Y&R Transcript Monday
7/28/03--Canada; Tuesday 7/29/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma
Nikki: Oh, Katherine, it is just so wonderful to see you walking here in my living room.
Kay: Well, I...
Nikki: Careful.
Kay: In... (sighs) the neighborhood.
Nikki: Good. You know, Esther could have come in, too.
Kay: Oh, Esther running errands.
Nikki: Oh. Well, it's great to see you out of that damn wheelchair.
Kay: Oh, yeah. Oh, Nikki, wobbly.
Nikki: Well, what's important is you're making progress.
Kay: Well... frustrating.
Nikki: Well, yeah, of course. My God, having to learn to walk all over again. But you know what? I'll bet living with Jill is inspirational.
Kay: Why do you say that?
Nikki: Well, every time you see her, you want to run the other way. I mean, that's great for your leg muscles.
Kay: (Laughs) oh, running, no. Not... as before. Not... not running anymore.
Mitchell: Jill, surely you're not serious.
Jill: I'm very serious.
Mitchell: You want Katherine declared legally incompetent. Do you have any idea what incompetency means?
Jill: Yes, it's someone who lacks the capacity or the mental ability to handle their own affairs, like a child or a senile person.
Mitchell: Neither of which applies to Katherine.
Jill: Oh, come on, Mitchell. She's practically a vegetable.
Mitchell: It's much too early to write her off.
Jill: You know what the irony of this whole thing is? That my mother would turn out to be this person that I have been fighting with for all these years. And then just when I find out, she comes down with this devastating stroke.
Mitchell: Stroke victims do recover, Jill.
Jill: Great! Great. If she does recover, then you and I can reverse whatever legal action you're gonna take right now. This does not have to be permanent.
Mitchell: Whose welfare are you truly concerned with, your mother's or yours?
Jill: My mother's, Mitchell. And as her daughter, it is my duty to make sure that her needs are attended to.
Mitchell: Attending to her needs is one thing. What you're asking for is far more than that.
Jill: What do you mean?
Mitchell: You're asking me to take legal steps so that you can control Katherine Chancellor's entire future.
J.T.: Hey, what's shakin'?
J.T.: I was. It was pretty slow, so Lauren sent me home early.
J.T.: Well, it's cool. Now I get to spend the afternoon with Colleen.
J.T.: You haven't heard? We're back together.
J.T.: No, I'm serious.
J.T.: Last night. We're officially back together.
J.T.: And what's that?
Michael: Oh, come now, nothing's that bad.
Michael: Didn't mean to intrude.
Michael: You seemed upset about something. I thought I'd see if there's any way I could help.
Michael: And that disturbs you.
Victor: It is not unlike the strategy that I used in my first venture, you know-- industrial cleaning products. I entered the industry by buying a company that was already established.
Nick: Hopefully not a dog like Satine Cosmetics.
Victor: I think it's more cost-effective to do it that way rather than starting from the ground up. I think Jabot Cosmetics is a perfect example. They had a chance to buy Satine, but they refused to pony up the money.
Nick: Or maybe they didn't feel like throwing their limited cash down a never-ending garbage chute.
Victor: Why do I get the impression that you're in a very hostile mood today?
Nick: You really have no idea why.
Victor: Is it because you walked in when Sharon and I were talking to each other?
Hi, Steven, yes. I just got the sunglasses. Oh, I love them. I love them,
and--but the case. It's fantastic. So I want the glasses in every color and
three dozen of each. Definitely. Definitely. The next time I'm in
Raul: Well, that's finished. I'm telling you, that stockroom has never looked cleaner.
Lauren: Thank you for tackling that.
Raul: Oh, it's no problem. You know, it wouldn't get that messy back there if J.T. would put stuff where it belongs instead of just throwing everything around.
Lauren: Are you tattling on your roommate?
Raul: You're right. I should be used to cleaning up after him.
Lauren: Hey, how's that going living with him?
Raul: You know, it's actually okay.
Lauren: No arguments?
Raul: Not really. And this is gonna sound weird, but it's actually nice to have someone around.
Well, you do have
Raul: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I guess I do technically.
Lauren: What's that supposed to mean?
Raul: It's her new job.
Lauren: Not going well?
Raul: No, it's quite the opposite. It's going a little too well.
Nikki: You're still hoping that Jill has changed.
Kay: Well... you think I'm crazy?
Nikki: No, I don’t. Actually, I've been thinking about this, and as much as you have detested each other, you're just always somehow linked. You're always a part of each other's lives.
Kay: Not by choice.
Nikki: Maybe, maybe not. I mean, who knows? Maybe there's some kind of subconscious mother-daughter thing going on here. And you have to admit, without all this rivalry, your lives would have been a lot duller.
Kay: Dull is good.
Nikki: Well, just think about that. I mean, if it weren't for Jill, you wouldn't have met Rex. He made you so happy. You had wonderful years together.
Kay: True.
Nikki: And if she hadn't driven you out of your own home, you never would have found Mackenzie at the homeless shelter.
Kay: Jill... had chip on her shoulder forever.
Nikki: Right, and you can't blame yourself for that. I mean, she's got a rotten disposition.
Kay: Well, maybe... she-she... never felt she belonged anywhere.
Nikki: Katherine, that is ridiculous. Liz Foster was a wonderful mother to her.
Kay: Part my fault. Responsible for her being like she is.
Nikki: No. No.
Kay: Yes.
Nikki: That is nonsense.
Kay: Nikki, if... it's my fault, I... should make... amends.
Nikki: Well... I guess you can never underestimate the influence that a person can have on somebody.
Kay: Talking about Nikki now?
Nikki: No, I-I don't want to talk about me. The last thing you need is to hear about my problems.
Kay: Wrong. Wrong.
Nikki: No. You have enough to worry about just getting well.
Kay: All I do since this stroke is take from others. It’s... please... let me give something back. Just... talk to me, Nikki. Please let... let Katherine help.
Jill: You're absolutely right, Mitchell. I admit it. I want to be in full charge of my mother's destiny. I want to make absolutely certain that she is well taken care of for the rest of her life.
Mitchell: Well, god willing, she'll outlast us all.
Jill: That's true. But in what condition? I mean, this is a very wealthy, powerful woman. She has an estate with a full staff to pay. She has a company to manage.
Mitchell: Well, Katherine made all the necessary legal arrangements for those things to be taken care of in the even that she was ever incapacitated.
Jill: Yes, but taken care of by whom? I mean, lawyers, accountants, people who crunch numbers? She needs someone running things who has her best interests at heart. And who better than a member of her own family?
Mitchell: Mm-hmm. And what about Brock?
Jill: Brock is totally involved in his charitable work. Would either one of us, in good conscience, ask him to give up his life's work to manage Katherine’s financial affairs?
Mitchell: She's his mother, too.
Jill: Granted, but-- look, Brock has no business experience. I, on the other hand, have been exposed for years to the ins and outs of corporate machinations. I sit on the board of directors of one of the largest, most successful cosmetics companies in the world.
Mitchell: All right. All right. But you know very little about Chancellor Industries.
Jill: I will learn. Mitchell, if I don't step in, can you imagine what could happen?
Mitchell: I can imagine you've got this all figured out.
Jill: I have given this a great deal of thought, yes.
Mitchell: Oh, I just bet you have.
Jill: Mitchell, I know what you're implying, and I don't like it.
Mitchell: Come on, Jill. You know you're the very last person that Katherine would want to control her affairs-- the very last person. They were fighting
Cody: Can I get you anything?
Cody: You got it. There you go.
Cody: If you're looking for nick, he's not here.
Cody: Ah, getting ready to take over the world, huh?
Cody: Yeah, so I hear.
Cody: What, being mentored by his old man?
Cody: I think it's a great opportunity.
Cody: Not much. He seems to be playing it pretty cool.
Cody: Why do you say that?
Cody: How so?
Cody: Yeah, the same way he feels about a cockroach.
Cody: Look on the bright side--maybe being that close to his dad is a good thing.
Cody: Well, time's a great healer. Little by little learning the business and being that close to Victor, that could be the way they repair their relationship.
Cody: No. Just life, observing people.
Cody: Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Jack: Hey, Cody. Nicholas around?
Cody: Ooh, sorry.
Jack: Is he off working with the big boys again?
Cody: Yeah, I guess so. His wife's right over there, though.
Jack: Thanks.
Cody: Sure.
Didn't I already tell you what happened? I needed to track you down. I went down
to your place, and then happened to run into
Nick: You guys just started talking about anything and everything?
Victor: What are you asking me?
Nick: You know, maybe nothing happened, but I know how your mind works. You cannot tell me that your thoughts were totally pure being alone with a hot woman who already threw herself at you.
Victor: Son, that's enough, all right? I told you nothing happened that you should be concerned about-- nothing whatsoever. She's my daughter-in-law, and I wish you would drop this attitude now, all right? Let's focus on what we're here for-- talk about business and work.
Nick: Okay, let's do that. Let's start with Michael Baldwin. Were you ever going to tell me that you hired that punk?
Michael: Well, would it help if I pointed out I was only doing my job?
Michael: I was a lawyer then, and I'm a lawyer now.
Michael: Yeah, it's a gift.
Michael: Actually, your name has not come into our discussions.
Michael: What's all this bitterness? Where's that coming from? Surely not from some ancient grudge, or perhaps it's not entirely directed at me.
Michael: Yeah, getting the lay of the land.
Michael: Hmm. Hmm, all right. Explain that.
Michael: Well, how am I, a lowly pawn, to accomplish that? I mean, I'm just the hired help. You are Victor's daughter.
Okay, you lost me. How can
Raul: Well, I hardly ever see her anymore.
Lauren: She putting in that many hours?
Well, she gets home, like, at
Lauren: Then why doesn't she cut back?
Raul: She pretty much makes her own schedule.
Lauren: So it's her choice to work all these hours?
Raul: I just wish that she would ease off a little bit.
Lauren: Well, is it a money thing?
Raul: It was at the beginning, but she's made so much money off of tips already that she could take the whole summer off if she wanted to. She'd be fine.
Lauren: She's making tips as a singer?
Raul: She's doing waitressing, too. Look, don't get me wrong, Lauren, having the extra money there is great. You know, we don't have to worry about making rent anymore. We can go to dinner, the movies whenever we'd like to without feeling guilty, but I just thought things were going good without it.
Lauren: So what's the name of this club she works in?
Raul: I'm not sure.
Lauren: She never mentioned the name?
Raul: I'm sure she did. Why?
Lauren: Ah, no reason. You know, I was a singer.
Raul: Get outta here.
It's true. When I was about
Raul: Where did you sing?
Lauren: You ever heard of Danny Romalotti?
Raul: Of course.
Lauren: I performed with him.
Raul: No way.
Lauren: Concerts, tours, videos, the whole thing.
Raul: You were a rock star?
Lauren: I don't know about the "star" part.
Raul: Did you enjoy it?
Lauren: It was one of the best times of my life.
Raul: What did you like about it?
Lauren: Everything. I loved being on stage. I loved putting my heart and soul into a performance and hearing the applause. There's nothing like it. When it gets under your skin, you just can't get rid of it. It's like a drug. I mean, doing something that you love and getting paid for it? There's no better feeling.
You sound like
Lauren: She must be pretty talented if she's making such big tips.
Raul: You would think that I know, but I haven't even heard her sing yet.
Lauren: You should ..
Lauren: But you want to.
Raul: Yeah, I think it'd be fun watching her dazzle the crowd.
Lauren: Then surprise her.
Raul: No, she wouldn't like that.
Lauren: I'm not talking about tonight. I mean, wait a few weeks, let her get all her butterflies out. Then don't tell her you're coming, show up, then after the performance, you give her a big bouquet of roses. She'll like that. Trust me.
Raul: Yeah?
Lauren: Mm-hmm.
J.T.: I'm getting really tired of your insults.
J.T.: I know this seems like a big joke to you, but I care about Colleen. She means a lot to me, and I'm not gonna screw things up this time. So do me a favor. If you can't say anything nice, keep your mouth shut.
J.T.: Thank you.
J.T.: No, I'm all right. You working tonight?
J.T.: Does that mean you're home early?
J.T.: Are they short-staffed or something?
J.T.: So why you putting in so many hours?
J.T.: Obviously. Hey, maybe I'll stop by tonight.
J.T.: I'd like to see you in action.
J.T.: I'm still confused though. Are you a singer or a waitress?
J.T.: A singing waitress?
J.T.: I can't picture you doing that.
J.T.: No, it's just weird. You've never done any singing before and you've never been a waitress. Now all the sudden you're doing them both together?
J.T.: Does this training include lying to your boyfriend? Come on, when you came home the other day, you had, like, $1,000 in tips. You told Raul you only had a couple hundred. What's up with that?
J.T.: There's got to be some reason you don't want him to know how much money you're making.
J.T.: That's bull. You've always had more money than he has. It never bothered him before. So what's the real reason?
J.T.: What kind of present?
J.T.: You're buying Raul a car?
J.T.: Hold on a second. You're buying Raul a ca--
Jill: Mitchell, without someone capable and responsible in charge, we will see nothing but chaos. Katherine's holdings, her company could all deteriorate, and she would be powerless to do anything about it.
Mitchell: Frankly, I find all this sudden concern rather suspect, given the bad blood that's passed between you two all these years.
Jill: But, you see, the thing is we now share the same blood. She is my mother. Look, I promise you the only reason I'm doing this is because I want to protect everything that Katherine holds dear-- her estate, her company, all the people who are dependent on her.
Mitchell: Sorry, I just don't buy it.
Jill: Well, then maybe I need to remind you that you work for her. You're an employee, Mitchell. Any judge would agree that the wishes of the family take precedence over all other considerations.
Mitchell: Brock would have to agree to this, too.
Jill: Absolutely. I don't think I'll have any trouble persuading him that I am the very best person to take on the difficult task of looking after Katherine. Which, I might add, could turn out to be a lifetime job.
Mitchell: There would have to be a competency hearing.
Jill: Fine. Expedite it. Do what you have to do. Just get it done.
Mitchell: Anything else?
Jill: Thank you very much for coming. I'll look forward to hearing from you soon.
Of course, it's
Kay: You're not getting along?
Nikki: That little tramp is trying to ruin my life.
Kay: Oh, that's harsh.
Nikki: No, it's not. She has barred me from her home. She's turned right back into the sleazy little sexpot that she was. She's got Nicholas wrapped around her little finger.
Kay: Maybe he likes it.
Nikki: Of course he likes it. He's a man, but she's even got him upset with me now.
Kay: I think he is caught in the middle.
Nikki: Yes. He's not about to choose his mother over some provocative, tantalizing young such and such, who just will flaunt herself at him every chance she gets. And then there's the situation with Victor.
Kay: What? What? What?
Nikki: She is doing everything she possibly can to undermine my relationship with him, and that is where I draw the line!
Kay: Stay away from her.
Nikki: I wish I could, but she is also the mother of Noah and Cass--get this. She is hosting the arts council gala this year.
Kay: Nikki, be happy. You never liked doing that stuffy old affair.
Nikki: That's not the point! It just irks me that she thinks that she can share this thing, that she is going to represent the Newman family in a social arena.
Kay: You're jealous.
Nikki: I am not jealous.
Kay: Ohh.
Nikki: I just-- I don't know why... she just makes me feel intimidated. Katherine, it's like she wants to push me out. I feel like she wants to take my place in my family. I'm not gonna let her do it!
Kay: No, no, no, no, no. Nobody can ever take your place. No. You're the heart and soul of this Newman family. Don't you forget it, ever!
Nikki: Thank you. Thank you.
Kay: No, no, no.
Jack: Well, hi there, beautiful.
Jack: Cody just told me Nicholas isn't here.
Jack: Well, if you see him before I do, that'd be great.
Jack: Yeah, is that a bad thing?
Jack: You mind if I sit down?
Jack: So tell me, what's new with you?
Jack: Tell me about that.
Jack: Whoa, that is a big deal. And a lot of work.
Jack: You'll pull it off just great. It's about time those old relics got some fresh blood.
Jack: So tell me about Nicholas and Victor. Nick still ticked off at his old man?
Jack: Maybe that's a good thing, huh?
Jack: Yeah, what was your question?
Jack: Try to remember. Nicholas was my stepson.
Jack: No, that's business. Our personal relationship is another ball of wax.
Jack: Would I lie to you?
Jack: Tension? God, no. What?
Jack: Like what?
Jack: It's chickens that hatch.
Jack: Okay, we're busted. You want to know what we were really talking about?
Raul: I see you're slacking off as usual.
J.T.: Some of us around here have to.
Raul: Hey, is Brit here?
J.T.: Yeah, she's in her room getting ready for work.
Raul: Already? She doesn't have to go in for a couple of hours.
J.T.: Wrong. She's working the early shift.
Raul: Oh. Well, at least we can still hang out after work.
J.T.: Wrong again. She said that she won't be home till late.
Raul: I guess it's just you and me tonight then, huh?
J.T.: Strike three. I have plans. Looks like you're on your own.
Raul: Great.
J.T.: You know, maybe you should think about getting some new friends.
Raul: Hey, maybe you should shut up and read your stupid car magazine.
Raul: Hey, babe. Whoa! Look at you. You look gorgeous. So I hear you're going to work early today.
Raul: I'm not. I was hoping we could do something tonight, but it's cool.
Raul: Yeah. What? What's with the look?
Raul: Well, you can thank Lauren for that.
Raul: We were talking earlier. She said some things and got me thinking.
Raul: Just about walking in your shoes. See, the idea of me being up on stage singing for people absolutely terrifies me, but I know you love doing it. So I have a new attitude. If this job's important to you, baby, then it's important to me.
Raul: I'm proud of you.
Interesting take on Mr. Orwell's words. Something to do with your brother, I
take it? Look,
Michael: No, it's mine. Copyright Michael Baldwin, 2003. Catch it. We don't have to be adversaries, do we? I mean, when I walked in here, gosh, I don't know, I guess I thought we might talk as people.
Michael: Hey, now that's not nice.
Michael: Look, if Victor can forgive my sins, why can't you?
Michael: I gather Nicholas isn't one of your favorite people.
Michael: All right, then let's get personal.
Michael: Well, I meant it when I said wee gonna talk as people. I mean, what do you do for fun outside of this place? What turns Victoria Newman on? Come on, don't over think it.
Michael: Just first thing that pops in your head--go!
Michael: That's a shame. Someone like you. A woman like you ought to have someone special waiting for her.
Michael: That doesn't sound paranoid at all.
Michael: Thanks for the tip. I'll make sure not to trust myself next time.
Michael: Touché.
Michael: Plenty of things. I just don't wear them all on my sleeve. Look, I got to get outta here, but next time, try not to be so afraid of me, huh? I only bite when I'm hungry.
Victor: My bringing Michael Baldwin on board, I don't think, was a secret.
Nick: Well, you didn't exactly issue a company-wide memo.
Victor: Ask your question, son.
Nick: Everyone knows the guy's a snake. What'd you hire him for? What's he gonna do around here?
Victor: He's a very good lawyer.
Nick: You been down to the sixth floor lately? We have a whole fleet of lawyers.
Victor: None who has beaten me at my own game.
Nick: Suddenly, that's a credential?
Victor: There's an old saying, son. "Keep your friends close "and your enemies closer."
Nick: You know, you claim to be grooming me to take over, yet you don't trust me enough to give me a straight answer.
Victor: Because the attitude I sense in you right now does not inspire me to confide in you.
Nick: Well, then I guess we're finished for the day.
Victor: Are you gonna stand there fidgeting or give me a progress report?
Michael: Victor, I've barely started working here. You're gonna have to be a little patient.
Victor: You don't get it, do you? Our company's about to come out with a new product called Safra. We go on the market in a matter of days. I want that product to be displayed in all the major markets that carry cosmetics for women of color. And I want the product of our competition, called Tuvia, to disappear. You got that?
Michael: Understood. I've got these lists, but--
Victor: No "buts"! Do whatever it takes to make it happen. Michael: This is not exactly a realm that I'm familiar with. I never claimed to b a marketing expert or a professional arm-twister all rolled into one.
Victor: I hired you because I think you're a quick study. So you learn. Learn it now.
Michael: All right, I'm just concerned that I'm gonna learn my way into a situation that's gonna wind up threatening my license. Now if I can accomplish this in a clean way, I'm gonna do it.
Victor: Not if it takes time that we don't have.
Michael: Victor--
Victor: Look, understand one thing; I've put you on a fat retainer so that you do exactly as I tell you. Now you go and do it. You got it?
Michael: Yes, sir.
Raul: Good luck. Not that you need it.
Raul: Give me a break. I bet you're gonna knock their socks off. Plus, I bet you'll rake in big tips. What do you think? Another 200 bucks tonight?
Raul: Hey, you know, I was thinking maybe I should come by and hear you sing tonight.
Raul: Yeah.
Raul: I know, but I'm growing pretty impatient here. It won't be a huge deal. I'll go and stand in the back. You won't even know--
Raul: Brit, relax.
Raul: All right, I promise. I was only kidding.
Raul: I love you.
Raul: Let me borrow this.
J.T.: You can have it.
What are you up to,