Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/19/03--Canada; Wednesday
Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma
Hey, you're up. I stopped by the grocery store, picked up a loaf of that bread
you like. So you owe me 4 bucks, although I owe you 10 bucks for that pizza the
other night, so let's just call it even.
J.T.: What did I do now?
Look, I have no idea what you're talking about,
J.T.: No, I didn’t.
J.T.: Are you telling me he saw you on stage?
Men: (Cheering and whistling)
Man: Come on, Marilyn, don't stop.
Man: (Boos)
Man: What is up with this?
Lauren: Hey, did you finish with the jeans?
Raul: Yeah. What's next?
Lauren: You know, I want to change that display over there. You want to start clearing it off?
Raul: Sure.
Lauren: Are you okay? You've been kind of quiet all morning.
Raul: Just got a lot on my mind.
Lauren: Anything you want to talk about?
Raul: You ever thought you knew somebody so well, and then you learn something about that person that just totally blows your mind?
You talking about
Raul: I told you about her new job, right?
Lauren: Yeah.
Raul: Well, it turns out she hasn't exactly been doing what I thought.
Lauren: She's not a singing waitress?
Raul: Oh, she's singing all right, among other things. She's working at a club called marsino's.
Lauren: Wait a minute. Isn't that a...
Raul: Mm-hmm. It's a strip joint.
Lauren: Are you telling me that...
Raul: That's exactly what I'm telling you. My girlfriend's a stripper.
Victor: So the internet buzz is good then?
Neil: Phyllis' timing has been impeccable, Victor.
Victor: So where is the web guru? We launch tomorrow.
Neil: I don't think she'll be joining us.
Victor: Why is that?
Neil: Because she may be reeling in a big fish.
Neil: Right. I think he's testing the waters, trying to see if we're still interested in him.
Victor: Aha. Of course we're still interested. The question, though, is, is Phyllis Abbott the right person to deal with this important matter?
Dru: Bet you're thinking what I'm thinking.
Brad: What are you thinking?
Dru: Oh, that Damon Porter bit off more than he could chew where Phyllis is concerned.
Brad: What?
Dru: I'm worried.
Brad: What do you know?
Dru: Everything. I happen to know that you and Damon Porter concocted this elaborate plan where he'd be rubbing up against Phyllis to find out what's going on in Victor Newman’s head. Yeah, I know all about it. Surprised, aren't you? Yeah, um, I figured it out on my own. And in fact, I'm thinking about going to Jack and telling him everything.
Brad: Okay. Okay. Okay. I get it. Damon had to tell you that he was working Phyllis for information. That was the only way to stick a cork in your mouth.
Dru: I'm gonna bite my tongue on that. Why don't you get busy with getting him off of Phyllis before something unpleasant happens?
Damon: I'm all out of coffee, but I could offer you some herbal tea.
Phyllis: No. No, I'm such a coffee addict; herbal tea would send me into shock.
Phyllis: No. Thanks. Uh... I just want to talk to you.
Damon: Sure. You seem just a little strung out.
Phyllis: Your vanishing act caused quite a commotion at jabot.
Damon: Didn't realize I was supposed to punch a clock.
Phyllis: Yeah. And then, um, the blabbermouth put in her 2 cents about our dinner.
Damon: Let me apologize. I never would have invited you to have dinner if I'd known it was gonna cause so much fallout.
Phyllis: Listen, it's not your fault. I didn't say no. But what's freaking me out is, um... I have a feeling that Drucilla's with my husband right now telling him all about it.
Damon: Yeah, unfortunately, I'm afraid you're right.
Larry: Hey, there, beautiful. I didn't see you sitting over here.
Cassie: Hey, Larry.
Larry: Whoa. That didn't sound too good. Would you mind if I sat down? You know, I'm not used to seeing you around here at this time of day.
Cassie: Well, I had tutoring. Then I went home, and then Aunt Vicki dropped me off here.
Larry: So you've had quite the busy morning then, hmm? Is that why your chin is so far down in that smoothie? No time to kick back, relax, enjoy the summer?
Cassie: Larry, why do you care? No one else does.
Larry: Whoa. Whoa. That's not true. In fact, you're one of my favorite kiddos on the whole planet.
Cassie: That's just it! I'm a kid. No one lets me do anything, ever.
J.T.: I don't know. Maybe he followed you, like I did.
J.T.: What'd he say when he got home?
So you're gonna quit, right? Look,
J.T.: Well, how important? Honestly. Enough to quit your job?
J.T.: See, this is what I never understood about your relationship. You say he makes you happy, but it's--
J.T.: Only he wants to change you.
Yeah, he has,
J.T.: Well, look, you know, I mean, if you really like your job--you know, standing up there onstage singing these hot, sexy numbers, taking your clothes off for strange men, then I--
J.T.: Okay, so you're telling me that you don't like people staring at you know, being the center of attention?
J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, fine. You're right. But if you think Raul’s gonna be all, like, philosophical about this, you better think again.
Raul: Stripper.
Lauren: Wow. How did you find that out?
Raul: The guy who owns the club came in here the other day. He gave me his card-- Bobby Marsino. Well, I sold him a necklace right out of that case.
Lauren: Yeah, the butterfly one.
Yeah. Well,
Lauren: Bobby gave it to her?
Raul: Yep.
Lauren: As a boss-employee thing or... oh, I see.
She said she had bought it for herself. Well, I knew that wasn't true. That was
one of a kind. So I figure I'm entitled to some answers, right? So I go to the
club, and there's
Lauren: That must have been such a shock.
Raul: You know, first I find out she's involved with somebody else. And then I find out how she's really been making a living.
Lauren: I'm sorry.
Raul: I guess I should have seen it coming.
Lauren: How could you?
Because this is what
Lauren: You know, I think you're being way too hard on yourself.
Raul: No, unh-unh. Not anymore.
Lauren: What does that mean?
There was a time when I would've wondered what I did to cause this, but those
days are finished.
Neil: Victor, we didn't choose Phyllis to deal with Damon.
Victor: He approached her?
Victor: Did he outright say that he was willing to leave Jabot?
Neil: Well, the man is more subtle than that.
Victor: How do we know he wasn't just trying to make a move on Phyllis?
Neil: We don't know that. But, "hey, I wonder if you'll have a job for me when Ashley comes back," isn't exactly a great line.
Victor: He said that?
Victor: Or it is what Phyllis reported to you.
Neil: Neither of us was there, Victor.
Victor: I've come to respect Phyllis Abbott as a webmaster, but I still think she's a loose cannon. And when it concerns something as important as Damon Porter possibly joining our company, I don't think that she is the one who ought to be dealing with him.
Neil: Yeah. Yeah. Somehow I don't think Damon would be as interested in talking to me.
Victor: No, you're not the one who should be talking to him either.
Brad: You really think Damon could be taking a risk, huh?
Dru: Oh, I know he's taking a risk, and you do, too. Although you're trying to cover, it's written all over your face.
Brad: I do have some small degree of concern that Phyllis may have gotten under his skin.
Dru: Do you think-- I'm just asking. Do you think perhaps that's why he bounced out of town for a few days, you know, to get his act together again?
Brad: It's possible.
Dru: Did you ask him if that's why he left town?
Brad: You know, Dru, Damon’s a pretty cagey fellow, doesn't like to reveal a lot of intimate details about his feelings.
Dru: Yes, I know this.
Brad: I just hope he's staying cool.
Dru: What? Tell me you told him to stay away from Phyllis, Brad. Tell me you did that.
Brad: Oh, on the contrary. He's with Phyllis right now.
Phyllis: You've seen Drucilla.
Damon: Yeah, this morning. She was with Jack when I left.
Phyllis: Oh, God, great. She's ratting me out.
Damon: That was the impression she gave me. I tried to talk her out of it.
Phyllis: Any luck?
Damon: No. Oh, and get this. Do you know how she found out about our evening?
Phyllis: How, was she standing behind a potted plant with her spy kit?
Damon: She talked the building manager into letting her into my apartment.
Phyllis: What?
Damon: She listened to my answering machine. Heard your message thanking me for a lovely evening.
Phyllis: Oh, God. Are you kidding me?
Damon: I told her I was with you to find out as much as I would about the Newman operation-- a reconnaissance mission of sorts.
Phyllis: Oh, that's good. That's good. Good. Is that the truth?
Damon: Is that how it felt to you, like I was simulating my enjoyment?
Phyllis: Well, if you were simulating your enjoyment, you're good.
Damon: I wasn’t. The truth is it all sort of... threw me.
Phyllis: Yeah. Um, I think-- I think I got carried away.
Damon: I think we both did.
Phyllis: Right. (Clears throat) and then the next day you disappeared just, you know, like that-- genius R&D guy, right before the launch of Tuvia and Safra, and Drucilla seems to think there's a connection.
Damon: Yeah. She mentioned that. I told her it was none of her business.
Phyllis: Well, then you might tell me it's none of my business, because I really have to ask you-- is there a connection? Why'd you leave?
Larry: So... who's making it tough to be you these days?
Cassie: Mom. Dad. Especially dad. See, there's this gala coming up-- big, fancy party, may be held at the ranch, raising money for some arts thing.
Larry: And what? They said that you couldn't go?
Cassie: Oh, no, I can. But I just can't bring anyone or at least who I want to bring.
Larry: Hmm. This a boy person or a girl person you want to bring?
Cassie: It's a boy, but we're just friends, I swear.
Larry: And your family's worried that it's gonna be more like a date?
Cassie: It's not. He's from my tutoring class, no big whoop.
Larry: You sure about that?
Cassie: Okay, he's nice.
Larry: And...?
Cassie: And cute.
Larry: And...?
Cassie: I think he likes me.
Larry: Oh, boy.
Cassie: Oh, Larry, come on. Don't say it like that.
Larry: So your old man-- he just nixed the whole idea, right?
Cassie: Well, I told him how unfair it was, but he wouldn't listen.
Larry: And how old are you again?
Cassie: 12.
Larry: Look, Cassie, don't get mad at me, all right? But I can see your dad's point of view here. 12 is a little bit young to start dating.
Cassie: But it's not a date date.
Larry: I know that's what you said, okay? But if you were my little girl, I would feel--
Cassie: I'm not little!
Larry: Okay, look. Don't go blowing your stack at me. But your dad is always gonna see you like that, as his little girl. You might as well get used to it, okay? Because he wants to be real protective of you, especially when there’s... guys involved.
Cassie: Oh, great. So every guy I'm ever interested in--forget it? He's not good enough?
Larry: No. But you know why he's doing this? Because he loves you, and he doesn't want to see you getting into any trouble.
Cassie: How much trouble can we get into in front of my whole family at this dumb gala?
Larry: I don't know. Well, what does your mom say?
Cassie: Well, I think that she at least gets that it's no big deal. But of course, she's too wrapped up in her own stuff to help me at all, even though she said she would. Mom breaking a promise, what a surprise.
Larry: Hey, I'm sorry to see you so upset about this.
Cassie: I mean, if she'd just talked to my dad like she was supposed to, maybe... I don't know. Oh, perfect. She's here, probably to make a bunch more lame excuses.
Hey, how are you doing,
Cassie: Aunt Vicki dropped me off when she went to work.
Larry: Oh, speaking of which, I better be getting back to jabot. Cassie, you take care of yourself, all right? And keep that chin up.
Cassie: Okay. Well, I'm leaving, too.
Larry: I'll see you two.
Cassie: I don't have anything to say to you.
Cassie: Mom...
Dru: What?! I got to tell you, I've got a real bad feeling about this.
Brad: Give Damon some credit, Dru.
Dru: I give him tons of credit, but I give Phyllis more, because she's one slippery bitch.
Brad: Just relax. Damon's strong. He's smart.
Dru: He's naive. He's idealistic, and I think you're telling me that he's alone with Phyllis right now.
I rode him pretty hard to stay with this, get as much information as possible
out of Phyllis about Newman,
Dru: Are you high? 'Cause this is some good stuff. I mean, it's real good.
Brad: Unfortunately, I don't think he has the stomach for it. In fact, I think this might be their last encounter.
Dru: Good, let's hope so.
Brad: Something happened between those two.
Dru: You better hope to hell it didn't, 'cause stuff like this has a way of catching on fire, brad.
Brad: No. No. No. I don't think it got that far. But Damon realized that it could.
Dru: Doesn't make me feel any better. I'm nervous that he's alone with that barracuda right now.
Brad: Damn it. I think we lost out on some valuable information.
Dru: At what cost? This has a very high price tag. Let's hope it just goes away without Jack every finding out about it. Please keep me in the loop.
Why did I leave town? I had to deal with some things on my property in
Phyllis: That was more important than the launch of Tuvia?
Damon: No. You're right. There was another reason.
Phyllis: What is it?
Damon: Our evening together, well, took me by surprise, and I had to process it.
Phyllis: Did you?
Damon: Yeah. I realize it was crazy.
Phyllis: Um, no. It was just a drink and dinner. It wasn't really crazy.
Damon: You're married, and you're the boss's wife.
Phyllis: You're not gonna hold that against me, are you?
Damon: Besides, I could have been reading the situation entirely wrong. Perhaps the feelings I was having weren’t... shared.
Phyllis: Uh, Damon--
Damon: I mean, hey, you know, who's to say you weren't working me, hmm?
Phyllis: I wasn't working you. That was a horrible evening for me. My husband was a jerk. And you came to my rescue, and I was grateful. You were very sweet, and you were sensitive. And I don't regret that-- that evening for a second. I don't regret it for a second.
Brad: Ashley Carlton’s room, please. (Telephone rings) (ring)
Ashley: Hello.
Brad: Hi, baby. How's my girl? Wonderful, now that I'm talking to you.
Brad: I have been thinking about you guys. How's Abby doing?
She's having a great time seeing all the sights with
Brad: What have you been up to since I left? Doing a lot of resting, I hope.
Ashley: Oh, honey, too much resting. I'm starting to go nuts.
Brad: It's all for a good cause, honey.
Ashley: I know, a healthy baby.
Brad: And a healthy mommy, not to mention an expectant father who needs constant reassuring that his wife is following doctor's orders.
Ashley: Yeah. Well, I promise, I've been a very, very good girl. So now tell me, what's going on? Everything set to go for the launch of the Tuvia line tomorrow?
Brad: All under control, honey.
Ashley: No last-minute hitches?
Brad: Hey, you listen here, all right? You're there to relax and stay away from all the tension and stress. No more questions.
Ashley: Just one more question. Do you miss me?
Brad: Hmm. You know I do. I miss you. I miss Abby. At this point, I even miss Frances.
Ashley: Well, that's good to hear, because guess what. We're all coming home tomorrow.
Brad: What?
Ashley: Yeah, I want to be there for the big day.
Cassie: Can I go?
Cassie: Look, this is dumb. There's nothing for us to talk about. If you're sitting there thinking you can tell me you're sorry a couple times, and that'll make me feel better--
Cassie: I understand totally. He's too wrapped up in how he feels, 'cause I'm starting to grow up. So because of that, I can't ask a friend to keep me from being bored stiff all night.
Cassie: Yeah, Larry told me all about that. So what? It sure doesn't help me.
Cassie: What?
Cassie: What do you mean?
J.T.: Whatever you say. I just think you should listen to me.
Yeah, well, it is if it makes you feel bad, if it's something you have to hide.
Come on,
J.T.: No... no, no. He's got you doing what he wants, and he's making you think it's what you want.
J.T.: Well, maybe not. I mean, he did say that you begged him for the job.
J.T.: What do you think this is how all those big stars got their start, singing in strip joints?
Look, if you want to sing... hell, go for it, but Marsino's--it ain't gonna get
you where you want to go. It's a dead end,
Have you talked to
Raul: No
Lauren: Maybe you should.
Raul: What is she gonna say, Lauren--that she's sorry?
Lauren: Yeah. You know, maybe she is.
Raul: Yeah, she's sorry that I walked in and saw her.
Lauren: People make mistakes. It happens a lot. I know I have. If you just sit down with her--
Lauren... Lauren... look, please... I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I
am not ready to talk to
Lauren: You know, I've got this appointment, but I'll cancel it if you want me to.
Raul: Thanks, but I don't even want to talk about this anymore.
Lauren: Okay. I'll be back in an hour.
Cassie: You talked to dad... about me bringing Adam?
Cassie: Seriously? I can bring Adam?
Cassie: Oh, my gosh, I can't believe it.
Cassie: This is so great. Now it'll be a total blast. Thanks, Mom, for talking to Dad.
Cassie: Look, I really appreciate this, but--
Cassie: Well, I have to get going, but thanks again.
Victor: Because, my darling, you have your hands full with the new line.
Victor: It has nothing to do with condescension, nor is it an excuse. You're too busy with the new line to take on another task.
Victoria: Look, if this was the first time that you came up with the "you're-too- busy-to-handle-it" excuse, or if this was the first time that you adopted the "let-the-boys- handle-it" attitude, then maybe-- maybe-- I would not be overreacting, but this is getting to be a habit with you, and I don't like it.
Victor: This may not come as a surprise, but I run my business as I see fit, and I've decided that you're not the person to handle Damon Porter. All right? I will talk to him myself.
Victor: Have you ever asked yourself the question, how I achieved all this?
Victor: I do not like your attitude!
Brad: I hope you're kidding me.
Ashley: Surely you understand. I mean, Tuvia is my baby.
Brad: The only baby you should be worried about right now is the one inside you.
Ashley: Honey, the rollout is a monumental event, and I created most of those products. Don't you think I deserve to be there?
Brad: I'd rather you concentrate on our son's rollout, honey.
Ashley: What do you mean? Son? You know something I don't?
Brad: Ah, wishful thinking. Nah, I really don't care if it's a boy or a girl.
Ashley: Sweetheart, tomorrow is an historic event for Jabot, and I really, really want to be a part of it.
Brad: I'll call you with all the details.
Ashley: Are you sure you're being honest with me? Is everything really all right?
Brad: Couldn't be better.
Ashley: What about the competition?
Brad: What, Newman's Safra? We'll blow 'em away.
Ashley: You sound extremely confident.
Brad: Why shouldn't I? We'll have Newman eating our dust.
Ashley: And what about Damon Porter-- is he still working out?
Brad: Guy's a wizard. He stepped up to the plate. He's doing a fantastic job.
Ashley: Packaging?
Brad: Beautiful-- everyone loves it.
Ashley: And what about the initial sell-in?
Brad: Gangbusters. Trust me, we've got all the bases covered. You're not needed back here.
Ashley: Thanks a lot.
Brad: You know what I mean.
Ashley: It's just that I feel so isolated. I'm gonna miss out on all the action.
Brad: That's the idea, honey. This is one time that your health and the health of the baby are more important than anything else in the world. Ash, are you there?
Ashley: I suppose you're right.
Brad: You know I am. Just stay put. Take care of yourself, and I'll call you again tomorrow.
Ashley: Promise?
Brad: I promise. Give Abby a kiss for me.
Ashley: I love you.
Brad: I love you, too, baby.
Damon: The point is, under the circumstances--
Phyllis: You don't want to hang out with me.
Damon: Well... people will forever be assuming that you're scamming me, or vice versa.
Phyllis: Yeah, right, or, um... something bad is happening.
Damon: The evening wasn't completely innocent.
Phyllis: It was just a good-bye kiss.
Damon: You know, sometimes a thing like that can be, uh...
Phyllis: Could lead to more, right? Well, I trust myself to know that that would never happen.
Damon: I'm not so sure I can say the same thing.
Phyllis: Oh. Okay. Well, then, um, this is probably for the best.
Damon: Yeah, I think so.
Phyllis: Well, I guess we should say good-bye. (Telephone rings)
Damon: Excuse me.
Phyllis: Sure.
Damon: Now? Um... sure. Um... well, why don't you come on by the apartment? Yeah... all right, I'll see you soon. Good-bye.
Damon: Uh, so where were we?
Phyllis: We were saying good-bye.
Damon: Right. Right, yes.
Phyllis: Well, I'm sure our paths will cross.
Damon: I do hope so.
Damon: Good-bye, Phyllis. Jack is, uh... he's lucky.
Raul: I'll be right with you.
Raul: What are you doing here?
Raul: Does that surprise you?
Next on "the young and the restless"...
I'm done talking to you. Where's