Y&R Transcript Thursday
7/31/03--Canada; Friday 8/01/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma
Victor: So you think my wife is at the heart of your problem?
Victor: So am I, to be honest with you. I wish the two of you would bury the hatchet.
Sharon : Oh, believe me, I wish that were possible. I honestly do, but this is the last straw, Victor.
Victor: What do you mean "this is the last straw"?
Sharon : Suddenly and out of the blue, she tells me that we can't use the ranch to host the gala.
Victor: Because you didn't ask her permission, is that it?
Sharon : So you already know.
Victor: She told me.
Sharon : Oh, well, I'm not surprised. I'm sure she couldn't wait to tell you how she broke up our coven of witches here in the living room.
Victor: She filled me in.
Sharon : Well, what I want to know is what are we going to do about it? How are we gonna handle this?
Raul: How's it look?
Bobby: Yeah, it's a work of art.
Raul: Wouldn't go that far.
Bobby: Come on, take a compliment, kid.
Raul: All right, thank you.
Bobby: Listen, thanks again for helping me pick that out.
Raul: Yeah, it was no problem. Your girlfriend's gonna love that.
Bobby: She's not my girlfriend.
Raul: Oh, right, yeah. Well, she's your coworker. Sorry.
Bobby: Don't get me wrong. I'd like her to be my girlfriend. That's why I'm getting her the necklace. You know women. It's all about merchandise.
Raul: Yeah, well, good luck, man.
Bobby: You know what? So tell me some more about this girlfriend of yours.
Bobby: You said she used to work here, right?
Raul: Yeah, she quit a little while ago. You want to see her picture?
Bobby: Oh, absolutely.
Raul: Check her out.
Bobby: Wow. You weren't kidding. She's a knockout.
Raul: Yeah. There's an even bigger picture of her over there.
Raul: She's even more beautiful in person.
Bobby: Yeah, I bet she is. Hmm.
J.T.: What's the matter, Britt? Aren't you gonna say anything?
J.T.: How did I find out? Well, I followed you.
J.T.: Yeah, well, when you left here the other night, I followed you over to the club.
J.T.: I think the word you're looking for is stripping. And, yeah, I did.
J.T.: You know, nothing I haven't seen before. But I got to admit, baby, you have kept yourself in shape.
J.T.: Hey, it's no big deal. We're roommates. You know, I was bound to catch a shot of you coming out of the shower, walking around here or something.
J.T.: Hey, I tell you what. If it makes you feel any better, I will drop trousers right now. You could take a peek, and we'll call it even.
Lynne: Chris, you poor thing. I had no idea.
Chris: What scares me is that the dreams are so real. Isabella's all bloody. She's fighting me off, pleading with me. I wake up in a cold sweat.
Lynne: It's so unfair. After everything you've been through, now to be tortured with something like this.
Chris: I'm almost afraid to go to sleep at night.
Lynne: All right, look. I know how much this is weighing on you, but you've got to take care of yourself.
Chris: You know, earlier I started hearing Isabella’s voice, and she was begging me not to hurt her, and I was wide awake.
Lynne: Did you tell Paul about that before he went on his trip?
Chris: Yeah, he thinks it's the power of suggestion that I'm overly susceptible because of all the stress I've been under.
Lynne: It sounds reasonable.
Chris: God, I pray that's all it is.
Lynne: What else could it be?
Chris: A guilty conscience?
(Knock on door) (door opens)
Michael: Perfect timing, Williams.
Paul: Yeah, why's that?
Michael: I had another run-in with Detective Weber. The man's relentless.
Paul: Don't tell me. He bore down on you, and you spilled the beans.
Michael: No, I didn't spill anything. I've got more sense than that. I will admit that he shook me up a bit, especially when he told me that Otis Elwood called him.
Paul: Elwood-- the guy with the boat?
Michael: Mm-hmm. Seems our friendly fisherman wanted to talk to Detective Weber. He had some information about Christine, but you already knew about that, didn't you?
Paul: You're losing me.
Michael: Would have been nice of you to give me a heads up. I might have been better prepared for Weber’s questions. Not to mention, you could have consulted me on your plan to hide the man.
Paul: Hide him? What, are you still talking about Elwood?
Michael: Quit the innocent act, Paul. Actually, I'm glad you got to him before Weber did. My only question is-- where is he?
J.T.: Why are you getting so defensive?
J.T.: Well, who asked you to? I think what you're doing is great.
J.T.: Yeah. Look, you're not breaking any laws, and you got a great body, so why not show it off, you know, make a little extra cash on the side? I say more power to you.
J.T.: Well, I got to admit. That was my first trip to the strip club and, oh, wow!
J.T.: Right, right. There's a big difference.
J.T.: Who just happen to take their clothes off?
J.T.: It doesn't matter. In my book, any girl who takes her clothes off in front of a bunch of guys is a stripper. That simple.
J.T.: Hey, hey, don't get hysterical. We all got to make a living, right? Take it your parents don't know.
J.T.: Not even Raul?
J.T.: Oh, you're gonna kick me out?
Bobby: You and Brittany are pretty tight, huh?
Raul: Well, we are now. Wasn't always like that.
Bobby: Sounds like there's a story there.
Raul: Oh, man, I won't bore you with the details.
Bobby: Who said you would be?
All right, Brittany and I. We're not exactly from the same place. I mean, we're
both from
Bobby: Mm. Sounds a lot like me.
Raul: You?
Bobby: Are you surprised?
Raul: A little bit.
Bobby: Why, you see an expensive suit and a nice watch and you figure it was handed to me. Let me tell you something, kid. I came from nothing, actually less than nothing. Straight working class all the way. Everything I have, I earned. You're looking at a self-made man here.
Raul: I'm not saying that money is everything.
Bobby: Yeah, but it sure comes in handy when you're dating someone like Brittany who's used to the finer things in life.
Raul: I just want to make her happy.
Bobby: Well, there's nothing wrong with that.
Raul: See, I wish I could afford expensive jewelry like this, like you're getting for your girl. Maybe someday I will, hmm?
Bobby: That's not gonna happen working here.
Hey, this isn't forever. I'm gonna graduate college in a couple years, get a
good job. Till then,
Bobby: And she's cool with that?
Raul: I think so.
I don't know. Everything you tell me about this
Raul: Yeah, she can be. But she can also afford to be.
Bobby: Her parents help her out, huh?
Raul: No, actually, they don't even give her a dime. You know, this new job I was telling you about, she makes so much money there. Hell of a lot more than I'm making here.
Bobby: Where does she work?
Raul: Some club. She's one of those singing waitresses.
Bobby: Hmm. A singing waitress, huh?
Raul: Yeah. She makes great tips.
Bobby: She must be good.
Raul: Apparently. I haven't seen her perform.
Bobby: Well, why's that?
Raul: She's nervous. She asked me not to come until she gets the hang of it, which wouldn't be so bad, except she works every damn night.
Bobby: Well, that must get lonely for you.
Raul: I'm dealing with it.
Bobby: I tell you what. Next time you're home alone, you're not doing anything, come down to my club.
Raul: You own a club?
Bobby: Yeah, just come down. I think you'll find it very interesting.
Raul: Cool.
Nikki: Am I persona non grata here, too?
Nick: Hey. Come on in.
Nikki: Really? 'Cause the last time we spoke...
Nick: I think we needed a break from each other.
Nikki: I wanted to see you, but after you banned me from your house--
Nick: Mom, you weren't banned.
Nikki: Well, what else would you call it? You said I wasn't welcome in your home.
Nick: We were all kind of pushing the limit that day.
So how are things going? How's
Nikki: Good. She's really good. You know, she's really thrown herself into this gala thing. I hope that's still not a sore subject for you.
Nikki: Tell me more.
Nick: Look, I know my wife's not your favorite person right now, but, mom, this thing's been good for her. Gives her a chance to focus on something other than her problems.
Nikki: Well, you seem pleased.
I am.
Nikki: Ah. Well, I guess that's one word for it.
Nick: Why do you say that? Is there something going on I don't know?
Nikki: I'm sure you're gonna hear about it anyway.
Nick: Hear about what?
Nick: Is there some reason she can't?
Nikki: Well, yeah, there is. I won't allow it.
Victor: Did you hear what I said?
Victor: Right.
Victor: No, I'm sorry. I can't help you this time, Sharon, all right?
Victor: Simply tell those people that plans have changed. The ranch is not available. That's all.
Victor: I'm not abandoning you.
Victor: But don't assume anything. Don't assume anything, all right?
Victor: I am not telling you to pull out of the gala. I'm telling you to use your imagination, think of an alternative, be creative.
Michael: Ha ha ha ha. You're kidding, right? You honestly expect me to believe that you had nothing to do with Elwood’s disappearance.
Paul: Now just because you paid the guy to get rid of incriminating evidence--
Michael: Look, I told you. At the time, I did what I thought was best. I did it for Chris.
Paul: Well, if Weber found out, it kind of defeats the purpose.
Michael: He didn't, did he?
Paul: Well, you just told me that he did.
Michael: Otis called Weber. Fortunately, they never met in person.
Paul: Why not? What happened?
Michael: Oh, come on. Look, Paul, just drop the act. Tell me the truth. How did you convince Elwood to skip town?
Paul: I didn’t. If the guy is gone, I had nothing to do with it.
Michael: Really?
Paul: Really. Now suppose you tell me what's going on?
Michael: Okay. After Weber got the call from Otis, he went up to his cabin the next morning.
Paul: And?
Michael: Otis was gone. Cabin was cleaned out.
Paul: Was cleaned out? That's weird.
Michael: Mm-hmm. Naturally, when I heard that, I just assumed...
Paul: You assumed that I had something to do with it.
Michael: Yeah, to stop them from saying anything to incriminate Chris.
Paul: You know, I really doubt he could say anything that would make any difference, because Chris didn't do it. You do believe that, don't you?
Michael: I want to, Paul.
Paul: But thanks to you, and your ill-conceived effort to destroy evidence, Weber’s probably more suspicious of Chris than ever. So he's just gonna hammer away at her until she cracks.
Michael: Why won't you understand? Everything I did was to keep Chris out of trouble, so you can stop laying the blame on me.
Paul: Well, so much for my reason for coming over here.
Michael: What do you mean?
I was about to leave for
Michael: You're that worried about her?
Paul: She said that she would be fine, but now with this latest news, you can bet Weber’s gonna be turning up the heat. And quite frankly, I'm not sure that Chris can take it.
Lynne: Don't tell me that you're buying into Detective Weber’s suspicions.
Chris: Did Paul tell you about this fugue state theory?
Yeah, and I suppose it could explain how you ended up in your car by
Chris: And if that's true, it's possible that I could have done other things during my blackout.
Lynne: Oh, come on, Chris. That's crazy. Paul's right. These dreams, visions, whatever it is that you're having, they're brought on by stress.
Chris: I've been in stressful situations before. And I have never experienced anything like this.
Lynne: Chris, those other times, you weren't exhausted and upset to begin with. And now on top of that, you're being accused of a terrible crime. I don't want to believe that I am capable of such a thing. But the point has come where I have to consider the possibility. I mean, my God, I am seeing Isabella, not in my dreams, but when I am wide awake. It's as if she were standing in front of me covered with blood!
Lynne: Chris, I think you need help, professional help.
Chris: I am seeing a psychiatrist.
Lynne: Maybe you need to do more.
Chris: Like what?
Lynne: Check yourself into a hospital.
Victor: Then you have to change your plans, all right?
Victor: You can't keep that promise.
Victor: Why don't you calm down?
Victor: Simply tell those people from the arts council that things have changed. The ranch is not available. Now this gives you a chance to put your own signature on this event-- a new hostess, new location. Think positive about this.
Victor: How about the colonnade room?
Victor: If you want the colonnade room, you'll get the colonnade room, all right? I'll make it happen. Just say the word.
Victor: Tell the printers to change the damn invitations. None of this is insurmountable. None of this is irrevocable. All right, there's a solution to this problem, as there's a solution to almost any problem.
Victor: I want this feud to end, okay? You try to make that happen for me?
Victor: Please, I'm asking this of you.
Victor: I appreciate it.
Nick: What is your problem?
I don't have a problem other than
Nick: It's one night.
Nikki: No, it's zero nights.
Nick: You have had the gala at the house before.
Nikki: Yeah, I have had it. I have hosted it. I am not going to be shoved aside and dismissed like some non-entity in my own home.
Nick: Mother, it's not like that.
Nikki: Yes, it is.
Why are you so determined to screw this up for
Nikki: Because she handled this very badly. I come home from work, and there she is, entertaining Agnes and her little shadow from the arts council like she's the lady of the manor, and without even telling me that she was going to invite them in the first place. She offers our house, our pool, our grounds. She even had invitations made up without a word to me.
Nick: Mother--
Nikki: Do you know what she is? She's a hypocrite. And she makes a big fuss over me knocking on your door, but apparently, the sky is the limit when it comes to using my living room for her adventures in social climbing.
Nick: You are being paranoid.
Nikki: No, I am not paranoid.
Nikki: Oh, my god. Is it possible you're really this blind?
Nikki: Really? Then why didn't she tell you about this, huh? I'll tell you why. Because she was being very strategic.
Nick: For crying out loud.
Nikki: She knew that you were eventually going to find out about it, and that I would look like the bad guy. That was part of her plan-- to gather everybody around who's against me, put them on her side, and you know what? She is an evil, manipulative witch.
Cassie: Oh, hi, Nikki.
Nikki: Hi.
Cassie: I didn't know you'd be here.
Nikki: Um, well, I was just talking to your dad.
Nick: How was tutoring?
Cassie: Okay. We got out early. But it was kind of hard to concentrate.
Nikki: Oh, really? How come?
Cassie: Well, I couldn't stop thinking about the gala. I want to decorate and, you know, arrange the flowers and everything. It's gonna be much fun. Oh, and guess what. I may bring a friend. His name is Adam. Well, maybe. Only if dad says it's okay.
Nick: Let's slow down on that, okay?
Cassie: Can I bring him, please, dad? Please? Have you decided yet?
Nick: We'll talk about it later. Right now, my mother and I are in the middle of something.
Cassie: Oh, okay, well, I'll go make a smoothie.
I hope it's worth it, you putting the screws to
Michael: What's going on here? Is the s something you need to tell me?
Paul: (Sighs) it started with nightmares. Now Chris is hearing voices when she's awake.
Michael: Voices?
Paul: Isabella’s.
Michael: My God. Do you think this is... nervous breakdown material?
Paul: I don't know.
Michael: Look, there's no reason that you should cancel your trip. I'll look after Christine.
Paul: Are you sure?
Michael: Yes, there's no problem.
Paul: All right, I'll get back as soon as I can. I'll be calling for updates.
Michael: All right.
Paul: And try and keep Weber away from her.
Michael: It's done. It's done.
I'll call you when I get to
Chris: I've thought about that. I've thought about checking into a hospital, but I'm not ready yet. I desperately want to work this out on my own.
Lynne: Well, look, then. How about if I stay with you while Paul’s gone?
Chris: You're a good friend, you know that?
Lynne: It's really no trouble.
Chris: No, I know. It's just--it's not necessary. I'm gonna be fine.
Lynne: I hate the thought of you being here alone.
Chris: Just knowing you're a phone call away makes it all better.
Lynne: Are you sure?
Chris: I'm positive. In fact, I think I'm gonna go into the office for awhile.
Lynne: Chris you're not in the best frame of mind to go to work.
Chris: I know, but it might help take my mind off of things.
Lynne: If you need a break or you need someone to talk to, will you call?
Chris: I will.
Lynne: Is there anything I can get you or do for you before I go?
Chris: No, you already have, just letting me talk to you this way.
Lynne: Hang in there, okay?
Chris: Yeah.
Lynne: It's gonna get better. I promise. (Door closes)
(knock on door)
Victor: Come in.
Michael: Good morning, Victor.
Victor: That depends on your progress report.
Michael: That's a bit early in the game, don't you think?
Victor: Have you forgotten that Safra's about to be launched?
Michael: I understand your trepidation, but given a little time, we'll get these people on--
Victor: Listen to me. In spite of all our hard work, if Safra shows up on the back shelves, we don't stand a chance. You get it?
Michael: Victor, I need to get to know the players in this deal.
Victor: From day one, when consumers walk into the stores, I want them to see Safra at eye level-- up front and center. You got it?
Michael: I don't want to shock you, Victor, but I cannot get you all of the prime shelf space in the world overnight.
Victor: You don't need to. Just enough to nudge Jabot out of the key market. Is that it?
Michael: Looks good on paper, but Jabot has some longstanding relationships with store chains--
Victor: Did you go to see Lauren Fenmore?
Michael: Yes, of course I did.
Victor: What happened?
Michael: I barely got to first base.
Victor: Why?
Michael: She threw me out when I tried to steal second.
J.T.: Look, Raul may be a lot of things, but he's not an idiot.
J.T.: You're acting like it. How long do you think you can keep him in the dark about your new job? He's gonna find out eventually.
J.T.: That might be sooner than you think.
J.T.: No, but he really wants to come hear you sing, and you keep saying, "Wait till I'm more confident," but that's gonna get old in a hurry.
J.T.: What if he decides to follow you to work one night, like I did?
J.T.: Right, right. Okay, what if it's the two of you, you're at a restaurant and some guy walks by and is like, "hey, Marilyn"? How are you gonna explain your way out of that one?
J.T.: You didn't think of that, did you, Britt?
J.T.: Right, right, to buy him a car.
J.T.: Look, I don't see why you'd want to quit. I wish I had a job that paid me like that, you know, I'd stick with it awhile.
J.T.: Sure, why not?
J.T.: Look, you can go to school another time or go part-time.
J.T.: Then what?
J.T.: Could've fooled me. It looked like you were having the time of your life. You know, you're pretty good at it.
J.T.: Yeah. You had the crowd fired up.
J.T.: There you go. It's a good job, good money, and you like doing it.
J.T.: Whatever, all right? I just don't understand why you'd walk away, unless-- unless this has to do with Raul.
J.T.: Because he's a prude?
J.T.: Oh, all right. Like I said, because he's a prude. What are you afraid he's gonna do, dump you?
J.T.: So what? You'll find some other guy, maybe someone who's a little more stripper-friendly.
Raul: Marsino's.
Bobby: Yeah, that's me, Bobby Marsino.
Raul: Is this place new? I've never heard of it.
Bobby: Well, we cater to a specific crowd.
Raul: Oh, you're one of those, uh...
Bobby: It's a gentlemen's club.
Raul: Strippers, right?
Bobby: No, no, no. Exotic dancers.
Raul: Thank you, but it's not exactly my scene.
Bobby: Well, why don't you hold on to this, just in case you change your mind?
Raul: I don't think I will. Hey, do you want a bag for your gift?
Bobby: You know what? This is just fine.
Raul: All right. Well, hey, do me a favor-- wish your coworker a happy birthday for me.
Bobby: All right, I'll do that.
Raul: Have a good day.
Bobby: Yeah, thanks..
Victor: So you made a clumsy effort, and Lauren Fenmore saw right through you?
Michael: I should never have gone near her, Victor. She and Jabot are in business--
Victor: I hired you for your ability to hang on like a pit bull until the job was done.
Michael: Did I say I was gonna give up? I'm going back there.
Victor: Don't bother. Fenmore's is only one outlet of many where we're gonna display Safra products, all right?
Michael: I'm already in the process of calling around.
Victor: That's already been done for you.
Michael: What has?
Victor: My secretary called all the sales managers of the key retailers in the country. Appointments have been set up for you.
Michael: My goodness, don't you think that's a bit presumptuous?
Victor: I expect you to play hardball with these people, all right?
Michael: These people are not your flunkies. I can't dictate to them--
Victor: Are you giving up already or what?
Michael: There are protocols, Victor.
Victor: Stop this nonsense. If I had wanted you to walk in hat in hand, I wouldn't have hired you. You got it? It's not that complex, you know. Just go and talk to people. Find out what they want out of life, and then you let them know that you can help them get it. In return, they'll help you, all right?
Michael: You're talking about bribery.
Victor: I'm talking about whatever works. Just go in, find out what makes people tick, okay? If you reduce it to something simplistic, you're missing the point. People are different, you know.
Michael: Every man has his price. Is that it?
Victor: I'm saying you took this job. You're damn well gonna finish it. You got it?
Michael: I'm the man you hired to get his hands dirty.
Victor: Now you're beginning to understand the real world. I'd given up hope.
Michael: All right, okay. I'll do it. I'll find out about these people. I'll find out their secret desires, but these negotiations can be delicate. It takes time to build relat--
Victor: You're not getting the point! There is no time. Find the shortcuts. If you want to get Safra product on the shelves, front and center, you will do it.
Michael: I know what these shortcuts are you're talking about, even though you don't want to say it aloud. Look, you know, I don't need this. I quit. You'll get a refund check for my retainer in the mail by this afternoon. I was insane to think that we could work together. Good-bye!
Victor: You're not quitting.
Michael: Watch me!
Victor: If you open that door, you will regret it till your dying day.
Nikki: I can't believe you're dragging Cassie into this.
It's not just Cassie. It's the whole damn town. If you tell
Nikki: Well, maybe next time she'll think twice before she disrespects me.
Nick: Mother, this isn't just about you. Have you thought for one minute how this might affect me?
Nikki: What? What are you talking about?
Nick: I'm doing all this training to take over Newman Enterprises one day. I have to think about everything that's involved with that. A big part of it is social, making connections. This is a chance for Sharon and me to start establishing ourselves as part of the new guard.
Nikki: Oh. Oh, I see. As opposed to the old guard-- me. Key word--"old."
Nick: Why is everything such a big insult to you? You are being too damn sensitive.
Nikki: With good reason, Nicholas!
Mother, reconsider, please. If
Michael: I'm a free agent, Victor. I'm not your indentured servant.
Victor: I've obviously misjudged you. I thought you liked a challenge; see how far you could push the limits.
Michael: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that sounds good while you're sitting here, comfy and cozy in your office, and I'm the guy out there with my butt on the line.
Victor: Well, have you now reinvented yourself as a morally upstanding citizen, and in the process you've lost your cojones? Is that it?
Michael: I know what you're trying to do. Not gonna work.
Victor: You will do this job whether you like it or not.
Michael: The hell I will. Good-bye.
Victor: Have you ever heard of Otis Elwood?
Michael: Otis, Otis. You're telling me you know a person named Otis.
Victor: That's right, Mr. Baldwin, and so do you. Stop pretending you don’t. Otis Elwood, the fisherman, knows all about your involvement in Isabella Williams' murder. Now you stop telling me what you will and will not do, all right?
Isabella: No, Christine! No! Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me! No! No, Christine! No! Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!
Next on "The Young And The Restless"...
Victor: We you work for me voluntarily, or do I have to force the issue?
Jack: It appears our friend Porter is among the missing.
Dru: What?
Jack: Yeah, and I want to know where the hell he is.