Thursday Y&R Transcript 7/17/03

Y&R Transcript
Thursday 7/17/03--Canada; Friday 7/18/03--USA

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Emma

Chris: Answer me, Michael. Why would you do that? What are you trying to protect me from that is so terrible that you'd risk your entire career? There's only one answer. You tampered with the evidence in the boat because you think I had something to do with it being there!

Michael: No, no, that is not the reason.

Chris: Oh, isn't it?

Paul: Look, sweetheart, I think you're reading way too much into this.

Michael: Paul's right. This should never have been mentioned. People get edgy. Things are said.

Chris: Did you or did you not pay the fisherman to clean his boat?

Michael: He is the one who wanted his boat cleaned. I never suggested it, not once.

Chris: But you gave him money?

Michael: Purely as a courtesy and to keep him from shooting his mouth off, just in case the police came nosing around, jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Chris: You know something? If it was just fish blood, there would be no reason to cover it up.

Michael: There was a lot of blood.

Paul: Look, you know, the guy was pressuring him all over the place.

Michael: He was really worked up. If I had to do it all over again, maybe--

Chris: Stop it! Stop it! I want the truth. Did you do this because you think I'm guilty? Answer me, damn it! Answer me right now!


Phyllis: Okay, Detective, I really don't know why you want to talk to me. All I know about Isabella is what I've read in the newspaper about her disappearance.

Hank: Would you excuse us for a moment, ma'am?

Diane: Why?

Hank: I want to discuss this with Mrs. Abbott alone.

Diane: You want me to leave my own place?

Hank: Would you mind?

Diane: Actually, I would mind.

Hank: Okay, fine. Mrs. Abbott, would you step outside with me for a moment?

Phyllis: Uh, listen. I'm sorry, no offense, but Diane and I were just in the middle of a conversation regarding her son.

Diane: Oh, that's right. Pre-registration for nursery school-- the waiting list is unreal.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's like a year-plus.

Diane: But it's really important getting into the right place, especially if you want to go to private schools, so...

Hank: You two ladies are real smooth, and you're both friends with Michael Baldwin?

Phyllis: So?

Hank: Well, that makes me wonder if that's the reason why you don't want to cooperate. You're afraid you'll say something that could be damaging.


Dru: So, Damon, when will the product samples be ready?

Damon: In the next week.

Dru: Stop it, that's perfect! You know, then I can go on my publicity junkets. I can promote the mess out of that stuff. I will have them salivating with anticipation, but nothing sells product more so than...

Damon: The product itself.

Dru: You know what I like about you, Damon Porter? We are always on the same page. You know why? You got that thing called synergy, huh?

Damon: Whatever you say, darling'.

Dru: You know? According to my calendar, you're ahead of schedule. How'd you do that?

Damon: Oh, with magic, a lot of hard work.

Dru: Yeah, I hope it's not too late, though.

Damon: Too late for...?

Dru: I don't want to worry you with our Jabot financial problems. I want you to concentrate on all those notes you keep in your head.

Damon: Come on, Dru. Spare me. You want to tell me what's on your mind or don't you?

Dru: Have you always known that Jabot's had financial problems?

Damon: I knew the Tuvia line represented a significant investment, a substantial bite into cash flow.

Dru: And you know how hard it is to put together a new product line, not to mention an 800-pound primate pummeling you into the ground like-- it's tough, you know?


Nick: So I'm going to be in my father's office for awhile. I want you to get those figures and send them down to research, okay? All right, thanks.

Neil: Here you go, Victor. This is the latest report from the Oregon project.

Victoria : The advertiser just finished with the layouts.

Neil: Good.

Nick: Hope you got some good news for us, sis.

Victoria : What, I'm answering to you now?

Victor: Please, don't start that now. We have too much ground to cover, all right?

Victoria : You know, because of you, we have spent a lot of extra time and money, and I would be willing to bet that if we had stuck with original plan, we'd be way ahead of the curve right now.

Nick: That's what makes a horse race--different bets.

Neil: Vicki previewed her new campaign with me. The research has come back very strong. The new name for our line has scored very high in the top two demographic groups-- nearly unanimous preference over Satine cosmetics.

Victoria : Still, Satine had a following which we've completely abandoned.

Nick: As I've said many, many times, that won't be a great loss.

Victor: Are you pleased with what you have seen, Neil?

Neil: Yes, I am. I think you will be, too, but I will let you be your own judge on that.

Victor: All right. Let's have the unveiling. Let's see what you've got.


Jack: More java?

Brad: No, I'm wide awake.

Jack: So when do we expect this storm cloud to blow in?

Brad: Soon.

Nikki: What, are you talking about the weather? Jack, I thought when you called an after-hours meeting, it was something important.

Jack: Hold on, girl. It is. It's important.

Brad: The storm cloud Jack is referring to is none other than your loving husband.

Nikki: Okay, so what's the big emergency? Why is Victor coming here?

Jack: To empty our pockets, or at least that's what he thinks.

Nikki: Right, well, the principal payment on our loan is--

Brad: Due and payable manna.

Nikki: Hey, if you think you're going to renege on this, I will not a party to that.

Jack: Not renege, sweetheart, renegotiate.

Nikki: Jack, Victor is not going to sit down at the 11th hour and restructure a loan.

Brad: We've already restructured it, Nikki. It's done. Victor doesn't have any say in the matter.

Nikki: Have you lost your minds?

Jack: Well, I guess we'll soon find out. Victor's due here any minute.

Nikki: (Sighs) good afternoon.


Chris: Michael, what you did, it wasn't impulsive. There was way too much at stake.

Michael: You're upset. We're all on edge. Isabella--

Chris: Stop trying to snow me. I want a straight answer. Do you think I had anything to do with that fisherman's boat being splattered with blood?

Michael: There has been a lot of speculation here on all sides. That's not unusual for a situation like this, but it doesn't help. In fact, it hurts, so my advice to everyone is to calm down and not assume the worst.

Chris: That kind of runaround might work with the jury, but not with me.

Michael: Chris, I'm telling--

Michael: Please, at least think about what I just said.


Diane: Damaging?

Phyllis: To Michael? What do you mean?

Hank: You tell me, ma'am.

Phyllis: Listen, Detective, I really don't know what you're after.

Hank: The truth.

Diane: Why are you even questioning Phyllis? She hardly knew Isabella. I've already told you who I thought you should be focusing on.

Hank: Yes, Paul Williams' ex-wife Christine.

Diane: That's right, so why don't you do that, and just let Phyllis be?

Hank: Thanks for the input, Ms. Jenkins. Now if you don't mind, let me do my job.

Phyllis: And how is talking to me doing your job?

Hank: When you met with Michael Baldwin at Crimson Lights, did he mention this case?

Phyllis: How did you know I met with him at Crimson Lights?

Hank: You must be aware that he's representing Christine.

Phyllis: Well, yes, they're law partners.

Hank: And very close personally as well.

Phyllis: Your point?

Hank: Did Baldwin give you any indication that he was trying to protect her?

Diane: Well, of course he's trying to protect her. He wouldn't be much of a lawyer if he wasn’t.

Hank: Did you get any sense that he might be willing to cross a few lines if it would help her cause?

Phyllis: Okay, okay, Detective. Are you just riffing here? Or is there a reason you're asking me this?

Hank: Why don't you answer the question, ma'am, and we'll take it from there?

Diane: You're rattling the trees, Detective. Phyllis doesn't know anything, so why are you hassling her? I'd say we've had enough of this, right, Phyllis?

Hank: Before you answer, Mrs. Abbott, the records pretty clear on your past history with both Michael and Christine. I wouldn't think that you would want to see your friend sacrifice himself, especially for a woman you never had much use for.

Diane: How do you know all this?

Hank: Okay, I'll ask again. Is there anything-- anything at all you can tell me that can save Michael Baldwin from making a dangerous mistake?


Victoria : Gentlemen, our new product.

Victor: Safra. Safra.

Victoria : So what's the verdict?

Victor: I like v very much. It looks exactly what we need, it sort of jumps out at you. I like it.

Victoria : So you're pleased?

Victor: Very pleased.

Victoria : Good.

Nick: It's good work, sis. I'm serious.

Victoria : Thanks. But?

Nick: I just don't know how you're going to get our products on the shelves. I mean, Jabot's got us so overpowered on distribution.

Victor: I'm sure you have an explanation for that?

Victoria : Yes, I do, actually. Neil and I have come up with a very extensive marketing strategy.

Nick: Extensive, and expensive.

Neil: Victor, as you'll see in this report, we're proposing that we take a very aggressive sales stance. And, yes, Nicholas, with the kind of saturation that we're talking about, it could get damn expensive.

Nick: Yeah, this is, uh, this is a lot of money.

Victoria : Well, the stakes are high.

Nick: I still wonder if it's throwing good money after bad. I mean, we're going up against Jabot's Tuvia line.

Victoria : So what? They haven't even rolled out a product yet.

Nick: And when they do, they're going to beat us.

Victor: You're entitled to your opinion, son.

Victoria : Look, this is a very good marketing plan, a very good plan.

Nick: These marketing expenses are through the roof.

Victoria : That's because, Nicholas, we're using marketing to create demand. People can buy the products on Phyllis' web site.

Neil: Absolutely right, and once our clients realize how great our product is, they will demand their local stores carry our line.

Neil: Just like that.

Victoria : Why are you being such a damn cynic? I've done my homework on this. Look, we all know that you're not thrilled about expanding the cosmetics line, but it's happening, and it will be profitable.

Victor: Yes, it will be. I have no doubt about that. The expenditures are worth it.

Nick: How can you be so sure?

Victor: Because, son, I will leave nothing to chance. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to go to. My darling, continue the presentation. I like very much what I've seen so far.

Victoria : Thank you.

Nick: Well, I'm listening.


Damon: An 800-pound primate? You wouldn't be talking about Victor Newman?

Dru: Oh, that's exactly who I'm talking about.

Damon: Call me naive, Dru, but it seems to me this is the way it always is. You put out your product. The other team puts out theirs. The public decides which one they like best. Sometimes they like them both, and everybody does okay.

Dru: That's very democratic. Maybe you've never been to the Kentucky Derby. You know, there's only one winner, and Victor Newman is a winner-take-all kind of guy. He knows nothing of second place.

Damon: I see. I'd better get down to the lab.

Dru: So, uh... I'll keep you posted?

Damon: On what?

Dru: On what happens with Victor Newman.

Damon: It's okay.

Dru: Well, don't you want to be kept up to speed?

Damon: Well, do I need to be?

Dru: Well, yeah, you know, you're a member of the company now, interim director of the R&D department, mm-hmm.

Damon: Yeah, but I work in the lab. That's the only area that concerns me.

Dru: Listen; do you recall when Jack and I interviewed you? And we told you that this was a company that's run by a family, which means we all have a stake in it.

Damon: And I said I would take a cut in pay up front with money on the back end if everything worked out. Now I believe that makes me a stakeholder, Dru, but in the lab--

Dru: My point exactly, Damon Porter. If we go under, there will be no lab here at Jabot, and that's exactly what Victor Newman wants-- us dead and buried.


Nikki: "A quarter of the principal amount repaid now and then a third again in each of three quarterly payments. Interest to be paid on the outstanding balance at the rate of..." this is insanity.

Jack: Read on. He's not going to get interest rates like that anywhere else without a mask and a gun.

Nikki: Jack, that's beside the point. I mean, you're dictating to Victor Newman. You're shoving this down his throat. In what universe do you think this is going to fly?

Brad: Nikki, the man wants his money back.

Nikki: Yeah, and he'll gladly take Jabot Cosmetics as payment.

Brad: Jabot is not in play. The man has two options of recourse. One--he grins and bears it.

Jack: And bearing it is not so difficult. Look at the terms again.

Nikki: You are dreaming.

Brad: Or he fights us, which means he takes us to court, spends a lot of money on lawyers and in, say, oh, about a year or so, the case finally goes to trial, at which point we should just about be making our last payment.

Jack: And how do you get a judge to get his robes in a bundle about Victor making a deal like that?

Nikki: I see what's happened here. You two have been talking to each other about this and taking little jabs at Victor and convinced yourselves that you're just clever little devils, and in the meantime, you've totally lost touch with reality.

Jack: Well, gee, now there's a vote of confidence.

Nikki: Hey, I have $35 million sunk in this company, damn it!

Brad: So do I, Nikki.

Jack: I can top both of you. I've got every fiber of my being invested in this company. What is this? Who's got the most at stake? We're all in this together, Nik.

Nikki: Well, then I say we borrow the money elsewhere and pay him. I always thought that was the plan to begin with.

Jack: Well, things got a little sticky. The people we were talking to became loan sharks in tall office buildings. I thought this would give us a little breathing room.

Nikki: Yeah, but it's a fantasy! He's not going to go for this.

Brad: You know, Nikki, with that attitude, you may be better off not being at this meeting.

Jack: You know, he has a point, he has a point. We were hoping that you were going to be the stick.

Nikki: The what?

Jack: The stick.

Brad: You know the carrot and the stick? The money being the carrot--

Nikki: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You want me to look very pitiful and say, "Victor, darling, you wouldn't bankrupt your own wife would you?"

Jack: Well, I could write a better line for you than that, but, yeah.

Nikki: Forget it. I'm not gonna play that card.

Jack: Okay, fine. Then maybe you'd better stay-- as a matter of fact, please stay out of this. This is a good plan. It will work.

Brad: All right, listen. You know what? Victor's going to make a lot of noise, but at the end of the day, this is all about the money. And the fact is, financially this makes sense for everyone concerned.

Victor: I'm very glad to hear that, Brad. But why do I get the feeling this is another pitiful attempt at tilting the playing field in your direction?


Paul: Here you go.

Chris: Thanks.

Paul: Drink some of that. You all right?

Chris: Does it look like I'm all right?

Paul: Look, don't let what Baldwin did get to you. It was a bonehead move, unnecessary.

Chris: Michael didn't think so.

Paul: That's because that's the kind of guy he is. He would resort to violence. That's the way his mind works. He sees a little fish blood and, bam, he thinks murder one. Never mind that you would never, not in a million years, be capable of something like that.

Chris: So you think he overreacted, huh?

Paul: I know he did. He even admitted it. Look, you don't need protecting. You didn't do anything.

Chris: You're not exactly a neutral party, either.

Paul: Oh, come on, Chris. I know you better than anyone. You know what? The fact is--

Chris: I'll tell you what the fact is. The fact is I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that keeps getting bigger and bigger. And I think maybe it's time we face the fact that I could have done this.


Diane: Detective, I really think you better leave.

Hank: Mrs. Abbott?

Diane: This isn't up to her. It's my suite. Phyllis, don't answer him.

Phyllis: Diane, it's enough.

Diane: Excuse me?

Phyllis: Okay, don't tell me what to do. Okay?

Diane: Right, because you have such stellar judgment.

Phyllis: Okay, listen, don't--

Hank: Look, you two ladies can go at each other some other time. Right now I need answers.

Phyllis: Okay, about what, Detective--Michael? I mean, shouldn't you be looking for a corpse or trying to find Isabella?

Hank: That's exactly what I'm doing.

Phyllis: How, by focusing on the attorney of one of your suspects? Or, I don't know, is Michael a suspect now for some reason? Listen, let's say for the sake of argument that Michael got a little overzealous, okay?

Diane: Phyllis--

Phyllis: Would you be willing to let it slide if the case gets closed and you got a big gold star from the mayor?

Hank: Look, I can't be specific without knowing more details. However, those who cooperate with the authorities always do better than those who don’t.

Phyllis: Oh... (blows raspberry)

Hank: So do you have any information you would like to share about the man's involvement?

Diane: That's it. This discussion is over. I would like you to leave, Detective, right now.

Michael: Oh, hey...

Michael: It looks like I've come at a bad time.


Damon: You keep saying that you don't want me to be concerned with Jabot's finances, but you very obviously do.

Dru: No, I'm just saying you're here. I'm here. I'm just, you know, talking to you about stuff.

Damon: Uh-huh. You're scared.

Dru: Not scared, just a little bit nervous maybe. You know, if something happens to this company, you remain a hot, sought-after chemist. I, on the other hand, become A.S.I.-- Almost someone important-- for a company that almost made it. That would be me.

Damon: That's a very pessimistic perspective, Dru.

Dru: No, see, you don't know the whole story. You see, I happen to know that Jack and Brad are sweating bullets right now.

Damon: And it has something to do with Victor Newman?

Dru: I hate that snake. He's too much. He's too much.

Damon: Oh, come on, Dru! You're our spokesperson. How you going to do your job, you're carrying around all these negative feelings?

Dru: You would be negative if you were me, too.

Damon: Darling, I'm a chemist. I didn't sign on with Jabot to help fight any wars with Victor Newman, or anybody else for that matter. I do my job. I do it well. I'm not interested in playing politics. It ain't no fun. Therefore, I stay clear of it, all the way clear.

Dru: That is so nice; you know that you have that kind of control.

Damon: Isn't it?

Dru: Mmm.

Damon: We finished?

Dru: Yeah.

Damon: Okay. Keep your spirits up. Eyes on the prize and whatnot, okay?


Victor: You know what you can do with this, don't you? In deference to the lady, I'm not gonna spell it out.

Brad: Victor, there's nothing unreasonable about that contract--

Victor: This is unacceptable.

Jack: It's the only offer on the table right now, Victor.

Victor: If you had made me an offer and I turned it down, that's one thing, but for you to present this as an ultimatum leads me to the conclusion that you're out of your mind. Are you proud of this?

Nikki: I think you should at least consider it.

Victor: I have, and I've rejected it.

Nikki: Have you rejected it because the terms are bad?

Victor: They're not only bad, but they're absurd.


Hank: Mr. Baldwin, interesting seeing you here.

Michael: What's going on?

Diane: Detective Weber is on a fishing expedition. He wants Phyllis and me to tell tales how we somehow think you are mishandling Christine’s case.

Michael: Hmm, any particular reason you are pursuing that here?

Phyllis: Listen, Michael, he's actually watching out for you. He's afraid you're going to do something you'll regret.

Diane: Oh, honey, if you believe that...

Michael: Detective?

Hank: Well, Michael, you were observed having an animated conversation with Mrs. Abbott at a local coffeehouse. I tracked you down here as part of my investigation.

Michael: "Observed?" In other words, you're having me tailed?

Hank: Just being thorough.

Michael: That's one word for it.

Phyllis: Michael, look, when it comes to Christine, we all know that maybe--

Michael: Oh, Phyllis, don't you have somewhere you're supposed to be?

Phyllis: Thanks for reminding me.

Hank: Mrs. Abbott, you and I are not done yet, ma'am.

Phyllis: Well, I'm leaving, unless you want to cuff me.

Hank: I'll be in touch.


Chris: Paul, I'm a lawyer. I can't just ignore the facts. I can’t.

Paul: Chris, they are not facts. The so-called evidence-- it's all circumstantial-- every last bit.

Chris: Then why am I panicking inside?

Paul: You don't have to.

Chris: I could have done it. I could have.

Paul: Okay, you want me to put your mind at ease? You come and sit down, and we will go over these facts one by one.

Chris: I attacked Isabella that one time. I strangled her. Doesn't that prove that I'm capable of violence?

Paul: You were provoked. You were provoked. You lost your temper. You stopped almost immediately. Isabella wasn't hurt. You were just sending her a message, and I think the fact that it has weighed on you so heavily-- it's confirmation that you are not a violent person.

Chris: But that chunk of time that I lost-- I could have been walking around in that fugue state, or whatever. I could have--

Paul: You know what you are doing now? You're just speculating. That's all.

Chris: We can't rule it out.

Paul: And you can't hang a murder case on it, either.

Chris: I have no alibi, no recollection.

Paul: Chris, for all you know, you slept through the whole thing.

Chris: Well, obviously, I didn’t. I woke up by Lake Michigan . I was out of my car for at least part of the time. I was near a boat with blood.

Paul: And you know what? There is absolutely no connection between you, the boat and the fish blood.

Chris: If that's what it was.

Paul: Well, it makes more sense than anything else.

Chris: Now Isabella’s missing. There was blood in her apartment. There was blood in the boat.

Paul: And there's not one damn thing to tie you to either one!

Chris: But there were scratches on my arms, and I had blood on my hand.

Paul: Look, you know, you haven't been arrested. No charges have been filed, and Detective Weber-- you know, for all his investigating, he doesn't have anything. He doesn't have a case, not with you. Chris, listen to me. Sweetheart, I know you right down to your soul. And I'm telling you with a perfectly clear head, there's no way you could've done what you're worried about. It's just not in you. Are you hearing me? Good, 'cause I think you would agree with me if you weren't so tired. You need--you need to rest.

Chris: I know. All right. What did you do with those sedatives that you didn't take earlier?

Paul: Okay. Come here.

Chris: You have so much faith in me.

Paul: Always, never doubt that.

Chris: How can I thank you?

Paul: By getting some sleep. It's going to look better when you get some sleep. Think you can sleep now? Okay.

Paul: Come on.

Chris: Okay.

Paul: Think of pleasant things.

Chris: Okay.

Paul: Can I get you anything?

Chris: Thanks.


Victoria : So there you have it. Our new product, Safra, is ready to go as soon as we get the green light. I'm very confident in this product. I think it's going to make a huge impact on the cosmetics industry. Well, don't tear the walls down with your enthusiasm.

Nick: You did a good job.

Victoria : Thanks.

Nick: I'm serious. It's a good campaign. You're all ready to go.

Victoria : So are you going to mess with my budget, nickel and dime me?

Nick: Nope. If Dad says he's cool with the expenditures, then I'm on board.

Victoria : Hmm, wonders never cease.

Neil I got to tell you, Victor sure seemed confident.

Victoria : Yeah, he did, didn't he?

Neil: I wonder what all that was about.

Victoria : I don't know. Any ideas, Nicholas?

Nick: No, but he is definitely up to something.

Phyllis: Hey! What did I miss?

Victoria : Oh, nothing, just the entire presentation.

Phyllis: Well, sorry, I was unavoidably detained, and, no, I don't want to talk about it.


Brad: As I said, Victor, there is nothing unreasonable about that contract.

Victor: You're wasting my time.

Jack: We're trying to pay you back your precious money-- at terms that any reasonable person would find acceptable.

Victor: And now you're insulting me.

Jack: Oh, I think you and I got way beyond insults long time ago.

Nikki: I think what Jack is trying to say-- well, let me just ask you-- are you rejecting this offer for personal reasons? Because it really does seem like a reasonable repayment plan.

Victor: Honey, would you kindly stay out of this conversation?

Nikki: Excuse me? I'm an officer of Jabot. I have a great deal at stake in this company.

Victor: And that doesn't concern me at the moment. What concerns me is that you, Jack, owe me a lot of money, and I want you to pay it back under the terms mutually agreed upon.

Brad: Terms that were worked out in a different environment, Victor, in a different context. You know damn well that adjustments need to be made when circumstances change. You don't hold someone to an unreasonable contract simply because there's a signature on it.

Victor: And you're wrong about that. I can and I will do it. The law allows it. In fact, the law insists on it.

Brad: I don't think the law is as rigid as you'd like to think it is. We're being reasonable. You're being unreasonable. A judge just might take that into consideration.

Victor: In other words, what you're saying is that unless I agree to your ultimatum, I might as well take you to court. Is that it?

Jack: In a word... yes.


Phyllis: Well, don't all say hi at once.

Victoria : I don't really know why you're here, Phyllis. The presentation is over.

Phyllis: Oh, wow, look! Look at this. Oh, you went with "Safra." Good choice. I like that one. This is terrific. It's emotive. It's intriguing. This'll be good. I'm excited.

Neil: I like that--"emotive." That's a good word. Your enthusiasm is great.

Phyllis: Thank you. Well, why wouldn't I be enthusiastic? I mean, it's a great product. It's a great new name, and we have fabulous art, thanks to victoria. So I'll do a lot with this line. The orders will be coming in so fast, it'll make the department stores take notice, and we'll have new product on the shelves in no time.

Nick: Wow, Phyllis, it sounds like you could run this company almost single-handedly.

Phyllis: Where's that coming from?

Victoria : Oh, don't pay any attention to him. He's treating everyone like that these days.

Phyllis: Okay, well, um, what were you guys talking about when I arrived?

Nick: Why?

Phyllis: I'm just curious, Nick. I happen to work here, too. You were talking about Victor-- how he's up to something.

Neil: Yeah, Phyllis, it's just something that he said. I've heard it before, but tonight he said it with this kind of conviction.

Nick: Yeah, he's so confident. He's not leaving anything to chance.

Phyllis: He said that?

Victoria :: Those were his words.

Phyllis: Interesting.

Neil: What's interesting?

Phyllis: Well, you all know that Victor hired Michael Baldwin, right?

Nick: What?! Dad hates that guy!

Phyllis: Yes, he does. So why would the great Victor Newman hire the master of dirty tricks? Ideas, anyone?


Hank: You know, Ms. Jenkins, stonewalling me isn't the way to get justice for your friend Isabella. At least, that's what you've claimed is your sole motivation for injecting yourself into this investigation.

Diane: I don't have any other agenda, Detective, believe me. I also don't have any information about Michael that's going to help your case.

Hank: Mind if I speak privately to him, or do we need to go somewhere else?

Diane: Fine. But you're wasting your time if you think he'd do anything unethical to save Christine.

Hank: You got a lot of friends in this town.

Michael: Yes, I do.

Hank: Well, it'd be a shame if all they got in return for their loyalty was a world of trouble.


Victor: Well, I suggest you be prepared to pay a lot of money to your lawyers, because I will sue you.

Brad: Compared to what's at stake, Victor, it's just a drop in the bucket.

Jack: Look, by the time you get this in front of a judge, you'll be paid, or very nearly so, and... How do you sue for repayment of something that you've already been paid on?

Victor: We'll let the judge decide that. If you think I'm going to take this lying down, you're seriously deluded.

Jack: Standing up, lying down-- it doesn't much matter to us.

Victor: What will, Jack? Because what it says loud and clear is that Jabot Cosmetics cannot meet its financial debts. And very soon, this will become public knowledge, very soon. Then all of your suppliers and your distributors and the stores that sell your products and the employees will have serious doubts about your ability to meet your financial obligations. And I don't need to spell out to any of you what the implications are for your business when that happens.

Nikki: Victor, will you please reconsider?

Victor: Now you pay back the money you owe me by tomorrow morning. If you don't, you, and only you, are responsible for the consequences.


Michael: "World of trouble." You're flirting with that yourself-- putting half the police force on surveillance duty.

Hank: I'm just trying to solve my case, Michael, no more, less.

Michael: Don't you think you're being a tad bit overzealous?

Hank: Well, it paid off-- running into Christine out at Lake Michigan earlier.

Michael: My client had a very distressing experience-- waking up in her car and not remembering how she got there.

Hank: So she went back out to the scene looking for answers.

Michael: I can tell by your tone you don't believe that was her true intent. Good luck proving that.

Hank: You know, luck's a wonderful thing, Mr. Baldwin, but I know better than to count on it. There's an evidence team up at mile marker 18 as we speak. You know, Christine must be quite a woman to have two men so protective of her. In your case, a man with a career at stake, it would be pretty devastating losing it a second time, yeah?

Michael: You really think you can keep threatening me with impunity?

Hank: What I think is... time's running out for you, Mr. Baldwin. Now are you sure there's nothing you want to tell me?

Hank: Okay. Have a good day, Mr. Baldwin.

Michael: Good lord, I hope that wasn't you, Christine. I just hope it wasn't you.


Isabella: Christine, no! No!



No, Christine!

Don't hurt me again!

Don't hurt me again, Christine!

No, don't hurt! ME!

Chris: (Gasping)

Chris: What have I done?

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