Friday Y&R Transcript 7/4/03

Y&R Transcript
Friday 7/04/03--Canada; Monday 7/07/03--USA

Provided By Eric



>> Nikki: Hey, sweetie... what is it? Is something wrong?

>> Nick: As a matter of fact, there is.

>> Nikki: What? Tell me.

>> Nick: Like you'd listen to me.

>> Nikki: What? What are you talking about?

>> Nick: You know, I tried so hard to stay out of this.

>> Nikki: Let me take a wild guess here. This is about sharon, isn't it?

>> Nick: Why is it you find it so impossible to let me live my own life?

>> Nikki: Nicholas, that woman cannot be trusted. She's a liar. She's a cheat. Now why you don't see this, I don't understa,, but your daughter certainly does. Don't let that woman worm her way back into your good graces. Don't give her the chance to devastate that child one more time. Please, don't do that.

>&gtOah: Will you go swimming with me, mommy?

>> Sharon: Um, I really can't right now, honey. I have to make some phone calls, but maybe cassie will go with you.

>> Noah: Will you, cass?

>> Cassie: Maybe later.

>> Sharon: Hey, I have an idea. How about we go for a night swim tonight?

>> Noah: Promise?

>> Sharon: I promise, and maybe your dad will even want to go with us. He certainly will if this air conditioner isn't fixed by then.

>> Noah: Cool. (Telephone rings)

>> Sharon: Oh, that's probably miguel. (Rings)

>&gtHaron: Hello. Okay, I'll send him up. That was miguel. He wants you to go and meet him at the pool. So have fun and be good, okay?

>> Noah: I will.

>> Sharon: Okay.

>> Cassie: Nice job.

>> Sharon: What was that, cassie?

>> Cassie: I said nice job. You really have noah fooled.

>> Mary: You don't look at all well, dear.

>> Chris: I'm just tired, plus it is so warm out there.

>> Mary: You're sure that's all it is?

>> Chris: Yeah.

>> Mary: This awful business with isabella must be getting to you.

>> Chris: What do you mean by that?

>> Mar w well, I'm sure that you're being hassled just like the rest of us.

>> Chris: Hassled?

>> Mary: They hauled me down to the police station, went through this long interrogation, and they even scraped under my fingernails, for heaven's sake. I hope they didn't have you down there, too.

>> Chris: No, I haven't talked to them yet.

>> Mary: Well, that's good, because given the condition that you're in, the last thing you need is detective weber hounding you.

>> Paul: Look, hank, I really need to get to work.

>> Hank: You go ahead, paul. I'll stay here and wait for christine. I really need to question her.

>> Paul: Why don't I write a note and have her call you? Or better yet, you know what? You can write the note yourself.

>> Hank: You know, due to your lack of cooperation, a note won't work for me, paul.

>> Paul: What are you talking about?

>> Hank: I asked you to call me the minute she got back.

>> Paul: Why are you so anxious to talk to her?

>> Hank: Oh, I'm sure you can guess.

>> Paul: Has the blood matched anyone's D.N.A.? Has anything happened at all to make this conversation with chris so urgent? Otherwise, I gotta say it, hank, I don't get it. (Telephone rings)

>> Hank: You mind if I answer that? (Rings)

>> Paul: Knock yourself out.

>> Hank: Thank you. (Ring)

>> Hank: Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? Good afternoon. Police have surrounded a home in millwoods - after a naked and bleeding woman was found running down a street... many motorists simply drove around the distressed woman... you'll hear from the good samaritan who finally came to her rescue. +++Three little boys are in serious trouble in southern alberta. They were playing with gasoline and matches when the house burned down...+++and - we'll take you live to the street performers festival in downtown edmonton for the weekend weather forecast. That's tonight at six.

>> Sharon: I'm not trying to fool your brother.

>> Cassie: Whatever.

>> Sharon: Cassie...

>> Cassie: I don't want to talk.

>> Sharon: Well, I think we should. Will you put the book down and look at me, please? I want to know what it is that I'm doing that's upsetting you so much.

>> Cassie: You're pretending.

>> Sharon: I'm not sure what you mean by that.

>> Cassie: You're acting like everything's back to normal, like we're this perfect little family again, like you never walked out on us.

>> Sharon: Sweetheart...

>> Cassie: You've gotten noah to fall for it. That's because he's too young to understand what's going on, but I do. I know what kind of person you are, and I'm never gonna forgive you for what you did to us. Never.

>> Sharon: Cassie, listen to me, I'm not putting on any kind of an act. I really want things to get better for our family.

>> Sharon: I love you so much. I hope that one day soon, you'll let me in just a little bit, start trusting me again.

>> Cassie: Why? So you can abandon us like you did before?

>> Sharon: Honey, when I left, that had nothing to do with you. I was going through something really difficult, and I'm not making any excuses for that, what I did was wrong, but you're not a little girl anymore, and you know how tough life can be.

>> Cassie: I've known that since the day I was born.

>> Sharon: Well, I know you're gonna need some time. That's all right... but I promise that i will never leave you again, or your brother or youfafather. My family means more to me than anything else in this world, and I'm gonna prove that to you.

>> Nic w what you don't understand is sharon is trying to reconnect with cassie.

>> Nikki: I'm supposed to feel good about that?

>> Nick: Look, she knows she screwed up, but she also knows that cassie needs her mother. Even you can't deny that, mom.

>> Nikki: I don't understand why you are so willing to let that woman come back after everything she has done. Don't you remember the hell she put those kids through? Don't you remember the hell you went through?

>> Nick: You're not hearing me. That is all in the past. Sharon wants to make a new start.

>> Nikki: Sometimes you don't get a chance like that. Sometimes the damage is too great.

>> Nick: You know, my son hasn't been this happy in months. Noah loves his mother, and getting her back into his life was the best thing I could have done.

>> Nikki: If it lasts.

>> Nick: I'm sure if it's up to you, it won'T.

>> Nikki: You would be much better off without that woman in your life.

>> Nick: Well, mom, that's how you feel, and right now how you feel doesn't matter because this isn't your decision.

>> Nikki: Oh, my god... she seduced you, didn't she? That's why you're so defensive.

>> Nick: Well, if she has, it's something between me and my wife, but, no, mother. Sharon is back in the house for our kids.

>> Nikki: Not for long, I'll wager.

>> Nick: You know, sharon asked me several times not to talk to you.

>> Nikki: Of course she doesn't want you to talk to me. She wants to keep us as distant as she can.

>> Nick: She wants to keep the peace.

>> Nikki: No, that is such bull! She has a much bigger agenda than that.

>> Nick: No, she doesn'T.

>> Nikki: Oh...

>> Nick: She wants to try and work things out with you on her own, which I find admirable.

>> Nikki: Admirable? Oh, my god, don't you see that that is her strategy? She wants to keep us apart and then just make it seem like she wants everything to all work out. She's a very clever girl, very clever.

>> Nick: You're being paranoid.

>> Nikki: I am not paranoid, I am realistic. Now she is manipulating you again, and she'll use those kids, she'll use anything that she can to insinuate herself back into your life, and then she's gonna take what's left of your heart and rip it into shreds.


>> Chris: I am so sorry you had to go through that.

>> Mary: Oh, well, fortunately, the police finally came to their senses. The idea that any of us could be guilty, talk about ridiculous. For all we know, the blood in that apartment may not even be isabella'S. She could have harmed someone else.

>> Chris: It was hers, or at least it looks that way. The police told paul that it matched her type. They still have to run some tests, but--

>> Mary: All right, all right, so maybe it's true. She is the victim. Well, I can't say it surprises me.

>> Chris: Mary...

>> Mary: Not that I would wish a violent death on anyone, but look at all the trouble she went to to antagonize people.

>> Chris: The reason I came by, I wanted tasask you some questions.

>> Mary: About what?

>> Chris: That night, when all this happened. I came by to check on you...

>> Mary: Oh, well, that I remember. I'm afraid the rest is a blur.

>> Chris: Because you had been drinking.

>> Mary: Unfortunately, yes. I, uh, that's what I'd been driven to. I found this ancient bottle of brandy--

>> Chris: Yeah, um, did I have any of that?

>> Mary: You, brandy? Not that I recall. Why would you ask that?

>> Chris: I went outside and stopped you from getting in the car. You wanted to drive somewhere, and then I took your keys, we came back in, we talked. You said you felt sick, and then you went into the bathroom, and that's when you tricked me.

>> Mary: I did?

>> Chris: I turned away for a minute, and you came back. You got your keys, and you sneaked out the back. When I figured it out, I-I followed you.

>> Mary: Well, if you say so.

>> Chris: Mary, did you see me?

>> Mary: When?

>> Chris: When I came after you.

>> Mary: No.

>> Chris: Because i thought maybe...

>> Mary: You thought what?

>> Chris: I guess you must have already been gone.

>> Mary: Christine, you're sounding very confused.

>> Chris: Yeah, I know. I'm just trying to make some sense of this.

>> Mary: Well, honey, you're obviously not yourself. So why don't you just try to go home and get some sleep? You can't be letting this get to you so much.

>> Chris: Okay. I'll get going. Although I am curious. Why do you think detective weber has singled you out?

>> Mary: Uh, well, when I went out that night, uh, I don't know if paul told you, but I was mugged.

>> Chris: What?

>> Mary: Well, it was just a bunch of kids. They snatched my purse. Took me by surprise more than anything. When I came home, detective weber saw the bruises on my arm, and he probably thought that I was lying, and that I'd been struggling with isabella, which is absurd. I was nowhere near the woman, especially since that lovely restraining order. (Telephone rings)

>> Chris: You go ahead. No, get it. I'll let myself out. (Ring)

>> Michael: Who's this?

>> Hank: This is detective hank weber, genoa city P.D. Mr. Baldwin, right?

>> Michael: Yeah.

>>>> Hank: I thought I recognized your voice, counselor.

>> Michael: Is paul there?

>> Hank: Why, yes, he is. Hold on, please.

>> Paul: Baldwin.

>> Michael: What the hell is weber doing there?

>> Paul: What do you think?

>> Michael: He wants to talk to christine.

>> Paul: Right.

>> Michael: Has she come back?

>> Paul: Uh, yes.

>> Michael: Let me talk to her.

>> Paul: Can'T.

>> Michael: Can't or won't?

>> Paul: Can'T.

>> Michael: What, did she go somewhere?

>> Paul: Bingo.

>> Michael: And weber-- he definitely suspects christine?

>> Paul: Yeah, yeah, it looks like it.

>> Michael: Because of what diane jenkins told him?

>> Paul: Probably. Look, if there's nothing else, I--

>> Michael: No, wait, don't hang up. Have you had a chance to talk to christi??

>> Paul: Yeah, a little.

>> Michael: Did she mention anything about being out at lake michigan?

>> Paul: Um, as a matter of fact, she did. Why?

>> Michael: I'd rather not get into it right now, not with detective weber standing right there.

>> Paul: Never mind, just tell me.

>> Michael: No, I'll drop by. Right now I have to go see someone.

>> Paul: Who?

>> Hank: Okay, so what's going on?

>> Paul: What do you mean?

>> Hank: You were talking about christine, right?

>> Paul: So?

>> Hank: I want to know exactly what you were saying, paul, understand? And I want to know right now. To the party, ladies.

>> Nick: Mom, I am just trying to deal with my life right now, and you want to turn this into some big melodrama.

>> Nikki: Sweetheart, I am truly frightened for you. Don't you even remember how devastated you were when sharon was away? But you were starting to pull it together. The family was starting to heal, and then that damn woman came back.

>> Nick: I was just doing the best that I could, but now that sharon is back, I need to do what's best for my family, and in spite of everything, I know that my kids need to make peace with their mother.

>> Nikki: How can you let her get under your skin like this?

>> Nick: We are never going to agree on this. Never. Here's the deal, sharon has already told you this. Now I'm gonna tell you. My marriage is off limits to y a and dad. You got it?

>> Nikki: Do you realize that she is winning? She has managed to come between you and me. I never thought that would be possible, but she's done it. She has separated us.

>> Nick: You are the one who turned this into some big battle. Sharon wants to make peace. Sharon never wanted me toto get involved in this, but you fought her every step of the way.

>> Nikki: Don't you see what she is doing? Divide and conquer-- that's her strategy.

>> Nick: All right, that's enough! I'm gonna tell you this for the last time, mom. If you want to have any kind of relationship with me at all, then you stay out of my marriage. Do you understand?

>> Nikki: Yes, I understand.

>> Nikki: I understand perfectly.

>> Sharon: Well, I guess I'll go upstairs and make those calls and change into something cooler.

>> Cassie: Can I sleep in the tack room tonight? Aunt vicki said it'd be okay.

>> Sharon: Yeah, she mentioned something about that at the barbecue.

>> Cassie: So can I?

>> Sharon: Uh, I don't think it's such a good idea.

>> Cassie: Why not?

>> Sharon: Look, I know I'm not your favorite person right now, but things aren't going to get any better if you keep avoiding me.

>> Cassie: So... you're saying I can't sleep over?

>> Sharon: How about this? You spend the night in the tack room tonight, but only tonight, and then starting tomorrow, you and I will focus on us and rebuilding our relationship. Is that a deal?

>> Cassie: No. No, thanks. I think I'll sleep here. (Knock on door)

>> Chris: Your nurse said it was okay to come in.

>> Olivia: Yes. Good. Good news. The C.A.T. Scan came back normal, no sign of a stroke.

>> Chris: Oh, thank god.

>> Olivia: Well, I knew you'd be concerned, although I gotta tell you, at your age, and the fact that you're in such great physical shape, it would be highly atypical.

>> Chris: So now that we've ruled that out...

>> Olivia: Well, that blackout you described, it's still very disturbing.

>> Olivia: Yeah. Something causedt,t, right? It wouldn't have just happened.

>> Olivia: Well, obviously, we want to look at the physical side of things to see if there are any problems we need to address.

>> Chris: What are you suggesting?

>> Olivia: I'd like to admit you and run more tests.

>> Chris: Wait a minute. You want to put me in the hospital?

>> Paul: Come on, hank, cut me some slack. I'm on your side.

>> Hank: Well, you're not acting like it, my friend.

>> Paul: All right, yeah, we were talking about chris.

>> Hank: So what did baldwin want?

>> Paul: He wanted to know if she made it home. He was worried about her.

>> Hank: Then he has no idea where she might be?

>> Paul: Apparently not.

>> Hank: Okay. What else did he say?

>> Paul: Not much of anything.

>> Hank: You've been awful careful with your choice of words, paul.

>> Paul: (Sighs) you know, what do you expect? You've been on my case with this thing since day one.

>> Hank: Well, "this thing," as you call it, concerns your wife. A possible crime has been committed. You know, I think you would be more concerned, paul.

>> Paul: I am concerned, damn it.

>> Hank: About isabella williams or protecting christine?

>> Paul: I've told you everything I know.

>> Hank: Are you covering, paul?

>> Paul: Look, if you're seriously considering chris as a suspect in isabella's disappearance, I will tell you again, there's no way she's mixed up in any of this, no way in hell. You're looking live at edmonton from our skytracker atop manulife place.Good afternoon. I'm lesley macdonald. Today on global news at 5:30...the first health care worker in canada to die of sars is laid to rest. And rhythm and blues legend barry white has died at the age of are getting better emergency training thanks to a state-of-the-art dummy. We'll show you how it works.And some say there are miracles in these crop circles. That's ....coming up at 5:30.

>> Nikki: Well, hi, cassie!

>> Cassie: Hey.

>> Nikki: You looking for your brother? He's out back with miguel.

>> Cassie: Yeah, I know. He's swimming.

>> Nikki: It's a pretty day. Why don't you put your suit on and take a dip?

>> Cassie: Guess I don't feel like it.

>> Nikki: You okay?

>> Cassie: Not really.

>> Nikki: Did you come up here for a particular reason?

>> Cassie: Guess I just wanted to get out of the house.

>> Nikki: Well, I can understand that. It's nice to have a change of scenery every now and then, huh? Why don't you come sit with me? Did you have a good time at the barbecue?

>> Cassie: I guess. I mean, would have been better if she hadn't been there.

>> Nikki: You're talking about your mother?

>> Cassie: Who else?

>> Nikki: Things aren't going so well, huh?

>> Cassie: I mean, she wants to control me.

>> Nikki: What do you mean, control you?

>> Cassie: It's like she wants me to forget everything that happened, but I told her I never will. I'm never going to forget what she did to me... to all of us.

>> Olivia: If we could admit you for a day or two of intensive tests, we could get closer to an answer. Look, chris, I know you're worried.

>> Chris: C course I'm worried.

>> Olivia: I'm just trying to be thorough. I mean, this is nothing to kid about, but I promise you, we'll get to the bottom of this. (Knock on door)

>> Olivia: Come in.

>> Wes: Hey--oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were with a patient.

>> Olivia: Oh, no, no. Come on in. Christine, this is dr. Wesley carter, and not only is he a fabulous physician, but he's a close personal friend.

>> Wes: How do you do?

>> Chris: Fine, thanks.

>> Olivia: Did you forget something?

>> Wes: Yes, I did. Signature? Personnel needs it. Giving me a clean bill of health and all atat.

>> Olivia: Oh. They need this in writing?

>> Wes: Yeah. You know how those bureaucrats are.

>> Olivia: Well, there you go.

>> Wes: Thank you. (Pager beeping)

>> Olivia: Who needs me now? (Beeping stops)

>> Olivia: Oh. That's what I was afraid of.

>> Wes: Emergency?

>> Olivia: Yeah. Um, I'll be right back. You can either wait for me, or I can have rosa meet you.

>> Chris: No, I'll wait.

>> Olivia: Okay.

>> Wes: Well, chris, it was good... are you all right?

>> Chris: (Gasps)

>> Wes: Ouch. Looks like those hurt. You--may I?

>> Chris: Sure.

>> Wes: Mmm. I've seen worse, but they really ought to be bandaged. Are you, uh... I mean, I could do that for you if you'd like.

>> Chris: Thanks.

>> Wes: So how'd you get those?

>> Chris: Sorry?

>> Wes: Those scratches on your arm, how'd they get there?

>> Chris: I wish I knew.

>> Wes: Excuse me?

>> Chris: The reason I'm here-- I woke up in my car not remembering the past 24 hours.

>> Wes: Oh. That's scary.

>> Chris: No kidding.

>> Wes: Let's see...

>> Chris: They did a C.A.T. Scan. It came back negative. Now olivia wants to admit me. She wants to run more tests. She's pretty convinced that it's physical, but...

>> Wes: You're not?

>> Chris: It's just weird. You know, this fog inside my head-- I keep thinking that if I concentrate hard enough, I'll remember.

>> Wes: Well, for what it's worth, I'm a psychiatrist.

>> Chris: Why are you telling me that?

>> Wes: I can tell you're upset. If you need to talk, I'm here, and it would be confidential.

>> Chris: It's not just the fact that I can't remember, it's what happened during that time... some alarming events... extremely alarming.

Otis: What do you want?

>> Michael: You're the guy who called me-- otis, otis elwood?

>> Otis: Maybe. Who are you?

>> Michael: Michael baldwin. I'm an attorney.

>> Otis: Hope you're a good one then, 'cause you and your lady friend are in a heap of trouble.

>> Michael: You have christine's cell phone. Hand it over, please.

>> Otis: Not until you and me have a serious talk.

>> Michael: You mentioned something about this boat?

>> Otis: Yeah, my fishing skiff. You know, I'd expect this from some teenagers, but a man your age, you ought to be ashamed of yourself--stealing another man's property.

>> Michael: As I told you over the phone, mr. Elwood, I wasn't anywhere near this place.

>> Otis: This lady who owned the cell phone-- she's your girlfriend?

>> Michael: Friend, yes.

>> Otis: Then it must have been her who took my boat out. Made a real mess, too, and I ain't cleaning it up, that's for damn sure.

>> Michael: Where is this boat?

>> Otis: Through those trees. Figured she took it out when nobody was looking. Found my favorite spot, too, by the looks of the fish blood-- most likely walleyed pike, best eatin' fish around these parts.

>> Michael: I'm really sorry about all this, mr. Elwood, but I seriously doubt atat my friend took your boat.

>> Otis: Well, then who else would have dropped her phone?

>> Michael: Well, you mind if we take a look at this boat?

>> Otis: 'Course I don't mind, since you're gonna clean it up.

>> Michael: This is where you found it?

>> Otis: No, it was drifting down a ways, but you can see for yourself the way she left it, and I'd just cleaned it the morning before, too.

>> Michael: My god.

>> Otis: That's right, blood all over the place. Pretty bad, right? ! X this is out there on global - I'm seanna collins. Join the fun on the streets downtown for the street performers festival. Children can visit kids world, color the festival weather and then watch for their picture next week on global news morning edition. Learn about safe and responsible river recreationat river day 2003 - sunday at the rundle park recreation centre. Enjoy all kinds of free activities for the entire familymiss saigon is broadways classic love story. It's coming to the jubilee auditorum from july 15th to the 20th. Miss saigon has captured hearts and awards around the world for it's soaring melodies and powerful emotions.And for three days, july 11th, 12th and 13th, the streets of old strathcona will be transformed into a large outdoor art studio. "Art walk" is one of the largest street celebrations of the visual arts in canada. - More than 100 artists will be showing this is no place for abandage...till now.

>> Nikki: How exactly is your mother trying to make you forget?

>> Case:E: She's acting like nothing ever happened, like she went on vacation oromething. She wants everything to be the way it used to be.

>> Nikki: Mmm. And you're not ready for that?

>> Cassie: No, and I never will be. You know what I've realized?

>> Nikki: What?

>> Cassie: That dad isn't even my real dad, but I feel closer to him than my mom. He would never do anything to hurt noah or me, not like she would.

>> Nikki: Well... I think maybe you should give this some time.

>> Cassie: You sound like my mother.

>> Nikki: Well, time does have a way of making things easier.

>> Cassi b but I don't want things to be easier. I want my mom to go away. We were doing fine without her. I wish she'd never come back.

>> Nikki: I know this is difficult. I know you're going through so much.

>> Cassie: I'm just tired of fighting with her.

>> Nikki: Are you doing a lot of that?

>> Nikki: You know, maybe you ought to keep a little distance right now while you're working all of this out.

>> Cassie: I've tried to do that. I asked if I could spend some nights with aunt vicki. At least she understands what I'm going through.

>> Nikki: Well, honey, I'm sure victoria would love that.

>> Cassie: She said it was okay.

>> Nikki: And what did your mother say?

>> Cassie: No.

>> Nikki: What? Did she give you a reason?

>> Cassie: She said she thought it wouldn't be a good idea.

>> Nikki: Is that so?

>> Cassie: You know, I hate being in that house. Could you do something, nikki, please?

>> Nikki: I'm going to have a talk with your mother.

>> Csisie: What are you going to say?

>> Nikki: Well, you let me worry about that.

>> Cassie: Thank you, nikki. I knew I could count on you.

>> Nikki: Mmm.

>> Cassie: Thank you so much.

>> Nikki: You're welcome, sweetheart.

>> Cassie: You know, I think I will go for that swim.

>> Nikki: Good! Have fun.

>> Hank: From what I hear, christine and your wife had a pretty ugly confrontation.

>> Paul: And I'm sure you heard that from diane jenkins.

>> Hank: Oh, so you're saying it's not true?

>> Paul: I'm saying no matter how bad things got between those two, chris is not capable of bashing someone over the head with a candlestick holder, if that's even what happened.

>> Hank: Meaning what, paul?

>> Paul: Hank, you don't even have a body. You have a lot of circumstantial evidence and a lot of unfounded rumors. I know chris probably better than anyone else in the world, and I guarantee you from the bottom of my heart, she is innocent. (Cell phone rings)

>> Hank: Excuse me. (Ring)

>> Hank: This is weber. No, no, no. I'm busy. Get striker to handle it. Okay. Okay, fine. Fine. I'm on my way. I gotta go, paul, but I want you to promise me something.

>> Paul: Yeah, I know. I will have chris call as soon as she gets back.

>> Hank: If I find out that you're stalling--

>> Paul: You know, you gotta relax. I will call.

>> Hank: Okay. Remember something, paul-- and I'm sure you learned this yourself over the years--

>> Paul: What's that?

>> Hank: More often than not, people who are clo to a suspect in a criminal investigation are the last to see the truth. I gotta go.

>> Wes: So this woman disappeared while you were out of it.

>> Chris: Not only disappeared...

>> Wes: But apparently met with foul play.

>> Chris: And there I am, miles away from home. I wake up in my car. I've got blood on my hands, scratches on my arms that I can't even explain.

>> Wes: And no recollection of how you got there?

>> Chris: God, I hated isabella. I mean, I really hated her.

>> Wes: 'Cause she was married to your ex, right?

>> Chris: Well, he wouldn't have been my ex if it weren't for her.

>> Wes: You sound bitter.

>> Chris: Do I? Every time I saw her, that smug look on her face, it made me crazy. I wanted to lash out, and one time I actually did.

>> Wes: You did? How?

>> Chris: She was telling me how she destroyed my marriage, and you should have heard her. She was so cavalier and so cold. Before I knew it, I... I threw her down on the couch, and I wrapped my hands around her throat. Looking back, I honestly think that I could have choked the life out of her.

>> Wes: But you didn'T.

>> Chris: No. No. I stopped. She was pretty freaked out, but I didn't hurt her.

>> Wes: So you were able to contain yourself.

>> Chris: Barely. Look, doctor, never in my life have I ever been that violent. Of course there aren't too many times when I've been that stressed-out, either. So what are your theories? What could it be?

>> Wes: Could be a number of things.

>> Chris: Such as?

>> Wes: Well, I mean, it could be physical, as olivia said.

>> Chris: But what if it's not physical? Could I have blacked out because of rage?

>> Wes: There is a condition. It's known as a fugue state. It's relatively rare, but with the symptoms you're describing, well, it possibly could fit.

>> Chris: I've heard of that fugue state. What is it again?

>> Wes: In technical terms, it's a disassociative disorder. A person goes through something traumatic, suddenly leaves home, loses a chunk of time. There's a lot of confusion about who he or she is. It tends to be temporary.

>> Chris: How long?

>> Wes: Well, could be a few months, or it might just be a few hours. It's like the mind just blocks out a whole segment of your life.

>> Chris: And when something like this happens, is someone passed out? Are they in a coma? Or could someone be walking around doing things and not remember?

Fixodent complete

denture adhesive.

>> Otis: Good thing I had my outboard unhooked. She'd probably have dropped it to the bottom of the lake.

>> Michael: Doesn't look all that bad.

>> Otis: What about this? Blood stains. Ruined a good cushion. Found this in the bottom of the boat. (Thud) probably soaked up some of the blood that was sloshing around down there. That's weird.

>> Michael: What?

>> Otis: All thafifish blood and no scales.

>> Michael: What exactly do you want me to do about all this, mr. Elwood?

>> Otis: Clean it, that's what.

>> Michael: I'm not really dressed for that.

>> Otis: Well, you should be. I told ya on the phone to bring some cleanin' stuff.

>> Michael: I had no idea this is what you were talking about.

>> Otis: You trying to weasel your way out of this?

>> Michael: No, sir. I'm just not prepared to swab decks.

>> Otis: Could take it over and have it cleaned at the boatyard, I suppose. Gonna cost you, though.

>> Michael: Well, mr. Elwood, if you insist on handling it in that manner, I could reimburse you for your expenses.

>> Otis: Gonna need another cushion, too, and my missing oar.

>> Michael: That should cover it.

>> Otis: Typical. City folks figure money will buy their way out of anything.

>> Michael: If you don't want it, you don't have to--

>> Otis: Never said that. But you keep it up. One of these days you'll find your money don't buy nothin' but more trouble. Here's your lady friend's phone. Tell her to be more careful when she's stealing people's boats.

>> Sharon: Uh, excuse me?

>> Nikki: Problem?

>> Sharon: Yeah. I thought that we had agreed that you weren't just going to come barging in here anymore.

>> Nikki: Oh, gee, sharon, we're all family, right? At least that's the line you've been spouting to everyone who will listen.

>> Sharon: You know what? You can take your sarcasm and your attitude and go right back out on the porch and knock.

>> Nikki: Knock? Are you kidding me?

>> Sharon: No, I'm not kidding.

>> Nikki: May I remind you who owns this property?

>> Sharon: You know what, nikki? Either you respect my repeated wishes for you to give me some privacy, or you can just talk to yourself. It's your choice.

>> Nikki: How dare you speak to me that way.

>> Sharon: How dare I? Nikki, you are a guest here. Why don't you act like one? (Knocks firmly)

>> Nikki: Satisfied?

>> Sharon: No. Go on out, close the door and then knock. (Bangs knocker loudly)

>> Sharon: Come in!

>> Nikki: Thanks! Is it just your nature, or are you trying to humiliate me?

>> Sharon: No, I am just trying to set the standard for my home, and this is my home.

>> Nikki: Looks more like a brothel.

>> Sharon: The A.C. Is out. Or did you think you were having a hot flash?

>> Nikki: Sharon, you're not fooling me for a minute. There is only one reason why you're dressed like that, and it has nothing to do with the weather.

>> Sharon: Think whatever you like.

>> Nikki: I'm surprised you're not prancing around naked-- all the better to seduce my son.

>> Sharon: Now is that advice from a former stripper, or is that just another one of your lame accusations?

>> Nikki: Just calling it like I see it, sharon.

>> Sharon: Mm-hmm.

>> Nikki: Of course, you're so busy trying to drive a wedge between everybody in this family-- first between nicholas and me, and now cassie.

>> Sharon: What are you talking about?

>> Nikki: I understand you're not going to allow her to have a sleepover at victoria'S. Talk about selfish, but then we already know that about you, don we?

>> Sharon: Now wait a minute. You stop right there, nikki. You listen to me. Cassie is my daughter, okay? She is my daughter, and I will raise her the way that I see fit, and you will keep your stuck-up nose out of it.

Next on

"the young and the restless"...

>> Paul: Planting doubts in her head right before she's going to be interrogated by hank weber.

>> Chris: Detective weber thinks I'm involved?

>> Sharon: You're home early. Any special reason?

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