Thursday Y&R Transcript 7/10/03

Y&R Transcript
Thursday 7/10/03--Canada; Friday 7/1103--USA

Provided By Eric

Sharon: Must I remind you, nikki, that this is my home? Now I'm going to give you one more chance. Go back outside and knock.

Nikki: Sharon, this isn't kindergarten.

Sharon: And it's too bad it isn't, becausyoyou really could use a lesson in following instructions, not to mention good manners.

Nikki: Really? And who would be the teacher, you? Let's see. I think I'd like my first lesson to be about child abandonment.

Sharon: Why must you harp on that? I know it was a mistake. I know I hurt the kids.

Nikki: You hurt this family, and I will not forget that. You're still hurting us.

Sharon: Oh, here we go again. "My evil daughter-in-law is wrecking my family."

Nikki: Go ahead, sharon. Bring it on. Just know that it's not going to work. I will not let you turn the people I love against me.

Sharon: I don't have to do that, nikki. You're doing a good enough job of it yourself.

Nikki: I know you'd like to believe that, but it simply isn't true. In fact, your actions are becoming more and more desperate.

Sharon: Oh, really? Meaning what, exactly?

Nikki: Telling little noah, that innocent little child, that there's something wrong with looking at pictures of me?

Sharon: Oh. Is that what this is about? I told noah he couldn't look at that picture. Well, you may not see anything wrong with it, nikki, but I really don't want my son looking at pictures of his grandmother as a stripper. He's still veryoung and impressionable, and that kind of tawdry influence is exactly what he doesn't need.

Victor: So I guess by looking at the report, you can see what situation we are in.

Victoria: We've dealt with problems like this before.

Victor: I don't think anything that serious.

Victoria: Dad, brash & sassy had its issues when it first started.

Victor: I had a discussion with your brother.

Victoria: Great.

Nick: Morning. Sorry I'm late.

Victor: Heavy traffic or what?

Nick: No, just had a little trouble getting started this morning

Victor: I see.

Victoria: Well, you seem to be upo o speed now.

Nick: Yeah, I'm cool.

Victoria: Are things good at home?

Nick: Yup. I wish things looked as good here.

Victor: Think about my offer. Get back to me soon, all rhtht? I have some pressing matters that need to be dealt with.

Michael: Victor? Do you really believe I'm the man to take care of these... pressing matters?

Victor: Michael baldwin,I came to you because you are smart, you're cunning and you're ruthless with opponents... and you've demonstrated that you can be bought, which makes you uniquely qualified. Get back to me soon.

Phyllis: Oh, no! Security! There's a madman in my office!

Michael: Hey, I'm not mad. I'm just a little crazy. Hey, you.

Phyllis: Hi.

Michael: How's it going?

Phyllis: Good. Life is good.

Michael: In any cas better than the alternative, eh?

Phyllis: Yes, that's right. You seem very happy.

Michael: Well, you know, I've always been a sucker for an intriguing proposal.

Phyllis: Oh. Who's propositioning you?

Michael: As a matter of fact, it's someone right here.

Phyllis: Someone here? We own every floor in this building. Someone at newman?

Michael: Funny you should mention the name. It was mr. Newman enterprises himself.

Phyllis: You and victor?

Michael: Mm-hmm. (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Okay. All right. There's a story here. I gotta hear this.

Sierra: Hey, colleen.

Colleen: Hey, sierra.

Sierra: I haven't talked to you in awhile. How's it going?

Colleen: It's going pretty good.

Sierra: Ever since J.T. Took you out foththat driving lesson?

Colleen: I got in so much trouble, but it was worth it. How did you know I was out with J.T.?

Sierra: Uh, lily told me. She was online earlier today.

Colleen: Yeah, well, she's online again. Big surprise. She's I.M.Ing that guy. You know, she's really into him. Any idea what he's like?

Sierra: He seemed okay, I guess--kind of funny, totally into lily.

Colleen: Well, maybe it's time to take this to the next level.

Sierra: What do you mean?

Colleen: I have an idea. Come on. Hello.

Lily: Hey.

Colleen: "Fisherman," huh? Yeah. Used to be "blingbling." He changed it. I think it's his last name-- fisher.

Colleen: Well, girls, let's go fishing.

Neil: Hey.

Dru: Hey. Short workday.

Neil: Actually, came back.

Dru: I can see that. For what?

Neil: Because I need to talk to you, dru.

Dru: Must be important.

Neil: Yeah, kind of. I stopped by to see your ex-boyfriend--

Dru: Uh-huh.

Neil: On the way into town.

Dru: Wesley?

Nei y yeah, unless you have another ex-boyfriend I don't know about.

Dru: Hey, don't be funny. So you came back to talk to me.

Neil: Yeah. That's because wesley and I, we just got through having a very bizarre, disturbing conversation about our daughter.

Dru: Our daughter?

Neil: Yeah. Don't get me wrong now. Wesley's cool, but when it comes to lily, I resent his interference. See, the doctor and I--we have two totally different ways of viewing how to raise a teenager. From where I sit, he's not helping. In fact, he's making things worse. Good afternoon. Here's some of hte stories we're working on for global news at six.Two high flying motorcyclists pay the price. They were rushed to hospital after they crash on groat road.A northside legion says its out thousands of dollars after the city puts the breaks on its parking plans.Thousands of alberta horses are being innoculated against west nile - but just how effective is the vaccine? We'll have the details tonight on global news at six.

[Music throughout] pirates of the caribbean hits the silver screen this week.

Dru: Well, why are you on wesley's case all of a sudden?

Neil: What are you talking about? It's not all of a sudden. You know, I haven't liked the guy's behavior for a long time now. Hey, listen, he didn't even tell me about the nose piercing, about the tattoo on the hip. He should have come to me.

Dru: Wait, wait, wait. That was my place to tell you. I did not tell you because I was afraid you would hit the roof.

Neil: Oh, well, drucilla, you know, the tattoo, the piercing, it's all just symptoms. It's lily's way of rebelling--

Dru: Symptoms?

Neil: Yes, it is, against our plans to remarry.

Dru: Symptoms, okay. So then how is that wes' fault?

Neil: By not telling me, he condones lily's behavior.

Dru: Oh, he does not. What, was he supposed to tattletale? Then she'd never trust him again.

Neil: The guy is just too busy being her buddy.

Dru: Well, she's gotta talk to somebody, right?

N neil: What is wrong with us?

Dru: We're her parents. That's different. It doesn't work, neil.

Neil: You know what? I wouldn't mind if she loses wesley's support altogether, because that way she'll accept our marriage sooner.

Dru: How is that supposed to go down? What, we keep wes from our daughter?

Neil: Hey, if he's part of the problem, maybe we should.

Lily: Colleen, you're not saying...

Colleen: Yeah. I mean, maybe it's time to see the face behind these words.

Sierra: You think? I mean, he seems okay, but what if he's a total creep?

Lily: He's not. Come on, how many weirdos have we busted since we started I.M.Ing? I mean, you can tell them from a mile off.

Colleen: I know-- once they start talking about what you wearing and if you like x-rated movies.

Sierra: Really. So are you sure he's a local?

Lily: Well, he was in a local chat room. Besides, you can't fake knowing all about genoa city. You either do or you don'T.

Colleen: You guys, I'm sure he's fine, but, sweetie, you have to be careful. I have a plan to cover that, but you have to tell me-- you do want to see him, don't you?

Lily: Wait, hang on. He's I.M.Ing me. Okay. I'm telling him be right back, and I'm putting on my away message. Okay. So do I want to meet him? Um, that's not how it works.

Colleen: Says who?

Lily: Says me. We set times to get together and I.M. We talk. It's fine.

Sierra: And you just want to leave it like that?

Lily: Well, getting together in person, that's just never come up.

Colleen: Okay, so you're telling me that you'd rather I.M. This guy than have an actual, live conversation? I mean, don't you want to see what he looks like? You must be curious.

Lily: Okay. Part of me wants to, but I just...

Colleen: But what? Gosh, you are always complaining how you never meet anyone cool. Now here's a guy who's interested in you, and you're interested in him.

Lily: I don't know if he's really interested.

Colleen: Come on. Guys don't spend hours talking to someone they don't like.

Lily: Well, if he likes me so much, then why hasn't he asked me out?

Sierra: Maybe he's shy.

Colleen: Yeah.

Lily: I don't want to be one of those girls that has to ask guys out. It's weird.

Colleen: Oh, my gosh. We're in the 21st century, honey. Get over it, and if that's the only thing that's holding you back, then that's just dumb.

Lily: Okay, genius...

Colleen: Okay.

Lily: Well, then, if you were me, what would you do?

Colleen: If I were you, I would tell him to meet me as soon as possible.

Nikki: How dare you demean my influence on noah's life?

Sharon: That picture is inappropriate for children. It is racy. It's provocative, and if you ask me, it's more than a little disgusting. I mean, who wants to see their mother, much less their grandmother, dressed like that?

Nikkiththere is nothing about that picture to be ashamed of. It's part of my history.

Sharon: Well, noah is a little boy, and pictures like that raise questions.

Nikki: And seeing his mother prance around the pool half-naked doesn't?

Sharon: Oh, now that is an exaggeration as usual. I was wearing a bikini...

Nikki: (Sighs)

Sharon: Not some outrageous garb to sexually entice hordes of men. There is a difference, and you know it.

Nikki: Mm-hmm. What I know is that your morals are conveniently flexible.

Sharon: That's not true.

Nikki: Really? Why don't we ask nicholas?

Sharon: I messed up one time.

Nikki: I think it was more than once.

Sharon: Well, nicholas has forgiven me.

Nikki: God, you are so damn confident.

Sharon: And why shouldn't I be?Oh, did I mention that my husband asked me to host the gala for the genoa city arts council?

Nikki: Yeah, I'm well aware of that. It's a disastrous mistake, if you ask me.

Sharon: No one did.

Nikki: Well, maybe you should have, because I'm hosting the gala.

Sharon: Uh, I don't think so. See, I just got off the phone with agnes sorenson, and I accepted.

Nikki: Well, I guess you're just going to have to call her back.

Sharon: Sorry. No can do. Besides, she seemed pretty excited that I was hosting it this year. Apparently, she's had some problems with you in the past.

Nikki: She actually bad-mouthed me to you?

Sharon: Let's just say you're not her favorite person. She was happy thatnonother newman was handling it this year.

Nikki: You aren't even officially a member of this family. You're only here because nicholas mistakenly thinks that you can do some good for those kids.

Sharon: Uh, wrong again, nikki. See, that was true, but not anymore. My husband and I are now officially back together in every sense of the word, so... sorry, but looks like you lost control, nikki.

Sharon: (Gasps) # qka

Michael: Sorry, toots. It's gonna be a private meeting, just me and mr. Big all by our little selves.

Phyllis: Mmm. I want to be a fly on the wall.

Michael: A very loud fly. Don't worry. I'll tell you how it goes.

Phyllis: What's it about?

Michael: I don't know.

Phyllis: You don't know? Well, it's work-oriented, right?

Michael: Oh, it's a genuine offer of employment.

Phyllis: So I don't get this. You just snooped around and hoped that victor would throw you a bone?

Michael: Hey, I'm insulted. Victor newman came into my office unbidden.

Phyllis: Are you kidding me? The man has never said one kindord about you.

Michael: Look, I am not victor newman's friend by any stretch of the imagination, but we do acknowledge each other's strengths and skills.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. What he want you for?

Michael: Well, he's a bit unclear about that, but he did say I was uniquely qualified for what he had in mind because I'm smart, persistent and a bit of a whore.

Phyllis: Oh! Nice.

Michael: Well, you know, he's not entirely wrong. I can be bought up to a point.

Phyllis: Okay. Okay. I'm curious about this.

Michael: Me too.

Phyllis: Are you gonna go for it?

Michael: Well, I mean, he hasn't made an offer yet, but I have the options. Business is good. I love what I do. If this doesn't work out, I'm fine.

Phyllis: I'm intrigued.

Michael: A man like victor newman can offer all sorts of inducements.

Phyllis: Uh-huh. Money. Yeah.

Michael: Forget about money. I'm talking potential excitement. I'm talking about operating on a whole other playing field.

Phyllis: I'm not buying this.

Michael: What do you mean?

Phyllis: Well, I know you believe in this mutual respect you have for victor, but see, the man hates you, and if he wants you to work for the company, it's dirty work.

Michael: Oh, so quick to judge. Look, I'm just going in there to have a meeting with the man, that's all. I will listen, and then I will decide. I'm not desperate.

Phyllis: I worry about you.

Michael: Why?

Phyllis: Because you've worked very hard to get back to get back to the top of your game, and I don't want victor to put you in the position of getting into trouble.

Michael: Why do you assume that? Why do you assume that I'm stupid? Look, I know dirt when I see it. If victor newman's offer starts to smell, I will thank him for his time. I'll go back to my office, and I'll take up some pro bono work. It'll make me feel all squeaky clean again.

Nick: So what did I miss?

Victoria: Well, as you know, satine has had some problems with its product placement, and tuvia isn't even on the market yet.

Nick: Yeah. Big problems.

Victoria: Nicholas--

Nick: Hey, I'm just trying to be realistic here.

Victor: Listen, you two. Things are going on out there that are preventing us from getting our line out in front of the public. We've got to find a remedy.

Victoria: Dad, I've talked to you repeatedly about strategies for this.

Victor: Victoria, everything you have done is top-notch, all right? Your business plan, your promotional material, your marketing work-- it is not enough.

Victoria: I don't buy that.

Nick: Well, unless we make some dramatic changes, the customers aren't going to buy it, either.

Victoria: Look, you think you can just waltz back in here after being gone? You didn't even want anything to do with this cosmetics line, and now you have all the answers? (Cell phone rings)

Nick: Excuse me. I gotta take this. (Ring)

Nick: Hello?

Victoria: So apparently, you and nicholas have been talking behind my back. Is that what's going on here?

Victor: I'm not keeping any secrets from you, all right?

Victoria: Really? Yeah. Um, it seems like nicholas is your fair-haired boy all of the sudden, and I just want you to remember something. This is my baby.

Victor: I won't forget it.

Nick: I'm sorry. Uh, I'm gonna have to take off soon.

Victoria: You just got here.

Nick: I know. It's a big problem with sharon.

Victor: Anything serious?

Nick: No. I got a few more minutes.

Victor: Now we have a problem here, and I have not heard what your remedy is.

Nick: I have one idea.

Victor: Which is?

Nick: I've gone over the situation from "a" to "Z." I've read all the research, and our only option is to do something dramatic.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Like what?

Nick: Satinisis a tired... product that, frankly, has no chance of standing up against jabot unless we revitalize from the ground up.

Victoria: And that means...?

Nick: We're getting nowhere with the way things are, so we start over by giving our product a completely new name.

Neil: Look, all I'm saying, baby, is that lily is going to come around a lot sooner if she doesn't have wesley to go running to every time she has a problem.

Dru: I'm not so sure she's going to come around, neil. You're not the only one who's worried about her.

Neil: Uh-oh. Okay, now. Talk to me.

Dru: You know, she mopes around this apartment? She stays on that damn computer.

Neil: Lots of kids do that.

Dru: She's not lots of kids, neil. She's our kid. Besides, she's blowing off her friends.

Neil: Well, is it really that bad?

Dru: It's getting there. Yeah, right now, she's a natural teenager. I'd like to see her outside-- it's summertime--at the mall, swimming, obsessing on boys, anything.

Neil: Okay. Slow down. She does all the things you're talking about.

Dru: Not lately, she doesn'T. You don't realize how much time she spends in this apartment on the internet.

Neil: So did you call her on it?

Dru: Of course I did.

Neil: And what did she say?

Dru: She says she's made all these friends in the chat rooms. I told her she ndsds to be chatting it up with some real people in the fresh air, not on a screen with strangers. That's what I told her.

Neil: Mm-hmm. Don't you think this is just a phase she's going through?

Dru: No, I do not, and I think I know why she's doing it.

Neil: What? You think she wants to escape?

Dru: Well, she lives in fear, wondering what we're going to do next, neil. She's dead set against the wedding. She doesn't believe it has a chance. I don't know what to do anymore.

Lily: I don't know. I don't think I'm ready to meet him.

Colleen: Why not?

Lily: Why are you being so pushy?

Colleen: Why are you stalling? I don't get it.

Sierra: I do. You're worried he'llee some geek with, like, an eye in the middle of his forehead.

Lily: Oh, my god. That is so shallow.

Sierra: Am I right?

Lily: No... okay, kind of. What if I don't feel that thing that you're supposed to feel, you know? That would just be so depressing.

Sierra: Yeah, but that might not happen.

Colleen: Yeah. What if he's gorgeous, you know? What if he looks like colin farrell?

Lily: Please. I'm sure that the colin farrells of this world have betr r things to do than sit at a computer all day.

Colleen: Okay. Maybe he's not gorgeous, but he could be really sweet.

Lily: What if he's a total loser? My god. I feel so bad for even saying that.

Sierra: If you don't like what you see, then move on and find someone else.

Colleen: Yeah, but if you do, he cou b be your new boyfriend.

Phyllis: I guess you might as well hear victor out.

Michael: Right. Right. There is no reason to believe that victor newman's offer has anything to do with something illegal, immoral or fattening.

Phyllis: I suppose not.

Michael: Yeah, and all he said was that he had matters that needed attending to. There's nothing inherently questionable about that, either.

Phyllis: Well, what the hell. We have a lot of fun here at newman enterprises.

Michael: Yeah, especially now that you're launching that new cosmetics line.

Phyllis: Well, I don't think you'll have anything to do with that.

Michael: Not the glamorous part, anyway.

Phyllis: I wonder about this.

Michael: Let's see what the man has in mind. What is it, pumpkin?

Phyllis: You know, I'm worried about you, but maybe you'll be the one to corrupt mr. Victor newman.

Michael: That would be fun.

Phyllis: I'm serious. You're playing with the biggest shark there is. I want you to be careful. You have a lot to lose.

Michael: Why? Because I spent all that time polishing up my image to becoma a highly respected member of the legal community once again? Well, I did that for a very specific reason.

Phyllis: I know, to impress a certain bug.

Michael: Well, that reason doesn't exist anymore-- not that I'm looking for trouble, but on the other hand, why the hell not? Being the good boy and playing by the rules has gotten me where, exactly?

Phyllis: Be careful.

Michael: Maybe it's like you said. Maybe it's mr. Victor newman enterprises that should be careful.

Victor: I guess, son, when you said dramatic, you weren't kidding, were you?

Victoria: This is your novel idea? I worked on a name change weeks ago and determined that given the amount of money we paid for satine, money spent largely for the name in the first place, it did not make sense to make this kind of change. We discarded this idea a long time ago.

Victor: The idea merits serious thought.

Victoria: Are you kidding me? A name change is not going to guarantee us better placement on the shelves, and it will squander whatever recognition we have.

Nick: Exactly. Please, let's do that. Let's squander it, because right now the satine cosmetics name is hurting us. It's not helping.

Victoria: Then why the hell did we buy this company in the first place?

Nick: Boy, that's what I'd like to know.

Victoria: Look, the bottom line is, we have a fight on our hands no matter what we do. Changing the name is going to cost us more money. It's going to delay the products even more.

Victor: The products will get on the shelves, and they'll be displayed well, too.

Victoria: What do you mean by that?

Victor: I have a plan, but I can't get into that now.

Victoria: Look... I'm head of this division. I think I have a right to know what you're talking about.

Nick: Dad, I really need to go. Can you guys finish up without me?

Victoria: Yeah, we'll try to muddle through.

Nick: You know, I'm getting real tired of this attitude towards me. I'm trying to help you. Hey, connie.

Connie: Sorry to interrupt, mr. Newman.

Victor: Yes, connie?

Connie: Michael baldwin just called. He's on his way up to see you.

Victor: All right. Thank you, and leave the door open, please.

Connie: Yes, sir.

Victoria: Michael baldwin?

Victor: Michael baldwin. You're looking live at edmonton from our skytracker atop manulife place.Good afternoon. I'm lesley macdonald. Coming up at 5:30...a remarkable story about an american man who has regained consciousness after spending nearly two decades in a coma. It's a story that has everyone talking, including the patient himself!

And there is good news for the thousands of canadians who suffer from peanut allergies. Doctors say they have new ways to prevent severe reactions. We'll have the details......on edmonton's g

Randy: Who there's not -- a l of strangers there. Sucker got duped again into

Shannon: Never mind the cameras in the fuller relationship if you're able to include me.

Dana: Iokay, bye.

Randy: Our anniversary.

Johnny: Brenda, it's natural. I don't want to think I'm coming on to you or anything, but you must get hit do? They can do be dead in a year.

Lucas:Ut a man needs you're in t rdy way yect. HaT. Y wso i came out I'm not going to say an

Sharon: You are still here?

Nikki: Does that surprise you?

Sharon: No, actually, it doesn'T. You just don't know when to give up, do you?

Nikki: I have no intention of giving up, sharon.

Nikki: I'm onto your game.

Sharon: All right, look, why don't you just leave, okay? I have nothing more to say to you.

Nikki: Really? No new rules? No lessons?

Sharon: I just want you to go.

Nikki: I'll go when I'm finished. Now I told you I am not going to let you break up this family and turn all of us against each other.

Sharon: Who tried to turn my children against me, nikki? Who told my husband not to trust me anymore? You, you are the person who is trying to tear my family apart!

Nikki: Good. Very good attempt, sharon... but we aren't all blind, you know? Some of us see you for the conniving little tra that you are.

Nick: Mother! That's enough.

Lily: You guys, he's waiting for me.

Colleen: Don't worry, he'll wait.

Lily: Okay, here's the thing, and you may not get this, but I'd rather not meet him and keep liking him, than to meet him and not be interested anymore.

Sierra: I can understand that.

Colleen: Yeah, me too, but you can't live this dream forever. I mean, you have to get real sometime.

Lily: Says who? Most people that you meet online live in, like, denmark or something. So he's local. It's a coincidence.

Colleen: You're afraid.

Lily: So? I mean, we've only been talking about what I'll think of him. What about what he'll think of me? What if he comes in, sees me and turns right around?

Colleen: That's not gonna happen.

Lily: Oh, what, you know his type?

Colleen: Well, I know that you're pretty. Guys look at you all the time. You just don't notice it.

Sierra: And even if you don't make this big love connection, you can still be friends?

Lily: Yeah, I guess. I don't know. Just--what if it's so awful? I mean, what if we just sit here and stare at each other and have nothing to say?

Sierra: Come on, you guys always find stuff to talk about.

Lily: Yeah, but that's online. It's totally different. What we're doing now, it works. There's no awkward pauses, no one's feelings get hurt.

Colleen: I'll tell you what-- listen to my plan, and then you can make up your mind, okay?

Lily: Okay, what?

Colleen: All right, if he wants to meet you, don't describe yourself. Tell him to wear a hawaiian shirt. That way we can recognize him when he comes in. We'll all sit together, and if we like what we see, we'll go over and say hi, and if you think

looks like a creep or you just are afraid and you want to back out, we'll leave. Does that sound good?

Lily: Okay, I'll do it.

Lily: "Nowhere, I was just thinking. Maybe we should meet."

Lily: You guys, I scared him off. I shouldn't have...

All: Crimson lights.

Lily: "Great. Do you have a hawaiian shirt? That'd make it easy to recognize you."

Colleen: See? That wasn't so bad, was it?

Lily: Oh, my gosh. I can't believe I'm finally gonna meet him.

Dru: I'm wondering if we're making a mistake.

Neil: A mistake? What are you talking about, getting married?

Dru: You know lily is dead set against this marriage. She believes it has a snowball's chance in hell of surviving. I think we should give her some time so she can get used to the idea.

Neil: No, absolutely not. As a matter of fact, we have to do the exact opposite here.

Dru: What are you talking about?

Neil: Don't you see that we're giving the kid too much time to dwell on the negative here, too much time to worry. Hey, maybe, just maybe, we can excite her about this marriage if we give it a chance. What do you think?

Dru: What if she doesn't get excited, neil?

Neil: We can't let a child dictate what's gonna hpen to us the rest of our lives.

Dru: It's true, it's tr,, but I'm--

Neil: Okay, so then trust me. We're doing the right thing. I promise.

Neil: Okay?

Dru: I hope so.

Neil: So good. We are going to set a date. How about four weeks from today? This is out there on global - I'm seanna collins. Edmonton and spruce grove are hosting the 2003 world inline cup until sunday. This event showcases over 100 elite teams from around the world including great britian, south africa and germany. This festival is the most important international inline event for the growth of in line hockey the swing of the scottish kilt is a familiar sight at a highland gathering- you'll be able to see that and much more saturday at fort edmonton park . Enjoy pipe bands, drumming, highland dancing and everything 'scottish"the street performers festival continues until sunday!Enjoy a wonderful assortment of offbeat entertainment with some of the worlds best street performers as they transform downtown into an urban circus. Enjoy it free at venues around churchill squareand miss saigon - broadways classic love story hits is coming to the jubilee auditoriumjuly 15th to the 20th. Miss saigon has captured hearts and awards around the world for it's soaring melodies and powerful emotions.

Victor: I have an appointment with michael baldwin. Nothing for you to be concerned about.

Victoria: Seems to be a growing trend these days, things I shouldn't concern myself with.

Victor: Sweetheart--

Vicriria: Seems like most of what goes on around here I shouldn't concern myself with.

Victor: Do you have too much time on your hands?

Victoria: That's not the point, and you know it.

Victor: Because it seems to me that we have plenty of problems to deal with in regards to those cosmetics ventures, all right?

Victoria: I want to know what michael baldwin is doing in this building, much less having an appointment with you, especially since, apparently, you have some secret plan for getting our products on the shelves.

Victor: Will you please trust me?

Victoria: Well, given recent developments, I'm not sure that I can, especially now that you're dealing with michael baldwin.

Michael: (Clears throat) I could come back later ifif you'd like, victor.

Sharon: Nick, thank god you're here.

Nick: It wasn't easy getting away.

Nikki: You called nicholas at work?

Sharon: What choice did I have, the kind of abuse you were dishing out? I'm not used to being slapped in my own home.

Nick: Mom, you slapped her? That's not all right.

Nikki: She deserved it.

>>Ick: Why?

Sharon: I told her that we'd shared a bed together again. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you not want her to know that?

Nick: What the hell, not that it's any of your business.

Nikki: This woman thinks that she has you under her thumb. I just couldn't stand there and listen to it.

Sharon: She is being ridiculous.

Nikki: I am not being ridiculous!

Nick: Look, stop it, both of you, all right? You sound like children.

Nikki: Oh, that's a lovely thing

s say to your mother.

Nick: Mom, do you know how much I hate this bickering?

Nikki: What, you think I like it?

Sharon: Well, then why don't you stop doing it?

Nikki: Ohh.

Nick: What are you guys fighting about?

Sharon: Well, for one thing, she wants to take the gala away from me.

Nick: Mom, you can't do that.

Nikki: Watch me. She is not ready for this.

Nick: If sharon needs help, then we'll get her help.

Nikki: Of course she's going to need help. I mean, this is so far out of her league, it's ridiculous.

Nick: Did you forget that this was dad's idea in the first place?

Nikki: No, I haven't forgotten that, but he never should have offered it to her to begin with. We had not discussed it.

Nick: You hate the arts council gala. You've always hated it, for as long as I can remember.

Sharon: That doesn't mean she wants to turn it over to me.

Nikki: Look, I am not going to embarrass this family by unleashing a total novice on a major social event.

Nick: If you're so concerned about it, then why don't you help her out?

Nikki: (Sighs)

Sharon: Nikki help me? That'll be the day.

Nick: Sharon, that's not helping.

Nikki: Sharon, please, let sanity prevail here. I will host the event. You can assist me if you want. Maybe you'll learn something.

Sharon: Gee, thanks, nikki, but no, thanks.

Nick: Mother, sharon accepted chairing the gala, all right? Now if you want to help her out, then you can do that, but that's it. She is in charge, and th's the way it's gonna be.

Lily: Guys, what time is it?

Colleen: Two minutes later than the last time you asked.

Sierra: I've never seen you so nervous.

Lily: Well, I've never done anything like this before. Oh, god, y'y'd he have to say today?

Colleen: Because he wants to meet you just as much as you want to meet him.

Lily: But maybe he doesn'T. Maybe he just said that because he didn't know what else to say.

Sierra: No way. He's gonna show.

Lily: Well, he said he'd be here soon. It's been, like, forever.

Sierra: It hasn't been that long.

Lily: Yes, it has.

Sierra: Lily, it's gonna be fine.

Lily: Yeah, fine, sure. I mean, if he doesn't like me, it'll be okay, right? I'll--I'll live.

Sierra: Of course you will.

Colleen: You guys.

Lily: What?

Colleen: He's here.

Lily: Where? pirates of the caribbean hits the silver screen this week. Owers,music, photographer.

Victor: Please, come in, michael.

Michael: Are you sure?

Victor: Of course'm'm sure.

Michael: I mean, I have a pretty thick skin, but I don't know if I'm in the mood to be slandered just now.

Victoria: I have a right to my opinion.

Michael: And you have a right to keep it to yourself. The only reason I'm here is because your father asked me to drop by.

Victor: My daughter has not heard of my offer of employment to you. She hasn't had a chance to absorb the news.

Victoria: Offer of employment? You mean absorb the shock.

Victor: You better not be part of this meeting, all right?

Victoria: Yeah, I think you're probably right about that, because if you need people like him to be part of your secret strategy, then I don't want any part of it.

Michael: She's right, victor. I don't think we'll make a good team.

Victor: We will talk soon, all right?

Michael: Victor, I think you better tell me what this is all about.

Victor: You wouldn't be here if you weren't intrigued by the idea.

Michael: Oh, it's intriguing. I don't know if it's worth the abuse that I would be taking daily, but... so let's hear it. Better be good.

Victor: I assure you, it is. The question is, do you have the guts for it?

Nick: Mother, did you understand me when I told you I needed you to stay out of my life and out of my marriage?

Nikki: Darling, I hate to see you being taken advantage of. This woman is using you. I don't know why you can't see that.

Nick: Using me for what?

Nikki: She is insinuating her way back into your life.

Nick: She's my wife. She's part of my life.

Sharon: I realize that you don't like hearing that, nikki, and that it drives you crazy to know that nick and i are back together again--

Nikki: Sharon, will you just stop this innocent routine? I know you're gloating.

Nick: Sharon, just...

Sharon: I'm sorry, nick. I'm really sorry.

Nikki: Do you see what she's doing? She is trying to drive a wedge in this family.

Nick: Mom, that's all you. You turned this into a battle. It didn't have to be, but that was your choice... and now I'm making mine. I want you to leave. You're no longer welcome in my home.

Nikki: What? (Door slams)

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Sierra: All right, girls, show time.

Michael: So anything goes?

Victor: Anything i say goes, mr. Baldwin.

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