Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/22/03--Canada; Wednesday
Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma
Jack: Michael Baldwin hired by Victor Newman?
Nick: Surprised?
Jack: Yeah, like hearing oil and water have finally decided to mix. Are you sure about this?
Nick: Yes.
Jack: It isn't possible that someone just saw them together and assumed something?
Nick: I have it on very good authority.
Jack: When did you hear this?
Nick: Last night.
Jack: Can I ask who you heard this from?
Nick: My sister.
Jack: Does she have any idea, even a clue, as to why?
Nick: No. All I can tell you is, she isn't happy about it.
Jack: Yeah, neither am I.
Nick: I mean, why? Why Baldwin?
Jack: Yeah. Why Baldwin? Your father's always said he's the lowest snake he ever met.
Nick: It really doesn't make sense unless...
Jack: Unless... unless your father has a job that requires the services of a snake, huh?
Victor: So you want to know what will be expected of you working for me?
Michael: Well, I'm sure you can understand, my imagination's just running wild.
Victor: It will be an unconventional response to a challenging problem.
Michael: And what is it you like about me for this, uh, mystery job?
Victor: Just have the feeling about you, Mr. Baldwin, that you can keep a cool head and a steady hand under pressure, under fire.
Michael: I'm a lawyer, not a navy S.E.A.L.
Victor: I'm well aware of that.
Michael: I am a lawyer.
Victor: And I will let you know when I need your legal expertise.
Michael: You see, I can't do this. Life's too short for these games. Thank you for the offer, Victor, but--
Victor: Hold your horses. I'm just getting to the good point, all right?
Damon: Phyllis Abbott... after our little Drucilla, that redhead's the first woman I met in this town.
Brad: And I'm sure it was a nice introduction to Genoa City , but believe me, there's only one of her, and she belongs to Jack.
Damon: Yeah, but he's working late this evening.
Brad: He may be working all evening. Got to meet him in a little while and go over the entire debt structure of the company.
Damon: Y'all really sweating this thing, aren't you?
Brad: Yeah.
Damon: Well, all the more reason it might be best for me to find out what sort of tricks Mr. Newman's got up his sleeve.
Brad: You've certainly climbed right on board now, haven't you?
Damon: Well, having that fellow in one's face tends to bring a thing or two into focus.
Brad: Newman plays hard, and he plays dirty, Damon.
Damon: You imagine Phyllis is in his confidence?
Brad: I know Phyllis. She got big ears and a curiosity to match. Now I can't say that Newman has laid out the blueprints of his strategy for her, but does she know something? Yeah, I think she does, and it's something that could help us.
Lily: Yeah. It's okay. Less action. I know. I don't know. So he hasn't called you?
Colleen: No.
Lily: And you haven't talked to him at all?
Colleen: I ran into him here last night.
Lily: And?
Colleen: And nothing.
Colleen: What's wrong?
Sierra: Well, aren't you a little disappointed?
Colleen: Why would I be? It's not like J.T. And I are back together.
Lily: What about your little driving lesson?
Colleen: What about it?
Lily: You spent the whole night with him.
Colleen: Nothing happened.
Sierra: You call that nothing? Come on, stranded in the middle of nowhere, spending the night on some farmhouse porch, listening to the rainfall?
Lily: Yeah, it does sound pretty romantic.
Colleen: It was, kind of.
Sierra: Did he try to kiss you?
Colleen: No.
Sierra: Well, did you want him to kiss you?
Colleen: Maybe a little. You know what? It doesn't matter what I want, okay? J.T. And I are just friends, that's all.
Lily: Well, don't you want to go say hi?
Colleen: No. You know, I don't have to run to his side every time I see him.
Lily: Okay.
Colleen: Enough about J.T., All right? Let's talk about something else. What's going on with you girls?
Lily: Well, um, I have some news.
Colleen: And what is that?
Lily: Well, you may not have kissed anyone lately, but I have. (Giggles)
(knock on door)
Sharon: It's open. Well, at least you knocked.
Victoria: Yeah, mother told me how childish you're being about that lately.
Sharon: Something I can do for you, Victoria?
Victoria: Are the kids home?
Sharon: Noah's still at camp, and Cassie had tutoring.
Victoria: Oh. I thought she'd be home by now.
Sharon: Well, she's not.
Victoria: So what do I have to do, make an appointment to see my own niece?
Sharon: That would probably be wise.
Victoria: Well, it wouldn't do any good, since your only goal these days is to keep this family as splintered as possible.
Victor: Jabot Cosmetics makes a line of very fine products. It's a company run with discipline and imagination.
Michael: I'm surprised to hear such praise coming from the competition.
Victor: One of the reasons I'm successful, Mr. Baldwin, is because I respect the strength of my adversaries. Jabot possesses one strength that I'm bound and determined to undo. That is where we're gonna hit them.
Michael: All right. Now we're getting down to specifics.
Victor: Perhaps you remember a prior conversation you and I had. We talked about the importance of shelf space. If you have two more or less equal products appealing to the same demographic...
Michael: The one the consumer can find quickly and easily is the one they'll sell the most of.
Victor: You got it.
Michael: Yeah. We're talking about location. You want to be right inside the door, right in the middle of the shelf and right at eye level.
Victor: Mm-hmm. And Jabot Cosmetics has a long-standing relationship with the retailers in this country...
Michael: And dibs on all that great exposure.
Victor: And I don't have five or ten years to chip away at that relationship.
Michael: So you want to take a shortcut?
Victor: And I have plenty of money to do it.
Michael: Are we talking about some sort of bribery scheme here?
Victor: Not we. You.
Nick: So you think my dad's gonna use Baldwinfor something illegal?
Jack: Nicholas, your father has two floors packed with lawyers. Anything strictly on the up and up, he's got it covered. Are you sure your sister heard this right?
Nick: Yeah. And I wasn't gonna bring this up, but... Phyllis was there, too.
Jack: You said you weren't gonna bring it up. Why?
Nick: Thought it might irritate you.
Jack: Yeah, it does. It does. We talked last night, and she had to have this on her mind.
Nick: I just assumed that you guys are trying to keep business out of your personal lives.
Jack: Yeah, well, we're trying to do that. Why didn't she tell me? She knows I'm fine with competition. She also knows if Victor has hired Michael Baldwin, that dirty tricks are about to begin. I don't know, maybe she's in on this.
Nick: I wouldn't go there. I'm sure Phyllis is as curious as you are.
Jack: No, no, no, no. She works for your father. Any decisions Victor makes, she's gonna be part of it.
Nick: Seems a little harsh.
Jack: Well, believe me, if the shoe were on the other foot, it would be just the same thing. (Telephone rings)
Jack: Excuse me one second. Hello.
Phyllis: Hey.
Jack: Hello.
Phyllis: Um, are you okay?
Jack: I'm hanging in there.
Phyllis: Listen, I was thinking about tonight, and it hit me all the sudden...
Jack: What hit you?
Phyllis: Well, that I have a husband whose job it is to meet me somewhere for dinner. And, you know, it's a very well-paid job.
Jack: Look, Phyllis...
Phyllis: I'll make sure you get your paycheck when you get home.
Jack: I can’t. Sorry.
Phyllis: Is everything okay?
Jack: No, everything's not all right.
Phyllis: Can I help?
Jack: No. No, you can't help. Listen, I'm gonna probably be late coming home tonight. As a matter of fact, I will be late coming home tonight.
Phyllis: Okay. Well...
Phyllis: Hey. Better luck next time, Phyllis.
Damon: According to her assistant, Phyllis has gone e to Yves' bistro.
Brad: Do you know where that is?
Damon: Yeah. It's becoming my favorite spot.
Brad: I wonder if she's meeting anyone there.
Damon: Well, it can't be Jack, according to you.
Brad: Well, if it's someone else, just lay back, all right?
Damon: Lay back? Based on what I'm hearing, I've got to connect with Phyllis now. Can't afford to sit around and wait till the coast is clear.
Brad: Damon, be careful.
Damon: I can handle Phyllis.
Brad: I'm telling you, Phyllis is a major tigress. And there are plenty of guys in this city with big claw marks from tangling with her.
Damon: Well, now it really becomes a challenge, doesn't it?
Brad: No. No. Don't get your ego involved. This is about finding out what Victor knows and nothing else. I've got to get to my meeting with Jack.
Brad: Behave yourself, Damon. At the risk of repeating myself, I think this will work a lot better if Jack doesn't find out about it.
Damon: Oh, I agree.
Damon: Yes, indeed. I completely agree. Now, you said that you were excited about seeing me. I'll bet you're excited about seeing that!
(Knock on door)
Neil: Yeah, coming.
Neil: Wesley.
Wes: Hey. Hope I'm not intruding. Your secretary said you were stopping home for a bite.
Neil: Yeah, I left some papers here. Figured I'd make a sandwich. I'm pulling a late one. Come on in. So I'll bet you're jealous of my sandwich. You want one?
Wes: Actually, I already ate, but thank you.
Neil: Suit yourself. Mmm, congratulations are in order.
Wes: Oh, you're talking about Liv.
Neil: Hmm, Drucilla told me that you popped the question.
Wes: Yeah. Yeah, but don't congratulate me yet. I haven't gotten my answer.
Neil: I'm sure she'll say yes. She just wants to make you sweat a little.
Wes: Yeah. What is it with these Barber sisters, man?
Neil: They like to keep their men waiting.
Wes: I know that's right.
Neil: So the reason you tracked me down? Was it to tell me about you and Olivia?
Wes: That's part of it. How's Lily doing?
Colleen: Lily, you kissed someone?
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Sierra: Who?
Lily: Kevin Fisher.
Colleen: Who's that? He's not that guy you met online, is he? The Hawaiian shirt guy?!
Sierra: Fisherman?
Lily: Yeah, we got together last night.
Colleen: Whoa, back up.
Sierra: How did this happen?
Colleen: Yeah, he was really rude to you.
Lily: He was just upset. I don't blame him. I told the guy to meet me here, and then I stood him up. I wouldn't have been happy either.
Colleen: How'd you get him to cool off?
Lily: I didn't have to do anything, actually. We talked online later, and he asked if I still wanted to get together. So we decided to meet in the park.
Colleen: So how'd it go?
Lily: Well, it was kind of awkward at first. And then we started talking, and it felt like we had been hanging out forever.
Colleen: Did you find out how old he was?
Lily: Um, no, I didn't ask. Okay, I know that he's a little older than me, but it's not like he's old.
Colleen: And he kissed you.
Lily: Right as I was leaving. I totally wasn't even expecting it. He just-- he leaned in, and it was like this perfect moment, you know? Oh, I can't even describe it.
Lily: What's wrong?
Sierra: It's not like we're not happy for you, but...
Lily: But what?
Colleen: Look, Lily, he kind of creeped us out. I mean, he seemed really nice when he was here and all, but when he sent you that I.M...
Sierra: "You'll be sorry."
Colleen: Yeah, who does that?
Lily: It's no big deal.
Colleen: You have to admit it was a little weird.
Lily: He was just upset. I told you. He wasn't weird at all in person. Otherwise, I wouldn't be going out with him tonight.
Colleen: You're seeing him again?
Lily: Yeah, we're going to the concert in the park.
Sierra: Hey, I'm going with Troyand Heather. You want to come along?
Colleen: Oh, no, thanks.
Sierra: You sure?
Colleen: Yeah, I'm gonna stay here for awhile. I'll catch up with you guys later.
Sierra: Okay.
Lily: Well, I have to get going, 'cause I'm meeting Kevin at his apartment.
Colleen: You're going to his apartment?!
Lily: It's not like that. I'm just gonna knock on the door, and then we're leaving. Would you guys stop worrying about me? I'll be fine.
Colleen: Promise me you'll be careful.
Sierra: You barely know this guy.
Lily: Yes, mom and dad. I'll be very careful, I promise. Bye.
Sierra: Bye.
Colleen: Bye. I hope she knows what she's doing.
Sharon: Like mother, like daughter.
Victoria: Well, she happens to be right.
Sharon: I'll tell Cassie you dropped by.
Victoria: Am I supposed to believe that, really?
Sharon: I'm not trying to keep you apart, Victoria.
Victoria: Well, you wouldn't let her stay the night with me.
Sharon: No, that is not what I said.
Victoria: Are you denying it?
Sharon: I have been all through this with Nikki. It was Cassie who turned down the idea.
Victoria: Oh, right.
Sharon: Look, one night as a treat wasn't enough for her. It was very clear that she was looking for a way to escape to avoid dealing with her anger toward me, and I don't think that's healthy.
Victoria: Oh, yeah. And as we all know, you are a shining example of emotional health and mental well-being.
Sharon: Well, snipe at me all you want, Victoria, okay? It only reinforces my other reason for not bending over backwards to accommodate you. Now when I see some sign of a change in attitude from both you and Cassie...
Victoria: In all the years that I've known you, Sharon, I can't believe I've never seen this before.
Sharon: Seen what?
Victoria: What a total controlling bitch you are.
Raul: Coffee, to go. Thanks.
Raul: You just get off work?
J.T.: Yeah, can't you tell?
Raul: Tough shift, huh?
J.T.: Lauren had me running around everywhere. The place was packed.
Raul: So why don't you just take off, go home, crash out for awhile?
J.T.: Brittany's there.
Raul: So?
J.T.: So I don't feel like dealing with her right now.
Raul: It's your place, too. What are you talking about? She's gonna have to get used to it.
J.T.: You try telling her that.
Raul: Look, she's gonna be taking off to go to work in a little bit.
J.T.: Hey, has she said anything more about this new job?
Raul: Not really.
J.T.: Are you gonna go see her sing?
Raul: Eventually.
J.T.: Eventually?
Raul: Yeah, she's a little nervous right now. She wants to make sure she has the hang of everything before I come see her. I understand that.
J.T.: She's making some pretty sweet tips, though.
Raul: Yeah, tell me about it, 200 bucks in one night. That's incredible.Thanks, man.
J.T.: How much is this?
Brittany: It's a little over 1,000 bucks.
J.T.: Where'd you get this kind of cash?
Brittany: It's my tips from last night.
Jack: Yeah, all nice as can be, "let's have dinner together." Not a word about Michael Baldwin.
Nick: I don't think you should expect her to say anything.
Jack: Well, now it begins. Your father is determined to win this war, no matter what he has to do. Boy, I can just hear it in his voice, all those smug pronouncements about how he's gonna destroy Tuvia.
Nick: You've been saying some of the same things, Jack, about destroying Satine... well, Safra now.
Jack: Safra?
Nick: Yeah, we're rechristening the line, starting out fresh. It's cool, huh?
Jack: Victor already pulled the rug out from under us once collecting on his loan. That wasn't enough. Now he has to bring people like Michael Baldwin into the picture.
Nick: You think his hiring has something to do with Jabot?
Jack: I am absolutely convinced. Your father doesn't care how he wins. He just cares that he wins.
Nick: All right. Well, I'm gonna take off. Listen, Jack, I want to make sure that we're very clear on something. I have been against expanding our cosmetics division since day one, but for now, that is the team I'm on. And my father's calling the shots.
Jack: And you're gonna do everything in your power to help your family beat tuvia in the marketplace.
Nick: You got it.
Jack: I have no problem with that, Nicholas. Give me a fair fight any day. But try to remember something-- if Newman wins by playing fast and loose with the rules, you're gonna have to live with that. Keep an eye on your old man, okay?
Nick: Done.
Michael: So you want me to approach, say, department store chains and persuade them to carry your product.
Victor: Not just carry the product, no.
Michael: No. You want them on the front counter where every consumer can spot them immediately.
Victor: That's right.
Michael: Before they spot Jabot products.
Victor: You got it.
Michael: I have the full backing of your company to accomplish this.
Victor: Precisely.
Michael: Whatever it takes.
Victor: Whatever it takes.
Michael: Money?
Victor: As much as you want.
Michael: Cash.
Victor: Do I have to draw you a picture? You're a bright man.
Michael: Exactly. And it seems to me you could hire a bagman for about a tenth of what you're paying me-- somebody to make offers, threats even.
Victor: Obviously, you've been watching too many gangster movies, Mr. Baldwin. That is not how this is done. Someone has to handle this who is smooth, informed and cautious, and most importantly is aware of the intricacies of the law.
Michael: Yes. You do have to know the law in order to bend it, don't you?
Victor: This has to be handled by a cautious man, not by a goon.
Michael: So you promote the goon to lawyer, and then give him goon work to do-- cautiously, carefully, skillfully.
Victor: Am I insulting your ethical sensibilities?
Michael: Goons are expendable. One goes down, gets dragged off to jail, you can just go to any street corner and pick up another one. I'm not expendable. That's not the way I see myself.
Victor: Don't you worry, Mr. Baldwin, you'll be protected. I cannot reveal my hand in this; therefore I have to protect you.
Michael: It sounds good. But I wonder if the chips are down, if I wouldn't become the sacrificial lamb.
Victor: I didn't think you were such a nervous nellie, Mr. Baldwin. Let's forget we ever had this conversation, all right?
Michael: I didn't say I wouldn't take this on.
Michael: Victor, I want you to understand I'm not going to be your patsy. You want shelf space for Safra. I'll see what I can do. I'll give it my best shot. I, um... imagine there are ways of getting this done. Anyway, the sooner I get started, the better, don't you think?
Victor: You have a nice day, Mr. Baldwin.
Michael: I'll keep you posted.
[Music throughout]
Brad: All right, clear the decks. I've got the spreadsheets. Get out your calculator. Let's get cracking.
Jack: Forget about it.
Brad: What?
Jack: You remember we suspected Newman had something up his sleeve? We were right. He just hired Michael Baldwin as his back-alley henchman.
Brad: You've got to be kidding me.
Jack: Well, it starts now. All that talk about competition, duking it out in the marketplace-- what a joke. You don't duke it out with Victor Newman. You wait till he sucker punches you when you're not looking.
Brad: It helps that we know he hired Baldwin.
Jack: You know what it helps? It helps to know we're gonna have to fight dirty, too, maybe a little dirtier.
Damon: Is it happy hour already?
Phyllis: Um, hardly.
Damon: Phyllis, isn't it?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Damon: Mm-hmm, last name Abbott.
Phyllis: Yeah, that's right. Lucky me.
Damon: Oh, my. I won't tell Jack you said that.
Phyllis: You can tell Jack whatever you want.
Damon: Is it my imagination, or were you just a little bit more talkative and perky the last time we ran into each other?
Phyllis: Listen, last time I talked to you I got my head handed to me.
Damon: Truly? By whom?
By whom. Well, by my husband and all the cronies that are his friends, and every
other uptight person in
Damon: In that case, we're both taking a risk.
Damon: Would you like to live on the edge?
Phyllis: How?
Damon: Have dinner with me.
Yeah, I think this new job is gonna be great for
J.T.: Yeah, great money.
Raul: No, man. It's more than just that. She hasn't been excited about much lately. Just really good to see her happy again, you know?
J.T.: Yeah, and when she's happy, uh... (whistles) you're happy, too, huh?
Raul: Get your mind out of the gutter for two seconds. Come on, man. This has nothing to do with sex. You know, for awhile there, things were really tense-- tense between us. And now ever since she's had this job, we've gotten really close. Feels good.
J.T.: Can we please not talk about you and Brittany? It's bad enough I have to see you guys making out all over the apartment.
Raul: Something better you'd rather talk about?
J.T.: Yeah. Yeah. How about my love life? Oh, come on.
Raul: You don't have a love life.
J.T.: Well, not at the moment, but I'm working on it.
Raul: Oh, yeah?
J.T.: Yeah. Check these babies out.
Raul: Gee, tickets to the concert in the park tonight. Oh, jeez, J.T., I don't know what to say.
J.T.: Dude, they're not for you, moron. I'm taking Colleen.
Raul: I didn't know you guys were back together.
J.T.: Well, we're not. But we're hanging out.
Raul: Hanging out.
J.T.: Yeah, we're friends.
Raul: And you're okay with that?
J.T.: Well, I'd like to get back together with her, but...
Raul: And how does Colleen feel?
J.T.: I know she's still interested in me.
Raul: She said that?
J.T.: Well, not exactly, but you know, she's-- she said some weird things.
Raul: Weird how?
J.T.: Like she keeps asking if I found anything.
Raul: If you found anything. What does that mean?
J.T.: I don't know. Beats me, she just-- she said it, like, twice now.
Raul: You know girls,an, they're always talking in these codes. Hey, I think it's great that she said she'd go to the concert with you tonight.
J.T.: Actually, uh... I haven't asked her yet.
Raul: It's in a couple of hours.
J.T.: I know.
Raul: What the hell you waiting for, Christmas?
J.T.: I'm working up to it, okay?
Raul: Don't tell me you're nervous, little boy.
J.T.: Oh, come on, man. Dude, you know girls can't resist me.
Raul: Yeah, that's what I like to hear.
J.T.: But you're right, I should probably call her.
Raul: Yeah, I'm taking off anyway.
J.T.: Get me another cup of coffee.
Raul: Get your own coffee. I'll see you at the loft.
Jack: Oh, don't give me that look. This is no time to start developing delicate sensibilities. Newman is gonna put a stake in our heart any way he can. If we don't fight back in kind, we don't deserve to survive.
Brad: All right. Jack, I'm not saying fight fair or no fight at all. I just think that maybe we should hold off, see what we can learn about what Victor's up to before we start devising all kinds of sinister comebacks.
Okay, learn what? Learn more? How? Talking to whom? Michael Baldwin? Yes, he's a
backstabber. He's not gonna talk to us. Why should he? Newman has so much more
money to offer him that-- okay, who else? Nicholas is on the outs with Victor,
but not enough to spy on him.
Brad: Jack, just calm down.
Jack: I don't want to calm down! I want to do something now!
Brad: Believe me, I don't disagree.
Jack: Okay, then let's hear it. Newman has hired Michael Baldwin to carry out god knows what kind of underhanded scheme for them. What are we gonna do? You tell me.
Waiter: There's a list of specials inside your menus. May I bring you another glass of wine, ma'am?
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, yeah. Definitely. Cabernet.
Waiter: Very good. And you, sir?
Damon: May I have a bourbon, neat?
Waiter: I'll be right back with your drinks.
Phyllis: Thanks.
Damon: My goodness, look at that face.
Phyllis: Yeah, I'm pretty shocked that you-- you got me to eat with you.
Damon: Thank you for taking pity on me.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, I'm taking pity on you, right.
Damon: I'm dead serious. I hate to eat alone. You saved me from take-out in front of the braves.
Phyllis: Oh, the braves. Right. Right. You know, next time the braves play the cubs I hope they slaughter them.
Damon: Don't tell me-- Jack roots for the cubs.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Oh, I'm sorry. Wow, imagine that that theme is starting to creep into our conversation. Wow.
Damon: I must tell you, I am getting the distinct impression that you and your husband-- well, that there is a direct correlation between him and your mood.
Phyllis: You think? I invited him to dinner, and it was as if I was asking him to go beat up little old ladies.
Damon: I'm sorry to hear that.
Phyllis: Yeah, it was like I was talking to a stranger.
Damon: It must be unpleasant, you know, working on opposite sides, having to compete every day with the person you love.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Yes, it is. You know, Damon, I thought that we'd be fine, because we'd been through a lot. I mean, if I were to tell you everything we've gone through, you honestly wouldn't believe me. You know, he hates Victor Newman. He hates Newman Enterprises. He hates that I won't quit a job that I absolutely love, and I'm respected and-- I'm sorry I'm dissing your boss. I'm sure you're not liking this.
Damon: It doesn't bother me.
Phyllis: Doesn't bother you?
Damon: No. You know what? To be perfectly honest, Phyllis, I have an issue or two with the man myself.
J.T.: Hey.
Colleen: Hey. Where'd you come from?
J.T.: I was sitting inside. Think we can talk?
Colleen: Uh, actually...
J.T.: This won't take long. I just want to ask you something.
Neil: Man, you know something? You don't give up.
Wes: No. No, I don't, not where Lily's concerned.
Neil: Well, I'm happy to report that she's a different girl as of this morning.
Wes: Different how?
Neil: She's not hiding in her room. She ran out of here with a smile on her face.
Wes: What do you make of that?
Neil: What do you mean?
Wes: What do you think is behind Lily's mood change? Has she mentioned anything specific that might have made her happy?
Neil: Um, if you're asking has she climbed on the bandwagon about Dru and me getting remarried...
Wes: No. No. That would be a red flag if that happened overnight.
Neil: Yeah, well, it hasn't happened, but Dru and I have full faith that one of these days she'll accept this as a positive thing.
Wes: Okay, but in the meantime, you say you've noticed a mood change. Well, as a parent...
Neil: Hey, come on. Wait a minute. You didn't come all the way down here to lecture me on being a parent, did you?
Wes: I'm not trying to interfere.
Neil: Sure smells that way.
Wes: Neil, ease up, all right? We're both concerned for Lily's well-being. That's why I'm here.
Neil: Teenagers are moody for all kinds of reasons. You just have to roll with it, or you'll go insane. But I shouldn't have to tell you that, since you're the expert.
Wes: You know, being a concerned, involved adult, means actively looking for reasons, not just chalking it up to teenitis when there's a change that may be significant.
Neil: All right, now. Come on. What aren't you telling me? 'Cause you obviously know something that I don’t.
Wes: Well, since Lily didn't ask me to keep her confidence...
Neil: Hey, man, I don't care if she did, you know. I'm getting sick and tired of you withholding information under the guise of being her pal. It undermines our ability to parent her. Do you understand that? And frankly, doc, I'm starting to question whether your motives are all that honest.
Wes: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, because I want to keep the focus on Lily.
Neil: Okay, fine. So why don't you explain her change in attitude?
Wes: She's met a boy she likes.
Neil: What boy?
Wes: So she didn't mention it.
Neil: No, she didn’t. I'm not aware of it.
Wes: Well, I don't mind telling you that alone concerns me.
Neil: Why, because she confided in you? Is that your point?
Wes: I'm not her parent. Maybe she feels...
Neil: What, safer? Is that what you're peddling?
Wes: The next time I see her I'll encourage Lily to open up to you and Dru.
Neil: You know what? Don't bother.
Neil: Because, my man, I will talk to my daughter about this. Have a nice day, Wesley.
Lily: Hey, Kevin.
Kevin: Lily, hey. Come on in.
Lily: Oh, I thought we were going straight to the park.
Kevin: Well, the concert doesn't start for awhile. No need to rush, right?
Lily: Right.
(Door closes)