Y&R Transcript Thursday
7/24/03--Canada; Friday 7/25/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma
Kevin: You okay?
Lily: Um, yeah, better than okay. Um, look at the time. Shouldn't we be leaving for the concert?
Kevin: No, we don't need to yet.
Lily: Are you sure?
Kevin: Well, why are you in such a hurry?
Lily: Well, I'm not. I just don't want miss the opening band, 'cause, you know, they're one of my favorites.
Kevin: I tell you what-- if we're late, I'll take you to go see them the next time they play.
Lily: Well, that's really sweet, but you already bought these tickets, and we shouldn't waste them.
Kevin: Lily, I don't care about the money. Besides, now that I have you to myself, I don't want to share you with a crowd of people.
Lily: Kevin, I--
Kevin: You don't need to be nervous. You trust me?
Lily: Of course.
Kevin: Good. Then you should know that I would never make you do anything you don't want to do.
Lily: I know. I know.
Kevin: Come here.
Kevin: That's my girl.
Damon: You gonna be okay? You know, it might just be that Jack had a change of plans since you invited him to go out this evening.
Phyllis: Don't do that. Don't give him the benefit of the doubt. Don't do that.
Diane: So tell me what's new.
Jack: Oh, you don't want to hear it.
Diane: Okay. Okay. Okay. What if we make the subject of work off-limits?
Jack: Okay, work and Phyllis.
Diane: Fine by me. We're here for one reason and one reason only-- stress reduction.
Jack: Amen.
Phyllis: All you men are alike.
Damon: Excuse me? Oh, Phyllis, hardly...
Phyllis: No. No. No. Listen. My husband treated me like a dog on the phone today when I asked him to meet me. He said he was much too busy to make time for me, but then he shows up here with... that.
Damon: Who is she? I believe I've seen her around the office a couple of times with a little boy, I think.
Phyllis: Right. Right. Jack's son Kyle.
Damon: Oh, so she’s...
Phyllis: No. No. No. No. No, she's not his ex-wife. Actually-- she couldn't maneuver that, not for lack of underhanded, vile tactics, believe me. I don't want to-- I don't want to talk about Diane Jenkins, that vile-- vile she-bitch.
Damon: Real award winner, huh?
Phyllis: Exactly. I can't believe this. I can't-- my husband blew me off to go out with her.
J.T.: I want to tell you I'm sorry and I miss you every day. I wanna tell you I can't live without your love, to light my way. I feel so lost. You were the only home I knew. I screamed all evening, girl. But not a sound was heard by you .
J.T.: I wanna tell you I'm sorry and I miss you every day. I wanna tell you I can't live without your love to light my way and I'll always love you (song ends)
J.T.: Colleen.
Colleen: I liked that song.
J.T.: How'd you know how to find me here?
Colleen: I didn’t. I just felt like being alone.
J.T.: Yeah, me too. Look, I'll get out of your hair.
Colleen: You don't have to leave.
J.T.: You sure? Why aren't you at the concert?
Colleen: I couldn't go.
(doorbell rings)
Nikki: Hi, Esther.
Esther: Oh, Mrs. Newman, I'm so glad you came over. Come in.
Nikki: How's our patient doing?
Esther: Oh, she was just dozing off for a bit now, but I know she'll want to see you.
Nikki: Has Jill been around?
Esther: You mean, has Jill been hovering as if Mrs. C. is suddenly important to her? Oh, yeah, she's been, quote, "helping me take care of her." I think it just stinks to high heaven, Mrs. Newman. I know Jill, and I know a phony when I see...
Kay: In here!
Esther: Uh, yes, ma'am.
Nikki: Hey! There you are. Gosh, you look wonderful.
Kay: Sweet of you. Talking... about Jill?
Nikki: Yeah, we were.
Kay: Very... nice to me. Very nice to me. Different Jill.
Jill: Hello. Hello.
Michael: All right, hold it right there. I thought I made it clear to you before that I'm a busy man. If this is about Katherine Chancellor--
Jill: Listen to me, I got it.
Michael: Uh, got what?
Jill: I found it--the will. Katherine's will. It was right where you said it would be.
Michael: That's great. Now if you could just take--
Jill: It was in a little tin box. It was really easy to pry open.
Michael: Wait a minute. Okay. All right, you broke into this. Isn't that exactly what I told you not to do?
Jill: No, it was cheap. It was hardly a lock at all.
Michael: All right. Okay. Fine, you did it. It's done. Now let me give you the number of a good probate attorney.
Jill: Michael, it was just as you said it would be. The estate is to be divided between—here, let me read it to you. "Such children of mine who are living at the time of my death." It does not specify who the children are or who they aren’t.
Michael: Great. Great. Then you could be in for a big windfall. Now let me just give you this number.
Jill: Stop it! Now I am asking for your help. Why are you brushing me off like this?
Michael: I have a very good reason. You have to understand, Jill, I-- I can't help you with this.
Phyllis: They're having a meaningful conversation or something.
Damon: Well, Phyllis--
Phyllis: I'm gonna be sick.
Damon: Would you like it any better if they were laughing it up?
Phyllis: I cannot believe this is happening to me again. Look at him. It's like he's eating it up. I want to go choke him on it
Damon: No. No. No. I must advise against you going over there, especially as worked up as you are.
Phyllis: Well, I'm not gonna sit here and listen and watch my husband.
Damon: You know what? You need to cool down. Let's get out of here. I'll drive.
Phyllis: No.
Damon: No, come on.
Diane: Okay, how about a toast to the lead architect of the new entertainment complex in
Jack: Well, I'm impressed. Congratulations.
Diane: Oh, thank you..
J.T.: So why couldn't you go to the concert?
Colleen: Wasn't in the mood.
J.T.: Yeah. Well, you should have gone. You would've had fun.
Colleen: Maybe.
J.T.: Eli seems like a nice guy.
Colleen: Just a friend.
J.T.: Look, you don't have to explain, colleen.
Colleen: I want to. He called me up last night, asked me if I wanted to go. I had no idea that you were gonna ask me, too. If I had known...
J.T.: You would've gone with me?
Colleen: I don't know what I would've done.
J.T.: You can't keep doing this, Colleen.
Colleen: Doing what?
J.T.: Putting your life on hold.
Colleen: I'm not.
J.T.: Yeah, you are. Look, I realize you're not ready to get back together with me. Maybe you never will be. As much as that kills me, there's nothing I can do about it. It's just the way it is.
Colleen: What is your point exactly?
J.T.: You're cutting yourself off from the world. That's wrong, Colleen. You're in high school. You should be out with your friends--hanging out, having fun, going to football games and dances and stupid parties.
Colleen: And what, dating?
J.T.: Yeah, if that's what you want.
Colleen: Is that what you want? For me to start seeing other guys?
Nikki: Well, Katherine, you're not the only one who thinks Jill is different these days.
Kay: What?
Nikki: She's acting like someone she's not.
Kay: Jill... play charade?
Esther: That's a good question, Mrs. C. It's more of Jill’s style to kick you when you're down, not be sweet and caring.
Nikki: I don't want to seem cynical, but I do think you need to look at this as any wealthy person would.
Kay: Oh, please. Jill... plenty of money.
Nikki: Oh, don't kid yourself. Money is always a factor.
Esther: Jill couldn't get anything from Mrs. Chancellor, could she?
Nikki: Only if she's in a position to inherit.
Esther: Oh, no way.
Nikki: Of course, the way she's been acting lately, she'd just have to think she was in line.
Kay: Stop. Stop. We wait... and see.
Nikki: Well, I agree. I am all for that, as long as you keep your defenses up... in terms of your estate and your feelings.
Kay: Oh. I want... to feel. How else... I know that-- that... things have changed?
Nikki: You're right. But you can be careful without closing yourself off. I mean, what if
Jill really has turned over a new leaf? What if she really wants to be your devoted daughter?
Esther: Unh-unh, Mrs. Newman. I'm sorry, but you're dreaming.
Nikki: Well, it's possible. It's certainly worth finding out. I mean, if all this hatred and conflict could come to an end finally, especially knowing that Jill is your daughter, that would be wonderful.
Esther: Yeah, so would a lot of things, Mrs. Newman, like the end to poverty and world hunger.
Nikki: Oh, Esther.
Kay: (Chuckling) Cy-cynic.
Esther: I'm sorry, but I just want to protect you.
Nikki: Um, Katherine, have you taken a look at your will lately?
Kay: No. Why?
Nikki: I'm just curious.
Kay: What?
Nikki: Well, about how it's written. I mean, is it stated that Brock is your sole heir?
Kay: Don't-- don't know. Mitchell. Mitchell Sherman. Years, oh... years ago.
Nikki: So it's at his office.
Kay: A copy in... bedroom.
Esther: You want me to go get it?
Kay: Um, in, um... A... chest. Chest. A... a box. Locked. Locked, no-- no key.
Esther: It's okay. I'll be right back.
Nikki: Thanks, Esther.
Esther: Yeah.
Nikki: I'm sorry, Katherine. I just think we need to be careful.
Kay: Oh. Nikki. Nikki. So lucky... have you... as my friend. So... lucky.
Jill: Why can't you help me? All I'm asking you to do--
Michael: All you're asking me to do is get involved in a matter relating to you and
Katherine Chancellor. And I did that before, remember? But I was on the Chancellor side of the battle lines.
Jill: That's ancient history. Look, whatever I do-- whatever we do, it's gonna be in Katherine’s best interest.
Michael: Oh, you said so yourself, if she were to rewrite her will today, you would definitely not be in it.
Jill: Yes, well, this was written a long time ago, as you predicted. And we will take this as a given.
Michael: Not if Katherine recuperates.
Jill: Yeah, well, we all hope that that will happen.
Michael: What is it you want out of this, Jill? Is it money? Is it control? Or is it something else?
J.T.: I want you to be happy, Colleen. That's all I've ever wanted.
Colleen: I've only been really, truly happy once in my life-- when I was with you.
J.T.: I screwed up, and now I'm paying for it. I should go. You know, if you ever want to talk or anything, you should just call me. See you later.
Colleen: J.T., Wait. Something happened to me tonight at the concert with Eli.
J.T.: I thought you didn't go to the concert.
Colleen: I left before the first band played, and... I left because...
J.T.: Of me.
Colleen: Because of me. I was at the park, and I was looking around, and all I saw were couples holding hands and laughing. And all I could think about was how much I missed having that.
J.T.: You can have it again, Colleen. Some other guy's gonna come along.
Colleen: I don't want some other guy.
J.T.: What are you getting at?
Colleen: Do you remember the other day when I asked you if you had found anything interesting?
J.T.: Yeah.
Colleen: Have you?
J.T.: Colleen, look, I don't even know what that means. I've been racking my brain, but I can't figure it out. What are you trying to tell me?
Colleen: Look inside my heart.
J.T.: I still don't get it, Colleen.
Colleen: Look inside my heart.
J.T.: Your heart? You mean your locket?
J.T.: This?
Colleen: You've held on to it this whole time?
J.T.: Yeah, ever since you returned it to me. I was gonna give it back to you at the concert tonight. "Look inside my heart."
J.T.: "J.T., Please, hold on to my heart. Keep it safe until I ask for it back."
Colleen: So can I have my heart back?
Damon: Can I get you something?
Phyllis: No, thanks.
Damon: I, uh, I'm-- I'm sorry.
Phyllis: It's all right.
Damon: Yeah, you all right?
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. I have no idea why I'm here.
Damon: You needed a friend.
Phyllis: Tell me about this.
Damon: What?
Phyllis: This--this picture. It's amazing. This is great.
Damon: Phyllis, don't you want to sit down?
Phyllis: This is a great picture. Can you tell me about it? Please, can you tell me about this picture, please? Please, please, please, tell me about this picture, because if you don't, then we're gonna have to talk about what I just saw. And I can't because my head will explode. My head will explode all over your apartment, so please, please, tell me about this picture, please.
Neil: Baby, you see her anywhere?
Dru: No.
Neil: Maybe we should call her on her cell phone.
Dru: Sierra's here. Come on.
Sierra: Mr. And Mrs. Winters, hi.
Dru: Hi. Have you seen Lily anywhere?
Sierra: She was here earlier.
Dru: How much earlier?
Sierra: This afternoon.
Neil: Did she happen to mention her plans for this evening?
Dru: Yeah.
Sierra: Uh, I think...
Dru: Yeah?
Sierra: Something about that concert.
Dru: Oh, the one in the park?
Sierra: Yeah, in fact, that's where I should be right now, so I really should get going.
Dru: Cool your jets. We have a few more questions for you. It shouldn't really take that long.
Sierra: Look, I'm meeting my friends, um, in a couple of minutes, so...
Neil: Did she say who she was going to the concert with?
Sierra: I'm not... really sure.
Dru: Okay, is it with a guy? Young lady, I am asking you a question.
Sierra: Yeah, but it's really no big deal.
Dru: We will determine that. Okay, who is this person?
Sierra: Kevin.
Dru: Kevin. Does Kevin have a last name?
Sierra: I don't know.
Neil: Sierra, where did they meet? Do you know? Do you know if he goes to Walnut Grove?
Sierra: Look, you're gonna have to ask Lily. Um...
Dru: Okay, believe you me, we will ask Lily.
Neil: I'll tell you what. If you do see Lily, I want you to tell her to come home right after the concert is over. Will you do that?
Sierra: Sure.
Dru: Don't forget, Sierra.
Sierra: I won’t.
Neil: Thanks.
Kevin: So who do you think was calling you before?
Lily: Huh? Oh, my cell phone. Um, probably my mom or dad.
Kevin: Checking up on you.
Lily: Yeah, as always.
Kevin: You think they'll figure out someday that you've grown up?
Lily: Are you kidding me? No way. You know why I love talking with you? It's because you and I have real conversations. You know, one of us talks, and the other actually listens. I'm so tired of being lectured.
Kevin: Your parents are-- I probably shouldn't say anything. It's not my place.
Lily: No, no, no, it's okay. Go ahead.
Okay. Your mom and dad-- they seem really selfish. They rip you out of
Lily: Well, they just don't get how I feel.
Kevin: I think they get it. I just don't think they care enough to change anything, at least not for you. Hey, I didn't mean to upset you, it's just when I think about how much your parents have hurt you, it's like they're doing this great job of taking care of themselves, but who's taking care of you?
Lily: Well, I'm okay.
Kevin: You deserve better. I wish I could help.
Lily: Well, you are helping just by being with me. I mean, you're the only one who really understands me.
Lily: Kevin. Kevin, wait.
Kevin: What? What's wrong?
Lily: I don't know if we should be doing this. We barely know each other.
Kevin: We've known each other for months.
Lily: Yeah, but online. We just met for real.
Kevin: You just said that you trusted me, that I understood you better than anybody else.
Lily: I can’t. I'm sorry. I just can’t.
Kevin: Fine.
Kevin: You'd better go.
Lily: What?
Kevin: You obviously don't want to be here.
Lily: No, I do want to be here, I do, but I don't know if I'm-- look, it doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you. We can still make the concert.
Kevin: Look, Lily, I told you before I don't like games. Now I'd really like for you to go.
Lily: Kevin, I—
J.T.: Hold on a second.
Colleen: What's wrong?
J.T.: I just wanna make sure we're on the same page here. What you're saying then, that we're--
Colleen: I love you so much, J.T.
J.T.: I love you, too, blue eyes.
Esther: I found it, Mrs. C.
Nikki: Oh, good, good.
Esther: Yeah, wait. Look, it's been broken into.
Nikki: All right, hold on a second here.
Kay: No, no, no, no.
Nikki: Katherine, there's no will in here.
Esther: And we know darn well who took it, don't we?
Michael: Get Mitchell Sherman.
Jill: Oh, because he drafted that will?
Michael: Exactly.
Jill: He's on Katherine’s side, Michael.
Michael: And you're pretending to be. Whatever. Look, if you can convince Mitchell that it is in Katherine’s best interest to have her declared incompetent and that you, as her nearest relative with the business and practical savvy to run her affairs, can be declared conservator of her estate, then you are pretty much home free. Mitchell has been giving Katherine legal advice since movies cost a quarter. With him by your side, the judge won't even blink an eye. Bang! Next case.
Jill: Yeah, but I don't want Mitchell Sherman. I want you.
Michael: Yeah, well, no can do-ski for myriad reasons.
Jill: Oh, Michael--
Michael: No, no. Good luck. Do not keep me posted. And while we're at it, you might get Brock on board as your half-brother and fellow heir. It's not necessary that he be for incompetency, but you probably don't want him dead set against it. You have fun. Give my regards to Mitchell.
Michael: God! God, I hope you're looking out for Katherine chancellor. I seriously doubt
Jill is.
Jack: Well, I'd better get going.
Diane: Do you need a lift anywhere?
Jack: No, I'm gonna hoof it back to the office and pick up my car.
Diane: Hey, are you hungry? Maybe we could grab dinner or go back to the hotel, order up if you want.
Jack: No, I don't think so.
Diane: I understand.
Jack: Thanks, though, turns out this was a good idea. Thanks.
Damon: Yes, I took the photograph.
Phyllis: Good. Well, it's beautiful. Tell me about it, please.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, right.
Damon: And that particular five minutes, I was standing right there.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. And you took the picture.
Damon: I took the picture.
Phyllis: Right.
Phyllis: Thank you, because for two seconds, I was able to forget that woman's face hovering over my husband.
Damon: Is there something I can do?
Phyllis: Not a thing.
Damon: You don't think that they'll...
Phyllis: What, that they're, um... that they're gonna sleep together? I don't know. Let's see. Will my loving and considerate husband cheat on me? No. Mmm. No, I trust Jack. Now it's her I don't trust.
Damon: What all did this woman do to you?
Phyllis: Oh. What did she do to me? Well, let's see. It's July right now, right? It's July. Okay, well, if I tell you every despicable thing that bitch has done to me, well, I wouldn't get done until October, mid-month, for sure, taking time off for meals.
Damon: I enjoyed ours-- dinner, you know?
Phyllis: Yeah, I did, too, until...
Damon: You want a drink?
Phyllis: Ha ha. Do I want a drink? Really? Oh, sure. Why not? More alcohol. Yeah, let's party! Whoo! I'm sorry. I'm so rude. No, I would not like a cocktail. Thank you very much. I'm fine. I'm doing better.
Damon: Good.
Phyllis: You're-- you're--you're-- what is that word I'm thinking of? You're--I don't know. Peaceful? I--I--I feel... peaceful. Here, it's very, very, uh... serene here.
Damon: Thank you. I'm glad you find it soothing.
Phyllis: I do. I find you soothing as well. I should go.
Damon: Phyllis... This was all really... bad. But it's all right. You go home. You get some sleep. Tomorrow... will be the day after today.
Phyllis: Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for bringing me here. Thank you. Thanks.