Y&R Transcript Monday
7/14/03--Canada; Tuesday 7/15/03--USA
Proofread by Emma
Lily: "You say you're sorry. I know you're not really. But you will be."
Colleen: What the...?
Sierra: What is that supposed to mean?
Colleen: I'm not sure, but that sounds like a threat to me.
Lily: A threat? Come on, colleen. Give me a break.
Colleen: Okay, well, what would you call it?
Lily: He's upset that I stood him up. I would be, too. Look, "I'm really sorry about this afternoon."
Lily: "Yeah, you already said that." Look, "something came up."
Colleen: "Sure it did"? Jeez, what a jerk.
Lily: "Give me another chance."
Colleen: Another chance? Lily, what are you doing?
Lily: What? I want to get together with him.
Colleen: Why?
Sierra: Lily, the guy is w-e-I-r-D. Blow him off.
Lily: No, stop! God, what is with you guys? Before you were saying, "oh,Lily, go for it," and now you act like he's some kind of serial killer. Chill out.
Colleen: We don't know what he is.
Lily: Look, can we just talk about this later? (Sighs) great. See, now he's not even answering.
Lily: "Fish, are you still there?"
Bobby: All right, I'll be right back. Kev, what do you got for me?
Kevin: Bobby, hey.
Bobby: Finish the invoices?
Yeah, they're right here, all set for you to sign. Uh, I got a quote from the
distributor in
Bobby: You've got to be kidding me.
Kevin: The shirt?
What, you win a trip to
Kevin: No. I just thought I thought I'd wear it today.
Bobby: You did?
Kevin: If you don't want me to, I won't wear it again.
Bobby: (Sighs) I didn't say I didn't like it. I'm just not used to seeing my bookkeeper dressed so laid-back. Hmm. I'm used to seeing you in a suit and tie.
Kevin: Anyway, um, about the distributor-- he needs to know if you're going to take him up on the offer to--
Bobby: You know, later with that, Kev. I got other things on my mind right now.
Kevin: Sure. (Computer beeps)
Neil: Well, that was a bust, wasn't it?
Dru: Yeah, but I'm not surprised.
Neil: Really?
Dru: Neil, how many times has she told us that she doesn't think that we should get married again?
Neil: Yeah, but didn't you think that she would just get all caught up in the excitement of it all, to see how happy it's making us?
Dru: She's a teenager, Neil. Trust me, she's not all that concerned about our happiness. She is concerned about getting involved in our conflict. It was awhile ago since we got divorced, but it really hurt her. I don't know what to do anymore.
Neil: Well, baby, I'll tell you what we do. We don't get pessimistic, that's what. We can deal with this.
Dru: Neil, I really want her there when we say our vows.
Neil: We've got time. She's a good kid. She's smart. We just got to have faith that she's going to come around, all right?
Jill: Yes? Oh, Billy! Oh, my goodness. What are you doing here?
Billy: I came to see you. Sounds like nows not a good time, though.
Jill: Are you kidding? It's always a good time to see my son. Besides, I really need to see a friendly face. You know, I look at these people that Katherine surrounds herself with, and I think no wonder the poor woman had a stroke.
Billy: Uh, mom, there's, um, no easy way to tell you this. I'm leaving town.
You know, I stopped by the boutique today,
Anita: You. You know, it was a little more than embarrassing to find out from Lauren Fenmore that my daughter no longer works there.
Frederick: You know, young lady, I don't know where you're getting this attitude from, but what I do know is you have a lot of expenses to be walking away from a good job.
Wes: Wow.
Olivia: Wow is right. Wes: I think you've been holding out on me, lady.
Olivia: Moi?
Wes: Oh, now you want to get shy. Just a minute ago you were going buck wild--
Olivia: Hey, hey, hey. Don't knock it. It means I'm starting to trust you.
Wes: What? What, that I won't stomp on your heart the minute you let your guard down?
Olivia: It's happened before.
Wes: Not with me. In fact, with me, that's the last thing you need to worry about.
Olivia: And why is that?
Wes: Because I just can't seem to get enough of you these days. Olivia: (Chuckles) (moans)
Wes: (Sighs)
Olivia: (Chuckles)
Wes: You know what I'm thinking?
Olivia: No, I don't know what you're thinking.
Wes: I'm thinking that when a man feels the way I'm feeling, there's only one thing to do about it.
Olivia: Uh-huh?
Wes: Make an honest woman out of you.
Raul: Hey, come on in.
J.T.: So what's the big emergency?
Raul: No emergency.
J.T.: Figured there had to be for you to call me up and invite me over here.
Raul: It's a first, all right. Can I get you a soda or anything?
J.T.: Uh, yeah, sure, I guess water.
J.T.: It's kind of weird.
Raul: What's that?
J.T.: Mac and Billy.
Raul: Yeah, tell me about it.
J.T.: I feel really bad for those two, especially Mac.
Raul: Yeah, you know, they're actually the reason that I wanted to see you.
J.T.: Why's that?
Raul: Billy and Mac-- you know, we all used to live here together, and, um, well, even now with her new job, Brittany and I know that there's no way we can swing a 3-bedroom apartment, so... we're looking for a new roommate.
J.T.: Wait, you mean me?
Raul: Yeah.
Anita: You got another job?
Anita: Doing what?
Anita: Sweetheart, I didn't say that. I'm just curious, that's all.
Anita: Singing? Really?
Anita: Sweetheart, this is not an interrogation.
Dru: Oh, man, come on. After what Lily just got finished saying, you expect her to turn the corner on us getting married?
Neil: Wait a minute. I'm not talking about just her. It's up to us. We have to regain that little girl's trust.
Dru: Her mind is made up. She doesn't care that things are going to be different. She's holding on to the past, and you know it.
Neil: You know what Wesley said?
Dru: What?
Neil: He thinks that we should put lily into therapy.
Dru: What? Are you serious? And--and you agree with that?
Neil: Let's just say I'm open to the idea, you know? Not that I want to let Wesley know that. I think we should see what we can accomplish on our own first. Most important is that that girl sees how cool we are, you know what I mean?
Dru: What--you know what? Maybe Wes is right. We should do the family therapy thing, fine.
Neil: Whoa, whoa. You'd go along with it?
Dru: If it'll help, yeah.
Neil: I say we give good old-fashioned serious parenting a try first.
Dru: Isn't that what we're doing? I think we're good parents. You know what? I can think of something else that might help.
Neil: What's that?
Dru: Postpone the wedding.
Neil: Well, hey, now...
Lily: I don't get it. Why isn't he answering?
Colleen: Did he log off?
Lily: No, he's still there.
Sierra: He's thinking. I don't like it.
Colleen: Yeah, maybe the phone rang or something.
Lily: He's gone.
Colleen: You know, why don't we all go get some coffee?
Lily: No, you guys-- you guys go ahead. I'll be right there.
Colleen: Well--
Lily: I said I'll be right there.
Colleen: Well, this is spooky.
Sierra: Yeah, she sure has it bad for the guy.
Colleen: Yeah, and she hasn't even met him.
Both: (Laughing)
Woman: Hey, Bobby.
Bobby: Ladies. Little late tonight, huh?
Woman: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Woman #2: Uh-huh.
Woman: Nice shirt, Kevin.
Kevin: Thanks.
Woman #2: Can I ask you a question, Kev?
Kin: Sure.
Woman #2: Uh, how come you've never asked Maureen out?
Kevin: You mean on a date?
Woman #2: Well, yeah. You think she's pretty, right?
Kevin: Yeah, I guess.
Woman: Yeah, and she's sending you all the right signals. She's hot. What's the problem?
Kevin: Uh...
Maureen: Quit giving him a hard time, okay?
Woman #2: Oh, come on. He doesn't mind, do ya, Kev?
Bobby: All right, that's enough, ladies. Come on, let's go. Come on, we got a show to do. Let's go. Out, out, out.
Maureen: Okay.
Bobby: Brenda, tonight. Let's go.
Brenda: (Laughs)
Jill: So did you come over here today so you could discuss this decision with me?
Billy: These past few days-- they've been the worst days of my life.
Jill: I'm sure they have.
Billy: Everything is so incredibly screwed up.
Jill: I know, baby. I'm so sorry.
Billy: No, mom, you don't know. I walk around in a fog. My whole life-- nothing makes sense, and when I think about how things went wrong, there you are, right in the middle of it.
Jill: Billy, you have to know that I didn't mean for things to be this way. God, if I could wave a magic wand and make it all right, I would.
Billy: But you can’t. Look, it isn't that I blame you.
Jill: Well, I hope you don't blame me. This is all Katherine’s doing, you know. I mean, like it or not, I am her daughter, and she threw me away like the garbage on the first day of my life. I'm just saying that I have a lot to deal with here, too, and it would make so much difference if you would stay, and we could help each other.
Jill: Please?
Raul: I don't think it's the worst idea in the world.
J.T.: Are you serious?
Raul: Yeah. Why not?
J.T.: Because you've hated me since kindergarten, that's why not.
Raul: I don't hate you. I've never had any use for you. Look, fine, we've been dealing with each other a lot better this year. You know we have.
J.T.: Still, though, roommates?
Raul: What aren't you the one who's always making all this noise about how you want to get your own place? Now's your chance, J.T.
J.T.: Look, I wouldn't call living with you and Brittany exactly having my own place.
Raul: Cool space we got here. You got your pick between Mac or Billy’s old bedroom. Parking's included, and heat and water. Come on, man. We can divvy up the rent three ways until we get a fourth. What do you say? Come on, the apartment's great. You're right down the street from the campus and the boutique.
J.T.: I don't know, man. I'm really going to have to think about this one.
Raul: Dude, what is there to think about? Come on, you can't tell me that you're not interested. It could work out for all of us.
J.T.: Tell you what. You do all my laundry, you keep that fridge stocked full of good food and drinks, I might consider it.
Raul: All right, forget it. It's a bad idea. You know what? The only reason I gave you first crack at this is because I'd rather have you living here than some stranger.
J.T.: Take e easy, all right? I actually think it's a good idea.
Raul: Of course you couldn't just come right out and say this, right? You had to be a comedian.
Hey, you know me. Better get used to it. So you haven't mentioned anything about
Raul: Yeah, she will be.
J.T.: You haven't mentioned it to her yet? Raul, come on.
Raul: She knows we can't afford this place on our own.
J.T.: She'd like to, though.
Raul: It ain't going to happen.
J.T.: What were you saying about this new job?
J.T.: What, the one she turned down? She said something about it a few days ago.
Raul: I don't know. It's at some club?
J.T.: Yeah. It pays a lot, right?
Well, yeah, I know that's how
J.T.: Why not?
Raul: You know, I already told you what I think about this.
J.T.: Yeah, but you don't know. She hasn't given you the details yet.
Would you forget about
J.T.: Well, that depends.
Dude, it's going to be fine, I'm telling you. Sure,
Olivia: Oh, you do like to live dangerously, don't you?
Wes: Do I?
Olivia: (Giggles) and what if I'd taken you up on your offer, huh?
Wes: We would be shopping for rings.
Olivia: Oh, Wesley. Come on. Stop teasing. You're teasing, right?
Wes: Not even a little bit, sweetheart.
Olivia: You want to marry me?
Wes: Yeah.
Olivia: Like preacher, rice, honeymoon--
Wes: Jumping the broom, the whole 9 yards, yes.
Olivia: Oh, god, I...
Wes: Oh, wait a minute.
Olivia: I don't know, honey.
Wes: No, don't even say this is too soon.
Olivia: What do you mean? It is, it is.
Wes: Are you that oblivious? I mean, is it possible that you don't realize I worship the ground you walk on?
Olivia: I just think that-- I just think you've never hinted.
Wes: That I was thinking along these lines?
Olivia: Well, yeah.
Wes: Well, I just realized myself.
Olivia: Oh, really? Well, what if you realize in the morning, "oh, my God. What have I done?"
Wes: Or you could wake up in the morning and say, "oh, my God. Why didn't I grab that terrific guy when I had the chance?"
Olivia: Wait a sec. You don't want an answer right now, do you?
Wes: No, of course not.
Olivia: Well, okay. That's a relief. I'll give you 48 hours.
Olivia: Really? Is that all?
Wes: Hey, either it feels right or it doesn’t.
Olivia: I just-- I can't believe this.
Wes: Live... I'm a man who follows his instincts, and right now it is telling me you're the one for me. Please, just promise me that you'll think about it.
Olivia: Oh, believe me... I won't be thinking of anything else.
Wes: And in the meantime...
Raul: How'd it go with your folks?
Raul: Listen, I'm glad you're here. J.T. And I--we were talking about something--
J.T.: You know, if she's going to be running around like this, she may not even realize I'm in the next bedroom.
Raul: So you're saying you're going to do it?
Raul: Wait two seconds, please. I got to talk to you about something.
Raul: It's about our situation here.
J.T.: Raul asked me to move in. I mean, if that's all right with you.
Raul: I'm asking you now.
Raul: ...About a lot of money.
J.T.: Good talking to ya.
Bobby: All right. These are done. You got anything else?
Kevin: That's it.
Bobby: All right, I got to get back out there. Listen, uh, Kev, want some advice?
Kevin: About what?
Bobby: About women. I just saw how uncomfortable you were with Maureen and Brenda just now. Why is that?
Kevin: They're strippers. Who wants to get to know 'em, right?
Bobby: Come on, they're working women, just trying to make ends meet, just le e everybody else. Come on, I don't think career is the issue here, is it? Look, Kev, you're a good-looking guy. You could afford to lose those glasses. You definitely got to spruce up your wardrobe. You are into women, aren't you?
Kevin: Sure.
Bobby: No, Kev, no, it's all right if you're not. I understand--
Kevin: No, I am.
Bobby: Then why you act so goofy around them?
Kevin: Goofy?
Bobby: Yeah, you're goofy, nervous. Let me tell you something, Kev. I know what I'm talking about. I mean, women-- yeah, they got some power over us, 'cause they got something we want, but they're people. They're just people.
Kevin: Sure, bobby.
Bobby: All right, you get out there and you knock 'em dead. 'Cause I want everybody here having fun, including you, all right?
Colleen: Thanks, Trev. Here you go.
Lily: Thanks.
Colleen: So any luck?
Lily: No. (Sighs) god, if only my mom and dad hadn't shown up, and I could've talked to him, and none of this would have happened.
Colleen: You know, sierra and I were thinking about going to see a movie.
Sierra: Yeah, come with us.
Lily: No, I'm going to stay here.
Colleen: You're not going to go online again, are you? Lily?
Lily: What is the big deal?
Colleen: I just don't get it. You are fixated on this guy, and you even said yourself he's too old, and your parents would never go for it.
Lily: Well, we could make it work.
Sierra: Make it work? Lily, make what work? You don't even know him. This guy is a complete stranger.
Lily: Okay, you guys, just stop. I don't have it all figured out yet. Yes, I know, but what I do know is that this is the one guy who's paid me any attention since I moved here, and he's not a stranger, sierra. I've been chatting online with him for months. I mean, he's the one guy who actually finds me interesting. You know, me--imagine that.
Colleen: You are interesting. You are an amazing person. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Chatting with a guy online is completely different than a relationship, Lil.
Sierra: You'll find someone, just not this guy. He's a creep and a jerk, and he does not deserve you.
Lily: What, 'cause he got mad that I stood him up? You know, maybe he thinks that I'm the jerk. Look, I appreciate your concern, both of you, but I can take care of myself.
Neil: Is that what you want-- to postpone this wedding?
Dru: You know that's not what I want. I want our daughter with us, Neil--I mean, really with us.
Neil: And what if she isn't? We can't get married?
Dru: You don't want her at the wedding?
Neil: Of course I want her at the--I'm just recognizing that she's a teenager with a mind of her own.
Dru: Yeah, well, I did teach her to be an independent thinker.
Neil: Translation-- stubborn and cynical.
Dru: Sweet. She is a sweet girl. It's just that she's temporarily alienated herself from us.
Neil: You know, that's because she believes we're locked into the past. Baby, I want to prove this girl wrong.
Dru: It's going to take time.
Neil: No. No, I do not want to postpone the wedding. We'll be on our best behavior. We'll hang around her a lot so that she can see that we are cool like that, okay? We'll prove that this isn't some retread of last time, that it's a whole new life that we're waiting to share, you know what I mean?
Dru: You can be a very persuasive man.
Neil: You're easy. It's Lily I have to persuade. God
(sultry jazz music playing)
Bobby: Well, well, well. Look who's here.
Bobby: I was afraid you weren't going to show up.
Bobby: Girl of her word. That's good.
Bobby: She's dynamite, huh?
Bobby: Maureen. She's one of my best. See the way she's working the room? She makes every guy feel like she's dancing just for them. That's what it's all about.
Bobby: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You told me that this place needs a different kind of girl who doesn't take her clothes off.
Bobby: Honey, it's a free country. You don't have to strip if you don't want to. I don't have to hire you if I don't want to, either. It's fair and square all the way around.
J.T.: As much fun as this has been, I think I got to get out of here.
Raul: Look, go home, grab a load y your stuff and come back.
Yeah, and have
Raul: She'll come around, okay?
J.T.: Yeah, right, man.
Raul: I guarantee you. Look, once she realizes her new paycheck isn't going to be anywhere near as big as she thinks it's going to--
J.T.: What kind of job is this? What is she doing?
Raul: Singing.
J.T.: Singing?
Raul: Yes, singing.
Raul: I guess so.
J.T.: You're kidding me. Are you serious?
Raul: Whatever, man. That-that's the job, okay? I bet she ends up hostessing or something. Look, she's going to be damn glad I got you in here when I did.
J.T.: Wait, wait, wait, you're acting like this is a done deal.
Raul: Isn't it? Come on, man. I thought you said you were interested.
J.T.: Did you miss the part where your girlfriend was, like, "absolutely not"?
J.T.: Oh, I'm supposed to just wear a flak jacket around here until she figures it out?
Look, I will handle
J.T.: Yeah, what the hell? If she gives me any trouble, I'll just go down and heckle her while she's singing.
Raul: Awesome.
J.T.: All right.
Raul: Cool. I'll get you a key.
J.T.: All right.
Jill: Billy, why would you leave now? It makes no sense.
Billy: Nothing in my life makes sense, mom. That's why I have to go. I can't be here. I can't stand it.
Jill: Yeah, but this is so rash. You know, you need your family right now. You shouldn't be alone, darling. You should be around people who love you.
Billy: I can't do it, mom. I can't stay. Being near people doesn't matter. I've never felt more alone. There's nothing anyone can say that's going to change how I feel.
Billy: In this town, Mac is everywhere. At the loft, I think of her. At school, I think of her. I-I see her face at the park, at campus, at the coffeehouse. I hear her voice tell me she loves me and that she wants me. Don't you get it? I-I have to put those memories behind me. They're killing me, mom.
Jill: Oh, my baby. I understand, and I wish you would stay, but I know you won’t.
Billy: I wish I could... but I can’t.
Jill: I know. Okay, but will you at least tell me where you're going to go?
Billy: I don't know. I'm just going to hit the road and see where it takes me.
Jill: Oh, great, that's very reassuring for a mother.
Billy: I'll call. I'll let you know where I am.
Jill: Darling, I'm going to miss you so horribly.
Billy: I love you, mom.
Jill: In spite of everything?
Billy: Well, you're my mom, and nothing's ever going to change that, and I wouldn't want it to.
Jill: You are the most wonderful son. I don't deserve you.
Billy: Sure you do.
Billy: Take care of yourself and Katherine... my grandma. I hope she gets better. When I call, I'm going to want a report.
Jill: You be safe.
Billy: Always.
Jill: Billy... I love you.
Billy: I know you do, mom.
Lily: "Fisherman, please, say somethin"
Lily: Yes. Finally. Okay, um, "hi, I want to explain what happened this afternoon."
Lily: "Would you still like to get together?" Yeah. "Yes."
Lily: "I'd like that, too." "Cool. Where should we meet?"
Lily: "My apartment. Tonight."
(Sultry jazz music playing)
Man: Oh, yeah. Baby, baby.
Bobby: So are you.
Bobby: Of course you won’t.
Bobby: In the back. Your outfit's hanging up.
Bobby: Mm-hmm. Go try it on. I picked it out.
Bobby: You did?
Bobby: That depends. I'd have to see it on you first.
Bobby: Sit down. Let me get something straight with you, kid. I like you, you're cute, but this is a business. I don't give my customers what they want, they go somewhere else. I'm doing you a huge favor by even letting you get on my stage.
Bobby: I hope you won’t. This is your one chance to prove yourself. One. So if you're interested in seeing any of that serious money, you better make the most of it.
Man: Yeah, all right.
Man: All right.
Man #2: (Whistles)
Crowd: (Applauds)
Next on "the young and the restless"...
Michael: There is no way Christine could have killed Isabella.
Phyllis: Who else thinks she did?
Lauren: Is she over you? Not a chance.
J.T.: Well, then what am I sup