Wednesday Y&R Transcript 7/23/03

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/23/0
3--Canada; Thursday 7/24/03

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Kevin: That wasn't so hard, was it?

Lily: What do you mean?

Kevin: Crossing the threshold. You looked like you didn't want to come in.

Lily: Oh, no, I just thought that we were going straight to the park, maybe grabbing something to eat on the way.

Kevin: I've got plenty of food, or we could order in. You hungry?

Lily: Not really.

Kevin: Thirsty? I'm just gonna grab a drink.

Lily: Yeah, I could go for some water. You have a nice apartment.

Kevin: It's okay.

Lily: Are you kidding me? It's great. I cannot wait till I have my own place. Oh, hey.

Kevin: Nothing like a cold beer on a hot summer day. What, you don't drink?

Lily: No, um, I do, I do. Thanks.

Kevin: To new friends.


Neil: Finally, you're home!

Dru: Oh, no, no, no. Don't give me any attitude. I've had a long day, Neil.

Neil: Yeah, well, I have, too.

Dru: So that's my fault? You're blaming me?

Neil: No, I'm not blaming you.

Dru: Well, look at your face. You like you're in distress.

Neil: Okay, well, that's because I'm frustrated.

Dru: I can see that. What's the problem?

Neil: We had a visit from our daughter's best friend Wesley Carter.

Dru: Okay, so he came by, he talked to you, you're upset. What did he say?

Neil: Too much as usual, filling me in on my daughter's life, what she told him over coffee.

Dru: Neil, you know that they are close.

Neil: Yeah, they were. That was before I was in the picture, but now that I am--

Dru: Now you're jealous. Now you're jealous.

Neil: No, I'm not jealous. I'm worried.

Dru: Worried about what? Wesley's a stand-up guy, and what's wrong with her having a friendship like that?

Neil: What's wrong with it? I'll tell you what's wrong with it. Did you know that our little dauhter has a boyfriend?


J.T.: So how have you been?

Colleen: Good.

J.T.: Well, you look good.

Colleen: Thank you.

J.T.: Done any more driving lately?

Colleen: No, not lately.

J.T.: Well, we should go out again sometime. Are you expecting someone?

Colleen: Um, actually...

J.T.: Lily and Sierra, right? Are you three going out again tonight?

Colleen: Um, well, I know they have plans.

J.T.: Well, so you don't?

Colleen: Why do you ask?

J.T.: Well, I thought maybe we could do something.


Brad: Listen, Jack, I know it's a big shock hearing that Victor's hired Michael Baldwin.

Jack: Yeah, but I shouldn't take any protective measures or, God forbid, plan to strike back.

Brad: I'm a moral issue out of it. Hardly. It's a practical matter. We'd be striking back in the dark. We don't know what Victor has planned for Baldwin .

Jack: Well, it ain't baking cookies in the company kitchen, I can tell you that much. You know they have a new name? It's no longer Satine. They're calling it Safra.

Brad: That's not bad.

Jack: Yeah, well, we got to check into that one.

Brad: What do you mean?

Jack: See if we can't trash the name. You know, wait till they have everything printed and distributed and then, I don't know, check all languages, see if it says something unsavory in Lithuanian or Farsi.

Brad: Whoa, Jack, you're scaring me. You're letting this Baldwin thing mess with your head.

Jack: Oh, am I really? You and I both agree Victor's got something up his sleeve. We both know it's something crooked. We have to fight back in kind, Bradley, fight fire with fire. And Phyllis knew Michael Baldwin was coming on board.

Brad: Seriously, Jack, why would she tell you?

Jack: Well, it isn't exactly a big company secret from the sound of things.

Brad: Still, you can't just walk up to your wife and ask her, "hey what's cooking at Newman strategy-wise?" And get an answer. Maybe someone else would, but not you.

Jack: Someone else? Who? You got any bright ideas?


Phyllis: Um, but what do you mean when you say you have issues with Jack?

Waiter: One bourbon. There you go. And a cabernet for the lady.

Phyllis: Yes, thanks.

Waiter: Have you had a chance to look over your menus?

Damon: I don't believe we're in any rush.

Waiter: I'll check back with you.

Damon: Thank you.

Phyllis: Well?

Damon: Well, what?

Phyllis: Well, what? Listen, you can't-- you can't just say something like that about my husband and expect me to blow it off.

Damon: That's my fault, but perhaps we ought to. We are in, well, dangerous territory here, Phyllis, in more ways than one. 


Colleen: You want to do something tonight?

J.T.: Yeah, if you're not busy.

Colleen: Just the two of us?

J.T.: Yeah, is that a problem?

Colleen: Well, what did you have in mind?

J.T.: Well, there's a concert tonight in the park. A few of the local bands are putting it on, and you might have heard about it.

Colleen: Yeah, Lily and Sierra are going.

J.T.: You want to go?

Colleen: I thought it was sold out.

J.T.: It is now. I just got two of the last tickets.

Colleen: Wow, that was really sweet of you.

J.T.: I thought it was something fun the two of us could do together. You know, I mean, we both like that kind of music, and it's a nice night, so why not?

Colleen: I can't.


Phyllis: Dangerous territory? Ooh, thanks for the warning.

Damon: Well, I'm the one who'd better heed it.

Phyllis: Yeah, that's right. You don't want to be dissing your boss to his wife, do you?

Damon: Well, you know what? It may truly be the better part of valor for us to change the subject.

Phyllis: Listen, anything that we say here...

Damon: Doesn't go beyond this table?

Phyllis: Exactly, exactly. In fact, I swear. I swear on a stack of bibles.

Damon: (Chuckles) all right then. The way you said he spoke to you when you called him, asked him to join you for dinner. He kind of treats people like that in general, doesn't he?

Phyllis: Jack?

Damon: You seem surprised.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm surprised. My husband's a very charming guy; at least he is to everyone else.

Damon: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: I mean, he’s really tense these days. I honestly thought I was the only one he was taking it out on.

Damon: Well, I'll tell you what. I have never gotten used to a work environment where it is all about how cutthroat one can be. I have worked in laboratories, and I do what I do.

Phyllis: Yeah, you're sort of the science guy in his ivory tower, right?

Damon: Ha ha ha ha! If you like. And perhaps it is unrealistic of me, at this level of business, to be completely insulated from the corporate nastiness, I agree. I just never thought I'd find myself missing Satine Cosmetics.

Phyllis: Oh, it's not Satine anymore. It's Safra.

Damon: Safra?

Phyllis: Yes, Safra. It's cool, isn't it? I'm not speaking out of school. We've put out a press release. You'll read about it in the trades tomorrow.

Damon: Safra?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Damon: Well, good. At Jabot... the whole attitude of Jack and company just rubs me the wrong way. I mean, Victor Newman this and Victor Newman that, and how can we crush him? And what a bastard he is. And excuse me, but it has gotten to the point where it is all anyone ever talks about. It is not a pleasant place to work. That's it. Jabot is a very unpleasant place to work.


Brad: Would it be such a bad thing if someone tried to pick Phyllis' brain?

Jack: Wait, you're serious.

Brad: Well, would it? You just asked the question yourself.

Jack: I asked a rhetorical question, Bradley. I am not about to start picking my wife's brain, playing mind games with her or letting anyone else.

Brad: Well, Jack, she's one of the very few sources available to us.

Jack: She is not available. Do you hear me? She's not available.

Brad: Damn it, Jack, you know, you talk about playing dirty, but you don't want to get a speck on your own white gloves.

Brad: You can't have it both ways.

Jack: You have to draw the line somewhere, Bradley. I draw it this side of shining bright lights in her face and thumping her with rubber hoses.

Brad: Oh, come on. Do you honestly think that's what I'm talking about?

Jack: Look, she has reputation for running her mouth at times. That's when she has something to say. When it's time to clam up, she's pretty good at that, too.

Brad: Well, sometimes you want to express something that you wouldn't just say to anyone.

Jack: If not to me, then who?

Brad: Maybe you're not handling her right. Maybe you need to be a little more sneaky about it.

Jack: She reads me like a book.

Brad: All right. Then maybe someone else needs to be sneaky about it.

Jack: Someone else like who? You?

Brad: No, I'm not saying--

Jack: Bradley, she thinks you're okay, just barely, but she has no illusions as to which side you're on. Hell, you're running the Tuvia line. You'd need a truth serum.. even then, you'd...

Brad: You have any?

Jack: Very funny.

Brad: I'm not joking, Jack. Listen, the time is past to worry about hurt feelings and stepping on toes. The hell with that!

Jack: Up to a point.

Brad: No, not up to a point!

Jack: This is my marriage we're talking about.

Brad: We are talking about the very future of Jabot.

Jack: No. Get over it, Bradley. Stay away from Phyllis. Keep her out of this!

Brad: Jack, come on, I'm telling you, you are--

Diane: Gentlemen, gentlemen.

Brad: We'll continue this later. We'll talk about these budget projections when we're both in a better mood.

Jack: Stay away from my wife. Leave her out of this.


Dru: So, um, you say Lily has a boyfriend?

Neil: Yeah, so I'm told. Not by Lily, of course.

Dru: Okay, are we talking about a boyfriend, or are we talking about a friend who happens to be a boy?

Neil: Come on, what is that? The point is, something major is going on in our daughter's life, but we only get to find out when Dr. Wesley Carter decides that it's okay to let us in on this big secret.

Dru: Well, aren't we glad he did?

Neil: You know, I'm her father. I shouldn't have to find out this kind of information from a third party.

Dru: Oh, third party, my eye,Neil. You act like he's a stranger. You know he's not.

Neil: Well, once upon a time he was a father figure to Lily, but if he wasn't around, that girl would be talking to us.

Dru: She's a teenager. We're her parents, and like it or not, she does not want us meddling in her business.

Neil: I don't care what you say, Dru. She is our responsibility.

Dru: Okay, so now we know about the boyfriend. What?

Neil: Well, now that we know about him, what? What do we do?

Dru: Nothing. The boyfriend might be making her happier, all right? I don't think it's a bad thing.

Neil: I'm not very keen on Lily having a boyfriend at all.

Dru: Neil, he might be helping her come out of herself. I'm not so sure I want to put my foot down on this.

Neil: Whoa, now. Hold the phone. I can't believe this. You're not at least a little bit worried?

Dru: No, if she's anything like her mother, and I know she is, you need to be worried about that boy.

Neil: Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better.

Dru: Neil, you're being an overprotective father. That's natural. That's what daddies do with their little girls.

Neil: Dru, I mean, we don't know anything about this guy. I mean, who is he? Where did they meet?

Dru: Okay, okay, don't interrogate her, all right? Because you just might make her shut down again.

Neil: Why didn't she come to us and tell us that she had some new guy in her life?

Dru: Don't you remember when you first started dating? Remember that? The crush thing? And then hearts pounding, and then you get the hand-holding and the kiss and the kiss, and then it's over.

Neil: I hope I don't have to remind you that things weren't that innocent back then, and they definitely aren't now.

Dru: Okay, our daughter is getting older, and the boys and the dating, it's par for the course, honey. We need to let Lily spread her wings, okay? Take little steps. Yes, let her exercise her independence.

Neil: You know, baby steps have a way of turning into great, big steps. I don't want that girl learning how to run before she knows how to walk.

Dru: That's not gonna happen, because I didn't raise no fool. Lily is a barber woman like her mother, like her grandmother, like her aunt. She is a beautiful, intelligent young lady. She can fend for herself.


Kevin: Why don't you have a seat?

Lily: Okay. So, um, what do you do? You know, I mean, like, your job?

Kevin: Uh, it's boring.

Lily: Well, not to me. I want to know all about you.

Kevin: Yeah?

Lily: Yeah, really. I mean, what do you do all day?

Kevin: Okay, if you've got to know. I'm an accountant for a couple of small businesses.

Lily: Oh.

Kevin: Is something funny?

Lily: Well, it's just that um, accountants, they usually seem like such geeks.

Kevin: And you don't waste your time on geeks, is that it?

Lily: What? No, no, I'm not saying that you're like that, no.

Kevin: Oh. Thanks. That is a compliment, right?

Lily: Yeah, of course.

Kevin: So, uh, the last time we met, you said your parents made some terrible decision?

Lily: Please, do not remind me.

Kevin: That bad, huh?

Lily: Ugh, worse. Every day I think about when I lived in Paris and how perfect it was. You don't know how much I wish that we had never left.

Kevin: Why did you?

Lily: The truth?

Kevin: Nothing but.

Lily: Well, um, I was getting into some trouble, and my mom freaked out.

Kevin: What kind of trouble?

Lily: Well, nothing big, believe me, but my mom figured that I was this close to being on a wanted poster. So she forced me to come back to Genoa City as if this town was going to save me or something. But if I had known then how things would turn out...

Kevin: Yeah, you've had it rough lately.

Lily: Yeah.

Kevin: Sorry.

Lily: Oh, don't be. Things are definitely looking up.

Kevin: So what do you miss most about Paris ?

Lily: Please, what don't I miss? The art, the clubs, cafés. It's just so alive, you know? But mostly I miss how much freedom I had.

Kevin: Maybe I can help you escape.

Lily: What do you mean?

Kevin: Well, I can't fly you to France , so that's out of the question.

Lily: Yeah.

Kevin: Still, we could do some of the things that you liked to do in Paris-- go to the museum, hit this great little bistro I know afterwards. Sound good?

Lily: Sure.

Kevin: Great, so we're on for tomorrow?

Lily: Um, tomorrow?

Kevin: Yeah, why not?

Lily: Well, I just thought that we'd maybe want to have this date first, you know?

Kevin: You're not sure if you want to see me again?

Lily: No, I don't mean that. I'm just surprised.

Kevin: You're trying to tell me what? That you want to wait to see if you want to go out with me again?

Lily:O,o, Kevin, I'm flattered, really, but I don't know if I can make it.

Kevin: You're out of school. You don't have a job. You've got all the free time in the world, but you can't squeeze me in? How come? What's your problem, Lily?


Diane: I take it you and Brad weren't exactly having a meeting of the minds.

Jack: You take it correctly.

Diane: Something about Phyllis?

Jack: Are you here for a reason, Diane?

Diane: Yeah, came to get a signature on Kyle's camp form.

Jack: Camp? He's 2 years old.

Diane: He's 2 and a half, and it's more like a play group--moms 'n' tots-- we'll meet twice a week in Hyde Park until Labor Day.

Jack: Do you think they could fit any more disclaimers on one page?

Diane: Well, that's mostly about the toddler swimming lessons. I'm sure they're worried about liability.

Jack: He does fine paddling around the pool with me.

Diane: Well, yeah, with his floaties, but... hey, we can discuss it, and if you're not comfortable with the form--

Jack: I just meant-- forget it.

Diane: Jack, what's the matter?

Jack: You just-- you mentioned liabilities, I thought about lawyers-- well, one lawyer in particular, and the bastard that hired him to do us in.

Diane: You're not making any sense.

Jack: You know Baldwin . What do you know about this job he's taken on, working for your ex?


Phyllis: Oh...

Damon: You're telling me this feud between Jabot and Newman has been--

Phyllis: It's been going on for years, centuries.

Damon: That's unreal.

Phyllis: I know. You'd think they'd have better things to do with their time, right?

Damon: When I took this job, I had no idea, no clue.

Phyllis: Would you have taken it, had you known?

Damon: Well, that's a very interesting question.

Phyllis: Do you have an interesting answer?

Damon: Hey, aren't you the woman who made sure I knew-- how'd you put it? "There's life after Jabot Cosmetics."

Phyllis: Is that your answer? Are you thinking of leaving?

Damon: Oh, I just have to watch everything I say around you, don't I?

Phyllis: You know, yes, you do. Absolutely--that Phyllis Abbott doesn't miss a beat.

Damon: I'll finish out my contract.

Phyllis: Which we both know is short-term.

Damon: After that, it all depends.

Phyllis: On?

Damon: If the politics starts to ease up.

Phyllis: Well, I can guarantee that's not going to happen. So ticktock, ticktock. When your contract turns into a pumpkin, where, uh, where will you go, Mr. Damon Porter, R & D extraordinaire?

Damon: Is that a serious question?

Phyllis: Do you see me laughing?

Damon: Damn, Phyllis. (Laughing)

Damon: Look, this does have to stay between you and me, truly.


J.T.: Okay, so you can't go to the concert, or you don't want to go?

Colleen: I can't.

J.T.: Why not?

Colleen: I just can't.

J.T.: Because it would be too weird?

Colleen: Wouldn't it?

J.T.: It doesn't have to be.

Colleen: J.T., I don't know if we're ready to start dating again.

J.T.: Wait a minute. Who said anything about a date?

Colleen: Isn't that what it would be?

J.T.: No, it would be whatever we want it to be. We can go as friends.

Colleen: Friends.

J.T.: Yeah, you know, it'd be like two friends hanging out listening to music. Yeah, we don't have to go alone either. I mean, I know some people that are gonna be there, and you said Lily and Sierra are going, right? So we can make it a group thing.

Colleen: I can't.

J.T.: Okay, what if I said I'm not taking no for an answer?

Colleen: J.T., Please don't.

J.T.: Hey, I'm not trying to push, all right? I know you're not ready to go back to the way things were. I get that. But I really miss being with you. Can't we just, you know, give it a shot, see what happens? It might not be that bad. I promise to be on my best behavior.

Colleen: I know you will be.

J.T.: But that's not what you're worried about, is it? Okay, here's the deal. I really want to go to this concert, but I'm not going unless you go with me, and I spent my hard-earned cash for these tickets. So unless, you know, you want to see them go to waste, I think you should say yes.

Colleen: That's not pushing?

J.T.: Yeah, is it working?

Colleen: The thing is that I already made plans.

J.T.: You did?

Colleen: Yeah.

J.T.: Well, why didn't you say something?

Colleen: I was about to.

J.T.: Hey, we're talking about a good concert. I think you should move things around.

Colleen: Yeah, well, actually, the thing is--

Boy: Hey, Colleen, ready to head to the park?

Colleen: Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure.


Diane: Victor hired Michael? Are you kidding? Those two despise each other.

Jack: Well, you would know.

Diane: Oh, believe me, that's why I hired Michael to do divorce. No one pushes Victor's buttons quite the way he does.

Jack: Then this is the first you've heard of this, this fishy little alliance?

Diane: Yes. Michael and I have been... preoccupied with other things. You heard what happened to my friend Isabella?

Jack: Are you sure he didn't tell you, and maybe you forgot?

Diane: Yes, I'm sure. Why? Is it some deep, dark secret?

Jack: Apparently, to Phyllis it is.

Diane: You've lost me.

Jack: She works for Newman. She knew about this, and she didn't see fit to mention a word of it to me, knowing it was a bombshell.

Diane: Well, maybe that's why she didn't mention it.

Jack: Or maybe that's why I'm ticked off.

Diane: Look, I know there's a lot of tension between you two because you work for competing companies. You know, Jack, I even spoke to Phyllis about it once, and I advised her to quit and concentrate on being your wife.

Jack: God, I'll bet that went over like a lead balloon.

Diane: Well, the point is-- are you sure you want to be talking about this with me?

Jack: Well, the story of my life-- nowhere to vent.

Diane: You know what you could use even more than a shoulder? A little R & R. One drink, an hour's vacation. We can talk about Kyle and his little camp and that ridiculous form that you have to sign. Whatever it takes to get your mind off of these dastardly villains who are out to get you.

Jack: You know what? It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to have a change of scenery.

Diane: Then come on. I know just the place.


Colleen: Um, J.T., This is Eli. Eli, this is J.T.

Eli: Hi.

J.T.: Hey.

Eli: Well, we better get going.

Colleen: Okay.

Eli: Hey, it's supposed to be a great show. You could probably score some tickets from a scalper.

J.T.: Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna make that.

Eli: Should we go?

Colleen: Yeah. Bye, J.T.

J.T.: Bye. Have a good time.

Eli: Nice to meet you.

J.T.: Yeah, you too, man.


Phyllis: Um, Damon-- Damon, you can trust me not to repeat anything that we say here. I mean, I promised you.

Damon: If you're right about all the tension and cutthroat tactics not stopping, I seriously doubt I'll want to stay on there.

Phyllis: Okay, so what you're saying is, once your contract expires, you'll leave Jabot.

Damon: I'm saying I'd certainly entertain the right offer.

Phyllis: My husband's not idiot. I'm sure you have a non-compete clause in your contract.

Damon: Phyllis, I'm sure we don't need to worry about that right now, given how well you and I seem to be communicating. (Cell phone rings)

Damon: I thought I turned that off. (Phone rings)

Phyllis: You can go ahead and answer it.

Damon: Thank you.

Phyllis: Keep it short.

Damon: Yes, ma'am. (Phone rings)

Damon: I really hate when people answer these things in restaurants.

Brad: You at Yves'?

Damon: Definitely.

Brad: With Phyllis, she's with you now?

Damon: That's right.

Brad: Any progress?

Damon: Why don't I get back to you on that?

Brad: Is that a yes or a no?

Damon: Yes.

Brad: Great. Now, Damon, listen, I'm--

Damon: Bye-bye.

Phyllis: Who was that? I'm sorry. Am I being nosy?

Damon: No, ma’am that was someone who I do not wish to waste any time speaking with this evening.

J.T.: My love crying in the rain she said to me tonight things will never be the same one love tears mixed with pain from that moment things would never be the same well, I just had to come 'cause I want to be with you to see you with someone just broke my heart in two I can't forget you I want to tell you I'm sorry and I miss you every day I want to tell you I can't live without your love to light my way please, light my way regret has found a home in me a willing prisoner of a haunting memory darkness becomes reality with your last empty smile as you walked away from me storms may come and go but the ones I share with you you taught me how to feel now I feel our love is through I'll remember you I wanna tell you I'm sorry and miss you every day I wanna tell you I can't live without your love to light my way I feel so lost you were the only home I knew I screamed don't leave me, girl but not a sound was heard by you I want to tell you I'm sorry and I miss you every day I want to tell you I can't live without your love to light my way and I'll always love you (song ends)


Man: Welcome.

Diane: Hi.

Jack: Hey.

Man: What can I get you?

Diane: White wine.

Jack: Scotch, rocks.

Diane: Well, that's a good sign.

Jack: What?

Diane: The man ordered a drink--a real drink. It must mean you trust me enough not to pounce while your defenses are down.

Jack: And a double espresso. I'll have that first.

Phyllis: Did you miss me?

Damon: Before I pay this, is there anything--

Phyllis: No, I don't want anything. You can't talk me into cheesecake, tiramisu, whatever. If you need your sugar fix--

Damon: No, no, no, please. Please, please, please, save me from myself.

Phyllis: Yeah. Thanks for dinner.

Damon: It was my pleasure, Miss Phyllis.

Phyllis: Um, I feel like I should follow up on what we were discussing earlier.

Damon: What would that be? Oh, yes, you’re luring me away from Jabot.

Phyllis: Oh, I don't believe I was that overt.

Damon: Tell me-- tell me about the place. Same rules as before-- nothing leaves this table. I'd just like to know what I'm getting myself in for.

Phyllis: Well, maybe some other time, Damon. I have a meeting tomorrow, and I have to prepare. You understand. Dairy queen will stop by to tell us how we can make miracles out of ice


Neil: So, baby...

Dru: Mm

Neil: You think I'm overreacting?

Dru: Neil, it's her first boyfriend. Can you imagine how excited she must be? You know, she doesn't know what's gonna come of this. I'm not surprised that she hasn't come to us first.

Neil: Still, a big problem-- we have no idea who this guy is.

Dru: Neil, she'll come to us when she's ready, honey. Stop.

Neil: Just knowing who he is, his family, I mean, that would be a big help, don't you think?

Dru: Just that he got her away from the internet means he's got my vote.

Neil: Yeah, but I'm praying-- I'm praying hard that she's not in over her head.

Dru: Would you stop worrying? My God.

Neil: I'm her father. That's my job.

Dru: I know. You're such a good daddy. I know how much you love her.

Neil: Yeah, I do. She's t thrilled we're getting remarried. Right now she's hurt and vulnerable.

Dru: I know, and you know that she cannot be persuaded into doing something she doesn't want to do.

Neil: She's feeling alienated and lonely. Like Wesley says, that--

Dru: Whoa, I thought you weren't trying to listen to Dr. Carter.

Neil: I'm not trying to listen to Dr. Carter. But you know something? I can't help myself.

Dru: Okay, I can see that you're frustrated. Do you think I'm being a little too casual about the whole thing?

Neil: The truth? Yeah. But, you know, right now all I want to do is talk to Lily. I just want to hear her voice. I want to know that she's okay.

Dru: Okay, you bought her a cell phone. You pay the phone bill. Call her and put your mind at ease.

Neil: Yeah, I sure do pay that bill, but won't she flip out that I'm intruding on her personal space?

Dru: Probably, but that's a risk you're gonna have to take.


Kevin: Lily, say something. What's going on with you?

Lily: Nothing.

Kevin: Because if you don't want to see me again--

Lily: No, that's not it.

Kevin: Okay, then what?

Lily: This is so embarrassing. It's my parents-- they always have to know where I am, and I can't risk them getting suspicious. I've already covered tonight.

Kevin: And you can cover again tomorrow, assuming you want to get together.

Lily: I do. I really do.

Kevin: It's gonna be fine, Lily. You'll see. We're not gonna let anyone stop us from being together.

Lily: So you're not upset?

Kevin: If I got a little tense, it's because I thought you were blowing me off. A lot of other women I've known, they play games. You know, they say one thing and they mean another.

Lily: I'm not like that.

Kevin: I know. I just waited so long to meet you, and now that I have, you're so much more than I expected. And for a minute, I thought that you didn't feel about me the way that I feel about you, and... but you do, don't you? You are so beautiful... so special. I've never met anyone like you. (Cell phone ringing)


Neil: Damn it. That was her voice mail.

Dru: Okay, honey, we'll talk to her when she gets home. Relax.

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