Y&R Transcript
Friday 7/18/03--Canada; Monday 7/21/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma
Phyllis: Hey. Hey, Kyle. Hey, you want some raisins? You want some of those? Oh, boy! Oh, he grabs the whole thing.
Mamie: I don't know where he puts it all.
Phyllis: I don't, either. Kids, you know? You're going to grow up to be big and strong like your daddy, aren't you? Yeah.
Jack: I'm glad somebody has an appetite this morning.
Phyllis: So, um, Mamie, what are you and Kyle going to do today?
Mamie: We're going to go to the zoo, aren't we, Kyle?
Phyllis: The zoo? Are you going to the zoo today? Oh, my gosh. You are gonna see-- what, giraffes?
Kyle: Yeah.
Phyllis: Giraffes! And lions and tigers... rrr!
Mamie: (Laughing)
Jack: Can you pass me the napkin, Mamie? Thank you.
Mamie: Okay, Jack, what's wrong?
Jack: Why don't you ask my wife? I'm sure she'd be happy to fill you in.
Phyllis: Jack, please don't do that.
Jack: Okay, fine. I'll tell you. Awhile back, we borrowed a great deal of money from Victor Newman. Today, the principal payment is due in full. Victor is calling in the loan, and because of that, my family's company is in for the fight of its life.
Neil: (Whistling) First Lily and now you.
Dru: What?
Neil: Our daughter got up this morning and practically ran for the door. Now it looks like you're ready to bolt.
Dru: Yeah. I have a very busy day, Neil. I'm sure you do, too.
Neil: No, not particularly. A matter of fact, I have a meeting outside the office in a little while, then I'm going to come back here and work.
Dru: Damn it.
Neil: What are you doing?
Dru: Would you just help me with this? I can't get anything right today.
Neil: Allow me. Here, darling. Is there anything I can do to help you relax?
Dru: Yeah, you can just fix the bracelet and take the smile off your face, okay?
Neil: I already did. Ooh, it came loose again. Well, I have every reason in the world to be smiling, because, darling, the two of us set a wedding date.
Dru: Mm-hmm.
Neil: The sun is shining.
Dru: Mm-hmm.
Neil: The birds are singing.
Dru: Really? I don't hear one bird chirping.
Neil: Hey, shh, shh, shh. You hear that? That's that one bird, and he's singing what a great day it's gonna be today.
Dru: Yeah, for you, because today Newman slits Jabot's throat.
J.T.: Hey. About time you got up. You always sleep this late?
J.T.: Having a bagel.
J.T.: Because I'm hungry.
J.T.: Oh, Raul didn't tell you, did he?
J.T.: I moved in after all. I'm your new roommate.
Victor: Good morning.
Victor: You haven't said a word to me since last nite.
Nikki: That's because I have nothing to say to you.
Victor: Don't you think it'll only get worse if you don't talk?
Nikki: There's nothing to say. You know why I'm upset, and you're not really helping your case by trying to draw me out.
Victor: I would very much appreciate a little conversation with my wife.
Nikki: You are unbelievable. After that stunt you pulled at Jack's office last night?
Victor: What stunt are you talking about?
Nikki: Turning down our very fair and reasonable offer to repay Jabot's debt.
Victor: You know, we shouldn't bring business into our home life, all right? Especially not now.
Nikki: What, now that you are hell-bent on destroying Jabot? Of course that's silly, because you've always been hell-bent on destroying Jabot, no matter what that means to me.
Damon: Did you want to see me?
Brad: Damon, thanks for coming up.
Damon: Yeah, sure. Listen, I am right smack in the middle of putting together something pretty damn amazing--
Brad: I have no doubt about that. All the samples we've seen so far have exceeded our expectations.
Damon: I've got an assistant keeping an eye on things, but I prefer to oversee the procedure, you know, take my own notes.
Brad: I just need you to hold on a sec. I'd like to ask you a favor.
Damon: Of course.
Brad: As you know, we are competing for our lives against Newman Enterprises. Now it's all well and good for you to be down in the lab happily doing your thing, but you're also part of a team.
Damon: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on, brad. I... I just got this speech from Drucilla, all right, this whole "us against them," "we all have to rally behind this." I really don't want to be involved in the politics. It's not my trip, brother. It never has been.
Brad: Well then, brother, we're going to have to have a little chat about that, because I really need you to rethink your position on this.
Victor: Well, can't we just talk?
Nikki: I don't want another shouting match.
Victor: Well, who says that will happen?
Nikki: Because that's what always happens, Victor. We can barely discuss the weather without raising our voices.
Victor: This is more important than discussing the weather. Fortunes are at stake, for heaven's sake.
Nikki: You don't have to tell me that. Just leave it alone.
Victor: Nikki, that's very difficult for me to do when I know the disaster that's about to come over you.
Nikki: Then why don't you accept Jack's offer? Just let us make smaller payments with premium interest on what's left.
Victor: I cannot do that.
Nikki: No, it's not a question of whether you can, Victor. You won’t.
Victor: You know that I love you... but sometimes you're terribly naive. You've invested in a company that's about to go bust. You're about to lose $35 million. I'm giving you a chance now to extricate yourself from that disaster.
Nikki: Really? How do I do that? I resign and get my money back? That's not gonna happen. The money I invested was spent long ago.
Victor: To save a company that then was on the verge of bankruptcy. You and Brad Carlton rode in on your high horses investing in a company that wasn't worth salvaging! I would have told you that had you sought my advice then, but you didn’t. So please open your eyes now!
Nikki: Victor, my eyes are open, and what I see is a man who knows he can't win a fair fight. This is about your ego. You don't need this victory. You certainly don't need the money.
Victor: But Jabot does. Like it or not, we are at war.
Nikki: No, you are at war with a man that you hate. This is all about Jack. This isn't about market demand. It's not even about Newman Enterprises. It's about hating a man so much, you don't care what it does to us.
Victor: You still don't understand, do you? I want the full payment. I have a right to demand it. I want them to pay back $50 million that they borrowed from me. You got it?
Mamie: Sorry. I had no idea things were this bad. Let me help. What can I do?
Jack: I appreciate the support. I really do. I'm not sure there's anything you can do. It is nice, though, to know that you're on my team.
John: Well, good morning, everyone.
Mamie: Morning.
Jack: Dad.
Mamie: John, what can I get you for breakfast?
John: Just some coffee.
Mamie: Nothing else?
John: No. I can't stay, Mamie. I've got to get to the office.
Jack: I'll be following right behind you.
John: Yeah. How'd it go last night?
Jack: Made a few calls.
John: Any luck?
Jack: Afraid not.
John: Damn.
Jack: Roger Manning is gonna get back to me.
John: From Hogan Enterprises?
Jack: God knows we've bailed them out a few times. Maybe they can come through for us.
John: And if he can't?
Jack: If he can't, we're back to square one. I'm going to ask Roger to give me some other names. Got to be somebody out there with money for a bridge loan.
John: No t this time. It's going to be rough.
Jack: Yeah, tell me. In this economy, "risk" is a 4-letter word.
John: Well, we've been in this situation before, Jack.
Jack: Dad, we have not been in anything like this before-- not like this, we haven’t.
John: Now, son, would you stop blaming yourself?
Jack: Of course I blame myself, Dad. Once again, the company you founded is in jeopardy. Once again, I'm the key player.
John: No, we all played a role. Now listen to me. This situation is not your fault. What we have to do is focus our energy on riding the storm. Beating yourself up is of no avail.
Jack: I guess you know who I'd like to beat up right now.
John: Oh, please. Don't waste your time dwelling on Victor. He is who he is. Now you went to him. You made a fair proposal that we could pay it off in installments. He turned you down. How shocking. It's not your fault. What we have to do now is move on. Now, Jack, listen to me. We will succeed.
Kyle: (Babbles)
John: Hey, you two. I'm gonna get going. Bye-bye, baby. Have a good day.
Phyllis: Say bye-bye! Bye-by
Mamie: Have a good day. Yes, I think maybe Kyle and I should be going as well.
Phyllis: Oh, hey, what's the rush?
Mamie: Well, we want to get to the zoo when it opens. Kyle likes to see the morning feedings, don't you, sweetie? Say good-bye. Bye!
Phyllis: Bye, baby! B..
Mamie: Okay, bye-bye.
Phyllis: So your dad has a great attitude.
Jack: You think so, huh?
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, I do. I, um... you know, stay positive. Keep on looking forward. Don't look back. (Cell phone rings)
Jack: Jack Abbott. Hey, Roger! Yeah. Thanks for getting back to me. Uh-huh...
Neil: All right, Dru, listen, I know what's going on. You're upset because of the note.
Dru: "The note." I mean, you say that like its business as usual, which it is not. Victor is forcing Jabot to make a substantial principal payment. I'd like to see if my company's gonna survive after they hand over that kind of grip.
Neil: You know something? The Abbotts have known this day was coming for a long time. I'm sure they have a plan in place. You don't get where they are without knowing what to do when your back's against the wall.
Dru: That is such a lovely yarn you're spinning. It doesn't make me feel any better, and I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't gloat and be so smug.
Neil: Look, what did I say?
Dru: You said that your company has the upper hand, and you are gloating. I can see it. It's written all over your face, you know.
Neil: Dru, I am not gloating.
Dru: Yes, you are.
Neil: Hey, listen. I understand that you're worried. Wasn't that long ago that you and me--we-- we made a deal that we were gonna keep this place, our home, neutral territory, didn't we?
Dru: Yes, we did.
Neil: Okay, then. So let's take it down a thousand.
Dru: Okay, it's easy for you to take it down a thousand. Okay, I love my job. I love working for Jabot, Neil. Let me just tell you something. I woke up this morning, great, and I was just laying there in bed, and I was thinking this incredible career opportunity is gonna go away. Why? Because of your boss and Newman Enterprises.
J.T.: I'm living here now.
J.T.: Last night. Hey, you want half this bagel?
J.T.: Your boyfriend.
J.T.: No, your other boyfriend. Yeah, Raul. After you left, he practically begged me to move in, and he said you guys couldn't swing the rent with Billy and Mac gone, so... you know, I'm tired of living at home. It worked out good.
J.T.: How much is this?
J.T.: Where did you get this kind of cash?
J.T.: Wait. You made 1,000 bucks in one shift?
J.T.: Wait. Hold on. Hold on.
J.T.: No. You're not going anywhere till you tell me more about this job.
Damon: Brad, I want us to get along, truly. But if you're telling me I have to jump on this rah-rah bandwagon thing, I'm telling you I can’t. It's not happening.
Brad: There's politics in every situation, Damon.
Yeah, and there's a lot of rain in
Brad: So you don't care if we lose market share to Newman?
Damon: I didn't say that. Don't put words in my mouth. Look, when I signed on with Jabot, it was with the idea that I would do everything in my power to make Tuvia a success. That means designing products that people can't live without.
Brad: Well, I'm all for that.
Damon: So what's the problem? What would you like me to do?
Brad: Take a position, a stance.
Damon: I have. I'm for Jabot. Does that mean I'm against Newman? No. Who the hell needs that? Trust me. There are plenty of women of color in the world who need cosmetics and fragrances. Both companies can do well.
Brad: Normally Damon, I'd agree with you.
Damon: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I know. What is it? Victor Newman is a winner-take-all kind of guy. There's no such thing as second place, right? So says Drucilla.
Brad: Mm-hmm. And she's right. Now obviously, this isn't the kind of business-to-business competition you're used to.
Damon: Oh, agreed. So what would you like me to do, sign a petition in blood? Swear a sacred oath to fight for the destruction of Newman Enterprises? Let me tell you, man, and please, for the last time, hear me, please. I have no space for this nonsense.
Nikki: So the great Victor Newman wants his money now-- he'll get it now, huh?
Victor: You still don't understand, do you? Business is about trying to be better, trying to be more successful than the next. That's the law of the jungle. It's the survival of the strongest.
Nikki: Just because you're the strongest doesn't mean that you're the best. Jabot is the best, and you will never match our products.
Victor: I guess time will tell, won't it?
Nikki: We're not going to go down easily, Victor.
Victor: Sweetheart, Jabot is on the ropes as we speak. One more left hook, and they're down for the count.
Nikki: And then you may never have peace again.
Victor: You know that I love you, but I will not be told by you how to run my business affairs. I won't do that, not even for you.
Victor: I'm going to work now, and I won't wish you a good day, because I know you won't have one. One last time, I give you a chance to extricate yourself from this disaster that's about to come up on all of you. You can save yourself. It is not too late.
J.T.: Yeah, that's what your boyfriend told me. Which club?
J.T.: Well, tips like that, you must be performing for some pretty high rollers.
J.T.: How often you working?
J.T.: And you get to just pick your schedule?
J.T.: Well, that sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
Raul: Britt? Hey. What's going on?
Raul: Excuse me?
Yeah, show him,
Raul: What's he talking about?
Raul: Yeah? How much did you make?
200 bucks?
Jack: And you'll have the money wired to Vi... great. Thank you again, my friend.
Phyllis: Good news?
Jack: We got the bridge loan.
Phyllis: Oh, that's fantastic.
Jack: No, it's not fantastic. Hell, we're probably worse off than we were. We were strapped for cash before. Now we're in hock up to our eyeballs. Hell, the interest payments alone could kill us.
Phyllis: I am sorry this is happening to you. Did you hear me? I am sorry.
Phyllis: How long is this gonna go on?
Jack: How long is what gonna go on?
Phyllis: This tension. Okay, listen. I know you're mad at me. So if you just want to yell, go ahead. I'm sure you have some choice words. So vent away. I can take it.
Jack: I'm not gonna do this right now.
Phyllis: Hey, um... can you take some time off at lunch?
Jack: What for?
Phyllis: Well, I thought that we would join Mamie and Kyle at the zoo. You know how his little face lights up when he sees animals.
Jack: I'll pass.
Phyllis: Are you sure?
Jack: Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. You see, I'm headed to work right now to try to save my family's company from going down the drain. I'm guessing I won't have time for a leisurely lunch.
Phyllis: Okay. You know, Jack, you can only play victim for so long.
Jack: Excuse me?
Phyllis: Well, you're acting like you're totally caught off guard by this, and you know, like Victor's playing dirty or something.
Jack: What Victor's doing is dirty.
Phyllis: Because he wants you to pay back a loan when it's due?
Jack: It's a little more complicated than that. He's taking full advantage of the situation.
Phyllis: Well, are you so surprised? I mean, with all the history that you and Victor have, all the battles you've fought, did you really expect him to roll over and--
Jack: Am I surprised? You know what surprises me? You know what surprises me? My wife--my wife goes to work every day for a man whose soul interest seems to be burying my family's company! That's what surprises me!
Phyllis: I can't believe you're throwing this in my face one more time.
Jack: You better wake up, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Oh, here we go!
Jack: This man is a despicable, manipulative excuse for a human being.
Phyllis: You agreed that we could keep our business and personal lives separate.
Jack: Things change. You have to adjust!
Phyllis: I have to adjust, right?! I have to adjust! I have to leave a job that I love as a favor to you.
Jack: You really don't care about the impact this is having, do you? I'm not talking about Jabot. I'm talking about us! I'm talking about this relationship! God, I come home from work, I want to be with my wife-- get love and support and comfort! God, I can't even look at you anymore without seeing that son of a-- and I hate it! I hate it! And I don't know how much longer I can do this! There, I vented. Feel better?
Brad: Okay. I can't make you feel the way the rest of us do.
Damon: Brad, I don't even know Victor Newman. It's obvious everyone around here hates the fellow, but he's a human being, right?
Brad: Questionable.
Damon: Nonsense. He's just a man trying to succeed.
Brad: You know, Damon, sticking up for Victor Newman ain't gonna win you a lot of friends around here.
Damon: So what are you telling me--"you're either for us or against us"?
Brad: Maybe I am.
Damon: This is so childish. You know, one of the reasons I left Saltine Cosmetics is because they insisted that I play politics.
Brad: You just don't get it, do you? We're not playing, Damon. This isn't backstabbing around the company water cooler. We are under attack and fighting for our very survival. Now if you don't feel strongly enough about that, then I don't think you can fight alongside those of us who do.
Damon: You're making this so difficult--for both of us. Yet do I get the feeling you can't hear me? The best way that I can help you people win this thing is to-- (intercom buzzes)
Brad: Yeah. Really? Send him in. Well, guess what the cat dragged in.
Raul: He's gone.
Raul: What, were you gonna eat this?
Raul: Oh, baby, you don't have to do that.
Raul: Since when? You hate cooking.
Raul: Sounds good to me. I'll be your guinea pig.
Raul: Anything. I'm starving.
Raul: Sure.
Raul: You're in a good mood.
Raul: Yeah, sure.
Raul: Waited up for you last night.
Raul: Must have gone well, huh?
Raul: The new job. 200 bucks in tips, that's great.
Raul: So... tell me all about it. I want to hear everything.
Neil: Hey, sweetie. Here's your tea I'm sorry. Guess I didn't stop and think what a rough day this would be for you.
Dru: No, you didn't stop to think. You know, I'm frustrated here. I know I shouldn't be taking it out on you, but I--I can't seem to keep the personal separate from the business.
Neil: I understand. It's easier to remember that some days more than others.
You know, being a spokesperson for Tuvia is more than a job for me, Neil. When
my work dried up in
Neil: Mm-hmm, but you found a whole new purpose with Jabot.
Dru: I'm more than a face, Neil. I am a contributor. I am part of the creative process. I never imagined that it was going to be this fulfilling.
Neil: Mm-hmm, see? Now you know why I was so nervous about you working for the competition, because I knew that you'd love the game.
Dru: It's deeper than that, though, man. I believe in our product. I believe in Tuvia, and I believe that it deserves every single success, but it's never gonna see the light of day if Victor Newman gets his own way.
Neil: Well, baby... Jabot may need to rethink its strategy. But you see, you people have a distinct advantage when it comes to the distribution in the cosmetics world. I'm telling you right now, the Tuvia campaign is far from over.
Dru: You really think so?
Neil: Oh, come on. Speaking as the enemy, I think we're in for a very long, hard battle, especially with someone as strong and determined as you fighting for the other side.
Brad: Wow, Victor Newman. To what do we owe this great honor?
Victor: This must be the famous Damon Porter.
Damon: Hardly famous, but yes, I'm Porter.
Victor: Mm-hmm. I'm Victor Newman.
Damon: I gathered so.
Victor: Where's Jack?
Brad: As a matter of fact, I'm expecting him any minute. Why?
Victor: You know why I'm here-- payback time.
Damon: Brad, we've covered everything that we need to. I'm gonna get back down to the lab.
Victor: Mr. Porter, would you mind waiting a little?
Damon: If you'll excuse me, sir, I'm in the middle of something downstairs.
Victor: Just do me a favor, hang around.
Damon: Mr. Newman, I understand that you are a very big noise over at your company, but this is Jabot, and I don't take orders... from anyone.
Victor: If I were you, I'd mind my manners. You may be working for me sooner than you think.
Damon: You know something I don't?
Brad: Victor, if you came here to thump your chest and harass people, you can get the hell out.
Victor: Mr. Porter, I had my lawyers look at the non-compete clause and the contract that you had with Satine Cosmetics.
Damon: That clause expired months ago.
Victor: However, the wording of that clause is rather dubious. We may just extrapolate some leverage from that clause, which would allow me to pry you loose from Jabot Cosmetics. I might just do that.
Damon: Is he serious?
Brad: As a heart attack. Victor's not a guy really known for his sense of humor. Are you, Victor?
Victor: I also had someone look at your personal finances, Mr. Porter.
Damon: Pardon me?
Victor: Seems your horse farm is in trouble.
Damon: Is it really? Should I be calling my attorney?
Victor: You might do that, but it'll be to no avail. We gleaned this rather personal information from public records. Crown Prankster-- do you remember that name?
Brad: What the hell is he talking about?
Damon: He's talking about a horse.
Victor: A very expensive racehorse--beautiful horse. Developed arthritis rather early, unfortunately. And more unfortunately, you sunk your entire fortune into that horse. You should have stuck to what you know best.
Damon: And is there a point to this invasion of my privacy?
Victor: Just to make sure that everyone is apprised of the fact that you need this job. You didn't leave your horse farm because you had a passionate desire to develop cosmetics.
Damon: I see. Well... I can sell my farm at any time at a profit. I have other horses. I'm here because I love what I do. I love a challenge. I like what Jabot stands for.
Victor: Very nice words. But I have the feeling that you're beginning to realize that you're onboard a very leaky ship which is about to sink rapidly.
Raul: Well, how did it feel getting onstage? It must have been fun, huh?
Raul: Oh, you were nervous?
Raul: But that's good, right? It gets your blood going, your adrenaline pumping. When do you sing again?
Raul: Of course they will. I'll bet you're amazing.
Raul: Well, the tips are nice. At least we know we won't have to worry about making rent this month.
Raul: He's gonna pay his share.
Raul: Look, he has his own room. You probably won't even know he's here.
Raul: I love your optimism. I really do--
Raul: Honey, what do you want me to do? I can't exactly ask the guy to leave now. We have a deal, that's it. Plus he's already started moving his stuff in.
Raul: Look, just give him a chance, okay? It might not be as bad as you think.
Raul: All right. Then we'll talk to him. We'll tell him he's got to get his stuff together or he's out. I mean, after all, his name's not even on the lease. We do have some leverage.
Raul: No, look, J.T. And I--we're not buddies, but we can tolerate each other. Listen, at least we know him. It's better than going around school and dropping a bunch of flyers everywhere and taking a chance on some stranger on the street.
Raul: All right, you're right. I'm sorry.
Raul: It'll be fine. Everything'll be fine. You'll see.
Jack: So what are you doing here, Victor? You come to spread your own little brand of sunshine around Jabot?
Victor: You know why I'm here.
Jack: Let me think. You reconsidered. You've come to your senses and realized the repayment plan we offered yesterday was a better deal than you thought.
Victor: I want to hold your feet to the fire one last time, Jack.
Brad: You know, we certainly appreciate the personal touch, Victor, but you could've just sent a fax.
Victor: I want to use every reasonable means to collect the money you owe me... before taking you to court. It looks better to the judge.
Jack: I see. So, Damon, how are things going down in the lab?
Damon: Fine. Exactly as I expected. My assistant's writing up the results.
Brad: Well, that's great. Why don't you go down there and make sure everything's--
Damon: No. No. No. No. No. This is quite entertaining. Thank you.
Victor: Where's the money?
Jack: The money's being wired to the proper account as we speak. Well, as of ten minutes ago-- all $50 million.
Victor: And this is not just another delaying tactic?
Jack: If you were in your office where you belong, you'd be getting a call from your bankers right now.
Neil: I'm not a psychic, and I certainly can't predict what's gonna go down between Jabot and Newman, but I will tell you this much-- no matter what, you have proven that you can hang with the best of 'em. Nobody can take that away from you. If you want a future in business, you'll have one.
Dru: You are so incredible. You have faith in me. You support me, baby, even when I know I'm driving you crazy.
Neil: Well, maybe that's just 'cause I'm crazy in love with you, or maybe I'm just plain crazy. But either way, you're stuck with me, mama.
Dru: And I couldn't be happier.
Dru: Mmm. You know, I was just thinking.
Neil: What's that?
Dru: If your boss finds out that you've been bolstering enemy troops, that could get you in a lot of trouble.
Neil: Oh, you know, baby...
Dru: Hmm?
Neil: I'm willing to risk that.
Dessert is full of fun and it's just begun... do the cool whip! To know--
Raul: When can I go see you sing?
Raul: Why do you sound so shocked? Of course I do.
Raul: Hmm, how about tonight?
Raul: I'm not doing anything.
Raul: Why not?
Raul: You sing in front of a bunch of people.
Raul: All right. You let me know when you're up for it, though.
Raul: That's okay. Just don't keep me waiting too long.
Victor: I'll call you later. Thank you. No, no, I'll talk to you later. The money is there.
Jack: Just as I said.
Victor: How much did it cost you, Jack, to borrow $50 million? 12%, 14%?
Brad: We'll make our payments, Victor.
Victor: Oh, no, you won't, Brad. Because your cash flow is severely strained to the limit. And it'll go down, not up.
Brad: We disagree.
Victor: That's because you aren't aware of certain changes that are afoot as we speak.
Jack: Our distributors have encouraged us we're at target levels in all areas and rising.
Victor: Mr. Porter, it's too bad that you and I hadn't meet before-- before these two losers lured you into an episode that's going to be tragic and disastrous. Had you worked for me, you would've been set for life... it's not too late. You can still give me a call if you change your mind.
Damon: Oh, I don't think so, sir. I can't say I care for your methods of recruitment.
Victor: You suit yourself. And by the way, gentlemen, if I were you, I wouldn't put too much stock in the latest report by your distributors. I assure you that next month's numbers will look very different-- very different. Have a nice day.
Damon: Wow! All right, you were right. Drucilla was right.
Jack: Yeah, yeah. That Newman-- he's a real barrel of monkeys.
Brad: Still feel like staying neutral, slick?
Damon: Well, now that's hardly an option. Did he just take his battle with me personally? He did.
Brad: Welcome aboard.
Jack: Brad, what was he saying there at the very end?
Brad: Our sales are going down? He can't predict that with any accuracy.
Jack: He wasn't predicting. He was making a statement.
Brad: Ah, a cheap threat.
Jack: No. No, damn it. That was not hot air. He's awfully confident about something. What the hell has Newman got up his sleeve? And how do we find out?