tell me what to do.

J.T.: Look, I know you hate me right now, but I'm not sorry about what I did. That Kevin’s bad news and he's way too old for you.

Lily: Oh, like you're way too old for Colleen?

J.T.: He's a lot older than I am, and he shouldn't be inviting high school girls over to his apartment, and you shouldn't be saying yes.

Lily: Okay, whatever, dad.

J.T.: I wish your dad were here. I'd tell him to talk some sense into you.


Kevin: What do you mean, "a guy like me"?

Colleen: Why are you so interested in Lily?

Kevin: For your information, we have a lot in common, and I like being with her. Or at least I did before you and your hothead boyfriend barged into my apartment.

Colleen: Yeah, it's a good thing we did, too.

Kevin: Lily was perfectly fine.

Colleen: Could have fooled me.

Kevin: What, did she ask you to be her bodyguard or something?

Colleen: She didn't have to. We're best friends. We look out for each other.

Kevin: Did Lily tell you that we broke up?

Colleen: She said you weren't returning any of her messages.

Kevin: What's the point? It isn't gonna work out between us, not with you in the picture, hovering around all the time, trying to stir things up.

Colleen: You're blaming me for what happened?

Kevin: Well, who else would I blame?

Colleen: How about yourself? You never should have gotten involved with Lily in the first place. She's too young for you.

Kevin: We're back at that.

Colleen: You can't fool me, Kevin, not for one second. I know the real reason you chased after Lily. It's all about sex. Getting a little action.

Kevin: You don't know what you're talking about.

Colleen: I think I do. See, I have it all figured out. You can't get any girls your own age to sleep with you, so you have to go after a girl who's young and inexperienced, someone who will think you're a big, strong man, when the truth is, you're nothing but a scared little boy. 


Neil: You sure no one wants a piece of dessert?

Olivia: Oh, no. None for me.

Wes: Ooh, it looks good.

Neil: You know, that's funny, because, Drucilla, I think I hear a piece of cheesecake calling out your name real loud right about now.

Dru: No, no, no, no. I don't want those calories, but, honey, if you want some cheesecake, go ahead and have some.

Neil: Ah, forget about it. I'll join the sainthood like the rest of you.

Dru: So what's on the agenda for the rest of the evening for you two?

Olivia: Well, I think this is pretty much it.

Wes: Mm-hmm.

Dru: Really? Wes, come on, fess up.

Wes: About what?

Dru: You know, the announcement. I'm sure my sister gave you a favorable response to your proposal.

Olivia: And what gave you that idea?

Dru: Liv, don't tell me you've left this fine man hanging.

Neil: Drucilla, mind your own business.

Dru: No. How long you gonna keep him in suspense, sis?

Olivia: You are one to talk.

Dru: What? Oh, now that was different.

Olivia: It--it is a woman's prerogative to take her time.

Wes: Drucilla, Olivia’s right, and I promised I wouldn't pressure her, so...

Olivia: My baby, thank you.

Dru: Okay.

Olivia: That's why I love him. Because he's patient.

Wes: One of the many reasons.

Olivia: Many, many reasons. Come on. Let's go on the dance floor. It's getting a little stuffy around here.

Dru: You wow, yeah, uh, you see, I don't know what she's waiting for, 'cause time's a-ticking. He's perfect for her.

Neil: Yeah, well, you know what you need to do is stay out of her business. It's her decision. You're only gonna cause trouble.

Dru: No, I will not. He's walking around with a 2-carat diamond in his pocket, hoping that she's gonna put him out of his misery.

Neil: So what?

Dru: She won't do it. You know what? Um, I think she needs a little push. Yeah.

Neil: I don't le e that look that I see on your face right now.

Dru: Hmm? Hmm?

Neil: Unh-unh.


Brad: How you doing in there?

Ashley: Baby Carlton ’s doing just fine.

Brad: Oh, yeah, I'd say so. Strong little guy...

Ashley: Uh-huh.

Brad: Or gal.

Ashley: It's okay, sweetie. I know you're secretly hoping for a little boy. I even told Victor that. Oh, I'm sorry I mentioned his name.

Brad: Like it's not on my mind. What the hell brought him here?

Ashley: I have no idea. There he was at my door. He said it was out of concern for me.

Brad: Well, he's a liar.

Ashley: Oh, honey, he didn't tell me anything I haven't heard from you. Put the baby first, keep my head above the business fray, all that.

Brad: As he sets out to destroy your family's company. Unbelievable.

Ashley: Well, I had the feeling there was just more to his visit, but I can't put my finger on it.

Brad: Ash, he's just trying to manipulate you, keep you out of the way.

Ashley: Yeah, it's uncanny, isn't it? That's exactly what you want, too.

Brad: True. It's the one and only thing Newman and I agree on.

Ashley: There's more going on than you're telling me.

Brad: Honey, I want you to stay out of this.

Ashley: Brad, between Victor and you, I have certainly heard enough. I just know there's more going on than you've told me.

Brad: Nothing so important that you need to know about it. Not now.

Ashley: Well, what's Victor up to?

Brad: We're not sure.

Ashley: But you do think he's up to something, dot you?

Brad: Will you just let your brother and me handle this?

Ashley: Don't you think it's a little bit strange that he would come to see me the day before the launch?

Brad: He's just trying to keep us off balance.

Ashley: Maybe. Or maybe there's more to it. You know, I had this weird feeling the whole time we were talking.

Brad: What feeling?

Ashley: Well, he kept mentioning the baby, and he had this tone. It was almost as if...

Brad: What?

Ashley: I don't know. I don't like it. I got this very strange sense of foreboding. I don't know. I don't know what to make of it.


Victoria : This is not a recruiting session.

Damon: You're sure?

Victoria : I'm positive. I mean, I will admit that when I went to your place earlier, part of me was curious about where things stood.

Damon: Part of you?

Victoria : Yes. But when we started talking about horses and riding... look, I invited you here because I can't share this with everyone. It's something we have in common. How about we make a pact?

Damon: A pact?

Victoria : Mm-hmm.

Damon: I'm listening.

Victoria : Okay, no more business talk now or next time.

Damon: There's gonna be a next time?

Victoria : Well, the way you were riding out there, I could tell you really love it, and you're a long way from home, so, yeah, there will be a next time... if you want there to be.

Damon: No business?

Victoria : Just horses... and, you know, whatever else we can think of to talk about.

Damon: This has been lovely. I thank you very much.

Victoria : My pleasure.

Damon: I imagine I should be going.

Victoria : Yeah, right. Um, I have to shower and change.

Damon: I'll show myself out.

Victoria : Okay.

Damon: Good night.

Victoria : Good night.

Nikki: Ahem.

Damon: Nikki.

Nikki: Hi, Damon. Fancy seeing you here.


Colleen: What's the matter, Kevin, the truth hurts?

Kevin: You have a lot of nerve talking to me that way.

Colleen: Well, now you know how it feels, and if you don't like it, you can go. In fact, you probably should before J.T. gets here.

Kevin: Maybe I'll wait for him.

Colleen: I don't think that's a good idea.

Kevin: Why not? I just want to talk to the guy. No harm in that, right? Or maybe I'll let my fists do the talking like he did last time.

Colleen: You're only going to make things worse for yourself.

Kevin: Your boyfriend is not tough. He caught me off guard last time. I wasn't ready for it, but I'm ready now.

Colleen: Kevin, please. He will be here any minute.

Kevin: How do I know he's coming?

Colleen: I asked him to meet me.

Kevin: Or maybe you're lying just to get rid of me. You wouldn't do that, would you, Colleen? You wouldn't lie to me.


Lily: I don't need my dad to talk sense into me. What I need is for my so-called friends to stay out of my life.

J.T.: Open your eyes, Lily.

Lily: Believe me, they are open.

J.T.: Then why can't you see that that guy's a jerk, huh?

Lily: The only jerk I see is the guy standing in front of me.

J.T.: What? That is unbelievable. Colleen and I go out of our way to help you, protect you--

Lily: Don't you mean meddle?

J.T.: Well, you know, if we hadn't of gotten there when we did--

Sierra: J.T., Um, don't you think you should go meet Colleen?

J.T.: What are you talking about?

Colleen: Isn't she meeting you in the park?

J.T.: She is?

Colleen: She called you earlier and left a message for you at home.

J.T.: That's weird, 'cause I never got it.

Sierra: Well, I'm pretty sure that's where she was going when she left here. She seemed pretty up

J.T.: Are you sure about this, 'cause Colleen never said anything about the park.

Sierra: Well, that's what she told me.


Damon: Your daughter invited me out for a ride.

Nikki: Well, it's a beautiful night for it.

Damon: It certainly is.

Nikki: I didn't realize you and Victoria knew each other.

Damon: Oh, yeah, we met at eve's one evening by chance shortly after I got to town.

Nikki: Huh, I wonder why she didn't mention that.

Damon: Anyway, come to find out we both love horses.

Nikki: Ah, so you couldn't resist her invitation to come out and ride.

Damon: You have an amazing place here. It's perfect for riding, and the variety of terrain is extraordinary. Wisconsin isn't known for that.

Nikki: So you enjoyed yourself.

Damon: Immensely.

Nikki: Good. I'm always happy to hear that. Damon, why don't you level with me? Tell me what's really going on here.


Wes: What happened, man? You didn't want to get out and join us for round two?

Neil: Admit it, I'd look kind of foolish out there dancing by myself, wouldn't I?

Olivia: Where's Dru?

Neil: Beats me. Wherever she is, I hope she's removing her foot from her mouth.

Olivia: (Laughs)

Dru: What's so funny?

Wes: Oh, now there you are. You know we were getting ready to send out a search party.

Olivia: Where were you?

Dru: Oh, stop. I was just taking care of some business.

Wes: Wait a minute. I thought we agreed no business.

Dru: Just powdering my nose in the loo.

Olivia: Well, why didn't you just say so?

Dru: Okay, I said so. Oh, what a classy idea that is.

Neil: What?

Dru: The sparklers.

Wes: Oh hey, hey. It must be somebody's birthday.

Dru: Yeah, look, Liv. It's so pretty.

Neil: That's nice. I'll have to remember that.

Dru: It's coming our way.

Neil: It is?

Dru: Oh, just-- oh, my goodness. It's so festive.

Olivia: Well, Neil, it looks like you did order dessert after all.

Neil: No, no, no, don't look at me. That's definitely not mine.

Dru: Whoa!

Olivia: Dru?

Dru: Huh?

Olivia: Is this you’re doing?

Dru: Let's just take the sparklers out. They're burning down.

Neil: No, don't touch it.

Wes: Wait, I don't think--

Olivia: What's in the middle of that cake?

Dru: What is that? Ooh!

Neil: Drucilla...

Dru: Huh?

Neil: What are you up to?

Dru: Me?

Neil: Yeah, you.

Wes: Damn it, Drucilla. What right do you have?

Dru: Well, actually, Wes, I was just trying to help.

Wes: You were trying to help? If I needed your help, I would have asked you for it.

Olivia: Baby?

Wes: I mean, what were doing, trying to poke through my pockets?

Olivia: Baby? Wesley, have you been carrying this around with you?

Wes: Baby, I had it just in case, but I swear I meant what I said about not pressuring you.

Olivia: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Wes: Olivia Winters, I love you with all of my heart, and I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?

Olivia: Yes. Yes, I'll marry you.

Dru: Oh, look!

Neil: Honey, that's got cake on it. 


Brad: Sweetheart, come on. We really shouldn't be talking about this.

Ashley: Well, it's kind of hard to put it out of our minds, isn't it?

Brad: Yeah, thanks to Newman.

Ashley: I'm sorry. I just can't let this go.

Brad: Why not?

Ashley: Who's this key person at Newman who's going after Damon?

Brad: It's complicated.

Ashley: Honey, I'm complicated. Tell me who it is. Please, just tell me.

Brad: Phyllis.

Ashley: Are you kidding me? What is she doing?

Brad: Listen, don't worry about it, okay? Damon's loyalty is solid.

Ashley: Well, what about Michael Baldwin? What the hell is Victor doing working with somebody like that?


Damon: I'm not sure I know what you mean.

Nikki: Oh, I think you do. I think we understand each other quite well. You're just choosing to be evasive.

Damon: I am?

Nikki: Well, first you socialize with Phyllis and now Victoria. I see you're surprised that I know about Phyllis.

Damon: If you're referring to the evening we had dinner, I wasn't hiding from anybody. We were in public.

Nikki: Well, yes, until you ended up at your apartment.

Damon: I don't know what sort of innuendo Drucilla has been spreading around--

Nikki: Well, Damon, it doesn't really take a genius.

Damon: Yeah, well, I'll just have to have another talk with her. In the meantime--

Nikki: In the meantime, let's be straight with each other, shall we?

Damon: By all means.

Nikki: You work for Jabot. Phyllis and Victoria work for Newman Enterprises. They are out to bludgeon us into oblivion starting tomorrow. And yet the night before, here you are enjoying a little tête-à-tête with the head of Safra. Now you tell me, Damon, what am I supposed to make of that?


Jack: You have never been more beautiful.

Phyllis: And I've never loved you more than at this moment right now.

Phyllis: I love you.

Jack: Whatever happens tomorrow, this is who we are. This is what we have. Nothing's ever going to change that


Damon: Nikki, you're seeing trouble where there is none.

Nikki: Really? Then I'm just imagining things. There are no conflicts of interest. Our acting head of R&D hanging out with beautiful, powerful women from our biggest competitor?

Damon: I'm not hanging out with anybody. I happened to run into Phyllis--

Nik: You ran into her and ended up at your apartment.

Damon: I am not discussing my personal life with you.

Nikki: So it is personal.

Damon: I find this entire conversation hugely alienating. And given the fact that we are on the same team--

Nikki: Good. You remember.

Damon: Is all this sarcasm and baiting absolutely necessary?

Nikki: Well, you didn't seem up for straightforward communication.

Damon: Try me, please.

Nikki: All right. In plain English, it is bad protocol for you to be fraternizing with the top people at Newman Enterprises.

Damon: Is that so, Mrs. Newman?

Nikki: No, my situation is completely different. My family and I know where we stand with each other regarding business, and we respect those boundaries.

Damon: Ah, and I, on the other hand, obviously strike you as some gullible sucker f a pretty face, either that or a turncoat.

Nikki: I did not say that.

Damon: What are you saying?

Nikki: These two women we have been discussing are enormously savvy, enormously clever and very cunning when it comes to business. It would behoove you to never forget that. I also hope that you would be more prudent, much more prudent in selecting your companions in the future.

Damon: Translation-- stay away from Victoria . Is that what I'm getting from you?

Nikki: Well, frankly, yes. I am very uneasy with the two of you seeing each other.

Damon: As a mother or a Jabot executive?

Nikki: Look, if you weren't in the positions you are in with Safra and Tuvia, I wouldn't have a problem in the world with it. But under these circumstances, particularly now, yes, I do, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to put my foot down. You stay away from Victoria . Now I think you should go home and get a good night's sleep. We all need to be very sharp at the office tomorrow. Have a good rest of the evening.


Colleen: I'm not lying. J.T. Is coming.

Kevin: So where is he?

Colleen: I don't know, but he will be here.

Kevin: What if he doesn't show up? Then it'll be just the two of us. Are you okay with that? Or does it make you a little uncomfortable? A high school girl alone in the park with a man, a real man.

Colleen: Are you trying to scare me?

Kevin: Are you saying you're scared?

Colleen: No.

Kevin: Really? Not even a little?

Kevin: What are you going to do now? Where are you going to run?

J.T.: Get off her, man! What the hell do you think you're doing?

Kevin: I was just--

J.T.: If you go anywhere near her again, I'm gonna kill you, man!Go! Get out of here!

J.T.: You okay?

Colleen: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

J.T.: Come here. Don't worry about him, okay? He's never going to bother you again.


Brad: Honey, I don't know. I don't know what to make of Victor hiring Baldwin . We don't even know if it's connected to Safra.

Ashley: Oh, come on. It can't be a coincidence, not this close to the launch.

Brad: We're trying to get a handle on it, but so far, nothing.

Ashley: Well, it's bizarre. Nothing good can come of it.

Brad: Honey, you try to give it a rest. Here.

Ashley: Thanks.

Brad: When are Abby and Frances going to be back? I want to see my little girl before I go.

Ashley: They're down at the Rec center. She's taking a toddler swim class. Isn't that cute?

Brad: That's so cute. My little baby's learning how to swim. I'm glad she wasn't here for Newman’s little visit.

Ashley: Oh, now you're doing it.

Brad: Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. The last thing I want is for Newman to take up the precious little time we have together.

Ashley: Tomorrow, honey, there's so much at stake.

Brad: Listen to me. Your product line is elegant. Our campaign is strong. We have Jabot's long history behind us. We can't lose. Nothing's going to go wrong, baby. Trust me. Nothing's going to go wrong.

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