Y&R Transcript Monday
7/7/03--Canada; Tuesday 7/8/03--USA
Provided By Eric
sharon: Cassie is my daughter, nikki. She's my daughter, and I will raise her the way that I see fit, and you will keep your stuck-up nose out of it.
Nikki: You have no right to keep that child away from her family.
Sharon: Actually, I have every right, especially when I feel it could be destructive.
Nikki: What could possibly be destructive about her spending time with her aunt?
Sharon: An aunt that bad-mouths me every chance she gets? Besides, you have your facts screwed up again. I never told cassie she couldn't spend the night.
Nikki: Oh, you didn't?
Sharon: No. I told her I didn't want her to make a habit of it.
Nikki: Oh, that's right. Just put your own spin on everything. Call your own daughter a liar.
Sharon: That is not what I'm doing, and I resent your interfering.
Nikki: Well, good. Maybe now you know what that feels like.
Victor: And here's another sample, satine cosmetics-- the distribution problems we're facing, all right? The solutions you propose are very expected.
Nick: And that's bad?
Victor: Well, I once knew someone in advertising. Kept on telling his copywriters and his art directors never to come to him with anything pedestrian, you know? They won a lot of awards.
Nick: So creativity for creativity's sake.
Victor: No. They also sold a lot of product.
Nick: Well, what if the solution is simple, straightforward, right in front of your face? There's also another school of thought--K.I.S.S.
Victor: Right, keep it simple.
Nick: Exactly.
Victor: Right. Remember one thing. Something may be simple, elegantly simple, but you always need the element of surprise, devastating suririse. You gotta keep your competition off guard. Force them to make mistakes. Make them scramble.
Nick: So we force jack abbott to make mistakes.
Chris: You're not answering me.
Wes: I'm not sure what you're asking.
Chris: In this fugue state that you mentioned, could a person have done things and not remembered it? Why aren't you saying anything?
Wes: I'm trying to get a read on where you're coming from. What are you thinking?
Chris: Oh, god. People accuse us lawyers of answering questions with questions. I didn't know you shrinks did it, too.
Wes: You're getting kind of tense.
Chris: Yeah, well, do you blame me after everything I've been through? I'm not just talking about the last two days. I am talking about the last two years. My life has been filled with so much pain and loss, and when things finally start to settle down, bam! I find out I've been victimized, and my whole world is totally up for grabs all over again.
Wes: Anththat's what sparked this rage you were talking about?
Chris: It's always been there under the surface, but yes, isabella set a match to it, and now out of nowhere, a chunk of my life vanishes. Isabella's missing. I've got blood...
Wes: What, christine? What are you thinking right now?
Chris: The answers I'm looking for... I'm not sure I want to find them after all.
Michael: I need to talk to christine now.
Paul: She's not here.
Michael: Goddamn it, paul, this is important. If you're playing games with me, don'T.
Paul: Read my lips. She's not back yet.
Michael: When you talked to me on the phone, you told me that she had gone up to lake michigan, right?
Paul: Yeah. So?
Michael: What the hell was she doing up there, and why did she pull this disappearing act in the first place?
Paul: Look, I don't owe you any explanations.
Michael: I don't have time to be polite. Just tell me, chris, what was she doing up at the lake?
Paul: I don't know.
Michael: You didn't ask?
Paul: Of course I asked. She said she didn't rembmber.
Michael: She didn't re-- that's it? She didn't remember? You let her go with that? You didn't press her for answers?
Paul: No, I pressed her for answers. Believe me, she was in no shape to answer any questions. Besides, what difference does it make? She's not hiding anything. Listen, baldwin, her mind was a blank. She did not know why she was out at the lake.
Michael: Where is she?
Paul: Dr. Winters' office. They're checking her out. They want to make sure that this memory lapse is not physical.
Michael: I have to see her.
Paul: No. You're not going anywhere.
Michael: Get out of my way. I've got to talk to her!
Paul: You're making it look like she is deliberately hiding information, and you are not leaving here until you tell me why!
Larry: Penny for your thoughts?
Jill: Forget it.
Larry: Okay, a buck. Final offer.
Jill: I'm sorry, larry.
Larry: For what?
Jill: Well, you're doing your best to lift my spirits, and I'm not giving you much to work with.
Larry: That's okay. Look, I know you're in a weird place right now.
Jill: God, tell me this is a dream. Please? Tell me this is some horrendous hallucination and that katherine chancellor is not really my mother.
Larry: Babe, I wish I could.
Jill: I can't stand this. And you know what's happening? All these years that we have been at each other's throats, she is getting the last laugh.
Larry: Now how do you figure that? The woman is in a wheelchair. She may never walk or even talk again.
Jill: Exactly. It's like she has just dropped down some rabbit hole, and I am left here to deal with this all alone.
Esther: Oh, great. There you go. That's it, mrs. C. Come on, you gotta eat. I mean, come on, it's the only way that you'll stay strong is to nourish your body. Please. You know, the doc-- please, mrs. C., Please open. You know, the doctor says that your physical therapy is going great. It might be a little while before you can talk, but if you stay motivated-- please, mrs. C.-- And committed--
Kay: Stop! I'll be right back.
Chris: I know it doesn't work that way. Whether I want to or not, I can't hide from the answers.
Wes: You say these troubles go back a few years.
Chris: Yeah, well, even longer now that I think about it, yeah. Two years ago this past winter, paul and I were having problems, so I took an extended business trip. I was out of the country for months. Eventually, paul decided to come see me in hong kong. We were gonna try and work things out, but he was never able to leave because isabella showed up at his office posing as a woman in terrible distress. He took her on as a client. She manipulated him. She convinced him that his marriage to me was a lost cause. Neither of us knew it was a setup. But because of this, there was a divorce, a pregnancy, a new marriage, a new baby... with a lot of lies and heartache and misunderstanding that went along with it.
Wes: Hmm.
Chris: Paul and I tried to go our separate ways. We really did. We just--we couldn'T. A few weeks ago, the truth came out. That's what I meant about being victimized.
Wes: So aotot of these troubles, they were connected to isabella as well.
Chris: I'd say pretty much all of them.
Wes: But you've been able to cope, more or less.
Chris: Until recent events. Look, this isn't the first time that I've been a victim. I was raped when I was a teenager, and my first marriage was destroyed because of another predatory woman.
Wes: Hmm.
Chris: But you should know, I have never resorted to violence or gone after revenge. I don't know. I guess if people are pushed enough, they can change. They can be capable of doing things they never dreamed of.
Wes: You're wondering if maybe you could be responsible for whatever has happened to isabella.
Chris: Is it possible?
Wes: I want to do some reading on fugue states, see if any of the case studies might have similarities. In the meantime, I'm writing you a prescription for a sedative. This will help you get some rest, control your anxieties.
Chris: Okay. Tell olivia I'll call her about the tests. Thanks.
Nick: Come ondadad, I thought sticking it to jack was one of your favorite subjects.
Victor: Son, just let's not get sidetracked, all right? The topic is learning to think outside the box.
Nick: Okay. Creative, unexpected ways to stick it to jack.
Victor: Come up with a new list-- ideas that go beyond the ordinary, all right?
Nick: This is strictly an exercise, right? I mean, we both know you must have something in motion to shore up satine cosmetics.
Victor: There's an old saying, nicholas-- "he who hesitates is lost."
Nick: And you're not hesitating.
Victor: Let's just say that steps are being taken.
Nick: Steps, meaning...?
Victor: Meaning that retailers don't work in a vacuum. You know, a line of products is suddenly taken off the shelves without prior dialogue with the manufacturer, then something is afoot. Some other forces are at work-- forces that need to be dealt with.
Sharon: Exactly how am I interfering?
Nikki: Oh, please.
Sharon: No, nikki, tell me. I'm fascinated. Here I am, standing in my own home, and you're the one that came waltzing in without an invitation.
Nikki: It's all very clear to me, sharon, your twisted little game plan. First you cross the line with victor by coming on to him, and now you have alienated my son from me, and you're trying to isolate cassie. I suppose poor little noah will be next. Then again, maybe not, because you've already brainwashed him into thinking that you are the world's most perfect mother.
Sharon: Oh, my word. Could you be any more paranoid?
Nikki: No, it's called having my eyes wide open, sharon, and what I see disgusts me. (Male announcer)meet mark.
Paul: I asked you a question, baldwin. Now answer me.
Michael: Tough. I'm not saying anything till I speak to chris.
Paul: What the hell is this? I tell you everything I know, and you're trying to keep me in the dark? What is so damned important that you can't wait for chris to come back here to talk to her?
Michael: This memory loss-- you truly believe this?
Paul: Yeah. Why shouldn't I?
Michael: And weber-- did he say he had anything new that pointed at christine, any evidence of any kind?
Paul: No, of course not, because there isn't any. He's just whistling in the dark.
Michael: God, I hope so.
Paul: There is more to this than you're telling me, isn't there? Why was chris out at the lake? You know, don't you?
Michael: It's all circumstantial.
Paul: What is?
Michael: Some slack-jawed yokel found her cell phone.
Paul: This is the person you went to see when you hung up on me?
Michael: Yeah. Apparently, she dropped itnear his fishing boat.
Paul: So I assume you went out there and brought it back.
Michael: Yeah. Yeah.
Paul: Okay. So chris lost her cell phone. Why are you acting like it's such a big deal? There's more to this, isn't there? So you want to tell me what the hell happened out there at the lake? Look, tell me! I want to know! (Door opens)
Larry: Come on, jill, you know that mrs. C. Would thther be up and around. She's not hiding from you.
Jill: I know. I know. Nobody has a stroke on purpose. It's just aggravating.
Larry: Face it, everything that woman does aggravates you.
Jill: Oh, you've noticed that, have you?
Larry: Well, I drove her and esther over to physical therapy this morning and stuck arodd so I could bring them back.
Jill: Any progress?
Larry: It's just one slow road.
Jill: I know. I talked to her specialist. He did say that she would recuperate faster around familiar faces and familiar voices.
Larry: Well, I'd say you qualify there, huh?
Jill: Yes, larry. He gave me strict orders to spend time with her, so I'm going home to do just that. He also told me it wasn't good enough to just hang out and talk. God help me, I am supposed to actually lend a hand in taking care of her.
Larry: Well, wouldn't you want to anyway?
Jill: No, I wouldn'T. How disgusting! I don't want to touch that woman with a 10-foot pole.
Larry: Come on, jL. Think about it. You've got to do something.
Jill: I could feed her. I mean, you've seen that goop that esther shovels into her mouth. It'd be just like feeding a baby-- a nice, quiet baby who can't talk back.
Esther: You can talk? You can really talk? This is wonderful. I can't believe it. I'm going to call the doctor.
Kay: (Slurred) no. No. No. No. No.
Esther: Why not?
Kay: Don'T. Don'T. Jill... home
Esther: Oh, no. She's not home.
Kay: Soon.
Esther: Oh, that's right. She called, and you heard what we were saying. Oh, mrs. C., You're going to be back to your old self soon. I'm so--
Kay: Don't tell-- don't tell jill. Don'T.
Esther: You don't want me to tell her you're getting better?
Esther: Why not?
Kay: Don'T. Don'T.
Esther: I don't understand.
Kay: Jill... jill is m-my child.
Esther: Uh-oh. We're still a little out of it, aren't we? Don't worry. You are making such great progress--
Kay: Esther! Jill is my child.
"the young and the restless"
will continue.
Chris: What's going on?
Michael: Nothing. We'rglglad you're back.
Paul: So what did olivia say?
Michael: You all right?
Chris: Uh, the C.A.T. Scan was negative. Everything else seems to be normal.
Paul: Hmm. Did she have any other explanation for the memory loss?
Chris: She wants to run a few more tests.
Michael: Anything else?
Chris: I had a chanceo o talk with her friend dr. Carter. He's a psychiatrist.
Paul: Oh. And?
Chris: He thinks there could be a psychological reason.
Paul: A blackout caused by stress, you mean?
Chris: Something like that, yeah.
Michael: Come on, christine. That's just psychobabble for not remembering something you want to forget!
Paul: Oh, lay off, baldwin.
>>Hris: Everything is just really mixed-up right now.
Michael: Then let's straighten it out. You think over the last two days, and you think hard. You talk to us, because it's better that your memory come back here and now, with me and paul, than...
Chris: Than with who?
Michael: Than with the police.
Larry: You know, I remember when you were first looking for your birth mother. Jill, you were so excited, thinking about all the things that-- well, you know, you were gonna learn about yourself-- where you're from, what your genes are all about.
Jill: Yeah. If I'd had any idea then what I was going to uncover... but I know where you're going with this, larry. You're gonna tell me that I should embrace katherine, accept that she is my destiny, my history and my future.
Larry: You might as well.
Jill: Look, sweetheart, I realize that I am stuck in this situation, okay, and I am going to help katherine in her hour of need. But I'm only going to do it because if I don't, the whole world will be on my back telling me what a cold-hearted monster I am. Please support me in this. Do not--do not try to get me interested in family ties with katherine, 'cause it is never, never gonna happen, and I don't want this to come between us.
Larry: Hey, you're the boss, right?
Jill: Not all the time, big boy.
Jill: God, I don't want to do this! Okay. Here I go.
Esther: You're serious? You know what you're saying? What about that woman charlotte?
Kay: F... frau... fraud.
Esther: No.
Kay: Like this. Found out.
Esther: Your stroke-- because you found out that jill is your daughter?
Kay: Shock.
Esther: Oh, no. This can't be. You cannot be jill's mother. I mean, you are so different. She's a horrible person. She never has a kind word to say about anyone. She's mean and grouchy and bossy--
Kay: En-enough!
Esther: But, well, you do have a terrible temper sometimes--
Kay: Enough!
Esther: Well, I mean, she's so much worse. Oh, god. Wait. Does this mean that jill is brock's sister?
Kay: Half.
Esther: Well, then that means... oh, mrs. Chancellor.
Kay: Oh. Oh... long, long... time... ago.
Esther: Just tell me one thing. Does this mean that I have to be nice to jill? Because--wait, I don't think I can do that, not the way that she has treated you all these years, not to mention how she has treated me.
Kay: Don'T... tell... jill... I... can... talk.
Esther: Why not?
Kay: Home soon. Esther... don'T... tell... jill... I... can... talk... all... right? '
Chris: What do the police have to do with this?
Paul: Baldwin, back the hell off.
Michael: You're not the only one concerned about her. I'm trying to help.
Paul: You're just dumping more stress on her for no reason.
Michael: For no reason? I'm trying to protect her.
Chris: Would you both tell me what you're talking about?
Paul: Look, I'm serious. There's reallyo reason to get into this right now.
Michael: I think she has a right to know.
Chris: Know what?
Michael: Your cell phone was found at lake michigan.
Chris: My cell phone?
Michael: Yeah, this g y found it on the shore near his fishing boat. He called me to let me know he had it.
Chris: I realized it was missing when I was at olivia's, but I had no idea that...
Michael: Yeah, I went down there, and I talked to him. I got the phone back, but he was bent out of shape because apparently--
Paul: Okay, that's enough. All right, look, chris lost her cell phone, you picked it up. We're talking about her memory loss, not some fishing boat.
Chris: No, wait, go on. Why was this man upset?
Michael: It's what he found in the boat and on a seat cushion.
Michael: Blood.
Chris: Oh, my god... then it's true. If isabella was murdered... I could have done it.
Nick: So how are you gonna deal with these forces?
Victor: You deal with them swiftly and decisively.
Nick: That tells me nothing.
Victor: Remember what I told you about the element of sprise, son. It needs to be devastating.
Nick: Even to the point of keeping your own people in the dark?
Victor: If need be, yes.
Nick: Because they might not agree with your tactics.
Victor: Son, running a company of this size involves a lot of responsibility, all right?
Nick: So the hell with ethics, that's it?
Victor: In business, you do what needs to be done.
Nick: That's your answer to everything.
Victor: No, son, it's reality.
Nick: It's just a dog-eat-dog world out there, huh?
Victor: Nicholas, you have a beautiful wife and two beautiful children. Now don't you want to provide a good life for them?
Nick: My beautiful wife doesn't need a bank account the size of fort knox.
Victor: You want to argue with me, or do you want to listen to what I have to say?
Nick: I'm listening.
Victor: The responsibility I spoke of not only involves your family... (voice echoing) our company provides jobs for thousands of people all around the world. We have shareholders that we have to answer to. We need to perform at a consistent level. (Normal voice) are you listening?
Nick: What?
Victor: You tuning out or what?
Nick: No, go ahead. You said something about jobs?
Victor: Now I want to talk to you about the concept of ethics. In the world of business, it ain't always black and white. The lines often are blurred, all right? But there's a lot of responsibilities. (Echoing resumes) time factors, human factors-- you know, this isn't some college case study. This is life in the corporate fast lane.
Victor: I've found that over the... hey, son.
Nick: Yeah? Go ahead.
Victor: What's the matter with you? You're on another planet.
Nick: Uh, no. Go ahead.
Victor: We'll resume this when you're more focused, all right?
Nick: Yeah, I guess, I, uh, I doave a lot on my mind.
Sharon: Is this all you came to tell me?
Nikki: It's all about control, isn't it, sharon? Just trying to hang on because you know the damage you've done is irreparable. So you take all that guilt and shame and fear and you unleash it on all of us.
Sharon: Because I'm so evil.
Nikki: Very well put.
Sharon: Just out of curiosity, how do you expect me to react to all of this? Would you like to see me cry or be intimidated or lose control, yell at you?
Nikki: Boy, you are a cool customer, aren't you?
Sharon: I just no longer feel the need to havyoyou walk all over me.
Nikki: Of course, it's all an act.
Sharon: Think whatever you like.
Nikki: I say that because you and nicholas are not sharing a bed, nor will you.
Sharon: You just don't quit, do you?
Nikki: Oh, parading around the pool on 4th of july in that little bikini-- even that didn't work, did it? Because my son is smarter than that. He only let you come back here for one reason, and that's the kids. That's not gonna last, not with the way cassie feels.
Sharon: Well, we'll just see who's right and who's wrong, won't we?
Nikki: Yes, yes, I guess we will. Have a wonderful rest of the day, sharon.
Esther: I can't believe this is happening. Jill your daughter...
Kay: Get over... it.
Esther: I can'T.
Kay: Esther...
Kay: Don'T... want... jill... know... I... can... talk.
Esther: She knows that she's your daughter?
Kay: Of course.
Esther: And you don't want her to know that you can talk?
Kay: Yes.
Esther: Oh, my god, this is so terrible. This changes everything. I cannot be nice to jill. If I have to, then I'm gonna have to quit. I'm sorry, mrs. C. I am sorry that she's your daughter, but I swear that if-- I will quit if I have to put up with any more of jill--
Jill: Well, it looks like you've gotten the good word, esther.
Jill: Yes, you damn well will be nice to me, or I will kick you out of this house on your a--ear. You understand?
Paul: Look, chris, whevever it is you're thinking, don'T. There's gotta be some other explanation.
Chris: I know, but you heard what michael said. There was blood in that man's boat, and my cell phone was there.
Paul: So did this guy actually suggest that he thought it was human blood in his boat?
Michael: No, he assumed it was fish blood.
Chris: But you don't think so, do you?
Michael: I don't know.
Chris: Oh, god, where is isabella? How did my cell phone get there? And why can't I remember what happened during that period of time?
Paul: Man, you are a piece of work.
Michael: What?
Paul: Planting doubts in her head right before she's going to be interrogated by hank weber.
Chris: Detective weber thinks I'm involved?
Paul: Yeah, I'm afraid so.
Chris: And he wants to talk to me?
Paul: Yeah, he does, right away, but I don't think it's a good idea, not in your state of mind.
Chris: What's his number?
Paul: Chris, listen to me. Why don't you let me call? I'm supposed to call him when you came back anyway.
Chris: No, I want to talk to him. I-I'll do it.
Chris: Detective weber, please. It's christine williams. Well, you can tell him I'm home now. Thank you.
Michael: Look, maybe i overreacted about the boat. Meantime, you're gonna need a lawyer while you're being questioned.
Chris: I am a lawyer.
Michael: No, I'll handle it. You're in no shape for this.
Paul: You know, I agree. She does need represention, but it doesn't have to be you.
Michael: Why not? I know more about this than anyone else.
Chris: He's right. Thank you, michael.
Michael: Look, why don't you rest up until weber gets here? Pull yourself together. The going could get rough.
Chris: I think I will.
Paul: God, baldwin, now look what you've done.
Michael: What have I done?
Paul: Why did you have to freak her out, especially when you came up with a perfectly logical explanation for the blood?
Michael: Shut up and listen. There is a lot more that you do not know, and it is not good.
Nick: So you want to pick this up later?
Victor: No, son, I have back-to-back meetings.
Nick: Okay, tomorroththen. I'll put that list together for you.
Victor: Before you go, I had a call from edna sorenson from the genoa city arts council. They have a benefit coming up.
Nick: Yeah, and mom's in hiding.
Victor: She told you about that?
Nick: It's her turn to chair the thing. She doesn't want to do it.
Victor: It occurred to me, what do you think if sharon got involved?
Nick: What, you mean host it?
Victor: Yeah. It's a worthwhile cause, I mean, a very worthy cause, and she'll meet some nice people, and it gives her something to do.
Nick: You know, you could be right. That may be good for her.
Victor: Will you talk to her about it?
Nick: Yeah, I'll do that.
Victor: All right. Son, I told you that I wouldn't interfere in your personal life, and I don't intend to. Still...
Victor: I can't help telling you how happy I am that things are going well for you and sharon.
Nick: Dad, I gotta go.
Michael: I was covering about the blood. It didn't come from someone cleaning fish.
Paul: How do you know that?
Michael: The guy noticed that there were no fish scales.
Paul: No scales?
Michael: None, just blood.
Paul: Even if it was human blood, there's no way I'd believe that chris is capable ofurting isabella, and there's no way on earth that she would ever...
Michael: Kill her?
Paul: If you know chris half as much as you laim, you know that, too.
Michael: Do you really think that's the best way to protect her, to close your mind completely to any thought that she might have-- all right, all right, forget it. At least we agree on one thing.
Paul: And what's that?
Michael: That she should not bring any of this up with detective weber.
Paul: Oh, god, no.
Michael: That's why I held back on the details.
Paul: All right.
Michael: There's also something else she doesn't know. The fisherman wanted his boat cleaned. He wanted his blood-soaked seat cushion replaced. I covered the expenses.
Paul: Destroying the evidence? That's damn risky, baldwin.
Michael: Exactly. I risked my entire legal career... and you know I would never do that unless I felt it was absolutely necessary. Like you, I don't believe christine could have had anything tdodo with this.
Michael: God help us all if I'm wrong.
Esther: You can't throw me out of here. Only mrs. C. Can do that.
Jill: You're right. Mrs. C. Will protect you, won't you, katherine? Katherine, dyou want me to fire esther?
Jill:Atherine? She's not saying anything, esther. So I guess it is up to me.
Esther: You wouldn'T.
Jill: I will if you don't watch your mouth.
Esther: Mrs. C., Please, tell her--
Jill: She is in la-la land. Listen, you little worm. I came over here to help you take care of your precious mrs. C., And I walk in the door, and I hear you spewing your threats about leaving because I'm her... how did you find out anyway?
Esther: From--I...
Jill: Never mind, it doesn't matter. It was probably mackenzie. The point is, you know. I am her daughter. I am her long-lost, long-abandoned daughter, and I will help you take care of her, as long as it isn't too disgusting, but you will keep a civil tongue in your head, or you'll face the consequences.
Jill: So I'll be right back down. So you can proceed with feeding her orhatever it is you're doing, and I will keep a smile on my face and a song in my voice, all for katherine.
Esther: Mrs. C., I don't think I can do this.
Kay: Shh. (Chuckles) oh... worth... the wait. I promise... you. (Chuckles) mm-hmm.
Sharon: Hi. You're home early. Any special reason?
Next on "the young and the restless"...
Jill: I cannot be her daughter. I'm gonna disown her in any way I can. The hell with biology.
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