Tuesday Y&R Transcript 7/29/03

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/29/03
--Canada; Wednesday 7/30/03--USA

By Eric 
Proofread by Emma

Paul: Well, Victor. This is a surprise.

Victor: I feel very remiss. I should have come here the moment I heard about your wife's disappearance.

Paul: Well, it has been a bad time.

Victor: I can only imagine. I heard that you and Isabella were having some problems.

Paul: Well, it's way beyond that. She was a consummate liar. Our marriage was at the breaking point, but, besides that, I mean, being that close to someone, having a child together and then for her to disappear without a trace.

Victor: There's still no progress at all?

Paul: Finding Isabella? No. The apartment was covered with her blood. I'm sure she's dead.

Victor: Sounds like an absolute nightmare. Where does Christine fit in to all of this?

Paul: What have you heard?

Victor: I've heard some rumors.

Paul: Look, there is no way she is involved in any of this. I'll stake my life on it.

Victor: But she's under suspicion. Is that it?

Paul: Well, you know, Detective Weber practically has her convicted.

Victor: Oh, boy. Detective Weber. I remember that guy. He can be like a pit bull.

Paul: I don't want to see her railroaded.

Victor: You think there's a possibility of that happening?

Paul: It's pretty scary right now. I'm trying not to let Chris see how worried I am.

Victor: Is there any way that I can help?

Paul: You know, Victor, I don't know how to answer that. I've never felt so powerless in my entire life.


Chris: Thank you for coming over.

Wesley: That's absolutely no problem. You sounded upset when you called.

Chris: Yeah, I am. I am totally freaked out.

Wesley: Something new happen?

Chris: You're here as my psychiatrist, right?

Wesley: If this is a professional visit, yes.

Chris: It is. It is, totally. I just need someone to talk to.

Wesley: Okay, well, here I am. It would help if you stopped pacing.

Chris: Well, I can't, all right? I can't stand still. I'm way too on edge.

Wesley: I can see that, Chris. Just try to calm down and tell me what happened.

Chris: I had a dream, only I'm not sure it was a dream.

Wesley: What was it about?

Chris: Isabella-- the night she disappeared, the night some... the night someone killed her.


(Cheering and whistling)

Brittany : Wow, this place is packed.

Angelo: They heard you were singing.

Brittany : Yeah, right.

Angelo: Fine. Don't believe me.

Brittany : My music, maestro. Hey, have you seen Bobby?

Angelo: If he was a snake, he'd bite you.

Bobby: Hey.

Brittany : Hey, yourself.

Bobby: So you ready for another big night?

Brittany : I bought a new outfit.

Bobby: Oh, big shot. Already spending those big tips you're making, huh?

Brittany : No, I robbed a bank. And, yes, Bobby, the zippers are all in the right places this time.

Bobby: That's my girl.Hey, angel...


Victoria : Well, lovely to see you, too.

Nick: Don't start, all right? I'm in no mood.

Victoria : Ahh, rough day learning the ins and outs of corporate hijinks?

Nick: Funny.

Victoria : Well, I've had one hell of a day myself, not that anyone cares. I had a little visit from dad's newest protégé or whatever he is.

Nick: Baldwin ?

Victoria : Mm-hmm.

Nick: You talked to him?

Victoria : If you could call it that.

Nick: Did you get any ideas as to why he's here, what dad hired him for?

Victoria : Nope, nada. I'm surprised dad won't tell you. I mean, you are "the mentoree."

Nick: This is such a crock.I mean, he's grooming me to take over, yet he can't give me a straight answer.

Nick: You know, I don't know why dad hired that punk. There's more to it than meets the eye. A lot more. And trust me, it's not good.


Lauren: Oh, my. To what do I owe the dubious pleasure?

Michael: Lauren Fenmore, as I live and breathe. How the heck are you?

Lauren: Actually, I was peachy till a cool breeze blew in.

Michael: Aww, a cool breeze, moi?

Lauren: I'm a very busy woman. What do you want?

Michael: I want a few me moments of your time.

Lauren: And that's about all your gonna get, so speak up.

Michael: I am here on behalf of Victor Newman.

Lauren: Right.

Michael: Uh, really, I am.

Lauren: Doing legal work for him?

Michael: Let me cut to the chase. You know that Newman Enterprises is about to roll out a new cosmetics line called Safra for women of color. We hope to have product in stores by next week.

Lauren: Hmm? So you're working for Safra. Good for you.

Michael: No, good for you, Lauren. You're gonna love this product so much. You're gonna be so damn proud that Fenmore's carries it.

Lauren: If you're here to sell it, save it. I've already bought it.

Michael: Well, I'm, uh, not so much concerned about whether you sell it as I am concerned about how you sell it.

Lauren: You can also save your merchandising advice. I have a whole team that does that for me. Have for years.

Michael: That's exactly why I'm here. We're trying to do something a little more innovative. 


Victoria : So, uh, that's what has you in such a grumpy mood, bad session with papa?

Nick: I'm telling you, one day I'm gonna bust a gut with the old man. I feel it coming.

Victoria : Well, then why the hell do you keep up this mentoring thing if you hate it so much?

Nick: Because there's an empire to protect. It's not just for me, it's for you, too...

Victoria : (Laughs)

Nick: And my kids. Go ahead, laugh.

Victoria : So, um, it's that simple?

Nick: Yeah. What are you getting at?

Victoria : Nothing. Forget it. So what happened between you and dad that has you in such a bad mood? I mean, if you can talk about it.

Nick: What is it with him and my wife?

Victoria : Um, I don't know. You think something's going on?

Nick: How many times do I have to ask them to stay away from each other?

Victoria : Again, you got me. I mean, just for the record, Nicholas, I don't think anything was happening between dad and Sharon, not that I trust your wife.

Nick: Vicki, come on.

Victoria : Hey, you brought it up.

Nick: She says she feels something for him. It's--you know, it's father-figure stuff.

Victoria : And you don't believe her?

Nick: Even if I do, does dad? I mean, he wouldn't be the first older guy to use that to take advantage.


Sharon : Would you like cream and sugar with your coffee, Mrs. Sorenson?

Agnes: Oh, just a little cream, thank you, and please remember to call me Agnes.

Sharon : Ruby?

Ruby: Both, please.

Sharon : So as I was saying on the tour, there are just so many possibilities with the gala here at the ranch. There's the pool area, the terrace, the formal dining room and the whole first floor of the house. So I thought this year, you know, Maybe to be different, we could try and use all of the areas and do something really special with each one.

Agnes: So you said you're thinking of putting a dance floor on the pool terrace?

Sharon : Well, I thought it might be nice to have a little band out there. You know, a little combo, dancing under the stars. What do you think?

Agnes: My, you given this a lot of thought.

Sharon : Well, you know, it's a big undertaking, and it takes a lot of planning.

Agnes: You haven't hired an event planner to help you?

Sharon : Uh, no, no, I haven’t. Should I have?

Agnes: Heavens no. They charge a fortune. Now the silent auction, the committee is well underway securing an extraordinary collection of offerings.

Sharon : Well, that's great.

Ruby: We'll have the brochure available a week in advance.

Sharon : Wonderful. I think we should include one in each invitation so that people will know that.

Agnes: That's a wonderful idea. Good for you.

Sharon : Now I've been to see the printer, and the invitations are coming along nicely. I should have them by next week, and we can start mailing them. Well, ladies, this is just going to go so--

Nikki: Well, my, oh, my, oh, my, what's going on here? Hi, Agnes, Ruby.

Sharon : Nikki, I thought that you would be at work.

Nikki: I'm sure you did, but as you can see, I'm not. So what's going on right here in my own home?


 (Cheering and applause)

Bobby: Georgie's got some moves, huh?

Brittany : Yeah. I could never dance like that.

Bobby: Remember when she first started working here, Angelo? She was awful, right?

Angelo: She danced like a stork, boss.

Bobby: Hmm. All you got to do is take a few lessons. Not that there's anything wrong with the way you move now, it's just a pro wants to keep her skills sharpened.

Brittany : I'm not a "pro."

Bobby: Oh, yeah? Judging from all those phone calls that I got today asking when you're going on again, I have to say you're in the business for sure.

Brittany : They were? They were calling in?

Bobby: That's what I said. Am I lying, angelo?

Angelo: Hey, Bobby Marsino never lies.

Bobby: You see? Go on, Brittany , get dressed.

Brittany : Hey don't call me that, okay? When I'm here, I'm Marilyn.

Bobby: Excuse me. Marilyn, go put your new dress on.

Bobby: Brittany, Marilyn, what's the difference?

Angelo: Marilyn-- easier to spell.


Lauren: Innovative? When was the last time you were in Fenmore’s? I mean, we are the soul of innovation.

Michael: Yes, yes, yes. You do know there's another product line for women of color coming out at the same time?

Lauren: I'm aware of that. It's really bad timing if you ask me.

Michael: It happens. Two companies start down the same path; they get to the end around the same time.

Lauren: What are you really doing here?

Michael: Look, we have fabulous counter display materials. Our artwork is dynamite. It's gonna look so hot in your store.

Lauren: And?

Michael: And we just want to make sure that our product is seen. You know, right out there, up front in your cosmetics department.

Lauren: Like I said, I have people who handle that for me.

Michael: Yeah, well, this is Newman’s Safra. It's revolutionary. You know, we have the top R and D in the business. You know, we are so behind this product that we are willing to-- to go the extra mile to guarantee up-front placement.

Lauren: You're not trying to bribe me, are you?


Victor: So you say there's nothing that directly ties Christine to Isabella’s murder. In other words, the evidence is circumstantial, is that it?

Paul: Victor, whatever they have, it has to be circumstantial. Chris did not do this. I'm 100% sure of that.

Victor: Do you have any idea who might have?

Paul: I was a suspect. Maybe I still am. My mother was a suspect.

Victor: Your mother was a suspect?

Paul: Oh, she has a unique hatred for Isabella.

Victor: Yeah, but not enough to murder her for heaven's sake.

Paul: No. I mean, she'd want to ring her neck, but besides that, it’s...

Victor: Boy, what a nightmare this must be for everyone concerned. I know that you had a son with Isabella. How are you handling things with him?

Paul: Well, he's in Los Angeles , Thank God, with Isabella’s parents. I-I took him there when we were planning on relocating. I'm flying out tomorrow to spend some time with him.

Victor: I bet you're looking forward to seeing him.

Paul: I am, very much.

Paul: Oh, Victor... I just don't get how things like this happen. Isabella and I were happy, or so it seemed, and then the world collapsed.

Victor: And there's no one outside your own circle that you could think of that might have been the guilty party?

Paul: I don't know. There's so much I don't know. There could be any number of suspects that I would be unaware of.

Victor: In other words, Christine is still in the hot seat?

Paul: Yeah, and unfortunately, she is in no position to defend herself. The truth is, Victor, she thinks she might be guilty.


Wes: So, Christine, in this dream, you heard Isabella’s voice?

Chris: I saw her. I saw her face. It was covered with blood, trailing down from a head wound where someone bashed in her skull.

Wes: Chris, you know you're not telling me anything you wouldn't already know from what you've been told by the police.

Chris: It was so graphic, and she kept imploring me-- "Christine, don’t. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me again."

Wes: And you're not sure this was a dream?

Chris: It just--it seemed-- it seemed real, so horribly real.

Wes: What are you thinking?

Chris: You told me that you were gonna do some more research about this fugue state. Have you done that?

Wes: Yes.

Chris: Well, I asked you a question, and you never answered it. Can you answer it now?

Wes: If you could have done something while in this state and later had no recollection of it?

Chris: What's the verdict?

Wes: It is possible, but that doesn't mean it's what happened.


Angelo: What'll it be?

J.T.: Uh, I'll just have a beer.

Angelo: Let's see some I.D.

Bobby: Is everything okay?

Angelo: Best fake I've seen in weeks.

Bobby: Let me see that. That looks fine. Give the man what he wants.

Angelo: Sure, boss. I don't know what I was thinking.

Bobby: You, uh, looking for someone?

J.T.: Yeah, a friend of mine.

Bobby: Is he a regular?

J.T.: She.

Bobby: She? She works here?

J.T.: I thought I saw her come in here.

Bobby: Well, we don't get a lot of women in the audience this time of day.

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Bobby: Well, have your beer. Enjoy the show. I think you'll like it.

J.T.: Thanks.

Angelo: 4 bucks.

J.T.: All right. Hey, uh, you got a girl named Brittany working here?

Angelo: Nope.


Nikki: Sharon , sit down. I don't want to interrupt. So, ladies, tell me about your meeting.

Agnes: Well, Sharon has some very creative ideas for the gala this year, Nikki.

Nikki: Oh, I'll bet she does. You wouldn't believe how creative she can be.

Agnes: It's gonna be such a pleasure working with her.

Ruby: She's doing a lovely job. You should be proud.

Nikki: Should I?

Agnes: It'll be especially nice getting to use so much of the grounds. It's surprising nobody ever thought of that before.

Nikki: Well, our little Sharon has quite outdone herself. Let's hope she hasn't bitten off more than she can chew.

Agnes: Oh, I wouldn't worry about that.

Nikki: Oh, well, I'm sure you wouldn't, Agnes.

Agnes: Oh, you could learn a thing or two from your daughter-in-law. We should go now, Sharon .

Sharon : All right then. I'll walk you out.

Agnes: I want to thank you so much again, dear. This promises to be a spectacular event.

Sharon : Oh, thank you, ladies, for all your help. All right, bye-bye.

Agnes: Bye.

Ruby: Bye-bye.

Sharon : Good-bye, Agnes. Bye, ruby.

Nikki: You! Where the hell do you think you're going? Need I ask? Obviously, to stick another knife in my back.


Michael: Bribe? There's no bribe. You don't need a bribe. You're gonna love this product so much, you're gonna want it out there in front.

Lauren: Look, I have commitments. I have long-term agreements and arrangements.

Michael: We have people we can have come in here, revamp your shelves, your displays. While they're at it, they can even do a little refurbishing. Anything you want, no cost to you.

Lauren: You're not listening to me.

Michael: No, I don't think you're listening to me, Lauren.

Lauren: Oh, I hear you. This is about Jabot.

Michael: I never said that name.

Lauren: Did you have to? You know, you're asking me if I'm gonna stock Safra. Well, I've bought the line. Yes, it will be displayed, but that's not good enough for you, is it? What you really want is better product placement at the expense of Jabot. Am I right?

Michael: I have never said a word that would lead you to that conclusion.

Lauren: Oh, I can't believe it. You're Victor's henchman. I cannot believe that he is using you to do his dirty work. You know what, Michael? You are treading on very dangerous ground.

Michael: I'm merely offering you an opportunity.

Lauren: That is bull! You are here to do a job. And you know what's so ludicrous about that? Is that you're offering me of all people this proposition. We're in the boutique that happens to be a joint venture between Fenmore’s and Jabot. Do you really think that I would give preferential treatment to Safra, no matter what the "incentives" are? I have carried Jabot products for years. I am very loyal to that company. Their products are tried and true. They stand the test of time, and, you know, this Newman Safra, it's an unknown quantity.

Michael: Then check it out. It's a really great product.

Lauren: If you want a commitment from me for decent placement and shelf space, I will commit that to you. You want anything more, you're gonna have to tell your boss he's got to be kidding. And you know what I'm gonna do for you? I'm gonna forget we even had this conversation. So why don't you get out of here before I change my mind? You know, I'm really curious about something. What is Victor holding over you that would make you get into this dirty little game?

Michael: (Laughs) nothing. It's not what you think.

Lauren: Well, then, honey, I hope he's paying you a fortune. And let me give you another piece of advice. Bail out now before it costs you everything.

Michael: What the hell am I doing here?


Victoria : Forgive me, Nicholas, but I will never believe that our father was trying to take advantage of Sharon . I mean, he has made some errors in judgment lately, but still...

Nick: You know how dad is with women.

Victoria : Oh, come on. This is his daughter-in-law for god's sake. Look, I know what you saw, I know it hurt, but its ancient history, and right now, I don't think our biggest problem is between dad and your wife. I think it's between mother and your wife.

Nick: This damn gala. I... you know how much Mom has hated doing that in the past.

Victoria : Right. So what does Dad do? He goes to you and suggests that Sharon take over. I mean, what was he thinking? That is the world's worst idea, and it's gonna cause nothing but trouble. Get ready. All hell is gonna break loose.


Sharon : Contrary to what you might think, Nikki, the entire world does not revolve around you.

Nikki: I see. Is that why you didn't get approval to host a meeting in my living room?

Sharon : I hardly think I need to get permission. That was implied when Victor gave me the chance to host this event.

Nikki: Wrong again, Sharon . It was not implied or given or even asked for.

Sharon : This is ridiculous. You know, I have too much going on to stand here and argue with you about where and when I can have my meetings.

Nikki: Well, Sharon , as long as you insist on having them in my living room, you're going to have to. I am still the boss here.

Sharon : Don't play that card with me. I am responsible for this event, which means I need access to this house.

Nikki: Yes, I guess it does. So you really think you're gonna pull this off?

Sharon : After today, I have no doubt about that. You should have seen how excited those women were when I showed them what we could do with this place. They just haven't been able to do this event justice until now. And you said I couldn't do it.

Nikki: You can’t. You are in so far over your head, and you're too naive to even see it, Sharon . Do you think that that Mrs. Blue blood Sorenson has any respect for you or your silly little ideas? She sees a foolish girl that she can manipulate.

Sharon : You would just love to see me fail, wouldn't you? Well, it's not gonna happen.

Nikki: So you've made all these arrangements, raised all these expectations. I'm afraid you don't have a place to hold the event.

Sharon : What are you talking about? We're having the event right here at the ranch.

Nikki: No, we aren’t. I want nothing to do with this. You didn't ask permission to use the ranch this year. And if you had, the answer would have been no, you may not.


Bobby: All right, ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank all of you for coming here to Marsino's again tonight. (Applause)

Bobby: Now a lot of you regulars know what time it is, but for you first timers, I got something special for you. I have our resident songbird of paradise coming out to do a little song and dance for you.

Man: All right!

Bobby: Now she's really gonna be special, and you know who I'm talking about.

Man: Marilyn. Ha ha ha! Yeah, baby! Yeah!

Bobby: Without further ado, I want to bring out the beautiful, the vivacious, Marilyn!

Man: Yeah, Marilyn! (Crowd cheering)

Man: All right! There she is! Honey! Yeah, baby!

J.T.: Marilyn? (Crowd cheering)

Brittany : Well, hello, everybody.

Man: Marilyn!


Sharon : Your husband and your son gave me permission to host this event. In fact, they asked me to. Now no one said anything about going through you to get an okay to use the ranch or the grounds.

Nikki: I guess you didn't exactly cover all your bases, did you?

Sharon : Oh, for God's sake, Nikki, be reasonable. You have had this event here for several years.

Nikki: This is my home. You have all pointed out that I have never enjoyed hosting it, and that is true. This year, finally, I'm not chairing it, and I'm not gonna have it here. That's it.

Sharon : Well, I'm afraid it's a little too late for that. The invitations are already at the printer.

Nikki: Well, somebody better call the printer and tell them to hold the presses.

Sharon : Nikki, you can't do this. Everything is already set. We need to have the gala here.

Nikki: No, we don't need to. You need to have the gala here, because you made promises without getting permission, and now they're promises that you can't keep.

Sharon : What do you want me to do? Do you want me to beg?

Nikki: What I don't want are hundreds of these people in my house.

Sharon : There is a lot at stake here. If I have to pull out now, it could cost this family its reputation.

Nikki: This family? This family or you, Sharon? You're the organizing genius, or so you have convinced Agnes Sorenson and company. I suggest you call the printer, find another location and get on with it.

Sharon : Well, you have a lot to lose, too, Nikki. If I were you, I would reconsider for your own sake.

Nikki: Are you threatening me? Because if you a----

Sharon : I have no idea how Nicholas will feel when I tell him about this. Have you thought about that?

Nikki: Thanks to you, he's already written me off. He's just shoved me out of his life completely. I don't really see that there's anything he can do. He can't ban me from my own home.

Sharon : Well, you brought that on yourself, and you are bringing this on yourself. You are making a big mistake.

Nikki: Are you threatening me again? What are you going to do, Sharon ? You overstepped by making assumptions you shouldn't have... and you made a very serious error the day that you decided to make me an enemy.

Sharon : No, I did not decide that, Nikki, you did, when you felt that my family would be better off without me.

Nikki: You listen to me, and you listen very well. I see right through you, Sharon. If you're trying to prove that there's only room for one strong woman in this family, believe me, it's not gonna be you. Have I made myself clear? Now you may leave. Leave my home. And next time, don't come back without asking permission.


(Sultry jazz music playing)

Brittany: You made me love you I didn't wanna do it I didn't wanna do it you made me want you and all the time you knew it I guess you always knew it you made me happy sometimes you made me glad but there were times, dear you made me feel so bad you made me sigh for I didn't wanna tell ya I didn't wanna tell ya I want some love that's true yes, I do 'deed I do you know I do gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme what I cry for you now you've got the brand of kisses that I'd die for you know you made me love you (sustaining note) (sultry jazz music playing) (crowd cheers) (men whistle)

Crowd: Whoo (audience cheering) (audience cheering)

J.T.: Oh, my God. (Audience applauding)


Paul: So anyway, this psychiatrist that Chris has been seeing assures us that this-- this fugue state is real, and it is brought on by extreme stress. The mind closes down around a stressful incident and then blocks it out.

Victor: Listen, if you need any kind of legal assistance, you give me a call. I know the best lawyers. You know that.

Paul: Yeah, thank you, but Michael Baldwin is on board if-if Chris needs defending. I just wish that Michael Baldwin believed more in Chris' innocence.

Victor: He thinks she is guilty?

Paul: Oh, God, he did something so incredibly stupid.

Victor: What's that?

Paul: There's this boat owner down on Lake Michigan , near Kenosha . It's where Chris was when she woke up in her car from this state she's in, on Route K, near mile marker 18.

Victor: That's pretty far from home.

Paul: Yes, I know. Anyway, this boat owner called, and Baldwin went down there and... you know, I really shouldn't say any more.

Victor: Why did that guy call?

Paul: Please, you know, it's not wise at this point.

Victor: So I gather Michael Baldwin is still rather committed to Christine.

Paul: He may feel that way, but the relationship is over.

Victor: Listen, I don't know what to say about any of this except to offer you any legal assistance that I have access to. If you need it, you just give me a call, all right?

Paul: Thank you, Victor. I am praying that it won't come to that.

Victor: I really am sorry to hear about all this. Very, very sorry. You give Christine my best and tell her that I'll say a prayer for her, all right?

Paul: I will. Thanks again, and thank you for coming by.

Victor: Anytime. I wish I'd come earlier. Sorry. I can only imagine what you must be going through. Anyway, if you need any help, you give me a call.


Chris: Everything points in the same direction. Everything is moving toward the same end.

Wes: That's a bit fatalistic, isn't it?

Chris: The police are coming after me. They think I'm guilty. I'm trying to run, but there is no place to hide.

Wes: You assume you need to hide.

Chris: There's something I haven't told you.

Wes: About the dream?

Chris: I recognize the surroundings. The place where I had the fight with Isabella, it was the same place where I woke up in my car with scratches on my arms and blood in my hands and no memory of it. So you tell me, what do you think that means?

Wes: I think it means you're jumping to conclusions, Christine.

Chris: I mean, there is one other possibility. Lately I've been having a hard time separating fantasy from reality, what's really going on and what's only in my head. I mean, am I going insane here? Is this what happens when people lose their minds?

Wes: No, Christine, you are letting your fears take-- look at me. You need to stop this now.

Chris: Yeah, well, I can’t. Don't you understand that? I am out of control. This is running away with me, and I am powerless to stop it.

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