Y&R Transcript
Friday 6/27/03--Canada; Monday 6/30/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Michael: Hmm. Did I hear you correctly?
Victor: I'm certain you did.
Michael: You want me to come work for you.
Victor: A you interested, baldwin?
Michael: Hmm. Well... no insults, no epithets. Sorry, it's just a bit of a mindblower-- you approaching me, wanting something.
Vicdw I want your talent as a lawyer. I want your nefarious instincts. I want that part of you that machiavelli would envy.
Michael: Flattery is always a good recruiting technique.
Victor: I want that part of you that plays to win. To hell with ethics.
Michael: To hell with my legal license, you mean.
Victor: That is entirely up to you.
Michael: I need a whole lot more information, victor.
Victor: You will get that information once you and i have made a deal.
Michael: Oh, just like that.
Victor: Just like that.
Michael: Hmm.
Colleen: Hey, dad.
Brad: Hey, baby. Give me a second here. I'll be right with you. Hope you're hungry. I made reservations at gina'S.
Colleen: Yeah, about that...
Brad: You don't want italian? That's all right. We can go someplace else.
Colleen: Well, do you think we could have dinner another night?
Brad: Everything okay?
Colleen: Yeah, everything's fine. Something just came up.
Brad: O all right.
Colleen: You know, lily and sierra--they asked me to hang out with them tonight.
Brad: Oh. Those two are a great support system, aren't they?
Colleen: The best. So it's okay?
Brad: Yeah, you bet it's okay. What are you girls gonna do?
Colleen: Uh, you know, catch a movie, get some pizza. The usual.
Brad: That sounds like fun.
Colleen: You know, I can tell them no if you want me to.
Brad: No, honey, don't do that. I'll take a rain check. We can have dinner another night. Actually, I'm kind of glad you want to cancel.
Colleen: Really? Why?
Brad: Because you haven't been yourself the last few weeks, ever since you broke up with J.T. I'm glad you're moving on and having fun with your friends, putting that guy behind you.
Brittany: Hey, ice mocha to go, please.
Brittany: Should i be worried?
J.T.: I don't kW. Should you be?
Brittany: You're smiling. That usually means trouble.
J.T.: Can a a guy be in a good mood for once?
Brittany: Does this have something to do with colleen?
J.T.: Why would you automatically assume it has something to do with her?
Brittany: I ran into her the other day, had a very interesting conversation.
J.T.: About what?
Brittany: She wanted to know if I thought she'd be stupid to take you back.
J.T.: Don't have to ask what you said.
Brittany: I told her you deserved another chance, and I meant it.
Man: Welcome, miss.
Victoria: Hi.
Man: What can I get you?
Victoria: I guess just a club soda for right now.
Man: Club soda.
Victoria: Thanks.
Damon: Club soda, is it?
Victoria: Yeah. I think at this point, anything stronger might hit the spot a little too well.
Damon: (Laughing) does not sound good.
Victoria: It's not. But, hey... it's giving me an excuse to get out of the office and enjoy the sunshine and be with people.
Damon: Well, there's a good attitude.
Victoria: I wouldn't want to be a drag.
Damon: Oh. You don't strike me as the sort of woman who could ever be that.
Victoria: Well, you oughta know, you've known me for what, a whole 30 seconds?
Damon: Hmm, yeah. That sounded like a line, didn't it?
Victoria: Yeah, kind of.
Damon: (Chuckles)
Victoria: I'm victoria newman.
Damon: Pleasure.
Victoria: So, um... do you have a name? (Door opens) (door slams)
Phyllis: Hey!
Jack: Hey.
Phyllis: Getting some reading done?
Jack: Yeah, getting it done.
Phyllis: Can you talk to me for a sec?
Jack: Sure, I can talk.
Phyllis: (Clears throat) okay, well, I'm just gonna put this out here. Um... you know about my encounter with damon porter.
Jack: Yeah! Yeah. I do know about that. Sounds like quite a little encounter.
Phyllis: He's quite a guy.
Jack:Eah, definelely has an aura about him. Guy like that probably makes a lot of people feel uncomfortable.
Phyllis: You mean because he's sexy, strong and intelligent?
Jack: Yeah, all that.
Phyllis: Just like you.
Jack: Yep, just like me.
Phyllis: Jack, listen. This whole thing is...
Jack: Look...
Phyllis: Totally...
Jack: Some people, when they're uncomfortable, tend to talk a lot.
Phyllis: Yeah, some people do that.
Jack: But not you.
Phyllis: No, not me. Well... yeah, even me sometimes.
Jack: Like maybe last night? You did quite a lot ofalking with mr. Porter, didn't you?
Phyllis: Jack, I'm sorry if you have a problem with that.
Jack: Sorry doesn't cut it, phyllis. Sorry doesn't cut it at all.
J.T.: You told colleen I deserve another chance?
Brittany: And why do you seem so surprised?
J.T.: Oh, because you think I'm a jerk.
Brittany: You are. You're a total pig.
J.T.: Guess I asked for that.
Brittany: Well, you are. Only a pig would do something so sleazy.
J.T.: Okay, can we not talk about this, please?
Brittany: You had sex with my mother thanks to you, I have all these disgusting images running around in my head. And it's gonna take a lot of years and a lot of therapy to get rid of them.
J.T.: Look, if you hate me so much, why are you doing me favors?
Brittany: Because despite all your faults-- and there are many, believe me-- I know how much you love colleen. I have no idea what she saw in you, but you made her happy. And I think she's good for you, too.
J.T.: Wow. I don't know what to say.
Brittany: You could start with "thank you."
J.T.: Thanks.
Brittany: So you never answered me. Why were you smiling when I walked in?
J.T.: Well, let's just say your little talk with colleen may have done some good.
Brittany: So you two are...
J.T.: No. No, we're not back together.
Brittany: But something's happening.
J.T.: We're meeting here later.
Brittany: Really?
J.T.: It's no big deal, but I'm gonna give her a driving lesson.
Brittany: Well, that doesn't sound like no big deal to me.
J.T.: I'm doing it as a friend. When we were going out, I promised her I'd teach her how to drive, and I asked her if she was still up for it, and she said yes.
Brittany: Well, it's a good sign. Just try not to screw it up this time.
J.T.: So what are you doing here anyway?
Brittany: What, am I not allowed to be in this place?
J.T.: No, I thought you were supposed to be working at the boutique today.
Brittany: Oh, you didn't hear? I quit.
J.T.: When did this happen?
Brittany: The other day.
J.T.: Why? I thought you liked working there.
Brittany: Well, I used to. I decided I needed a change.
J.T.: Well, what are you gonna do now?
Brittany: I'm not sure yet. I have another job offer.
J.T.: What kind of job?
Brittany: Well, it doesn't matter. I'm not gonna take it anyway.
J.T.: Why, the money not good?
Brittany: Actually, I could of made a bundle.
J.T.: Well, then why didn you take it?
Brittany: Long story.
J.T.: Where is this place? Maybe I'll apply.
Brittany: You're not exactly their type.
J.T.: Why not?
Brittany: I have to get home. Remember what I said-- don't mess things up with colleen. In other words, don't be yourself.
Colleen: I am feeling better.
Brad: Hmm, I knew you would, honey. Just had to give yourself some time. You still haven't told me what J.T. Did.
Colleen: I don't want to talk about that.
Brad: Was another girl involved?
Colleen: Can we please not get into this?
Brad: I'm so glad hellstrom's out of your life, honey. I want you toto promise me something. If he hassles you in any way, I want to hear about it. In fact, if he comes near you at all, I want to hear about it, and I'll go have a little chat with the jerk.
Colleen: So have, um... you heard anything from ashley?
Brad: She called a couple of hours ago.
Colleen: Oh, yeah? How is she doing?
Brad: Good, settling in.
Colleen: And everything's good with the baby?
Brad: Yeah. I think getting away is going to be good for her.
Colleen: I bet you're gonna miss her.
Brad: I already miss her. But her health is the number one priority right now. So I'm just going to have to muddle through without her.
Colleen: You know, maybe I shouldn't go.
Brad: I want you to go. You have a good time.
Colleen: Are you sure?
Brad: Yes, I'm sure. I've got plenty here to keep me busy.
Colleen: I should get going.
Brad: When are you gonna be home?
Colleen: Not too late.
Brad: You better not be. I'll probably be up working.
Colleen: Okay, I'll see you.
Brad: Hey, sweetheart.
Colleen: Yeah.
Brad: I'm glad you're feeling better. Turn back time?
Neil: Hey, sweetheart.
Dru: Hey, you, handsome.
Neil: Well, well, we must be on the same wavelength.
Dru: How so?
Neil: Because how'd you know I was gonna take you out for some dinner?
Dru: I didn'T.
Neil: I figured we'd grab a bite to eat before I have to get back to work.
Dru: Oh, baby, no can do.
Neil: What, you got other plans?
Dru: Yeah, yeah.
Neil: Really? So that's why you're all dressed up in this thin ?
Dru: Well, you know, it's a business thingy.
Neil: Uh-huh. Business thing with who?
Dru: Um, a jabot employee.
Neil: Oh, really?
Dru: Uh-huh.
Neil: Does this employee have a name?
Dru: Damon porter.
Neil: And you thought I would be mad because...
Dru: Because I know he's a major sore spot with you, sweetheart, that's all.
Neil: Oh, no. No. No. No! Water under the bridge.
Dru: Yeah, right.
Neil: Hey, but I do have an idea.
Dru: What's that?
Neil: How about I go with you?
Phyllis: Jack, please. Don't be angry about this. I simply forgot my purse, and I didn't realize it until i got into the parking garage. I came back up to the office, and I ran into him. I couldn't just say, "hey"--
Jack: You couldn't just say, "oops, I forgot my purse. Oh, by the way, I'm phyllis abbott. I'm jack abbott's wife." You couldn't say that?
Phyllis: I wish I had.
Jack: It's a little late for wishing.
Phyllis: Jack, my not telling him that we were married-- it's not a big deal. Drucilla made it sound like you were really upset--
Jack: Wait, you talked to drucilla about this?
Phyllis: No. No. No. I just ran into her, okay? She made it unund like you were really angry at me, and--and she was all over me about asking damon-- I mean, mr. Porter about his contract.
Jack: Oh, so you needed drucilla to tell you this was inappropriate. You couldn't figure that out for yourself?
Phyllis: Jack, it was just idle chitchat, okay? I was flustered because-- because I didn't expect anybody to be there.
Jack: The minute you knew who this guy was, you should've backed off.
Phyllis: Right. You're right. You're right. I have to work on that, okay? I'm gonna put that on my list. I'm just really bad at this spy versus spy stuff. I mean, I can't get used to it-- be careful what you say, be careful who you talk to...
Jack: Oh, my god. This is such a lame excuse.
Phyllis: It is not a lame excuse.@@ Jack: Yes, it is a lame excuse. You could've spent all afternoon with this guy without asking the length of his contract. And who forced you to tell him that if he ever got restless, there was a place for him at newman? Did you have to say that?
Michael: Tell me what kind of deal you have in mind.
Victor: I would like to put you on retainer for any number of jobs.
Michael: What kind of jobs?
Victor: Jobs for which I assure you, you would be uniquely qualified.
Michael: (Chuckles) because of my nefarious instincts. No, because no one in that stable of corporate drones you have would touch them with a 10-foot pole.
Victor: Does that bother you?
Michael: We have come full circle, haven't we, victor?
Victor: As is often the case in life.
Michael: And in business-- mortal enemies one day, allies the next.
Victor: I think we understand each other.
Michael: I'm still not clear on what exactly you'd have me doing. But I don't think you'd come to me unless you had a very specific task that needed handling.
Victor: I will inform you once you and I have made a deal.
Michael: For obvious reasons.
Victo r right. It'll be challenging, interesting work-- the kind you claim to miss.
Michael: Thrills and chills.
Victor: If it is excitement you're after, baldwin... I assure you there'll be plenty.
Michael: I see you were listening that day at the lodge.
Victor: For your information, I always pay attention, in fact, to every nuance.
Michael: Filing it away for future reference.
Victor: As for compensation...
Michael: I don't come cheap.
Victor: You will be compensated well. In return...
Michael: All right. I will go for the jugular, makeo mistake. Just as you would if you had my legal training and expertise.
Victor: Do we have a deal? Urswith my bosses.
Damon: Friends call me "D."
Victoria: Well, that ought to be easy to remember. Thanks.
Damon: So you're a newman.
Victoria: Mmm. Yeah, I am one of the newmans.
Damon: What's that like?
Victoria: You mean, living in a family full of egomaniacs? Oh, sorry. I said I wasn't gonna be a drag.
Damon: And what did I say to you?
Victoria: You were very gallant.
Damon: So who's giving you grief?
Victoria: Uh, well, my brother, my father, you can take your pick.
Damon: Little paternalistic?
Victoria: Hmm, yeah. Yeah, definitely, but that's not the problem these days.
Damon: Oh, we can change the subject if you'd like.
Victoria: It's about business, and I'm not gonna bore you.
Damon: What makes you think you would be?
Victoria: What line of work are you in?
Colleen: Hi.
J.T.: Hey. Did you get out of dinner with your dad?
Colleen: Yeah, we're gonna do it another night.
J.T.: You didn't mention why you were canceling, did you?
Colleen: That I was going out driving with you?
J.T.: Yeah, right.
Colleen: Now we're really gonna do this?
J.T.: I'm up for it if you are.
Colleen: You do realize that I have never been behind the wheel of a car.
J.T.: You mention t that.
Colleen: What's wrong?
J.T.: Nothing.
Colleen: You're not scared, are you?
J.T.: Why would I be?
Colleen: Um, because your car is your most treasured possession.
J.T.: It's only a car.
Colleen: Only a car? J.T., You spend hours washing it and polishing it, working under the hood.
J.T.: I know you'll be careful with it.
Colleen: And you're not gonna get mad if something happens?
J.T.: What could happen?
Colleen: Um, lots of stuff. I could back up into a tree. I could drive off a bridge.
J.T.: Okay, all right, I get the picture. Thanks.
Colleen: You really don't have to do this.
J.T.: No, no, I want to, really. I trust you.
Colleen: Well, I am an excellent driver.
J.T.: I thought you said you'd never driven before.
Colleen: Oh, real car--no, bumper cars--yes-- every summer at coney island.
J.T.: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Colleen: I'm just teasing you. You have nothing to worry about. So should we go?
J.T.: No, no, hold on. Not so fast, all right. We gotta go over a few things first.
Colleen: Like what?
J.T.: Like, how much do you know about cars?
Colleen: You put gas in them, and they go.
J.T.: Oh, wow.
Colleen: I'm just teasing. I know more than that.
J.T.: Okay, do you know the difference between an automatic and a manual?
Colleen: Uh-huh.
J.T.: You've got no idea what I'm talking about, do you?
Colleen: Nope.
J.T.: All right, grab us a table. I'm gonna get you a coffee 'cause we might be here awhile.
Colleen: All right.
Brittany: What are you doing here?
Billy: What's it look like?
Brittany: Um, you're packing your duffel bag?
Billy: What an eye.
Brittany: Is mac here?
Billy: No.
Brittany: Okay, then where is she?
Billy: I don't know.
Brittany: Billy, I don't mean to pry, and I know you guys didn't plan anything all big and fancy, but you and mac just got married. Shouldn't you be together somewhere, like on your honeymoon?
Billy: There's no honeymoon, brittany, not for us.
Brittany: Uh-oh. You're out of money? Well, heck, you know, you could just go get a motel on some little lake somewhere for cheap. The point isn't to be all grand. It's just to be together, away.
Billy: There's no need-- honeymoon, no marriage, no nothing.
Brittany: Billy, what are you talking about? I was at your wedding.
Billy: You weren't at the after-party. No one was there-- just me, mac, my mother.
Brittany: What are you talking about? Billy, are you all right?
Billy: No, brittany, I damn well am not all right!
Damon: I'm sort of a tech guy.
Victoria: Really? I don't see a pocket protector.
Damon: I'm very cleverly concealed.
Victoria: Oh, okay. Well, I guess I shouldn't make fun. Tech guys make the world go 'round, right?
Damon: Yes, well, we certainly try.
Victoria: I'm more of a, um, marketing/administrative type.
Damon: I suspect you're being modest.
Victoria: You could be right. Actually, I'm president of my own division at newman enterprises.
Damon: Really?
Victoria: Yeah, yeah, I have my own line of cosmetics. It's very impressive. One is for teens, and the other one is a new company-- cosmetics for women of color.
Damon: Interesting.
Victoria: Yeah, it is, actually. I mean, we just bought this new company. It's a very small organization, and we're revamping it-- mostly externals. We're doing new packaging and new products, coming up with a new name. It's a big challenge, and it's a lot of fun. We're creating a lot of buzz for the redistribution.
Damon: You seem way into it.
Victoria: I am. I am. I mean, I really think that the market is ripe for some... sorry, I'm boring you. Am I getting too jargon-y?
Damon: No, not at all.
Victoria: I hate it when people do that. But do you agree?
Damon: With what?
Victoria: Cosmetics for women of color. I mean, I realize you're not a woman of color, but it's just this segment of, you know, the market that's been relegated to the sidelines and basically ignored. I mean, I realize that you're a guy, and you probably don't use a whole lot of cosmeticsbubut, um, don't you think it's about time the mainstream was forced to get with the program?
Dru: You are so crazy. For a minute there, I thought you were serious.
Neil: I am serious.
>>Ruru: Oh, now I know you're crazy. You see, um, I am having a business dinner with damon porter to discuss tuvia. So...
Neil: And you couldn't discuss tuvia while you were at the office at work today?
Dru: No, because he was crazy busy all day. Besides, you told me you were working late tonight, remember?
Neil: Does that mean that I can't take a dinner break?
Dru: Oh, no, you can, but not with damon and me.
Neil: Wait, what are you afraid of, that I'm gonna pump him for company secrets?
Dru: Yeah, if you thought you could get away with it.
Neil: Oh, but, mama, you wouldn't let me get away with it.
Dru: Oh, no, not on purpose.
Neil: Right, so then what are you afraid of? What are you worried about?
Dru: Why you wanna tag along?
Neil: I'm just curious about the guy my honey is spending so much time with.
Dru: You jealous?
Neil: No, I'm not jealous.
Dru: 'Cause all the girls are talking about how fine he is. Whoo.
Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so I've heard.
Dru: From who?
Neil: From phyllis. She couldn't stop raving about the guy. Hey, listen, I'll just meet him, stay a few minutes, and then I'm ghost. You guys can sit and talk business all night long after I'm gone. Come on, baby, what do you say? Hmm?
Phyllis: I did not try to hire damon porter from jabot.
Jack: Gee, then why did damon feel like you gave him kind of a left-handed offer?
Phyllis: Well, I'm not responsible for the way damon porter feels. You know, I was simply just talking to the guy. You know, I was just-- it's like saying, "I like your shirt. I wanna get one like it."
Jack: Now I don't talk like that, and you don't talk like that.
Phyllis: Oh, come on, you know what I'm talking about.
Jack: No, I don't know. Why don't you tell me? Explain it to me.
Phyllis: Jack, it was like, you know, flirting. It was like, um, business flirting.
Jack: Explain that.
Phyllis: Oh, come on, you know. You do it all the time.
Jack: No, no, no, I want to know what
business flirting is.
Phyllis: Like I have to explain this to you. Okay, you know, it's like, "hey, big boy, why don't you come up and see me some time?" You know, you don't mean it. You just say it.
Jack: Wow. So you left your purse behind?
Phyllis: Uh-huh.
Jack: You made all kinds of... insincere statements to this guy--no, before that, you asked him all kinds of inappropriate questions you have no business asking him.
Phyllis: Oh, come on, it wn'n't that big of a deal. I promise you.
Jack: It was that big of a deal. You wanna know why? Because you gave drucilla reason to believe that she's not jabot's resident big mouth, which she is. Now I got nikki on my back--
Phyllis: Oh, great. Oh, so nikki found out. Now we have nikki in our life again.
Jack: I'm gonna have to control this, sweetheart. Better she hear it from me than drucilla.
Phyllis: Oh, no. Oh, no, nikki is unhappy with me.
Jack: We decided you should be barred from the building.
Phyllis: We?
Jack: Honey, this isn't the last person that's gonna come to me. I'm gonna get this on all flanks
Phyllis: So I can't come see you in your office?
Jack: Yes, you can see me. I'm not gonna bar you from the building. I wouldn't do that. You know, you could help, though. Be careful what you say and who u u say it to in that building. I'm a pretty reasonable guy, but not everybody else loves you quite as much as I do.
Phyllis: So you're not angry with me?
Jack: You had a big mouth when I married you.
Phyllis: Uh-huh.
Jack: That's just one of the things I like most about you.
Phyllis: Yeah? I know that. I don't want this business stuff to get between us.
Jack: Well, a little common sense and care might go a long way.
Phyllis: Okay, I'm glad youeeeel that way.
Jack: God, I'm glad you feel this way.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Jack: What?
Phyllis: You're not just saying all of this because you want--
Jack: What, 'cause I want to take you upstairs and ravish you?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Jack: Then take you to dinner and dancing, and then ravish you again later?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm, that.
Jack: That's exactly why I'm being nice to you.
Phyllis: Okay, I can live with that. Watch it, jack. The pictures.
Phyllis: Can you do this? (Giggling)
J.T.: Okay, so that's the difference-- with an automatic, the car shifts on its own, and with a stick, you gotta do it yourself.
Colleen: So a stick shift is more work.
J.T.: Mm-hmm.
Colleen: En why does anyone drive one?
J.T.: Cheaper maintenance, better gas mileage, and, in my opinion, I think it's a lot more fun.
Colleen: All right, so this third pedal, the--
J.T.: Clutch.
Colleen: The clutch-- I have to push that whenever I change gears.
J.T.: Mm-hmm. In fact, I just got a new one put in the car.
Colleen: What happened to the old one?
J.T.: It wore out.
Colleen: Hmm.
J.T.: Look, this is gonna make a lot more sense when we're actually driving.
Colleen: Does that mean we can go now?
J.T.: If you're ready.
Colleen: Definitely. So where we gonna do this?
J.T.: I was thinking we should go outside of town, you know, get away from traffic if that's cool.
Colleen: You're the boss.
J.T.: Now you remember that when we're driving.
Colleen: Will you relax? Nothing's gonna happen to your beloved car.
J.T.: Famous last words.
Brittany: So you and mac... are cousins?
Billy: Yep.
Brittany: And you only found this out after you got married? How insanely awful is that?
Billy: At first, I just thought it was my mom's last attempt at breaking us up. My dad said it was true. He doesn't lie.
Brittany: I don't know what to say.
Billy: Me, either.
Brittany: I'm really sorry, billy.
Billy: Thanks. You're in a comforting mood today.
Brittany: No, I n not. I've just got my own stuff going on, but nothing like this. What, you didn't think that I would be sympathetic?
Billy: You and I, uh...
Brittany: Yeah, I know. We're not usually all pink and fuzzy, but this is G. How did mac take it?
Billy: How do you think?
Brittany: I'm sure she cried a lot.
Billy: She left town, britt, said we couldn't be around each other.
Brittany: That's probably true... at least for now. So what about you? Are you just gonna go on with your life?
Billy: I'm not gonna kill myself, britt. I'm not gonna stick around. I can'T. Everything in this town would... just remind me of, uh... I just gotta get out of here.
Brittany: Yeah. I can understand that. I took off when the going got rough, didn't I?
Billy: You came back.
Brittany: And so will you. Won't you?
Billy: I don't know. Here's our share of next couple months' rent. After that, you'll have to... have to get roommates or move or something. Sorry, it's all I can give you.
Brittany: Will this leave you broke?
Billy: No, I'm fine. Anyway, uh... britt, this sucks so bad.
Brittany: God, what a mess. I wish there was something I could do.
Billy: You know what? There is-- keep making raul happy. You guys are a good couple. It'll help to know you're still together.
Brittany: Okay.
Billy: I got a couple people I gotta see, and tn I'm on the road.
Brittany: But you'll be back fofor your stuff.
Billy: Yeah. So if I don't see you...
Brittany: You will. If not sooner, then later.
Dru: Phyllis needs to get her butt kicked talking to damon porter.
Neil: Well, last time I checked, it was still a free country.
Dru: Oh, so you think it's just fine and dandy that she's over there scamming, trying to persuade damon to leave jabot to work for you all?
Neil: Ah, that's ridiculous. I doubt she went that far.
Dru: Then you don't know phyllis abbott, 'cause she's a scammer, and I'm sure she was sweet-talking him six y ys from sunday.
Neil: All right, listen. The truth is I've heard a lot about this genius, how he's a legend in his field, how he's loaded with charisma. Phyllis was practically drooling when she told me about him.
Dru: Why does that not surprise me? So you jealous?
Neil: Yeah, maybe a little bit, but listen, we are getting married, all right? The man ismpmportant to your life and to your career. Why don't you just feel comfortable about introducing him to me, your fiancé?
Dru: Honey, it's a business meeting, okay? We're gonna be talking about tuvia. You work for the rival company. How we gonna have a dialogue with you sitting there?
Neil: I don't expect you to.
Dru: Okay, three minutes, and that's it.
Neil: Five minutes, scout's honor.
Dru: I can't believe I'm considering this.
Neil: Does this mean that I am invited?
Dru: Five minutes, and then you got to go so we can conduct business, okay?
Neil: Ooh. I like this. This'll be fascinating. Shshall we leave?
Damon: So you noticed I'm a guy.
Victoria: Yeah, it's kinda hard not to noti.. I guess that's a stupid question.
Damon: I don't believe in those.
Victoria: Oh, so there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers, huh?
Damon: Something like that.
Victoria: So what's yours?
Damon: In terms of ads, marketing, product offerings in general, yeah, it would be great to see some more diversity in cosmetics, but companies go where the money is, right? They cater to the majority. It's hard to fault them for that. Here's the interesting thing-- we're entering a new era. As time goes on, that same majority will have a new face-- multicultural, multiracial.
Victoria: So you think the shift will just happen by itself?
Damon: It's inevitable.
Victoria: I agree with you, completely. I just think that from a marketing point of view, that's a little reactionary. I mean, if I'm smart, I will be leading the edge. I will position myself to be part of the future.
Damon: The lady is a maverick. I like that.
Victoria: I kinda like that you like it. Well, I have to go, and I just realized something.
Damon: What's that?
Victoria: I've been sitting here this whole time talking about myself. I haven't even asked you a question about you.
Damon: Oh, forget about it. I mean, you obviously are excited about what you do. Not very many people can say that. You must feel very blessed.
Victoria: I do. Thanks for reminding me. (Wallet unzips)
Damon: Let me. I have enjoyed this.
Victoria: Thanks. Me too. So, um, maybe we'll run into each other again sometime.
Damon: I do hope so.
Michael: Victor, when you talk about a retainer--
Victor: For your services alone. I'm not hiring your firm. I do not want christine williams to become involved.
Michael: Understood. You seem to have given this a great deal of thought.
Victor: I'm gonna leave now. Think about my offer. Get back to me soon, all right? I have some pressing matters that need to be done with.
Michael: Victor, do you really believe I'm the man to take care of these... pressing matters?
Victor: Michael baldwin, I came to you because you're smart, you're cunning and you're ruthless with opponents. And you've demonstrated that you can be bought, which makes you uniquely qualified. Get back to me soon.
Michael: What are you after, victor? And what do you want from me? Who you gonna bring down? Or should I even ask?
Next on
"the young and the restless"...
Bobby: You came all the way down here just to see us?
Brittany: I've enen thinking about your job offer.
Colleen: So I take my foot off the clutch while I give it a little gas. There's nothing to it. We're off. (Tires squeal)
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