Tuesday Y&R Transcript 8/12/03

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/12/03
--Canada; Wednesday 8/13/03--USA

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma

(Door latch opens)

Paul: Chris?

Chris: What are you two doing here? Paul, I told you that I wanted to be alo--

Paul: Look, I know what you told me. You wanna spend the night here all alone, convincing yourself of your own guilt. We're not gonna let that happen.

Michael: We're here to talk some sense into you.

Chris: All right, fine. Then I have a question for you, and I want an honest answer. Silk scarf, cream-colored, beaded border-- does that sound familiar? Have you ever seen that scarf before? Never mind. I'm sure it was Isabella’s, which you must know. They found it in my car, complete with bloodstains. Now how much more evidence do you need? How much more proof that I murdered your wife?


Brittany : Hi.

Raul: Hey.

Brittany : What's going on?

Raul: Nothing much. I'm just catching up on some totally meaningless reading. I thought you'd gone to work already.

Brittany : Oh, no. I was just taking care of a few odds and ends.

Raul: Yeah?

Brittany : Yeah, I still have time.

Raul: How much time exactly?

Brittany : Depends. What do you have in mind?

Raul: Not much. A little bit of this and a little bit of that.

Brittany : Well, this is a very friendly welcome home.

Raul: I'm just happy to see you. I've been thinking about you all day, and what I'm gonna do for your birthday.

Brittany : Yeah?

Raul: Yeah.

Brittany : Care to share?

Raul: No. The only thing I'm gonna tell you is that you better take that night off.

Brittany : Deal. And while I'm at it, I'm gonna say I can't come in on your birthday, because I am planning something very special. What? You have a problem with that?

Raul: No, no, it's just don't go overboard.

Brittany : Overboard?

Raul: Yeah.

Brittany : Would I do that? I don't even think I know how.

Raul: Really, Brittany , nothing extravagant.

Brittany : Raul, sweetie, when it comes to money, we have nothing to worry about.. believe me. If I want to spoil my boyfriend, I'm going to, and I want to.


Bobby: Angelo's in the back. He does all the hiring.

J.T.: That's okay, I was looking for you.

Bobby: We're not open yet.

J.T.: I just want to talk a little bit.

Bobby: About what?

J.T.: Brittany .


Brock: Mother, I'm so pleased you had a chance to get out and be with people. It's starting to get late. Let's get you home, shall we? Let's see. Did you have a purse or...

Kay: Not yet, Brock.

Brock: Mother?

Brock: Mother... did you... I could've sworn you just...

Kay: Spoke to my son?

Brock: Oh, you can speak? You can understand me?

Brock: Oh, lord... oh, dear sweet Jesus...

Kay: Brock, Brock, not a miracle.

Brock: That's where you're wrong, mother.

Kay: Recovering for awhile.

Brock: How long? When did this happen? Who else knows?! Why haven't you said anything, mother?!

Kay: Shh, calm down. Calm down, Brock. Sit. Want to tell you everything.


Jill: Fleece--my own mother?

Larry: Look, Jill, some of the things that you've been saying are-- well, put it this way. They kinda make me wonder about your motives. I mean, I know where you want us to think you're coming from.

Jill: Larry, you've seen me. I have been totally devoted to my mother ever since her stroke. I'm her daughter. All I care about-- all I care about-- is what's good for her.

Larry: You know, it's a nice try, darling, but I'm smelling a rat. So are you gonna be straight with me, or are you gonna treat me like some dummy who doesn't know which end is up?

Jill: Okay, you win. Yes. Oh, yes, I have other motives, and why the hell shouldn't I after what she has put me through?


Paul: Chris, there has got to be some other explanation.

Chris: Oh, we've been over this. I had the means. I had the opportunity. Most of all, I had the motive. I know you want to believe in me, but you can't look at everything with your heart.

Paul: You're not a violent person. A motive for murder? No. A motive to hate Isabella? Maybe, but to kill her? I don't buy it, Chris. I do not buy it.

Chris: The evidence says otherwise.

Paul: Why are you so bound and determined to convince yourself that you're guilty of this?

Chris: You know, if you would step back and be objective and look at the evidence, you would see how overwhelming it is, and I'm not just talking about the scarf and the clothes that I wore that night. There was blood outside my car at the lake. They found Isabella’s DNA under my fingernails.

Michael: All right, all right, okay, so be it. But instead of convincing us that you're guilty, we should be formulating a strategy. Come on, Chris, you're not a quitter.

Paul: I'm not going that far. The pieces don't fit. You don't remember attacking Isabella in the apartment. You don't remember driving out to the lake, right?

Chris: I remember enough-- too much.

Michael: All right, all right, listen to me, Christine, we need an approach. We need a strategy. We need something to counter the impact of the evidence. We need to start building a defense. We need to do it now. You've got--

Chris: Stop! Stop, okay? I am--I'm about to do the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. I need some time alone to deal with it. So would you just please go?


Brittany : I don't want to hear any more talk about what I can and cannot get you for your birthday. Understood?

Raul: I just don't want you blowing your money for no reason, Brittany .

Brittany : You're the best reason.

Raul: I give in. You know, I give in. I give in. It's two against one now. J.T.--He's on your side. He's telling me that I should be happy that I have a doting girlfriend who wants to splurge on me, and that I should just shut up, sit back and enjoy it.

Brittany : I hate it when this happens.

Raul: What?

Brittany : J.T. Being right. I agree with him 100%, and don't you dare tell him that I said so. So where is the world's most annoying fifth wheel anyway?

Raul: Out. You know what? This is a very rare occasion.

Brittany : How so?

Raul: Well, we're both home, both wide awake, got the place all to ourselves.

Brittany : That hasn't happened much in the last few weeks.

Raul: Unh-unh, a good situation like this deserves to be taken advantage of.

Brittany : I'm sorry. You don't know how sorry I am, but I can't do this.


Bobby: Brittany ? I don't know any Brittany .

J.T.: Oh, come on, man. I was in here the other night. She was up on stage singing and dancing.

Bobby: You're talking about Marilyn.

J.T.: That's not her name.

Bobby: I know you. You're the kid with the fake I.D. Listen, I don't talk to anybody about the girls who work here.

J.T.: Don't blow me off, man. This is important.

Bobby: Yeah? What's it to you?

J.T.: She and her boyfriend are roommates of mine.

Bobby: So let me guess-- he doesn't know she's working here, and you're afraid if he finds out, he's gonna freak out.

J.T.: Something tells me that's not the first time that's happened around here.

Bobby: Actually, no. All the girls that work here have boyfriends, some two or three.

J.T.: All right, well, I could care less what goes on around here, but we're talking about friends of mine, and I don't want anything happening to them.

Bobby: Why? It's just a job-- pays great, nobody gets hurt. In fact, p personally make sure that nobody even lays a finger on these girls.

Bobby: Look, kid, I got things to do. Why don't you just invite your friend down, let him check out the scene? It might grow him up a little bit.

J.T.: Come on, man. You can afford to lose one girl, right? They're a dime a dozen.

Bobby: You don't know what the hell you're talking about.


Chris: Your faith means so much to me, but you have to be objective if you're going to help me. You can't turn a blind eye to all this evidence. And, Michael, I know that you would defend me like no one else, even if you thought I was guilty, but tonight I need to be alone. I need to search my heart and my soul, and try and come to terms with how I could've done this.

Paul: Sweetheart, it worries the hell out of me leaving you alone, especially tonight.

Chris: I'm gonna be fine, okay? Just put yourself in my shoes. I might be in prison for a long, long time, and that is a reality that I have to accept. So tonight I just want to take a bath and have a glass of wine, and just... and just be at peace, because, after tonight, who knows when I'll have a chance to be alone again.

Michael: You keep talking like you're going to prison. You know, you have a damn good attorney.

Chris: The best.

Chris: Thanks.

Chris: I know I'm asking a lot, to give me some space, and to give me this night, but it's what I want, and it's what I need, and I need you to do this for me.

Paul: I hate it. I mean, if ever there were a night when you should be in my arms for support and comfort--

Chris: But I know that I have your support, and that means so much to me.

Paul: I love you.

Chris: (Sobs) I love you. I do.

Paul: God, how I love you.

Chris: Okay.


Larry: So I was right.

Jill: Yeah, you were right. I admit it. Okay, you happy? But it isn't about greed. It's about payback. Now do you see why I'm panicking? Every little sign that Katherine’s about to recover... if I'm gonna have any leverage with the judge at all, it has got to be now.

Larry: You know, Jill, I got to tell you--

Jill: Don't! Don't tell me! I don't want to hear it!

Larry: Well, maybe you need to.

Jill: No! You have no right to lecture me. I have earned this!

Larry: Jill--

Jill: All the years, all the decades wrecked by Katherine... even when I was a young girl, she tormented me. Every rotten thing that's ever happened to me, it's thanks to Katherine-- all of it! And now, now we find out that it started even further back-- in the womb, Larry. I was a problem. I was a nasty little consequence of her tawdry affair. I was something that she despised, something she wanted to get rid of, even then... even then.


Brock: So who else knows? I want all the details.

Kay: Mackenzie-- said good-bye to her.

Brock: She's kept it a secret all this time?

Kay: Told her to keep a secret. And, uh... Nikki, Esther-- both helping me.

Brock: Esther's been a godsend.

Kay: Not just stroke, but with Jill.

Brock: Helping you how? Does Jill know?

Kay: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. That is the whole point.

Brock: I don't follow.

Kay: Jill is reason so few people know.

Brock: Now you've really lost me, mother.

Kay: Not sure Jill can be trusted, Brock. I mean... giving her tests... seeing how she treats me... how she does things around me.

Brock: So because of your mistrust of Jill, you've been keeping this wonderful news from the people who love you most?

Kay: Everything is different now, Brock.

Brock: Oh, mother.

Kay: No, listen to me. She broke into... a locked box in my bedroom... and she... took my will... and took it straight to a lawyer, I'm sure. Now I'm sure--

Brock: Jill is your-- she's your daughter now. Naturally, she'd be interested.

Kay: She didn't even ask... she just took it... and then admitted it afterwards.

Brock: Well, there. There, doesn't that tell you something?

Kay: What, that she is clever, and that she is... devious? Playing games all too well... oh, Brock, I want to believe her. I do. Can she be... a real daughter to me?

Brock: Only time will tell.

Kay: Don't have time... especially after tonight.

Brock: You mean, after finding out that Jill is contemplating going to a judge, and getting herself appointed to manage all of your affairs?

Kay: Been testing her on little things... god, this is big...

Brock: Testing her. In other words, playing games. Same thing you're accusing Jill of doing, mother.

Kay: Brock...

Brock: Like mother, like daughter. Eh, duchess?


"The young and the restless" will continue.

(Door opens)

Paul: What the hell do you want?

Michael: We have got to figure out a way to get Christine to come to her senses. I mean, she cannot confess in the morning.

Paul: So what makes you think I want to work on anything with you?

Michael: I just figured you were a big enough man to put saving Christine, a woman you profess to love, ahead of your personal contempt towards me.


Bobby: "A dime a dozen." How about I get a few of my girls out here, and you say that to their face?

J.T.: Come on. All I'm saying is you don't need Brittany . You can find someone else.

Bobby: Whoa, hold on, junior. I serve up a class brand of entertainment here. Of all the exotic dancers out there, maybe 5, 10% of them are good enough and classy enough to work at Marsino's.Then you get a girl like Marilyn-- she's in a class by herself. That's money in the bank. So don't go telling me that I can just replace her. You haven't a clue what you're talking about. Now if you'll excuse me, I can't stand around here talking to you all day.

J.T.: Look, let her go, man. This is gonna end up hurting people.

Bobby: Well, that's not my problem.

J.T.: Brittany 's not like these other girls.

Bobby: What do you know about these other girls? Some of them are from good families.

J.T.: All right, whatever. They're classy. They come from royalty, and its exotic dancing. Tell yourself whatever gets you through the night.

Bobby: What the--

J.T.: But to a lot of people, it's stripping-- girls taking their clothes off, a bunch of horny guys.

Bobby: You got a mouth on you. You know that? A big mouth.


Raul: What's wrong?

Brittany : I have to get to work.

Raul: Not this very second you don’t.

Brittany : No, not this very second, but I'd hate to rush. You know I like to take my time.

Raul: Are you sure there's nothing I can do to keep you here a little longer? Hmm?

Brittany : You are so bad.

Brittany : Raul...

Raul: That necklace...

Brittany : What about it? It's new.

Raul: Where'd you get it?


Paul: Assuming we were able to persuade Chris not to implicate herself, what do you think her chances are? I mean, considering what the police have already?

Michael: I'm not sure. The physical evidence, as Christine points out, keeps piling up.

Paul: Yeah, I know, but isn't it all mostly circumstantial? Nobody really knows what happened to Isabella. There is no body. There are no witnesses. Which reminds me, what about that fisherman-- Otis? Did he ever turn up?

Michael: Not that I know of. I'll tell you this much-- I'm glad I paid the old geezer off to clean the blood out of his boat.

Paul: Why, because of the blood they found in the woods?

Michael: No. If there had been a trail back to that boat, with more blood-- Isabella’s blood-- as far as we know Christine’s fingerprints...

Paul: That would've been the final nail in her coffin.


 (Water running)

Chris: Great. I need a cd.


Kay: You think I am being a hypocrite.

Brock: So you're trying to prove Jill’s sincerity by being duplicitous yourself. Uh, do you see anything wrong with this picture?

Kay: You really cannot... understand why?

Brock: Mother, I can understand it. Doesn't mean that I like it, or I think its right.

Kay: You are disappointed in me?

Brock: Word of advice-- don't push it any further, mother.

Kay: You think I... should show Jill how much I have recovered?

Bro: No good ever came from a web of lies, no matter how justified they might seem.

Kay: I just wish... pray... that she has really... changed toward me... that she can be... a wonderful daughter, but I'm not there yet, Brock. God, help me.

Brock: He will, mother. You can count on it. Well, let's get you home.


Larry: Look, Jill, I'm not saying that you don't have reason to be angry.

Jill: Angry... angry doesn't begin to describe the contempt I feel for that witch.

Larry: So because of that, you're gonna what, come up with some way to steal from her?

Jill: She stole from me! This house, Phillip... you know what? The list goes on and on, and it just never ends.

Larry: You know, Jill, we only get one mother in this lifetime. Take it or leave it. You can't pick your parents. They are who they are.

Jill: You're gonna get all philosophical on me? Thank you. It helps so much right now.

Larry: What else can I say? But I think it's sad, going about revenge like this, tricking Mrs. C. When she's so out of it. Not to mention... putting on an act with people that you're supposed to care about, like Brock, like me.

Jill: Okay. I've told you the truth now. You gonna stand by me, Larry?

Larry: You're on your own, Jill. Go do whatever you want. I just can't help feeling that you're just headed for a lot more heartache.


Raul: Honey, this necklace-- I, um...

Brittany : Do you like it?

Raul: There's something about it.

Brittany : Yeah, I know. That's what I said. So when I saw it in the store, I had to have it. I mean, what's the point of working so hard if you can't buy yourself a little present once in awhile, right?

[Raul remembering] Bobby: Ooh. Nice.

Brittany : I-I need to go. I'm sorry to run out like this. I'll make it up to you, I promise.


J.T.: What are you gonna do, throw me out of here?

Bobby: I suggest that you leave while you can still walk out on your own.

J.T.: No, I'm not leaving.

Bobby: Well, don't push it, kid. Angelo comes out of there, he gets nasty.

J.T.: Oh, yeah, you run a real high-class place here, don't you?

Bobby: Let me get something through your thick head. I don't kidnap girls to dance here. They come to me, begging for jobs. I run a safe, clean, classy joint with a great clientele, so I get pick of the litter.

J.T.: Yeah, I'm sure they're just lined up around the block.

Bobby: Kid, don't be so ignorant. Shut up and listen. Your friend Marilyn--

J.T.: You mean Brittany ?

Bobby: Marilyn came down here and applied for the job. She filled an application. Do you get it? Told me that she wanted to sing. I figured, what the heck? I'll try something new. So I let her sing.

J.T.: Sing? What are you talking about? I was here. I saw her act. Remember?

Bobby: I'm not finished. So she figures out right away that she's not gonna make the big money unless she starts doing what the crowd asks for. Smart girl, so she did, and she was great at it, making a lot of money. She's happy. I'm happy. The customers are happy. Everybody's happy except for you, and I don't give a damn about you, so get lost.

J.T.: I'm telling you, man, this could get ugly.

Bobby: Look, I'm gonna say this one time and one time only, and then you're out of here one way or another. These girls work for me. They're my employees. They work here because they like to work here. Now you tell your friend loverboy he's welcome to come down anytime he wants, so long as he behaves himself. Same goes for you. But if you, he or anybody causes a scene in here and interferes with my business, then you're right. It's gonna get very ugly very fast. Now get out of here. (Water running)


Paul: You know, it's not even the evidence that bothers me most. It's that damn hypnosis session. I mean, that's what really knocked the pins out from under Chris.

Michael: Yeah, it didn't help. It's understandable that s would be demoralized afterwards.

Paul: What, to the point of confessing to a murder that she didn't commit? Oh, just cut it out, Baldwin .

Michael: I didn't say a word. I didn't say a word.

Paul: You know, damn it, we can't even be sure if these are real memories. As far as we know, that shrink could have had her spewing all kinds of nonsense, just at the power of suggestion.

Michael: No, I doubt it. I checked the man out. His credentials are impeccable. I can't see him leading Christine awry while she's under hypnosis, no.

Paul: So what are you saying, you buy it as the truth?

Michael: You know what? I don't want to argue with you anymore. It is too late, and I am too damn tired.

Paul: You know, even if-- just for the sake of argument-- I accept what came out of that session is fact. They were suppressed memories of what Chris actually saw and did. I mean, there's something about it that just seems weird.

Michael: How so?

Paul: The unexplained gaps, the chunks of time that are missing. Look, Chris leaves my mother's house and gets into her car, and then she has a total blank until she has that incident with Isabella in the woods. Then there is another total blank. She doesn't remember anything until she wakes up in the car late the next day. Nothing in between, not even a glimmer.

Michael: Yeah. Where are you going with this?

Paul: I don't know. It's just that my gut tells me there is something here that doesn't fit. No, there could be more going on here than we've even considered.

Paul: Much more.


Next on "the young and the restless"...

Michael: Paul, your instincts aren't wrong. There is something off here.


Isabella: Hello, Christine.

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